Lincoln Midddle School Summer Reading 2015 For: All New 7th, 8th, and 9th Graders LINCOLN MIDDLE SCHOOL 291 Lafayette St. Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 470-5504 June 2015 Dear Parents and Students: Lincoln Middle School’s administrators, faculty, and staff hope that you will enjoy a safe and productive summer. As you know, every year we strive to raise the standards in our school and we are working hard to “cross the bar” to the next level. One way to do this is to require that our students participate in our Summer Reading Program. Attached is the list of titles of the required books for our students to read this summer. The list categorizes the books according to grade levels, so please make sure to select the appropriate grade. Summer Reading Initiative for incoming Grade7, 8, and 9: Every student is expected to read the required book, as well as a book of their choice and submit his or her assignments to their English teacher by Friday, September 11, 2015 (see attached rubric). It is important that he or she reads the required book to be prepared for his or her first English class in September. You, the parents, can help us by making the completion of this task non-negotiable. Work with your children to develop a reading habit and schedule. Determine how many pages or chapters a day or week will be read and when the reading will take place, whether during the day or in the evening. Follow up to make sure that your children are on schedule. Encourage them to “buddy up” with a friend to read together and talk about what they have read. We would encourage you, if possible, to read the same book so that your child has the opportunity to discuss with you what he or she is reading. Students may borrow or purchase a summer reading book from any of the following locations: Forstmann Public Library on Gregory Avenue, Passaic; Barnes and Noble on Route 3 East, Clifton; and, Barnes and Noble on Route 46 West, Woodland Park. A list of titles may also be found on the LMS web page: www. under Summer Assignments. Then click Language Arts Summer Assignment. We hope to get off to a strong start by making this pre-requisite reading an important part of each English course, and we look forward to working with your child during the 2015-2016 school year. Sincerely, __________________________ _______________________________ Mr. Fawzi Naji Mrs. Karen Feldkamp LMS Principal Supervisor of English Language Arts CC: Mr. Pablo Muñoz – Superintendent of Schools Ms. Rachel Goldberg –Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Jeffrey Truppo -Director of Elementary and Secondary Education Ms. Karen Feldkamp- Supervisor of English Language Arts Ms. Maureen Kroog- Supervisor of English Language Arts Ms. Frances King – Librarian, LMS LINCOLN MIDDLE SCHOOL 291 Lafayette St. Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 470-5504 Junio 2015 Estimados Padres y Estudiantes: Los administradores de Passaic High School, profesores y personal desean que disfruten de un verano seguro y productivo. Como ustedes saben, cada año nos esforzamos por elevar el nivel en nuestra escuela y estamos trabajando duro para "subir el listón" al siguiente nivel. Una manera de hacer esto es requerir que que nuestros estudiantes participen en nuestro Programa de Lectura de Verano. Se adjunta la lista de los títulos de los libros que se requiere que nuestros estudiantes lean este verano. La lista clasifica los libros de acuerdo a los diferentes grados, así que por favor asegúrese de seleccionar el grado apropiado. Iniciativa de Lectura de Verano para entrantes en el Grado 7, 8, 9: Se espera que cada estudiante lea el libro requerido y entregar su asignación, así como un libro de su elección, a su maestro o maestra de inglés para el Viernes 11 de Septiembre de 2015 (véase la rúbrica adjunta). Es importante que el alumno o alumna lea el libro requerido para prepararse para su primera clase de inglés en septiembre. Ustedes, los padres, puede ayudar haciendo cumplimiento de esta tarea no es negociable. Trabajen con su hijo(a) para desarrollar un hábito y un horario de la lectura: determinen cuántas páginas o capítulos deberán ser leídos al dia o a la semana, y cuando la lectura se llevará a cabo, durante el día o por la noche. Hagan un seguimiento para asegurarse de que su hijo (a) está en la fecha prevista. Anime a su hijo(a) a “asociarse” con un amigo o amiga para leer juntos y hablar acerca de lo que han leído. Les animamos, si es posible, a leer el mismo libro para que su hijo(a) tenga la oportunidad de discutir con ustedes lo que él o ella está leyendo. Los estudiantes también pueden pedir prestado o comprar un libro de la lectura del verano en cualquier de estos lugares: Forstmann Public Library en Gregory Avenue, Passaic; Barnes and Noble en Route 3 East, Clifton; y, Barnes and Noble en Route 46 West, Woodland Park. Una lista de los titulos tambien puede ser encontrada en la página web de LMS web page: bajo Summer Assignments. Oprima Language Arts Summer Assignment. Esperamos comenzar sólidamente haciendo de este pre-requisito