Tee Talk – February 2015 Tee Talk From the President As most of you know we had our AGM last Saturday January 24. The meeting was very smooth headed by our, until that day, President Rodney Brooks, with the valuable support of, also until that day our Treasurer, Randy Cooper. It was a complete surprise for me and I never thought that two days later I was going to be writing a letter to the Country Club de Chapala membership as the new President. There was not a voluntary candidate for President for the elections of this last AGM, so, following our ByLaws, the elected Board of Directors during the first BOD meeting have to elect internally the new President, they proposed and asked me to be the new President, and I accepted. I have already been in the past serving the CCC as part of the Board and as Treasurer, that is why I know and understand the great responsibility that represents being the Board of Directors President, a position that will require my best effort and dedication to serve the Club in the best way I can, and operate it looking always for the most beneficial ways for the Club, its membership, employees, and to have a good relationship with our society and government authorities. I also expect to improve the relationship between the Club and Colonos as it was since the very beginning and should continue, as it is our closest society, and actually a lot of the Colonos are also Club members, so, we should have an excellent relationship. It was already promoted by our former President Rodney Brooks, to the Executive Boards of the Club and Colonos to meet twice a year to not only improve the relationship between the two entities, but to study ways to improve the common areas, I couldn’t agree more with that idea, so I will propose that to the Colonos Board and ours. There is a very old problem that affects both Colonos and the Club, problem that has been faced and confronted in several occasions by different BOD and Presidents in different periods of time but never settled. It is the issue related to the water well. It is a very complex problem that began many years ago when the emissions of the concessions for the extraction of the water was transferred from the Agricultural and Hydraulic Resources Secretariat to the, in those times recently created, National Commission of the Water (CONAGUA). Some people misunderstanding the problem, and not knowing the commencement of it, have made the mistake to confront Colonos and the Club as counterparts of the conflict not understanding that the real counterpart is CONAGUA. It is a problem that eventually could legally affect the Club, that is already affecting Colonos because of the cost of the water, a latent problem that could be worst depending on the reactions from CONAGUA, so it worth’s to give all of our attention to try to give a permanent solution to it. I began to study the problem and to be involved in it when I was part of the CCC BOD more than ten years ago, together with the people that was in those times confronting the problem, among them Mr. Loren Reynolds, the Club President in those times, but even though some kind of allowances were gotten from CONAGUA, and their offensive was temporally appeased, a real and permanent solution has never been reached. I will focus my attention in this problem to try to reach once and for all a real and permanent solution to the problem in behalf of the Club, but I am sure Colonos will also be beneficiated. As I was saying, it is not an easy task what I have accepted, but I can promise you that I will put my best effort and time to try to follow that path; fortunately we are receiving the Club with a very good financial position, thanks to the excellent management of the former BOD and Presidents. Thanks to all of them. As informed in the AGM information package, two small increments of $100 pesos each were suggested and approved by the Assembly, so, these increments will be retroactive to 01/01/15. These actually are not increments but adjustments to