SEPTEMBER 2015 Wauconda High School Parent Newsletter Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER Labor Day No School 9/7 School Board Mtg. C.O.W. 7pm 9/3 School Board Mtg. Bus. Mtg. 7pm 9/17 Welcome from the Superintendent Please let me welcome everyone to our wonderful school district for the 2015/16 school year. Our school district’s Vision Statement “Learning for Life – Building Partnerships for Success” is the cornerstone for our educational programs as well as the relationships that are fostered among all stakeholders. As we strive for educational excellence, we encourage a sense of open communication and trust. To that end, we invite all parents to contact any of our staff should they have any concerns about their child’s education. It is through open communication that concerns are addressed and partnerships are strengthened. Strong partnerships among students, parents and educators form the positive relationships that are critical to student success in school. Once again, welcome back and have a great school year! Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendent of Schools Bienvenida del Superintendente Permitanme darles a todos la bienvenida a nuestro maravilloso distrito escolar para el ano escolar 2015/16. La Visión de nuestro distrito escolar “Aprendiendo Por Vida – Construyendo Asociaciones Para el Éxito” es la piedra angular de nuestros programas educativos como también para las relaciones que fomentamos entre todos. Según nos esforzamos en lograr excelencia educativa, alentamos un sentimiento de confianza y comunicación abierta. A esos fines, invitamos a todos los padres a comunicarse con nuestro personal si tienen alguna preocupación relacionada con la educación de sus niños. Es a través de la comunicación abierta que las preocupaciones son atendidas y las asociaciones son fortalecidas. Asociaciones fuertes entre estudiantes, padres, y educadores forman las relaciones positivas que son criticas para el éxito de los estudiantes en la escuela. Nuevamente, bienvenidos y que tengan un gran ano escolar. Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendente de Escuelas Notice to Parents Regarding Acceptable Use of District 118 Electronic Networks Annual Parent Opt-Out Notice Parents who prefer to exercise their right to have their child opt-out from using the district’s Electronic Network (i.e. computer labs, internet accessibility, library information system, etc.) must notify their building principal in writing at the start of the school year of their wish to do so. The Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Administrative Procedure may be found in your child’s parent/student handbook 2015/16. Questions regarding the Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks may be directed to your child’s school. Notice to Parents Regarding Directory Information Annual Parent Opt-Out Notice The law and District Policy designate certain information as “Directory Information.” Directory information includes the student’s name, address, telephone listing, gender, grade level, birth date and birth place, parent’s names and addresses, academic awards, degrees and honors received, information relating to school-sponsored activities, organizations and athletics, major field of study, period of attendance in the school, the height and weight of members of athletic teams, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. This information may be released to the general public, unless a parent informs the District within ten (10) days of this Notice that information concerning his or her child should not be released, or that the parent desires that some or all of this information not be designated as directory information. Please contact your building principal with any questions concerning this notice. Notice to Parents Regarding Military Recruitment Annual Parent Opt-Out Notice A recent change in Federal Law gives military recruiters the same access to high school student directory information as businesses and college recruiters. Parents may choose to opt-out of this Federal requirement by notifying the building principal in writing that they do not wish to have this student information shared with military recruiters. Please contact the high school building principal at 5266611, ext. 1005 with any questions concerning this notice. Notice Of Non-Discrimination It is the policy of Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 not to discriminate on the basis of color, race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, gender identity, status of being homeless, order of protection status, actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy, with respect to its educational programs, enrollments, activities or employment policy. This policy of non-discrimination is in compliance with Titles IX and VI and Section 504. Inquiries concerning compliance may be directed to the Principal, (847) 526-6611 Ext. 1000 at Wauconda High School, or to Mr. Cameron Willis, Nondiscrimination Coordinator, and/or Mrs. Valerie Donnan, Complaint Manager, 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, IL 60084, (847) 526-7690, or the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Notice of Prohibition Against Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment Bullying, intimidation, and harassment are not acceptable in any form and will not be tolerated at school or any school related activity. The School District will protect students against retaliation for reporting incidents of bullying, intimidation, or harassment, and will take disciplinary action against any student who participates in such conduct. Aviso a los Padres del Uso Aceptable del Distrito 118 sobre Redes electrónicas Notificación Anual de Padres de optar por el uso de la red electrónica Los padres que prefieren ejercer su derecho a tener a sus hijos optar por el