ISIH 6th International Conference Challenging Health Inequity: A Call to Action 2015 PALMA DE MALLORCA Wednesday · 10/06/2015 8:00-9:30h REGISTRATION Room: Salón de Actos Building: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Room: Salón de Actos Building: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Please note that the technical secretariat will remain open during the entire conference. Please, take into account that the technical secretariat will be located at the Antoni Ma Alcover Building (Room: Sala de Graus) from Wednesday at 13 h until the end of the conference. 10:00-12.00h WELCOME PLENARY SESSION Bioethics, justice and vulnerability: gender and intersectional approaches (Bioética, justicia y vulnerabilidad: del género a las perspectivas interseccionales) Keynote speaker: Dr. María José Guerra Simultaneous translation from Spanish to English Wednesday · 10/06/2015 ISIH 6th International Conference · 1 12:00-13:00h LUNCH* Restaurant Building: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos 13:15-15:15h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Chair: Christine Ceci Chair: Concha Zaforteza Chair: Dave Holmes Chair: Cristina Moreno Discourses and practices on elderly care Self-management and social determinants of health Risk, body and vulnerability 1. The elderly caregiver: discourse and practice. Meiriele T Araujo, Isabela Velloso (Brazil). 1. The struggle of everyday life. Accounts of self-management and self-management support of disadvantaged persons living with diabetes type 2: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature. Christina Foss, Ingrid Ruud Knutsen (Norway). 1. Happily-ever-after: Personal narratives in Weight Loss Surgery advertising. Karen Synne Groven , Jean Braithwaite (Norway). 1. Sufrimiento: perspectivas teóricas y modelos conceptuales de la disciplina enfermera. Maria del Carmen Alorda Terrasa (Spain). 2. Transnational Commercial Surrogacy: Risky bodies/bodies at risk. Irene Shankar (Canada). 2. Clase social y origen como determinantes de la salud de los hijos e hijas de familias inmigradas en Catalunya. Núria Roca Caparà, Carme Vega Monteagudo, Cristina Hernando Rovirola (Spain). 2. Holding on to life: Managing to live well at home in old age. Kristin Bjornsdottir (Iceland). 3. The costs of (dis) counting care: a critical analysis of the regulation of aged care in Australia. Luisa P Toffoli, Terri Gibson (Australia). 4. Domiciliary aged care for Indigenous communities in regional, outer regional, and remote locations: An Australian naturalistic inquiry. Goetz Ottmann, Anna Millicer (Australia). Wednesday · 10/06/2015 2. Negotiating diet; diabetes type 2 patient’s rationale across Europe. Ingrid R Knutsen, Christina Foss (Norway). 3. Understanding the Influence the SocioEconomic Environment and Social Network Mechanisms of Self Management In Europe. Anne E Rogers, Ivo Vassilev, Christos Lionis, Elka Todorova (United Kingdom). 4. Institutional approaches to self-management of chronic conditions: fellowship, selfpresentation, healthy mindset, moral and healthpedagogy. Dagmara Bossy, Christina Foss, Ingrid Ruud Knutsen (Norway). 3. Embodying Risk: Navigating Discourses of Risk and Responsibility during the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic. Irene Shankar (Canada). 4. (In)security and the art of government: the communication of risks in the production and management of contemporary vulnerable subjects. Isabelle St-Pierre, Amélie Perron (Canada). 3. Las políticas neoliberales y el malestar emocional: el caso de la población inmigrante en Mallorca. María Gómez Garrido, Miquel Àngel Oliver (Spain). 