SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE - St. Peters Catholic Community

Associate Pastor
Assistant to the Pastor
School Principal
Pastoral Associate
Children Faith Formation
Formación de Fe para Niños
Youth Minister
Liturgy Coordinator
Coordinador de Música
Bulletin Editor
15-16 N
, 2014
Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205
Fr. Manuel Villarreal 760.689.6209
Don Jensen
Daniel Rosas
Ed White
Linda McCotter
Meg Long-Eastman
Denell Robles
Petra Díaz
Daniel Andrus
Valerie Kahle
Juan Domingo
Steve Zimmerle
[email protected]
& 11:00
450 S. S
& 6:00 (E
 F
& 1:00
(E )
92028-2457  T P
: 760.689.6250
: 760.689.6240
[email protected]
520 S. M
: 760.728.7012
: 760.689.6200  F
15-16 November, 2014
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But an awful question arises.
Does God curse those who are
afraid and who bury what they
are given?
The Fear Factor
The Gospel for Sunday tells a pretty simple story. A
wealthy man leaves goods for each of three servants to manage while he is gone. We not are told
whether he gives them instructions. Finally he returns. Of the three he sees two that invested the
money and got back twice the amount. He is delighted.
Jesus does seem to say so. “To
everyone who has, more will be
given and [he] will grow rich; but
from the one who has not, even
what he has will be taken away.”
Thus far the moral of the story would be: “Make the
most of what you’ve got.”
What does it mean? In the realm of spirituality there
is only one thing I know that goes away if it is buried
but which gets greater if you use it.
But we miss the most interesting part of all if we
look just at the successful servants (as does the
shortened version of the Gospel mistakenly do in
the lectionary!!!!!). We lose the fascinating and puzzling story of the third servant.
Ouch. OUCH.
If fear slams the door against love, guess where
you or I will be. In the darkness outside, wailing and
gnashing our teeth.
This poor soul did not invest the money at all. He
buried it. Quite simply, he was afraid of investing it
and losing it. Seems he was right to be afraid, given
the way the owner actually did throw the poor man
into “the darkness outside” where would be “wailing
and grinding of teeth.” Quite an overreaction, it
seems: the poor servant just wanted to keep the
owner’s money safe!
Get this: we all are frightened. But God has compassion upon us. God waits for ages to see if we
will not accept just a bit of the love he offers, and if
we will even find just enough courage to invest
some of that love in other people. It is definitely a
risk, and God is often disappointed in the results.
Surely he says, “oh no, not again,” when we fail.
Maybe the owner was simply a “demanding person,” as the parable says. Dark-spirited.
But this is a reaction from someone who loves us
very well.
But there is more to it. There was a lot at stake. The
monetary unit “talent” in Jesus’ time was not a small
amount. Even one talent could be worth more than
a laborer would earn in a lifetime. And the servants
had a lot more entrusted to them than just money.
The owner left them all his possessions, everything
he had. He took a great risk and he wanted them to
do the same, not to leave the investment rotting
away underground somewhere.
Remember, love casts out fear.
We all are frightened. But God has compassion upon us. Assume now that the parable is about God.
Maybe God entrusts an even greater amount to you
and me. Our intricate lives. Our abilities. The living
breathing human beings around us. Love for and
from them—and every so often, real and open acts
of unselfishness on our part. God gives all this and
more free of charge: our own lives with all their rewards and catastrophes. God says to us, dive in.
Have your life. Make whatever you will with it because you are my beloved.
Let love in.
John Foley S. J.
Fr. John Foley, S. J. is a composer and scholar at
Saint Louis University.
Copyright © 2014, John B. Foley, S. J.
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or
parish use
Who prays as they ought will endeavor to live as they pray.
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish
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Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5;
1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or,
(for the memorial of the Dedication)
Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Lk 19:45-48
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
Children's Faith Formation is beginning a See's Candies fundraising sale. We chose See's because of its
fine reputation for quality.
Since all of the Vacation Bible School students will
benefit from our fundraiser, we greatly appreciate
everyone's support. Pick up order forms at the Parish
office, CFF office or St. Peter's School office. Please
help by placing an order by Nov 23rd One pound
boxes and novelty items will be sold at the Alternative
Gift Fair.
No Faith Formation classes on Nov 23rd/30th.
[email protected]
Next Confirmation classes and Parent Sessions: Nov.
16th, 6:30pm-8pm. No classes on Nov. 30th - Thanksgiving break. Classes resume Dec. 7th.
The WWJD Junior High Youth Group meets every Tuesday, 6:30pm to 8pm in the Bosco Center. All 7th and 8th
graders are welcome!
