137 Moll drive • santa rosa beach, fl 32459 • ph 850.267.2558 • fax 850.267.3711 Pastoral Team 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time † November 1, 2015 Pastor: Father Kevin Johnson Deacon: Deacon Dave Casey Pastoral Assistant: Joe Colello Secretary: Karla Garcia Director of Religious Education: Monique Murray Pre-School Director: Lisa Brooks Director of Music: Adele Armitage Bookkeeper: Laurie Elliott Maintenance Director: Mike Downey Pastoral Council President: Andy Bukaty Finance Chairman: Ray Meyer, III Sacramental Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sunday 8 AM,10 AM, 5 PM Christ the King 12 Noon Hispanic Mass, 2nd & 4th Saturday 7 PM Weekday Masses 8:30 AM 1st Saturday Mass 8:30 AM Holy Days- as announced in bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saint Rita: Saturday 4-5 PM website: www.saintritaparish.org e-mail: [email protected] all saints day SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS NOVEMBER 1, 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week Altar Linen November 2nd Anna Fowler November 9th Cathy Tullos November 16th Paula Michalak November 23rd Lucille Mahan Caring & Sharing Caring & Sharing of South Walton - Please take your donations to the Mary Star of the Sea Room. Collections Saint Rita Offertory Building Fund Upon This Rock Burse World Mission $ 12,130 1,460 550 77 11 Prayer Requests Marilyn Aber Chuck Allen Olga Alvarez Bill Atkinson Kacee Bercegeay Sharon Bologna Joshua Boudreaux Fernando Calle Daniel Carlton Fred Casey James T. Cinnamond Michelle Clancy Tracy Cobia Clara Corral Mae Conaster Baby Sophia Cooper Maik Darley Juan C. Delgadillo Ronnie Denholm Josh Doherty Jan Ebbecke Collette Edwards Ann Floreck Jeanne Forte Susan Fortson Bill Fortson Joe Gagliano Rob Gibson Maria Gouin Rosemary Greenkorn Richard Hackle Cheri Harris Lori Herring Jeff Hill Thomas Jahanian Sally Jones Brandy Kirkland Charles Kurtz Ulrika Laurence Fritz Lammer John LeBleu Joseph LeBleu Paul LeBleu Concetta Loduca Dee Logue Monica Lopez Lucie Lynch Jim Mahan Patrick Malambrie Dale Marti Betty Miller Patrick Miller Jim Murray JImmy Murray Monique Murray Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 AM 5:00 PM Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM October 31 † Dave Dabria By Darrell Dabria November 1 Solemnity of All Saints † Michael DiPinto By Barbara DiPinto † Kathryn Saulter By Joe & Chris Manion CTK † Mike Darley & Family By Jerry & Selita Asteinza November 2 All Soul’s Day Mary Johnson November 3 November 4 † Mary Kelly By Jim Kelly November 5 † Msgt. Joshua Wheeler USA By Joe & Lyn Colello November 6 First Friday Adoration November 7 First Saturday † Barbara G. Lovell By Shelly Michael November 8 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time CTK Mass Intentions are available by calling the church office at (850) 267-2558. Rhonda Murray Pat Neal Berenice Newell Carolynn Opar Boone Pendergast Steve Peterson Christopher Pierce Judy Pritchett Samantha Reed Joel Rivera Deborah P. Roberts Roselyne Rose Santos Sanchez Melissa Savoie Joyce Schilly Susie Segar James Serna Charles Shromer Chris Simerly Liz Skalicky Bonnie Slice Nick Sorel Chuck Thompson Jennifer Trousdale Joseph Tullos, Jr. Keith Tullos John Vambro Cliff Wesson Herb Weinand Donald Zloch Readings for the Week Monday:Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos 1011-1016 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday:Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday:Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday:1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] NOVEMBER 1, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS This Week at St. Rita Monday, November 2 6:00pm Boy Scouts MSSR 6:30pm RCIA - Mother Teresa Room 7:00pm Prayer Group - Church Tuesday, November 3 9:30am OREMUS - MSSR 6:00pm Hispanic Choir Practice Church 5:45pm God Squad Movie MSSR (Dinner at 5pm) Wednesday, November 4 9:00am Sewing Group 4:15pm Confirmation Class 4:15pm Youth Choir - Church 5:15pm Surf Dinner 