Sacred Heart Catholic Parish 150 Fleury Avenue, Prescott, AZ 86301 Phone: (928) 445-3141 Fax: (928) 717-1074 Website: Email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS _______________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Statement of the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart Prescott Strengthened by the Presence of Jesus and with the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we joyfully live the Gospel. SUNDAY MASSES IN ENGLISH Saturday Vigil ................................................ 5:00 pm Sunday ……. 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm (Youth) MISA DOMINICAL EN ESPANOL Nuestra Misión de la Comunidad Católica Del Sagrado Corazón, Prescott. Fortalecidos en la presencia de Jesús, con la guía e inspiración del Espíritu Santo, gozosos vivimos el Evangelio. Domingo ...................................................... 1:00 pm Served by DAILY MASS IN ENGLISH Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri, Sat………. .................... 7:30 am Wednesday (School) ..................................... 8:30 am PARISH OFFICE HOURS HORAS DE OFICINA Mon, Tues, Wed, Friday ................. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Viernes . 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday/Jueves………………….. 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday/Sábado…………………. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado: 3:00 - 4:30 pm or by appointment/o por cita CLARETIAN MISSIONARIES MISIONEROS CLARETIANOS Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Fr. Darrin Merlino, CMF .................................. Pastor Fr. Raj Irudayaraj, CMF ............................... Associate Fr. Gerald Caffrey, CMF ...................... V.A. Chaplain Fr. Daryl Olds, CMF .............................. Convalescing DEACONS/DIACONO Deacon Peter Balland, Deacon Joe Bueti, Deacon Tom Gregory (Retired), Deacon Tony Humphrey (Retired) Deacon Tom Kayser (Retired) Call the Church Office/Llame a la Oficina SACRED HEART CATHOLIC SCHOOL Preschool - 8th Grade Principal: Pamela Dickerson SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO 131 N. Summit Ave. (928) 445-2621 E-mail: [email protected] SACRAMENT OF THE SICK SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS Call office at least nine months before desired date. Llame a la Oficina nueve meses antes. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Call the office/Llame a la Oficina. PERPETUAL ADORATION ADORACION PERPETUA 24 hours/7 Days a Week/Todo el Tiempo OCTOBER 12, 2014 - 12 de OCTUBRE 2014 Preschool Director: Janice Richards (928) 445-3141 Ext. 318 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Manager Gene Murphy (928) 445-3141 ext. 302 E-mail: [email protected] 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES PAGE 1 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE PARISHIONERS: Teri/Ed Adams, Angel Aguilera, Pete Anderson, Marcella Apolinar,Patricia Ayers, Michele Badel, Dora Barnes, Betty Barton, Betty B., Anne Bean, Don/Janice Benton, Bentz Family, Don Berryhill, Marge Blough, Tim Bond, Pam Bond, Bonyun Family, Matt Brown, Marilyn Carney, Carmen Cheatham, Judy Cornell, Chris Cousino, Nicholas Cristea, Lynn Cvetkovich, Irene Diaz, Ed DiGirolamo, Jan Dorfman, Toni Dotson, Irene Douglass, Arlene Drake, Margie Dugan, Rosalind Fisher, Kevin Forth, Jean Fox, Angel Frias, Bertha Frias, Dodi Frost, Joseph Galiano, Mary Jean Gallo, Sara Gerdes, Lucinda Grant, Claude Griggs, Allison Hague-Burton, Gary Havens, Tucker Heintz, Sharon Hepp, Michael Hinds, Lila Holland, Doug Hougen, Dale Howe, Richard Howell, Earlene Hunt, Kalib Inman, Nicole/John Jacobs, Kay & Bill Keenan, Danny Kempen, Tim Kilbourne Family, Irene Killingsworth, Eddie Kime, Paul Kosco, Jeremy Lacy, Loretta Landry, Neil Lauresen, Rose Lee, Georgeann Leigber, Kathryn Fitzgerald