Children’s Highlights Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 Highlights Welcome to our 2015 International Children’s Book Rights Highlights For more information please go to our website to browse our shelves and find out more about what we do and who we represent. Contents Roald Dahl 100 Young Readers Age 7-9 Age 8-12 Young Adult Reissues 1 2 3-4 5-8 9 10 Agents US Rights: Veronique Baxter; Georgia Glover; Anthony Goff (AG); Andrew Gordon (AMG); Lizzy Kremer; Caroline Walsh; Alice Williams Film & TV Rights: Nicky Lund; Georgina Ruffhead Translation Rights Alice Howe: [email protected] Direct: Brazil; France; Netherlands Subagented: Germany; Italy Emma Jamison: [email protected] Direct: Arabic; Croatia; Estonia; Greece; Israel; Latvia; Lithuania; Portugal; Scandinavia; Slovenia; Spain and Spanish in Latin America; Ukraine Sub-agented: Czech Republic; Hungary; Poland; Romania; Russia; Slovakia; Turkey Emily Randle: [email protected] Direct: Afrikaans; all Indian languages; Vietnam; Wales; plus miscellaneous requests Sub-agented: China; Bulgaria; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Serbia; Taiwan; Thailand Camilla Dubini: [email protected] International Audio Rights Contact t: +44 (0)20 7434 5900 f: +44 (0)20 7437 1072 Roald Dahl 100 2016 is the year we celebrate 100 years of Roald Dahl. ‘Tremendous things are in store for you! Many wonderful surprises await you!’ In 2014 we celebrated 50 years of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and in 2015, it is the 35th year of The Twits. In July 2015, Penguin Random House created the first ever Roald Dahl gaming app, ‘Twit or Miss’ to mark the occasion. In 2016 we shall see the biggest celebration of all for Roald Dahl’s centenary year, with a timeline of exciting activity throughout the year: a new BFG film, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Mark Rylance, will be released in July 2016. Cardiff is set for a big adventure and has been named the ‘City of the Unexpected’ involving theatre, art and performance, with Quentin Blake unveiling an exhibition of illustrations especially for World Book Day. Furthermore, the centenary year will see celebrations of the ‘world’s greatest storyteller’ in all corners of the globe, providing strong publication opportunities in all territories and potential to build on Dahl’s huge international success to date. Dahl fans must wonder where his inspiration for his magical stories comes from, and in 2016 John Murray will publish something that may just reveal the secret. From his first painfully scribbled note home at boarding school until his death 64 years later, Roald Dahl was a prolific letter writer. From the tens of thousands of letters he left behind, John Murray have collated his opinions, advice, anecdotes and confessions in Letters from Roald Dahl, which will be edited by Dahl’s critically acclaimed biographer Donald Sturrock and published in September 2016. Born on 13th September 1916 in Cardiff, Wales to Norwegian parents, Dahl served in the Royal Air Force during World War II, in which he became a flying ace and intelligence officer, rising to the rank of acting wing commander. He rose to prominence in the 1940s with works for both children and adults and became one of the world’s best-selling authors. He has been referred to as ‘one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century’. Dahl’s short stories are known for their unexpected endings and his children’s books for their unsentimental, often very dark humour. His published works include James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Witches, Fantastic Mr Fox, George’s Marvellous Medicine, Esio Trot and The BFG, all of which have been adapted for film or television. V hlavných úlohách Dahl • Relatos de lo inesperado personalísima obra de Roald