371 East Main Street
Middletown, Delaware
22nd Sunday
August 30, 2015
Saint Joseph Church
We, the faithful of St. Joseph Parish,
willingly accept our baptismal call
to gather and worship as a community,
to proclaim the Word of God,
and to serve in the image of Jesus Christ.
Nosotros, los fieles de la Parroquia de San José,
aceptamos de buena voluntad
nuestro llamado bautismal
a reunirnos y adorar como comunidad,
a proclamar la Palabra de Dios,
y a servir en la imagen de Jesucristo.
St. Joseph Church:
East Main Street, Middletown, DE
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM
Sunday Masses:
8:30, 10:30 AM
Misa Dominical:
1:00 PM (Español)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 AM
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM
St. Rose of Lima Mission:
Lock St, Chesapeake City, MD
Sunday Masses:
8:00, 9:30 AM
Tuesday Mass: 8:30 AM
Reconciliation: Sunday at 9:00 AM
St. Francis Xavier Shrine:
Church Road, Warwick, MD
As announced
Finance Council: John Sanders (410-275-1428)
Pastoral Council: Amy Brenner (302-299-3076)
Saint Rose of Lima Church
Rev. David F. Kelley, Pastor
Rev. Timothy Brady,, Associate Pastor
Tim Enright, Deacon
Fred Wendt, Deacon
Bob Altmiller, Facilities Manager
Nathan Costa, Coordinator of Liturgical Music
Jackie Delaporte, Special Assistant, Sacristan
Diana Gotthold, Formation Office
Rosemary Hadland, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Odile Jacob, Organist
Mary Kirk, Director of Religious Education
Richard McAloon, Business Manager
Pat Sparks, Parish Secretary
Antonia “Tonie” Vandenberg, Ministerio Hispano
Mark Winterbottom, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Center / Centro Pastoral:
371 E. Main Street
Middletown, DE 19709
(entrance on Cleaver Farm Road)
302-378-5800, 302-378-5808 (FAX)
(toll-free from Maryland: 888-433-1874)
Ministerio Hispano: 302-378-5805, Ext. 104
Office Hours / Horario de la Oficina:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Christ the Teacher Regional Catholic School
2451 Frazer Road
Newark, DE 19702
Sr. LaVerne King, RSM – Principal
Liturgy Notes
Beginning in September on First Friday of the month
we will have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
beginning at the close of the 8:30 AM daily Mass and
concluding with Benediction at 12:00 noon. We
encourage you to consider taking this opportunity to
spend some quiet time with the Lord on September 4th.
As we need to ensure that at least one person is present
with the Blessed Sacrament at all times from 8:30 AM
through noon, we invite you to sign-up for a specific
time block. Sign-up sheets are available in the church
gathering space on the tables beneath the bulletin
After a discussion with the regular Wednesday daily
Mass attendees at St. Rose Church, the weekly parish
daily Mass schedule will change beginning this week,
Tuesday, September 1st as follows: the Tuesday Mass
will shift from St. Joseph at 8:30 AM to St Rose at
8:30 AM and the Wednesday Mass will shift from St.
Rose at 9:00 AM to St Joseph at 8:30 AM. The full
weekly schedule for daily Mass will be:
8:30 AM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday at St. Joseph Church;
8:30 AM Tuesday at St. Rose Church.
Please Note: All Presider’s Intentions will remain
on the date for which they were originally booked
and will not be transferred to a different church.
Presider’s Intentions
A partir de septiembre en el primer viernes del mes
tendremos adoración del Santísimo Sacramento la
final de la misa de la 8:30 am y concluyendo con la
Bendición a las 12:00 de la tarde. Le animamos a que
considere tomar esta oportunidad para pasar un rato
tranquilo con el Señor el 4 de septiembre. Como
tenemos que asegurarnos de que al menos una persona
está presente con el Santísimo Sacramento en todo
momento desde las 8:30 am hasta el mediodía, le
invitamos a inscribirse para un bloque de tiempo
específico. Hojas Suscríbete están disponibles en el
espacio de reunión de la iglesia en las mesas debajo de
los tablones de anuncios.
Beginning Sunday, September 13th, the Sunday
schedule at St. Joseph Church returns to:
7:30, 9:30, and 11:30am.
The Spanish liturgy will be celebrated at 2:00pm.
There is no change in the Saturday schedule
at St. Joseph or the Sunday schedule at St.
