St. Joseph Catholic Church 717 N. Bradford Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870 (714)528-1487 Fax (714)579-3791 WWW.STJOSEPHPLACENTIA.ORG Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church - Placentia, Ca Fifth Sunday of Easter Quinto Domingo de Pascua May 3 2015 3 de Mayo de 2015 MASSES: SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm, 7:00pm (Spanish) SUNDAYS: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: 8:30 am Saturdays: 8:00 am MARRIAGES: Please make an appointment with a priest six months in advance. CONFESSIONS: Thursdays 6:30 pm and Saturdays 3:30 pm. First Friday of each month at 9:00 am. INFANT BAPTISM: Register for Baptisms at the Parish Center office two months before anticipated date. FUNERALS: Please call the Parish Center office (x0) for assistance in making funeral arrangements. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The 19th of each month. BULLETIN ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: E-mail Only: [email protected] Deadline is Friday, one full week ahead of desired weekend MISAS: VIGILIA/SABADO: 5:00 PM, 7:00pm( Español) LUNES A VIERNES: 8:30 AM SABADO: 8:00 AM DOMINGOS: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Español) y 5:00 PM MATRIMONIOS: Favor de hacer una cita con un sacerdote seis meses antes de su boda. CONFESIONES: Jueves 6:30 PM y Sábados 3:30pm El primer viernes de cada mes a las 9:00 am. QUINCEANERAS: Se celebran una ves al mes en grupo o privadas. Favor de comunicarse con Eloisa Ramirez x207. BAUTISMOS: El registro se lleva acabo en la oficina parroquial. FUNERALES: Por favor de llamar al centro parroquial (x0) para asistencia con los arreglos para un funeral ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El 19 de cada mes. ARTICULOS PARA EL BOLETIN: Artículos de boletines necesitan ser enviados por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Artículos deben estar transmitido una semana antes del domingo que serán publicados. Parish Center Hours Receptionist x0 Monday-Thursday 8:30am-8:30pm, Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Saturday 8:00am-12:30pm Sunday 8:00am-2:00pm Pastor Rev. Jack Sewell x205 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Hieu Nguyen, SVD x206 [email protected] Deacons Jorge Ramirez [email protected] Jim Merle [email protected] Ken Kleckner [email protected] Business Manager Michael Spillman x218 [email protected] Assistant Business Manager/Registrar Juanita Rodriguez x204 [email protected] Administrative Assistant– Business/Registrar Andreina Rodriguez x222 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Paula Dougherty x211 [email protected] English Faith Formation (Kindergarten-5th grade) Summer Pongetti x210 [email protected] Spanish Faith Formation Eloisa Ramirez x207 [email protected] Liturgy (Altar Servers, EMs, Lectors, Music & Volunteers) Mary Lou Juster x221 [email protected] Youth Minister-Middle/High School, Confirmation & LIFETEEN Mike Arias x209 [email protected] Horario del Centro Parroquial -Recepcionista x0 Lunes a Jueves 8:30am-8:30pm: Viernes 8:30am-12:30pm Sábados 8:00am-12:30pm Domingos 8:00am-2:00pm Pastor Rev. Jack Sewell x205 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Hieu Nguyen, SVD x206 [email protected] Diáconos Jorge Ramirez [email protected] Jim Merle [email protected] Ken Kleckner [email protected] Gerente de Negocios Michael Spillman x218 [email protected] Asistente al Gerente de Negocios/Registraciones Juanita Rodriguez x204 [email protected] Asistente de Administracion– Negocios/Registraciones Andreina Rodriguez x222 [email protected] Directora de Formación de Fe (Adultos, Ingles) Paula Dougherty x211 [email protected] Coordinadora-Formación de Fe en ingles de K- hasta el 5to grado Summer Pongetti x210 [email protected] Coordinadora de Formación de Fe en Español Eloisa Ramírez x207 [email protected] Liturgia (monaguillos, lectores, etc. & Voluntarios) Mary Lou Juster x221 [email protected] Ministro de Jóvenes-Confirmación (gr. 9-12), EDGE y LIFETEEN Mike Arias x209 [email protected] St. Joseph School Mrs. JoAnn Telles, Principal (714)528-1794 Escuela St. Joseph Sra. JoAnn Telles, Principal (714)528-1794 St. Vincent De Paul Tuesdays 3:30-6:00pm (714) 579-3700 San Vicente De Paúl Martes de 3:30-6:00pm (714)579-3700 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Misión We, the Catholic community of St. Joseph, Placentia, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, live the message of Jesus Christ. As a