Lewis, Charlie Libby, Art Liberge, Mercy Lira, Lintner Family, Edna Lutkins, Kathryn Madden, Nicole Madden, Patricia Mann, Molly Marcos, Marshall Marinakis, Justa Martinez, Maida Martinez, Mary McCulloch, Rosalie McDowell, Jeneva McGill, Aida & Richard McKelveyPhillip Gross, Barbara McLaughlin, Renee Mendibles, Robert Miller, Kristi Moffitt, Theresa Murakami, Sal Muscarella, Ray Navarro, Alain Nicolau, Renee Nicolau, O’Brien Family, Amanda Olson, Maddi Olson, Teo Ortega, Jim Painter, Roger Pena Jr, Gary Parker, Angela Pericola, Ethan Peterson, Nancy Phillips, Schuyler Pierce Jr, Postelle/Stotler/Sunar Families, Norma Poy, Kathleen Rauch, Jan Reid, Gabriel Reyes, Joe Rhodes, Jan Richards, Monica Rivera, Jacob Romero, Sharon Raith, William Salazar Sr, John Rooney Jr, Paul Russo, Sherry Sampson, Pat/Janice Scanlon, Pam Schiele, Gary St. Amour, Rosaria Sparta, Joseph Sgro, Brent Smith, Jenna Rene Smith , Ken Smith, Jayme & John Snyder, Thomas Statti, Gloria Starin, Christine Sullivan, Joanne Swann, Beth Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, Freda Thomas, Liz & Everett Thomas, Mary Thomas, Susan Thomas, Janice Thompson, Arthur & Mary Titus, Lila Rose Thurman, Al Posada, Jeanne Velling, Zoe Viret-Jaque, Richard Verhayden, Julie Walker, Jerry Welch, Barbara Weick, Stephen White, David Whitfleet, Benjamin Valentine, John-John Wilhelmsen, Heather Williams, Stephen Wyncoff, Craig Wojcik, Peter Zaput and all others who need prayers of healing. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA October 13 thru October 19, 2014 Mon. Oct. 6 Tues. Oct. 7 Wed. Oct. 8 Thur. Oct. 9 Fri. Oct. 10 Sat. Oct. 11 Sun. Oct. 12 7:30 am 7:30 am 8:30 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Barbara Kay Foster† Mildred Burton† Warren Mariconda Mary Magnifico† Stephen Humphrey† Edwin Wojcik† Carmen Amabile† Reinemarie & Louis Iorio Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe† Vivian & Elmer Miller Parish †Denotes deceased A PRAYER FOR FR. DARYL Think, O God, of Fr. Daryl, who is ill, Whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard. Comfort him upon his sickbed, and ease his suffering. We beg for deliverance, and submit that no healing is too hard for You if it be Your will. We therefore pray that You bless Fr. Daryl with Your loving care, renew his strength, and heal what ails him in Your loving name. Thank you Lord, Amen. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/ Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/ Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/ Mt 22:15-21 © Liturgical Publications Inc ALTAR FLOWERS DONATED by Habinch and Schreiber Families Please call Mary Ellen 458-0123 for information on Altar Flowers. PAX CHRISTI beginning October 9th 2014 Second Thursday of each Month 7:00 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Library THE SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK IS FOR MISSION SUNDAY PARISH MINISTRIES AND CALENDAR PAGE 2 MINISTRIES THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART BAPTISM CLASSES (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) Church Office/Hispanic Ministry ………………..445-3141 October 13 - October 19, 2014 FFe MON 9:00 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. TUE: 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Fun Bunch, St. Theresa Room Lectio Divina, St. Elizabeth Seton Bible Group Gathering, St. Anthony Men’s Group, SH Library Spanish Bible Study, St. Elizabeth WED 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Study of the Mystics, SH Library St. Vincent de Paul, St. Anthony Claret Woman’s AA, SH Library Bible Study with Dec. Tom, SH Library Women’s Bible Study, SH Library Young Apostles, Youth Center THUR 11:00 a.m. Spanish Legion of Mary, St. Anthony 1:00 p.m. Legion of Mary, English, SH Library 2:00 p.m. Pro-Life Prayer Group, Upper Room 7:00 p.m. PAX Christi, SH Library CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD: (3 years-12 years old) Lisa Baynes…………………………………….....445-3141 HISPANIC MINISTRY: Jimena Aragon………………………………….....445-3141 OFFICE OF CATECHETICAL MINISTRY R.C.I.A., C.I.C., ADULT EDUCATION: Muriel Rabideau…………………………..