uso de la red electrónica del distrito (es decir, laboratorios de computación, acceso a Internet, sistema de información de la biblioteca, etc) deben notificar a su director de la escuela por escrito al inicio del año escolar de su deseo de hacerlo. El uso aceptable de Procedimiento Administrativo redes electrónicas se pueden encontrar en el Manual del Estudiante 2015/16 de su hijo. Preguntas sobre el uso aceptable de las redes electrónicas pueden ser dirigidas a la escuela de su hijo. Información de Directorio Notificación Anual de Alternativa a Padres La ley y la política del distrito designan cierta información como “Información de Directorio.” Información de directorio incluye el nombre del estudiante, dirección, teléfono, sexo, grado, fecha de nacimiento y lugar de nacimiento, nombre de los padres y sus direcciones, premios académicos, títulos y honores recibidos, información relacionada con actividades auspiciadas por la escuela, organizaciones y atletismo, concentración de estudios, periodo de asistencia en la escuela, estatura y peso de los miembros de los equipos atléticos, y la mas reciente anterior agencia educativa o institución asistida por el estudiante. Esta información puede ser accesible al publico en general, a no ser que los padres le informen al distrito en un plazo de diez (10) días de esta notificación que la información concerniente a su hijo(a) no debe ser accesible, o que los padres desean que parte o toda la información no sea designada como información de directorio. Favor de contactar al principal de la escuela si tiene alguna pregunta concierne a esta notificación. Notificación a Padres Concerniente a Reclutamiento Militar Notificación Anual de Alternativa a Padres Un reciente cambio en la ley federal permite a reclutadores militares el mismo acceso a la información de directorio que tienen los reclutadores comerciales y de colegios. Los padres pueden escoger la opción de salida de este requisito federal notificando al principal de la escuela por escrito que ellos no desean que se comparta la información del estudiante con reclutadores militares. Favor de contactar al principal de la escuela superior al 526-6611, ext. 1005 con cualquier pregunta sobre esta notificación. Notificación de la no-discriminación Es la póliza del Distrito Escolar 118 no discriminar en contra las bases de color, raza, nacionalidad, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, descendencia, edad, incapacidad física o mental, la identidad de género, el estado de quedarse sin hogar, el auto del estatuto de protección, el estado real o potencial estado civil o de los padres, como el embarazo, con respecto a su programas educativos, las matrículas, las actividades o la política de empleo.Esta póliza de no discriminar cumple de acuerdo con los títulos IX y VI y la sección 504. Preguntas acerca conformidad puede ser dirigido al principal, (847) 526-6611 Ext. 1000 , o al Señor Cameron Willis, Coordinadora de la no-discriminación, y/o Señora Valerie Donnan, Administrador de denuncia, 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, IL 60084, (847) 526-7690, o el director de la oficina de los derechos Civiles, Departamento de Salud, Educación y bienestar, Washington, D.C. Aviso de Prohibición de la matoneria, la intimidación y el acoso Los actos de la matoneria, la intimidación y el acoso no son aceptables en cualquier forma y no será tolerado en la escuela o cualquier actividad relacionada con la escuela. El distrito escolar protege a los estudiantes contra las represalias por denunciar casos de matoneria, intimidación o acoso, y tomara las medidas disciplinarias contra cualquier estudiante que participe en dicha conducta. PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE Dan Klett, Principal Ext.1000 Jeanne Wallin, Administrative Assistant Ext.1005 Welcome Back, The staff at Wauconda High School is excited to begin another school year! We are very fortunate to have such a fine facility to educate the students. The entire staff including the custodians, maintenance staff, secretarial staff, and guidance counselors have put in many hours this past summer to prepare for the school year. So far, we have had a terrific start. It was very exciting to have so many incoming freshmen show up for orientation; they all seemed excited to begin their journey through their high school years. The students were great and very respectful. Thanks Class of 2019 and welcome to WHS! The first day of school was also a big success. The teachers were ready and prepared to start educating our students right away! All of the students seemed very excited to be back. Although there are always a few issues, overall the first day went great thanks to my wonderful staff and the great group of students we have this year. Once again, the early start of school will mean that we will complete the 1st semester and final exams prior to winter break, and depending on the number of snow days we use, we will complete the school year prior to Memorial Day. Our scheduled date for the graduation of the class of 2016 is Sunday, May 22, 2016. As always the seniors are already excited to see that day arrive, but before we get to the end there are many exciting and memorable days ahead. This year Homecoming week is October 5 – October 10 and our students are already planning an exciting week. Again this year, we have the Parent Portal Access and Student Access on PowerSchool, and the online Parent-Teacher day scheduler. You may use your same access into PowerSchool as last year. Students and parents of freshman who came from our middle schools also have the same access as last year. New students and parents will be receiving their access information in the mail soon. Just like every year there are many changes, including the hiring of our great new staff members. We are fortunate to have the same administrative team