update with the expected inflation. Page 1 Tee Talk – February 2015 We began this year with new requirements from the Federal Government since Hacienda is requiring a new kind of electronic accounting in order them to be able to collate the electronic invoices in a digital way, which is a new lock to avoid the evasion of taxes, so we will require internal changes in the accountability, we already began to work on that since these requirements are mandatory beginning 2015. With only two days serving you as President, I do not have more issues to inform you, I expect to send a more extensive message for this coming month. Como todos Ustedes saben, nuestra Asamblea Anual Ordinaria tuvo lugar el pasado Sábado 24 del presente. La junta fue muy bien llevada por el hasta ese día presidente Rodney Brooks, muy eficientemente apoyado por el también hasta ese día Tesorero Randy Cooper. Para mí fue una sorpresa y nunca pensé que dos días después estaría escribiendo un mensaje para la membresía como nuevo Presidente del Club. No hubo candidato voluntario para la posición de Presidente para las elecciones durante la última Asamblea, así es que siguiendo nuestros Estatutos, la Mesa Directiva Electa, durante su primera junta, debe de elegir internamente un nuevo Presidente, ellos me propusieron y yo acepté. Ya he servido en el pasado como parte de Mesas Directivas del Club, e incluso he sido Tesorero del mismo, por lo cual se y entiendo la gran responsabilidad que representa el ser Presidente, una posición que requerirá mi mejor esfuerzo y dedicación para tratar de servir al Club de la mejor manera posible, operándolo buscando siempre lo mejor para el Club, sus miembros, sus empleados y el tener una buena relación con la sociedad y con las autoridades Gubernamentales. También espero mejorar las relaciones del Club con los Colonos como debería de ser siempre, ya que es nuestra más cercana sociedad, y muchos de los Colonos son al mismo tiempo miembros del Club. Por lo que deberíamos de tener siempre excelentes relaciones. Ya fue antes promovido por nuestro anterior presidente, el Señor Rodney Brooks, el que los Comités Ejecutivos del Club y de Colonos se reunieran dos veces al año no solo para mejorar las relaciones entre las dos entidades, sino para buscar la forma de mejorar las áreas que nos son comunes; estoy totalmente de acuerdo con esa idea, por lo que propondré a la Mesa Directiva de CVL y a la nuestra que lo llevemos a cabo. Existe un viejo problema que afecta tanto al Club como a Colonos que ha sido enfrentado en varias ocasiones por diferentes Mesas Directivas y Presidentes del Club en diferentes períodos de tiempo pero nunca solucionado. Es el problema relacionado con el pozo del agua. Es un problema muy complejo que empezó hace muchos años cuando la emisión de las concesiones para la extracción del agua pasó de la SARH a la recién creada en aquel entonces CONAGUA. Algunas gentes malentendiendo el problema y no sabiendo cómo se inició han cometido el error de confrontar al Club y a Colonos como contrapartes en el conflicto sin entender que la real contraparte es CONAGUA Es un problema que podría eventualmente afectar legalmente al Club, que ya está afectando a Colonos por el costo del agua, un problema latente que podría ser peor dependiendo de reacciones por parte de CONAGUA, por lo que vale la pena que pongamos toda nuestra atención para darle una solución definitiva. Empecé a estar involucrado en el problema y a estudiarlo siendo parte de la Mesa Directiva del Club, hace más de diez años, junto con la gente que lo trató de enfrentar en esos tiempos, entre ellos el Señor Loren Reynolds, Presidente del Club en ese timepo, pero aunque se consiguieron algunas prerrogativas por parte de CONAGUA y se apaciguo temporalmente su ofensiva, nunca se ha alcanzado una solución definitiva. Enfocaré mi atención en este problema para tratar de conseguir de una vez por todas una real y permanente solución al problema en beneficio del Club, pero también estoy seguro beneficiará