ST. JOSEPH PARISH 404 Charles St., Coatesville, Pa. 19320 Rev. John V. Oulds, Pastor Rev. Peter J. Welsh, Parochial Vicar Rectory: (610) 384-0360 Fax: (484) 288-8030 Email: [email protected] St. Stanislaus Kostka Worship Site 209 W. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, Pa. 19320 Registration Mass Schedules If you would like to register as a parishioner of St. Joseph's or have questions about the This Weekend Weekday registration process, please contact the The daily 9:00 am Mass, Saturday, Dec. 19, 2015 Rectory at 610/384-0360. We look forward to 4:00 pm Confessions until Monday thru Saturday is meeting you and welcoming you into our celebrated at Saint Joseph 4:45 pm Parish family. Baptism & Marriage Arrangements for Baptism and Marriage may be made by contacting the rectory. The preparation for these special sacramental events takes time, so wherever possible please call at least 1 month prior to the christening date and at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Music Ministry All are welcome to join either the Senior Choir or Children's Choir, Director Heidi Harbach Blumenstock (717/333-7383). Sacraments for the Sick The Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion are administered at home to our ill and housebound parishioners upon notification. Please inform Father Oulds when anyone is hospitalized. To include the name of your Sick and recently Deceased on your Prayer List, kindly contact Father John at 610/384-0360 or 610/384-1172. We are trying to keep our Sick List as current as possible. If someone's name does not appear and should be listed, please contact the Rectory Office at 610/384-0360. In the charity of your prayers, please remember the sick: Joseph Yankech III, Dorothy Puza, Helen Yankech, George Chenger, Margaret Toth, Joseph Bryan, Joseph Sandoski, Betty Nikodemski, Ruth Ortiz, Richard Smith, Judy Rice, Elizabeth Arrowood, Elizabeth Morrow, Maryann Caridi, Mary Ambroziak, Mary Richey, John Toth, Frances Shesko, Roxanne Barnes, Joey D'Angelo, Ann Cigas, Betty Lutze, Tammy Holt, Michael Soroka, Mya Hostutler, Steve Repak, Lucy Byerly, Baby Zane Kempest, Dana Gabriel, Theresa Oktavec, Spencer Claypoole, Joseph Wade, Kirstin Wentz McElroy, Susanne Towbar, Patty Tyndall, Edward Pacana, Stephen Slavin, and Violet Pacana. Among the recently Deceased, we remember Monsignor Charles Monaghan and Michael Jamison. Pray also for all American military personnel serving abroad, especially in the Middle East. May God keep them safe and out of harm's way. Our prayerful support is given to the persecuted Christians in the Middle East, as well as all persecuted Christians worldwide, especially in Iraq and Syria. 5:00 pm Antoinette Hildebrand (Benkovich Family) Lector: Chrissy M. Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:00 am Parishioners 8:45 am Mary McLean (The Imms Family) Lector: Sara 9:45 am Confessions 10:15 am Barbara Hughes (Joseph Sandoski) Lector: Hank 11:15 am Confessions 12:00 pm Mass in Spanish 2:00 pm Eucharistic Exposition until 7:00 pm, with Confessions from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Church. 12/21 Monday Catherine P. Terpack (Lois Barron) 12/22 Tuesday 9:00 am Intention of the Priest 2:00 pm Monthly Mass at Harrison Senior Living Residence 6:00 pm Confessions until 8:00 pm 12/23 Wednesday Jennie Kelly (Teresa & Frank Kusnierczyk) 12/24 Thursday Christmas Eve 9:00 am Intention of the Priest 4:00 pm Mr. Charles Mancini (Patrick & Robin Lavin) 6:00 pm John Walus, 20th Anniv. (Children & Grandchildren) celebrated in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church 9:00 pm Choir Concert of Sacred Music 9:30 pm Robert Hackmeister, Bill & Maggie Fisher (Maryann & Bob Lasak) Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions are heard on Saturdays, from 4:00 to 4:45 pm, prior to the 5:00 pm Mass, and on Sundays, from 6:30 to 6:50 am, prior to the 7:00 am Mass. Also, confessions are heard in conjunction with the 7:00 pm Eucharistic Holy Hour on Fridays. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available anytime upon request. 12/25 Friday Christmas Day 8:00 am Deceased Members of the Haas & Lacy Families (The Haas Family) 10:00 am Mary Sandoski (Husband & Family) 12:00 pm Mass in Spanish Next Weekend Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015 9:00 am Cy Reali (Rebecca Kousisis & Matt Ficca) followed by Miraculous Medal Devotion 4:00 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm 5:00 pm Robert Mueller (Gerald J. Rankin) Lector: Bob Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015 Feast of the Holy Family 7:00 am Parishioners 8:45 am Deceased Members of Hamilton & Saska Families (Bob & Ann Hamilton) Lector: Phyllis 10:15 am Richard Eby (Camie Arvay) Lector: Christine 12:00 pm Mass in Spanish Collection Totals: Weekend of December 13, 2015: Weekly Collection Totals are: Weekly Envelopes: $3,166.00 Loose Money: $663.00 Total envelopes received: 148 Other Parish Collections: $738.00 Immaculate Conception: $1,328.30 Our Lady of Guadalupe: $1,082.60 Christmas Flowers: $2,098.00 Archdiocesan Collections: $60.00 SVDP: $10.00 Total: $9,145.90 Christmas Greetings Father Peter Welsh, Father Santiago Martin, Father Eder Estrada Munoz and the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, join with Father John Oulds in extending to parishioners and friends of Saint Joseph Church warm wishes for a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. To a world that needs it, may Christmas bring peace; to spirits that long for it, may Christmas bring hope; to the hearts of all people, may Christmas bring love and God's gentle grace evermore. Schedule of Christmas Masses December 20th, from 4:00 to 6:30 pm, a Christmas Caroling Event will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish. Our St. Joseph parishioners have been extended a cordial invitation to participate. All will meet in the OLR Hall, carol around the neighborhoods and return for refreshments. Dress warmly and do bring flashlights, candles, jingle bells and the like. For those who would prefer to stay indoors and socialize, the Prayer Folk Group will be singing in the hall. Kindly call Pete DiMaio at 610/384-4943 with any questions. Many thanks! The Joy of Our PREP Christmas Pageant Christmas Eve: 4:00 pm in St. Joseph Church 6:00 pm in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church 9:30 pm in St. Joseph Church (preceded by 9:00 pm Concert) Christmas Day: 8:00 am in St. Joseph Church 10:00 am in St. Joseph Church Confession: An Important Christmas Preparation One of the most appropriate preparations for Christmas is of a spiritual nature: the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance). Confessions will be heard on the following occasions: th Saturday, December 19 , from 10:30 am to 12:00 Noon Sunday, December 20th, at 8:20 am, 9:45 am and 11:15 am (prior to Morning Masses), also from 3:00 to 5:00 pm (during the Eucharistic Exposition) Tuesday, December 22nd, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm The Holy Child born at Bethlehem comes as Divine Forgiveness for us all. Last Tuesday evening (December 15 th) brought us the joy of our PREP Christmas Pageant featuring the students of the 3 rd Level Class. The boys and girls portraying the prophets of old, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, kings and angels to the delight of their families, friends and fellow students. Familiar Christmas songs were interwoven with the various scenes thanks to the musical efforts of George Gregory. The ancient story of Jesus' birth came alive under the direction of Peggy Imms and Karin Tatela, with assistance from Dan and Jack Imms. The Parish Social Club set out a table of enjoyable light refreshments in the hall after the Pageant. Thank you to one and all for this focus on the true meaning of Christmas! Looking to Expand Our Christmas Eve Choir Director Heidi Blumenstock would like to add additional voices for our Adult Choir's Concert of Sacred Song and Mass Music at 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve. You need only to enjoy singing on this Night of Nights and attend the rehearsal at 6:45 pm in the Choir Loft on Monday, December 21st. Add to the beauty of this solemn occasion with the sound of your voice. Mary's Child would be so very pleased. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Quiet Time With The Lord Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place on Sunday, December 20th, in Saint Joseph Church, from 2:00 to 7:00 pm, providing us with some precious quiet time with the Lord amidst the holiday hustle and bustle. Benediction at 7:00 pm concludes the Eucharistic Exposition, immediately after which all are welcome to enjoy a Bilingual Posada and Social in the Parish Hall. Do come! Holiday Caroling Event On Sunday, The calendar year opens with a Holy Day of Obligation: The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, who by a special grace shared in the salvific mission of her Son. A Vigil Mass will be offered at 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 31st. On Friday, January 1st, Masses will be offered at 8:00 am and 10:00 am, with a Mass in Spanish at 12:00 Noon. On the eighth day following the birth of the God-Man, we honor the Holy Virgin who gave the world its Savior. Blessing of the Christmas Creche (Manger) God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love. Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. R) Amen. Saint Joseph Parish 404 Charles Street Coatesville, Pennsylvania December 16, 2015 19320 Dear Parishioners, The good news of Jesus on the Feast of His Nativity is simply too good to be true. Is it possible that, in the beginning, the Word Jesus was with God and now has broken into history as the Son of Mary? Is it possible that the vast darkness of human existence is given light, a Light that will scatter the darkness of sin and even conquer death itself? Is it possible that grace and truth are to be found in the person of Jesus of Nazareth? But there iS more good news: we -are the recipients of God's grace; that is, of divine Love, Light and Life. All of us are offered a share in this richness because God's love is universal and all around us. Now we have~seen the very glory of God, Light of Light. Life of Life, Love of Love. In~this~revelation, we are lavished::_ with the very gift of God himself in the person of Jesus, His Son. Let us celebrate Christmas! HOURS OF CONFESSION Saturday, December 19th, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Sunday, December 20th, at 8:20a.m., 9:45a.m. and 11:15 a.m. (prior to morning Masses), also from 3:00 to 5:00p.m. (during Eucharistic Exposition) Tuesday, December 22nd, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. MASSES ON CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. (preceded in in in by Saint Joseph Church Saint Stanislaus Kostka Church Saint Joseph Church a 9:00 p.m. Choir Concert) MASSES ON CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00 a.m. in Saint Joseph Church 10:00 a.m. in Saint Joseph Church SOLEMNITY OF MARY + MOTHER· OF' 'GOD MASS ON NEW YEAR'S EVE 5:00 p.m. in Saint Joseph Church MASSES ON NEW YEAR 1 S DAY 8:00 a.m. in Saint Joseph Church 10:00 a.m. in Saint Joseph Church To a world that needs it, may Christmas bring peace; to spirits that long for it, may Christmas bring hope; to the hearts of all people, may Christmas bring love and God's gentle grace evermore. Have a joyful and blessed Seasoh! Father John Oulds Father Peter Welsh Queridos hermanos en Cristo: Felicidades en este tiempo de Adviento, con nuestra espera con esperanza. Hoy dia 16 de diciembre empezamos las posadas navidenas, caminando con Maria embarazada del nino Redentor y con San Jose en el camino de Nazare! a Belen. El horario de las posadas y las celebraciones navidelias esta a continuaci6n: • • • • • • • • • Miercoles 16 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Posada en el Hall Jueves 17 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Posada en el Hall Viernes 18 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 6:15PM Santa Misa 7:00PM Exposici6n Eucaristica y Santo Rosario Despues Posada en el Hall Sabado 19 de diciembre Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Posada Domingo 20 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 2-7 Pm Exposici6n Eucaristica 3-6 PM Confesiones 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00Pm Bendici6n Eucaristica Despues Posada BilingOe y Com partir en el Hall Lunes 21 de diciembre Iglesia San Stanislaus 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Posada en Ia escuela Martes 22 de diciembre Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Posada Miercoles 23 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00PM Santa Misa Despues Natividad Viviente en el Hall de Ia Iglesia, Habra un compartir. "No tengan miedo porque les traigo una buena noticia, que sera de gran alegria para todos". "hoy les ha nacido en el pueblo de David un salvador, que es el Mesias, el Senor. Como senal, encontraran ustedes al nifio envuelto en paiiales y acostado en un establo". • • • • • Jueves 24 de diciembre Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 6:00PM Santa Misa Despues un compartir en el Hall Iglesia San Stanislaus 8:00PM Santo Rosario 8:30PM Vigilia y santa Misa, Despues de Ia Misa habra una fiesta en el Hall de Ia escuela. 12:00 Medianoche Santa Misa. Viernes 25 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 11 :30AM Santo Rosario 12:00 PM Santa Misa Espanol Sabado 26 de diciembre Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00Pm Santa Misa Domingo 27 de diciembre Iglesia San Jose 12:00 del Medic Dia Santa Misa 31 de diciembre Iglesia Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 6:30PM Santo Rosario 7:00Pm Santa Misa 10-12 PM Vigilia y Exposici6n del Santisimo 1ere de enero Iglesia San Jose en Downingtown 1O:OOAM Santa Misa en honor a Ia Virgen de Ia Nube. 11 :30AQM Santo Rosario 12:00 medic dia Iglesia San Jose Coatesville Santa Misa. Las direcciones de las Iglesias son: Iglesia San Jose 404 Charles St, Coatesville Pa 19320 Iglesia Nuestra Senora de Consolaci6n 603 W. Second Ave Parkesburg, PA 19365 Iglesia San Stanislaus 209 W. Lincoln Hwy Coatesville 19320 Iglesia San Jose 460 Manor Ave. Downingtown Pa 19335 Sus hermanos en Cristo Padre John Oulds Padre Peter Welsh
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