back this year, including Mrs. Laura Halverson, Assistant Principal for Operations, Dr. Andrew Lambert, Athletic Director, Mr. Mark Landvick, Assistant Principal for Student Services, and Mr. Matt Badgley, Assistant Principal for Student Services. In order to provide better and more personal interaction and interventions with all students, each Assistant Principal for Student Services has been paired with 2 guidance counselors and a social worker to make an intervention team to service student needs. The following are the alphabetical divisions for the students: Assistant Principal for Student Services Office A-L Mr. Badgley Ext. 1003 M-Z Mr. Landvick Ext. 1004 Guidance Office Class of 2017 - 2019 2016 A-F (9-11) A-GA (12) Mrs. Hoffmann Ext. 1011 G-L (9-11) GB-MA (12) Mrs. Leino Ext. 1012 M-Q (9-11) MB-RI (12) Mr. Roy Ext 1010 R-Z (9-11) RJ-Z (12) Mr. Sutherland Ext. 1013 Please make sure you contact your appropriate Assistant Principal or Counselor for any questions. We are looking forward to a terrific 2015-2016 school year. There will be many exciting times ahead including homecoming, athletic contests, concerts, plays, and many other activities that will showcase the talents of Wauconda High School students. Remember to put in the time to be successful in your education! Go Bulldogs! Dan Klett ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR OPERATIONS PLEASE NOTE TITLE CHANGE The Assistant Principal will now be known as the Assistant Principal for Operations. Laura Halverson, Assistant Principal Ext. 1001 For Operations Joni Berg, Administrative Assistant Ext. 1006 Procedures for Reporting Absenses for Students Who Attend Tech Campus On a day when a student is unable to attend school or must leave school during the day, the parent/ guardian needs to call the WHS Attendance Office at (847) 526-6611 ext. 1008. The Lake County Technology Campus must also be called at (847) 223-6681. The building administrator will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. If a parent/guardian fails to call or cannot call, the student should bring a note to the attendance office by 7:10 a.m. the morning of the student’s return. If a student does not report to the attendance office, or the school does not receive a parental explanation, the student will face disciplinary action. Procedimientos Para Reportar Ausencias Para Los Estudiantes Quienes Tienen Clases en el Colegio de Tecnología El día que el estudiante no pueda asistir a la escuela o que deba salír temprano de la escuela, los padres/guardianes deben de llamar a la Oficina de Asistencia de la escuela al 847/526-6611, extensiôn 1008. También deben de llamar al Colegio de Tecnología de Lake County al 847/2236681. El administrador del edificio determinará si la ausencia es escusada o no. Si los padres/guardianes no Llaman o no pueden llamar, el estudiante debe de llevar una nota a la Oficina de Asistencia a las 7:10 a.m. cuando regrese el estudiante a la escuela. Si el estudiante no se reporta a la Oficina de Asistencia o si la escuela no recibe una explicación de los padres, el estudiante recibirá una disciplina. Arrive to School on Time - Doors Open At…. The main entry doors will be opened Monday through Friday at 6:00 a.m. The outside doors (B-wing facing the driveway) numbers 4, 5, and 6, along with door H13 (Minerva Street) will be opened at 6:50 a.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:45 a.m. on Fridays. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR OPERATIONS Laura Halverson, Assistant Principal Ext. 1001 For Operations Joni Berg Administrative Assistant Ext. 1006 NEW ADDRESS? NEW PHONE NUMBER? NEW CELL PHONE NUMBER? Please inform the office in writing or call Mrs. Halverson at (847) 526-6611 ext. 1001 when there is a change of address, home phone, cell phone, and/or work phone numbers. In case of an emergency, the school needs to be able to reach a parent or guardian immediately. ¿CAMBIO DE DIRECCIÓN? ¿NUEVO NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO? Por favor comuniquen a la oficina por escrito o llame a la Sra. Lichterman al 847-526-6611 ext. 1001 cuando tengan algún cambio de dirección, número de teléfono, celular, trabajo etc. En caso de que haya una emergencia, la escuela necesita comunicarse, con los padres/guardianes de inmediato. ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS FOR STUDENT SERVICES PLEASE NOTE TITLE CHANGE The Deans Office will now be known as the Assistant Principals for Student Services Office. Matt Badgley (A-L) ext. 1003 Mark Landvick (M-Z) ext. 1004 Mrs. Maria Lichterman, Administrative Assistant ext. 1007 Mrs. Lori Morgan, Attendance Secretary ext. 1008 Homework Requests Contact Mrs. Maria Lichterman (847) 526-6611 ext. 1007 If your child will be absent for two or more days, homework may be requested by contacting Mrs. Lichterman in the Assistant Principals for Student Services Office. In order to collect your child’s homework in a timely manner, we ask that you call in the request by 8:00 a.m. Any requests that are received after 12:00 noon will be processed for pickup the next school day. IN CASE OF ABSENCE or a NEED TO LEAVE SCHOOL EARLY a parent or guardian must: 1. Call the high school at 847-526-6611 and press 1 2. Please report absences before 9:00 a.m. 3. Messages left should include: A. Student’s name B. Student’s ID number C. Reason for absence D. Phone number where a parent or guardian can be reached 4. The administration will determine if the absence is excused or not 5. If a parent fails to call the absence will be determined unexcused and disciplinary consequences may exist. UNEXCUSED absences will result in disciplinary action. EN CASO DE QUE EL ESTEDIANTE ESTE AUSENTE o TENGA QUE SALIR TEMPRANO DE LA ESCUELA, los padres/guardianes deben de: 1. Llamar a la escuela al 847/526-6611 presione la opción número 1. 