…..…..717-9730 YOUTH MINISTRY: Candice Fabrie…………………….…....................445-3141 PASTORAL ASSISTANT: Deacon Pete Balland………………………..…….445-3141 LECTORS: Tom King…………………………………….. 445-3141 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Shirley King……………………………………. 445-3141 ALTAR SERVERS: Lee & Cheryl Brueckel… 445-3141 PERPETUAL ADORATION:……………..…...445-3141 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES, JUSTFAITH, Contemplative Prayer, S. Anthony Cl. Irish Dance, St. Teresa Room Recovery, SH Library Men’s Spiritual Group, SH Library The Edge, Youth Center FRI SPECIAL NEEDS, JPIC, JUSTFAITH: Sr. Anne Fitzsimons………………………………445-3141 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Joe Maresh, Grand Knight…………………....…. 227-1459 Joe Iungerman, Membership…………………… 778-5727 CATHOLIC CHARITIES;…………….…..… 778-2531 JUDIAN SOCIETY:………………………..… 778-2725 ST. VINCENT de PAUL: Office………………………………………...……778-4585 Store…………………………………...………….771-9696 SAT 7:30 a.m. Men’s Spirituality Group, SH Library 8:00 a.m. Spanish Marriage Retreat, St. Anthony 3:00 p.m. Confessions, Church SUN 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Spanish CLOW, SH Library Oblates of St. Benedict, St. A. Claret English CLOW, SH Library Childcare, Church LifeNight, Youth Center FUNERAL MINISTRY: Deacon Pete Balland…………………………...445-3141 LEGION OF MARY: Becca McCarter…………………………...… 710-6760 SPANISH LEGION OF MARY: May Willimann……………………………… 445-9570 SACRED HEART CHURCH SUPPER CLUB FOR THE NEEDY Peg Martinez………………………………… 899-6633 Claudia Jones-Lezama…………………….450-808-9059 OCTOBER IS ROSARY MONTH Join our Sacred Heart School Family and pray the Mission Rosary Each Day in October. Please pray especially for our Claretian Missionaries and our Missionary Sisters of Loretto SACRED HEART PARISH NEWS PAGE 3 PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND with FR. DARRIN FIND THE HERO IN YOU Do you feel you don’t have much to offer? You have the most precious resource of all: the ability to save a life by donating blood! Help share this invaluable gift with someone in need. GIVE BLOOD, SAVE LIVES Knights of Columbus Blood Drive Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Forum, Lower Level Contact: Greg Watts at (928) 583-3337 For appointment or visit: (Sponsor Code: SHCS) CAN YOU NOT SPARE ONE HOUR? The hours that we are joyfully offering to our parishioners are: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday afternoons 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. Thursday mornings 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturday mornings 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday evenings Please call Adrienne at 445-3141 if you feel called to take on a personal hour with Jesus. ADORATION CHAPEL PARKING SPACES PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE DESIGNATED PARKING SPACES OUTSIDE OF THE ADORATION CHAPEL. THEY ARE RESERVED FOR ADORERS. PLEASE, DO NOT PARK THERE, AND ESPECIALLY DURING MASS TIMES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. Have you ever been to the Holy Land or would like to visit it again? Fr. Darrin Merlino, CMF will be conducting a 13 Day Pilgrimage from Tuesday, June 23 to Sunday, July 5, 2015. Walk the paths and visit the cities where Jesus lived. This is truly a once in a lifetime spiritual and cultural experience. The tour originates and ends in Los Angeles. The cost is $4379.00 per person which includes airline taxes and fuel surcharges. Insurance is optional at a cost of $271.00 and the single room supplement is $1099.00. For the next 13 days, travel with Fr. Darrin