]ÉáxÑ{ fàA ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA SAN JOSÉ OCTOBER 12, 2014 12 DE OCTUBRE. 2014 CONTACT INFORMATION Address .............. 1115 College Avenue, Conway, AR 72032 Phone .............................(501) 327-6568 E-Mail .................... [email protected] Hispanic Min ... [email protected] Website ....................... www.sjparish.org Diocese of Little Rock ......www.dolr.org WEEKEND MASSES/MISAS Saturday /Sábado ..................... 4:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES/ MISAS DE SEMANA Mon. & Fri./Lun. & Vier ..... 7:00 am Tues. & Thur./Mar. & Juev 6:00 pm Wed./Mier ............................. 7:00 am School Mass /Misa Escolar Wed./Mier ....................... 9:00 am Anointing of the Sick, after Mass 1st Friday only .................. 7:00 am 1° Viernes del mes, Unción de los Enfermos después de Misa ......... 7:00 am ROSARY/ROSARIO Mon. Wed. & Fri./ Lun Mier. & Vier. ............ 6:40 am Sunday in Church .............. 7:35 am DEVOTIONS TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP/ DEVOCION A NUESTRA MADRE DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Tuesday/Martes after the 6:00 pm Mass Wed./Mier .. after the 7:00 am Mass CONFESSION/CONFESIONES PERPETUAL ADORATION Tues. & Thur./ Mar. & Juev .................. 5:00-5:55 pm Saturday/Sábado ......... 9:00-10:00 am 24 hours a day in the Adoration Chapel ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO Las 24 horas al día en la Capilla Sunday /Domingo ................... 8:00 am, 10:30 am, 5:00 pm Spanish/Español .................... 12:30 pm 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28vo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 2 W ELCOME to S T . J OSEPH ’ S P ARISH St. Joseph’s is a Catholic Christian Faith Community whose mission is to evangelize people to Christ. In doing this, we are guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer, sacraments, and diverse charisms. We serve and support one another in our life-long journey to eternal life, sharing our time, talents, and treasure growing together as one family of God. San José es una Comunidad Católica de Fe Cristiana, cuya misión es evangelizar a la gente a Cristo. Al hacer esto, estamos guiados por el Espíritu Santo mediante la oración, los sacramentos y diversos carismas. Nosotros servimos y nos apoyamos mutuamente en nuestra jornada de toda la vida hacia la vida eterna, compartiendo nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro creciendo juntos como una familia de Dios. Sacraments / Sacramentos Baptism Parents & Godparents must register to attend a Pre-Baptismal Class. Classes are held monthly. Call the Parish Office at 327-6568. October 13th —October 19th Mon. 10/13 7 am Freyaldenhoven Family Spiritual Bouquet Johnny & Pamela Brown Tues. 10/14 6pm †Sue Whitehead Family Wed. 10/15 7 am Brooks & Michelle Joseph Wedding Anniversary Family 9am †Eugena Malatesta Grandaughters & Michele & Lindsay Thur. 10/16 6pm †David Allgeyer K of C Fr. Dellert Council 4143 Fri. 10/17 7am †Helen McMillen Solly Braddy Sat. 10/18 4pm †Joe A. Freyaldenhoven Rose Freyaldenhoven Sun. 10/19 8 am Peace and Respect For Life Catholic Financial Life 994 10:30 am People of the parish Beacon of Hope Ministry/Ministerio Luz de Esperanza 12:30 pm †Jesus Manuel Paz Berumen Family Please call the Beacon of Hope Ministry at 501-269-1998 for information about services to the bereaved and to those who may be grieving any other significant loss, ex., divorce, job loss, etc. 5:00 pm † Marie C. Beck Family Bautismos Para poder bautizar se necesita estar registrados en la parroquia antes de recibir el Sacramento. Los padres y padrinos tendrán que asistir a una platica o clase antes de bautizar. Las clases son el primer Sábado del mes a las 9:00am. Para mas información habla al 513 -6810. Matrimony Those considering Marriage need to notify the parish priest of their intention to marry at least 6 months prior to their intended wedding date. Wedding dates will be finalized only after consultation with the priest. Attendance of an approved Marriage Preparation Program is required. Please call the Parish Office for further information at 327-6568. Sacramento de Matrimonio Llame a la oficina para registrarse y pedir una entrevista con uno de los Sacerdotes, al menos seis meses antes de la fecha en que piensan casarse. Por favor de llamar al 513-6810 y preguntar por Yolanda Berumen. Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos First Friday of the month after the 7 am Mass or by appointment. Primer Viernes del mes después de la Misa de 7 am o por cita. Ministry to the Sick / Ministerio de los Enfermos Please contact the Parish Office to notify us of the homebound or hospitalized. Por favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para notificarnos. El Ministerio de Luz de Esperanza ofrece servicios para aquellos que están desconsolados y que han perdido a un ser querido o otra perdida significativa, por ej., divorcio, perdida de trabajo, etc. Por favor de llamar al Ministerio de Luz de Esperanza al 501-269-1998 para mas información sobre estos servicios. Lord, Grant Eternal Rest to the Souls of Our Dearly Departed Especially: Death / Difuntos To notify us of a death in your Family and to make funeral arrangements, please call the Parish Office at 327-6568. Para arreglos de Funeral por favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. Sick Call / Emergency /Emergencias Sister Pauline Rappold SSND, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. TJ Rappod Sr, died