VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 98 RICHARDS STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11231 Tel. (718) 624-1572 Fax (718) 722-7748 Rev. Claudio Antecini, Pastor Rev. Johannes Siegert, Parochial Vicar Rev. Eamon Murray, Parochial Vicar Secretary/Bookkeeper Office Assistant/Religious Ed Religious Ed. Director Religious Ed. Youth Ministry Pastoral Associate Mrs. Elsie Tweedy Mrs. Sylvia Dobles Fr. Johannes Sr. Laura Fr. Eamon Sr. Frauke 917-515-4225 Public Relation Sr. Rosanna 718-406-3670 Music Ministry Sr. Máire 805-300-6913 Trustee Trustee Ms.Lori Burkard Mr. Norm Sweeney Grades 1-8 CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Communion Wednesday's 3:15pm Or Sunday 11:00am Confirmation Sunday’s 11:15 until 12:20pm RCIA Classes -Sunday's Wednesday English Spanish 11:00am - 12:25noon OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Sunday Vigil Mass) Sunday: Weekdays Mass: Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 p.m. (In the Church) 10:00 a. m. (Spanish) 12:30 p. m. (English) 8:00 pm (English) Community Prayer Tuesday & Thursday 7:30pm House of Prayer: Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Friday Friday Friday Sunday @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm Ileanna Emily Rodriguez Hilda Josefina Graciela Emily M. Sr. Rosanna Annette Mendez @ 2pm Crystal Rodriguez 347-461-5169 347-383-7850 347-932-2985 718-522-0205 347-549-7499 718-875-2969 718-406-3670 (Eng) 646-932-0757 (Eng) 347-383-7850 EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS MENORES DE 7 AÑOS Bautismos serán cada dos meses. Después de los padres y padrinos toma el curso Philip la clase será los Baptism will be every other month.. After parents and god- fines de semana o usted puede ir a seis clases que parents take Philip Course. Classes will be on weekends or tienen cada martes a las siete en punto. Uno de los you can go to six classes that will be given on Tuesdays @ padres debe traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño. 7pm. Please make sure you bring child’s birth certificate beEL SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACION fore the date of baptism. Sabados con cita SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION EL MATRIMONIO Saturday at 4:30pm By appointment. (Confessions) La pareja deberá fijar un cita con el párroco por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda MARRIAGES For the Sacrament of Matrimony, an appointment must be made with LA CONFIRMACION Y LA COMUMION La preparación para estos sacramentos se cumple the Pastor 6 months in advance of the proposed date según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica VISITS TO THE SICK VISITA DE LOS ENFERMOS Please contact the parish office so we visit the sick. Please notify us when you know an active member Comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. GRUPO DE ORACION of our parish is ill. Lunes 7:00pm - 9:00pm BAPTISMS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 7 A LANDMARK OF FAITH IN RED HOOK SINCE 1854 Thirty-Sunday Sunday in Ordinary Time November 8 2015 Sat. Nov. 7th 5:00pm Sun. Nov. 8th 10:00am Francis D’Angelo Theresa Tombasco Jararatthis Family Nicholas Soto Adelina Aponte BLESSED SACRAMENT CANDLE (chapel) Eddie Rosado Please Pray for the Decease Adelina Aponte PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE SICK Kaitlin Nelson, Anilda Rodriguez Dalia Martinez ,Horseo Capplla First Reading : 1 Kings 17:10-16 Second Reading Hebrews 9:24-28 Gospel : Mark 12:38-44 12:30pm Tue. Nov. 10th 8:00pm Anilda Rodriguez (For Health) Thurs. Nov. 12th 8:00pm “For the Parish Community” Sat. Nov. 14th 5:00pm WINE & HOSTS IN MEMORY OF Frances D’ Angelo SANCTUARY LAMP Theresa Tombasco Mr. & Mrs James E. Starrs Ralph & Mary Amendola John Burkard Sun. Nov. Nov 15th 10:00am 12:30pm “Para la Comunidad” “For the Parish Community” Personal Prayer Christ is risen! Oración Personal Cristo ha resucitado! Gospel Psalm Song Evangelio Salmo Canto ...Standing. Out Loud! 3 segments of 20minutes A chapter of the Gospel A Psalm Song of Praise Singing in Tongues Spontaneous Prayer “Our Father” “Hail Mary” Start Your Day of Victory! ...De pie - En voz alta! 3 segmentos de 20minutos: Un capitulo del Evangelio Un Salmo Canto de Alabanza Canto en Lenguas Oración espontánea “Padre Nuestro” “Dios Te Salve Maria” Empieza Tu Dia De Victoria! Mass Collection & Attendance SATURDAY, Oct 31st 5:00 pm Collection : $ 420.00 Sunday, Nov 1st 10:00am Collection : $ 279.00 12:30 pm Collection : $271.00 Monthly Debt: $274.00 - Extra Mass $1,443.00 GIVING ALL Trusting widows play a significant role in this weekend’s readings. At the point of poverty, when giving even the smallest amount of what they had could imperil their health and well-being, they trusted God and gave anyway. What is important about their giving is not what or how much they gave, but how they gave it. Without selfishness, they gave to help others. Their giving was from the heart, with