a Colonos. Como les estaba diciendo, no es una tarea fácil la que he aceptado, pero les puedo prometer que pondré mi mejor esfuerzo y tiempo para tratar de seguir el camino propuesto. Afortunadamente hemos recibido el Club en una excelente posición financiera, gracias al excelente trabajo realizado por las anteriores Mesas Directivas y Presidentes, gracias a todos ellos. Como oportunamente se informo en el paquete de información de la Asamblea, dos pequeños incrementos en las cuotas de $100 pesos cada uno se propusieron y fueron aprobados en la Asamblea, estos incrementos se aplicarán retroactivamente al primero de este mes de Enero, en realidad estos no son incrementos sino ajustes para librar la inflación esperada para este año. Iniciamos este año con nuevos requerimientos por parte de Hacienda que está pidiendo unos nuevos reportes contables electrónicos que sabemos son con el propósito de compulsar todas las facturas en forma digital, o sea un nuevo candado para evitar la evasión de impuestos, por lo que necesitaremos hacer cambios en nuestra contabilidad al respecto, ya empezamos a trabajar en ello, ya que este cambio lo hicieron obligatorio iniciando el 2015. Con solo dos días sirviéndoles como Presidente no tengo mucho que informarles, espero enviar un mensaje más extenso para el próximo mes. Jose Diaz Presidente del Country Club de Chapala Page 2 Tee Talk – February 2015 Ladies Results January 2015 From the President 1-2 Ladies' Results 3 Couple’s Results 3 Bridge Results 3 Men’s Results 4 Go Go Results 4 2015 Board of Directors 5 February Dinners 6 Dinner Reservations 6 Convenor(s): Kathryn Vine & Maggie Pye Ladies Day - Jan 6/15 – Game: Best Two Balls 1st 2nd Low Gross (19) Lorna Rooper, Kathryn Vine, Elizabeth Lee & Karen Spencer Rossana Aguirre, Karen Rowell & Laurie Zibnack “A” Flight Lynette Romero “B” Flight Maggie Pye Ladies Day - Jan 13/15 – Game: Turkey Shoot (18) First Round of the PRESIDENT'S CUP and MARIA'S CUP Ladies Day - Jan 20/15 - Game: Either / Or Winners Canastas Tourny 7 (18) Western BBQ 7 Bar/Food Bills 8 Requests from Library 8 “A” Flight “B” Flight “C” Flight February Calendar 9 Ladies Day – Jan 27/15 – Game: Ace of the Month Classes Calendar 10 Kids and their Future 10 Line Dancing 11 Restaurant Services 11 Dalton Toyota 11 ACE 2nd 3rd 1st 1st 1st Maggie Gaudet Elizabeth Lee Irka Campbell 2nd 2nd 2nd Karen Rowell Maggie Pye Karen Spencer (16) Joy Rathbone DiAnne Maczko Dawn Turner PRESIDENT’S CUP - Jan 16/15 – Game: Match Play Winner Runner-Up Consolation Runner-Up Lynette Romero Micheline Campeau Kathryn Vine Rossana Aguirre MARIA'S CUP - Jan 16/15 – Game: Match Play Winner Runner-Up Consolation Runner-Up Maggie Pye Laurie Zibnack Irka Campbell Patsy Neely Couples Results January 2015 Couples Jan 22/15 1st 2nd 3rd Sue & Bob Doiron, Janis Phair & Mike Daniel Peggy & Rodney Brooks, Sue & John Scarlett Johanna & Brad Clark, Suzy & Jim Park Bridge Results – January 2015 Jan 7/15 1st Mary O'Brian 2nd Liette Levesque Jan 14/15 1st Cleo Hengstebeck 2nd Nancy Benefield Jan 21/15 1st Nancy Benefield 2nd Ruth Wilhelm Jan 28/15 1st Aubrey Righton 2nd Keith Henry Page 3 Tee Talk – February 2015 Men's Results January 2015 Men's Day - Jan 7/15 - Game: Stableford 1st 2nd 3rd Yvon Campeau, Bob Delaney, Chad Olsen, Bob Lee Barry Rowell, Rodney Brooks, Paul Buchanan, Ron Harrop Thomas Mills, Jim Campbell, Mike Briscoe, Barry Pajak Men's Day - Jan 14/15 - Game: 2 Best Balls 1st 2nd 3rd Ernest Sowers, Allen Farmer, Paul Buckanan Barry Rowell, Lee Schoon, Gary Fish Yvon Campeau, F. Reidelberger, Gardeon Brown Men's Day - Jan 21/15 - Game: Stableford 1st 2nd 3rd Rod Pye, F. Reidelberger,Don Lillie, Bob Lee Barry Rowell, Barney Leader, Paul Buchanan, Gary Fish Ernest Sowers, Chad Olsen, Bill Patterson, Dennis Van Dyke Men's Day - Jan 28/15 - Game: Best 3 on 5s, best 2 on 4s, best 1 on 3s 1st 2nd 3rd Jack Cummins, Mike Briscoe, Bill Patterson, Paul Buchanan David Gurl, Ian Fraser, Raymond Tuner, Jim Pelz Nigel Birnie, Bob Delaney, Lee