Dahl es cada vez más conocida y apreciaen España. Relatos de lo inesperado es quizá su libro más universalmente oso, en el que demuestra de forma plena la afirmación: «La mente Roald Dahl es inequívocamente malévola y perversa» (The WashingPost). En efecto, el autor despliega de manera magistral su mortífero enio y su macabro sentido del humor a lo largo de estos cuentos, matados con desenlaces tan imprevistos como certeros. Este libro dio r a una célebre serie televisiva cuyos episodios estaban presentados el propio Roald Dahl. n narrador en la tradición de Poe y Hawthorne. Dahl comparte la estría de los grandes escritores del pasado con respecto a la trama s personajes, unida a una ferocidad y un retorcimiento típicamente os» (Los Angeles Times). rý dym hustý mod omamná aró ohnivé iskry ma KNIŽNÍ KLUB Juro Relatos de lo inesperado Jurov zázračný liek Jurova starká je ufrflaná zošúverená babizňa, a jeho ktorá má vo zvyku nielen jedávať odporné veci, ale sa aj odporne správa k svojmu vnukovi. Keď starká tú jej mrzutosť navždy vylieči. Namieša jej veľmi zvláštnu medicínu, ktorá je rovnako odpudzujúca ako ona sama, a ktorá má… šokujúci účinok! Príbeh o smelom chlapcovi, vyrozprávaný s poriadnou dávkou dahlovského čierneho humoru, skvelo dopĺňajú vtipné ilustrácie Quentina Blaka. ISBN 978-80-8133-04 1-4 anny má svého tatínka nadevše rád, ale hluboce ho zasáhne, když se dozví, že otec je na štíru se zákonem. I dospělí někdy porušují pravidla, ale Danny je hluboce přesvědčen, že tatínek je laskavý, dobrý a chytrý člověk, který má spoustu úžasných nápadů. A tak spolu s ním vymyslí neuvěřitelně smělý a nebezpečný plán! to už Juro s ňou nemôže vydržať, rozhodne sa, že Jurov zázračný liek JUROV ZÁZRAČNÝ LIEK ld Dahl (1916-1990) es un autor justamente famoso por su extraordinario nio, su destreza narrativa, su dominio del humor negro y su inagotable acidad de sorpresa, que llevaron a Alfred Hitchcock a adaptar para la tesión muchos de sus relatos. En Anagrama se han publicado Mi tío Oswald, ran cambiazo (Gran Premio del Humor Negro), Historias extraordinarias, tos de lo inesperado, Dos fábulas y Puchero de rimas. En otra faceta, Roald l goza de una extraordinaria popularidad como autor de libros para niños. Věděli jste, že desetina autorských honorářů z prodeje této knihy je věnována dobročinným společnostem Roalda Dahla? Více o tom uvnitř knihy. nagramaEditor esperado.indd 1 82 9 788433 920867 10 % z autorských práv na túto knihu nadácie Roalda Dahla venujú na dobročinné účely. Podrobnosti nájdete v knihe. Ilustroval Quentin Blake ENIGMA ENIGMA 30/04/15 09:57 청소년, 세상을 날다 로알드 달의 Matilda Wormwood 아주 철학적인 하루 - 열여섯 살 소년, 철학 모험을 떠나다 피에르 Y. 부르딜 지음 | 이주희 옮김 | 11,000원 부모님, 선생님, 그리고 책이 가르쳐주는 대로, 혹은 텔레 비전 프로그램이나 친구들을 따라서 생각 없이 살아가고 꺼내 발코니에서 떨어뜨렸다. 산들바람이 지폐를 받더니 파크 레인 방향으로 가는 보도 쪽으로 날렸다. 헨리는 가만히 서서 지켜보았다. 지폐는 공중에서 팔 있지 않느냐고 질문한다. 그 랑팔랑 흔들리며 방향을 틀더니 결국 거리 반대쪽 노인 리고 누구에게나 불현듯 찾 의 바로 앞에 떨어졌다. 노인은 다 해진 긴 갈색 코트와 않는 순간’을 놓치지 말고 마음껏 즐기고 고민하기를 권 다. 그의 얼굴을 지나치며 팔랑이는 지폐를 본 노인은 비롯해 세상에 살아 숨 쉬는 모든 것들에 대한 애정과 걸음을 멈추고 그것을 집어 들었다. 그는 지폐를 양손으 의미를 찾아가는 과정이 얼마나 즐거운 일인지 자연스 로 잡고 뚫어지게 응시했다. 뒤집어 보기도 했다. 그러 럽게 느낄 수 있다. 일을 시작했다. 제2차 세계대전에서 영국 공군의 전 투기 조종사로 참전했다가 ‘머리에 기념비적인 강타’ 를 맞은 뒤 글을 쓰기 시작했다. 로알드 달은 세계에 서 가장 유명한 작가들 가운데 하나로 꼽힌다. 1983년 로알드 달 지음·김세미 옮김 에 휘트브래드 상을 수상한《마녀를 잡아라》,《제임 Matilda 가락》,《찰리와 거대한 유리 엘리베이터》,《멋진 여 우 씨》,《마틸다》,《멍청씨 부부 이야기》,《내 친구 Frøken Trunchbull er den grufulle rektoren som synes elevene er ufyselige larver. 꼬마 거인》을 비롯한 그의 책들을 전 세계 사람들이 읽고 있다. 로알드 달은 1990년 74세의 나이로 세상을 떠났다. 옮긴이 “이봐요!” 헨리가 한 손을 동그랗게 모아 입가로 가져 김세미 이화여대 정치외교학과를 졸업했고《지킬 박사와 하 다 대고 외쳤다. 이드》,《크리스마스 캐럴》,《죽음 앞에서의 교훈》, “그거 가져요! 선물입니다!” 《목소리 섬》,《필경사 바틀비》등을 우리말로 옮겼 <백만장자의 눈> 중에서 다양한 나라에 사는 아이들 의 생활 모습을 통해 세상을 알아가고, 세상을 바라보는 시야를 넓혀주는 책이다. 지 구촌이라는 하나의 커다란 다. 