Sept 30, 2014 in Chatawa, MS. Funeral was Oct 3 in Chatawa. She was a graduate of St. Joseph High School, class of 1948. Parish Office/ Oficina Parroquial at 327-6568. XXVIII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME •XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO• PAGE 2 S T . J OSEPH ’ S S CHEDULE and I NFORMATION Calendar/Calendario Readings for the Week October 12– October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Our Stewardship of Treasure October 5, 2014 1st Collection Offertory Received Life Choices;Haven;Bethlehem House;Women's Shelter 2nd Collection World Missions St. Joseph Community Asst. 3 Weekly 33,074 YTD 503,333 331 Weekly 25 2,097 5,033 YTD 25,899 16,894 “Thank you for your generous support of St. Joseph Parish. May God bless you for your sacrifices for His Church.” Stewardship Reflection "'The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.' The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests." - Mt 22:8b-10 Sunday/Domingo, October/ Octubre 12– 9:10 am, Faith Formation Classes– Middle & High School 9:10 am, Women of Faith– P.A.O. Meeting Room 9:10 am, Men of Faith– P.A.O.– Projector Room 11:00 am, Faith Formation Classes– Middle & High School 11:00 am, K of C Fall Festival– Parish Hall Monday/Lunes, October/ Octubre 13 7:00 pm, RCIA– Has started– P.A.O. Projector Room Tuesday/Martes, October/ Octubre 14 7:00 pm, New Life Charismatic Prayer Group– Church 7:00 pm, Baptismal Class– P.A.O. Mtg Room 7:00 pm, Neo-Catechumenal Way— Fellowship Hall Wednesday/Miercoles, October/ Octubre 15 9:00 am, School Mass 10:00 am, Prayer & Knit Group– P.A.O. Meeting Room 10:00 am, Men’s Bible Study– P.A.O. Counsel Room 12:00 pm, Moms In Prayer– P.A.O. Projector Room 6:30 pm, Prayer for Vocation Rosary– Chapel Thursday/Jueves, October/ Octubre 16 9:00 am, Senior Saints– K of C 12:00 pm, Cancer Support Group– PAO Projector Room 6:30 pm, Jovenes United by Christ– Parish Hall Mtg Room 7:00 pm, Catholics Returning Home– P.A.O. Mtg Room 7:00 pm, Frassati Study Group– BobNabholz Youth Center Friday/Viernes, October/ Octubre 17 8:00 pm Youth Lock-In Start– Bob Nabholz Youth Center Saturday/Sabado, October/ Octubre 18 8:00 am Youth Lock-In End– Bob Nabholz Youth Center Sunday/Domingo, October/ Octubre 19 9:10 am, Faith Formation Classes– Middle & High School 9:10 am, Women of Faith– P.A.O. Meeting Room 9:10 am, Men of Faith– P.A.O.– Projector Room 11:00 am, Faith Formation Classes– Middle & High School www.facebook.com/sjparishconway NEW IN THE PARISH OR CHANGE OF STATUS FORM To register in the parish or make a change in address or marital status, please fill out the form below. (Please cut out and place in the collection basket.) Name (Nombre)___________________________________ Address (Domicilio)_________________________________ City (Ciudad)______________ Zip (Codigo)____________ Phone (Tel.)__________________ Cell _________________ Moved from (Se mudaron de)_______________________ Email: __________________________________________ ( ) new in parish ( ) change of address ( ) moving, take off ( )Nuevo ( )cambio de domicilio ( )moviendo, remover ( ) divorced ( ) divorciado/a ( ) viudo/a ( ) separado ( ) soltero ( ) widowed ( ) separated ( ) single OCTOBER 12, 2014 • 12 DE OCTUBRE, 2014 • PAGE 3 4 N EWS and U PCOMING E VENTS St. Joseph’s welcomes Carol King Kennard as Music Director. Carol is a registered dietitian nutritionist/health & wellness coach. She and Piper, her husband of nearly eighteen years, have three children, Celine (13 yrs.), Yana (8 yrs.) and Luke (6 yrs.). Their children are currently enrolled in St. Joseph’s School. Raised in a Godly, Christian home in the small town of Romance, Arkansas, where her father is pastor of a full-gospel church, some of Carol’s first musical influences were the hymns and worship songs of the church. Carol’s first musical performances were in church as a tiny preschooler and were usually to obtain the reward of ice cream on the way home from church. She soon realized her natural love for singing and performing, touching people’s hearts with song. Music offered Carol many rewarding opportunities throughout elementary, high school and college such as performing in All-Region Choir, touring with the Arkansas Ambassadors of Music Choir in Europe, leading roles in musical theatre productions including Meet Me in St. Louis and Brigadoon as well as various honors and awards. Carol has written numerous songs including children’s scripture songs and songs for teaching things like manners. Other original music includes songs for worship, relationships and other music with a Christian message. She has served on worship teams as music director/worship leader and other positions in various churches for more than 22 years. In 2012, Carol published her first children’s book entitled I Can Be Quiet!, inspired from experiences with her own children. She is currently putting the finishing touches on her first major nonfiction work in the field of nutrition and wellness entitled I Can Be Healthy!, a book launched from her desire to see people succeed in their health. This manuscript, birthed out of her personal devotion time, is intended to reconcile people to the health intended for them by the Creator since the beginning of time. Carol completed the RCIA program and entered the church Easter of 2013, and has been leading worship for various groups and events, such as the Women’s Magnificat Brunch and the Charismatic Prayer Group at St. Joseph’s since that time. She, and a band of other singers and musicians from