SAINT PIUS X CATHOLIC CHURCH 2621 Highway 20, S.E. • Conyers, Georgia 30013-2424 March 15, 2015 Father Randall T. Mattox Pastor Father Salomón Garcia Parochial Vicar St. Patrick’s Day Deacons Fred Johns, Brian Kilkelly, Stuart Mead and Fernando Barrueta Spaghetti Supper LITURGY SCHEDULE St. Joseph’s Altar Featuring Weekend Masses Saturday: Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Masses: 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.* 1:30 p.m.* (Spanish), 5:00 p.m. *Nursery available Weekday Masses : 8:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 6:30 p.m. Mon. 7:00 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month En Espanol First Friday: Seniors’ Mass 11:30 a.m. (No 8:30 a.m. Mass) Sacrament of Penance: Saturday: 3:45-4:45 p.m. or call a priest for an appointment. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday: 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. First Friday: 12:00 noon Fri. until 8:15 a.m. Sat. Third Friday: 8:00 p.m. Fourth Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Sunday March 15, 2015 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Adults $6.00 - 12 & Under $3.50 Help our community celebrate these 2 great saints. We will recognize and honor St. Joseph with the tradition of sharing with the less fortunate. Food items for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry can be brought to the St. Joseph’s Table in the Parish Hall beginning Friday, March 13 until Sunday, March 20. The feast of St. Patrick is March 17, the Feast of St. Joseph is March 19. Church Office 770.483.3660 • Youth & Education 770.929.1017 • Fax 770.483.7006 Website: • E-mail: [email protected] 4TH SUNDAY IN LENT - MARCH 15, 2015 Mon, Mar. 16 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Tues, Mar. 17 8:30 a.m. Wed, Mar. 18 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Thurs, Mar. 19 8:30 a.m. Fri, Mar. 20 8:30 a.m. Guy Carpenter † John Timko † & Anna Timko † Juan Godinez Ken Wayne Brown † Faith Patterson † Helen Sullivan † Josefina † & Manuel Marques † Sat, Mar. 21 5:00 p.m. Walter McIlwain † Sun, Mar. 22 8:30 a.m. St. Pius X Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Arcadio Bustillo † 1:30 p.m. Eduardo & Sophia Polar In Thanksgiving for prayers 5:00 p.m. answered LECTOR SCHEDULE Weekend of Mar 21-22 Saturday 5:00 p.m. Jill Wojcik & Rick Humburg Sunday 8:30 a.m. Bob Longo & Richard Legare 11:00 a.m. Verena D’Mello & Charles Doyle 1:30 p.m. Lourdes Murillo & Fanny Varela 5:00 p.m. Lynne Sparks-Zantinga Readings for the week of March 15, 2015 Sun Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137; Eph 2:410; Jn 3:14-21 Mon Is 65:17-21; Ps 30; Jn 4:43-54 Tues Saint Patrick, Bishop Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46; Jn 5:1-16 Wed Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 49:8-15; Ps 145; Jn 5:17-30 Thurs Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Fri Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Sat Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7:40-53 Sun Fifth Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Question: What Is Laetare Sunday? Most Catholics today are used to the Mass being conducted in English, and they hardly ever think about the fact that Latin remains the official language of the Catholic Church. But occasionally, Latin reasserts itself, as it does in the case of Laetare Sunday. Answer: Laetare Sunday is the popular name for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Laetare means "Rejoice" in Latin, and the Introit (entrance antiphon) in both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo is Isaiah 66:10-11, which begins "Laetare, Jerusalem" ("Rejoice, O Jerusalem"). Because the midpoint of Lent is the Thursday of the third week of Lent, Laetare Sunday has traditionally been viewed as a day of celebration, on which the austerity of Lent is briefly lessened. The passage from Isaiah continues, "rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow," and on Laetare Sunday, the purple vestments and altar cloths of Lent are set aside, and rose ones are used instead. Flowers, which are normally forbidden during Lent, may be placed on the altar. Traditionally, the organ was never played during Lent, except on Laetare Sunday. Laetare Sunday is also known as Rose Sunday or Refreshment Sunday, and it has a