A Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding friendship with Jesus Christ Established 1700 3320 St. Peter’s Drive Waldorf Maryland 20601 301-843-8916 www.stpeterswaldorf.org Mission Statement Saint Peter’s Church is a Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding friendship with Jesus Christ. We strive to build upon the legacy of faith entrusted to us by the Catholic pioneers who courageously established Saint Peter’s – an ethnically and economically diverse community unified through the power of the Holy Spirit in the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Mindful of this legacy as well as our need for ongoing conversion amidst new challenges, today, in our fourth century, we seek friendship with Jesus through our commitments to: • Understand and proclaim His saving truth revealed in the Bible in union with the official teaching authority of the Catholic Church. • Worship joyfully His living presence in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. • Recognize His face in those we are privileged to serve and protect, particularly the poor and vulnerable. • Welcome Him in each other through our fellowship and unity amidst the rich diversity of our parish community. • Encounter Him and the beauty of His creation by preserving our parish as a peaceful and prayerful sanctuary. • Hear His personal call to holiness and help families embrace it in all vocations, especially to priesthood or consecrated life. • Imitate His generous self-giving as a way of life that expresses our gratitude to Him and our love for God and neighbor. Mass Schedule/Misa Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, en Español 1:30 pm Confession/Confesión Wednesday: Saturday: 7:00 pm 3:30 pm www.stpeterswaldorf.org Parish Office Hours: M – F, 8:30 – 4:30 301-843-8916 Fax: 301-843-3163 St. Peter’s School 301-843-1955 Office for Christian Formation 301-843-9583 Rev. Cezary Kozubek Parochial Vicar Msgr. J. Wilfrid Parent Pastor Deacon Robert Martin Tom Abell, Parish Facilities Manager Alice Culbreth, Director of Christian Formation Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM, Coordinator of Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Marianna Hamilton, Coordinator of Christian Formation Alicia Moore, Parish Secretary Msgr. Oliver McGready Msgr. Andrew Cassin Fran O’Neill, Parish Accountant Retired Pastor Emeritus Cara Tiffin-Johnson, Music Director J.R. West, Principal, St. Peter’s School PARISH COUNCILS Worship PARISH COMMISSIONS Parish Life & Service Christian Formation ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY - 301-932-7713 Pope Francis Arrives in the United States this Week! Here is the schedule for Pope Francis' September 2015 Apostolic Journey to the United States of America as released by the Vatican on June 30, 2015. (www.USCCB.org ) Tuesday, September 22 – Washington, D.C.: 4:00 p.m. Pope Francis arrives from Cuba at Joint Base Andrews. Wednesday, September 23 – Washington D.C.: 9:15 a.m. Welcoming ceremony and private meeting with President Obama at the White House. 11:30 a.m. Mid-day prayer with bishops of the United States at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle 4:15 p.m. Mass in the afternoon on the east portico of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the University Mall at The Catholic University of America. During the Mass, Pope Francis will canonize Blessed Junipero Serra. Thursday, September 24 – Washington, D.C.& New York City: 9:20 a.m. Address Joint Meeting of the United States Congress. 11:15 a.m. Visit St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Washington and meet several clients of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington (ADW). Blessing and brief remarks to clients gathered at lunchtime for the St. Maria Meals Program of the Catholic Charities for the ADW 4:00 p.m. Depart for New York City from Joint Base Andrews 5:00 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport 6:45 p.m. Evening Prayer (Vespers) at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Friday, September 25 – New York City: 8:30 a.m. Visit to the United Nations and Address United Nations General Assembly 11:30 a.m. Multi-religious service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum, World Trade Center 4:00 p.m. Visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East Harlem 6:00 p.m. Mass at Madison Square Garden Saturday, September 26 (New York City & Philadelphia) 8:40 a.m. Departure from John F. Kennedy International Airport 9:30 a.m. Arrival at Atlantic Aviation, Philadelphia 10:30 a.m. Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia 4:45 p.m. Visit to Independence Mall 7:30 p.m. Visit to the Festival of Families Benjamin Franklin Parkway Sunday, September 27 (Philadelphia) 9:15 a.m. Meeting with bishops at St. Martin’s Chapel, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 11:00 a.m. Visit to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility 4:00 p.m. Mass for the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families, Benjamin Franklin Parkway 7:00 p.m. Visit with organizers, volunteers and benefactors of the World Meeting of Families, Atlantic Aviation 8:00 p.m. Departure for Rome Since its inception by Saint John Paul II in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has strengthened the sacred bonds of families across the globe. Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 Sunday, September 20, Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Mazie Middleton 8:00 a.m. Dely Rigoroso Urban 10:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Peter’s 12:00 noon James Vernon Burch 1:30 p.m. Intentions of the celebrant Monday, September 21, St. Matthew 8:00 a.m. Juan Barrera Tuesday, September 22 8:00 a.m. Christine and Jack Zambernardi Wednesday, September 23, St. Pius of Pietrelcina 8:00 a.m. Special Intentions Thursday, September 24 8:00 a.m. James Vernon Burch Friday, September 25 8:00 a.m. William Paul Mudd Saturday, September 26, St. Cosmas, St. Damien 8:00 a.m. Edward A. Tomasko 5:00 p.m. Vigil Charles Wilson Sunday, September 27, Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Mary Carney 10:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Peter’s 12:00 noon John J. Simko 1:30 p.m. Intentions of the celebrant The sanctuary light will burn this week in loving memory of Nunziato Lusi. ST. MATTHEW APOSTLE & EVANGELIST St. Matthew is the author of the First Gospel, whose message is that in Jesus Christ the Reign, or Kingdom, of God has drawn near and will remain with the Church until the end of time. Matthew is listed on all the lists of the twelve apostles and is referred to as a “tax collector.” Nothing is known about what he did after the Resurrection of Christ. According to one tradition he preached the gospel in Judea and then went farther East. Although he is venerated as martyr nothing is known of his martyrdom. He is the patron saint of the diocese and city of Salerno, as well as tax collectors, accountants, customs officials, and money changers. For some reason he’s also the patron saint of alcoholics, hospitals, and ships. Excerpts from LIVES OF THE SAINTS by Father Richard P. McBrien Please note: No confessions in Our Lady of the Fields Chapel on Wednesday, September 23. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 Our Parish Prayer Requests Please pray for God’s grace for those who are ill: John David Yamnicky Doris Ann Bradburn Leo Bradburn Brenda Windsor John Smith John Mayhew Mike Tierney Loula Phoebus G. Oliver Michael Negbenebor John Thomas Mark Sheehan Marvin Steffensmeier Debbie Ruley Kate Clemont Tina Modlin Elaine Moses Winzola Swann Michelle Mitchell Lee Dupont Please also pray for: ●For PO2 (Navy) Nikolas Wirick deployed to Middle East ●For an increase in vocations, especially in our parish and ●For our parish priests Prayer for Families of the World God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Official prayer of the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis, Philadelphia 2015 Prayer cards are available at each entrance to church and the Spiritual Literature Corner. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 Catechetical Sunday, September 20 This weekend, parishes across the country will honor those who share in the evangelizing and teaching mission of the Church through a special rite of commissioning and blessing. Here at St. Peter’s, the following catechists and teachers are being recognized for their commitment to sharing the faith of the Church with the adults, families, youth and children of the parish and school: Carla Arquero, Level PreK, Catechist *MaryAna Trunnell, Kindergarten, Catechist *Kristi Davidson, Kindergarten, Catechist *Ursula Neuner, Level 1, Catechist Jenny Kotlarsic, Level 2, Catechist Chaney Trunnell, Level 2, Certified Catechist Shelby Arvizo, Level 2, Co-Catechist *Lourdes Ballesteros, Level 3 Catechist Meredith McDonald, Level 3, Co-Catechist Ana Davidson, Level 4, Certified Catechist Yolanda Curtis, Level 5, Certified Catechist *Darijana Kline, Level 5, Co-Catechist Doreen Sciarratta, Level 6, Certified Catechist *Hasinta Davis, Level 6, Catechist Aide *Bill Kyte, Confirmation Group Year 1 *Linda Cogburn, Confirmation Group Year 1 Barbara Hayes, Confirmation Group Year 2, Certified Catechist John Kennedy, High School Youth Ministry, Certified Catechist Twila Hawkins, High School Youth Ministry, Certified Catechist Darrell Flesher, High School Youth Ministry Angela Magpantay, Certified Catechist The apostolic work of the catechist springs from the Sacrament of Baptism through which all believers come to share in the prophetic ministry of Christ and the evangelizing mission of the Church. It is strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation. – National Directory for Catechesis 54.8 *Oscar Abarca, RCIA *Claudia Barrera, RCIA The call to the ministry of *Lily Perez, RCIA catechist is a vocation, an *Kacky Leslie, RCIA interior call, the voice of the *Kevin Kane, RCIA Holy Spirit. Marilynda Macquade, General Directory for RCIA Catechesis #711 Rick Macquade, RCIA *Suzanne Carr, Catechist Meagan Humbert, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Cheryl Kimm, Kindergarten Teacher, Certified Catechist Patricia Pieper, 1st Grade Teacher, Certified Catechist Suzette Gibson, 2nd Grade Teacher, Certified Catechist Margo Van Den Bossche, 3rd Grade Teacher, Certified Catechist Diana Durkin, 4th Grade Teacher, Certified Catechist Mia Tipton, 5th Grade