St. Joseph’s, led worship at the 2014 Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Conference in Little Rock. Carol now serves as full-time music director for St. Joseph's. Her office is located in the Parish Administration Office Building. Her husband, Piper, recently accepted employment at St. John’s Catholic Center in Little Rock as maintenance/grounds assistant. The Kennard family is currently working to sell their home in Romance and move into Conway to further ease the transition into these new endeavors. “To teach, train, equip and encourage others are things I see as being a major part of my destiny here on this earth. I see music as an effective tool not only for entertainment, but also instruction, encouragement, worship and healing.” Carol King Kennard Adult Faith Formation & Family Director A Job opening for an Adult Faith Formation and Family Life Director is now available at St Joseph’s Church in Conway. This is a full-time position developing and implementing programs for our adult faith community, promoting events for families, and serving as staff liaison to all such programs. Position requires a strong Catholic faith, leadership/organizational skills, and a passion for evangelization and discipleship. Reports to the Business Manager and Pastor. College diploma or equivalent work experience required. Resumes accepted by either mail or e-mail until October 15th. Send to St Joseph Catholic Church, 1115 College Ave., Conway Arkansas 72032. Or to: [email protected] Please no phone inquiries. Today we welcome the new 10:30am Band! In an effort to involve more of our parishioners and at the same time enhance the over-all worship experience at the Mass, a new praise band has been formed. The group will play their first Mass today, Oct.12, 2014 and continue to play at the 10:30 AM Mass hereafter. Members include all the current 10:30 AM cantors (Cindy Hiegel, Courtney Briggler, Holly Rega, and Julie Prall) as well as the current accompanist, Amy Rehm. Additional singers include Jennifer Tucker, Hope Guidry, Seth Guidry, Celine Kennard, Piper Kennard, and Carol King Kennard. Musicians joining the group include Jamie Guidry (drums), Faith Guidry (violin), Robert Brooks (bass), Ed Briggler (accoustic guitar), Martin Siebold (accousic guitar), Piper Kennard (electric guitar), and Carol King Kennard (keyboard). It's still not too late to sign up for the "Woman to Woman" Retreat October 25&26 Retreat will be at Subiaco Corey House. There are a few openings so if you thought you missed it again this year--a spot was saved for you to come and rest in "His Amazing Grace". The Cost of the retreat is $50.00, which includes the cost of the room and meals. Partial or full scholarships are available if needed. Call for a registration form to be mailed to Barbara Kordsmeier 5 Mary Ellen Dr, Conway, AR 72034, or email [email protected]. Any questions please Ann Hargis 328-3339, Mary Kordsmeier 450-6293, Marsha Mayfield 514 -5639 Or Barbara 329-2653 Seeking Musicians/Singers The 8:00 AM Adult Choir, under the direction of Paul Dickinson, an instructor at UCA, is currently seeking to add new members. We are always looking for musicians and singers who love God and enjoy leading others in worshiping him. For more details about becoming involved in the music ministry of St. Joseph’s contact Carol at (501) 327-6568 ext 323 or email her at [email protected]. 40 Days for Life The fall 40 Days for Life prayer vigil at Little Rock Family Planning Svcs (Arkansas’ only remaining surgical abortion facility) began Wednesday September 24 and continues through Sunday November 2. Contact Marsha Boss at 501-960-5051 or [email protected] or visit www.40daysfor life.com/ littlerock for more information or to volunteer. XXVIII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME •XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO• PAGE 4 P RAYER & A DORATION S T . J OSEPH ’ S S CHOOL Elementary Bulldogs at their Best Kindergarten Isabella Denys Max Gilbert Anneke McGhee Brett Brashears First Jillian O'Dwyer, Ransom Mooney Ceci Hiegel Braxton Thessing Second Bailey Pope, Evan McMillan Aimsley Davis Noah Hoelzeman Third Catherine Royal Lucas Covington Bethany Woodson Andrew Decker Congratulations to St. Joseph Middle School Star Students: 4th Grade Mary Dayer Ethan Hambuchen 5th Grade Audrey Flanagin Aaron Luyet 6th Grade Kinley Thessing Breakfast to Go– Friday, October 17th 6:30am-9am(St. Joseph High School Gym) Enjoy a QUICK and EASY breakfast Drive-Thru & pick up Your morning breakfast bag and morning coffee Sausage biscuit, Pastry, fruit and drink, Choice of coffee, hot cocoa or orange juice. Tickets $5 can be purchased from any FACS and FCCLA student OR Mrs.Lieblong at [email protected] Support the SJ Bulldog Band TUBA FUNDRAISER 5 Eucharist: The Presence of Mercy “When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an “I have opened My Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. For them I dwell in the tabernacle as King of Mercy.” (As spoken by our Lord and recorded in the Diary of St. Faustina, 367, 1520, 1578) Would you like to become a regular hourly Adorer? Call Karen Oxner at 269-1327 or email her at [email protected] for more information. Come rest in the Lord, and receive His mercy and love. Adorers can choose any hour, but the following hours currently have NO Adorer: Sunday 3 – 4 PM In addition, many hours have only ONE Adorer. Adorers are especially needed for: All days 2 – 3 AM All days 3 – 4 AM Saturday All Hours Please prayerfully consider offering Jesus