welcoming, inclusive community, we provide and support strong faith formation through Eucharist, sacraments, education, stewardship and service. Nosotros, la comunidad católica de St. Joseph, Placentia, con la guía del Espíritu Santo, vivimos el mensaje de Jesucristo. Como una comunidad cordial, que acoge la diversidad, proporcionamos y apoyamos una fuerte formación en la fe por medio de la eucaristía, los sacramentos, la educación, la corresponsabilidad y el servicio. Page Two May 3, 2015 Pastor’s Column “Do not be amazed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He is not here. He has been raised up.” (Mark 16:5) As Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary, the mother of James, left their homes and approached the tomb, they were experiencing the intense grief that comes from the death of a loved one. For three years they had been with Jesus, witnessed his miracles, reflected on his teachings, and experienced the power of Jesus’ ministry. In spite of the severe opposition by the religious leaders, they had hoped, as we would today, that God would protect Jesus from harm and allow him to continue his holy work. As we now know and believe, Jesus instead offered his life in order to bring redemption to all people for all time. So this moment in time was one of great sorrow for them. Their emotions changed when they arrived at the tomb and found “a young man” in the tomb itself, clothed in a white robe. These were his words. The man could see that they were amazed, but at what? There was an empty tomb, and there was a man there. However, it was enough for the women to take this next step in their journey of faith. The man then revealed to them the essential mystery of the Christian faith—Jesus has been raised up. This is the Easter mystery, the Good News that has been handed down from generation to generation. As we continue our journey during this Easter season, the resurrection of Jesus continues to bring us his new life of grace. He has conquered the effects of sin and death in our lives by the sacrifice of his perfect life. In the simple Eucharistic acclamation of faith, “We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again,” we proclaim the Easter mystery. May we join with the holy women to live in amazement, gratitude, and wonder for God’s love to us. - Fr. Jack A MESSAGE FROM FR. HIEU MUSIC MINISTER NEEDED Dear parishioners, With much reluctance and sadness, I’d like to inform you that I’ll be leaving the parish this July, 2015. I am being transferred to St. Matthew in Corona because of pastoral needs and the personnel arrangement in our Order, SVD. Even though it’s been just a short year here at St. Joseph’s, I feel very at home. Thank you so much for your support and kindness! Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I promise to pray for you, your loved ones and our community here at St. Joseph’s. -Hieu Nguyen, SVD St. Joseph is seeking a full time Director of Music Ministry. The Director of Music Ministries is called to lead the Eucharistic assembly, and all other sacramental and prayer services, in song and music to deepen the parishioner’s experience of faith, worship, and community life. The Director works in a collaborative style with all staff members, cantors, accompanists, and liturgical volunteers to foster a strong liturgical worship experience. Interested candidates please visit our website to complete Employment Application and submit along with Resume, Cover Letter, and at least three current references (at least two professional, and one personal) to [email protected]. No phone calls please. A full job description and application can be viewed on our website at Yours in Christ, Michael Spillman Business Manager PART-TIME RECEPTIONISTS NEEDED The Parish Center is in need of part-time receptionists. Desired qualities include strong verbal communication skills, word processing, familiarity with basic office equipment, a working knowledge of audio/ visual equipment such as projectors, microphones, televisions, and a desire to serve in ministry to the people of God. Candidates must be bi-lingual in order to be considered. This is a part-time position with current available shifts on weekdays and weekend mornings. Interested parties should submit a resume and cover letter to the Assistant Business Manager (Juanita Rodriguez) by e-mail: [email protected]. No phone calls please. A full job description can be viewed on our website at Yours in Christ, Michael Spillman Business Manager FESTIVAL OF