This week, our presiders will offer Masses for these
Monday, August 31
8:30 AM (SJ)
Joe Pickett
Tuesday, September 1
8:30 AM (SR)*
Bill Williams
11:00 AM (BM)
Wednesday, September 2
8:30 AM (SJ)*
Gloria Werb
Thursday, September 3
St. Gregory
8:30 AM (SJ)
Kathleen Burke
Friday, September 4
8:30 AM (SJ)
Roy W. Cubbler
Saturday, September 5
5:00PM (SJ)
Betty Nelson’s 85th Birthday
Sunday, September 6
8:30 AM (SJ)
10:30 AM (SJ)
1:00 PM (SJ)
8:00 AM (SR)
9:30 AM (SR)
23rd Sunday in Ordinal
Our Parishioners
Presider’s Intentions
Fr. Grasing’s Intentions
Adrienne Cataldi
*Please note the change in churches and time goes
The Word in Our Lives:
Readings for September 6, 2015
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinal Time
First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a
Thus says the LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he
comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you. Then will the eyes of the blind be
opened, the ears of the deaf be cleared; then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the mute will
sing. Streams will burst forth in the desert, and rivers in the steppe. The burning sands will become pools,
and the thirsty ground, springs of water.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
Second Reading: James 2:1-5
My brothers and sisters, show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. For
if a man with gold rings and fine clothes comes into your assembly, and a poor person in shabby clothes
also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Sit here, please, ” while
you say to the poor one, “Stand there, ” or “Sit at my feet, ” have you not made distinctions among
yourselves and become judges with evil designs?
Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in
faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37
Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the
Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his
hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man’s ears and,
spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, “Ephphatha!”—
that is, “Be opened!” —And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was
removed, and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more he ordered them not to,
the more they proclaimed it. They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well.
He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
La Palabra en Nuestra Vidas:
6 de Septiembre de 2015
XXIII Domingo Ordinario
Primera Lectura: Isaías 35, 4-7a
Esto dice el Señor: “Digan a los de corazón apocado: ‘¡Animo! No teman. He aquí que su Dios,
vengador y justiciero, viene ya para salvarlos’. Se iluminarán entonces los ojos de los ciegos y los
oídos de los sordos se abrirán. Saltará como un venado el cojo y la lengua del mudo cantará. Brotarán
aguas en el desierto y correrán torrentes en la estepa. El páramo se convertirá en estanque y la tierra
seca, en manantial”.
Segunda Lectura: Santiago 2, 1-5
Hermanos: Puesto que ustedes tienen fe en nuestro Señor Jesucristo glorificado, no tengan
favoritismos. Supongamos que entran al mismo tiempo en su reunión un hombre con un anillo de oro,
lujosamente vestido, y un pobre andrajoso, y que fijan ustedes la mirada en el que lleva el traje
elegante y le dicen: “Tú, siéntate aquí, cómodamente”. En cambio, le dicen al pobre: “Tú, párate allá o
siéntate aquí en el suelo, a mis pies”. ¿No es esto tener favoritismos y juzgar con criterios torcidos?
Queridos hermanos, ¿acaso no ha elegido Dios a los pobres de este mundo para hacerlos ricos en la fe
y herederos del Reino que prometió a los que lo aman?
Evangelio: Marcos 7, 31-37
En aquel tiempo, salió Jesús de la región de Tiro y vino de nuevo, por Sidón, al mar de Galilea,
atravesando la región de Decápolis. Le llevaron entonces a un hombre sordo y tartamudo, y le
suplicaban que le impusiera las manos. Él lo apartó a un lado de la gente, le metió los dedos en los
oídos y le tocó la lengua con saliva. Después, mirando al cielo, suspiró y le dijo: “¡Éfeta!” (que quiere
decir “¡Ábrete!”). Al momento se le abrieron los oídos, se le soltó la traba de la lengua y empezó a
hablar sin dificultad.
Él les mandó que no lo dijeran a nadie; pero cuanto más se lo mandaba, ellos con más insistencia lo
proclamaban; y todos estaban asombrados y decían: “¡Qué bien lo hace todo! Hace oír a los sordos y
hablar a los mudos”. Los textos de la Sagrada Escritura utilizados en esta obra han sido tomados de los
Leccionarios I, II y III, propiedad de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia
Episcopal Mexicana, copyright © 1987, quinta edición de setiembre de 2004. Utilizados con permiso.
Todos los derechos reservados.