4. Impacto en salud de la exclusión al sistema sanitario. Sebastià March LLull, Beatriz Alonso Reyes, Carolina García Peraire, Francisca Bestard Reus, Gemma Lorente, Damiana Pérez Mariano, Trinidad Planas Juan, Aina Mascaró (Spain). ISIH 6th International Conference · 2 15:15-15:45h COFFEE BREAK* Room: Hall Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover 15:45-17:45h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Chair: Andreu Bover Chair: Sioban Nelson Chair: Trudy Rudge Chair: Niels Buus Structural health Inequities and care practices Professional genealogy Body “building” Dementia care challenged 1. Conceptualizing health inequities: a critical interrogation of conceptual frameworks for understanding and promoting health equity. Olena Hankivsky, Daniel Grace (Canada). 1. Re-inventing artisans for 21st century health care. David A Nicholls (New Zealand). 1. The Postwar Woman as Slave to Her Biology: Using Embodied History to Demonstrate Gendered Health Inequities. Heather M Stanley (Canada). 1. Moral Agency amidst Regulatory Regimes in Nursing Homes Pia C Kontos, Karen-Lee Miller, Gail Mitchell (Canada). 2. Men with cancer. A critical anthropological perspective on inequalities in cancer rehabilitation. Helle Ploug Hansen (Denmark). 2. Send in the Clowns!: Challenging Existential Loss in Dementia Pia C Kontos, Karen-Lee Miller, Gail Mitchell (Canada). 3. Actually, I did not have any other choice. Karen Groven, Karen Synne Groven, Gunn Engelsrud (Norway). 3. Eldercare as everybody’s concern? A sideways view. Christine Ceci (Canada). 2. Moving the State: Practicing citizenship through the experience of illness in South Africa. Hillary Birch (Canada). 3. Lack of awareness or lack of mindset for tackling health inequities in developed economies. Martha Traverso-Yepez (Canada). 4. Frame Analysis of Care in the Current Spanish Dependency Law (LAPAD). Maria Antonia Carbonero Gamundí, Juana Guillén Cifre (Spain). Wednesday · 10/06/2015 2. Suffrage suspended? Counter-narratives of womens’ quest for professional legitimacy. David A Nicholls (New Zealand). 3. (Re) thinking the historical political impact of nursing through the work of Donzelot and Foucault Evy E Nazon, Amélie Perron, Thomas Foth (Canada). 4. Bodies, voice and change: exploring the construction of fat bodies in health. Jenny Setchell, Michael Gard, Irmard Tischner (Australia). 4. Meeting the needs of patients with dementia: Findings from a qualitative study of integrated health and social care in Reykjavik. Margrét Guðnadóttir, Kristín Björnsdóttir, Sigríður Jónsdóttir (Iceland). 5. Narrative of women with fibromyalgia: uncovering the gender dimensions of an illness experience. Maria Gómez Garrido, Patricia Roth Damas, Monica Portillo, Mara Sempere, Vicente Palop (Spain). ISIH 6th International Conference · 3 Thursday · 11/06/2015 09:00-17:00h TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Room: Sala de Graus 09:00-11:00h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Sal 01a - Sal 01b Sal 02b - Sal 06 Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Chair: Maria Antònia Carbonero Chair: Denise Gastaldo Chair: Margalida Miró Chair: Joan de Pedro Critical Policy Analysis PANEL: The Enactment of Social Justice through Nursing Praxis Rethinking and knowledge utilization Micropolítica ante la desigualdad social (Session in Spanish: Micropolitics and social inequity) 1. ‘Children of the Recession’: critical policy analysis of a report card concerned with child poverty. Rochelle Einboden, Trudy Rudge (Australia). 1. Youth-Centered Participatory Action Research: Creating Spaces of Resistance and Change amid Inherent Inequities. Abe Oudshoorn, Helene Berman (Canada). 2. Who is the elderly person? The discourses in policies and regulations. Isabela I Velloso, Meiriele Araujo (Brazil). 2. Dismantling Health Inequities through Liberatory Curricula: An Emancipatory Challenge to Nursing Education. Paula N. Kagan (United States). 3. Children’s adverse experience in times of hegemonic neo-liberalism. Martha Traverso-Yepez (Canada). 4. Nietzsche, euthanasia - and the right to die. Pawel Krol (Canada). 3. Deconstructing Visual Hegemony: Fighting for a Just Space for Voice and Praxis within the Mechanics of Photovoice Robin A. Evans-Agnew, Marie-Anne S. Rosenberg , Doris Boutain (United States). 