as your chaplain and accompanied by an experienced tour guide to visit: Tiberia Galilee Region Caesarea, Philippi and Mt. Tabor Nazareth Mount Carmel, Haifa and Jerusalem Mount of Olives, Gethsemane and Bethlehem The Old City of Jerusalem Mount Zion and Ein Karem Bethany, Jericho, the River Jordan , Oumran and the Dead Sea • Shilo and Samaria • Mount Zion, Hebron and the Pools of Solomon. • • • • • • • • • Accommodations will be provided in first class hotels and breakfast and dinner are included. Entrance fees, local taxes, and a two hour boat ride on the Sea of Galilee are also included. Mass will be celebrated daily. Don’t miss this trip of a lifetime. Pick up a flyer in the parish office for more information or you can contact: Albert and Mary Helen Estrada telephone 626-285-6687 Adriatic Pilgrimages 777 W. 9th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731 Phone: (310) 548-1446 or (800) 262-1718 or visit their website SACRED HEART PARISH NEWS CLOTHED IN THE SUN AN EDGE DAY RETREAT ON MARY Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:00am to 7:00pm (Check in from 8:30am – 9:30am) Sacred Heart Parish - Forum (lower level) Cost: $25 per youth Deadline to Register: November 26, 2014 “For he has looked upon his handmaid with lowliness; Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.” —Luke 1: 48 PAGE 4 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL NEWS In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus say, “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given you, won’t you consider answering the call to serve the poor by volunteering at SVdP? We meet in the St. Anthony Claret room each Wednesday downstairs in the church. At 9:15 a.m. we gather for coffee and the meeting begins at 9:30. Join us any Wednesday to learn more about SVdP. We truly appreciate all the ways you support us. We couldn’t do it without you! God bless you all. Gain inner peace - Give where you live! Visit: Prescott Community PCCFB, 434 W. Gurley St., 86301 DONATE SNACKS TODAY! Youth Ministry would like YOUR help in feeding our teens during Edge and Life Nights. We all know that teens LOVE to eat and it’s a proven fact that we are more receptive when our stomachs are full. Help us nourish our teens spiritually AND physically!!! What we need: Gift Cards (to purchase fresh fruit and veggies) Crackers, Cookies, Baked goods Cheese & Meat platters, Bread, Popcorn Pretzels, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Where to donate: Parish Office Monday thru Saturday (Normal Office Hours) Keep your receipts when you purchase snacks for Youth Ministry and receive a tax donation letter. It’s simple! Just include your name and receipt with donated snacks! We are in need of volunteers to fill seats on the Board of Directors and Members at Large as well as a Team Captain for Sacred Heart's team of packers. We will train and support you. If interested in volunteering, please call Toni 771-1079 ENGLISH BAPTISM CLASSES 9:30 a.m. to Noon on November 15, 2014 Forum From the Prescott COMMUNITY CUPBOARD FOOD BANK "Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, feed us now and lead us to help one another" We exhort Christ to help us help the less fortunate among us who are beaten down by Poverty and Hunger. Beat these cruel task masters back by donating non -perishable food or money to the Community Cupboard next week. Canned veggies, fruit, soup, beans, meats/fish, tomato sauce, pasta, mac & cheese mix and hot & cold cereals are needed to provide nutritionally balanced meals for our neighbors in need. OUR NEXT COLLECTION: OCTOBER 18TH & 19th SACRED HEART PARISH NEWS With Tiffani Sierra Sign up TODAY for Tiffani Sierra’s Improve Workshop Friday, November 7 6:00PM – 9:00PM Saturday, November 8 10:00AM – 5:00PM Followed by an Improv Show Saturday, November 8 7:00PM – 8:30PM Sacred Heart School Gym Cost: $40 per participant (snacks & lunch included) 3 Reasons to sign up for Improv TODAY! Builds self-esteem and confidence Enhances listening skills and quick thinking Develops public speaking skills SENIOR FUN BRUNCH Our next meeting will be on Tuesday October 14th at 9:30 We will be meeting at Waffles-N- More 1365 Iron Springs Rd. (Dutch Treat) Join us for a chance to meet some of our long time members, and new members. Membership is $5.00 a year and you may join any time. For more information contact: Annie at 778-0381 or Carmen at 445-3274 RETREAT INSIDE YOUR OWN PARISH!! Spend a weekend growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Take some time “apart” from the daily routine to pray and reflect. Come experience the LIGHT OF THE WORLD RETREAT Sacred Heart Parish November 14 – 17th, 2014 For information and registration call Celine Benoit at 445-3141 PAGE 5 LEADERS NEEDED Before the Saturday Vigil Mass each week the Rosary is offered up to Our Blessed Mother. Three or four parishioners lead the decades, but we need more. The Rosary starts at 4:25 in the back of the church in the center pews and lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. This is a wonderful offering to our Blessed Mother, and a wonderful way to prepare for Mass. During this month of the Rosary, we ask that you consider making this part of your ongoing weekly spiritual devotion. If you are interested in becoming a decade leader, please come and help us Pray the Rosary. Thank you. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE? The Bereavement and Grief Support Program offered here at Sacred Heart consists of six weekly sessions that help people to know what to expect and not to expect during the grieving process. It gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings in an environment of understanding and empathy. It also gives you the tools you need for your recovery and healing. The next program will begin on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Please give us a call so we can reserve a place for you, as space is very limited. Carol and Bud Bevenour: (928) 777-9040 The Prescott Area Chapter of the Oblates of St. Benedict Are having a meeting on Sunday, October 19, 2014 in the lower level of the church in the St. Anthony Claret Room from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME! SACRED HEART PARISH NEWS PAGE 6 ANOINTING OF THE SICK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th 2014 at 11:00 a.m. SACRED HEART PARISH invites you to a MASS OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are Ill, Disabled, Facing Surgery or of Advanced Years this Mass is especially for you. SCHOOL NEWS PAGE 7 SCHOOL NEWS PAGE 8 Congratulations to our Students of the Month for September: Ava in 1st, Ben 2nd, Phillip 3rd, Ryan 4th, Ariel 5th, Ziggy 6th, Hannah 7th and Zach in 8th. The Knights of Columbus also recognize Hannah as the Outstanding Student of the Month. Thank you all for the blessings you are to our school! And congratulations to the parents and grandparents! Tech Trek Thank You Dear Sacred Heart Parishioners, Thank you for your contributions to our school’s Annual Tech Trek. Our plea at Masses on September 28th were answered with your donations of over $2,000 on that weekend. In addition our school students and teachers raised just over $18,000 for technology and total, this surpasses our goal of $20,000! Our teachers very happy! The Technology Committee at school (consisting of teachers and parents) has targeted this money to upgrade all the computers in the classrooms (over 30 computers!) and upgrade the operating system through out the school. Additional upgrades for the support of iPads in the classrooms are also planned. Tech Trek monies remain designated and are not used for any other purpose. From our Sacred Heart school families: Thank you so very much for your support of our