an hour of your time each week. He waits and longs for YOU. Jesus I Trust in You After all masses this weekend, October 11&12, the Booster Club will be pre-selling Butter Braid Bread ($12.50 ea.) Choose from Warm Cinnamon, Smooth Cream Cheese, or Tart Apple. Frozen pastries will be delivered Nov 14. Question call Christy Jeans 590-5644 or email : [email protected]. Help us Reach our goal of 2,500 to purchase our Concert Tuba The III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled to take place from October 5th through the 19th. Pray for the Sick The topic is: The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization. Contact the Parish office 327-6568 to have names added to the prayer list. Names will be removed after 4 weeks unless requested otherwise Trey Hickey Deborah Silva Kathy Trower Joe Donovan Giovanna Gelso Nicole Stanko Evans Bob Lowry, Sr. Keegan Smith Warren Scott Myra McDaniel Donald Abbott Anthony Estrella Janet Young Estella Grayson Ellen Brannan Elton Hermes John Hoffman David DuBois Merle Jones Elizabeth Gaines Glen Gomez Alex Pajor Steve Larscheid The following prayer was composed by Pope Francis and as families we are encouraged to pray this together each day of the Synod. Please take a few moments each day to pray for families all over the world and for our church Universal, that we may face daily challenges by turning to the One True God. Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love; to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division; may all who have Prayer Chain Callers: If you have a prayer request and would like been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy to know that others are praying with you or if you think you might Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops be interested in serving on the prayer chain, please call one of the make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability following lead callers: ; Mary Dean Mainord 327-7899; Nancy of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Moix 327-4960; Patty Moix 329-5851 Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH • IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN JOSÉ • PAGE 5 6 S PIRITUAL F ORMATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Classes Have Resumed Monday’s at 7pm RCIA, (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), is a spiritual formation process for adults 18 and over who are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and/or becoming members of the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, or if you know of someone who is interested in RCIA please contact: Andrea Papini at: 501-454-9147. Youth Ministry / Faith Formation Trivia Question: October5th What religious order preserved the Bible during the Diark Ages by writing out copies by hand? Answer: the Benedictines Winner : —- Emma Allison– 2nd Grader Make sure to stop by the Youth Office and pick up your gift card! Rediscover Catholicism Book Discussion All are invited in the Parish Book Discussion of Matthew Kelly’s , Rediscover Catholicsm. The study begings at 9:20 in the Chapel and ends at 10am. New Life Prayer Meeting He Needs You! You are welcome to join us every Tuesday from 7:00 8:30 pm in Church. songs. A prayer meeting has 2 purposes: 1. To praise, worship and honor God 2. To build up the body of Christ (as brothers and sisters). The content of a prayer meeting: Opening prayer; time of praise and worship in song; singing in tongues; prophecy (God speaking through someone); scripture reading; teachings; testimony; sharing; intercessory and personal prayer. Jesus, our risen Savior and Lord, will be in our midst and wants to speak to you, to heal you and answer your prayer needs. Everyone is welcome. Who needs me?.... Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ MAGNIFICAT: PLEASE NOTE The church only receives a limited shipment of Magnificats each month & they are available on a first come first serve basis only. They are made available on the chest in the vestibule of the Adoration Chapel the last full week of each month. The Magnificats are available in both English & Spanish. Spiritual Adoption baby Development One month I have been very active the past month. I am 10,000 times larger than I was at conception. My eyes and nose are starting to form and I already have arm buds and leg buds. After three weeks I had the building blocks for my brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. My heart started beating before that and is now pumping blood through my own circulatory system, and my blood type may already be different from my mother's. Thank you for the prayers that the Lord of Life might help her give me the most precious gift of all - - the gift of life. “Surely I was sinful at birth…sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”--David He is calling volunteers to share their love of Him by teaching and supporting Youth and Family Ministry events. Below are the gaps we need filled. Call YM Office at: 501-513-6812 Sunday, 9:10-10:25 am • Prayer Team Catechists Sunday, 11 am to 12:15 pm • Babysitter for Volunteer’s children • Prayer Team Catechists Monday, 7:00~8:30 pm • RCIA-C Catechists or Husband/wife team for classes with parent and student Wednesday, 6:00~8:30 pm • Team Leader, Hospitality, Tech, etc… Middle School - Grades 6-8 or High School - Grades 9-12 Office Support • Sunday during Faith Formation times • During Week; when available Adult Formation; Sunday • Guide Adult Discussion Group; 9:15-10:15 am • Guide Adult Discussion Group; 11 am-12 pm Family Events • Family Mission; 6-9 pm, Oct 7-9 • Hospitality Sunday; Oct 5 and/or Nov 23 • Family Fun Nights Looking for 1st Communion/ Confirmation Pictures? you may come by the office to pick them up M-F 8:00am-3pm If you have been wondering were they might be, make sure to stop by the church office! APRIL 12, 20 2014 2014 • • 20 DE ABRIL 2014 • PAGE 6 6 OCTOBER 12 DE OCTUBRE, 2014 • PAGE M INISTERIO H ISPANO La Palabra del Señor 12 de Octubre al 19 de Octubre, 2014 Domingo: Is 25, 6-10/Flp 4, 12-14. 