As we’ve been reporting throughout the year, we have
continued to bolster our savings position as we’ve
concurrently reduced our debt position. This effort has
been made possible through the generosity and
sacrifice of all of us as parishioners. Further, we have
achieved these goals without compromising the good
works of our ministries, thanks to the parish-wide
prudent and diligent expense management. In this
spirit, I want everyone to be aware that this past month,
we have taken a portion of our savings and very
conservatively placed them in certificates of deposit
(three, to be specific) all with varied terms, interest
rates, and are liquid. This was done in an effort to
“make our dollars work harder for us” and get a little
extra return in the form of interest without putting our
funds at risk. We are blessed to have this opportunity to
do so and as a member of our finance council, I am
humbly grateful for the trust placed in us as we work
hard to be the best and most responsible stewards of
these funds.
The Financial Office currently maintains an automatic
bank transfer system (ACH), to enable parishioners to
have their regular donations transferred directly from
your checking account to the parish account on a
monthly basis. This will give us a better idea of how
much income we can expect, and will allow us to be
better stewards of the money you so generously
entrust to the parish. If you have any questions, please
contact our Business Manager, Dick McAloon, at the
Parish Office.
Twenty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2015
Humbly welcome the word
that has been planted in you
and is able to save your souls.
-- James 1:21b
The offertory collection for last week was $14,091
toward our new weekly offertory goal of $16,150.
This brings our year-to-date total to $115,950 received
toward our goal of $129,200. Thank you for accepting
the responsibility of faithful stewardship.
John Sanders, President, Finance Council
Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant, located at 311 N. Broad
Street in Middletown, will donate 10% of all receipts
we return to them. Please place your saved receipts in
the collection basket or drop them off at the parish
office. We are blessed that our local businesses
continue to support our parish. Please thank them for
their generosity when you visit Pat’s.
Team 2 will clean on Thursday, September 3, 2015
Loretta Williams, Captain
Pat McTiernan
Anthony Davies
Maria Wendt
Shirley Stafford
Peggy Calvani
Ellie Collins
Anne Thompson
Karen Headley
George Vergel
Marlene & Jim Jacono
For more information or to volunteer, please call
Loretta Williams, 302-378-8635.
SC Associates Tax & Accounting
for being the Pin Flag Sponsor
at our golf outing.
Please be sure to visit our parish website and check out
sponsors of our golf outing and those businesses who
advertise in our bulletin. Your support of these
sponsors is one way to say thank you for their
Parish Life
The following people have registered in our parish
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Castro of Spring Arbor;
the Auwerda family of Middletown Village;
the Grippe family of Middletown;
the Saienni family of Spring Creek; and
the Pena family of Middletown Village.
We pray that you will become closer to God through
your participation in our Faith Community. We look
forward to getting to know you. Welcome!
We remember in prayer all those who are ill, especially
Terrie Dunn, Phyllis Ciranni, Jean Lushis, Catherine
Slater, Marji Matyniak, Laurel Stell, Anthony Guida,
Al Kentrus, John Wirth, Robert Knox, Lynn
Winnington, Christine Laphan, Jennie Sytnik, Anne
Thomas, Margaret Wicks, Marguerite King, Sue
Osborne, Karen McKenna, Antoinette Gelfo, Lea
Castelli, Bruce Wendt, Penny Reuss, Ellen Roberts,
Larry Reyes, and Peggy Robinson.
Please remember in your prayers our deceased
parishioners, loved ones, and benefactors.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
It is time once again to “clean up” the list of those who
are ill and have requested our prayers. We will be
updating the list for the September 13 bulletin. Please
let us know if you or someone you have asked us to
pray for should remain on the list. Please remember to
contact the parish office when someone has recovered
so that we can keep the list up-to-date. A lso, please be
sure to obtain permission from someone who is ill
prior to submitting their names for publication as some
people prefer to not be listed. Thank you for your
We are offering English as a Second Language classes
again this year. Classes will begin Wednesday,
September 9 and will then meet every Monday and
Wednesday from 9:30 AM till Noon. To enroll, please
call Antonia Vandenberg, 302-378-5800, ext. 104 or
email [email protected].
We are also seeking folks to assist with this program. If
you are interested in helping, please contact Antonia.
Se ofrecen clases de Inglés una vez más este año. Clase
se reunirá el lunes y miércoles de 9:30 AM hasta el
mediodía. Comenzando el 9 de Septiembre Si desea
inscribirse en la clase, póngase en contacto con Antonia
Vandenberg, 302-378-5800, ext. 104
[email protected].
