Fourth Conference of the Red Europea para el Estudio de las Lenguas Andinas (REELA) 5-7 September 2015, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics REELA Conference 2015 - provisional programme Saturday, September 5 14:45-15:00 Welcome 15:00-15:30 Achim Schumacher: Documentación de las lenguas Uru-Chipaya 15:30-16:00 Arjan Mossel / Puquina Working Group: Puquina kinship terms 16:00-16:30 Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino: Escribas semilingües o iniciadores del Castellano Andino: el caso del copista de Molina 16:30-17:00 Break 17:00-18:00 Keynote: Peter Kaulicke Las funciones de Chavín de Huántar, su impacto supraregional y el problema del panorama lingüístico en los Andes Centrales entre 900 y 500 A.C. Fourth Conference of the Red Europea para el Estudio de las Lenguas Andinas (REELA) 5-7 September 2015, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Sunday, September 6 09:00-09:30 Joshua Shapero: Thinking with the Hallqa: Ancash Quechua Speakers’ use of Frames of Reference in Nonverbal Spatial Memory 09:30-10:00 Bruce Mannheim: Allocentric person in Quechua 10:00-10:30 Matt Coler, Patrice Guyot, Edwin Banegas-Flores: An ethnomusical and linguistic description of the Añasita song of Muylaque (Peru) 10:30-11:00 Break 11:00-11:30 Matthias Urban: Tracing Quingnam, the royal language of Chimor 11:30-12:00 Matthias Pache: The Lengua X, an Andean puzzle 12:00-12:30 Rita Eloranta, Marcelo Jolkesky, Willem Adelaar: Reconsideración de la hipótesis de contacto entre el mapudungun y el mochica 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:00 Rosaleen Howard, Luis Andrade, Raquel de Pedro Ricoy: Translating and interpreting in Andean and Amazonian languages: implementation of indigenous language rights in Peru’ 14:00-14:30 Utta von Gleich: Estudio longitudinal sobre cambio de actitudes hacia y uso del Quechua y Castellano en Ayacucho/Perú 14:30-15:00 Jorge Gómez Rendón: Media Lengua Revisited 15:00-15:30 Break 15:30-16:00 Willem Adelaar: Rehabilitación del Quechua Ayacuchano 16:00-16:30 Paul Heggarty: Exploring the Phonetics of the Andean Languages: Presenting the New Sounds of the Andean Languages Web Database 16:30-17:00 Break 17:00-18:00 Keynote: Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino En busca de elementos diagnósticos Puquinas 19:00 Conference dinner Fourth Conference of the Red Europea para el Estudio de las Lenguas Andinas (REELA) 5-7 September 2015, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Monday, September 7: Linguistic Relations across the Andean-Amazonian Divide 09:00-09:15 Simon Overall, Nicholas Q. Emlen, Martin Kohlberger: Session introduction: Linguistic Relations across the Andean-Amazonian Divide 09:15-09:45 Rik van Gijn and Pieter Muysken: Highland-lowland language interactions 09:45-10:15 Katja Hannß: Relations between Lake Titicaca and the lowlands: Pukina and (Proto-)Takanan 10:15-10:45 Nicholas Q. Emlen: Ethnographic perspectives on a contemporary MatsigenkaQuechua-Spanish language contact situation in Southern Peru 10:45-11:15 Break 11:15-11:45 Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz: Two Andean colonial confessionaries in Quechua and Yánesha 11:45-12:15 Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus: When Cholón (and Amage) meets Quechua 12:15-12:45 Simon Overall and Marine Vuillermet: The Eastern foothills as a contact zone: evidence from non-canonical switch-reference 12:45-13:45 Lunch 13:45-14:15 Marcelo Jolkesky and Rita Eloranta: The Marañón-Huallaga interaction zone: Contact beyond the northern Peruvian Andes 14:15-14:45 Martin Kohlberger, Patience Epps, and George Saad: Chicham (Jivaroan) Languages in Contact: Between the Andes and the Amazon 14:45-15:15 Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia: Lingueme diffusion in the Upper Amazon, the Kawapanan transit area 15:15-15:45 Break 15:45-16:15 Georgia Ennis: Creating Ñucanchic shimi: The Standardization and Differentiation of Ecuadorian Quichua(s) into Kichwa Unificado 16:15-16:45 Janis Nuckolls and Tod D. Swanson: Evidence for Traces of Contact in Expressive Forms from Pastaza Quichua, Ecuador 16:45-17:15 Martine Bruil: Possible Quechua influence on Ecuadorian Siona 17:15-17:40 Break 17:40-18:40 Keynote: Pilar Valenzuela Kawapanan Languages: Challenging the Andes~Amazonia Divide
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