counterpart in Advent: Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, when purple vestments are exchanged for rose ones. The point of both days is to provide us encouragement as we progress toward the end of each respective penitential season. Healing Mass March 17, 2015 at 7 PM. St. Patrick's Day Mass with prayers for healing, celebrated by Fr. Matthew Linn, S. J. here at St. Pius X Church. CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 15 DE MARZO, 2015 Las Siete Palabras de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Cruz 24 de marzo, 7:00pm Esta Dominica cuarta de Cuaresma, se llama “Laetare", debido a la antífona gregoriana del Introito de la Misa, tomada del libro del Profeta Isaías (Is. LXVI, 10): Lætare, Jerusalem: et conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete cum lætitia, qui in tristitia fuistis: ut exultetis, et satiemini ab uberibus consolationis vestræ. Ps. CXXI, 1. Lætatus sum in his, quæ dicta sunt mihi: in domum Domini ibimus. Regocíjate, Jerusalén, vosotros, los que la amáis, sea ella vuestra gloria. Llenaos con ella de alegría, los que con ella hicisteis duelo, para mamar sus consolaciones; para mamar en delicia a los pechos de su gloria. Sal. 121, 1. ¡Qué alegría tan grande la que tuve cuando oí que dijeron: ¡Andando ya, a la casa del Señor! Para más información sobre este articulo por favor vaya: Acompáñenos a meditar y reflexionar en las Siete Palabras de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Habrá un programa separado para ingles y español Miércoles durante la CuaresmaMisaen Latín! 6:30a.m. Viernes durante la Cuaresma Via Crucis 7:00 p.m. en Inglés 8:00 p.m. en Español Jóvenes Adultos: Los jóvenes de 18 años a más se reúnen los todos los martes a de 7:00 a 9:00pm. Cada primer martes se reúnen en la capilla para un tiempo de Adoración Eucarística. Este martes 17 de marzo, se reunirán en el salón 9 para la tercera clase en Teología del Cuerpo. Informes Gama 770-289-0503. Viendo la SEMANA SANTA 28/29 de marzo Domingo de Ramos Misa iniciará afuera 30 de Marzo - Lunes, no habrá clases de PSR 31 de marzo - Martes Misa Crismal en la Catedral de Cristo Rey 01 de abril - Miércoles, no hay clases de PSR 02 de abril - Jueves Santo Litúrgia Solemne de la Cena del Señor 7:00pm 03 de abril - Viernes Santo Estaciones de la Cruz - 3:00pm Via Crucis—afuera 5:00pm Celebración de la Pasión del Señor y Veneración de la Cruz - 7:00pm Considere que no habrá Misa ó Adoración el Primer Viernes 04 de abril - Sábado de Gloria Misa de la Vigilia Pascual - 8:30pm 05 de abril - Domingo de Pascua Misas serán 7:00am; 09:00am; 11:00am; 1:00pm (español) En un esfuerzo para mantener a los feligreses en un espíritu de oración, no habrá reuniones o actividades parroquiales durante la Semana Santa. ¡Proximamente en Español los domingos de 11:00 a 1:00pm! También, puede registrarse GRATIS en nuestra pagina de la Red para ver los videos y después venir a nuestra sesión de discusión de grupo en el mismo horario. Para regristrarse por favor llame a la Of. del Ministerio Hispano ext.116 Formación de Fe 16 y 18 de marzo Clase 23 y 25 de marzo Clase 30 de marzo y 1 de abril NO CLASE Dia de Trabajo Parroquial, sábado 21 de marzo 8:00 a 11:00am. ¡Se necesitan muchas manos! Ayúdenos a limpiar nuestra Iglesia y algunas areas por dentro Preparación Sacramental para padres de familia 16 y 18 de marzo Clase 28 de marzo RETIRO. Se require la asistencia de un padre de familia antes de la Pascua. Se proveerá los materiales de limpieza. Informes con Dawn al 678-764-1685. Easter Flower Collection Throughout March Stewardship of Treasure FY July 2014 - June 2015 Budgeted Offertory Over/(Under) 03/01 Offertory $22,180 $19,250 $2,930 YTD Offertory: $649,939 $673,750 ($23,810) As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. Stations of the Cross Special Presentation Friday, March 20 Come and see the presentation of the Living Stations of the Cross through Mary’s eyes on Friday March 20th at 7:00pm. This presentation will be performed by our Edge teens. We are accepting donations throughout the month of March to help pay for the flowers that will adorn our sanctuary for Easter. There will not be a second collection basket passed for this offering. Please place your Easter Flower envelope in the regular offertory basket any Sunday during March. Early Bird Mass Wednesday - 6:30 a.m. in Latin Stations of the Cross Fridays during Lent 7:00 p.m.