St. Paul’s Catholic Church Office: 1515 8th Street South, Nampa, ID 83651 Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686 Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203 Email: [email protected] December 20, 2015 4th Sunday of Advent / 4 Domingo de Adviento And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Luke 1:43 MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00 PM Español, Melba Sunday / Domingo: 9:30 AM English, Nampa 9:30 AM Englsih, Melba 12:00 PM Español, Nampa 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00 PM Español, Nampa Monday / Lunes: 8:00 AM English Tuesday / Martes: 8:00 AM English Wednesday / Miercoles: 8:00 AM English, Hospital 6:00 PM Español, Iglesia Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 AM English Como he merecido yo que venga a mi la madre de mi Senor? Lucas 1:43 Friday / Viernes: 8:15 AM English, Old Church GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION GENERAL SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL Confessions / Confesiones Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM Sunday Baptisms / Bautismos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM 1er y 3er Sábado del mes 10:30 AM en Español. Marriages / Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda. Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia Quinceañeras Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM. Christian Initiation for None Catholics (RCIA) Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Retired Priest: Deacon: Deacon: Children Religious Ed.: Youth Minister: School Principal: Business Manager: Bookkeeper: Administrative Secretary: Receptionist: Maintenance: Dec 20 9:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday Dec 21 8:00 am Tuesday Dec 22 8:00 am Wednesday Dec 23 8:00 am 6:00 pm Thursday Dec 24 8:00 am Friday Dec 25 8:00 am Saturday Dec 26 5:00 pm 7:30 pm Nampa: Vincent Galindo,Jr. † Melba: Nampa: Francisca Garcia † Nampa: Pro-Populo Nampa: Karla Cruz Nampa: David Flores, Jr. Nampa: Mary Russell Nampa: For the Holy Family Nampa: In Thanksgiving for Jesus Nampa: Christmas Eve Nampa: Christmas Day Nampa: Santos Salinas † Melba: PARISH TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Father Caleb Vogel Father Carlos Rosero Father William Taylor Michael Collins Jose Luis Granados Marisela Linan Mari De Leon Randy McCormick Morrie Berriochoa Gina Urquidi Carol Amador Patricia Hernandez José Rodriguez PARISH COUNCILS AND GROUPS / CONSEJOS PARROQUIALES Y GRUPOS Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Chan Cabalo Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey St. Paul’s School Board:…………….Rusty Bengoa Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush Comite Latino:………………………...XXXXXXX Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :… Chris Johnson Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough Knights of Columbus:………………..Romel Reyna Catholic Daughters of America:…….Barbara Marrone Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake Catholic Women’s League:…………Vickie Holbrook Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Jim Daniels Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] LAST WEEK COLLECTION COLECTA DE LA SEMANA ANTERIOR St. Paul’s / San Pablo Envelopes & Loose Collection / Sobres y dinero efectivo Date 12/13 YTD Actual $14,002.00 $296,951.65 Projected $17,487.50 $267,895.50 Children’s Collection……………. $ 531.00 Colecta de los Niños St. Joseph’s / San Jose Envelopes & Loose Collection…. $1,323.06 Sobres y dinero efectivo CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS / NOCHEBUENAS NAVIDEÑAS Donations made in the memory of loved ones, to adorn our altar at Christmas, will be gratefully accepted at this time. If you would like to have a Poinsettia in memory of a loved one, please fill out the form below and submit it to the Parrish Office or the Offertory Basket in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers”. Si usted desea recordar su ser querido con una planta de noche buena para adornar el altar durante la navidad, por favor llene la forma y tráigala a la oficina parroquial o póngala en la canasta de la colecta del domingo. El nombre de su ser querido será publicado en el boletín parroquial el domingo antes de Navidad. A donaƟon is requested of $15.00. / Se pide una donación $15.00 Please submit your remembrance no later than December 21. Por favor entregué su memoria antes del 21 de Diciembre. —————————————————————————————————————— CHRISTMAS FLOWERS / NOCHE BUENAS PLEASE PRINT / FAVOR DE IMPRENTE In Remembrance of / En el Memoria de: ____________________________________________________________________ your name / su nombre : ____________________________________________________________________ Phone number / Número de Teléfono : ___________________________________________________________________ St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 4 PARISH NEWS ADORATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT OPEN HOURS Christmas Mass Schedule St. Paul’s Christmas Eve Dec. 24 - 5pm in English, 8pm in Spanish , Midnight in English. Christmas Day Dec. 25 - 9:30am in English & 12pm in Spanish St. Joseph’s ,Melba Christmas Eve Dec. 24 - 6:00pm in English & 8:00pm in Spanish We are so blessed to have a perpetual adoration chapel. Yet, this means that we need people to be in the chapel 24/7. We have a few time slots that are vacant. Please contact Chris Johnson at 467-0332 if you are willing to take a prayer time. All of the daytime hours are filled but still have quite a few night hours available: Open Hours: Monday at 4:00 am, Tuesday at 1:00 am and 2:00 am, Wednesday at 4:00 am and 5am, and Thursday at 1:00 am, 2:00 am and 3:00 am. PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASS All parents and godparents are invited to participate in the pre baptismal classes on January 19 at 7:00pm in the Church. BIBLE STUDY Fr. Bill will be teaching a Bible Study on Tuesdays at 10am .The title of the class is The Great Themes of . The class will be held at the parish office starting in January . FLOCKNOTE Here is the details on Flocknote: You can text to join by texting the word VOGEL to 84576 – this will add you to the EVERYONE group. You will receive a welcome note and a link to add the rest of your information. Each organization will be able to create their own “group” .It is easy to use; if needed there are tutorial available at Your email and/or cell phone will be kept private. When people receive an email or text, they cannot see who else is on the distribution list. NEW CHOIR WANT TO BE IN A SCHOLA? The brand-new St. Paul's Schola is looking for members. This choir will participate in select Masses throughout the year, primarily on Holy Days and major Feast Days, and has a focus on chant, polyphony, and multi-part vocal harmonies. Anyone with a familiarity with musical notation and choral singing is invited to audition for the choir. If you are interested in trying out for this group, please email Allen Shoff at [email protected]. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing you sing! A Divorce Survival Guide for Catholics Join us for a 12 week session helping you find peace, power and passion after your divorce. The class begins Sunday, Jan. 3 at 6pm at St. Mark’s Parish in Boise in the Resurrection Room. Cost per person is $15 and includes a personal survival guide book, refreshments and all materials. Contact Deacon Terry & Rita Nelson at 208-895-8030 or email [email protected] to sign up. POSITION OPNEING St. John's Cathedral seeks a highly motivated, faith-filled, and energetic individual to serve as Pastoral Associate for Ministry. This position reports to the Rector and will fulfill duties in the areas of organizational leadership, ministry development, pastoral planning, administration, and project management. Job description, position requirements, and application information can be obtained from [email protected]. Flash Mob Choir! At our 5 pm Sunday Mass during the season of Christmas, we will sing traditional carols and the entire assembly will be our choir. Can you sing soprano, alto, tenor or bass? Public domain arrangements of all of the carols will be posted on the St. Paul's website and will also be sent out by Flocknotes, or email Mike Schaller and he will send files to you. We hope that you will print and bring copies of these to mass and lend your soprano, alto, tenor or bass voice to the liturgy. Hundreds of voices lifted in harmony to proclaim the joy of our Savior's glorious this will be! Mike Schaller 697-8236, [email protected] MOMMY CLUB Would you like a chance to connect and share your faith with other mothers at St. Paul's? If you would be interested in a casual weekly meeting where children are welcome, please email Mary Claire at [email protected]. CDA & JDCA Congratulations to CDA court of Our Lady of Victory and JCDA court of St. Joan of Arc for winning 2nd Place at the Festival of Trees for their Circle of Love tree. All ornaments were hand made by the ladies and girls. The tree was in gold and purple, CDA colors, and decked in snow flakes and crosses. All the money from the auction of the trees went to Canyon County's Meals on Wheels Program. The tree is beautiful and now is located in the conference room at the church. Thank you to the anonymous donors. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 St. Paul’s Catholic School 2015 Education Tax Credit Donation Due to Idaho and federal income tax incentives, most taxpayers can give to St. Paul’s Catholic School a donation of $400 filing jointly (or $200 filing individually) for an after-tax cost to you of ONLY $69 (or $35). St. Paul’s needs this big financial boost, which is encouraged by our Idaho Educational Tax Credit of 50% of the donated amount (no itemized deductions required), and also by both federal and state itemized income tax deductions. Check with your tax advisor and, if you haven’t already done so, consider making out your 2015 Tax Credit Donation check today. The 2015 tax year ends soon. Please make checks payable to: “St. Paul’s Catholic School Tax Credit Donation”. Put your check in an envelope marked for St. Paul’s and drop off at the parish or school office, or mail to: St. Paul’s Catholic School 1515 8th St. South Nampa, Idaho 83702-6500 Donations must be made on or before December 31st, 2015. THANK YOU for your continued support of St. Paul’s! CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Christmas VacaƟon for the Religious EducaƟon classes will begin December 23 for Wednesday and December 27th for Sunday. Classes will resume on Wed.; January 6th and Sun.;January 10th 2016. Our catechists and myself wish all of our families a Blessed Christmas and a BeauƟful New year! `tç lÉâ tÇw lÉâÜ YtÅ|Äç Ux Y|ÄÄxw ã|à{ TÄÄ à{x UÄxáá|Çzá Éy g{|á [ÉÄç fxtáÉÇ4 Youth Ministry St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 6 PARISH GROUPS NEWS Fall and Winter Fundraiser St. Paul’s Senior Girl Scout Troop is offering to Rake your leaves this fall OR shovel your snow this winter! Please contact any of the following parents to set up your request to Wendy 466-3510, Irene 861-2585, Victoria 249-8536.- Cost is $15 per half hour Don’t wait to set up your request. The seasons are upon us! FAMILY FUN Salt & Light Radio and the Idaho Stampede are teaming up to bring you “Faith & Family Night” on Tuesday, December 29th with tip-off at 7:00pm from Century Link Arena in Boise. The National Anthem will be performed by the Bishop Kelly Choir and enjoy a post-game concert with music from The Alex Street Band! Stampede tickets start as low as $10, available online at or by calling 331-T-I-X-S. Bring your youth group, call up your prayer group or gather up all the kids and grandkids - then ask about group discounts and save money on multiple tickets! The event is brought to you by the Idaho Stampede and Salt & Light Radio, Listener-Supported Catholic Radio for the Treasure Valley! BIRTHRIGHT BENEFIT GALA Saturday - February 13, 2016 Riverside Hotel Cocktail and Dinner Entertainment by Holy Apostles’ “Swingin’ with Ellie”! please contact: Kathy Coops, Fundraiser Chairperson -562-1468 CAPSTONE MISSIONS Capstone Missions has a great opportunity to serve Christ helping his orphan children at St. Joseph's orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. We are looking for a person who can help with light housekeeping, cooking and laundry. This is a paid, full-time, livein position at St. Joseph’s home in Tijuana. Please contact Deb Miciak at [email protected] or 208-308-3296 or Rosa Davila at 208-944-4660 for more information. MASS IN OREANA Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady Queen of Heaven on December 26 at 10:00am. TIME TO DECK THE HALLS! Please come help with decorating the church on Dec. 24, Thurs. at 10AM. We will need help with the Poinsettias, Nativity and the trees. Please call Mary Ann if you have any questions, 880-5223. BABY BOTTLE CHALLENGE You Too Can Help Prevent Abortion on the weekend of Jan. 2-3 after Masses you can pick up your baby bottles to fill with your spare change . Your change and currency will support the "Right to Life" program and protect our precious little ones from abortion. Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery is a Catholic Cemetery located at the corner of Powerline and Greenhurst. To purchase a plot at Mount Calvary Cemetery please contact: Danny Jacobson (208) 442- 8171 EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 249-5511. We will be happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available. GIFT CARDS Time to start thinking about Christmas! Are you doing Black Friday shopping? St. Paul's school is selling gift cards to lots of your favorite stores including Target, Old Navy, Kohl's, and Dutch Bros coffee! Bring cash or checks next weekend! Idaho Catholic Men's Conference RISE UP Idaho Catholic men of God and come join us at the first ever Idaho Catholic Men's Conference Saturday, January 30, 2016 on the campus of Boise state University. This historic conference will feature Mass with Bishop Peter Christensen and powerful life changing talks by international Catholic speakers, Fr. Larry Richards, Jesse Romero, and Captain Guy Gruters. To