little hope or intention of receiving any sort of reward or recognition for their generosity. The monetary values of the widows’ gifts were small, but their value measured in the Kingdom was priceless. Primera lectura: 1 Reyes 17:10-16 Segunda lectura: Hebreos 9:24-28 Evangelio: Marcos Marcos 12:38-44 ENTREGA TOTAL Las viudas confiadas juegan un importante papel en las lecturas de esta semana. Aunque eran pobres y el dar aún algo bien pequeño podría poner en peligro su salud y bienestar, confiaban en Dios y daban lo que podían. Lo que es importante sobre sus donativos no es la cantidad que daban, sino que daban algo. Sin egoísmo, daban para ayudar a otros. Su dar salía del corazón, con poca esperanza o intención de recibir algún premio o reconocimiento por su generosidad. El valor monetario de los dones de las viudas eran pequeños, pero su valor en la medida del Reino era inestimable. Hay una gran semejanza entre su regalo y el regalo que Jesús ha dado a cada uno de nosotros. Las viudas ofrecieron sus vidas a Dios. Jesús ofreció su vida por nosotros. On solid ground again (Testimony of a cancer healing– Lioba Radke, SING OUT FOR THE LORD! 20 years consecrated in the Catholic community ‘Koinonia John the Baptist’ has lived in Jerusalem since 2006) I asked my sister to pray for me. When she put her hand on my head and began to pray, I felt a deep heat invade my whole body. My crying became more intense, and I realized that my inner tension was melting. I felt the Lord’s comfort that filled my heart. The words from the Bible sounded in my soul: “I, the Lord am your healer (Ex. 15:26)” and “by his wounds we were healed" Is. 53:5). Within a few minutes the intestinal blockage opened and I had an easy bowel movement, which thankfully remained the case for the duration of the treatment. During the following weeks I lived through some difficult times that required patience and faith. The most difficult sentiment was that of helplessness, of not being able to control my own situation, combined with a real sense of abandonment. But the prayer of the of the community and of many friends supported me during the whole period of my illness. I understand how the Lord used the disease to melt the hardness of my heart. I began to feel a deep sympathy for the people I met in the cancer ward: men and women of different ages, who were often much sicker than I was. I began to really appreciate the great gift of health, the gift of being able to enjoy good food and the tremendous grace of life. Every day I prayed, “Lord, let me live and be healthy”. Today, four months later, I am cancer free. The cancer has gone. The Lord is merciful and has turned my mourning into dancing. He gave me good doctors and many brothers and sisters who were close to me and have supported me during the period of the disease with their love and their prayers. I want to conclude this testimony with a word from the first letter of St. Peter, given to me by a sister at the beginning of the treatment: “The God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory through Christ Jesus will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little. To him be dominion forever. Amen.” (1Pt. 5, 10-11) You can do it ! Choir Rehearsals Saturday@ 4pm for Mass at 5pm Eng. Sunday@ 9am for Mass at 10am Spanish Sunday, @ 11:30am for Mass at 12pm Eng. All Souls Remembrances Angelo Salerno Recchia Family Fran D’Angelo Browne Family Salerno Family Charles Nelson Sofia Torres Lucas Ortiz Anibal Diaz Seberina Lebron Julia Lebron Julia Monclova Candido Bencebi Efrain Feliciano Anddres Bencebi Antonio Mendez Lidia Heredia Jose Chevere Anna-Filippo Pizzitole Family Puccio Family John Burkard Anthony Hyland Sylvester LaRoche Mary E. Fermin Peter LaRoche Colon Family Zulma Eddie Rosado Elsa Kullen Sofia Torres Pagan Maria Reyes Adelina Aponte Amendola Family Esposito Family Ralph Amendola Sr. Recchia Family Msg. Waldron George Rusch Orlando Quinones Cookie Lebron Emma Roman Julita Muñoz Perfecta Monclova Candelaria Bencebi Juana Malpica Santiago Bencebi Felix Feliciano Esther Mendez Virginia Bernabe S. Junie Feliciano Giuseppo Nicole Francesa Sciurbe Alesci Family Robert Burkard Lucile Hyland Alice Hernandez Carlos Mandesson Mildred Lowe Burns Family Modesta Ortega Daniel Rosado Anton Kullen Joseph Johnson Wirth Family Fazio Family John Browne Sal Meglio Ralph J. Amendola Jr. Ramano Family Angela Cruz Robert Rusch Juanita Quinones Nicasia Lebron Seberino Monclova Victoria Lebron Augustin Monclova Jeannette Colon Patricia Bencebi Sharon Collela Andrew Amendola Pedro J. Cruz Andrea Olivieri Steven Rivera Conti Family Concetto– Vincenzo Tony Gambino Richard Burkard Juanita LaRoche Carlton Victor Barbara Mandeson LaRoche Family Parlo Salud Floreucio Huehos Rosado Family Sweeney Family Carol A. Gagliano Ralph Colon Alberto Dobles Jr. DON’T FORGET & eers t n u Vol ations Don . d Nee Friday, November 27th at 7pm Viernes 27 de noviember 7pm
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