-English 8:00 p.m.-Spanish Extraordinary Ministry Training Wednesday, March 25 There is one more English -only training class for new and recertifying ministers on March 25 at 6:00 p.m., beginning in the Admin Hall. For more information call Lee Depkin, 770-922-1298. Seven Last Words March 24, 7:00 p.m. Join us for a meditation and reflection on the Seven Last Words of Christ. There will be separate programs in English and Spanish. Support the Women’s Jail Ministry’s Annual Book Drive for the women in Rockdale County Jail Accepting bibles and spiritual books in English and Spanish. No Fiction Please. Sat. Mar 14th - Sun. Mar 22nd Drop-off in Admin Hall SPX Moms Group Activities for March: 22nd - Family Playtime at the church's soccer field after the 11am Mass. Bring a picnic and outside toys or games. 24th - Mom's Night Out at Greek Pizza House at 6:30pm. 27th - Homeschool Day from 1:30pm to 3pm at the church. For more info on these events please email us at [email protected] or join us on our Facebook group: SPX Moms. Lenten Fish Fry Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Each Friday-through March 27th 5:30-8:00 p.m. Cost: $7 Adult; $3.50 child (under 10). Menu: Fried or Baked Fish OR Grilled Cheese; Hushpuppies; 3 Side items (Mac & Cheese, Fries, Coleslaw, Corn, Green Beans); Drink & Ice Cream. Looking ahead to Holy Week... March 28/29 - Palm Sunday • Mass begins outside March 30 - Monday - No PSR classes March 31 - Tuesday - Chrism Mass • Cathedral of Christ the King - time TBA. April 1 - Wednesday - No PSR classes April 2 - Holy Thursday • Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper -7:00 p.m. April 3 - Good Friday • Stations of the Cross - 3:00 p.m. • Celebration of the Lord’s Passion with Veneration of the Cross - 7:00 p.m. • Please note - there is no First Friday mass or adoration April 4 - Holy Saturday • Easter Vigil Mass - 8:30 p.m. April 5 - Easter Sunday • Masses are at 7:00 a.m.; 9:00 a.m.; 11:00 a.m.; 1:00 p.m. (Spanish) In an effort to keep parishioners in a prayerful spirit, there will be no meetings or parish related activities taking place during Holy Week. PSR Schedule for March Mar 16 & 18 - Class Mar 23 & 25 - Class Mar 30 & Apr 1 - No Class March 15 - Fall Retreat! No Class March 22 - Life Night March 29 - Life Night Do you enjoy gardening? Our Garden Ministry is planting a raised-bed vegetable garden next to the Meditation Walk near the back parking lot. The vegetables will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul and/or the local food bank, with the surplus available to parishioners. Father Randy and the garden ministry are excited that this project will bring parishioners together as well as provide food to people in need. If you would like to help for a few hours as we share our talents with others, contact Ray Supple, Jr. for more information at 404-374-9255. Inside Parish Workday March 21, Saturday 8:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. All hands on deck. Help us clean our church and inside areas before Easter. Cleaning supplies are provided. For more information contact Dawn at 678-764-1685. Prayers for healing are available after the Saturday 5:00 p.m. & Sunday 8:30 a.m. mass. Young Adults meet at 7pm at Starbucks, Conyers. First Communion Preparation Mar 16 & 18 - Parent class Mar 28 - Retreat for students and one parent March 18- Edge Night: Stations of the Cross As Viewed through Mary’s Eyes The goal of these 2 nights will be to learn about tradition and prayer of the Stations of the Cross and then rehearse for the presentation of the Stations of the Cross by the Middle School Edge Ministry Friday, March 20 at 7pm. Mar. 17, 2015--What if we surrendered our lives to God? Mar. 31, 2015--What if true freedom was a reality for us every day of our lives? Webinar - Room 9 - 6:30 p.m. March 19- ALL OF ME: Contraception and the Radical Demands of Love- with Damon Owens March 26– Love in the Digital Age - with Bill Donaghy St. Joseph’s Guild Ministry Ministry Head - Iris Grant The calling of this ministry is to furnish food prepared by ministry members for the family and friends of a deceased loved one. Interested people should contact Iris Grant at 770-385-9367. Thank you to those who have donated for all the recent