Schoon, Read Vawter Go Go Results – January 2015 Go Go - Jan 15/15 - Game: Rewards Club Telephones 1st 2nd 3rd Beth Pearson, Suzie Di Giovanni, Peter James Barry Rowell, Dino Di Giovanni, Olga Spraggett, Virginia Birnie David Gurll, Len Spraggett, Karen Rowell, Melody Shurgour Closet To The Pin Men Ladies Barney Leader Bob Hoch Jeff Roper Len Spraggett Susie Di Giovani ---Lorna Roper Lorna Roper Office 763-5384 Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:30 #4 #8 #13 #17 Pro Shop 763-5136 Go Go - Jan 28/15 - Game: String 06:30 - 18:30 Restaurant 763-5625 Mon-Thurs 09:00 - 18:30 Friday Dinner 18:00 www.ccchapala.com Website access a problem? Call the Office (376) 763-5384 1st 2nd 3rd 4th David Gurll, Brad Clark, Helen James Dusty Peel, Lee Schoon, Dolores Leader, Sandy Feldmann Rodney Brooks, Joy Rathbone, Susan Doiron Barry Rowell, Barney Leader, Olga Spraggett, Arleen Foster Closet To The Pin #4 #8 #13 #17 Men Ladies George Slingerland Tom Mills Rodney Brooks Peter James Helen James ---Feather Slingerland Joy Rathbone*** !!!JOY HAD A HOLE IN ONE -- CONGRATULATIONS, JOY !!! Page 4 Tee Talk – February 2015 2015 Board of Directors Jose Diaz President/Presidente Charlie Temple Greens Chair/ Director Comité de Greenes Rodney Brooks House Chair/ Director Casa Club Frances Smartt Vice President/Membership Co-Chair Vice Presidente/Co-Director de Membrecías Larry Powers Treasurer/ Tesorero Rod Pye Golf Chair/ Director Comité de Golf Rob Edwards Long Range Planning Chair/ Director Planeación de Largo Plazo Tom Mills House Committee/ Comité Casa Club Dusty Peel Comisario Tom Light Assistant Treasurer/ Asistente de Tesorero Sally Gurll Secretary/ Secretaria Kathryn Vine Membership Co-Chair/ CoDirector de Membrecías Brad Clark Communication Chair/Tee Talk Director Comunicaciones Robert Hoch Social Chair/ Director Social Grant Morris Assistant Comisario/ Asistente Comisario Page 5 Tee Talk – February 2015 - I can airmail the golf ball, but sometimes I don't put the right address on it. ~ Jim Dent February 2015 Dinners Friday, Feb 6/15: Spaghetti with meatballs and chicken fettuccini, green salad and garlic bread 120 pesos Paul & Herma Buchanan Guest Speakers: How Two People Made a Difference - Someone once told me that there is more to life than golf. I think it was my ex-wife. ~ Bruce Lansky - When the ducks are walking, you know it is too windy to be playing golf. ~ Dave Stockton Friday, Feb 13/15: Ricardo and Blanca Entertaining Friday, Feb 20/15: - Golf is a game where the ball always lies poorly and the player always lies well. ~ Anonymous Pulled pork sandwiches, blackened tilapia, grilled veggies, salad, and bread pudding 120 pesos Noe with Jimmy Barto Entertaining 25 pesos cover charge Friday, Feb 27/15: - The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing." ~ Phyllis Diller Steak or tilapia with tamarindo sauce and baked potatoes with gravy and green salad. 125 pesos Western BBQ: Ribs, Chicken, & Roast beef, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, and Salad 160 pesos Folklorico Ixtlahuacan Entertaining 25 peso cover charge Please sign up at the Club, on-line or call Javier 763-5625 MAKE YOUR DINNER RESERVATIONS ON LINE IT’S EASY!!! Go to www.ccchapala.com Login. Go to CCC Calendar and click on the CCC Social Event Calendar. - The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf. ~ Will Rogers - Golf is a game in which you yell "fore"... shoot six... and write down five. ~ Paul Harvey Scroll down, choose the dinner reservation you would like attend. Click on the BLUE RESERVATION button to the right of all dinners. Enter the number of people coming, your preferred table location (inside or out) and the number of specific meals you would like. If you have a special request, such as a vegetarian meal, enter your request in the option box. Update your reservation at anytime. Please cancel within 24 hours (or call Javier at the Club 763-5625) View the reservation list to see who else is coming!! Page 6 Tee Talk – February 2015 