Teacher, Certified Catechist Haley Potter, 6th Grade Teacher Gavin Arvizo, 7th Grade Teacher Beth Watson, 8th Grade, Certified Catechist *Catechist certification in progress Thank you for showing us how to live our faith! Please keep all of our parish teachers and catechists in your prayers throughout the year! Share Your Faith! Catechists, aides and youth leaders for St. Peter’s Christian Formation GIFT programs are always needed. There’s a job for everyone – men, women, and young people. Requirements are a love of God and desire to share the faith. Training will be provided, contact Alice Culbreth for details 301-843-9583 x155 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 Designated Charity: Angels Watch Women’s Shelter This week the Designated Charity is Angels Watch Woman’s Shelter. They will receive at least 1% of the regular Sunday offering. You may use the envelopes available at the entrances to Church. Please put your envelope in the regular collection basket. The Designated Charity next week will be Health Partners. ANNUAL FRIENDS OF THE POOR® WALK The 8th Annual Saint Vincent de Paul 5K Friends of the Poor ®Walk will be held on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at Saint Peter's Church in Waldorf, Maryland at 9 A.M. The event is open to all levels of walkers and runners. Participation in the walk is free, but walkers are encouraged to collect pledges from sponsors. For more information or to register online go to www.svdpfriendsofthepoorwalk.org and click the "walker" tab on the left hand side of the screen or contact Jennifer Tersero at [email protected]. Help families in need by supporting this event. You can make a difference by walking with us on October 3rd. All monies raised in the event go directly to support services to the poor in the Waldorf and White Plains community. All are invited to a Communion Breakfast, "A Word from Pope Francis: Embrace the Joys and Sufferings of the World," sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, District Council of Southern Maryland. The breakfast will take place in Leonardtown at Father Andrew White, S.J. School following the 8:00 AM Mass at St. Aloysius on Sunday, September 27. The keynote speaker, Tony Bosnick, will celebrate our recent visit from Pope Francis and the Holy Father’s lesson to us of love and service. Tickets are $5. For tickets, reservations, or questions, contact Damien Wanner [email protected], or call 301-645-8405. Project Rachel Ministry provides abortion recovery services for those involved in, or affected by abortion decisions. Services include referrals to: priests or deacons with sensitivity to the needs of women and men after being involved in abortions, licensed mental health professionals, Entering Canaan Days of Prayer and Healing, and An Experience of Hope Support Groups. Call the confidential helpline: 301-853-4565 or email [email protected] Bilingual in English and Spanish. Calling all youth interested in serving at the Lord’s Table Training for new Altar Servers will be held on October 4 and 18 from 3 - 5 pm in the school. Those interested will need to participate in both training sessions and the all server training on October 25, same time in the church. All youth members of Saint Peter’s who are in the fourth grade or nine years old and who have received their sacraments may participate in the training. For more information, contact Barbara or Mark Hayes at (240) 222-3171 or at [email protected] Proclaim The Word! We are in need of lectors, especially for the 12 Noon Masses. If you are a practicing Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation, please consider serving our parish family as a lector. No experience is necessary. We will provide training. This is a wonderful way to share the Word of God with others and to grow in your own faith. Please contact Linda Ward at [email protected] or 240-481-0334. Parish news and information in our weekly bulletin can also be found in color on the Parish website at www.stpeterswaldorf.org. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 RACE FOR EDUCATION Monday, October 12, 2015 St. Peter’s School 3310 St. Peter’s Drive Waldorf, MD 20601 (301) 843-1955 Dear Parishioner, On Monday, October 12, 2015, St. Peter’s School will be having its seventh annual Race for Education to bridge the gap between the total expense of our St. Peter’s Students’ education and the total capital available to fund it. We hope you will be able to sponsor a student or an adult participant (teacher/staff member). Participants will be walking or jogging around a 1/4 mile area for a one-hour period. All donations are greatly appreciated. Please fill in the form below if you can help and return to the school. As always thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, JR West Principal ALL GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE! _______________________________________________________________________________ SPONSOR’S REPLY Sponsor’s Name ________________________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip Code _______________ Walker/Jogger’s Name ______________________________________ Grade ___________ I am enclosing a donation of: _______ $20.00 _______ $25.00 ________ Other Please make your check