2. Por favor llamar a la escuela antes de las 9:00 a.m. 3. El mensaje debe incluir (en español): A. El nombre del estudiante B. El número de identificación escolar del estudiante C. La razón por la cual el estudiante está ausente D. Número de teléfono donde nos podamos comunicar con los padres/guardianes 4. la Administración determinará si la ausencia es escusada ó no 5. Si los padres/guardianes no llaman ó no pueden llamar, el estudiante debe de llevar una nota a la oficina de asistencia a las 7:10 a.m. cuando regrese el estudiante a la escuela. ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS FOR STUDENT SERVICES Matt Badgley (A - L) ext. 1003 Mark Landvick (M - Z) ext. 1004 Maria Lichterman, Administrative Assistant ext. 1007 CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES * May be used at and during non-academic times and areas (i.e. hallways during passing periods, cafeteria during lunch, etc.). * Study halls and classrooms must have teacher approval for appropriate usage. * Inappropriate usage will not be tolerated. * If a staff member determines use is inappropriate or unapproved, the item may be confiscated. * Administration reserves the right to confiscate the item until the end of the semester. If any of these items are confiscated, students will be subject to disciplinary consequences and parents may be required to pick up these items. If you have any questions pertaining to any of the above items, please contact the Assistant Principals for Student Services Office at (847) 526-6611 ext. 1007. Counselor Student’s Last Name Ext. Melissa Hoffmann A-Ga (12) A-F (9-11) 1011 Louisa Leino Gb-Ma (12) G-L (9-11) 1012 Brian Roy Mb-Ri (12) M-Q (9-11) 1010 Jim Sutherland Rj-Z R-Z 1013 Karen Anstedt Registrar (12) (9-11) 1009 Naviance is here! WHS is introducing Naviance Family Connections. All students will have an account. What does Naviance do? It will help with applying to college, searching for college careers and scholarships etc. Please see your counselor if you have any questions. The counselors will be getting out to the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior English classes to introduce Naviance to students this Fall! PLEASE NOTE! Counselors are seen by appointment only! If you need to see your counselor, stop by the appointment desk, located in the Main Office, to schedule a time. Students are seen only during their lunch period or study hall. Guidance Office Parents, did you know School Announcements are available to view on Powerschool. Sign into Powerschool and click on Daily Bulletins to see. Check out Naviance for a listing of the many scholarships available to our students! Check your student email daily. 2015/2016 ACT Test Dates Test Date Registration Deadline Late Fee Required September 12 August 7 August 8-21 October 24 September 18 Sept. 19—Oct. 2 December 12 November 6 November 7-20 February 6 January 8 January 9-15 April 9 March 4 March 5—18 June 11 May 6 May 7-20 PSAT TESTING The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 14th from 7:20am until 10:00am. The PSAT is an opportunity for Juniors to enter into National Merit Scholarship Competition. Sophomores may take the PSAT for test preparation and practice. The test costs $14.00 and will be administered in school periods 1-4. If you would like to sign up please see Mrs. Hoffenberg in the main office. The last day sign up will be Friday, October 10th. Please understand that there are 70 PSAT slots available and that those students that sign up too late will be referred to Mundelein or Lake Zurich High School. ACT PREP Don’t forget to register on ACT Prep Classes Currently, the state of Illinois will not be offering the ACT in high schools this year. Students must register and take the official ACT on the Saturdays of September 12, October 24, December 12, April 9 and June 11. The ACT score is a good indicator of college choices for students. A good ACT score can also be financially rewarding for the family as well. Our job as ACTeachers is to help your kids achieve better ACT scores. ACTeachers has the instructors, techniques, and experience to help students achieve their target ACT scores. We know that good scores=happy parent too, so let us help you with both. Our courses are offered in the evenings so we can appeal to athletes, band members, club kids, night owls , and vampires. We meet for 1 1/2 hours twice a week for five weeks at Wauconda High School. The time is spent for instruction, with mini tests to ensure comprehension. There is also homework! Why spend money on expensive programs that don’t guarantee the same instructors each session, similar teaching tactics, or increased scores? Our instructors are either past or present teachers who understand how to teach kids. This is our 8th year of tutoring for the ACT and we pride ourselves on helping kids prepare for the test. The following are class dates to prepare for the December 12th ACT Test. Classes go from 7-8:30 p.m. Class dates: October 27 & 29 November 3 & 5 November 10 & 11 November 17 & 19 December 1 **If there is enough interest to have a session prior to the October 24th ACT, we will offer another set of nine classes. These classes would begin September 15th or the 22nd and run every T/TH for nine classes. Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in taking the October ACT and want ACT Preparation. We need at least 10 students to run the session. Program Fees: *$360 per individual for nine (9) classes of instruction. *Payment due on upon first day of class. *Sign up via email at [email protected]. You can also contact the guidance office and they will contact Me. *Register prior to start of the first class so we can prepare materials. *You will be contacted with class details, room #, etc. upon registration. Athletic Office Andrew Lambert, Athletic Director ext. 1002 Angie Garrod, Administrative Assistant ext. 1016 Looking for up-to-date schedules of your child’s team? Inclement weather? Wondering if practices or games are canceled/postponed? Visit the official web page of WHS Athletics CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES JOURNALISM CLUB The Journalism Club is always looking for new member to help publish The Purple Press student newspaper. In addition to writers, we have openings for graphic artists, web designers, and photographers. Working for the newspaper is an excellent way to get involved with things going on at school, it looks great on a resume or college application, and its fun to see your name in print! Best of all, students can join for the whole school year or a single month. Taking the Journalism class is a great idea but not required. The club meets right after school on Mondays in Mr. Tripp’s room (B209). SEDOL LASSO FUNDRAISER Sedol Lasso class is having a fundraiser at Wendy’s in Lake Zurich on Thursday, September 10th from 5-8pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and any money raised through drive up or dining room sales will be used for mobility trips our class take in the community. There is no coupon needed, just show up and eat and support our class! WHS VOCAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT Mariano’s Performance Showcase! On Saturday, September 5th the WHS Vocal Music Department will be featured at Mariano’s in Lake Zurich. This performance showcase will be brought to you by the Fine Arts Boosters and Mariano’s. Please plan to stop by tna watch the Swing Choir and Varsity Choir perform between 9:00 am and noon and as always….Thanks for your support!! Jean Soofi RN—Ext. 1020 PARENTS PLEASE NOTE! All incoming Freshman need an Illinois state physical in by October 15th. Seniors are required to have a Meningitis booster after age 16. Proof needs to be sent to the Nurses Office. Students are not allowed to carry medicine with them unless specified by their doctor. ATTENTION PARENTS OF INCOMING SENIORS All Seniors will be required to show proof of having received a Meningococcal vaccine before entry to school in August 2015. The Nurses office must have your competed forms by August 12th, 2015. KIM FLEMING—BAND DIRECTOR Originally from New Jersey, Kim Fleming recerive her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from Ithaca College. She taught middle school and high school band in New Jersey for 5 years before moving to Chicago in 2013. This past June, Ms. Fleming received her Master’s Degree in Wind Band Conducting from Northwestern University. Ms. Fleming will be co-teaching the band and percussion classes at WHS and will be traveling to teach band at WMS and MMS. In addition to teaching the band classes, she co-directs the Marching Bulldogs and will be directing the pit orchestra for the fall musical. Ms. Fleming is excited to join the Music Department in Wauconda CUSD 118! KERRY LEVEQUE—PHYSICAL EDUCATION I will be teaching Physical Education this year, along with coaching the dance team. I graduated from the University of Arkansas where I majored in Kinesiology, teaching and coaching. Prior to Wauconda, I was at Cary-Grove High School teaching PE. JEFF WOLTER—PHYSICAL EDUCATION My name is Jeff Wolter and I am a new teacher in the Physical Education Department. I graduated from Illinois State University with my Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology-Physical Education. Outside of teaching, I am coaching the Freshman Volleyball team. Before teaching here in Wauconda, I was teaching Elementary Physical Education in Bloomington, IL KAREN KARECKI—SPECIAL EDUCATION My name is Karen Karecki and I am excited to join the Special Education team at the high school. I will be co-teaching two English III and Modern Literature. I graduated from Illinois State University and went on to Northeastern to earn my master’s degree. I taught at Wauconda Middle School for nine years and am returning to education after taking a sabbatical to stay home with my children. I look forward to supporting the students with their academic and social goals to prepare them for their post-secondary Goals. MATT SIMON—HISTORY Mr. Simon joins the staff at Wauconda High School after working at McHenry West High School, his alma mater. After high school, he attended Illinois Wesley University in Bloomington, where he majored in History and secondary education. Mr. Simon will be teaching United States History and volunteering with the football team at Wauconda, and in very excited about the upcoming year. Go Bulldogs! DENIS ADAMS—SPECIAL EDUCATIOIN Hi! My name is Denis Adams, and this is my first year here at Wauconda High School. I work in the Special Education Department, and I will be co-teaching a Geometry class, Algebra class and Topics class. Additionally, I will be teaching my own Topics class. I am a football coach in the Freshman team. This is my 13th year as an educator. I am married, and we have two wonderful sons, almost 4 and almost 6. While my wife and I are from the Chicagoland area, we have lived both in Denver, Colorado and Boise, Idaho (where both our sons were born!) Prior to teaching, I owned a small picture framing shop and have been a business-to-business salesman. I have a bachelors of arts in History from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a bachelors of Science from Illinois State University. Also, I have a masters in Education Leadership from the University of Idaho. MITCH MADRY—LITERATURE AND ENGLISH Hello Parents! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mitchell Madry and I am the new Modern Literature/Sophomore English teacher at Wauconda High School. Prior to teaching at Wauconda High School, I lived and taught in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. At my previous district, I was the Senior class sponsor, Junior Language Arts teacher, theater coach/teacher and the forensics/debate coach/teacher for six years. My family and I relocated to the northern Illinois area for my spouse to take a promotion within the medical field. Along with my spouse, I also have a 2 year old son named Jacob. I look forward to an exciting 2015-16 school year! MARIBEL PEREZ– SPANISH I will be teaching Spanish I, Spanish Speakers I and Spanish Speakers II. The extracurricular activity that I plan to sponsor is tutoring Spanish. I have a masters degree in Education/Cross Cultural from National University in 2004. My bachelors degree in Foreign Language—Spanish from Cal State University in 1998. My teaching experience as a Spanish teacher for 2 years at Laguna Hills High School, California and Spanish teacher for 1 year at Birmingham High School. WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL HAS AN FBLA CHAMPION!! Our very own Business Plan Team consisting of Dominic Mues, Mikayla Ciesel and Catie Petralia. The FBLA National Leadership Conference was held in Chicago on June 29 through July 2. Over 11,000 Students were in attendance. Students from across the globe such as China, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Haiti and 42 states were competing at this years national conference. Wauconda High School had 40 students Compete in 23 different individual and team events and WOW did our students make District 118 proud! Here are the results: -1sr Place—Business Plan Team—Catie Petralia, Dom Mues, & Mikayla Ciesel -2nd Place - Community Service Project Team—Chris Nachman & Dom Mues -3rd Place—Social Media Campaign Team—Jeff Moorhead, Justin Klein & Julia Deitrich -3rd Place—Website Design Team—Patrick Adams, Matt Bulgarelli & Megan Kehr -3rd Place—American Enterprise Project Team—Davis Heck, Lexi Meyer & Emily Holmes -5th Place—3D Animation Team—Shiv Patel & Drake Tylka -9th Place—Intro to Business Communication—Tommy O’Brien (Freshman) Wauconda High School has 16 out of the 38 students that competed at nationals make it on stage! That is an Amazing 42% of out students received a top 10 national award! The students in team events had to beat out Over 80 teams in their events to advance to the final round. The 6 teams above did just that. Then to get to the National stage they had to beat out another 5 teams. The individual event Intro to Business Communications Had over 135 students take the test so Tommy O’Brien beat out 125 to get on the national stage. Our national Champs had to beat out 92 teams to be 1st place winners. I still haven’t quite wrapped my head around All these amazing accomplishments by our awesome students! Our FBLA Chapter was recognized at nationals for the following: -2nd Place north Central Region (8 states) - Largest Local Chapter -2nd Place—North Central Region—Largest Local Chapter Professional Division -8th Place– for Largest Local Chapter (16,000 Chapters) in the Nation with 344 members. Words can not describe how proud I am of our students and what they accomplished at the national level! September 25 The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken Sixteen‐year‐old Ruby breaks out of a government run 'rehabilitation camp' for teens who acquired dangerous powers after surviving a virus that wiped out most American children. When: Friday, September 25, 2015 during 5th hour Where: Wauconda High School Library Why: Meet and visit with other students who like to read popular young adult books. Eat your lunch in the library. Ms. Stott brings donuts. How: Sign up in the library. Read the book. Bring your lunch to the library during your lunch period on September 25th. September 25 One Shot at Forever: A Small Town, an Unlikely Coach, and a Magical Baseball Season by Chris Ballard This book recounts the true journey of hippie, dreamer, and intellectual Lynn Sweet. He arrived in Macon, Illinois, in 1966 from Chicago to teach. He became the reluctant coach of the high school baseball team and lead the Macon Ironmen through an improbable season to the state final. When: Friday, September 25, 2015 during 4th hour Where: Wauconda High School Library Why: Meet and visit with other students who like to read popular young adult books. Eat your lunch in the library. Ms. Stott brings donuts. How: Sign up in the library. Read the book. Bring your lunch to the library during your lunch period on September 25th. September 25 Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry In a post‐apocalyptic world where fences and border patrols guard the few people left from the zombies, Benny Imura is finally convinced that he must follow in his older brother's footsteps and become a bounty hunter. When: Friday, September 25, 2015 during 6th hour Where: Wauconda High School Library Why: Meet and visit with other students who like to read popular young adult books. Eat your lunch in the library. Ms. Stott brings donuts. How: Sign up in the library. Read the book. Bring your lunch to the library during your lunch period on September 25th. WAUCONDA DISTRICT 118 BAND BOOSTERS MEMBERSHIP FORM 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR MEMBERSHIP is FREE and open to anyone wanting to support the students of all District 118 band programs. Membership will keep you informed of Band and Band Booster activities/events and needs. Membership: ___ New Membership ___ Alumni Member ___ Existing Member (Please fill in to confirm we have updated information on file) Names (s)__________________________________________________________ Email______________________________________________________________ (Email is the primary means of communicating upcoming events, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities and announcements to members) Home Phone__________________________________________________ Cell Phone____________________________________________________ Student School/Grade__________________________________________ I/WE would like to help volunteer with the following: _____Help sell fundraiser products after concerts _____Help at D118 Band and Solo Ensemble in February _____Help at Concerts/Band Events _____Help at Football Games Please return this form to your band director. Please be assured that helping at an event in not a requirement to be a member. Questions, please email us at [email protected] or contact one of the district band directors Band Booster website: WAUCONDA DISTRICT 118 BAND BOOSTERS NOTES The Wauconda Band Boosters is a non-profit organization that support and helps the Band programs at Wauconda Middle School, Matthew Middle School and Wauconda High School. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the Band Room at Wauconda High School Due to the Labor Day Holiday, The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Membership is Free and open to anyone. Membership will keep you informed of Band and Band Boosters activities and events. To join, fill out the Membership form and return to any band director. Board of Directors President: Carey McHugh Secretary: Cindy Otterson Treasurer: Susan Brown Fundraiser: Marcy Cronin Band Booster website is Contact us at [email protected] “THE SCHOOL NUMBER APPEARED ON MY CALLER ID” We receive many calls each week from parents who see the school number on their Caller ID. If you receive a call from the school and the person does not leave a message, please do not call the school. The secretaries cannot determine from which number you have been called or the person who has called you. If it is important, a message will be left or an alternate number will be called. Our nurse and office staff will always leave a message. Please instruct your students to leave a message for you when calling from school. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. STUDENTS THAT ARE SICK AND WISH TO GO HOME If your student is sick and wants to go home, he/she must go directly to the Nurses office so they can call a parent to be picked up. Students are not allowed to call or text their parents to come and pick them up because they are not feeling well, unless it is from the Nurses office. The new computerized meal program has started in the Cafe. You must have your ID in order to get a meal. If you have money on your current lunch ticket you can still use it until the balance runs out. We need your cooperation for this new system to work. Again, your ID will be needed to receive a lunch. To Purchase Lunches Online: *Go to Wauconda School District 118 Website. *Click on Pay Your School Fees With Epay. *Click on Miscellaneous Fees. Your student may also purchase lunches by bringing a check to the Cafeteria, or payment may be sent to the District Office to the attention of Debbie Schordje. Please make checks payable to District 118. HOT Grab and Go Breakfast, as well as, the cold Grab N' Go are available every morning for $1.30. Just look for Ms. Jennings, the morning breakfast queen, and she will be happy to help you. She will be located outside of the Office entrance with her breakfast cart . Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated!! Test of SchoolMessenger emergency alert system will be September 3rd! Wauconda CUSD 118 provides an emergency alert messaging service to parents and staff of our school community. The District will once again be partnering with SchoolMessenger to send automated phone calls and emails to parents and staff regarding school closings due to inclement weather as well as any other emergency situation that may arise. In order for you to receive important messages, it is imperative that the District has all of your most current contact information. SchoolMessenger will be able to send an emergency call to your home phone, cell phone and to your email provided that we have the most up-to-date contact information possible. All changes received during the summer have been entered into our system. Dr. Coles, Superintendent of Schools & select administrators have been trained to utilize SchoolMessenger. In the event of an emergency, Dr. Coles or his designee, would have the ability of utilizing SchoolMessenger from anywhere that has either Internet or phone access to send out important information to the school community. Dr. Coles intends on testing the SchoolMessenger system on Thursday, September 3, 2015. If you do not receive a test alert on September 3rd, it means that Wauconda CUSD 118 does not have your most current contact information. Please contact your child’s school office if you need to update your phone number(s) or email address(es). Please Mark Your Calendar! Who: Wauconda CUSD 118 Parents and Staff What: Test the District’s SchoolMessenger Alert System Where: Wauconda CUSD 118 School Community When: September 3, 2015 How: SchoolMessenger Will Send A Test Alert to All Parents and Staff Via Phone and Email Why: To Ensure That All Parents and Staff Receive Important Information From Wauconda CUSD 118 As Soon As Possible If you do not get a phone call and/or email alert from the SchoolMessenger system on September 3rd, please contact your child’s office to update your contact information. Revised 07/15 Prueba de El Mensajero Escolar de Emergencia se llevara acabo el 3 de septiembre Wauconda CUSD 118 ofrece un servicio de mensaje de alerta en caso de emergencia para padres y personal de nuestra comunidad escolar. El distrito una vez mas se ha asociado con School Messenger y estará enviando llamadas de teléfono automáticas y correo electronico a padres y personal referente al cierre de escuelas debido a mal tiempo como también cualquier otra situación de emergencia que pueda surgir. Para poder recibir importantes mensajes, es imperativo que el distrito tenga su información de contacto mas corriente. SchoolMessenger podrá enviar una llamada de emergencia al teléfono de su hogar, teléfono celular, y a su correo