4. An Emancipatory Method to Identify and Address Social Structures that Perpetuate Health Inequities. Margaret Pharris, Carol Pavlish (United States). Thursday · 11/06/2015 1. A critical look at the process of standardized assessment. Camilla B Rossen (Denmark). 2. The social organization of the electronic medical record: Nurses’ noticing downgraded. Janet M Rankin, Marie Campbell (Canada). 3. How Do Integrated Knowledge Translation Partners Poise themselves to use research findings to Improve Practice, Programming, and Policy for Families Living in Poverty? Lesley Pullishy, Maria Mayan, Sanchia Lo, Solina Richter, Jane Drummond (Canada). 1. Maternidad y Micropolítica de la producción de cuidados. Marta Benet Blasco, Margarida Pla Consuegra (Spain). 3. Indicadores de desigualdad social e inequidad en la problemática asociada al abuso de substancias psicoactivas. Patricia E Sanz de Alvarez, Patricia E Alvarez, João C Alchieri (Brazil). 3. Pruebas Rápidas de VIH en población en situación de prostitución y exclusión social. Belén M Matesanz Mateu, Paloma Martín Martín, Sara Rodríguez Caballero, Àngels Moreno Vicens, Igor Ferrà Karaeva (Spain). 4. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as Neoliberal Rationalities of Wellbeing: Successful Resistance in the Game of Micro-Macro Determinants of Health. James P Ronan (Canada). ISIH 6th International Conference · 4 11:00-11:30h COFFEE BREAK* Room: Hall Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover 11:30-13:30h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a - Sal 01b Sal 02b - Sal 06 Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Chair: Mary Ellen Purkis Chair: Amélie Perron Chair: Montserrat Gea Chair: Carme Alorda Families and health equity (Neo)colonialism and oppression Gender inequities Derecho a la salud (Session in Spanish: Health as a right) 1. The role of families in paediatric physiotherapy: a critical analysis. Clarissa A Cunha de Araujo, Berta Paz Lourido, Sebastià Verger Gelabert (Spain). 1. Visible minority nurses: Socio-cultural barriers to vertical mobility in hospitals. Naima Bouabdillah, Dave Holmes, Jocelyne Tourigny (Canada). 1. Boys, Bodies, and Gender in Scholastic Health and Physical Education: Implications for Health and Well-Being. Patrick Jachyra (Canada). 2. Proposal of a thecnology for the promotion of child development in the context of equity in health. Lisliane Aparecida Fracolli (Brazil). 2. Settler Colonialism and Neoliberal Competency Measures. Donna Jeffery (Canada). 2. Women, depressive disorders, and the mental health services request/demand in the French-speaking Canadian region: An intersectional analysis. Lilian Negura, Florina Gaborean (Canada). 3. Indentifying the barriers to achieving equity in primary health care services in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Lisliane Aparecida Fracolli (Brazil). 4. Inequities, social determinants of mental health and its relations with care practices: a study in natal/RN/Brasil. Luciana M Azevedo (Brazil). 13:30-14:30h LUNCH* Thursday · 11/06/2015 3. Nurturing Awareness on the Culture of Oppression. Angela D Banks, Chenit Ong-Flaherty (United States). 4. Cultural Convictions vs Medical Prescriptions: Assessing a Minors Capacity to Consent. Carey R DeMichelis (Canada). 3. Examining inequalities in intimate partner violence against subaltern women: Time to uproot the root cause, not just any cause. Laila Rahman (Canada). 4. Re-imagining fatherhood: Perinatal child custody loss, poverty and parenting at the margins. Janet A Parsons, Natalie Baker, Katherine Boydell, Patricia O’Campo, Hwang Stephen, Sanjeev Sridharan, Allison Scott, Clara Juando (Canada). Restaurant 1. Tres años de políticas de austeridad en el sistema sanitario español. Análisis de la literatura sobre la promulgación del Real Decreto 16/2012 y su impacto en la ciudadanía. Cristina Moreno Mulet, Margalida Miró Bonet, Joaquín Valdivielso Navarro (Spain). 