Winners of First Annual Canastas Tournament George and Sheila Margellos Western BBQ January 30, 2015 Jerry Mayfield Entertaining Page 7 Tee Talk – February 2015 BAR/FOOD BILLS Members and guests using the restaurant/bar are asked to request the bill for their food and beverage orders before leaving. All of your orders throughout the day (breakfast, a drink from the bar cart, an after golf drink or meal) will be maintained and one bill will be printed for you before you leave the club. Account members need to ask to sign their bill and a copy will be given to them. Social members and guests are required to pay cash. Please remember that tips are not included on your bill. Requests from the CCC Library - The library currently stocks books and movies. I think most people aren’t aware of our movies, but we have a few. They are located on the rear shelf in a basket. Please feel free to check them out and add to our small collection. - There has been a suggestion made to include jigsaw puzzles in the library. We have room for a few, if you are interested in donating jigsaw puzzles, please leave them next to the book drop basket in the library. - Please return books to the book drop basket, this enables me to determine what books people are reading. - To help you find books you might be looking for there is an index (white binder) on the top shelf as you look toward the first hole. If you know a title and don't know the author, leave me a note and I will see if we have it in our library. Don't forget to leave your phone number. Sherry Eastwood Page 8 Tee Talk – February 2015 February 2015 CALENDAR SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 Ladies’ Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm WEDNESDAY 4 Men’s Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm THURSDAY 5 Couples Golf 3:00 pm FRIDAY 6 Spaghetti w/meatballs or Chicken Fettuccini Paul & Herma Buchanan Speaking: How 2 People Make a Difference 120 pesos SATURDAY 7 8 9 10 Ladies’ Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 11 Men’s Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 12 Go-Go Golf 8:40 am Registration 13 Steak or Tilapia Ricardo and Blanca Entertaining 125 pesos 14 15 16 17 Ladies’ Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 18 Men’s Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 19 Ladies Club Championship 8:30 am Round 2 20 Mardi Gras Pulled pork sandwiches or blackened tilapia Noe with Jimmy Barto Entertaining (25 pesos cover charge) 120 pesos 21 27 Western BBQ Ribs, Chicken, Roast Beef Folklorico Ixtlahuacan Entertaining (25 peso cover charge) 160 pesos 28 Ladies Club Championship Round 1 8:30 am Couples Golf 3:00 pm BOD Meeting 1:00 pm 22 23 24 Ladies’ Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Ladies Club Championship Round 3 8:30 am 25 Men’s Day 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 26 Go-Go Golf 8:40 am Registration Mixed Horserace 1:00 pm Men’s Golf Clinic Tuesdays 9:30 am / Ladies Golf Clinic Wednesdays at 9:30 am CCC Restaurant / Bar Telephone 763-5625 CCC Website http://www.ccchapala.com Page 9 Tee Talk – February 2015 CCC Classes February 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon9:30-10:30* Zumba Gold-10:45-11:45 3 Mexican Train-2:00 4 Zumba Gold-9:30-10:30* Line Dancing-11:00 Bridge Group-1:00 5 Yoga begin-8:00-9:00* Yoga interm.-9:15-10:30* Zumba Gold-11:00-12:00* 6 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon11:30-12:30* Journaling: 1:00%% 9 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon9:30-10:30* Zumba Gold-10:45-11:45 10 Mexican Train-2:00 11 Zumba Gold-9:30-10:30* Line Dancing-11:00 Bridge Group-1:00 12 Yoga begin-8:00-9:00* Yoga interm.-9:15-10:30* Zumba Gold-11:00-12:00* 13 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon11:30-12:30* Journaling: 1:00%% 16 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon9:30-10:30* Zumba Gold-10:45-11:45 17 Mexican Train-2:00 18 Zumba Gold-9:30-10:30* Line Dancing-11:00 Bridge Group-1:00 19 Yoga begin-8:00-9:00* Yoga interm.