También estamos buscando gente para ayudar con este
programa. Si usted esta interesado en ayudar, póngase
en contacto con Antonia.
Tradition is long human memory set, not in stone, but
in human interaction. Without this active memory, the
bonds of relationship and affection fray and fall apart.
Communities dissolve as surely as neglected buildings
do. After participating in events, celebrations, and even
small rituals, we remark about how good it is to gather
and remember.
Today's readings remind us of foundations laid deeper
than the human will to relate. Today we hear about
God's will to relate to us--to be our God as we are
called to be God's own beloved people.
Today in three readings and three ways we remember
the covenant bonds that create us as a people and the
obligation and responsibility that express the innermost
attitude of soul. You are mine. I am yours. These are
God's words that created a people as surely as "Let
there be light" created the sun and moon and all the
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
The Rosary is prayed each Wednesday at 11:00 AM
at Broadmeadow Nursing Home. Any parishioner is
welcome to attend and participate. We are also in
need of people to lead the rosary. If you are able to
help please call Helen Gaden at 302-376-0711.
The Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly, Bishop
of Wilmington, has designated Monday evening,
September 21st, 2015 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM as a
Holy Hour, uniting the diocese “…in prayer for
our Holy Father, for the success of the World
Meeting of Families Conference, and for the
needs of our individual and parish families on the
eve of the Pope’s arrival in the United States.” All
religious education classes and ministry activities
are to be cancelled that night in order for our
families to participate in the Holy Hour.
Due to the Holy Hour, our Reconciliation
Parent Gathering originally scheduled for
Monday, September 21st is re-scheduled for
Monday evening, September 14th, 2015 from
6:30 to 7:30 PM in the Parish.
El Reverendísimo W. Francis Malooly, obispo de
Wilmington, ha designado la noche del lunes, 21 de
septiembre 2015 6:30-7:30 como una Hora Santa,
uniendo la diócesis "... en la oración por el Santo
Padre, para el éxito del Conferencia, y Encuentro
Mundial de las familias para las necesidades de
nuestras familias individuales y parroquiales en la
víspera de la llegada del Papa a los Estados Unidos.
"Todos las clases de educación religiosos y
actividades del ministerio serán canceladas esa noche
para que nuestras familias puedan participar en la
Hora Santa.
Debido a la Hora Santa, nuestra Reunión de
Reconciliación para los Padres originalmente
programada para el Lunes, 21 de septiembre es reprogramado para la noche del lunes, 14 de septiembre
2015 6:30-19:30 en el Salón Parroquial.
La tradición es la memoria humana a largo plazo,
mantenida no en piedra sino en la interrelación
humana. Sin esta memoria activa, los lazos de
relaciones y de afecto se debilitan y se deshacen. Las
comunidades se separan tan de seguro como caen los
edificios abandonados. Después de participar en
acontecimientos, celebraciones y hasta en pequeños
ritos, comentamos lo bueno que es el reunirnos y
Las lecturas de hoy nos recuerdan aquellos
fundamentos que van más hondo que la voluntad
humana para relacionarse. Hoy escuchamos sobre la
voluntad divina de relacionarse con nosotros --de ser
nuestro Dios tal como nosotros somos llamados a ser
el pueblo amado de Dios.
Hoy recordamos en tres lecturas y de tres maneras los
lazos de la alianza que nos establece como pueblo, y
las obligaciones y responsabilidades que expresan lo
más hondo del alma. Tú eres mío. Yo soy tuya. Estas
son palabras de Dios que crearon a un pueblo, tan
seguramente como "Hágase la luz" creó el sol y la
luna y todas las estrellas.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
In today’s first reading, Moses asks the Israelites “what
great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the
Lord, our God, is to us?” Indeed, our God calls us to
deep intimacy and invites us to participate in His plan
for the salvation of all people. How is He calling you
to participate? If you think your vocation is to
priesthood, diaconate or religious life, please call or
write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of
Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113,
[email protected]). Be sure to visit our website:!