electrónico dado que nosotros tengamos la información para contactarlos mas corriente posible. Todos los cambios recibidos durante el verano han entrado en nuestro sistema. Dr.Coles, Superintendente de Escuelas, y un grupo de administradores han sido entrenados para utilizar SchoolMessenger. En el evento de una emergencia, Dr. Coles o su designado, tendrá la habilidad de utilizar SchoolMessenger desde cualquier lugar que tenga acceso a la Internet o teléfono para enviar información importante a la comunidad escolar. Dr. Coles tiene planeado probar el sistema SchoolMessenger el jueves 3 de septiembre, 2015. Si usted no recibe una prueba de alerta el 3 de septiembre, esto significa que Wauconda CUSD 118 no tiene su información de contacto más corriente. Favor de comunicarse con la oficina de la escuela de su niño(a) para poner al día su numero(s) de teléfono o dirección(es) de correo electrónico. ¡Favor de Marcar Sus Calendarios! Quien: Padres y Personal de Wauconda CUSD 118 Que: Prueba del Sistema de Alerta del Distrito SchoolMessenger Donde: Comunidad Escolar de Wauconda CUSD Cuando: 3 de Septiembre, 2015 Como: SchoolMessenger enviara una prueba de alerta a todos los padres y personal vía teléfono o correo electrónico. Porque: Para Asegurarnos que Todos Los Padres y Personal Reciban Información Importante de Wauconda CUSD 118 Tan Pronto Sea Posible. Si usted no recibe una llamada de teléfono y/o correo electrónico de alerta del sistema SchoolMessenger el 3 de septiembre, favor de contactar la escuela de su niño(a) y poner al día su información de contacto. WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Emergency Early Dismissal Procedures Due to Severe Winter Weather Dear Parents: In the event of severe winter weather occurring during the school day, it may be necessary to dismiss the students housed at Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School and Wauconda High School earlier than usual. The reason this action would be taken is to allow the buses an opportunity to drop off these older students in order to return in time to take the younger elementary students at Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School home according to their regular dismissal schedule. If this early dismissal was not done, we would run the risk of buses being unable to return the Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown and Cotton Creek students to their homes, or very late drop off for these same students. In addition, we hope to avoid buses driving in a snowstorm when it is dark. Parents of students in grades six through twelve need to be aware of the possibility that this situation could occur due to inclement winter weather. If it does, we would enact the SchoolMessenger Service in an attempt to notify you that your sixth through twelfth grade student was coming home early. As a result, we ask that you make appropriate arrangements with your sixth through twelfth grade student in order for them to gain access to shelter after being dismissed early due to weather conditions. This type of situation does not occur often, but if it does we wanted you to be informed of our actions so that you and your students can be prepared. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendent of Schools WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Procedimientos de Emergencia de Despido Temprano Debido a Severo Clima de Invierno Estimados Padres: En la eventualidad de un clima severo de invierno durante el día escolar, puede ser necesario despedir a los estudiantes alojados en la escuelas Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School y Wauconda High School más temprano de lo usual. La razón para que esta acción sea tomada es el permitir a los autobuses la oportunidad de llevar a estos estudiantes mayores a tiempo para volver y llevar a la casa a los estudiantes elementales más jóvenes en las escuelas Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown según su horario de despido regular. Si este despido temprano no se hace, estaríamos tomándonos el riesgo de que los autobuses no puedan llevar a sus casas a los estudiantes de Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown, o que estos estudiantes lleguen sumamente tarde. En adición, queremos evitar que hayan autobuses corriendo en una tormenta de nieve cuando ya ha oscurecido. Los padres de los estudiantes de sexto grado al grado 12 tienen que estar al tanto de la posibilidad de que esta situación pueda ocurrir debido a las condiciones del clima de invierno. Si ocurre, nosotros no podremos notificarles personalmente que su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 va a llegar temprano a la casa. Como resultado, les solicito que hagan los arreglos apropiados con su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 de manera que estos tengan acceso a un lugar donde estar después que hayan sido despedidos temprano debido a las condiciones del clima. Este tipo de situación no ocurre muy seguido, pero si ocurre, nosotros queremos que ustedes estén informados de nuestras acciones de modo que ustedes y sus estudiantes estén preparados. Gracias por su cooperación. Sinceramente, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendente de Escuelas Mission Statement By building upon partnerships among students, educators, family and community, District 118 will provide a quality and enriched learning environment where students will become contributing and productive members of society through the commitment of lifelong learning. Wauconda Community Unit School District #118 Board of Education Mr. John Armstrong, President Ms. Deby Dato, Vice President Mr. Jonathan Feryance, Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Bianco Mrs. Carey McHugh Mr. David Patterson Mr. Brian Swanson Dr. Daniel J. Coles, Superintendent of Schools
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