MARY Come and join the Placentia Filipino Rosary Group to celebrate “Pista ni Maria. Gather in St. Joseph Hall on Wednesday, May 6th at 6:15PM. The event starts with a procession and floral offering followed by the Rosary and novena prayers for day six. Fellowship and potluck dinner follows. For further information, contact Cleo Barretto at 714-579-0880 or Tes Quinto at 310-738-5262. Page Three May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter A STUBBORN VINE After moving into my present home ten years ago, I was pleased to find that the back yard’s landscaping included a very healthy looking clematis, a quick spreading vine that yields large, beautiful, star shaped flowers. I had always wanted a yard with a clematis vine growing in it. Moving into the house in the summer, I was able to experience the beauty of hundreds of blossoms that covered the vines for most of the season. Since that summer, I have tried, year after year, to tend to this plant. I have read books about these easy to grow vines, consulted other gardeners, and searched the Internet for clues. I prune the clematis at the proper time and apply lime to the soil around the vine. Every summer for the last nine years, the total number of blossoms each year barely reaches five. I have been tempted to tear out the vine and plant a new one, yet I always remember those hundreds of blossoms that first summer and I am committed to trying again, year after year. FAITH BLOSSOMS Our faith lives are sometimes like the reluctant clematis. Even when we try to nourish and tend our spiritual lives, we often experience only a few “blooms.” The metaphor Jesus used, the vine and the branches, is a beautiful image and says much about persistence in the faith for today’s believer. Sometimes our conversion experiences are slow in coming, and take lots of time and tending. As long as we keep our attention focused on the Lord, there is always hope that deep faith and conversion will blossom within and around us. The words of the Lord that continue to encourage us are embedded within today’s Gospel passage: “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Today’s Readings: Acts 9:26–31; Psalm 22:26–28, 30–32; 1 John 3:18–24; John 15:1–8 Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading — Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people (Psalm 22). Second Reading — This is God’s commandment: that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18-24). Gospel — I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1-8). First Reading — The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles also (Acts 10:25-26, 3435, 44-48). Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 98). Second Reading — God is love (1 John 4:7-10) or 1 John 4:11-16. Gospel — No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:9-17) or John 17:11b-19. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 1997, International NEW PARISH CENTER HOURS The Parish Center will close at 5:00pm on: Thursday, May 7th Wednesday, May 13th Thursday, May 21st Thursday, May 28th STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The next Stewardship of Treasure report will be published in the May 10, 2015 bulletin. Thank you for your patience. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter Tuesday: Cinco de Mayo Thursday: National Day of Prayer Page Four May 3, 2015 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Youth Ministry Confirmation 1/ Primer Año de Confirmación Monday Class/Clase de Lunes: May 6 Closing Mass (Wed.) Wednesday Class/Clase de Miércoles: May 6 Closing Mass Confirmation 2/ Segundo Año de Confirmación CONGRATS CONFIRMATION STUDENTS 2015! Monday Class/Clase de Lunes: No class Wednesday Class/Clase de Miércoles: No Class EDGE– Middle School Ministry( Grades 6, 7 & 8) EDGE– Ministerio de Secundaria(Grados 6, 7 &8) May 4 – EDGE Olympics LIFENIGHT May 3- Love: Love as a Self-Gift, Define love Elouise Woore Gonie Medel Toni Ortiz Jon Lopez Paulina Ramirez Ray Pongetti Merle Nieuwlandt William Golden Kathleen Phillips Donna Rossman Anna Sang Nguyen Manuel Sanchez Baby Isa Olivo Deacon John Cunneen Gena Fernandes Florida Orosco Eric Reynosa Than Gadis Ronald & Abigail Rodriguez Pete Erickson Yolanda Barrozo Reyna Becerra John & Flor Meade PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED OREMOS POR LOS QUE HAN MUERTO Javier Villegas Adolph Belasquez Michael Jolovic Guadalupe Garcia David Grijalva Joseph Hammer Upcoming Game Night/ Próxima Noche de Juegos May 15 