CATHEDRAL OF THE ANNUNCIATION 400 West Rose Street, Stockton, California Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Cuarto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Monday, February 2, 2015: 6:30pm: RCIA for Children: School 7:00pm: Bible Study: Parish House Tuesday, February 3, 2015: 6:00pm: Legion de Maria: Escuela 6:00pm: Youth Legion de Maria: Escuela 7:00pm: RCIA for Adults: Parish House Wednesday, February 4, 2015: 8:30am: School Mass: Church 6:30pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room 7:00pm: Virgen Peregrina: Church 7:00pm: Clase Bautismal: Escuela Friday, February 6, 2015: 12:15pm: Adoration: Church 3:00pm: Rosary Club: Church 7:00pm: Practica del Coro: Cuarto del Coro 7:00pm: Bilingual Youth Group: School Saturday, February 7, 2015: 7:10am: Pro-Life Rosary and Mass: Church 5:30pm: Family Mass: Church Sunday, February 8, 2015: 9:15am: Religious Education: School 11:15am: Educación Religiosa: Escuela 11:30am: Catecismo para Adultos: Salon del Coro Thursday, February 5, 2015: 12:00pm: Altar Guild Meeting: Choir Room 7:00pm: Hora Santa: Iglesia STEPHEN E. BLAIRE, D.D. Bishop of Stockton / Obispo de Stockton Rev. John M. Armistead, Pastor Parish Ministry Team / Equipo Ministerial Lucy Hamer Parish Administrator / Administradora de la Parroquia Danielle Silva School Principal / Directora de la Escuela Rev. Bill Kraft, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mike Wofford, Deacon Rev. Mr. Matthew Joseph, Deacon Parish House / Casa Parroquial 425 West Magnolia Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Office: (209) 463-1305 Fax: (209) 463-0807 Parish Email: [email protected] Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Shannon Rodriguez Early Childhood Ministries / Directora Preescolar Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm Yvonne Harrold Director of Religious Education / Directora de Educación Religiosa 1110 North Lincoln Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Grace Ayala Director of Religious Education, Spanish / Directora de Educación Religiosa, Español Parish Preschool / Preescolar Laura Chance Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry / Directora del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos Schedule of Masses / Horario de Misas Kathy Freitas Business Manager / Administradora Al Smith Plant Manager / Director de Mantenimiento Alma Suerdieck Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial Parish School/ Escuela Parroquial 209-444-4000 440 West Rose Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 209-465-2961 Saturdays / Sábados: 5:30pm Sundays / Domingos: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm Español Weekdays / Entre Semana: 6:30am SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesdays / Miércoles: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Saturdays / Sábados: 8:30am - 9:30am Baptism / Bautismo Genieva Zollinger Sacristan / Sacristán English: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2:30pm, Español: 2o y 4o Domingo, 2:30pm Patti Stone Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativo Marriage / Matrimonio Parish Nurses / Enfermeras de la Parroquia Norah Lamond, R.N. Ginny Wallace, R.N. Nola Moccafiche, R.N. 209-463-1305 Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance of wedding date. /Arreglos para una boda deben de ser hechos con seis meses de anticipo. Altar Guild News The Annunciation Altar Guild will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, February 5th, in the Choir Room. There will be a pizza lunch at noon, following by our regular business meeting at 1:00pm. For more information on the meeting or the Altar Guild, please call Carol Smith at 547-8843, or Virginia Alejo at 477-8786. Pro-Life Rosary and Mass All are welcome to the monthly First Saturday Pro-Life Rosary and Mass Saturday, February 7th. The Rosary starts at 7:10am, followed by Mass at 7:30am. Please join us in prayer for the cause of life! THE BIG RAFFLE For Annunciation School! BIG RAFFLE tickets will be on sale through March 17th. Here’s your chance to win CASH prizes and help support the high quality of Catholic education provided by our parish school. Tickets are $5 each and are now on sale at the school and parish offices, as well as from any Annunciation School family. Thanks for your continued support of Catholic education. Words to live by… Choose Life "Live truth instead of professing it." ~ Elbert Hubbard ~ Annunciation Preschool Our first Drive-Thru Dinner Date: Monday, February 9th Where: Choir Room 440 West Rose Street Pick-Up Time: 3:00 to 6:00 pm Pre-Orders Only: Order Forms Available at Preschool Return to Annunciation Preschool Orders Due by: Wednesday, February 4th with Cash/Check Menu: BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Green Salad, French Bread Cost: $12.00 per dinner Annunciation Preschool Annual Fundraiser Pasta Dinner Saturday, March 14th, 2015 (Annunciation Gymnasium) Save the date! Annunciation Preschool will be holding it’s annual Pasta Dinner fundraiser Saturday, March 14th from 6:00-8:00 pm. Further details and ticket information will be coming soon! Anyone interested in underwriting a portion of our community event should contact Miss Shannon at (209) 465-2961. Come support our parish preschool and enjoy family, food and fun! The Bilingual Youth Group, “Los Discípulos de Jesús”, invites all high school youth to our Game Night!! Friday, February 6, 2015 at 7pm in the School Auditorium. We hope you come to COMPETE and win PRIZES!!! Food and drinks will be provided! HIGH SCHOOL TEENS: We have three weeks until the retreat February 13-15th. Please sign up soon — spaces are filling up. Call Laura at 4631305. To Our Annunciation Parish Family: Can you help? The High School Youth Group Retreat is coming up February 13-15, and there are a few ways that our parish can help! First, for some families, the $125 cost of the retreat can be a hardship. Would you be interested in sponsoring a teen to attend this important retreat experience? Second, you can help with our food supplies by donating a Smart and Final gift card. Third, you can hold up the teens and adults attending the retreat in prayer, that they may have a fun, safe and spiritually-enriching retreat. Your contribution of support and prayer is most welcome! Please contact Laura Chance at 4631305 or [email protected] if you would like to sponsor a teen or make a gift card donation. Thank you! El Grupo Juvenil “Los Discípulos de Jesús” invita a todos los jóvenes de High School a nuestra Noche de Juegos!! Sera el Viernes 6 de Febrero, 2015 a las 7pm en el Auditorio de la escuela. Esperamos que vengas a COMPETIR para ganar PREMIOS!!! Habrá Comida y Bebidas! Our Family Haven’t Got a Prayer? We do! Please pray for those of our community who are ill, especially Lori Brady, Eileen Capanella, Mike Coley, Luke and Ruth Ellis, Jeanne Gaea, Bob Harrold, Corrie Warmerdam and Louise Warmerdam. Desperate? Feeling helpless and hopeless? Too upset to even pray? Why not let us help? About 10 of your fellow parishioners are dedicated to praying for your intentions every week.. Write your prayer request below and either mail it to the Parish House or simply drop it in the offertory basket at Mass. My Prayer Request: Please pray for those who have passed through death into a new life with Christ, especially Francesco Conti and Cleo Vieira. Mass Intentions for This Week: OR . . . if you would prefer to submit a prayer request online, or would like to pray for those who have submitted a prayer request, visit the new Prayer Request page on our parish website at From the Home page, select the “Jesus” tab, then click on “Prayer Request” from the drop-down menu. 2/2/15 6:30am: Rebecca Harrold (Special Intention) 2/3/15 6:30am: Matthew Harrold (Special Intention) 2/4/15 6:30am: 8:30am: 2/5/15 6:30pm: Michael Andrew Lantin 2/6/15 6:30am: Mary Murphy 2/7/15 5:30pm: Innocente and Ida Antoniolli Sharing Our Gifts Current Week Year to Date Offertory Collection for January 25, 2015 $13,980 $427,366 This Year’s Budget Goal $15,357 $416,694 Variance from Budget ($1,377) $10,672 DIOCESE AND COMMUNITY YEAR OF MARK WORKSHOP Friday, February 6 OR Saturday, February 7, 2015 Don’t miss this opportunity to reflect on the scriptures of Lent and Easter. Father Hung Pham, SJ, will once again share his insight on this year’s Lenten Gospel. Father Pham is from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley and holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology. This half-day workshop will especially benefit preachers, presiders, lectors, musicians, catechists, and all those who break open the Word with the People of God. The workshop will be held at St. Michael’s Parish, 5882 North Ashley Lane, Stockton, Room 9-10, from 10 am to 3 pm. Space is limited and reservations are a must - $10 offering. Lunch will be served. Email Hedy Olaso to secure your spot: [email protected]. “THURSDAY NIGHT MONTHLY FAMILY DINNER” February 19, 2015 Social begins at 6:00 PM Dinner served from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM To Go Dinners Available $18 - ADULTS $12 - UNDER 10 BBQ PORK RIBS, PESTO, SALAD, BREAD & DESSERT Contact Paula Biscaia 209-957-3340 ext. 246 [email protected] PREPARED BY JASON KIMBALL ‘93 BENEFITS FINANCIAL AID NEXT DINNER – THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH Worldwide Marriage Encounter MARRIED COUPLES: Are you looking for the perfect gift to give your spouse? Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Do you wish you could talk about something besides the stresses in your life? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next weekend dates are: February 13-15 in Sacramento, and April 1719 in Sparks, Nevada. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER! CALL NOW! For more information, visit our website at, or contact Terry and Janet at [email protected] or 916-489-3464. Is your marriage in trouble? Retrouvaille can help. You Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are ‘Happily Married’. For everyone else, there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. For information, or to register for the Modesto Retrouvaille program beginning with a Weekend on Mar. 20-22, 2015, visit the web site at, email [email protected], or call 209-232-5315. Mike Martini 4032 N. El Dorado St. Stockton, CA 95204 For FREE LASIK Consultation call 866-325-2233 OUR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 4600 N. Pershing Avenue, Suite D Stockton, CA 95207 OFFICE: (209) 478-5900 CELL: (209) 986-5900 [email protected] San Joaquin Catholic 719 Harding Way Stockton, CA 95201 209-466-6202 St. John’s Catholic 17871 S. Carrolton Rd Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 The Only Consecrated Catholic Cemeteries in San Joaquin County. Mass is offered at the cemeteries for those entrusted to our care. Piano lessons for all ages Retirement Living at its Best! Over ten years teaching experience Private and group classes available B.M. Piano performance, UOP Ashton Roelle ¨C (408) 565-5461 [email protected] Rio Las Palmas 877 E. March Lane Stockton 209-957-4711 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR AND LUNCH 3134 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95204 Roberto A. Aguilar Realtor® Hablo Español ARTURO VERA PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Specializing in Weddings Arturo Vera, Parishioner (209) 460 - 0780 Gymnastics & Cheer Tumbling instruction for all ages! FREE TRIAL CLASS! (209) 477-8978 7404 Murray Drive, Stockton Parishioner CalBRE#01707444 Office: (209) 955-7907 Cell: (209) 323-9130 Efax: (209) 623-4187 E-mail: [email protected] IACOPI, LENZ & COMPANY Accountancy Corporation James J. Acosta, C.P.A. Michael Butler, C.P.A. "Parishioners" 3031 W. March Lane, Ste 300-E Stockton, CA 95219 (209)957-3691 MATTHEW W. SMITH Parishioner Commercial Industrial Residential Since 1972 SMITH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Commercial Kitchens · Custom Stainless Steel H.V. A/C · Ref. · Sheet Metal P.O. Box 8306 Contractors Lic. #303146 1150 N. Filbert St. PHONE 209/466-1434 Stockton, CA 95208 FAX 209/466/0452 Antonio S. Ceballos /// Fabian Ceballos /// OWNERS 2615 N. West Lane, Stockton, Ca 95205 t 209.474.9465 · f 209.478.0704 Mention this AD and Fabian’s Collision Center, Inc. Will donate $50-$100 to the Cathedral of the Annunciation D AVID M. S ILVA C E RTI FI E D PUBL I C A CC OUNTA NT (Donation amount based on total invoice) 3620 W. Hammer Lane, Suite D, Stockton, CA 95219 We work with all insurance companies. (209) 932-8740 ▪ fax (209) 932-8746 email:[email protected] Stanislaus Food Products 1202 "D" Street, Modesto 209-522-7201 Items Available At: Louie’s Frutta Market Rinaldi’s Market Podesto’s Gary S. Giovanetti Financial Services & Employee Benefits Established 1992 209-603-5460 [email protected] CHAPEL OF THE PALMS Serving Catholic Families Funeral Director M. Jim Soares 303 S. California Street 209-465-0265 Retirement Planning Medicare Covered California Health Ins. Long Term Care Eucaristic Minister Cathedral of the Annunciation MICHAEL'S PIZZA We deliver! Breakfast served every day, so swing by after Mass! 2300 W. Alpine 462-6668 Jeff Bolognini CAVAGNARO'S Shoe Repair Quality Shoe Repairing Since 1935 411 Lincoln Center 477-1578 Parishioner The Wigfall Family thanks you for your interest in “GEORGE THE PAINTER” IMPORTED CHEESE • SALAMI HOME MADE RAVIOLI FRESH SAUSAGES CUSTOM SANDWICHES 2112 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204 209-469-0108 DeYOUNG'S Memorial Chapel FD 208 601 N. California 466-8075 Shoreline Chapel FD 1479 7676 Shoreline 472-0335 HAND, MD Ophthalmology 474-2121 FINANCIAL CENTER CREDIT UNION Serving the Catholics of Stockton Diocese 18 S. Center Street 948-6024
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