payable to St. Peter’s School and return it with this form.) You can donate on-line if you wish. We have a donate button on the homepage of the school’s website; stpetersschoolwaldorf.org. You can use this portal to donate through PayPal. Please note that your cancelled check will be the record of your contribution to St. Peter’s School. Thank you. The One who has Hope Lives Differently A talk on End A talk about EndofofLife Lifeissues issues August 16, 2015 Wed., October 21 8:45am (After 7:30 Mass) 7:00pm St.St.Gabriel Church Peter’s School 3310 St. Peter's Drive, Waldorf, MD School Auditorium 26 Grant Cir. NW, Washington, “The advance of modern medicine enables us to live longer, healthier lives. Great progress has been made in conquering and preventing disease. We are grateful for the life-saving treatments now available to so many people. But with improved medical technology comes challenges. We want to respect life, but fear prolonging a painful or expensive dying process. In times of serious illness or imminent death, we are called upon to make wise choices about whether to initiate, continue or even discontinue life-sustaining treatment. We might need to make such decisions for ourselves or for loved ones. These can be among the most complex and difficult decisions of our lives.” (Comfort and Consolation, A Pastoral Letter from the Catholic bishops of Maryland) #AlwaysDignified TransformFear.org Archdiocese of Washington Department of Life Issues Contact: Teresa Yao | [email protected] | 301-853-4555 Papa Francisco Llega a los Estados Unidos esta Semana! Aquí está el calendario de Papa Francisco Septiembre 2015 Viaje Apostólico a los Estados Unidos de América como publicado por el Vaticano el 30 de junio de 2015. (www.USCCB.org) Martes, 22 de septiembre – Washington, D.C.: 4:00 p.m. Papa Francisco llega de Cuba en la Base Conjunta Andrews Miércoles, 23 de septiembre – Washington D.C.: 9:15 a.m. Ceremonia de bienvenida y reunión privada con el Presidente Obama en la Casa Blanca 11:30 a.m. La oración del mediodía con los obispos de los Estados Unidos en la Catedral de San Mateo Apóstol 4:15 p.m. Misa de la tarde en el pórtico este de la Basílica del Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción y la Alameda de la Universidad en la Universidad Católica de América. Durante la misa, Francisco canonizará Beato Junípero Serra. Jueves, 24 de septiembre – Washington, DC y la Ciudad de Nueva York: 9:20 a.m. Discurso a Reunión Conjunta del Congreso de los Estados Unidos 11:15 a.m. Iglesia Católica visita de San Patricio en Washington y cumplir con varios clientes de Caridades Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Washington (ADW). Bendición y breves declaraciones a los clientes se dieron cita en la hora del almuerzo para el Programa de Comidas Santa María de las Caridades Católicas para el ADW. 4:00 p.m. Salida hacia la Ciudad de Nueva York de la Base Conjunta Andrews 5:00 p.m. Llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy 6:45 p.m. Oración de la Tarde (Vísperas) en la Catedral de San Patricio Viernes, 25 de septiembre – la Ciudad de Nueva York: 8:30 a.m. Visita a las Naciones Unidas y discurso a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas 11:30 a.m. Servicio multi-religioso en 9/11 Memorial and Museum, World Trade Center 4:00 p.m. Visita a Nuestra Señora Reina de los Ángeles School, East Harlem 6:00 p.m. Misa en el Madison Square Garden Sábado, 26 de septiembre (la Ciudad de Nueva York y Filadelfia) 8:40 a.m. Salida del Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy 9:30 a.m. Llegada a Aviación Atlántico, Filadelfia 10:30 a.m. Misa en la Catedral Basílica de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, Filadelfia 4:45 p.m. Visita a Independence Mall 7:30 p.m. Visita a la Fiesta de las Familias, Benjamin Franklin Parkway Domingo, 27 de septiembre (Filadelfia) 9:15 a.m. Encuentro con los obispos en la capilla de San Martín, Seminario San Carlos Borromeo 11:00 a.m. Visita al Centro Penitenciario Curran-Fromhold 4:00 p.m. Misa para la conclusión del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, Benjamin Franklin Parkway 7:00 p.m. Visita a los organizadores, voluntarios y benefactores del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, Aviación Atlántico 8:00 p.m. Salida para Roma Desde su creación por san Juan Pablo II en 1994, el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias ha fortalecido los vínculos sagrados de familias en todo el mundo. Se celebra cada tres años y patrocinado por el Consejo Pontificio de la Santa Sede para la Familia, el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias es la mayor reunión Católica mundial de las familias. Cada Encuentro Mundial de las Familias tiene un tema que da energía y aviva el evento al tiempo que añade una gran profundidad de significado a nuestra comprensión de las familias. El tema del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias – Philadelphia 2015 es “El Amor es Nuestra Misión: La Familia Totalmente Vivo,” haciendo hincapié en el impacto del amor y la vida de las familias en nuestra sociedad. Vigésimo-quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 20 de septiembre 2015
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