de lectura una parte importante de cada curso de Inglés, y esperamos con interés trabajar con su hijo(a) durante el año escolar 2015-2016. Atentamente, __________________________ __________________________ Mr. Fawzi Naji Mrs. Karen Feldkamp LMS Principal Supervisor of English Language Arts CC: Mr. Pablo Muñoz – Superintendente de las Escuelas Ms. Rachel Goldberg –Asistente del Superintendente para Currículo e Instrucción Mr. Jeffrey Truppo -Director de Educación Elemental y Secundaria Ms. Karen Feldkamp- Supervisora de English Language Arts Ms. Maureen Kroog- Supervisora de English Language Arts Ms. Frances King – Bibliotecaria, LMS New 7th Graders are REQUIRED to read Life of Pi. New 8th Graders are REQUIRED to read The Outsiders. New 9th Graders are REQUIRED to read Animal Farm. The SECOND BOOK is a free choice book. You may read ANY book on this list OR you may read a book of your choice. Books may be checked out from the LMS library or from the Passaic Public Library. You may also read the LMS ebooks which are available 24/7 at the link below. A todos los estudiantes se les REQUIERE leer Dos libros este verano. Tú puede seleccionar cualquier libro de los sugeridos en la lista. Los libros pueden ser obtenidos en la biblioteca de LMS o de la Biblioteca Pública de Passaic. También puedes leer los libros electrónicos de LMS que están disponibles 24/7 en el enlace que sigue. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO READ TWO BOOKS THIS SUMMER. FOR EACH BOOK READ, CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ASSIGNMENTS: TODOS LES ESTUDIANTES DEBEN LEER DOS LIBROS ĖSTE VERANO. ESCOJA UNA DE LAS SIGUIENTES ASIGNACIONES PARA CADA UNO DE LOS LIBROS QUE LEA: 1. Story Soundtrack // Banda sonora del relato Choose 6 songs that you feel would help create a soundtrack (or playlist) to your book. For each song, list the title, artist, and an explanation of why this song is appropriate for your book and at what point it would begin playing. Finally, create an appropriate cover for the playlist. you can use the template at this site to create your cover: Student Interactive CD/DVD Cover Creator Seleccionar 6 canciones que a ti te gustaría ayudar a crear la banda sonora (o álbum) para tu libro. Para cada canción, nombrar el título, artista y explicar el porqué esta canción es apropiada para tu libro y en qué momento debería ser introducida. Finalmente, crear una cubierta apropiada para el álbum; se puede usar el template que se muestra a continuación para crear la cubierta. Student Interactive CD/DVD Cover Creator Rubric//Puntos evaluadores:Rubric for Soundtrack assignment 2. Discussion Questions and Answers // Preguntas y respuestas de discusión Create six discussion questions with detailed answers that provide an in-depth study into the various aspects of the book (plot, characters, themes etc.). Use the following web site to create higher order questions that facilitate thought rather than just a reference to plot: Bloom's Taxonomy Question Guide Crear seis preguntas de discusión con respuestas detalladas que proporcionen un estudio profundo de varios aspectos del libro(trama, personajes, temas, etc). Usar el siguiente sitio web par crear preguntas de alto nivel que faciliten la reflexión en vez de una referencia a la trama. Bloom's Taxonomy Question Guide Rubric//Puntos evaluadores:Bloom's Taxonomy Rubric NON-FICTION Rats!: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly By Richard Coniff; Lexile 1000 Discusses the physical characteristics, behavior, origins, various types, interactions with humans and more of rats. Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different By Karen Blumenthal; Lexile 1110 Lincoln’s From the start, his path was never predictable. Steve Jobs was given up for adoption at birth, dropped out of college after one semester, and at the age of twenty, created Apple in his parents' garage with his friend Steve Wozniack. This book takes us to the core of this complicated and legendary man while simultaneously exploring the evolution of computers. Framed by Jobs's inspirational Stanford commencement speech and illustrated throughout with black and white photos, this is the story of the man who changed our world. The Case of the Vanishing Honeybees surveillance By Sandra Markle; Lexile 980 the ns helped the Investigates the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) that is killing honeybees each year. Discusses what could be causing the disorder, its impact on humans, and the future of honeybees. Bloody Times: The funeral of Abraham Lincoln and the manhunt for Jefferson Davis By James L. Swanson; Lexile 1010 Discusses how Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America, was blamed for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and describes how the hunt for Davis continued even after his body was put in its final resting place. Mr. Lincoln’s High Tech War: how the North used the telegraph, railroads, surveillance balloons, iron-clads, highpowered weapons and more to win the Civil War By Thomas B. Allen and Roger MacBride Allen Lexile: 