Javier Villegas Jim & Peggy Dinsmore Guadalupe Amezquita Valentin Macias Ivonne Olvera Beth Warner Nerieda Guevara Pete Pallares Colette Santucci Donna Rossman Ruth Carlin Margaret Rich Andrew Melvin Engel Tom Bircsak REFLECTION Please contact Mike Arias for more information (714) 528-1487 ext 209 or email at [email protected] For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH CENSUS UPDATE INFORMATION Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether visitors, long time residents, or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you. If you are not a registered member of our parish community please come into the Parish Center and fill out a Parish Registration form. If you have a new address or phone number, would like envelopes or are planning to move, please fill out this form and return it to the Parish Center. Name Address Apt Phone Number Email Address Want Envelopes No longer want envelopes City Information on Electronic Giving Change Address (Previous Address): Moving - Remove From List Ministry Interest Zip Moving - Remove From List Page Five May 3, 2015 Mass Intentions / Intenciones De Misas Saturday/Sábado 05/02 8:00am– Agatha & Joseph Berry RIP 5:00pm– James Sheridan RIP 7:00pm– Leopoldo Vizcarra Rosas RIP Sunday/Domingo 05/03 7:15 am– Ivana Lombardi RIP 8:45 am– Irene Gutierrez RIP 10:30am– Lucille Benjamin Sp.Int 12:15pm– For the parish Sp. Int 5:00pm– Lorraine McCadden RIP Monday/Lunes 05/04 8:30 am– Precy & Estella RIP Tuesday/Martes 05/05 8:30 am– Multiple Intentions Eden Cruz Sp. Int Robert & Lucille Moench RIP Cindy Stanley RIP Jack Faley RIP Ron Despojado RIP Wednesday/Miércoles 05/06 8:30am – Manuel & Paz Formoso RIP Thursday/Jueves 05/07 8:30 am– Multiple Intentions Ed Hartmann RIP Kathleen Phillips Sp. Int Rick Dinicola Sp.Int Lucille Duman Family Sp. Int Jim Kirby RIP Friday/Viernes 05/08 8:30am – Dian & Ronald Roy RIP Saturday/Sábado 05/09 8:00am– Maiquez Family Sp. Int 5:00pm– Diana Ketherine Barajas RIP 7:00pm– Jesus Cerda RIP Sunday/Domingo 05/10 7:15 am– Mother’s Day Novena 8:45 am– Rosa Hernandez RIP 10:30am– Maria De La Torre Sp. Int 12:15pm– Soledad Ledezma RIP 5:00pm– For the parish Sp. Int. RIP=Rest In Peace Sp Int=Special Intention INFANT BAPTISMS The next Baptism workshop dates are: Wednesday, May 6 Thursday, June 4 For more information about the process to baptize visit our website at To confirm date for your child’s baptism, all requirements must be met, at least 10 days prior the date of baptism. Calendar-Calendario Sunday/Domingo 05/03 Faith Formation Bible Study LIFENIGHT 8:00am–7:00pmHall C 10:00 am MR 3&4 6:30 pm Church/PC Monday/Lunes 05/04 Cenacle Grupo de Oracion Strong Catholic Families Edge Grupo De Jovens Welcome Home Ministry Faith Formation 9:30 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm 6:00 pm Tuesday/Martes 05/05 Faith Formation Faith Formation Mass Bible Study Grupo de Oracion Grupo de Lectores 4:15 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday/Miércoles 05/06 Bible Study Confirmation One Rosary Group 9:30 am MR 1&2 7:00 pm Church 4:00 pm Hall A, B &K Thursday/Jueves 05/07 Spanish Faith Formation Sarah’s Circle 6:00 pm 6:00 pm SR MR3&4 Friday/Viernes 05/08 Spanish Faith Formation 6:00 pm SR & MR1&2 Saturday/Sábado 05/09 Baptism Ministry Spanish Choir Cursillo 10:00 am Church 11:30 am Hall C 5:00 pm PC Hall C Church MR 1&2 PC SR MR 3&4 SR SR SR MR 1&2 MR 3&4 Hall C YC=Youth Center SR=School Room H=Hall MR= Meeting Rooms PC=Parish Center Ch=Church MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA Include your mother, grandmother, aunts, sisters and friends in the Mother’s Day Novena of Masses that begins on Sunday, May 10th. Envelopes are available at the Church exit doors. If you need a Spiritual Novena of Masses card, please go to the Parish Center Office. The cards are available in English and Spanish. CENACLES OF PRAYER Our Lady is calling her children to gather into Cenacles of Prayer. Come join us in prayer every Monday 9:30-11:00am in Hall C. We need you!! Page Six May 3 , 2015 St. Joseph School 16th Annual Golf Classic Monday, May 11th, 2015 - Alta Vista Country Club Format 4 Player Team Scramble Times Registration/Check-in..................9:30-10:45 a.m. Putting Contest.............................9:30-10:45 a.m. Shotgun Start............................................11:00 a.m. Helicopter Ball Drop…………(approx.) 4:30 p.m. Dinner and Awards...............