"Ignite" 5:00pm Mass every 2nd Sunday beginning in
January 2015!!
1st Grade loves to read! To become better readers and
more articulate, the class is putting on a play about the
first Thanksgiving and performing it for their families and
school peers. The props and costumes will be simple,
but these student actors are very enthusiastic to play
their part. As a bonus, the class is learning about the
history of the first Thanksgiving.
Fresh & Easy Money
We get up to 5% back each month for all qualifying purchases– instead of collecting crumpled-up shopping receipts, you can use a Fresh & Easy Friends card to help
us earn valuable funds.
Pick-up a Friends card from Fresh & Easy.
Create an account at (be
sure to link your Friends card!)
Sign up at
Create your account.
Select our school to raise money for by searching for
us in the search box.
Enter your 18-digit primary Friends card.
Once you’ve completed the Sign Up process, you will
receive a Welcome Email from eScrip with the password you created.
16, 2014
Adults: "What gift have you not developed as you
had hoped? What could you still do?"
The Inspiring Future Catholic Leaders Project, sponsored
by the J. C. Fisheries Small Faith Group, is back again!!
The students thoroughly enjoyed all the Parishioner
Guest Speakers last year. If you would like to share your
life experience, interest, or talent, and make a difference
in the lives of young people, all we ask is that you commit
one hour a month, or one hour a year during the school
year. For more information, come by the school office on
any first Friday of the month at 9:00am for more information or contact Mel and Geri Genter, or John and Jody
Hersh. Our next Guest Speaker Days are December 12,
January 16. We would LOVE to see more art with the
Children: "What gift has God given you? What
could you still do?"
The Alternative Gift Faire will be on Sunday, November
23rd, 2014 after all masses. Please come and see how you
can support 11 agencies that support the poor, imprisoned
and homeless both here in Fallbrook and globally. A new
ministry in San Diego, Rise Up Industries, works with gang
members will also be represented.
Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol
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La Feria del Regalo Alternativo será el domingo 23, de
noviembre del 2014 después de todas las misas. Por
favor venga y vea como puede apoyar a 11 programas
que apoyan a los pobres, presos y personas sin hogar,
tanto aquí en Fallbrook como a nivel mundial. Un nuevo
ministerio en San Diego, Rise Up Industries.
La Cruz Roja Americana los invita a
salvar vidas con su donación de sangre, el domingo 16 de noviembre
9am a 3pm en el Salón de San Pedro.
Vamos a tener una segunda colecta el 22 y 23 de
para las Necesidades Nacionales.
Tendremos sobres disponibles para esta colecta que
ayuda a sostener a las Misiones para Negros e indios,
las Misiones Católicas Domesticas, la Campaña para
la Comunicación, y la Universidad Católica de América. Gracias por adelantado por su generosidad.
Un tesoro más allá de la providencia
Gracias a la amabilidad de nuestro pastor, Padre
Ramón, tenemos el privilegio de tener la Adoración
del Santísimo cada viernes de 9am a 9pm. Revise
su calendario del viernes y planee un tiempo para
estar con el Señor. Traiga a su familia o también
puede venir solo, pero sin duda haga el esfuerzo de
venir. Su esfuerzo de venir será pagado cien veces!
Oh Santísimo Sacramento, Oh divino Sacramento toda alabanza
y toda acción de gracias sea cada momento Tuya.
Tiene lugar todos los viernes en la capilla.
Las horas son las siguientes: 9am a 9pm.
Estamos necesitando personas dispuestas a comprometerse por una hora para cuidar el Santísimo Sacramento
los viernes, para que no se quede solo.
Para más información llamar a Luz al 760-728-5971
Adultos: ¿ Qué regalo no habéis desarrollado como
has esperado? ¿Qué podría hacer todavía? "
Niños: ¿Qué regalo te ha dado Dios? ¿Qué podría
hacer todavía?
Dia de Acción de Gracias
Jueves 27 Noviembre
9am Misa Comunitaria
Se les invita a que traigan dinero, scrip o
comida enlatada para la procesión ofertorio.
Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Sal 128 (127):15; 1 Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
Apo 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 18:35-43
Apo 3:1-6, 14-22; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Lc 19:110, ó (para la memoria de la Dedicación)
Hch 28: 11-16, 30-31; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Mt
Miércoles: Apo 4:1-11; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 19:11-28
Apo 5:1-10; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 19:41-44
Apo 10:8-11; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131; Lc 19:45-48
Apo 11:4-12; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10;
Lc 20:27-40
Domingo: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Sal 23 (22):1-3, 5-6;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
Parish Registration/Registro Parroquial
Welcome to St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish!
