ONGOING EVENTS Sun. Mornings at 9:00 a.m. Worship Service with classes and fellowship to follow at 10:45 a.m. We currently offer classes for all ages. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before class. We also have headsets for Spanish translations during worship service. Class on “How to Live With the Loss of a Loved One” and The New Members’ Class are being offered. If you are interested please contact: Diana Burton (760) 345-2615 or Steve Cardinal (760) 574-7204 for additional information. Sunday night “In the Word” Bible study information is located on the table in the kitchen. Please check with the study leader for more information. PRAYER REQUESTS Praise the Lord for prayers that have been answered for Pierre Ortiz and Sandra Young. • Janet Bivens • Sexson Family • Andrea Stevenson • Robin Boen • Luis Garcia • John Rice • Jack Brohamer • Edith Tripp • Bob Finnell • Nancy Sultzer • Wanda Cappello • Doris Parry • Miles Shopshear • Desiree Chechin • Nicole Macias • Cross Family • Kosovo Congregation • Kevin Stuessel • Elders and Deacons Wednesdays at 7 a.m. men meet at the building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. Every Wed. at 7 p.m. Mid-week Bible Study at the building. KIDS FOR KIDS : Our children participate in contributing funds for children in the Philippines to purchase goats. The goats provide milk and a way for the children in the Philippines to financially help themselves and their families. (update) Gilbert Garcia’s brother Luis was involved in a motorcycle accident on Jan. 14th. He continues to recover from a brain injury. He is in acute care and doing physical therapy. He is now walking. He expresses that he wants to go home. Pray for continued improvement. Please pray for Desi Chechin. She is a little girl who has a rare high risk neuroblastoma tumor that is wrapped around her aorta. She has been undergoing treatment but the cancer has returned aggressively. Continue to pray for Robin Boen as she recovers from a severe lung infection. She is now home recovering. She continues to use an oxygen machine. Pray for continued healing and comfort. Please pray for Andrea Stevenson and she is dealing with ongoing medical concerns. She is also dealing with Lupus and Fibromyalgia. Send prayer request to: [email protected] Aleyda Macias Erin Meyer Bobby Finnell Janessa Chambliss Brooke Finnell Calvin Worth Noelle Gentry Jeanne Beadle Judy Woodroof Lee Hulsman Hayley Hodulik 2/6 2/6 2/7 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/15 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/17 FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Beto & Veronica Alvarez Bob & Patricia Berk Jim & LaJuana Cross Russ & Billie McKay 2/1 2/2 2/4 2/27 Garry Sage Keith Chambliss Doug Smith Nicky Robles Danny Sanchez Michael Young Janet Law Debbie Zwight Jack Rrohamer Melinda Cairney Dru Craven Angela Morway Chanda-Lyn Fraschetti Anthony Pendleton 2/19 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/24 2/26 2/28 2/28 2/28 2/28 2/29 on Sunday’s. Please see Adell Bynum if you can assist. We really need your help. MARCH 12TH FOOD PANTRY 5:30PM-7 PM HERE AT THE CHURCH ATTENTION STUDENTS!! INFO FOR COLLEGE TUITION: If you are planning on asking for tuition assistance for higher education from the federal government, please note that you MUST apply prior to March 1. The address is WWW.fafsa. If you have any questions, please see Adell Bynum. 2015 LADIES DAY PROGRAM WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 28 STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. THROUGH LUNCH Registration forms are available in the kitchen. We will have “work sessions” Saturdays Feb 28 & March 7 at 9:00 a.m. See Nancy Sultzer if you would like to help or have an interest in the program. Please complete and return your registration form as soon as possible to ensure a reservation. There will be a basket on the kitchen table for the completed portion of the forms. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP UPDATE The time has changed to 2:30 p.m. to accomodate those attending “In The Word” studies. See Doug Smith for more info. and carpooling from PDCOC. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations goes out to Shelby Moreno who was accepted to Abilene Christian University. RALPHS REWARDS Please pick up a letter with a scan bar in the kitchen. When presented with your Ralphs Rewards card, our church will receive benefits. Thank you for your support. HELP NEEDED Volunteers are needed to assist with the Donuts/coffee set-up and with the Communion/kitchen clean-up after worship service LADIES BIBLE CLASS ON TUESDAYS AT 10:00 A.M. Video series done by Beth Moore. Great discussions. Our potluck will be cancelled until Youth Connection: Wednesday Night Bible Class - 7:00 p.m. Children’s Church during Sermon - Age 9 and under Sunday School Classes for all ages - 10:45 a.m. Upcoming Youth Activities: See Caleb or Ashley Gervin for more information on Youth Caleb Gervin , FCA Coachella Valley, P.O. Box 1136, Palm Desert, CA 92261 Caleb (c) (760) 898-9776 Ashley (c) (760) 625-6935 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Please see monthly flyer. DIRECTORY CHANGES Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact informationchanges or additions. Outreach and Family Ministry:This team offers home bible studies, baptisms, home visits, hospital visits, visits for shut-ins, and any encouragement needs. The team also offers general maintenance duties such as minor home and yard re pairs and heavy lifting. OUTREACH MINISTER : Doug Smith FAMILY MINISTER : John Rice MINISTRY TEAM MEMBERS Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Henry McNulty Bob Tripp Calendars and Additional Information TODAY FEBRUARY 22ND YOUTH JAM (BEAUMONT CHURCH OF CHRIST. 