6-7pm All Religious Education Classes Thursday,November 5 6:30pm Men’s Grow Group- MSSR Friday, November 6 9am-9pm First Friday Adoration Saturday, November 7 8:30am First Saturday Mass Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass Major Events in Oct./Nov. Nov 1Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 17 Nov 20 Nov 24 - Thanksgiving Food Drive Begins Thanksgiving Parish Picnic Return Thanksgiving Food Bags God Squad Movie PreSchool Thanksgiving Feast Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service St. Rita Society of ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SINCE 1833 DO YOU NEED HELP? Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 888-229-6582 ¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul al 850-424-3740 y pregunte por Tony. Grow spiritually, make new friends and live as Christ taught us, “… I was hungry and you gave me food.” We want you… as a member…to share your time, treasure and talents… to assist those in need. For more info call Stephen Starkey at 678-362-0284. On this week’s Cover: Sancte Pie Quinte Ora Pro Nobis - Albrecht Durer -All Saints’ Day, All Hallows, or Hallowmas begins at Vespers on the evening of 31 October – which, of course, is known as the Eve of All Hallows, Halloweven or Hallowe’en, and ends at sundown on 1 November. This is the feast commemorating the saints, all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. From the GOD SQUAD: REFLECTIONS: "Life" -MOTHER THERESA Life is an opportunity, benefit from it, Life is beauty, admire it, Life is a dream, realize it, Life is a challenge, meet it, Life is a duty, complete it, Life is a game, play it, Life is a promise, fulfill it, Life is sorrow, overcome it, Life is a song, sing it, Life is a struggle, accept it, Life is a tragedy, confront it, Life is adventure, dare it, Life is luck, make it, Life is life, fight for it. Saint Rita Women’s Club Lunch Bunch GIFT & GARDEN SHOPPE Now is a great time to purchase that perfect religious gift for Christmas! Join us at Grimaldi’s Tuesday, Nov. 10th, Noon 780 Grand Blvd #100, Miramar Beach RSVP by November 8th Alice Ann Sanchez 850-835-5421 NOVEMBER 1, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS BANK˝ D O O F S IE IT R A H C onth from CATHOLIC Tuesday of each m t rs fi he t ) rt po ee Fr first come first the King Mission (rd e distributed on a b k will be at Christ ill an w B d d oo F oo . F 3 es r ri+ is Novembe k an . b The Catholic Cha d th oo on f m ed h ul ac ew volunteers e m. The next sched y. uired. We need a f 12:30pm to 2:30p eq r s i D I to important ministr y ho P er v is. s hi t rt po served bas up and s 5626) Powers (850-‐461-‐ ob B o t ut o ch ea r Please GOD SQUAD MOVIE NIGHT PRESENTS: “The Life of Saint Augustine" – a 5 Star movie! Tuesday, November 3rd – Mary Star of the Sea Room Dinner at 5:00pm • Movie begins at 5:45pm REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED Ecumenical Community Annual Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, November 24, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. St. Rita Catholic Church -- 137 Moll Drive Every year St Rita has collected Thanksgiving food for the Caring and Sharing Pantry. This year our drive will begin this weekend, Oct.31st – Nov.1st. We will have brown grocery bags available with a list of desired food items attached. For those of us who have been blessed with so much, let us open our hearts to those who are in need. Let’s ensure a bountiful Thanksgiving for everyone. Thank you! An annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving service uniting the churches of Santa Rosa Beach and surrounding areas in one service of praise and thanksgiving for all our many blessings. Love offering taken will be shared with Caring & Sharing of South Walton. You are invited to bring in-date canned items to share with our neighbors in need. Ecumenical: of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation FOOD DRIVE Please bring in no later than Sun. Nov. 15th! SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS NOVEMBER 1, 2015 ALL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES FROM 6-7PM SURF Menu For Wed., Nov. 4th- 5:15PM PIZZA & ICE CREAM! Saint Rita Parish is excited to celebrate all of our Religious Education opportunities this week! Faith Formation is important at all stages of life and we are happy to offer this to everyone thru our many programs. Please contact the parish office for more information and come celebrate with us this Wed, Nov 4th! FREE WILL OFFERING THANKSGIVING PARISH PICNIC! replaces Thanksgiving Day Dinner Sunday, November 8, 2015 11:30 on our Church Grounds Delicious Lunch will be provided at noon under 30’ x 60’ Tent! Games & Activities for Children of All Ages Bouncy House, Booths, Face Painting Please sign up after Mass so that we know how many will be joining the Fun! SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS NOVEMBER 1, 2015 SANTA RITA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Misa en Español Segundo y Cuarto Sábado – 7 PM Celebrante – Padre Álvaro González Comunicación: Felita Asteinza (850) 865-5461 Boletín: Karla Garcia (850) 267-2558 Adoración de la Eucaristía: Primer Viernes del Mes 9 am - 9 pm Clases Bautismales: Segundo y Cuarto Jueves del Mes 6 pm – 8 pm contactar a Claudia Dávila (850) 225-5773 Noche de Surf Miércoles 6 pm – 8 pm en La Oficina de la Iglesia Recuerden en sus oraciones... Pidan al Señor por los enfermos, los difuntos de nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras intenciones. Oremos por, El Eterno Descanso de Maik Darley, Hermano de Felita Asteinza, Juanita Delgadillo, Madre de Juan C. Delgadillo y Claudia Dávila, por Clara Corral, tía de Cecilia, y por Olga Álvarez que se enfrentan a situaciones delicadas de salud. 31 de Octubre de 2015 Avisos... *Mes de Agradecimiento del los Pastores- Por Favor de orar por los Sacerdotes que han servido en la Iglesia de Santa Rita. Esta Semana Oraremos por: Mons. James Flaherty 1998-2002, Padre Tom Collins 20021012, Padre Kevin Johnson 2012- al presente, Padre Alvaro 2009- al presente *Las instrucciones para RICA, personas que no han recibidos los Sacramentos, y los niños de 7 años o mayores que no han sido bautizados, comenzaron en septiembre. Para mas información llame a Felita al 850 865-5461 después de las 5 pm. *SURF, El programa de Educación Religiosa Para La Familia, es cada Miércoles • • 4pm-Clases de Confirmación, 5:15pm- Cena, 6pm- Clases de Educación Religiosa para todos Hay guardería infantil. Por Favor de traer un postre para La Noche de Pasta que la Iglesia Proveerá. * El mes de Nov- la caridad de Caring y Sharing, está pidiendo donaciones de comida para Familias necesitadas que serán compartidas para el Dia de Accion de Gracias y Navidad. Por Favor de recoger las bolsas cafés localizadas en las salida/entrada de la iglesia para sus donaciones. *1 de Nov, Iglesia-Cristo Rey en Freeport, tendrá un dia de Picnic después de la misa. *2 de Nov, El mes de Noviembre si orara por el Eterno Descanso de Difuntos de Nov 2014 –Octubre 2015. Por Favor inscriba los nombres en la libreta localizada en la entrada principal de la Iglesia. Fecha de inscripción hasta el Lunes, Octubre 26. *3 de Nov, El Banco de alimentos de Caridades Catolicas servirá comida en la Mision de Cristo Rey en Freeport a las 12:30pm- 2:30pm el primer Martes de cada mes. La comida será repartida como llegue la gente. Se requiere una forma de identificación. También se necesitan voluntarios para asistir. Por favor de llamar a la iglesia de Santa Rita, 850-267-2558. * 8 de Nov., Día Familiar de Santa Rita, El Padre Kevin invita a toda la comunidad para celebrar El Día de Acción de Gracias con un día de picnic, después de las Misa de 10am en La Iglesia De Santa Rita. El Padre Kevin pide la ayuda de la comunidad hispana para cocinar una parrillada. Por Favor Llame: a Karla García 850-502-6155 si gustaría ayudar o para mas información. Un dia de divercion para toda la familia. Juegos y Actividades para los niños. Si sus hijos/(a) regularmente asisten la doctrina en