Please take a moment to complete the following form, if
applicable, and return by mail or drop it in the Sunday collection basket.
¡Bienvenidos a la Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol!
Para inscribirse como miembro de esta iglesia llene esta
forma y devuélvala por correo o depositela en la canasta
de la colecta dominical.
__ I am new to the Parish/Soy nuevo a la parroquia
__ Change of Address or Phone #
__ Cambio de Domicilo/Numero de teléfono
__ I would like to volunteer as:
__ Me gustaria ser voluntario de:
Zip/Codigo Postal_______________
Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol
33º domingo de tiempo ordinario
Enchar Tierra a la Vida
Hace una semana, Mateo nos regaló la imagen de
diez jóvenes con la oportunidad de proveer la luz de
unas bodas. La alegoría / parábola nos explica que
cinco de ellas estaban preparadas y cinco no. Esta
semana oímos lo que Jesús dice con respecto a nuestra misión de producir algo positivo con los dones que
acompañan la vida.
Las estadísticas nos animan o desaniman con lo que
indican de la responsabilidad compartida. A veces, ni
el liderazgo ni la actitud del pueblo se prestan para
buenos resultados.
El comportamiento de los políticos desespera. Nuestra
Iglesia Católica no decide si quiere imposiciones jerárquicas o las decisiones de un pueblo que apoya. Unos
obispos piensan que el evangelizar implica convertir al
prójimo en lo que nosotros somos como católicos. La
administración educativa en Chicago aumenta sus
sueldos y dejan a los niños sin recursos necesarios.
En esta humanidad compartida el liderazgo provoca
más división que unión.
Una caricatura política comenta, "Todos los hijos de
Dios tienen armas". Parece que ser los Pueblos del
Libro provoca más violencia que reconciliación. Sin
embargo, ¿qué diferencia humana hay entre judío,
muselmán y cristiano? El liderazgo de las religiones ha
sido inepto y corrupto, pero ¿qué ha pasado con los
cristianos comunes y corrientes que fueron conocidos
en los primeros siglos de la Iglesia por su amor al
Los líderes corruptos de este mundo comprado y
esclavizado pueden seguir engañando a los demás en
su búsqueda del poder y la plata sólo por motivo de
nuestra apatía al permitirlos hacerlo. Ellos tienen una
cara de concha; sus nombres, títulos y engaños existen sin vergüenza. Ellos son los únicos ganadores de
su propia lotería.
Siendo del pueblo y oponiendo las corrupciones de las
estructuras del poder no es fácil. Quien desafía la Iglesia será llamado hereje; quien cuestiona el gob-ierno
será acusado como liberal irrelevante; quien acusa a
las empresas de envenenar el ambiente, no conseguirá trabajo jamás. Sin embargo, sólo una comunidad
consciente y activa puede contradecir y oponer lo que
destruye la vida y sus esperanzas.
En plena calle y al sol de mediodía, no hay nadie para
apoyar la justicia. Las gentes han ido lejos para investigar el sitio en donde escondieron sus tesoros del
tiempo y la eternidad. El tren o autobus camina al centro y regresa con individuos sin comunicación. Nadie
dice nada. No hay expresión ninguna. Sólo hay apatía.
No se ve ningún valor ni talento porque jamás se revelan. Son nuestras gentes de cartón, no interesadas en
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su ambiente y menos interesantes que las propagandas en
contra de la droga y el SIDA
puestas sobre los asientos. Al
pasar una calle, una piedra tirada
por un chiquillo nos alcanza,
pegando a una de las ventanas.
Una joven sentada frente a la
ventana echa su grito de susto,
pero en seguida y sin más advertencia, el pequeño
mundo sobre ruedas vuelve a su contem-plación ensimismada sobre el vacío.
Nadie nos pide nada porque nada espera nada. Los
obispos nos deben llamar a todos a un ministerio de
servicio. En la ceremonia llevada a cabo en el seminario hace poco, unos seminaristas aceptaron la ordenación al diaconado. ¡Ojalá lo sigan invitando los
obispos, curas, diáconos y pueblos durante toda su
vida ministerial porque su vocación no es sólo de
ahora sino de los momentos muy difíciles que les esperan. Las relaciones que uno vive, los dones que
uno posee, las necesi-dades de las comunidades cam
-bian profundamente y aprendemos sólo lentemente y
con paciencia lo que otros nos intentan enseñar.
Cada uno es invitado por medio de nuestra vida regalada e inmerecida a actuar sobre el mundo.