funerals we have had. Dishes are available for pick up in the small kitchen in the administrative hall. "Run the Race for Life" 5 K, Fun Run, and Tot Trot to benefit the Refuge Pregnancy Center. When: Saturday, March 28 8:00 a.m. Where: Old Town Conyers, starting at Refuge (1507 Milstead Ave.) Registration or Pacesetter's PR, P. O. Box 81777, Atl, GA 30366 Questions: Call Anita at 770-922-5939 or Mary Supple at 770-483-5535 Volunteers Needed! Eucharistic Congress 2015 Refresh Your Faith! Discover The Big Picture of your Catholic Faith. Symbolon is bearing much fruit in our parish and also touching so many lives in men’s and women’s groups, Bible studies, RCIA, and adult faith formation around the country. EWTN will be airing a special edition of some of the Symbolon episodes. These special edition sessions are not full Symbolon episodes and are cut down quite a bit from the episodes that are available in our parish subscription. Our parish, however, has the entirety of the Symbolon series and each parishioner has the unique ability to access to the videos online from their own home—anytime, anywhere on any device. For more information contact Linda in the Faith Formation Office at 770-929-1017, or just log on. The 20th Eucharistic Congress comes this year to the Georgia International Convention Center Friday, June 5th – Saturday, June 6th. Please prayerfully consider giving time as a volunteer… your generosity will be much appreciated. Volunteer registration closes as of May 1st so that plans may be made according to the number of volunteers committed at that time. Of particular need each year are volunteers for the Kids Track…please help spread the word that the number of children who can register and participate in the Kid Track depends completely on the number of adult volunteers registered by May 1st. Please register on-line using the link cÄxtáx exÅxÅuxÜ |Ç cÜtçxÜ David Anderson Sheila Baker Jerry Baldia Frances Bissinnar Esther Bustillo Sharon Christ Tony Cumberworth Father Anthony Delisi Lucy DeLuca Bill Doane Cal Felix Mary Fowler Joseph Garcia-Carreras Lyndsey Gardner David Giordano Christy Hicks Peter Kaylor Cam Laramie Susie Pepper Jennifer Rhoads Deacon Joe Rhodes April Gentes Robert Marilou Roberts Charlene Rosenthal Christian Russell Chuck Savoca Ben Seawell Heidi Smith Gerald E. Sparks John Stolter Kristina Stuart Angel Stumbris Madeline Supple Ray Supple Rob Tate Mary Ann Thomas Larry Walker Micki Wescott Rev. William Weston Patti Wilson To add a loved one for one month, please call or stop by the Parish Office. In order to be aware of the needs of our sick and to protect their privacy, we ask that the requestor leave their own name and a contact number. We update the prayer list every month. Church Administration 770-483-3660 Faith Formation Office 770-929-1017 Pastor - Rev. Randall T. Mattox [email protected] Parochial Vicar – Rev. Salomón Garcia [email protected] Pastoral Associates - Deacons Brian Kilkelly Fred Johns, Stuart Mead, & Fernando Barrueta Director of Music– Andrew Leung [email protected] Parish Office – Barb Roberts [email protected] Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry –Jessica Garcia [email protected] Finance Administrator – Barbara Pepe [email protected] Facility Manager - Kevin Klein [email protected] Kitchen Director – Iris Grant Contemporary Band – Chris Smith [email protected] 770-385-3315 Director of Religious Ed. - Linda Koerner [email protected] Youth Minister – Christina Davis [email protected] Religious Ed Coordinator – Rita Salvador [email protected] Requests/submissions for website or monitors: [email protected] Ministry Heads Altar Servers – Brian Gowasack 770.929.0405 Annulment Case Sponsor-Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Consolation Ministry-Marcy Borkowski-Glass 404.202.3949 Cursillo/Ultreya – John Kowalczyk 770.483.5310 Eucharistic Adoration – B.J.Masters 770.861.4454 Family Promise-Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Greeters – Susan Kowalczyk 770.483.5310 Lectors – Everett Washburn 770.464.4277 Liturgical Commission – Dcn. Fred Johns 404.725.8421 Ministers to the Altar– Lee Depkin 770.922.1298 Ministers to the Homebound– Bill Warner 404.780.3304 Order of St. Luke - Mary-Mead Mead 770.922.6362 Pastoral Council – Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Parish