IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH November 16. 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR/PARROCO Rev. André Ramos Deacons/Diáconos Deacon Patrick Byrne Diacono Andrés Escobedo Masses Misas Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM (Spanish) Weekday Masses: 8:00 AM (except Thursdays: 6:30 PM ) Communion: Thursday 8:00 AM Sábado: 5:00 PM Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM (Español) Misas Diarias: 8:00 AM (excepto los Jueves: 6:30 PM ) Comunión: Jueves 8:00 AM Días de Precepto: Póngase en contacto con la Oficina. Holy Days: Contact the office Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of each Month following 8:00 AM Mass Confesiones: Sábado 3:30 PM 24 Horas Adoración Eucarística : Primer Viernes de cada mes después Misa a la 8:00 AM 537 “E ” Street, Ramona, CA 92065 Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8 AM–12 PM, 1 PM—5 PM; Fri 8:30AM - 11:30AM (Closed Sat) Telephone:(760)789-0583 Website: Faith Formation at Elizabeth Ann Seton Center Fax Number:(760)789-3875 Email: [email protected] Telephone:(760)789-6151 Mass Intentions of this Week (11/17-11/23) Intenciones de las Misas de esta Semana Let Us Pray for the Deceased Oremos por los fallecidos Daniel Huffman Mon 8:00 AM Nov 17 Louise Dode Tue 8:00 AM Nov 18 Vincent Welsh, Jr Wed 9:00 AM Nov 19 Vincent Welsh, Jr Thu Nov 20 Communion 8:00 AM 6:30 PM Vincent Welsh, Jr Fri 8:00 AM Nov 21 Vincent Welsh, Jr Sat 5:00 PM Nov 22 Con & Lucille Carrano Sun 7:30 AM Nov 23 Diana Tilley 9:30 AM People of the Parish 11:30 Marley Pineda IHM Finances Sunday collection 11/9/2014 Total $ 7,656.00 Green Envelopes Blue Envelopes $ $ 476.00 150.00 Last 5 wks weekly avg $ 7,935.30 Avg weekly needed $ 11,450.00 Your contributions are deeply appreciated. Please Continue supporting the mission of our local church. 11/16/2014 Pray for our Priests Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Dales el descanso eterno Señor, y permite que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que descansen en paz. Please let the parish office know the name of anyone who has a deep personal relationship with your family who is in need of prayer or who has died. They will be remembered in our bulletin the week following notification. We also share their names with our Prayer Chain. Let us Pray for those in Need Oremos por los Necesitados Nichol Fisichella Sustain them with your power, Lord. Señor, sostén los en tu poder. GOD’S WORD TODAY During the time of Jesus, a talent was an extremely large sum of money. Sixty minas made up one talent and a mina equaled one hundred dinarii. Two thousand years ago, an average worker in Palestine earned one dinarius a day. When Jesus told the parable we hear in today’s Gospel, he knew his listeners would realize that each of the servants had been entrusted with a huge sum of money. This money, well invested, had the potential for earning a tremendous amount more. The spiritual talents entrusted to us during our pilgrimage on earth also have the potential for yielding extraordinary results. These spiritual gifts must be invested. In other words, they must be used. When used, they help build up the kingdom of God. They bring peace and comfort to the despairing. They bring the good news to the disenfranchised. They bring food and shelter to the hungry and homeless. As the liturgical year winds down, this parable asks us to assess the extent to which we have invested our spiritual talents. Their potential is extraordinary. How extraordinary are the results of our investment of them in the last year? From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Sunday Rev Richard Hopkins Monday Rev Edward Horning Tuesday Rev John Howard, CJM Wednesday Rev Richard Huston Thursday Rev Luke Jauregui Friday Rev Tommie Jennings Saturday Rev John Keller, OSA Readings for the Week Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION All Christians in both East and West embraced the care of the sick as essential to church life. In the West, the importance of the visit of the priest is stressed, while in the East, the sick person is brought to the church for a full Liturgy of the Word. Some, such as the Armenians, even call it the “Ritual of the Lamp,” since the oil is poured out of the lamp by which the Word is read. This may be why Eastern Christians sometimes anoint the sick with this oil, since the trip to church might kill them. Our tradition in the West also unfolded in monasteries, where it was possible for infirm monks to be attended with a full and beautifully consoling liturgy. In 950 the monks of St. Alban’s Abbey in Mainz produced a ceremonial book that was instantly a pastoral hit everywhere. There were two lengthy rituals for the sick, one an extended vigil, and the other a liturgy of anointing that included Communion under both species. While this ritual was a house formula for monks, it is easy to see how monks who had the care of parishes desired to serve their parishioners in a similar way. The first form included the chanting of penitential psalms, and the second form required a confession beforehand. Both forms included a laying on of hands, which everyone understood as being an essential part of penance. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Catholic Tour Company The Catholic Tour, a 34 year old Catholic Travel Apostolate, have been able to secure only 50 air seats, hotel beds and Exposition tickets for the upcoming showing of the Original Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth of our Lord. The pilgrimage pricing will be under $3599 which includes transatlantic airfare, hotel, most meals, tour escort, motor coach and all airline fees and taxes. Come and be a part of this once in a lifetime event. Please contact Pam Adair at 1-877-627-4266 or e-mail [email protected] for further information. Next Weekend November 22/23 Even if you are not scheduled to serve, please let the sacristan know you are here in case you are needed. Altar Servers 5:00 PM Carl Carrano, Miguel Garza, Jack Campbell 7:30 AM Anthony Jauregui, Joey Jauregui 9:30 AM Nola & Kelvin Burger Lectors 5:00 PM Linda Bell & Eric Olafson 7:30 AM 9:30 AM Lisa Jauregui & Bob Skelton Bill Turner & Mary Kafka Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 PM Roger Galka, Debra Jamison, Scott Lorenzen, Connie Poland, Susie Cooper, Jeannette Baker, Karissa Brown 7:30 AM Richard & Debby Reaza, Cecilia Gwizdak, Marilyn Wilson, Joan Brouillette, Paul Townsend, Tony Jauregui 9:30 AM 5:00 PM Manny & Irene Perez, Chris Phillips, Darlene MacDonell, Joan Gansert, Rae O’Rourke, Sue Turner Hospitality Benita & Richard Moreno 7:30 AM Maria Guerrero & Gloria Shirvell 9:30 AM Betty Donovan, Judy Nachazel, Lynn Morgan SYMBOLON Today at 2:00 PM. Episode 5: Who is Jesus? Episode 6: The Holy Spirit and Grace of Life. Come spend a Sunday afternoon with us. GIVING TREE It’s that time of the year when we start thinking about our Giving Tree. If you or someone you know would like to fill out a “Giving Tree” application, please stop by the office and pick one up. The Tree will be put up Thanksgiving week. Applications must be turned in before November 23. If you have questions, please contact Sheila at 760-789-0583. Calendar Sunday November 16 Calendario 67th Annual Turkey Dinner Domingo 16 de noviembre 67va Cena de pavo Saturday November 22 Tamale Distribution Sábado 22 de Noviembre Distribución de tamales Sunday Adult Ed Movie—2:00 PM Domingo 23 de noviembre Película con Mensaje 2:00 PM Thursday November 27 Thanksgiving (Office Closed) Jueves 27 de noviembre Dia de Accion de Gracias (Oficinas Cerradas) Friday Office closed Viernes 28 de noviembre Oficinas Cerradas November 23 November 28 2015 IHM Calendars The new 2015 IHM Calendars have arrived. Please pick up a copy in the narthex. A “love offering” would be greatly appreciated. Calendarios IHM 2015 Ya llegaron los Calendarios nuevos IHM 2015. Se encuentran en el nártex. Su ofrenda será gratamente apreciada. 67TH ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER Come join us today from 1 PM to 6 PM. to help continue a Ramona annual tradition at IHM. Last year’s feast was a success with 200 meals served. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there. Limited tickets will be available at the door. Tickets are $9 for adults, $7 for seniors age 60 and older, $5 for children ages 3 to 10 and $30 for a family up to two adults and four children. LET’S GO FISHING!!! The Knights of Columbus will be holding another fishing tournament on Saturday, November 22nd from 8:00 AM until noon at Poway Lake. We will meet at the IHM parking lot around 8:00 AM. For more information, please contact Mike Parr at 760-788-8620. Collection for National Needs This weekend has been designated for the 2014 Collection for National Needs. Special envelopes will be available for the collection which supports Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communication Campaign, The Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the Catholic University of America. Intercessions for Life For families: That they may follow Jesus’ example and be witnesses of self-giving love; We pray to the Lord: Intercesiones por la Vida Por las familias: Para que sigan el ejemplo de Jesus y sean testimonio de amor de entrega: Roguemos al Senor. Giving Tree Este es el tiempo del año cuando empezamos a pensar en nuestro Árbol de Regalos. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce desea llenar una aplicación para el Árbol de Regalos, favor de tomar una registración de la Oficina Parroquial. El Árbol de Regalos se pondrá la semana de Acción de Gracias. Las aplicaciones deber ser entregadas antes o el día 23 de Noviembre. Si tiene cualquier pregunta, favor de llamar al Diacono Andres Escobedo al 760-789 -0583. LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY Durante la época de Jesús un talento representaba una cantidad de dinero extremadamente grande. Sesenta minas eran un talento y una mina equivalía a cien denarios. Hace dos mil años un trabajador promedio en Palestina ganaba un denario diario. Cuando Jesús contó la parábola que escuchamos en el Evangelio de hoy estaba consciente de que su audiencia se daría cuenta de que a cada uno de los siervos se le había confiado una inmensa cantidad de dinero. Este dinero bien invertido tenía la posibilidad de rendir una tremenda cantidad adicional. Los talentos espirituales que se nos confían a nosotros durante nuestra peregrinación terrenal también tienen la posibilidad de producir resultados extraordinarios. Estos dones espirituales tienen que ser invertidos. En otras palabras, tienen que ser usados. Cuando se usan ayudan a edificar el Reino de Dios. Traen la paz y el consuelo a los desesperanzados. Traen la buena nueva a los desamparados. Traen alimento y techo a los que no lo tienen. A medida que el año litúrgico va llegando a su fin, esta parábola nos pide evaluar hasta dónde hemos invertido nuestros talentos espirituales. El potencial rendimiento de esa inversión es extraordinario. ¿Cuán extraordinarios son los resultados de nuestra inversión en esos talentos durante este año pasado? Colecta Para Necesidades Nacionles El próximo fin de semana se ha designado para la “Colecta del 2014 para Necesidades Nacionales.” Habra sobres especiales para esta colecta que ayuda a sostener a las Misiones para Negros e Indios, las Misiones Catolicas Domesticas, la Campana Catolica para el Desarrollo Humano, la Campana para LA comunicación Catolica, y la Universidad Catolica de America. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En 1682 unos negociantes encontraron una caja abandonada en una playa al sur de El Salvador. Como no pudieron abrirla decidieron llevársela al pueblito de San Miguel para conseguir con qué abrirla. Montaron la caja en un burrito y comenzaron su camino. Al pasar por la iglesia parroquial, el burrito se sentó y la caja se abrió revelando una bella imagen de la Virgen. En aquel entonces el pueblo de El Salvador estaba divido por la guerra pero con la llegada de esta imagen milagrosa el pueblo buscó reconciliarse. En 1833 hubo otra guerra en El Salvador y los que salieron victoriosos prometieron a María no vengarse en contra de los perdedores. Por estos hechos se le concedió a la imagen el nombre Nuestra Señora de la Paz. Su imagen de madera tallada y vestida lleva una palma en la mano recordando un milagro donde por la intercesión de la Virgen de la Paz, Dios salvó al pueblo de la explosión de un volcán. La palma recuerda que el humo que salía del volcán formaba una palma en el cielo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios En la primera carta a la comunidad tesalonicense san Pablo le dice que “el dia del Senor vendra como un ladron en plena noche” (1 Tesalonicenses 5:2) Dios vendra a robarse la vida tal como ahora la conocemos. Sin embargo, si en ese momento tomamos la vida t6akl como llegta, tal vez algo Nuevo pudiera nacer en nosotros. Derechos de autor 2013, World Library Publications, Todos los derechos reservados. Directory of Ministries Altar Servers: Dcn. Pat Byrne 760-789-0583 Nola Burger 619-981-8045 (scheduling) Dana Hart-Carter 760-789-2112 Art & Environment: Marilyn Wilson 760-789-0583 Baptism, Infant: Theresa Ellis 760-788-2623 Preparation class by reservation Bereavement: Darlene MacDonell 760-315-1119 Bible Study: Debra Jamison 760-440-0818 Book Club: Connie Poland 760-788-5820 4th Monday of each month BSA Cub Scout Religious Emblems: Roark Galloway 760-440-9808 Centering Prayer: OPEN Children’s Liturgy: Judy Byrne 760-789-9036 Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy: Nancy Garbo 760-787-9313 Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Nola Burger 619-981-8045 Faith Formation: Sr. Frances Michelle 760-789-6151 Feed the Hungry: Martha Johnston 760-789-4105 Fil-Am Group: Annie McDonald 760-419-1852 Finance Council: Fr. André Ramos 760-789-0583 Giving Tree: Sheila Jolly 760-789-0583 Hearing Impaired: Karen Boyle 760-789-8412 Homebound: Hal Gansert 760-787-1560 Hospitality: Rosemarie Heldenbrand 760-789-2238 IHM Care: Gayle Sojourner 760-789-6923 IHM Women’s Club: Jeanne Honsowetz 760-788-0189 2nd Wednesday most months Knights of Columbus 9133 Manny Cervantes 760-788-6304 2nd Wednesday each month