1:30 PM-7PM SEE CALEB YOUTH & MINISTRY CONNECTION YOUTH EVENTS FOR FEBRUARY First Sunday of every month: Rescue Mission Last Sunday of every month: Bowling. T.B.A Please keep Bob Finnell in your prayers. He will be having eye surgery March 31st to repair his retina for better vision in his right eye. The Elders would like an opportunity to visit with you either at your home or here at the building. Please sign up on the sheet provided above the information table in the kitchen. are studying from a vidio series called “Believing God”. It’s a video series done by Beth Moore. I’m very excited about “facilitating” it ! She uses a lot of scripture and you will come away with a whole new perspective on what it means to really trust and believe God can do in your life what He says He can do. Please plan on joining us at 10:00 a.m. Class will last until aprox 11:30. Our potluck will be cancelled until further notice. (new) Please pray Julianna Abundis (Jim and LaJuanna Cross daughter) She had a very serious surgery on February 27th. at Eisenhower Hospital. Steve Sexson went home to be with the Lord. Please keep Barbara and the Sexson family in your prayers as they deal with their loss. Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. Tuesdays Ladies Bible Class at 10 a.m. for Study and potluck. We (new) Please keep Janet Bivens in your prayers as she is dealing with flu and other physical issues. Janet needs uplifting at this time. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY further notice. Please come and join us, don’t miss out. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED As it says in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. See Mike Young. STUDY “IN THE WORD” “In The Word” Bible study has started. Some studies have potlucks, some have desserts and some have nothing. Check with host leader to confirm times, other details and access if gated communities. Information is located on table in kitchen. ONCE A MONTH ON SATURDAY OUR YOUTH WILL PARTICIPATE IN “THE NARROW DOOR BOXING/MOBILE PANTRY” The youth will meet at the PDCOC parking lot and will be brought back to the church around 11/11:30 a.m. See Caleb for more information. EGG CARTONS AND PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS NEEDED. Please bring in your used egg cartons and plastic grocery bags for our food out reach program. Drop them off in the wicker baskets in the multi purpose room. • AVECES PIENSO..........Gilbert Hay tantos signos y señales que me confunden, signos y señales que me desconciertan, lo miro todos los dias en las expresiones de las personas cuando hablan con alguien muecas que hacemos a nuestros hijos expresando descontento y ellos lo entienden muy bien, (Tu cara, tus manos, una palabra). Signos y señales en las manos de un pandillero expresando muerte y tu sin saberlo, pero tambien muecas de descontento detras de la persona que dices querer mucho. Vivimos en un mundo reguido por signos y señales que nos ayudan a seguir vivos, piensa por un instante que seria de nuestra vida sin las leyes de transito cuando manejamos un carro por la calle, pero sabes hay un signo una señal que verdaderamente me conmueve la miro todos los dias cuando camino por la calle, en la casa de un amigo, quizas le tengas tu tambien en tu casa, colgando del espejo retrovisor de tu carro, o adornando tu pecho colgando de tu cuello. En el ayer la cargo Jesucristo y hoy la puedo ver en la sombra de cada persona, cuando estira sus brazos sin darse cuenta que la sombra de CRISTO nos sigue a donde quiera que vamos. Para DIOS la cruz simbolo de salvacion y vida eterna, pero tambien verguenza, sufrimiento, y muerte. DIOS dio a su hijo como substituto en la peor muerte posible el sangro y murio en la cruz en nuestro lugar, El dio su sangre por las transgresiones del mundo entero. COMO BIEN SABEN, USTEDES FUERO RESCATADOS DE LA VIDA ABSURDA QUE HEREDARON DE SUS ANTEPASADOS. EL PRECIO DE SU RESCATE NO SE PAGO CON COSAS PERCEDERAS, COMO EL ORO O LA PLATA, SINO CON LA PRECIOSA SANGRE DE CRISTO, COMO DE UN CORDERO SIN MANCHA Y SIN DEFECTO. CRISTO, A QUIEN DIOS ESCOGIO ANTES DE LA CREACION DEL MUNDO, SE HA MANIFESTADO EN ESTOS ULTIMOS TIEMPOS EN BENEFICIO DE USTEDES. POR MEDIO DE EL USTEDES CREEN EN DIOS, QUE LO RESUCITO Y GLORIFICO, Marco Aparicio Nick Macias Garry Sage DE MODO QUE SU FE Y SU ESPERANZA ESTAN PUESTAS EN DIOS. Galatas 2:20 HE SIDO CRUSIFICADO CON CRISTO, Y YA NO VIVO YO SINO QUE CRISTO VIVE EN MI. LO QUE AHORA VIVO EN EL CUERPO, LO VIVO POR LA FE EN EL HIJO DE DIOS, QUIEN ME AMO Y DIO SU VIDA POR MI. Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto............... Sunday February 22, 2015 Sermon Notes Paul’s Ponder Sermon Title: The Mission Lesson 6: “Having this Treasure in Jars of Clay” Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 Song Leader Song Announcement Prayer of Praise Song Communion Lead Assisting SUNDAY February 22, 2015 “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” JFK Some people go to church because of what they get out of it. Then there are some who go to give. I believe that when you go to serve God that means you are looking for opportunities to give to others. When we decide to come together to give as much as we can, we will get more than we ever have. We won’t be pew sitters, we will be God pleasers. Let me tell you about my buddy. My buddy is one of those persons who is very perceptive. He actively looks for ways that he can be of service to others. He watches people to see how he can help them. He listens to what people say whether they are talking to him or not. I know of him giving a Bible to a person who did not have one. Another time he gave a phone cover when he saw a need. I am cheap. My “Sunday Shoes” I received as a gift last century. I treat them nice and only wear them on special occasions. I have had them resoled. Within the past few months the seam along the back has ripped causing them to slip and squeak when I walk. I figure I can still get another good year out of them. But my buddy noticed. This past Sunday while I was preaching about loving one another, my buddy was practicing love. He brought me a new pair of shoes. I have been blessed by this man’s desire to serve. My buddy is not the only one. A dear lady loves to give gift certificates. She spreads love and sunshine to everyone she meets and then as the spirit moves her, she will give gift certificates. A special blessing. Others have invited visitors to lunch, made jewelry, assisted with home or auto repairs, sat next to someone so they were not alone, volunteered to serve, said an encouraging word to a child, recommended places, given directions, sent birthday cards, written notes, shared hugs and kisses, offered praise, sang joyously, given food to the needy, visited the sick… I cannot tell all the things people do just because they want to serve God. When Christianity is a life style of service and not “going to church” you will find that you are the one blessed and God is praised. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 Just Pondering Order of worship TBA David Sanchez Russ McKay Marco Aparicio Jim Sultzer Evan Brennan Doug Brannon Michael Mendoza Jimmie Stevenson Miguel Carmona Scripture Reading Sermon Closing Prayer Spanish Translation ___________ Greet Visitor ___________ Usher _______________________ Closer Doug Smith Dale Wells Mark Haye Norma Moreno Finnell Family Michael Mendoza David Sanchez John Burton Please join us for a brief fellowship with donuts and coffee in the kitchen immediately after service We welcome you to our worship celebration. If you are a guest today, we are pleased to have you with us. May our worship time together be filled with praise and honor. May our souls be uplifted while glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. SUNDAY EVENING HOME BIBLE STUDY (VISITORS WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED TO JOIN) WORSHIP SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. BIBLE CLASSES EVERY SUNDAY 10:45 a.m. (Classes for all ages) Brohamers: 39017 Narcissus Dr. Palm Desert (760) 772-0968 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Biggers: 82594 Tuscany Ln. Indio (760) 347-4958 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Burtons: 40955 Starlight Bermuda Dunes (760) 345-2615 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Cravens: 78385 Via Sevilla La Quinta (760) 345-1185 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. (Classes for all ages) SPANISH TRANSLATION: FOR HEADPHONES SEE RAFAEL OR ARMINDA RODRIGUEZ Contribution last week: church-$3876 Kids for Kids-$201 Attendance last week: 170 Our Mission Statement: The Palm Desert Church of Christ is committed to God and the teaching of His word as the Bible directs and is dedicated to excellence in Christian values. Initial Guiding Principles: Emphasize the development and growth of families and our youth. Generate a continual feeling of being in God’s family. Spanish Mission Statement: Nuestra Meta Aqui En La Iglesia De Cristo Hispana De Palm Desert Es Dar A Conocer El Evangelio De Cristo, Como La Biblia Lo Indica, Y Alcanzar A La Juventud Ya Las Familias Del Valle, Para Que Conos Our Goal in the Hispanic Church of Christ at Palm Desert is to teach the Gospel as indicated by the Bible and to reach out to the Youth & Families of theValley so they may know God’s will. OUR LEADERSHIP ELDERS Jack Brohamer John Burton Robert Craven Jim Cross Dan Johnson Jack Rowe • DEACONS Jerry Bivens Bob Finnell Paul Schlosser Jim Sultzer Dale Wells Mike Young YOUTH MINISTER Caleb Gervin OUTREACH MINISTER Doug Smith FAMILY MINISTER John Rice Office Hours Mon: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tues: 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Wed: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Thurs: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 78-135 Avenue 42 • Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 760.360.6595 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 • Palm Desert, CA 92255 Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Find us on the WEB at
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