번역 오류 지적을 비롯해 전하고 싶은 말이 있는 로알드 달 지음 김세미 옮김 앙헬 부르가스 글 | 이그나시 블란치 그림 | 배상희 옮김 | 11,000원 로알드 달 Roald Dahl 에서 교육을 받은 후 아프리카에 있는 석유 회사에서 스와 슈퍼 복숭아》,《찰리와 초콜릿 공장》,《요술 손 더니 고개를 들어 위를 보았다. - 세상을 바꾸는 작은 이야기 지은이 로알드 달은 1916년 웨일스에서 태어났다. 그는 영국 후줄근한 모자를 걸치고 혼자서 천천히 걸어가고 있었 유하고 있다.《아주 철학적인 하루》를 읽다 보면 자신을 지구촌 아이들 er en genial jente med verdens dummeste foreldre. Matilda 아오는 ‘진리가 산산이 조각나고 습관이 받아들여지지 로알드 달의 이 책은 청소년 독자들에게 헨리는 돈뭉치에서 20파운드짜리 지폐 한 장을 독자와는 [email protected]으로 교감할 수 있기 를 바라고 있다. Matilda Men viser alle de grusomme voksne at selv om hun bare er liten, har hun noen svært vIrknIngsfulle og spesIelle krefter … 세상에서 세계의 모든 사람 들과 함께 어울려 살아가고 ✽ 이 책의 인세는 로알드 달 자선단체에 기부됩니다. 자세한 내용은 책 안쪽 페이지를 참조하세요. ISBN 978-89-94449-48-7 10 prosent av forfatterens royalty for salget av denne boka går til veldedige formål støttet av The Roald Dahl Foundation. 일러스트·박혜림 값 11,000원 더 큰 사람으로, 다른 사람을 배려하고 세상을 사랑할 수 있는 사람으로 성장할 수 있도록 도와준다. I l l u s t r e r t av Q u e n t I n B l a k e Roald Dahl Centenary 1 We Are Not Frogs Michael Morpurgo Young Readers A warm and witty story about frogs, toads, two children and a dog called Mutt for very young readers. UK & US: Barrington Stoke – 2nd February 2016 UK Editor: Emma Baker Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: Berlin Associates (Marc Berlin) Additional Info: Extent - 32 pages Illustrations - YES (Full colour by Sam Usher) Material Available - Full colour illustrated page proofs All Titles and Previous Publishers Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Media Agency Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency This is a gorgeous, light-hearted story about two children, a shaggy dog and a bucketful of mischievous frogs plus their toady sidekicks who are most definitely ‘Not Frogs’. The children try to gather up all the frogs, but their jumpiness and the shaggy dog’s exuberance mean that soon frogs and toads are scattered all over the garden, even though ‘toads don’t jump – not if we can help it anyway’. Counting games and activities run alongside the story – inspired by the children’s struggle to re-count the 22 escaped frogs and toads. Sam Usher’s artwork will give a warm and witty, classic yet contemporary look to the text. Michael Morpurgo is one of Britain’s best-loved writers for children and has won many prizes including the Smarties Prize, The Writers Guild Award and the Blue Peter Book Award for his novel Private Peaceful, which has also had two successful runs as a play. He is the author of War Horse, which was adapted into a box office success by Steven Spielberg. From 2003-2005 he was the Children’s Laureate, a role which took him all over the UK to promote literacy and reading. Michael’s lastest novel, Listen to the Moon, a First World War novel about the sinking of the Lusitania, was published to critical acclaim and was shortlisted for the Costa Children’s Book of the Year Award. All rights held by HarperCollins. Praise for Michael Morpurgo: ‘Confirm[s] Morpurgo as one of the most confident and accomplished writers for children today.’ - The Scotsman (on Kensuke’s Kingdom) ‘Deceptively simple, this is a story of epic proportions.’ - Guardian (on The Butterfly Lion) ‘A poignant, life-affirming story from a master.’ - Kirkus starred review (on Listen To The Moon) ‘A great storyteller.’ – The Sunday Times Young Readers 2 The School Ship Tobermory Alexander McCall Smith Age 7-9 A High School on the High Seas! Follow the exploits of the children who go to a most unusual school - the sail-powered training ship Tobermory. When a film crew arrives in Tobermory Bay, Ben and Fee are invited to be extras. But their suspicions are soon aroused - is the film crew genuine, or are they up to something sinister? Ben and Fee and their friends discover the truth when they uncover a dastardly plan to illegally trap wild ocean creatures masterminded by an unscrupulous businessman... UK: Birlinn - 15th October 2015 UK Editor: Neville Moir US Rights: TBC US Editor: Beverley Horowitz Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Alexander McCall Smith is the best-selling author of The No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency and over thirty books for children. He is a very keen sailor and has a house in Argyll on the shore of a sea loch from where he can sail to Tobermory harbour. Every year he takes a sailing trip around the Caribbean islands with childhood friends. Additional Info: Extent - 250 pages Illustrations - Yes (black and white by Iain McIntosh) Material Available - Final files Praise for Alexander McCall Smith: All Titles and Previous Publishers Subagents: Chinese - Andrew Nurnberg Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency ‘These delightful children’s stories will transport readers to the plains of Africa … sure to capture young readers.’ - School Library Journal (on the Akimbo series) ‘Wise and charming.’ - New Statesman (on Good Dog Lion) Age 7-9 3 Freddie Mole, Lion Tamer Alexander McCall Smith Age 7-9 One boy, one circus, four lions Freddie Mole lives with his dad - a washing machine repair man - and his younger siblings. His beloved mum is often away for long periods as she works on ocean-going cruise ships, so life isn’t always easy for Freddie. One day, his dad is called to repair the washing machine at a circus that has come to town and Freddie goes along to help. UK: Bloomsbury - 7th April 2016 UK Editor: Natalie Hamilton/ Rachel Boden US Rights: Doubleday - TBC US Editor: TBC Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Additional Info: Extent - 128 pages Illustrations - YES (Black & white by Kate Hindley) Material Available - First page proofs Through a stroke of luck, Freddie lands a holiday job cleaning up and helping out at the circus. But before he knows it, he’s invited to join the trapeze artists and finds himself performing in front of a large and appreciative audience. It’s pretty hairraising, but Freddie does brilliantly. Then, when the lion tamer suddenly leaves the show, Freddie is called in to take his place and before he knows it, he’s Freddie Mole, Lion Tamer extraordinaire! Alexander McCall Smith is best-known as the author of the internationally acclaimed No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series but has also written more than thirty children’s books including The Perfect Hamburger and the Akimbo series. All Titles and Previous Publishers Praise for Alexander McCall Smith: Subagents: Chinese - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency ‘These delightful children’s stories will transport readers to the plains of Africa … sure to capture young readers.’ - School Library Journal (on the Akimbo series) ‘Wise and charming.’ - New Statesman (on Good Dog Lion) Age 7-9 4 Mel Foster and the Time Machine Julia Golding Age 8-12 A monstrously exciting adventure When priceless art objects start disappearing from around Europe – only to be replaced by pieces of fruit! – Queen Victoria asks Mel Foster and the Monster Resistance team to investigate. To compound the mystery, a hunchback called Quasimodo le Petit turns up in the bear cage at London Zoo, carrying a basket of fruit and a Fabergé egg last seen in the Tsar’s Palace in St Petersburg. What can be afoot? And can the Monster Resistance get to the bottom of it? UK & US: Egmont - July 2016 UK Editor: Hannah Sandford Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Additional Info: Extent - 270 pages Illustrations - NO Material Available - Unedited manuscript A rip-roaring tale of adventure, perfect for fans of Chris Riddell’s Goth Girl, chosen as the LoveReading4Kids book of the month for August 2015. Julia Golding is a multi-award winning writer for children and young adults. Well over half a million of her books have been sold worldwide in more than twenty different languages. A former British diplomat and Oxfam policy adviser, she has now published over thirty novels in genres ranging from historical adventure to fantasy. Her first novel won the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize and the Nestlé Children’s Book Prize. All Titles and Previous Publishers Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Van Lear Agency Praise for Julia Golding: ‘A great fun kids book… I want to be part of the gang!’ (on Mel Foster and the Demon Butler) ‘This book has it all! Monsters, ghosts, icebergs and a boy on the Most Wanted list. Set in Victorian London, it has body doubles, a weird kind of magic and an adventure waiting to happen!’ - Amy, age 10 for (on Mel Foster and the Demon Butler) ‘Hugely enjoyable romp of a tale.’ - School Librarian (on the Cat Royal series) ‘Rip-roaring saga...thoroughly entertaining...lively and absorbing.’ - The Times Educational Supplement (on the Cat Royal series) ‘This is rollicking historical fiction at its best, a great read.’ Sunday Express (on the Cat Royal series) Age 8-12 5 Henry and the Little Villains Jenny Nimmo Age 8-12 A new adventure from the world of the bestselling Charlie Bone series Henry Yewbeam has not grown since he was twisted through time from 1916 into the present and found himself in the care of his cousin, Charlie Bone. Three years have passed since then, but it’s increasingly apparent that Henry is not growing… UK: Egmont - June 2016 UK Editor: Sarah Hughes US Rights: DHA (CW) Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Additional Info: Extent -TBC Illustrations - NO Material Available - Edited manuscript All Titles and Previous Publishers for the Charlie Bone series Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency Henry is ushered into the care of the Little Villains, the last survivors of the tiny folk who came out of the forest long ago. Along with other lost time-travelling children, Henry lives in a mansion outside a town called Timeless. With their magical forest potions the capricious Little Villains can help Henry to grow and even find his way back to life with Charlie. But their help is grudgingly given. They take against Henry because of his cat, Enkidu: their father, it seems, was killed by a cat called Beast, the companion of the sinister Mayor who is on Henry’s trail. Somehow Henry must gain the Villains’ trust – but who would have guessed that Enkidu is the key to the breakthrough… Jenny Nimmo was born in Windsor, Berkshire. On leaving school she became a drama student and then taught English in Italy. She joined the BBC and worked as a photographic researcher, assistant floor manager and director/adaptor for children’s programmes. The Charlie Bone series has been translated into over 20 languages. Praise for the Charlie Bone series: ‘Jenny Nimmo’s novels offer terrors and dangers, murderous intentions and bitter battles between good and evil. The writing has an engaging directness and warmth.’- The Telegraph Age 8-12 6 Little Stars Jacqueline Wilson Age 8-12 The further adventures of Hetty Feather Hetty Feather has begun a new chapter in her life story. Escaping from Tanglefield’s Travelling Circus with her dearest friend Diamond, Hetty is determined to find them positions as glamorous music hall artistes. UK: Doubleday - 8th October 2015 UK Editor: Kelly Hurst US Rights: DHA (CW) Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Additional Info: Extent - 350 pages Illustrations - YES (Black and white, Nick Sharratt) Material Available - Final files Previous publishers for the Hetty Feather series: Chinese (Simplified) - China Children’s Publishing Press Czech - BB Art French - Editions Gallimard Indonesian - PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Italian - Salani Slovak - Slovart Vietnamese - Nha Nam Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency Hetty and Diamond quickly become the Little Stars of Mrs Ruby’s show, alongside many colourful acts – including an old friend from Hetty’s past, Flirty Bertie. But the Cavalcade proves a dangerous place, and Hetty must fight to protect her darling Diamond, who longs for a normal childhood. Meanwhile, Hetty struggles to understand her feelings for Bertie – and for Jem, whom she has never forgotten. Hetty dreams of a glittering future for herself and Diamond. The bright lights of the London theatre world beckon – will Hetty become a true star? Starring a cast of wonderful characters, both old favourites and new, this is the fifth fabulous Hetty Feather story. Jacqueline Wilson is one of Britain’s bestselling authors, with more than 35 million books sold. She has been honoured with many prizes for her work including the Guardian Children’s Fiction Award and the Children’s Book of the Year. Jacqueline is a former Children’s Laureate, an honorary professor of children’s literature and in 2008 she was appointed a Dame for services to children’s literature. Hetty Feather has been touring as a hit stage production and has been adapted as a television series for the BBC, broadcast earlier this year. Praise for Hetty Feather: ‘As easy to read as a lollipop is to suck - and yet taste(s) bittersweet.’ - The Observer ‘The most compelling tale Jacqueline has told... realistic and geniunely touching.’ - The Times Age 8-12 7 Katy Jacqueline Wilson Age 8-12 Inspired by the children’s classic, What Katy Did, Jacqueline WIlson reimagines a perennial favourite for the 21st century Katy lives with sister Clover, Dad, stepmum Izzie, stepsister Elsie and three younger half siblings. She is tall and skinny and harum-scarum, and she’s in and out of scrapes as she leads the other kids on adventures, especially in the Secret Garden next door. Katy’s relationship with Izzie and Elsie is tricky - she can’t help feeling resentful of them and often lets it show. ix ns . . . es o bing hes rible nt. n... UK: Penguin Random House Children’s Books - 30th July 2015 UK Editor: Alexandra Antscherl US Rights: DHA (CW) Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Rights Sold: Czech - BB Art Additional Info: Extent - 480 pages Illustrations - YES (Black & white, Nick Sharratt chapter heads) Material Available - Final files Selected Previous Titles: Four Children and It (2013) Publishers for FOUR CHILDREN AND IT: Czech - BB Art Polish - Znak Russian - Exmo Turkish - Epsilon Yayincilik When Katy argues with Izzie, she’s banned from going swimming with the rest of the family. Instead, she sneaks into the Secret Garden to play, and this time Katy’s recklessness gets her into terrible trouble: the tree swing she’s made comes loose and she falls, breaking her back. Now Katy is paralysed from the waist down and for a long time she feels angry and upset, especially with Izzie… How is Katy going to come to terms with her disability? And will she ever feel truly like herself again? Jacqueline Wilson is one of Britain’s bestselling authors, with more than 35 million books sold. She has been honoured with many prizes for her work including the Guardian Children’s Fiction Award and the Children’s Book of the Year. Jacqueline is a former Children’s Laureate, an honorary professor of children’s literature and in 2008 she was appointed a Dame for services to children’s literature. Praise for Four Children and It: ‘Ingenious, heartwarming.’ - Sunday Times ‘A mouthwatering modern spin.’ - Daily Telegraph Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency Age 8-12 8 Paper Butterflies Lisa Heathfield YA Stand By Me meets We Were Liars - a stunning breakout YA novel from the author of Seed with a heartbreaking and shocking twist June’s life at home with her stepmother and stepsister is a dark one – and a secret one. Not even her father knows about it. She is trapped like a butterfly in a net. But then June meets Blister, a boy in the woods. In him and his big chaotic family, she recognises the tiniest glimmer of hope that perhaps she can find a way to fly far, far away from home and be free. UK: Egmont - Summer 2016 UK Editor: Lindsey Heaven US Rights: TBC US Editor: TBC Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (NL) Additional Info: Extent - TBC Illustrations - NO Material Available - Unedited manuscript Rights Sold for Seed: Czech - Alabtros German - Carlsen Italian - Newton Compton Slovak - Albatros Thai - Post Publishing Group Because every creature in this world deserves their freedom... But at what price? Lisa Heathfield lives in Brighton with her husband and three sons. Before becoming a mum, she was a secondary school English teacher and loved inspiring teenagers to read. Paper Butterflies is her second novel. Praise for Seed: ‘A wonderful debut novel with a shocking conclusion.’ – Guardian ‘An absorbing treatment of an ever interesting subject.’ – Kirkus ‘Utterly chilling and absorbing ... a really powerful début.’ - The Bookseller Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency Young Adult 9 Tales From Watership Down Richard Adams Age 8-12 The enchanting sequel to Richard Adams’s bestselling classic Watership Down, reissued by Oneworld this year Adams returns to the vivid and distinctive world he created in Watership Down, reacquainting readers with the characters we know and love, including Fiver, Hazel, Bigwig, Dandelion and the legendary rabbit hero El-ahrairah. These compelling tales include all-new adventures, with the younger generation of rabbits eager to find out about the heroic age that existed before they were born. UK: Oneworld - 1st October 2015 UK Editor: Juliet Mabey US Rights: Random House - Knopf Translation Rights: DHA Film/TV Rights: DHA (GR) Additional Info: Extent - 256 pages Illustrations - Yes (Full colour by John Lawrence) Material Available - Final files All Titles and Previous Publishers Subagents: Chinese - Bardon Chinese Media Japanese - Tuttle-Mori Russian - Synopsis Agency Enchanting us once again with stories of courage and survival, the millions of readers who enjoyed Watership Down now have the chance to re-enter this unique and spell-binding world. Richard Adams is the author of nineteen books, including the bestselling and award-winning Watership Down, his first book (the illustrated edition of which was published by Oneworld Modern Classics, 2014). Two of his books, Watership Down and Shardik, were listed in the Sunday Times top 100 bestselling books of the last forty years. Praise for Tales from Watership Down: ‘Utterly captivating.’ – People ‘An exercise in enchantment ... Adams is a master of characterisation and description – and his rabbit vocabulary is priceless ... Tales from Watership Down is the sort of work that can transport the reader to a parallel existence.’ – The Baltimore Sun Reissues 10 SUB-AGENTS Bulgaria: Nika Literary Agency China: Andrew Nurnberg Associates / Bardon Chinese Media Agency Czech and Slovak: Kristin Olson Literarni Agentura Germany: Michael Meller Literary Agency Hungary: Katai & Bolza Indonesia: Maxima Creative Agency Italy: Italian Literary Agency Japan: The English Agency / Tuttle-Mori Korea: Eric Yang Agency Poland: Anna Jarota Agency Romania: Simona Kessler Agency Russia: Van Lear Agency Serbia: Plima Literary Agency Thailand: The Silkroad Agency Turkey: Akcali Copyright Richard Adams Roald Dahl Julia Golding Lisa Heathfield Alexander McCall Smith Michael Morgpurgo Jenny Nimmo Jacqueline Wilson
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