Lectors: Eric Olafson 760-789-3255 Marriage Preparation: Dcn Pat & Judy Byrne 760-789-9036 Bill & Sue Turner 760-789-2862 Music Coordinator: Mona Hauslik 760-789-0583 Music Director: Steven Holc 858-521-0271 Parish Nurses: Mary Alice Staggs 760-789-0749 Pastoral Council: Fr. André Ramos 760-789-0583 Prayers & Squares: Judy Byrne 760-789-9036 Stephen & Mary Moran 619-972-2221 Pro-Life: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/RCIA: Sr. Frances Michelle 760-789-6151 Recycling Program: 760-789-0583 Rosary for Peace: Nancy Garbo 760-787-9313 SCRIP Program: Social Justice: (Catholic) Vacation Bible School: Youth Program: Social Event Coord: Hilde Townsend Jess Koehler Debbie McGriff 760-789-6151 OPEN OPEN 619-813-4037 760-315-3449 Directorio de Ministerios 760-789-0583 Ministerio Hispano: Diacono Andrés Escobedo Grupo de Oración por la mañana: Conchita Olivas Eucaristía: Cristóbal Ortiz Proclamadores de la Palabra: Diacono Andrés Escobedo Coro: Martha Gómez de Escobedo Hospitalidad: Eliomar Pineda Sacristanes: Rodolfo Pahua Servidores del Altar: Diacono. Andrés Escobedo Rito de Iniciación Cristiana (RICA): Diacono. Andrés Escobedo Movimiento Unidos en la Fe: José Luis Sánchez Apóstoles Eucarísticos de la Divina Misericordia: Teresa Arciniega Crossing the threshold of faith is acting, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit present in the Church and who also manifests himself in the signs of the times; it is accompanying the constant movement of life and of history without falling into the paralyzing defeatism that regards any time in the past as being better; it is a sense of urgency to think of something new, to contribute something new, to create something new, kneading into life "the new leaven of justice and holiness" (1 Cor 5:8). Pope Francis Bulletin Editors: 760-789-0583 - JP and Sheila [email protected] Please submit information as early as possible. We must transmit to the publisher on time. Finding space is not always easy, so give us as much lead time as possible. [email protected] [email protected] Finding Solutions for Your Financial Needs Patrick J. Meskell Financial Advisor 1425 Main Street Ramona, CA 92065 760-787-1113 Debora E. Meskell Financial Advisor 1425 Main Street Ramona, CA 92065 760-787-1113 Josephine Lopez-Cox Owner BROADWAY PLAZA 550 Broadway El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 442-3031 Parishioner Member SIPC PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas ................... ................... bathes in an ADVERTISED shower Donald J. Janiuk, OD Doctor of Optometry 748-6210 12845 Paway Rd. Suite 209 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. *First Three Months WHY IS IT? Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Your Place for Homes & Loans Helping our Friends & Neighbors since 1990 ESTRADA LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE 789-1829 SPACE AVAILABLE JOSE ESTRADA, To Advertise Here... PARISHIONER Contact BOB HAHN today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] Mark & Lori Garrow C2 Financial Corp CalState Realty 760.300.3639 Open: 10:30 AM to 9:00 PM, Except Wed. Respectively - Calif BRE #01276379, #01044056 NMLS #248264 780 Main St. Ramona, CA 92065 C2 Financial Corp., Calif. Broker # 01821025; NMLS # 135622 Cervantes Familia, 22 yrs. Meals To Go! (Across from Chevron) (760) 789-9071 RAM ONA OAKS FAM I LY M EDICI N E (760) 789-8812 HAVE A HEALTHY DAY! RAMONA 788-8080 Locally Owned / Operated Jeff & Amy Ruland 513527 Immaculate Heart of Mary For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, Immaculate Heart of Mary anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support! Faith Formation—Formación de Fe SCRIP 760-789-6151 Monday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM—5:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 noon SCRIP can be used year round - for feeding the family, buying clothes and making special purchases. If you want to donate toward supplies for cleaning and Faith Formation. Please look at the SCRIP we have available. Sacraments Baptisms: Parents should contact the parish office at least 4 months prior. Marriages : Couples must contact the Marriage Preparation Coordinators personally, at least 9 months prior. Sacramentos Bautizos: Los padres deben hablar con Diacono Andrés Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano, con 4 meses de anticipación. Bodas: La pareja debe hablar con Diacono Andrés Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano con 9 meses de anticipación. Quinceañeras Quinceañeras: Deben comunicarse con Diacono Andrés Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano 1 año antes de la ceremonia para hablar de los requisitos.
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