Cristo Rey (Freeport) tienen permiso de faltar la doctrina este dia si asststiran el dia familiar de Santa Rita. ++Prayer Requests for God’s Loving and Divine Healing – To soothe the hearts and souls in a positive manner of those around the world wishing to destroy Christians. We ask that their evil hearts be turned to the goodness of God!!! We also pray for these CTK Family Members; their Relatives & Friends: Ray Murphy, 3 year-old Noah Crescimanno, Jack Banks, Ellie Turner, Ken Burr, Will Murphy, Franz Leonardo, two Special Intentions, Ed Orlosky, Jackie Seilhan, Jamie Todd, Fritz Lammers, Chris Weeks, Ken Sloan, John Michlich, Dan Dowd Jr., Judy Rose, Kyle Miller, Dennis Skelley, Ben Woodham, Suzi Butler Risher, Joyce Terrell, Sheron Heraway, Melissa Ward and Family, Janet Clerke, Susan Chaney, Chuck and Debbie Jenkins, Garland Hughes, Charles Heraway, Brennan Comiskey, Gloria Trainer, Judy Pritchett, Judy McClanahan, Sally Orlosky, Jackie Hinsch, Ginny Kersten, Marilyn Riggi, Tom Corsten, Cecil Jones, Emaline Whalon, 6 year-old Giovanni Turner, 7 year-old Van Johnson, David Caggiano, Mary Helen Kirby, Bertha Turner, a special request, Joyce Schilly, Ann Aultman, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer, Lily Mc Coy, Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr., George Dunnigan, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, and Skippy Hoffman. Please also remember to pray for the loving and selfless caregivers of these people. 15542 Business Highway 331 Freeport, FL 32439 850-267-2558 FAX 850-267-3711 Christ the King Fr. Kevin Johnson, Pastor IN CHRIST’S CORNER November 1, 2015 Church Ministry UPCOMING EVENTS: November 1, 2015: November 1st All Saints Day Parish Picnic after 12:00 Mass TODAY November 2nd All Souls Day *November 3rd Catholic Charities Food Distribution Program, 1PM in the Social Center, First come; first served, Photo ID req’d November 6th Bunco at CTK Social Center 6:30 PM November 22nd CTK Feast Day and Dinner [The Feast Day Dinner will be a catered event…details forthcoming!] *December 7th Bi-Polar Support Group Meeting in the CTK Center 7:00PM (please note change of date…this meeting will be the first Monday of each month!) Eucharistic Ministers – Ellie Kratt, Luann Schley, Sally Orlosky Lector – Addie Winjum Ushers – Jack Flaws, Jim Mahan November 8, 2015: Eucharistic Ministers – Joe and Maryann Guss, Luann Schley Lector – Myron Tassin Ushers – Ralhp Sorrell, Reese Orlosky Sacrament of Reconciliation by appointment. Jack Fries the 101 year-old gentlemen that we had on our Prayer List was lovingly called into God’s merciful arms in heaven last week. Jack is the father of Shirley Sandoski of St Margaret’s Church in DFS. 2015 is the Year of Consecrated Life...Please pray for Vocations! Mass Intentions available by calling the office at 850-267-2558. ( * Open to the Public) Parish Council Meeting Today-Discussions focused on Current and Future Parish Growth, Activities and Building upgrades…further details when additional information is known. Our own CTK CCD Confirmation Class Teacher, Karen Mueller, has requested that we donate snacks for the class…this should be something portable and as healthy as possible. Homemade food items are a “Plus.” Rosary at CTK anyone wishing to pray the Rosary before Sunday Mass each week should arrive at Church at 11:2o. Collections: Offertory: $557, Building Fund: $204, World Mission $82 Thank You! NEW BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer Continuation of our 8-part study on consecutive Wed. evenings at 7pm For more information and to register, contact LaRae Sorrell 740-703-1849. Information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to be added to the CTK Information Master email list – Send it to Sally at [email protected] by SUNDAY EVENING in order to go into the following week’s Bulletin. If you wish to utilize the Social Center, Call Bob Santos 835-0037 in our bulletin, you may go to the SaintRitaParish.org website.
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