Echados de la matriz cómoda y cariñosa a un mundo
inhóspito y caótico, nosotros gritamos por temor y
reconocimiento del caos que nos va a rodear. Habrá
desorden hasta el momento en que la muerte nos
pone encima su mano helada. Esto pertenece a nuestro mundo y, a pesar de ellos, tenemos que buscar la
integridad personal y la organización de nuestro ambiente siempre. Jesús nos quiere comunicar esto al decirnos que el Reino de Dios está en medio de nosotros como una lucha con-stante provocada por el
mismo Dios, para que el amor, el juicio y el acompañamiento lleguen a nuestro mundo de alegría y dolor.
Acompañarnos los unos a otros es nuestro ministerio.
Este ministerio no nos cambia de lo que ya somos.
Invitados a ser la cara presente del mismo Cristo,
debemos sacar nuestras palas y comenzar a desenterrar nuestras vidas, talentos y sueños, sacudiéndoles todo el polvo que los cubre, para ponerlos a trabajar para nosotros y los demás.
Donaldo Headley
Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó con
MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois.
Derechos de Autor © 2013, Donaldo Headley.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Se concede permiso para la reproducción para uso personal o uso
Quien reza como debe podrá vivir como reza.
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish
Page/Página 6
Thank you for your faithful
stewardship of treasure
November 8th-9th Offering
General Fund:$14,824
Debt Reduction:$12,511
Gracias por su más fiel tesoro
de Administrador
Mark your Calendars for these Events
Nov. 23 - Alternative Christmas Fair
Jan. 8 - Epiphany Program
Jan. 30 - Grandparents Day
March 21 - Art Auction
May 8 - Golf Tournament & Dinner
JustFaith Catholic is seeking monetary donations for
the 12/10/14 Christmas Party at the Rainbow Prison.
On that date each of the 90 inmates will be given a
gift bag of personal grooming articles. To comply with
prison regulations all of these bags must have identical
items. Any donations will be gratefully accepted and
used to purchase these gifts. Donations can be made
at the office or at the Alternate Gift Fair on 11/23.
Please call Nikki Thompson@ 760/723-1225 with any
questions or email her at: [email protected].
Your American Red Cross invites you
to save lives with your blood donation
Sunday, November 16th from 9am to
3pm in Saint Peter Hall.
The Sick / los enfermos… Daniel Mejia,
Catherine Bartoli, Maria Whiteside, Patricia Whiteside, Craig Balter, Debbie Davis, Roger Combs, Erica Cordvan, Beverly Thill, Peter Anderson, Wallace Rothbart, Katie
Bartou, Lorenzo Correa, Kay Ballota, Eugene Morrissey, Maria Eloina Garcia,
The Deceased / los difuntos … Gracia Diaz, Remedios Romero, Helen and Vincent Spanier, William
Schulte, Maria Southard, Mary Odermatt, Ausencio
Dorantes, Lorenzo Correa, Emorgelia del Carmen
Pazos, John Ivelich, Maria Rosario Orozco, Joshua
Hernandez, Ruth Anne Ellinger, Rigoberto Puga Olmos, Nemesio Rio, Alejandro Gutierrez, Chizuke
Frances Sauter, John Hon, Mrs. Fagan, Dawn Mabugat Raeyes, Frank Rodriguez, Manuel Munoz, Antonio Eduardo Domingo, Maria Rantz, Melissa Villarreal,
Roy Hollingsworth, Eduardo Mabugat, Dee Jesperson,
Domingo Gutierres, Leonila Gutierres, Ricarda
Second Annual Christmas with the Marines
St. Vincent de Paul and St. Peter the Apostle will host
thirty (30) deserving Marine Families from Camp Pendleton in our parish hall, December 16th. If you would like
to donate to this worthwhile event, your Tax Free Contribution will be added to our funds and be divided equally
among the families. Donors will be acknowledge on a
Banner displayed at the event and then at the Thrift
Shop. If you are unable to make a donation, please keep
all of our armed forces in your prayers.
You can drop off your donation with your contact information at the Thrift Shop marked “Marine Christmas”,
or call Bob Kruger @ (760) 695-8508.
Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 27
9am Community Mass
Please bring money, scrip or non-perishable
food for the offertory procession.