-9:15-10:30* Zumba Gold-11:00-12:00* 20 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon11:30-12:30* Journaling: 1:00%% 23 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon9:30-10:30* Zumba Gold-10:45-11:45* 24 Mexican Train-2:00 25 Zumba Gold-9:30-10:30* Line Dancing-11:00 Bridge Group-1:00 26 Yoga begin-8:00-9:00* Yoga interm.-9:15-10:30* Zumba Gold-11:00-12:00* 27 Salsa, Cumbia, Danzon11:30-12:30* Journaling: 1:00%% Activities marked with (*) cost 40 pesos per person. Please bring exact change. %%Journaling class is 50 pesos for a one hour session KIDS AND THEIR FUTURE WORLD CHANGE STARTS WITH EDUCATED CHILDREN With an all time high enrollment of forty-four students to support, the Kids and Their Future Committee has begun work on organizing the 2015 version of the Amigo Cup. Last year’s event was a great success with seventy-six players enjoying a beautiful day, fun golf and a lovely meal following the competition. The tournament proceeds made it possible for our committee to offer further educational support to our hard working employees. Currently forty-five club members make a monthly contribution in the amount of 50 to 500 pesos to the education fund. The Kids and Their Future Committee are grateful for this ongoing support. th The Amigo Cup 2015, will be held on March 26 . Information flyers will soon be in the pro shop as well as a sign up sheet. The low entry fee from last year will be maintained at $600 pesos per person for club members and $800 pesos per person for non-members. The entry fee pays for a mini-breakfast, golf, cart, balls, prizes and a bountiful meal when play is complete. Meal tickets only are available for $200 pesos each. Vegetarians should request a meatless meal when they purchase their tickets. The format is a Four Person Scramble and participants may sign up as a team of four, but pairs and even individuals are welcome to sign up. Each team must have a minimum handicap of 60. Play begins at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday , March 26th, 2015 Page 10 Tee Talk – February 2015 Board of Directors FREE / GRATIS President Jose Diaz [email protected] EXERCISE AND FUN every Wednesday morning!!! EJERCITESE Y DIVIERTASE cada Miércoles por la mañana!!! Vice-President / Co-Chair Membership Committee Fran Smartt [email protected] Treasurer Larry Powers [email protected] Assistant Treasurer Thomas Light Join us for Line Dance!! Unase a nosotros para un Baile grupal en líneas (tipo Caballo Dorado)!!! Great music and easy, fun steps! Buena musica y pasos de baile fáciles y divertidos! [email protected] Greens Chair Charlie Temple [email protected] Golf Chair Rod Pye [email protected] Secretary Sally Gurll [email protected] Co-Chair Membership Committee Kathryn Vine [email protected] House Chair Rodney Brooks [email protected] Long Range Planning Chair Rob Edwards [email protected] Info: Beth Nabe 763-5710 │Country Club de Chapala presents: Country Club de Chapala Presente: Heat & Eat take out food Cost is 80 pesos and menu varies by day. Call before 5 PM to 763 5626 to place your order. Comida caliente para llevar Cuesta $80 pesos y el menú es variado Hablar antes delas 5:00 pm al Tel: 7635625 para hacer su pedido Pies & Cakes We need three days advance notice. Best to meet with Javier and place your order. Costs starts at 200 pesos. Pyes y Pasteles Se ordenan con tres días de anticipación Es mejor contactar a Javier y hacerle el pedido El costo comienza con $200 pesos Catering Let us cook for your next event. We can supply servers and serving equipment, too! Comida para eventos Dejenos el trabajo de cocinar a nosotros en su próximo evento Nosotros ofrecemos la comida con servicio y meseros. Communications Chair/ Tee Talk Brad Clark [email protected] Social Chair Robert Hoch [email protected] House Committee Tom Mills [email protected] Commissario Dusty Peel [email protected] Assistant Commissario Grant Morris [email protected] Page 11
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