(approx) 5:00 p.m. Entry Fee Includes Green Fee • Cart Fee • Unlimited Range Usage • Lunch and on-course snacks & beverage service Dinner Banquet with Fantastic Auction • Locker Room Privileges • Hole-in-One Contests Team Awards • Closest-to-the Pin Contest • Long Drive Contest Costs Foursome - $700.00 (before April 24th) Foursome - $800.00 (after April 24th) Individual - $200.00 - Dinner only (non-golfers) - $50.00 TOURNAMENT Sponsor.................$5000.00 ACE Sponsor…………………….....$1250.00 EAGLE Sponsor…………………………….$750.00 BIRDIE Sponsor…………………….$500.00 PAR Sponsor……………………………......$250.00 TEE Sponsor……………..…………..$150.00 (Please see reverse side for more information r regarding sponsorships) FOURSOME(S) TOURNAMENT Sponsor EAGLE Sponsor PAR Sponsor $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Additional Dinners TOTAL INDIVIDUAL GOLFER(S) Ace Sponsor BIRDIE Sponsor TEE Sponsor $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Player #1 _______________________________ Phone _____________ Email _________________________ Player #2_______________________________ Phone _____________ Email _________________________ Player #3_______________________________ Phone _____________ Email _________________________ Player #4_______________________________ Phone _____________ Email _________________________ (If you register as a single player you will be placed in a group) You may register online at under Fundraising tab or please make checks payable to: ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL Page Seven May 3, 2015 CREIGHTON MODEL FERTILITYCARE™ Free introductory session offered for women and couples to learn about the Creighton Model System. Women or couples wishing to enter the program are then scheduled for individual follow-ups to learn and use the system to achieve and avoid pregnancy. This system is also particularly helpful to couples having difficulty conceiving. When: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Time: 7:30PM 717 N. Bradford Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Parish office Meeting Rooms 3-4 Cost: Free! Contact: Samantha Aronson at [email protected] to RSVP or with questions. See for more info or further sessions! CRS EARTHQUAKE RELIEF The news is once again filled with pictures and videos of the severe devastation that has occurred in Nepal after the 7.8 earthquake. Catholic Relief Services has mobilized an immediate response in supporting this emergency by providing critical supplies for the homeless such as tarps and tents for shelter, drinkable water, and required hygiene and sanitation materials. There are envelopes in the bulletin stands and church exits that you may use to make a donation, or you can go to and click on Donate Now in order that you may care for the stranger who is in need (Matthew 25:40). St. Joseph School News ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL FALL ENROLLMENT OPEN FOR 2015-16 All families interested in information about St. Joseph Catholic School please visit our website and click on the enrollment link under news and announcements or please call the school at 714-528-1794. We would love to share with you what St. Joseph Catholic School offers. FUNDRAISER Drop-off will be every 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, from 8am-10am. Collected items include: used shoes, books, newspaper, shredder paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Proceeds student fieldtrips. benefit the SJS For more information about these and other events, visit the School’s website: Diocesan & Outside of Parish Events/News PAPAL VISIT PILGRIMAGE The Diocese of Orange is coordinating a pilgrimage to Philadelphia for the visit of Pope Francis to the World Meeting of Families from September 22-28. Per person cost, double occupancy is $1825.00. For more information, contact Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours, 800-653-0017, [email protected], FIRST ANNUAL VIETNAMESE MASS This mass is being offered to recognize Vietnamese individuals with disabilities throughout our Diocese. At the same time we will be honoring the parents, family members and caregivers of these extraordinary people. The Diocese of Orange, with the sponsorship of the Offices of Faith Formation and Hispanic Ministries, and the Vietnamese Catholic Community invite you to the First Annual Mass for Persons with Special Needs in Vietnamese at the Vietnamese Catholic Center on Saturday May 9th at 2:00 pm. For more information please contact Annette Venegas, [email protected] or 714-282-6000. Vietnamese Catholic Center: 1538 