school and our children! MINISTERIO HISPANO MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministros de Eucaristía y Sacristán: Cena de Indigentes: Claudia Jones Cursillos de Cristiandad: Catarino Justo 642-7180 Ujieres: Guadalupe Beltrán 775-8651 Catecismo: Miriam Iribe 642-5971 Llamados a Proteger: José Zepeda & Jimena Aragón Comité Eventos Especiales Coro:Dino Palazzi PAGE 9 PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA Cuantas veces he sentido el llamado de Dios en mi vida , ya sea por medio de mi familia o amigos? Divino Niño: Pedro y Verónica Cruz 775-6628 Matrimonios & N.F.P. Manuel y Leticia Torres 713-8411 Lectores: Catarino y Elisa Justo 642-7180 RICA y Confirmación Jimena Aragón 445-3141 Grupo de Oración Carismático: Maria Cruz 928- 925-1716 Legión de María: May Williman 445-9570 Escuela de San Andrés: Sara Mejia 499-1139 Quinceañeras: Diacono José 445-3141 Monaguillos: Elena Aragón 445-3141 Directora de Ministerio Hispano Jimena Aragón, 445-3141 Ext. 329 [email protected] PRESCOTT PLAZA COMUNITARIA Tiene las inscripciones abiertas para niveles de Primaria, Secundaria y Preparatoria ATENCION QUINCEAÑERAS, Les informamos que el Retiro de Quinceañeras ha sido cancelado por motivo de falta de jóvenes, así que les llamaremos para darles su nueva fecha para el principio del 2015, disculpe la molestia que puede ocasionar y si es así puede hablar a la oficina Hispana de la Iglesia. hispana de la iglesia. COLECTAS ESPECIALES 2014 Americanas y Afroamericanas. 19 de Octubre 2014 : Domingo de Misión 23 de Noviembre 2014 Desarrollo Humano 13 de Diciembre 2014: Fondos de Retiro para Religiosos. De antemano agradecemos sus generosidad Miembros del Concilio Hispano Les informamos que la próxima reunión será el día 13 de Octubre 2014 a las 6:30 p.m en la planta baja de la iglesia Clases del Llamados a Proteger Las clases de la Fundación para el llamados a proteger Martes, 14 de Octubre a las 6 p.m. Esta clase es solo para los que nunca han asistido a una sesión de Llamados a Proteger, para informes llame a la oficina Su Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón les invita A UNA MISA CON UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS El Sábado 18 de Octubre 2014 11:00 a.m. ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱǰȱǰȱȱȱȱ ȱȱ£ȱȱÛǰȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱ¤ȱŚŚśȬřŗŚŗǯȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱ ¢ȱøȱȱȱ ȱȱȱÇȱȱȱǰȱȱȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱÛǯȱȱ ȱśDZŗŚȱ MINISTERIO HISPANO Clases de Biblia Te gustaría conocer mas sobre las Sagradas escrituras ? Si es así todos los Martes , en el salón Santa Elizabeth al cruzar el pasillos de los baños de la planta baja de la iglesia a las 6:30 p.m. Vamos les esperamos Ǣ !"#$ × ǡ × ǤǤ PAGE 10 La Parroquia Sagrado Corazón, Juntamente con el Grupo de Oración “Corazones Unidos” de Jesús y María Les invitan a la gran Noche de Alabanza &RQHOJUXSR0LVLRQHUR &RQHOJUXSR0LVLRQHUR GHORV GHORV “Cadetes de Linares” TXHDKRUDOHFDQWDQ TXHDKRUDOHFDQWDQ ATENCION LIDERES, SERVIDORES Y VOLUNTARIOS DE LOS DIFERENTES MINISTERIOS DO6H³RU! Les informamos del Taller de Liderazgo Mandatorio para todos El sábado 22 de Noviembre 2014 Salón Forum, planta baja de la iglesia (O9LHUQHVGH2FWXEUH (O9LHUQHVGH2FWXEUH GHDSP GHDSP (QHO*LPQDVLRGHOD(VFXHOD 6DJUDGR&RUD]µQ (QWUDGDJUDWXLWD ! +DEU£YHQWD +DEU£YHQWD +DEU£YHQWD GHFRPLGD GHFRPLGD GHFRPLGD Ponderosa Wealth Management “YOUR PERSONAL CFO” (928) 777-2381 Michael and Janie Strasser, Parishioners *Celebrating 20 Years of providing quality care in Arizona.