19-20/Mt 22, 1-14 o 22, 1-10 Lunes: Gal 4, 22-24. 26-27. 31--5, 1/Lc 11, 29-32 Martes: Gal 5, 1-6/Lc 11, 37-41 Miércoles: Gal 5, 18-25/Lc 11, 42-46 Jueves: Ef 1, 1-10/Lc 11, 47-54 Viernes: Ef 1, 11-14/Lc 12, 1-7 Sábado: 2 Tim 4, 9-17/Lc 10, 1-9 Domingo siguiente: Is 45, 1. 4-6/1 Tes 1, 1-5/Mt 22, 15-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Colecta Semanal La ofrenda del semana 5 de Octubre, fue de $33,074 “Muchas gracias por apoyar a su Parroquia con su ofrenda semanal” Reflexiones sobre la Administración de Nuestro Tiempo, Talentos, y Tesoro En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo agradece a los Filipenses por compartir de buena voluntad en su penuria y promete que Dios, a su vez, les proveerá de lleno en todas sus necesidades. ¡Verdaderamente nuestro Dios no puede ser superado en generosidad! "El Reino de los cielos es semejante a un rey que preparó un banquete de bodas para su hijo? 'Tengo preparado el banquete; he hecho matar mis terneras y los otros animales gordos; todo está listo. Vengan a la boda' ". - Mt 22, 2. 4 7 Horas de Oficina Lunes a Viernes de las 8:00 am– 3:30 pm. Ministerio Hispano 501-513-6810 Normas de Sacramento Las personas que quieran casarse o que sus hijos reciban los Sacramentos de bautismo, Primera Comunión, o Confirmación, tienen que ser miembros registrados y activos en la Parroquia. Charla Pre-Bautismales: Se darán el 1er sábado de cada mes a las 9am. en el salón de la Oficina Parroquial. Deben Registrarse por adelantado. Ya que si no hay registrados no habrá Charla. Bautismos: Por favor llamar para fechar. NO se puede fechar sin antes tener la charla bautismal y papeleo completado. Matrimonio: Pedir una entrevista con uno de los Sacerdotes, al menos seis meses antes de la fecha en que piensan casarse. Llame al 513-6810 y pregunte por Yolanda Berumen. Adoracion al Santísimo Ven a tener un encuentro con el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar Entrégale tus angustias, Cuéntale tus problemas, Deja que Él te guíe Ven a darle gracias. Abierto las 24 horas y los 7 días de la semana. Organiza tu tiempo y Ven con tu familia. Por favor de Llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al 327-6568 si desea una hora. ¿Esta Registrado en la Parroquia? Si usted y su familia no se han registrado como feligreses de la parroquia de San José, favor de hacerlo lo mas pronto posible. El Registro Parroquial le servirá algún día como comprobante de su asistencia en nuestra parroquia o si ocupa algún sacramento, o carta de recomendación, al igual de la oportunidad de usar los salones parroquiales. Usted puede obtener la aplicación de Registro llamando o presentándose a la oficina parroquial. Comunión Para los Enfermos Grupo de Oración Fuente de Vida-Renovación Carismática CAMBIO de LOCACION: nos reunimos ahora en Bob Nabholz Youth Center Ubicado en 1313 Deer St. En el nombre del Señor te invitamos a compartir en alabanza, oración, y estudio de la palabra de Dios “ Pidan y se les dará; busquen y hallaran; llamen y se les abrirá la puerta.” Mateo 7:7 Nos reunimos todos los lunes a las 6:30 de la tarde, en el Bob Nabholz Center: Santo Rosario , alabanza, y tema y personas recluidas en sus hogares o ,sus familiares pueden llamar a la Oficina Parroquial 513-6810 para pedir que les visite un sacerdote o ministro extraordinario de la Eucaristía Dedicación de Misas o Intenciones Especiales Si usted quisiera ofrecer una Misa para una persona viva o difunta, por favor comuníquese a la oficina parroquial. La parroquia sugiere una donación de $10 por misa. La Misa es una oración de profunda gracias. XXVIII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME •XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO• PAGE 7 8 N OTICIAS & A CONTECIMIENTOS 28º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Reflexión Las lecturas que nos presenta la liturgia este domingo, concretamente la primera y la del Evangelio, nos ofrecen la oportunidad de centrar nuestro enfoque en la Eucaristía. Ahondaremos en la comprensión de este sacramento como banquete. El Concilio Vaticano II nos redescubre la Eucaristía como banquete y esto no contrapone con el otro significado de sacrificio. Los dos rasgos se complementan. Pues, bien, el Papa Francisco en su homilía del 30 de mayo de 2013 nos anima con lo siguiente. "La Eucaristía es el sacramento de la Comunión, que nos hace salir del individualismo para vivir juntos el seguimiento, la fe en él. Entonces todos deberíamos preguntarnos ante el Señor: ¿cómo vivo yo la Eucaristía? ¿La vivo de modo anónimo o como momento de verdadera comunión con el Señor, pero también con todos los hermanos y las hermanas que comparten esta misma mesa?" Reflexionemos en algún momento del día o durante la semana qué le responderíamos al Papa Francisco ante sus preguntas. Por otra parte, Jesús nos da una cátedra en el Evangelio de cómo les respondió a los sacerdotes del Templo y a los ancianos del pueblo que le cuestionaban sobre su autoridad. A Dios lo que es de Dios y al César lo que le pertenece. Y lo que le pertenece a Dios en este caso es lo que cada domingo nos ofrece, la Eucaristía. Vayamos, pues, al banquete dominical; seamos cristianos no solo de estar sentados en la banca, sino de obra. Y a vivir como Dios manda: ¡Como sus hijos e hijas! ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc Pray for Vocations/ Recemos por las Vocaciones Every Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm St. Joseph Adoration Chapel Vocation Rosary followed by silent prayer for religious vocations. Todos los Miércoles 6:30-7:30pm Capilla de Adoración San José El Rosario de Vocación es seguido por oración silenciosa para las vocaciones. Pregunta Trivia: Sept 28 Qué orden religioso conservo la Biblia durante la Edad Media al escribir copias a mano?” Respuesta Los Benedictos Ganado : Emma Allison– 2do Grado Pasa por la oficina de Min Juvenil para recibir tu premio! Discusión de Libro Redescubre Catolicismo Todos están invitado a la discusión del libro de Matthew Keely. Estudio en Español empieza a las 11:10 en la Capilla terminando a las 12pm El Te Necesita! Quien me necesita?.... Nuestro Sr. y Salvador , Jesucristo Él está llamando a voluntarios para compartir su amor a Él mediante la enseñanza y el apoyo a los eventos de la Juventud y el Ministerio de la Familia. Llame YM Oficina al : 501-513-6812 Buscas fotos de 1ra Comunión/ Confirmación? Pueden pasar a la oficina de L-V de 8am-3pm para recogerlas. Una Tarde de Reflexión con el P. Mauricio Ven a descubrir cómo la obra de Dios en María prepara nuestros corazones para que Dios pueda obrar en nosotros. “María, Encontrando el Favor con Dios” es una tarde de reflexión que está abierta a todos los adultos católicos en el área. Las presentaciones por el Padre Mauricio Carrasco, las oportunidades de oración y discusión reflexiva serán un tiempo bien empleado. Sábado, 15 de noviembre, 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. en la Iglesia de Sta. Teresa en Little Rock. Entrada gratis. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial (501-565-9198) para reservar su lugar. Queremos tener suficiente espacio y suficientes bocadillos. Patrocinado por el Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock. Mark your Calendar for Cemetery Blessings Marquen su Calendario para las Bendiciones de Cementerio Sunday, November 2 Domingo , 2 de Noviembre 1pm 2pm 3pm St. Joseph Oak Grove Crestlawn ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH • IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN JOSÉ • PAGE 8 9 H APPY B IRTHDAY P ARISHIONERS ! F ELICIDADES F ELIGRECES ! October 12 October 13 October 14 Don Barnes Philip Kordsmeier Baylee Nahlen Curtis Schichtl Edward Schichtl Trish Williams Kate Caffrey Joseph Gaspard Matt McMahan Christian O`Dwyer Rachel Prall Ryan Soto Orlando Balderas Richard Burgener Patricia Casey Angela Davis Todd Freyaldenhoven Daniel Garcia Todd Loynachan Luisana Mendoza Rodger Smith Joshua Trantina October 15 Nelly Aguilar Teresa Argueta Mike Gangluff Cole Garcia Rhonda Hambuchen Heather Hum Sharon Johnson Kathy Kordsmeier Tom Luyet Myra Mangum Al Meyer Daniel Mullaney Teresa Navarro Drake Nguyen Margarita Perez Geena Porcaro Alton Quick Wendy Rae USCCB Says Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. We Vote because we are citizens. But we vote conscientiously because we are people of faith. Our consciences are formed though studying Scripture and the teachings of the Church, examination of the facts, and prayerful reflection. In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. We should know: the Issues The Candidates We Should Pray : For Change of Hearts (II Chronicles 7:14) For Guidance (Psalm 1:1-3) Then, We Should Vote Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. October 16 October 17 October 18 Pat Bruich Max Gilbert Cristina Gomez Cindy Hambuchen Daniel Kordsmeier Melinda Kordsmeier Joseph Luzar Paris Onyeyiri Jake Schichtl Shayne Smith John Beltowski Mary Fratesi Isabelle Garrett Jennifer Hegeman Noah Hoelzeman David Leffler Tina Patterson Danielle Phillips Roxana Valeriano Victor Vega Tommy Wise Alice Zulpo Sarah Bailey Stacy Brorman Rebecca Chamoun Stephanie Dayer Anita Gangluff Mary–Beth Henze Hailey Lachowsky Amy Lock Adalberto Lopez Marian Luzar Karley McMahan Barbara Nabholz Trischa Nabholz Julia Readnour Genesis Rodriguez Scott Wright Brent Yrle Continued 10/15: Kevin Rittman Cole Schaefers Betty Schichtl Tom Walsh Rosary Novena Prayer for Our Country’s Election O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection. Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of your people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded, and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life. Amen. The USCCB statement, Challenge of Faithful Citizenship, states, “The dual calling of faith and citizenship is at the heart of what it means to be a Catholic in the United States at this time.” ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH • IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN JOSE • PAGE 9 10 PARISH DIRECTORY / DIRECTORIO DE LA PARROQUIA 1115 College Avenue • Conway, Arkansas 72032 School Office Hours/ Horario de la Escuela Fr. John Marconi…………………………………….... Pastor Fr. Robert Cigainero………….……………………… Associate Pastor Dcs. David Westmoreland, Richard Papini, Gerald Harrison Monday-Friday........................................................... 8:00 am-3:20 pm High School………………………………………...….329-5741; Fax:327-8350 Middle School……………….