Century Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92703. SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA SPRING SESSION 2015 Beginning May 2nd-May 7th (Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays) Thursdays) These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens and given over an 11-Week period, will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come and learn the real purpose of your life, and how to achieve it through self-knowledge, self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. You’ll see miracles happen in your life! There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided. Donations are accepted. Each meeting lasts 2-2.5 hours. To register online, go to For more information, please contact Fr. Ed Broom, OMV at St. Peter Chanel, Mary Martorana at [email protected] or Veronica Ayson at (562) 924-7591. Page Eight 3 de Mayo de 2015 Quinto Domingo de Pascua UNA ENREDADERA TESTARUDA Luego de mudarme hace diez años a la casa donde ahora vivo, me sentí complacido de encontrar que en el jardín trasero había una muy saludable clemátide, que es una enredadera que se extiende rápidamente y produce grandes y hermosas flores en forma de estrella. Siempre había querido tener una clemátide en mi jardín. Debido a que me mudé en el verano, por casi toda la estación tuve la oportunidad de disfrutar de la belleza de cientos de flores que cubrían la enredadera. Desde ese verano he tratado, año tras año, de cuidar la enredadera. He leído libros sobre esta enredadera fácil de cultivar, he consultado con otros jardineros y buscado recomendaciones en Internet. He podado la clemátide en el tiempo apropiado y he abonado la tierra a su alrededor. En los últimos nueve años, el número total de flores cada verano ha llegado apenas a cinco. Me he sentido tentado a cortar la enredadera y cultivar una nueva, pero siempre recuerdo las cientos de flores del primer verano y año tras año me siento comprometido a intentar de nuevo. FLORES DE FE Algunas veces nuestra fe es como esta clemátide renuente. A pesar de que tratamos de alimentar y cuidar nuestra vida espiritual, muchas veces solamente producimos unas cuantas “flores”. La metáfora usada por Jesús, la vida y las ramas, es un imagen hermosa y dice mucho de la persistencia en la vida de fe del creyente de hoy. Algunas veces nuestras experiencias de conversión llegan lentamente, y requieren de mucho tiempo y cuidado. Mientras mantengamos nuestra atención enfocada en el Señor, siempre habrá esperanza para que la fe profunda y la conversión florezcan dentro y alrededor de nosotros. Las palabras del Señor que continúan animándonos están cimentadas en el Evangelio de hoy: “El que permanece en mí y yo en él, ése da fruto abundante, porque sin mí nada pueden hacer” Lecturas de hoy: Hechos 9:26–31; Salmo 22:26–28, 30–32; 1 Juan 3:18–24; Juan 15:1–8 Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — Mediante las prédicas de Pedro, el Espíritu Santo viene a los gentiles (Hechos 10:2526, 34-35, 44-48). Salmo — El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad. Aleluya (Salmo 98 (97)). Segunda lectura — Dios es amor y Dios nos ama (1 Juan 4:7-10) o 1 Juan 4:11-16. Evangelio — Jesús da este mandamiento a sus discípulos: ámense unos a otros como yo los he amado (Juan 15:9-17) o Juan 17:11b-19. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE El próximo informe de Administración del Tesoro será publicado en el boletin del 10 de mayo 2015. Gracias por su paciencia. SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Pascua Martes: Cinco de Mayo Jueves: Día Nacional de Oración NUEVO HORARIOS DEL CENTRO PARROQUIAL El Centro Parroquial se cerrará a las 5:00 pm sólamente : Jueves, 7 de Mayo Miercoles, 13 de Mayo Jueves, 21 de Mayo Jueves, 28 de Mayo Page Nine 3 de Mayo de 2015 Columna del Pastor “No esté asombrado. Busca a Jesús de Nazareth, el crucificado. No está aquí. Ha sido levantado”. (Marque 16:5) Como Maria Magdalena, Salome, y Maria, la madre de Jaime, dejaron sus casas y se acercaron a la tumba, experimentaban la pena intensa que viene de la muerte de un querido. Durante tres años habían estado con Jesús, atestiguaron sus milagros, reflejados en sus enseñanzas, y experimentaron el poder del ministerio de Jesús. A pesar de la oposición severa por los líderes religiosos, habían esperado, como íbamos hoy, que Dios protegería a Jesús del daño y permitiría que él siga su trabajo santo. Como ahora sabemos y creemos, Jesús en cambio ofreció su vida a fin de traer la amortización