* 100% Covered Families are NEVER billed for our services FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIRS Serving Prescott Since 1982 (928) 541-1740 445-8798 100 East Sheldon Street, Suite 100 Precott, A 86301 Parishioner - Sacristan 241 N. McCormick St. • Prescott Jody Henry Benedetto D’Alessandro Financial Advisor Vice PresidentInvestments Wells Fargo Advisor, LLC Member FINRA/SIPC is a registered broker-dealer and separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. Insurance products are offered through our afilliated non-bank insurance agencies. Darlene Valencia RN CLINICAL COORDINATOR & PARISHINER The Plumbing Store to the Rescue! 778-7120 Agent, Insurance Specialist Parishioner 830-5426 Office (928) 227-0550 Fax (928) 775-6275 1963 Commerce Center, Suite B Prescott, AZ 86301 [email protected] Wells Fargo Advisors 325 W. Gurley St., Ste. 203 Prescott, AZ 86301 928-777-9543 • Full Service Plumbing • Residential & Commercial • New Construction/Remodels • Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Free Estimates 537 N. 6th St., Prescott Lic. #ROC181931 & #ROC116878 Joseph A. Savoini D.M.D., P.C. Family Dentistry 1231 Willow Creek Rd., Ste. A Prescott, AZ 86301 WE MAKE IT EASY... TO BUY OR SELL! Brad Bergamini (928) 778-5518 GRI CBR ABR Realtor Parishioner HI-COUNTRY REC-V-CENTER Offering affordable assisted living options Call to schedule a tour of our newly remodeled center (928) 778-9777 We come to you for on site repairs 772-8231 503 E. Gurley 775-5889 8670 East Hwy. 69 • Prescotte Valley, AZ 86314 Website: Onan & Kohler Generators • R.V. Appliances A/C Units • Holding Tank & Sewer Repairs Electrical & LPG Systems Prescott, AZ Family Restaurant (928) 237-4400 1951 East State Hwy 69 928-443-8454 Best Fish and Chips Michael A. Trainor, D.O. Specialist in: Spinal Surgery 928.778.9250 • 3655 Crossings Dr. • Prescott, AZ 86305 LAW OFFICE OF JOHN W. ERICKSON Andy Tomlinson PO Box 2406 • Prescott, AZ Wealth Management [email protected] By Appointment only (928) 776-4442 CRIMINAL LAW - GENERAL LAW WILLS AND TRUSTS Parishioner 776-1031 Securities and Advisory Services offered through Geneos Wealth Management, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Offering Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Care as well as long term care, respite care and hospice care Art Supplies Art books • Gifts Studio Furniture Call to schedule a tour of our newly remodeled center (928) 778-9666 State of the Art Facilities 3150 Clearwater Dr Prescott, AZ 7870 East Florentine Rd Prescott Valley, AZ 928.443.0749 537 N 6th St, E Prescott www.artst FOR AD INFO CALL KEN RADKE 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM 928-445-7051 Established Since 1969 Free Consultatons SACRED HEART – PRESCOTT C 4C 05-0347 09-16-2014 09:24:53 PRESCOTT HARDWARE “We’re so much more than just a great hardware store” (928) 445-6422 Prescott, AZ 86301 FAX (928) 445-7397 website: 846 Miller Valley Road Guaranteed Low Rates Dependable Most Brands Speak to a Live Technician! H E R I TA G E M E M O RY M O RT U A RY Catholic Family Owned Stanley Stobierski: Owner/Parishioner Lic. Funeral Director APACHE APPLIANCE REPAIR 131 GROVE AVE. • 445-1881 Mike Buchta (928) 771-9840 Sales of New & Reconditioned Appliances Installation • Design • Maintenance Kin Care Let us pray for the persecuted Christians throughout the world, especially for the Coptic Christians in Egypt * Italian, Greek & German Cuisine ABC CARSTAR Body & Frame 710 North 6th Street Prescott, AZ 86301 Stay at home and do what you can for as long as you can! 928.445.7900 PH 928.776.8474 Fax (928) 775-2057 In Loving Memory of ROC #200432 Licensed • Bonded • Insured CHARLENE WITTMAN You are missed and loved Chris & Anne Welborn/Parishioners In Loving Memory of LEY PU VALERVICEMP S Pump Sales & Service 148 N. Montezuma St. Storage Tanks Prescott Chino Valley 928-636-2336 445-4168 A Non- Medical In- Home Care Agency 928-636-1601 Martin J. Corkery You are missed and loved. STEVE IRWIN ROC112418-B ROC112419-BO1 Prescott Ear, Nose and Throat DISEASES AND SURGERY OF THE EAR, NOSE & THROAT HEAD AND NECK SURGERY & ALLERGY Comprehensive Hearing Healthcare & Hearing