1180 Examines how Abraham Lincoln’s interest in technology played a role in the outcome of the Civil War; and explains how the telegraph. railroads, surveillance balloons, and other inventions helped the North win the war and rebuild the economy. AWARD WINNERS The Crossover This One Summer 2015 Newbery Medal 2015 Michael Printz Honor Book By Kwame Alexander by Marilo Tamaki Fourteen-year-old twin basketball stars Josh and Jordan wrestle with highs and lows on and off the court as his father ignores his declining health. Rose and her parents have been going to Awago Beach since she was a little girl. It’s her summer getaway, her refuge. Her friend Windy is always there, too, like the little sister she never had, completing her summer family. But this summer is different. Rose’s mom and dad won’t stop fighting, and Brown Girl Dreaming Rose and Windy have gotten tangled up in a 2015 Coretta Scott King Award Awago Beach. It’s a summer of secrets and By Jacqueline Woodson Lexile 990 The author shares her childhood memories and reveals the first sparks that ignited her writing career in free-verse poems about growing up in the North and the South. tragedy-in-the-making in the small town of heartache, and it’s a good thing Rose and Windy have each other. I Lived on Butterfly Hill 2015 Pura Belpre Award by Marjorie Agosin; Lexile 770 When her beloved country, Chile, is taken over by a militaristic, sadistic government, Celeste is sent to America for her safety and her parents must go into hiding before they “disappear.” GRAPHIC NOVELS Lowriders in Space Explorer. The mystery boxes By Cathy Camper; Lexile 430 By Kazu Kibuishi Presents an anthology of seven Lupe, Flapjack and Elirio short graphic works by a love lowriders, cars that variety of artists, all on the seemingly dance, even in theme of a mysterious box and space. The stars align to its contents. give the three friends the chance to win a contest for the best car around and a carload of cash, which the three plan on using to open their own shop. The problem is, their lowrider is a junker. They might not be able to fix it up in time. Sisters El Deafo By Rene Telgemeier In graphic novel format, By Cece Bell Going to school can be tough. But going to school and making new friends while wearing a bulky hearing aid strapped to your chest? That requires superpowers! Raina Telgemeier shares the story of her relationship with her younger sister. FICTION The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove; Lexile 810 In 1891, in a world transformed Surrounded by Sharks By Michael Northrup; Lexile 600 by 1799’s Great Disruption – On the first day of vacation, thirteen year old Sophia Tims thirteen-year-old Davey and her friend Theo go in Tsering wakes up early, slips search of Sophia’s uncle out of his family’s hotel room Shadrack Elli, Boston’s foremost without telling anyone, and cartologist, who has been heads to the beach for a swim kidnapped. in the warm Florida waters— and a fateful meeting with a shark. The Testing By Joelle Charbonneau; Lexile 830 Sixteen-year-old Malencia (Cia) Vale is chosen to participate in The Testing to attend the University, however Cia is fearful when she figures out that her friends are disappearing. Curveball: The Year I Lost my Grip By Jordan Sonnenblick; Lexile 800 After an injury ends former star pitcher Peter Friedman’s athletic dreams, he concentrates on photography which leads him to a girlfriend, new fame as a high school sports photographer, and a deeper relationship with the beloved grandfather who, when he realizes he is becoming senile, gives Pete all his professional camera gear. FICTION Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Summer Vacation GUYS READ By Tommy Greenwald Secret Saturdays Lexile 800 By Torrey Maldonado; Lexile 580 When middle school student Charlie Joe Jackson has to go Justin, a fatherless twelve- to academic summer camp, he year-old in a dangerous tries to make the other hate neighborhood in New York, reading and writing as well. starts to worry about his friend Sean, who has started telling lies and getting into trouble at school, and when he suspects that the change in attitude is connected to But at the end of the camp, he has to admit that it wasn’t so bad after all. Hero By Mike Lupica; Lexile 730 mysterious trips Sean takes with his mother, he Zach, 14, learns he has the tries to get involved. same special abilities as his father, who was the President’s troubleshooter until “the Bads” killed him, The Living and now he must decide By Matt de la Pena; Lexile 700 whether to use his powers in the same way. After an earthquake destroys California and a tsunami wrecks the luxury cruise ship where he is a summer employee, high schooler Shy confronts another deadly surprise. Lost Boy By Tim Green; Lexile 730 After a near-fatal car accident, twelve-year-old Ryder’s mother needs an operation they cannot afford and while a new friend tries to raise funds, Ryder travels with a grouchy, disabled neighbor, from Yankee Stadium to Turner Field seeking the major league baseball player who