a toda la gente para siempre. Por tanto este momento a tiempo era una de la gran pena para ellos. Sus emociones cambiaron cuando llegaron a la tumba y encontraron “a un joven” en la propia tumba, vestido de un traje blanco. Éstas eran sus palabras. ¿El hombre podría ver que estaban asombrados, pero en qué? Había una tumba vacía, y había un hombre allí. Sin embargo, era bastante para las mujeres para tomar este siguiente paso en su viaje de la fe. El hombre entonces reveló a ellos el misterio esencial de la fe cristiana — Jesús ha sido levantado. Esto es el misterio la Pascua, las Buenas noticias que han sido pasadas de la generación a la generación. Mientras que seguimos nuestro viaje durante esta temporada la Pascua, la resurrección de Jesús sigue trayéndonos su nueva vida de la gracia. Ha conquistado los efectos de pecado y muerte en nuestras vidas por el sacrificio de su vida perfecta. En la aclamación Eucarística simple de la fe, “Proclamamos su muerte, O Señor, y profesamos su resurrección hasta que venga otra vez”, proclamamos el misterio de Pascua. Podemos unirnos con las mujeres santas para vivir en asombro, gratitud y maravilla para el amor de Dios a nosotros. ~Padre Jack La Entrada Triunfal de Jesucristo le invita todos los lunes a las 6:30pm de la tarde en la iglesia (ver calendario para fechas) al Grupo de Oración. Tenemos Rosario a Virgen alabanza, BAUTISMOS Las fechas de clases pre-bautismales: Martes, 5 de Mayo Martes, 2 de Junio Si desea mas información sobre el proceso para bautizar Visita nuestra pagina web: Para poner fechar para el bautismo, todos los requisitos necesitan estar en orden, diez días ANTES de la fecha del bautismo. El Encuentro Matrimonial los invita a vivir su fin de semana. Para más información favor de comunicarse con Rogelio y Maria Rosales (714) 760-3574. EL GRUPO DE JOVENES NUEVA VIDA EN CRISTO Les invita todos jovenes de 18-35 anos de edad a sus renuiones todos los Lunes de 6:30-9:00pm. Para mas informaciones, contacta a Karina 714-865-7344. predicación de la palabra y testimonios. Para más información por favor de comunicarse con La Cordinodora Margarita Herrera (657)216-2784 o Teresa Fuentes (714) 319-1644 A MESSAGE FROM FR. HIEU Queridos parroquianos, Con mucha renuencia y tristeza, me gustaría informarle que dejaré la parroquia este julio de 2015. Estoy siendo transferido a S. Matthew en la Corona debido a necesidades pastorales y el arreglo del personal en nuestro Pedido, SVD. Aunque haya estado sólo un año corto aquí en S. Joseph, siento muy en casa. ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo y bondad! Por favor siga guardándome en sus rezos ya que prometo rezar por usted, sus queridos y nuestra comunidad aquí en S. Joseph. - Hieu Nguyen, SVD Page Ten 3 de Mayo de 2015 CRS AYUDA POR EL TERREMOTO OPORTUNIDAD DE TRABAJO: RECEPCIONISTA La noticia es una vez más llena de imágenes y vídeos de los grandes estragos que ha tenido lugar en Nepal después 7.8 terremoto. Catholic Relief Services ha movilizado una respuesta inmediata en el apoyo a esta emergencia, proporcionando suministros esenciales para las personas sin hogar, tales como lonas y carpas para vivienda, agua potable, higiene y saneamiento y materiales. Hay sobres en las salidas de la iglesia que puede usar para hacer una donación,la iglesia sale que puede utilizar para realizar una donación, o puede ir a y haga clic en Hacer una donación para que pueda cuidar de el desconocido que se encuentra en necesidad (Mateo 25:40) El Centro de la Parroquia necesita recepcionistas de media jornada. Las calidades deseadas incluyen habilidades de comunicación verbales fuertes, procesamiento de textos, familiaridad con el equipo de oficina básico, un conocimiento práctico de audio / equipo visual como proyectores, micrófonos, televisiones y un deseo de servir en el ministerio a la gente de Dios. Los candidatos deben ser bilingües a fin de considerarse. Esto es una posición de media jornada con cambios disponibles corrientes durante mañanas del fin de semana y días laborables. Las partes interesadas deberían presentar un curriculum vitae y carta adjunta al Director ejecutivo del Ayudante (Juanita Rodriguez) por el correo electrónico: jrodriguez@stjosephplacentia .org. DIA DE LE MADRE NOVENA Incluya a su madre, abuela, tías, hermanas y amigos en el Día de la Madre Novena de misas que comienza el domingo, 10 de mayo. Los sobres están disponibles en las puertas de la salida de la iglesia. Si necesita Novena Espiritual de la tarjeta de misas, por favor