Aids Mark D. Strasser, M.D. • F.A.A.O.A. 1125 Iron Springs Road • Prescott, AZ 86305 (928) 778-9190 SUNRISE HAMPTON FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY SERVICES Prescott Valley’s Locally Owned Funeral Home Family Owned Prescott’s Oldest Family Owned Funeral Home Family Owned Since 1956 8167 E HWY 69 Prescott Valley (928) 772-7475 240 S Cortez Street Prescott (928) 778-4400 510 West Gurley Street Prescott, Arizona 86301 Keith A. MacKenzie, D.O., P.C. (928) 445-8323 SueAnn & Mark Duncan Parish Member (928) 541-1312 Full Service Funeral Homes Serving All of Yavapai County Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans Available 3190 Clearwater 1125 Haining Street Prescott, AZ 86303 (928) 445-5559 Prescott, AZ 86301 This space available. For a price quote call Ken Radke AUTOMOTIVE AAA BRAKE & TIRE Serving Prescott since 1984. Brakes, shocks, clutches, A/C service & repair, tune-ups, diagnostic & scheduled maintenance. Fuel injector services, service & flush. 618 Bird St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-445-4620 at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2539 Email: [email protected] • ray1210 FOR AD INFO CALL KEN RADKE 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM SACRED HEART – PRESCOTT B 2C 05-0347 09-16-2014 09:24:53 STOP PAYING RENT!! Buy a home with less money than it takes to rent. Free information on how to obtain your new home loan. P H S Residential & Land 928-775-0400 Zero Down Loans Available Serving the Quad Cities with all their Real Estate needs for over 3 decades Robert J. Carlisi, D.D.S. Prescott Computer Family 443-0711 Dental Practice Emphasis on Quality Laptops • PCs • Printers Processors • Networking Upgrades • Housecalls OK 919 12th Pl. #9 Prescott, AZ 86301 Parishioners 217 N. McCormick 445-5877 2 blocks from Sacred Heart NETWORK AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER Call 928-642-2628 Free market analysis of your home [email protected] In this journey, one need not walk alone. Serving Prescott Since 1994 Member of Knights of Columbus Northern Arizona Not-for-profit | Medicare-Certified | Home Health & Hospice 24/7 Admissions | Marley Hospice House Your #1 Choice for Car Care and Repair Complete Auto Maintenance and Repair 233 Grove Avenue • Prescott, AZ 86301 928.717.0689 778-5655 • 1065 Ruth St. • Prescott Northern Arizona Janet (Robbins) Fernow Realtor®, Life Long Parishioner 928-308-3065 503 E. Gurley, Prescott, AZ 86303 Office 928-777-0257 [email protected] • Minor Home Repairs • Spring Clean-up & Maintenance • Tractor Work Prescott Natives Serving You Henry Smith DAY CARE PET BOARDING GROOMING 928-237-7367 Specialize In • Versa-lok® Block Walls • Concrete Pavers • Patios & Sidewalks • Sprinkler & Drip Systems • Decks & Fences (928) 445-2259 3900 WILLOW CREEK RD. PRESCOTT, AZ 86301 Over 25 Years Experience ROC#267241, ROC#275578 • Bonded-Insured • Parishioner PARISHIONERS All God’s Children ALLANS FLOWERS Remodeling & Home Services, LLC Working with you to make a lasting impression! Tom Corkery Parishioner ROC #265845 C-30 550 N. 6th St., Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 776-4568 7129 1st St., Ste. 101, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 (928) 772-8149 Helping homeowners with the smallest of handyman jobs to the largest of home improvement projects. Catholic Gift G and Book Store Terry Johnsen “Just Call Mike!” Mike Daniel • Parishioner (928) 458-6044 ROC #287504 FOR AD INFO CALL KEN RADKE 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Parishioner M-F 10am-6pm Sat. 10am-4pm 120 E Sheldon St. Suite E101 928-717-1554 TWO LOCATIONS: IN PRESCOTT 1095 E GURLEY ST, 86301 IN PRESCOTT VALLEY SACRED HEART – PRESCOTT 3071 N. ROBERT Rd, SUITE # E, 86314 (928) 445-5131 [email protected] all A 4C 05-0347 09-16-2014 09:24:53
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