2. Observatorio del Derecho a la Asistencia Sanitaria en Mallorca, barreras de acceso a la salud para las poblaciones más vulnerables. Belén M Matesanz Mateu, Ana Pérez Ramírez, Francisco Garrido Soler, Francisco Peña Gaya, María José Fernández López, Miguel Ruiz Veramendi (Spain). 3. El desarrollo de la competencia política de las enfermeras: la indispensable aportación profesional a la defensa del derecho a la salud. Rosamaria Alberdi Castell (Spain). 4. Bienestar profesional ante la precarización del sistema público de servicios sociales. Fernanda Caro, Joana Maria Mestre (Spain). Building: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos ISIH 6th International Conference · 5 14:30-16:30h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Sal 01a - Sal 01b Sal 02b - Sal 05a - Sal 06 Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 05a Sal 06 Chair: Margalida Miró Chair: Kristin Björnsdóttir Chair: Concha Zaforteza Chair: Denise Gastaldo Chair: Elizabeth Peter Poststructural discourse analysis Practising inclusion Thinking critically about team work Migration and health inequities Reconsidering organizational practices 1. Mobilizing Desire: A Deleuzian re-formation of movement. Barbara Gibson, David Nicholls (Canada). 1. The politics of implementing policy in a New Zeland primary health care arena. Jenny Carryer (New Zeland). 1. Inequity at Emergency Departments. An Ethnographic Approach. Stephanie Van Droogenbroeck (Belgium). 2. Epistemological Developments of The Harm Reduction Paradigm in Canada and the United Kingdom. Rusty Souleymanov, Dan Allman (Canada). 2. Developing a strategy for targeting homelessness in Salvador/BA, Brazil. Renata M Veras, Gezilda B. Souza, Wilton N. Figueredo (Brazil). 1. Advancing the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Health Team Model: Applying Democratic Professionalism, Implementation Science and Therapeutic Alliance to Enact Social Justice Practice. Nancy Murphy (United States). 1. The dilemma of project organization: between welldefined projects and prospects of learning in telecare and welfare innovation. Hilde Thygesen, Ingunn Moser (Norway). 3. Popular media and (in)fertility: A genealogical analysis. Deborah A Payne, Joanne Fadyl (New Zealand). 3. Providing A Forum for Transgender Understanding and Acceptance at a Jesuit University Stefan R Rowniak, Chenit OngFlaherty (United States). 4. Gay Men’s Sexual Subjectivities in the Age of HIV/ AIDS: A discourse analysis of activists’ experiences in Nova Scotia, Canada. Matthew S Numer (Canada). 5. Brothers-in-Cum: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Barebacking Rhetoric. Dave Holmes (Canada). 19:30h 4. Reformulating ‘Inclusion’: a study with non-speaking disabled youth. Gail M Teachman, Barbara E Gibson (Canada). 2. The social organization of the electronic medical record: Nurses’ noticing downgraded. Janet M Rankin, Marie Campbell (Canada). 2. Finding a Place for Me Outside the Stereotypes: Creating an Action Plan to Support the Mental Wellbeing of Racialized Immigrant Women. Fay Mahdieh Dastjerdi, Judith MacDonnell, Nazilla Khanlou, Wangari Tharao , Nimo Bokore, Wairimu njoroge (Canada). 3. Nurses’ shift reports: A systematic review and critique of qualitative studies. Niels Buus, Bente Hoeck (Denmark), Bridget Hamilton (Australia). 3. The Role of Gender and Ethnicity in the Well-being and Integration of Iranian and Afghan Older Adult Immigrant Women in Canada. Fay Mahdieh Dastjerdi, Afkham Mardukhi, Adeena Niazi (Canada). 4. In praise of ignorance? Towards an epistemology of “unknowing” in nursing and health care. Amelie Perron (Canada), Trudy Rudge (Australia). 4. “Gramma cannot be left alone” Access and utilization of social and health services by undocumented Latin American immigrant women working in Lleida (Catalonia, Spain). Montse Gea-Sánchez, Denise Gastaldo, Fidel Molina-Luque, Laura OteroGarcía, Joan Blanco-Blanco (Spain). 