Register go to and sign up now for our early-bird special for just $35. For more information call 208-344-4774. Don't miss this amazing opportunity to be a part of history and grow deeper in your Catholic faith to become the man God created you to be. NO ONE DIES ALONE Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Nampa No One Dies alone was founded by nurse Sandra Clarke in November, 2001: “No One Dies Alone is a volunteer program that provides the reassuring presence of a volunteer companion to dying patients who would otherwise be alone. With the support of the nursing staff, companions are thus able to help provide patients with that most valuable of human gifts: a dignified death.” Chaplain John Henry is the hospital's representative for NODA. If you are interested please call Ian O'Connell at 250-5714. MARRIED COUPLES Want to give the gift that keeps on giving? Apply for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! Enjoy a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend at Nazareth Retreat Center, Feb. 12–14, 2016 and fill your holiday celebrations with even greater blessings. For more info call 208-853-2801 or apply on-line at Additional dates and locations are listed on-line. GALA Celebrate Mardi Gras and support St. Paul's Catholic School by purchasing individual tickets for $65 or a table of eight for $500 for the annual Scholarship Gala on January, 30, 2016. Contact the school o ffice at 467-3601 or visit to reserve your seats. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 7 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL CAPSTONE MISSION Capstone Missions tiene una gran oportunidad de permitir que alguien sirva a Cristo a través de servir a los niños del la casa hogar San Jose en Tijuana, Mexico. Estamos buscando una persona que viva en la casa hogar y pueda hacer trabajo de limpieza y mantenimiento del hogar incluyendo cocinar y lavar la ropa. Esta es una posición pagada a tiempo completo. Para mayor información puede comunicarse en español con Rosa al 208944-4660 o en ingles con Deb Miciak al 208-308-3296 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Los invita a vivir una experiencia católica, privada y personal entre esposo y esposa donde se nos enseña una nueva técnica de comunicación.. próximo fin de semana : Abril 1,2 y 3 del 2016 Para mas informacion llamar a : Francisco y Angelica Molina 208 -800-9236 o Alberto y Mercedes Aguirre 208-890-7983 CLASES PRE– BAUTISMALES Padres y padrinos que desean bautizar próximamente están invitados a participar en las clases pre bautismales el día 12 de Enero a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. Horario de Misas Navideñas San Pablo Noche Buena 24 de Dic. - 5pm en Ingles, 8pm en Español , Media noche en Inglés. Navidad 25 de Dic. - 9:30am en Inglés y 12pm en Español San José ,Melba Noche Buena 24 de Dic. - 6:00pm en Inglés y 8:00pm en Español TIENDITA DE ADVIENTO Todos están invitados a una Tiendita de Adviento que estará en el cuarto de conferencia después de misas el fin de semana del 19 y 20 de diciembre. Habrá disponible manualidades, golosinas, cruces hechas de madera de olivo, los calendarios de los Hombres de Negro, boletos para la rifa y tarjetas de regalo. CEMENTERIO MONTE DEL CALVARIO El monte del calvario es un cementerio Católico que esta localizado en la esquina de Powerline y Greenhurst. Para información de como comprar terreno , favor de comunicarse con Danny al 208-442-8171. GRUPO DE ORACION El Grupo de la Buena Semilla, los invita a todos a un tiempo de oración, alabanza y temas todos los miércoles después de la misa de 6pm. Todos están invitados. AdverƟser of the Week PERFECT AIR HEATING & A/C 376-7473 Please support these vendors who make our bulle n possible. HORAS DISPONIBLES DE ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Ven a visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas vacantes: Lunes a la 4:00am, Martes a la 1:00am y 2:00am , Miércoles a la 4:00am y 5:00am y Jueves a la 1:00am, 2:00am y 3:00am. Por favor, considere una hora a la semana o si no, tal vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar Chris Johnson 467-0332. GRUPO DE ORACION Y APOYO PARA MUJERES Les invitamos a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad, a ser parte de una maravillosa experiencia de oración por nuestros esposos, hijos y comunidad. todos los miércoles 10 am en la oficina 1515 8th Street South, Nampa Idaho 83651. mayor información Linda Wright 760-7918082. El Señor tiene un nuevo Camino en tu vida y tu Matrimonio. MENSAJE DE SALUD La Ventanilla de Salud ofrece exámenes Gratuitos de la glucosa, presión arterial, Índice de Masa Corporal. Llama para solicitar más información 954-8856.
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