This Week in Our Parish
Monday, August 31
8:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7
Tuesday, September 1
8:30 AM—Mass at St. Rose Church
11:00 AM—Mass at Broadmeadow
7:00 PM—Cub Scouts in Parish Center
Wednesday, September 2
10:30 AM—Bible Study in Rms. 5 & 7
6:30 PM—Girl Scouts in Rm. 4
7:00 PM—Charismatic Prayer in Rm. 2
7:00 PM—K of C in Parish Hall
Thursday, September 3
6:00 PM—Boy Scouts in Parish Hall
6:00 PM—Troop 350 Junior Meeting in Rm. 2
6:30 PM—Contemporary Choir
in St. Joseph Church
7:00 PM—Baptism PREP in Spanish in Rm. 1
8:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7
Friday, September 4
Saturday, September 5
12:00 PM—Wedding at St. Joseph Church
4:00 PM—Confessions in St. Joseph Church
5:00 PM—Mass in St. Joseph Church
Sunday, September 6
1:00 PM—Misa en Español in St. Joseph Church
The Contemporary Choir is a family of “friends in
faith” brought together by our love of music and a
desire to lead the parish community in prayerful
worship. We are blessed to have talented musicians on
vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, flute, drums
and percussion to add a contemporary sound to
liturgical music. The Contemporary Choir generally
rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in St. Joseph
Church. New members are welcome to join! The group
is open to musicians and singers of various levels and
will provide mentoring experience for playing music
during liturgy. Bring your voice or your instrument,
and come join us in making music to praise the Lord!
We’re looking to add a few Cantors to our roster of
dedicated ministers. Cantors lead the assembly in song
throughout the Mass, including the Psalm during the
Liturgy of the Word. They are assigned to Masses on a
rotating basis, generally serving 2-4 times per month.
Rehearsals/coaching are generally held once every
other week, but may be more frequent during the
seasons of Advent and Lent or for other special
occasions. Cantors do not have to belong to one of the
choirs. They should be vocally confident and be able to
speak clearly and distinctly. The ability to learn music
independently is necessary and good vocal skills are
required. Cantors should be comfortable standing
before the assembly and be able to make poised
gestures of invitation. The Cantor must be a singer,
proclaimer and leader/animator of the assembly’s sung
prayer. If you possess a vocal confidence and engaging
manner, and a desire to serve the parish through song,
this could be the ministry for you!
To join the Contemporary Choir, Cantors or for
more information, please contact: Rosemar y
Hadland 302-378-5800
Email: r [email protected]
Prayer is powerful… you have someone or
something for which you would like prayers? You may
phone Pat at the Parish Office or email your prayer
requests to Kathy Dolde at [email protected] and
they will pass them on to members of our Prayer Chain.
Parishioners are also welcome to join our prayer group.
All it involves is getting an email and praying for the
person or petition. If you are interested, please contact
Christian Formation
Don’t Forget to Register!
All of the various forms necessary for Religious
Education registration for our 2015-2016 Fall sessions
are available online this year. Please check the parish
website to find updated Religious Education
Registration forms for grades 1st through 8th and the
registration form for the sacraments of Reconciliation
& First Eucharist. If your child has completed grade
level one and is enrolling in grade level two you must
complete a separate form to register for the
sacramental preparation of Reconciliation and
Eucharist. This is a separ ate pr ocess fr om Religious
Education class registration and has a separate schedule
and fee.
Registrations and your preferred method of payment
are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. New
this year-a copy of the Diocesan “Form A: Annual
Consent and Release” must be filled out and submitted
for each student at the time of registration. Also, please
note that this fall we will have three different sessionstwo sessions that follow a two and a half hour time
frame, and one session that follows a ninety minute
time frame. As in the past, confirmation of session
registration will be sent via email.
This year’s First Eucharist banners, previously on
display in the gathering space of church, are now in the
Religious Education Office and can be picked up at the
Parish Center Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.
If you need to make special arrangements to pick up
your banner, please call the Religious Education Office
at 302-378-5800, ext. 108. Please note that we will
not be able to keep the banners after September 11.
Youth Fellowship offers young people an opportunity
to meet and openly discuss faith matters, participate in
exciting group activities, and learn new ways to enjoy
and live life to the fullest. There are also many
opportunities for young people to plan their own events
and activities to share their creativity. Upcoming
meetings are tonight, August 30 and September 13, 20
& 27. Interested youth should contact Mark
Winterbottom, 302-378-5800, ext. 106,
or [email protected].
Why not join us for the next Charismatic prayer
meeting this Wednesday, September 2 at 7:00PM. We
meet every Wednesday at that time in the parish
complex. There will be a brief presentation on one of
the charismatic gifts, and then singing and praising the
Lord. Come and see what this is! If you have any
questions, please call John or Cookie Ruane at 302378-2217.