2. Interpersonal relationships and policy workarounds: Using theories of practice to examine patient transitions from hospital to home. Jay Shaw, Pia Kontos, Wendy Martin, Christina Victor (Canada). 3. Stigmatization perpetuated by neoliberal austerity: The ED nurses experience Jem C Masters, Trudy Rudge, Sandra West (Australia). 4. Social inequities in international volunteer health work: understanding entry point and context. Oona St-Amant (Canada). dinner Spanish Tapas Event at the La Paloma Restaurant. Tickets for this event can be purchased at the webpage: Thursday · 11/06/2015 ISIH 6th International Conference · 6 Friday · 12/06/2015 09:00-14:00h TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Room: Sala de Graus 09:00-11:00h PRESENTATIONS Rooms: Sal 01a - Sal 01b Sal 02b - Sal 06 Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover Sal 01a Sal 01b Sal 02b Sal 06 Chair: Sioban Nelson Chair: Jay Shaw Chair: Xim Valdivielso Chair: Berta Paz Being critical of inequalities Emerging Critical Methods Thinking with Foucault Emerging discourses in physiotherapy 1. The limits of the biopsychosocial model for investigating inequalities in health. David Pilgrim (United Kingdom). 1. Visual Methods for Health Equity. Clara Juando-Prats, Jan Angus, Janet Parsons, Diane Farmer (Canada). 1. Physiotherapist non-medical prescribing: A policy of transforming community services, service integration and the primacy of orthopaedic surgery. Nicky Wilson, Catherine Pope, Lisa Roberts, Robert Crouch (United Kingdom). 1. Embodied ways of knowing in physiotherapy - unexplored competencies? Anne G. Langaas, Anne-Lise Middelthon (Norway). 2. The Brazilian Nursing and social inequalities Kênia Silva, Roseni Sena (Brazil). 2. Physiotherapy at the intersection between the claims of standardization and individual adaptation. Wenche Bjorbækmo (Norway). 3. “The changes that are going on”: cultivating critical practices. Christine Ceci, Mary Ellen Purkis, Francine Wynn (Canada). 3. Picturing health, Picturing Life: Participant Visual Narratives of Living with Type 2 Diabetes. Sarah Gurley-Green (United States). 4. Re-designing nurses’ work: How Institutional Work Practices Perpetuate Health Inequities in Small Community Hospitals. Anne Bruce, Karen MacKinnon, Diane Butcher (Canada). 4. Some keys to change. The role of organic researcher and facilitators in a Participatory Action Research. Rosa F Miro-Bonet, Jaime Alberto Nicolau, José Luís de Pablos, Carlos Calderón, Concha Zaforteza (Spain). 11:00-11:30h COFFEE BREAK* Friday · 12/06/2015 2. “Speaking Truth to Power” Knowledge, health/care policy-making, and contradictory discourses. Catherine van Mossel (Canada). 3. A Post-Structuralist Concept Analysis of “Intellectual Disability” and its implications for nursing practice. Pierre Pariseau-Legault, Dave Holmes (Canada). 2. Does curing dominate at the cost of caring in professional training of physiotherapy students? Tone Dahl-Michelsen (Norway). 3. The Experience of Practice-Based Educators: Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students. Karen A Atkinson (United Kingdom). 4. A critical assessment of Foucault’s concept of resistance: Understanding ethical conflicts and actions of health professionals in Spain. Cristina Moreno Mulet, Joaquín Valdivielso Navarro, Margalida Miró Bonet (Spain). Room: Hall Building: Antoni Ma. Alcover ISIH 6th International Conference · 7 11:45-13.30h PLENARY SESSION Room: Salón de Actos Building: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Austerity measures and their impact in health: the European and Spanish cases (Medidas de austeridad, e impacto en salud: el caso europeo y español) Keynote speaker: Dr. Helena Legido-Quigley Simultaneous translation from Spanish to English CLOSING Closing Remarks and Announcement of the 7th ISIH Conference (2017) * Provided by the conference organization (no extra cost) Friday · 12/06/2015 ISIH 6th International Conference · 8
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