might be his dad. FICTION Second Chance Summer CHICK LIT By Morgan Matson; This is What Happy Looks Like 1020 By Jennifer E. Smith; Lexile 1010 After Taylor Edwards’ family gets devastating news, they When seventeen-year-old decide to spend one last Graham Larkin accidentally summer all together at their sends seventeen-year-old Ellie lake house in the Pocono O’Neill across the country an email about his pet pig, Wilbur, it sparks a humorous string of correspondence that lasts throughout one crazy summer. Ellie and Graham share much-but not all- about their lives, until one day Graham has the opportunity to travel to Ellie’s hometown, with the chance to take their relationship into Lexile Mountains. They get to know each other again and bond, and Taylor remembers her past friends and crush. The Summer Before Boys By Nora Baskin; Lexile 720 Twelve-year-old best friends and relatives, Julia and Eliza are happy to the personal world. spend the summer together while Julia’s mother is serving in the National Guard in Iraq Waiting for You but when they meet a neighborhood boy, their close By Susane Colasanti; Lexile 570 relationship begins to change. Fifteen-year-old high school sophomore Marisa, who has an anxiety disorder, decides that this is the year she will get what she wants- a boyfriend and a social lifebut things do not turn out exactly the way she expects them to. The Breakup Bible By Melissa Kantor; Lexile 980 After a breakup with her boyfriend, school newspaper features editor Jen Lewis receives a book from her grandmother that provides basic commandments for getting over an ex. Spanish Books (Libros en espanol) Viaje al centro de la Tierra por Julio Verne Three men dare to venture into a subterranean world full of danger and beauty, discovering many unusual things on their trip to the Earth's mysterious core. Tres hombres se arriesgan a aventurarse en un mundo subterráneo de peligro y belleza, descubriendo muchas cosas inusuales en su viaje al centro de la Tierra. Lucha libre por Xavier Garza When Carlitos attends a wrestling match in Mexico City with his father, his favorite masked-wrestler has eyes that are strangely familiar. Presented in English and Spanish. Cuando Carlitos asiste con su padre a un combate de lucha en la ciudad de México, su favorito luchador enmascarado tiene ojos que son extrañamente familiares. Identificacion by Vicki Grant. Traducido por Queta Fernandez Chris, who is in trouble at home and at school, finds a wallet on the street and attempts to do the correct thing by returning it to its owner, but as his life continues to worsen, he notices that he looks a lot like the person who owns the wallet, and wonders if he could switch identities. Chris, que tiene problemas en casa, encuentra una cartera en la calle e intenta hacer lo correcto devolviéndosela a su dueño, pero a medida que su vida continua empeorando, se da cuenta que se parece mucho la persona dueña de la cartera y le viene la idea de si podría cambiar las identidades. relatos de la vida peregrina de un niño campesino por Francisco Jiménez Francisco Jimenez chronicles the experiences he had after his family left Mexico for California when he was just a child. Francisco Jiménez narra las experiencias que él tiene después de que su familia dejó México por California cuando él era solamente un niño. La Seleccion by Kiera Cass Sixteen-year-old America Singer is living in the caste-divided nation of Illea, which formed after the war that destroyed the United States. America is chosen to compete in the Selection--a contest to see which girl can win the heart of Illea's prince--but all she really wants is a chance for a future with her secret love, Aspen, who is a caste below her. La cantante americana de dieciséis años está viviendo en la nación de Illea, dividida por castas, que se formó después de que la guerra que destruyó a Los Estados Unidos. América es seleccionada para competir en la Selección – un competición para ver que chica puede ganar el corazón del príncipe de Illea – pero todo lo que ella quiere es la oportunidad de un futuro con su amor secreto, Aspen, que es de una casta por debajo de la suya. . The rebel =El rebelde por Carl Sommer Spike, a bully, gets caught in one of the traps he set on the bike path, and finds himself facing a freezing night with a broken leg unless one of the kids he bullied will help him. Spike, un intimidador (bully), se ve atrapado en una de las trampas que él mismo colocó en el camino de bicicletas; y se encuentra frente una helada noche con su pierna rota salvo que uno de los chicos que el intimidó le pueda ayudar. The Day it Snowed Tortillas = El día que nevaron tortillas : folktales told in Spanish and English por Joe Hayes Presents ten classic folktales from New Mexico, including "Pedro and Diablo," "The Cricket," "La Llorona," and "Juan Camison," presented in English with Spanish translations on facing pages. Presenta diez cuentos populares de Nuevo México, incluyendo “Pedroy Diablo,” “El grillo,” “La llorona” y “Juan Camisón”
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