vaya a la Oficina del Centro de la Parroquia. Los naipes están disponibles en inglés y español. INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS Si usted es adulto y no ha recibido ningún sacramento y desea ser: Bautizada, Confirmada, y recibir la Eucaristía (primera comunión) puede llamar a Eloisa Ramírez, Coordinadora de formación de fe (714) 528-1487 X207 INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA NIÑOS Si tu niño tiene 7 años y no ha sido bautizado puedes venir a inscribirlo en Iniciación Cristina de niños. Para mas información comunícate Con Eloisa Ramirez al teléfono (714) 528-1487 Ext. 207 VISITENOS EN FACEBOOK! BUSQUEDA: ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH - PLACENTIA, CA Una descripción del trabajo llena puede ser vista en nuestro sitio web en Suyo en Cristo, Michael Spillman Gerente de Negocios EVENTO DE PENTECOSTES La Oficina para Ministerios Hispanos y La Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Orange Cordialmente les invita al “XIII Evento de Pentecostés” Cuando: 16 de mayo del 2015; Horario: de 8am a 8pm. Lugar: Convention Center de Anaheim 800 W. Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92802 Habrá Alabanza, Oración, Predicación, Confesiones, Santa Eucaristía Y Hora Santa ¡La entrada es GRATUITA y habrá Ministerio de Niños! Para más información por favor de llamar: Yaneth (714)261-8698; Brenda (714) 625-9971 PEREGRINACIÓN DE VISITA PAPAL La Diócesis de Orange coordina una peregrinación por Filadelfia para la visita de Pope Francis a la Reunión mundial de Familias a partir del 22-28 de septiembre. Por coste de la persona, la doble ocupación es $1825. Para más información, póngase en contacto con Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours, 800653-0017, estante [email protected], Para mas información sobre estos y otros eventos de nuestra Parroquia, visita nuestra pagina web ESTATE PLANNING STARTING AT $849 Includes Living Trust, Will, Advance Health Care Directive & Finance Power of Attorney FREE CONSULTATION Timothy J. O’Connor, ESQ Attorney at Law Call (714) 264-1556 A FAMILY TRADITION OF HOSPITALITY FOR OVER 80 YEARS Great Selection of Pizzas, Salads, Sandwiches & Appetizers Now Serving Sunday Brunch 10AM to 1PM MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY CLASSES Kid’s Menu • Family Dining • Big Screen TVs • Patio Dining 714-579-1777 Learn How To Maximize Your Medicare & Social Security Timing $$$! “When Should I Start Social Security To Get the Most Money?” 148 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Placentia, CA 92870 IN PLACENTIA TOWN CENTER - Between CVS & Marshalls Joe & Jenner Rasic - Parishioners THREE SATURDAY DATES: APRIL 11th or MAY 9th or JUNE 13th 9AM to 10:30 AM Attendees qualify to receive a personalized Social Security timing report (provided at a personal appointment) Bring This Ad For A Prize! Brea Community Center Room “A” 695 Madison Ave. Brea Phil Calhoun Call (866) 399-2908 To RSVP Parishioner Led Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... Jeffrey D. Cavin Attorney At law (562) 863-5600 • (657) 378-9697 • Wills • Trusts • Probate • Business Law • Real Estate Law 24/7 HELP ................... Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 513930 St Joseph Church (B) Initial Consultation FREE 251 E. Imperial Highway, Ste. 471 Fullerton, California 92835 Parishioner Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. 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Professional Caring Staff • • • • Collision Specialist We Work on All Makes & Models We Accept All Insurance Towing Available On Insurance Claims* Up to One Week Maximum* Ask For Candy/Luis Bill Wells BREA/PLACENTIA TAX SERVICE International Shipping Complete Funeral Services Benefits Assistant Pre-Planning Arrangements Se Habla Español One Family Four Generations One Location Binary Star Tech Services For Over 85 Years 714-535-4105 For all your computer needs PERSONAL • BUSINESS • TAX CONSULTING Home or Small Business Parishioner 1136 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. (714) 524-5540 Greg Cota 714-225-2904 Placentia, CA 92670 Fax (714) 528-0675 (714) 577-5794 Gary Field, Becky Field-Areias, Margie Hilgenfeld-Field 120 East Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 SPACE AVAILABLE Jeffrey J. Stehly, D.D.S. To Advertise Here... Exciting New Location! Contact BERT AVELLANA today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] 1907 N. 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