Saturday November 15
4:30pm, † Annie Meck
6:00pm, † Pascual Tomas &
Magdalena Lucas
Sunday November 16
7:30am, † All Souls Novena
9:00am, Missa Propopulo
11:00am, † Scott Rysewyk
1:00pm, † All Souls Novena
Monday November 17
8:30am, † Mary Cassara
Tuesday November 18
6:30pm, † All Souls Novena
Wednesday November 19
8:30am, † Daniel Flaxbeard
Thursday November 20
8:30am, † Eugene Rose
Friday November 21
8:30am, † All Souls Novena
Saturday November 22
4:30pm, † Rose Mary Sawyer
6:00pm, Isabela Beckler
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“Well done my good and faithful
servant.” With those words the
master in Jesus’ Parable of the
Talents smiles and rewards his
servant. We often cite the Parable of the Talents in relation to
stewardship. Because of our understanding of “talent,” we may
assume that this is a parable about skills and those kinds
of gifts.
Of course, in this case, a “talent” is a unit of money.
Scholars assume that the master is wealthy; therefore,
whether one received five talents, two talents, or one
talent, they most likely received a huge amount of money
according to our standards. That is not the stewardship
perspective of this parable. Each of us, just as the three
servants in the parable, has received multiple gifts from
God (the Master). The question posed by Jesus, and the
question we must be prepared to answer at our own
judgment, is “What have you done with the gifts you have
Everything we have and everything we become are gifts
from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have
been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we
share them, or do we “bury” them and really do nothing
with them? Those who do the former, return them with
increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but embraced and invited: “Come share your master’s joy.”
- See more at: -The Catholic Steward, Reflection on Lectionary Readings -
We are going to have a second collection on November
22 and 23 for National Needs in the United States. Special envelopes will be available for the collection which
supports the Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic
Home Missions, the Catholic Communication Campaign,
the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the
Catholic University of America. Thank you in advance for
your generosity.
Many parishioners at SPACC are deeply involved in
ministries that will be present at the Alternative Gift
Fair (Get on the Bus, Rainbow Women’s Prison,
Fallbrook Food Pantry, Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center, Vacation Bible School). Please stop by
our tables and offer your monetary and prayer support. The Alternative Gift Faire will be on Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 after all masses.
Men’s Prayer Group
Meets every 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the Month in
the Upper Room from 7pm to 9pm. The next meeting is:
Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
Come Join Us for Fellowship!
Monday November 17 / Lunes 17 de Noviembre
Boy Scouts: 6:30pm-8:00pm; Loft
Tuesday November 18 / Martes 18 de Noviembre
WWJD Jr. High Youth Group: 6:30pm-8pm; Bosco Center
Wednesday November 19 / Miércoles 19 de Noviembre
Centering Prayer: 9am-10:30am; Upper room
Women of the Bible: 9:15am-10:30am; Conference room
Men’s Prayer Group: 7pm-9pm; Upper room
Thursday November 20 / Jueves 20 de Noviembre
Catholic Bible Study: 9:30am-11:30am; St. Andrew Center
Catholic Bible Study: 6:00pm-9:00pm; St. Andrew Center
Friday November 21 / Viernes 21 de Noviembre
Eucharistic Adoration: 9am-9pm; Church
A Treasure Beyond Measure
Thanks to the graciousness of our
pastor, Father Ramon, we are privileged to have Eucharistic Adoration
every Friday from 9am to 9pm. Review your Friday schedule and plan
times to spend with the Lord. Bring
your family or come alone but definitely make the
effort to come. Your effort to come will be repaid a
hundred fold! Oh Sacrament most holy, Oh Sacrament Divine all praise and all thanksgiving be every
moment Thine.
Every Friday in the Reservation Chapel from
We are in need of people willing to commit to an hour to
ensure the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone.
For information call Mary at 760-723-5420.
Fallbrook Blankets – An Ongoing Project
Fallbrook is now participating in Warm-Up America and you can be a part of
helping our less advantaged brothers and sisters stay warm and cuddly.
Knit or crochet a 7” X 9” rectangle using washable acrylic yarn and place it in
the nearby basket. It can be any color, or combination of colors, any stitch,
any design. Crochet with worsted weight acrylic yarn, using a size G crochet
hook. Knit with size 7 needles. You may use any free yarn in the basket in
the Parish Office, or if you would like to donate yarn, please put it in the
Your patch, along with many other 7 X 9 pieces will be sewn together to
create a warm and unique blanket. The finished product may be on display
at this location for two weeks. It will be given to a needy person in Fallbrook,
the Food Pantry, a woman’s shelter or to Father Joe’s Ministries.
Finished segments can be placed in the basket in the Parish Office, the
Fallbrook Library, Senior Center, Espresso Lounge or North County Academy of Dance in Bonsall. Volunteers are also needed to stitch together the
patches into blankets and to teach knitting or crocheting at the Senior Center
or Library.
For more information, contact Carmen Willard at 314-803-0986 or [email protected]
To learn to knit or crochet, go to Classes are available
at Labors of Love.