Council Catholic Women – Barbara Pepe 770.787.4290 Prayer Chain - Martha Hughey 770.656.5252 [email protected] Pro-Life Ministry – Caroline Smith 770.385.3315 - EMBRACE - Dcn Brian Kilkelly 678.525.3452 - Refuge Pregnancy Care - Mary Supple 770.483.5535 - Help & Healing after Abortion www.healingafterabortion. org RCIA – Anna Milam 770.929.8665 Secular Order of Franciscans—Joel Alessi 770.787.9524 St. Joseph’s Guild - Iris Grant 770.385.9367 St. Vincent DePaul – Katy Tiller 770.483.6730 Stewardship– Gary Whidby 770.483.1860 Ushers – Charlie Doyle 404.984.1702 Women’s Jail Ministry – Linda Jesky 770.388.0348 Bulletin deadline: Items to be published in the Bulletin are due to the Parish Office by noon Monday of the week they are to be published. Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sacraments/Services Sacramentos/Servicios New Members: Parish Registration forms are available in the Gathering Area. Please fill out & return to the Office. Newcomers to the parish are welcomed quarterly by parish leaders at a reception after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Bautizar en San Pio X:La Iglesia Romana Católica require que cada niño que es bautizado tenga por lo menos un padrino (a) catolico (a) activo (a) el (la) cual pueda recibir comunión. La familia debe estar regristrada en la parroquia y proveer certificado de nacimiento del niño (a). El (los) padrino (s) fuera del Estado de Georgia ó registrados en otra parroquia debe (n) proveer constancia de clases y/ó permiso de su párroco. La preparación pre-bautismal es “obligatoria” primer y segundo domingo del mes después de Misa. Celebracion de bautismo cuarto sabado del mes a las 10:00am Baptism: Baptism Request Forms are located in the Gathering Area and must be turned in before taking the pre-baptism class. Baptisms are scheduled after completing pre-baptism catechesis. Weddings: Contact a priest or deacon six months before the wedding to begin preparation. Parish membership is required. Diocesan guidelines apply. Penance: Scheduled time is Saturday, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Seasonal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. Other special times are arranged by calling one of the priests. Anointing of the sick: A priest is on call at any hour for “EMERGENCY” sick calls. To contact a priest in an emergency, follow the directions on our phone system. Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes: Pastoral staff members visit Rockdale Hospital daily. EucharisticMinisters bring communion to the homebound. Family members should call the Parish Office to inform us about those who are ill. Grief Support: Ministry of Consolation meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Contact Marcy Borkowski-Glass for additional information-404.202.3949 Counseling: Catholic Charities Counseling Services, Atlanta offers affordable, professional mental health counseling for children, adolescents, parents, individuals, couples & families. For assistance please call 404-920-7745. Matrimonios: Contacte a un sacerdote seis meses antes del día de la boda para iniciar la preparación pre-matrimonial. Uno de los requisitos es ser miembro registrado de la parroquia y seguir todas las regulaciones de la Arquidiócesis. Confesiones: Hay confesiones los sábados de 3:45 a 4:45 p.m. Tambien tenemos servicios especiales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Si desea confesarse en otro momento por favor llame a uno de los sacerdotes. Uncion de los Enfermos: Siempre hay un sacerdote listo a servirle si un enfermo necesita una visita de emergencia. Para comunicarse con él, por favor llame a la parroquia y siga las instrucciones del sistema telefónico. La unción de los enfermos se ofrece a todos los parroquianos que la necesiten. Para mayor información pregunte a uno de los sacerdotes. Hospitales/Visitas a Enfermos/Anciantos: Diariamente tenemos ministros visitando el hospital de Rockdale . Ministros Eucaristicos llevan a sus casas la comunión a los enfermos. Si tiene un familiar enfermo, llame a la oficina parroquial é infórmenos. Consejeria: para adultos, adolescents y niños, individual, de parejas y familias, evaluaciones para inmigracion, talleres, clases y grupos de apoyo Maria Olearczyk, M.A. 770-6270010 [email protected]
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