Dennis and Jan Faust host a Bible Study and Prayer
group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in their
home. Please call 302-584-8703 for directions.
A second group, hosted by Ed & Mary Sumner, meets
on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month to discuss the
readings for the following Sunday. Please call 302-4492387 for directions.
All are welcome!
Please join us for Bible Study on Wednesday mornings
at 10:30 AM in the parish center when we break open
the Scriptures for the coming Sunday. We encourage
people to share how the readings touch their lives or to
sit quietly and listen as others reflect on them.
Facilitated by Deacon Fred Wendt and others, the
conversation is easy and informative. Come when and
as often as you’d like. If you have questions please call
Deacon Fred, 302-378-5800, ext. 119.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
program is designed to help Inquirers on their faith
journey. If you or someone you know has expressed an
interest in joining the Catholic Church, please contact
Deacon Tim Enright, 302-378-5800, ext. 119, or
[email protected].
The Lighthouse kiosk in the gathering space in St.
Joseph church has been replenished with new cd’s.
There are cd’s on the Eucharist and other uplifting and
helpful talks. We have some great books including:
The Body and Blood of Christ (Scott Hahn); The
Eucharist-Our Very Life (McDonald); Fan or
Follower? (Jeff Cavins); Feminine Genius (Coleen
Carol Campbell); Faith at Work & The Holy Moment
(Matthew Kelly); Pursuing Holiness-Lessons from St.
Frances De Sales (Ralph Martin); The Bible Made Me
Do It (Tim Staples); and Catholicism; A Father Who
Keeps His Promises (Scott Hahn) and The One Thing,
(Matthew Kelly).
Social Concerns
Through your generosity last week we received
$179.50 from the Poor Box at St. Joseph, and $18.00
from the Poor Box at St. Rose of Lima. Thank you
for continuing to assist those in need.
September 11, 2015. 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Location: Pell Garden Park
Chesapeake City, MD 21915, USA
All are welcome to attend!
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the
August luncheon. We had a most successful day
serving approximately 100 meals. Your support
continues to make this such a successful ministry.
Mark your calendars for our next date, October 9th.
All are most welcome and we would be glad to have
new participants. Anyone interested in participating
may contact Linda Sparandeo by calling 908 2164224 or emailing [email protected]
Around the Diocese
Admission - $20.00 per person. $35.00 per couple
Where - Immaculate Conception Gym ( 452 Bow
When – September 12th at 7 PM
Menu – Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad , Dinner
Rolls and Cake.
$2.00 Wine & Beer with 50 cent Soft Drinks.
DJ by “Pop Tops Doo Wop”
50/50 Lucky Split Chances
Prizes for Dance & Best 50’s Attire.
RSVP by September 4th via
All proceeds will help the Knights of Columbus
continue their charitable giving.
Welcome Home! Saint Mark’s High School’s Alumni
Weekend begins on Friday, October 9 with a varsity
football game against DMA. Alumni activities
continue on Saturday, October 10 and Sunday,
October 11. Please visit the Saint Mark’s website for
the complete itinerary at
In the second reading we are told, “Be doers of the
word and not hearers only”. Does your marriage show
others Christ’s love? The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend is scheduled for November 6-8 in
Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more information, visit our
website at or to register for
the weekend, please call Tony & Linda Massino @ 302
Baseball marriage tip #2 from Becoming An All-Star
Team in the Major League of Marriage by Jack & Jane
Katenkamp: Healthy couples "sometimes bunt vs
swinging for the fences (sometimes it's the little things
that count)." Do a little favor today.
When life seems to go wrong for your child, reflect on
the problems you've faced in your own life. Often it is
the mistakes or failures that form us into the person we
are. How have you grown from a mistake?
Diocese of Wilmington/Catholic Charities seeks Parttime Shelter Staff (up to 19 hours a week) at Casa San
Francisco located in Milton, Delaware. Flexibility is
critical. Ability to provide evening, weekend and
holiday coverage. Responsibilities include; oversight
of shelter residents, maintenance of building security,
meal preparation, kitchen oversight, assurance of
building cleanliness and handling shelter telephone
calls. High School Diploma or equivalent. One year
experience, including shelter/homeless experience or
its equivalent is preferred. Communication skills,
ability to problem solve, handle emergencies, and
ability to supervise and interact well with a diverse
client population. EOE. To apply see our posting on or go to [email protected].