……………………....327-1204; Fax: 513-6805 Cafeteria ............................................................................329-2011 Elementary School………………………………….336-8149: Fax: 336-8057 Cafeteria ............................................................................336-9849 Preschool ...............................................................................336-9548 Bob Nabholz Youth Center ....................................................336-0087 St. Joseph Endowment ..........................................................329-1818 Catholic Campus Ministry House ..........................................336-9091 Sick Call / Emergency Number Numero de Emergencia 327-6568 Office Hours/ Horario de la Oficinas Monday-Friday............................................................ 8:00 am-3:30 pm Parish Administration Office …………...…………………………….. 327-6568 Business Office………………………………………..327-5528; Fax:327-6607 Scheduling (Complex & Church) ........................................... 327-6568 Youth Faith Formation ........................................................... 513-6812 Rite of Christian Initiation ...................................................... 327-6568 Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano................................. 513-6810 Adoration Inclement Weather News …..…………………...……… 329-9436 Please Call For Store Hours Religious Gift Store ................................................................ 733-5239 St. Joseph Flea Market…………………………………………………….513-6899 P L E A S E S U P P O R T !! BULLETIN DEADLINE– Monday at Noon!! Flyers must be approved by the pastor two weeks in advance. La fecha limite para anuncios en el Boletín es el Lunes al Mediodía Send articles to: [email protected] O U R A D V E R T I S E R S “Good Work Is Not Cheap... Cheap Work Is Not Good” 329-2741 The Finest In Collision Repair Since 1965! SBR PAINTING 501-691-2024 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR • EXTERIOR INSURED www.sbrpainting.com [email protected] • DOMESTIC & FOREIGN • ECO-FRIENDLY PAINT PRODUCTS • FACTORY PAINT BOOTHS • COMPUTERIZED PAINT MIXING & MATCHING SYSTEM • COMPUTERIZED FRAME STRAIGHTENING • FREE COMPUTERIZED ESTIMATES • LASER & DIGITAL FRAME MEASURING SYSTEM W.C. LOOPER ROOFING PLUMBING AND SERVICES Roofing & Remodeling Security Systems MP #6056 Insured & Bonded 501-835-4885 (office) 501-258-0744 (cell) 702 Museum Road Conway Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed 12-1 pm daily Life Choices 329-5944 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Conway, AR 609 Locust • Conway, AR www.LifeChoicesinc.org 501-329-3319 Supported & paid by St. Joseph Christian Ladies Paladino-Nash, Inc. Municipal & Utility Contractors 329-4044 Greg Simon, D.D.S. David M. Reese, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 607 Front Street - Conway, AR (501) 327-2586 Contact Iris Mitchell to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2495 Mike & Donna Brudjar 37 Sharon Rd • Vilonia, AR 72173 FOR AD INFO CALL IRIS MITCHELL 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOSEPH, CONWAY, AR C 2C 01-0943 10-03-2014 09:40:02 HOFHERR PLUMBING, INC. Hartman Animal Hospital 77 Wasson Rd. • Conway, AR 72034 DWAYNE HOFHERR Master # 5094 Cell (501) 472-2149 (501) 205-0891 [email protected] CONEYS MICHELLE M. PHILLIPS GARAGE DOOR A NAIL AND SPA Certified Public Accountant 2805 Prince • Ste., 1 • Conway [email protected] * Full Nail Services * Facial, waxing, eyelash extension * epilfree permanent hair reduction without laser Sales, Service & Installation Commercial & Residential 1-888-882-0528 • Bus. 513-0510 306 Salem Road, Suite 101 Conway, AR 20 Bronnie Lane • Conway, AR 501-336-8899 McMahan Enterprises, Inc GYMNASTICS DANCE Arkansas’ #1 Neckover Dealer CHEERLEADING GREG HARTMAN, DVM THEATRE General Automotive Repair 352 Hwy 65 N. Conway SWIMMING KIDCARE 2415 Donahey, Conway (501) 327-7742 www.sonshineacademy.com 501-327-3500 www.anailsandspa.com Near Pickles Gap 501-764-1500 [email protected] Steven and Elizabeth Luyet, owners 13162 Hwy 65 South Damascus, AR Trailers for the Serious Cattleman 501-733-3551 Steve W. “Bo” Conner, CPA Tressie A. Sartain, CPA 985 CARSON CV, STE C • CONWAY, AR Owners: Matt and Kortney McMahan ALAN MOIX 501-327-6688 DON MOIX MOIX CARPETS INC. 770 Enterprise Ave. • Industrial Park Conway, Arkansas 72032 450-6444 Michael D’Almeida Financial Advisor (Parishioner of St. Joseph) 385 Hogan Lane M-F 7:30-5:00, Sat. 8-12 C. James Kubicek Attorney at Law 7 Medical Lane, Suite E Conway, AR 72034 501-205-1949 [email protected] Ph: 327-5384 • Fax 327-5095 Toll Free 1-888-577-7859 kordsmeierfurniture.com SHAWN MOIX “Quality new furniture at reasonable prices” (501) 312-7306 2200 N. Rodney Parham Rd. Suite 300 Little Rock, AR 72212 http://fa.ml.com/ michael.dalmeida Hours: (501) 329-3946 Appraisal Service (501) 329-9207 Real Estate Appraisals 918 Front Street Conway, AR 72032 A-STATE HANDYMEN, INC. Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. © 2012 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. AD-03-12-2232 Code 444608PM-0312 ARM313M5-08-11 Nabholz 327-6103 YOUR BUSINESS Additions, remodeling, decks, porches, fencing, flooring, drywall, roofing, siding, windows, acoustic ceilings & much more! We do it all! Commerical & residential Licensed & insured. Free estimates! Satisfaction guaranteed! For information on advertising, please call our church representative IRIS MITCHELL • 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2495 Call Rob Carroll (501) 269-4034 Email: [email protected] • www.SeekAndFind.com SHOULD BE HERE! This is not our home. We’re only passing through. Everything we think, say or do should glorify our Heavenly Father. HIEGEL SUPPLY Plumbing • Electrical Hardware 1310 Bruce Street Conway, AR 72034 Phone (501) 327-7755 “Quality is our Specialty” Freyaldenhoven Heating & Cooling Call Pat Hepner today! (501) 472-9225 329-2951 1101 Front St. (501) 329-8700 Free Estimates • Sales & Service Leaf Guards LARRY CONEY 472-1383 (Mob) Bus. 513-3755 CHAD CONEY 428-2893 625 Salem Rd, Ste #4 Conway, AR 72034 Mon-Sat: 9am-7pm 20 Bronnie Lane • Conway Appointment or Walk-Ins Welcome Ralph Marrero, M.D. Robert G. Schichtl II, PA Board Certified Certified Public Accountants Otolaryngology (Ears, Nose and Throat Specialists) Sleep Medicine Greg Schichtl KERRY K. MOLDER Financial Advisor Securian Advisors MidAmerica, Inc. 712 Locust Conway, AR 72033 501/329-2900 License Insurance #62516 [email protected] Investment Advisor Representative, Registered Representative Securian Financial Services, Inc., Securities Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. 7633 E. 63rd Place, Suite 450, Tulsa, OK 74133 918.459.9349 Securian Advisors MidAmerica, Inc. is independently owned and operated. #355781 DOFU 7/2011 Call 501-336-8900 2200 Ada, Ste. 202 • Conway 501-327-3929 817 Parkway • Conway AR 72034 501-327-0303 Fax 501-327-4588 Specializing in Decorated & Wedding Cakes 329-5626 Clare Tolleson, Manager 256 Oak Street Conway, AR 72032 501-327-2996 Steve Sanson | Brenda Sanson Commercial • Industrial Residential Service 924 Front Street P.O. Box 2661 511 3rd Ave. Conway, AR 72033 GrassRoots LawnCare, Inc. HOME LOANS Hwy. 365S, #1495 Conway, Arkansas 72032 (501) 329-9104 Bill Brinkley Call 329-7700 home-loan1.com Mark and Theresa Fenner, Owners FOR AD INFO CALL IRIS MITCHELL NMLS# 121526 / 136122 AT 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOSEPH, CONWAY, AR B 2C 01-0943 10-03-2014 09:40:02 THE TOBEY TEAM Janet & Bill Tobias Parishioners Kathy Rumbo 501-358-0023 An Authorized Mohawk Floorscapes Retailer CRYE-LEIKE REALTORS tobeyteamrealtor.com ® 4005 Prince St., Conway, AR 72034 Edgar J. Tyler Attorney At Law Estate Planning Estate & Trust Administration 1511 Caldwell St. Conway Phone 501-336-9099 E-mail: [email protected] 501-505-8022 We view your trust as our most valuable asset. Mike & Diane Asbury Catholic Owners A.P. Nails A • Acr Acrylic ylic Nails • Gel or Shellac Manicure • Gel Nails • Spa Pedi & Manicure • Pink & White Solar • Toenail Acrylic (French) The Village Center 813 Oak St., Ste. #8 Conway, AR 72032 Regional Manager Check us out on the web at www.rollerfuneralhomes.com 118 Harkrider • Conway, AR 72032 “Sales and Service” Residential & Commercial 501.329.3673 501-327-6581 MOIX Gary Anderson Danny Kordsmeier Jason Kordsmeier CONSTRUCTION CO. email [email protected] David Moix Jeff Moix 514-4420 514-4416 Conway, AR 72032 Greenbrier, AR 72058 Clinton, AR 72031 501.327.7727 501.679.2575 501.745.2151 Patrick Moix 472-2478 55 Mill Pond • Conway, AR 72034 PHIL DAYER 501-733-1790 “Complete Dental Care Designed For You” J. ANTHONY SMITH, D.D.S., P.A. R.E. HAMBUCHEN, D.D.S. LEO CRAFTON, D.D.S. JENNIFER WEAVER, D.D.S. SPENCER GORDY, D.D.S. 550 Chestnut Street • Conway, Arkansas 72032 (501) 329-8754 • dentaldesigns.us [email protected] MOPPIN MOMMAS MAGIE XMABREY EYE CLINIC, PA Time for you to take a break! Let us clean for goodness sake! For clearer vision, trust your eyes to us www.moppinmammasonline.com Stephen K. Magie, MD William T. Mabrey, MD Bradley M. Hughes, MD Melanie F. Smith, MD Justin W. Charton, MD Jeffrey J. Strossner, OD B. Scott Koontz, OD • Cedric S. Pratt, DO 1074 Markham St. Conway, AR 72032 (501) 327-7955 www.pittsburghpaints.com 924 Main Street Conway, AR (501) 327-4444 www.mmeyeclinic.com MODEL CLEANERS HIEGEL 1-Day Service • Alterations H & S GLASS INC. Justin Hoelzeman - Manager 501-548-7893 Memb Membership Sales, Auto Financing Insurance Insu for Auto, Home, Life, Health & Marinecraft Joe Pruett, Sales 501-327-9222 603 Court St., Ste.2 Fax: 501-327-0122 Conway, AR 72032 Cell: 733-1650 [email protected] Claims: 1-800-222-7623 Brandon Hartman Regional Manager Little Rock, Louisiana, & West Texas Markets M-F 6:30 - 6:00 Sat 9:00 - 12:00 Michael & Jill Enderlin 1056 MARKHAM • CONWAY 717 Parkway ................. 329-3221 163 Farris Rd .................327-0555 NEXT TO OLD GIN 1805 E. Oak ...................327-2627 Complete Glass Repair 501-327-7759 Paul McChristian, M.D. Conway OB-GYN Clinic Serving Conway for 34 Years 1-800-794-7484 • (501) 327-6547 St. Joseph’s Flea Market Mention this ad & get 10% off purchase 308 E. Commerce Street Auto • Home • Life Morrilton, AR 72110 Renters • Boats • RVs 1313 College Ave. • Conway, AR (Next to Family Activity Building) James L. Wahrmund shopping Store Hours: 501-730-0011 Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 2pm Mobile Homes • Business Insurance 501.354.3223 • MIKE SARTAIN (non-food only) Stefanie Schrekenhofer ™ Realtor 10:30am-5:30pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. (501) 428-3120 Office: (501) 327-3838 Fax: (501) 327-0658 (501) 358-3868 501-513-6899 2334 Washington Ave. Conway, AR 72032 [email protected] 717 Front St. • Downtown Conway Across from US Pizza - next to Firestone 1120 Hogan Rd.,Ste 8 • Conway FOR AD INFO CALL IRIS MITCHELL [email protected] AT 1-800-950-9952 Donations Drop-off Monday, Tuesday, wednesday 8am-Noon Thursday-Friday 8am-5pm • Saturday 9am-2pm WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOSEPH, CONWAY, AR A 4C 01-0943 10-03-2014 09:40:02
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