St. John Vianney Catholic Community 1345 Turnbull Canyon Road Hacienda Heights California 91745 Phone: 626-330-2269 FAX: 626-330-0220 dmo SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: MASS HOURS/ HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday: 6:30, 8:00 (Español), 10:00, 12:00 pm & 5:15 pm Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am & 5:15 pm Holy Days: As Announced SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES): Monday - Friday: 4:30 - 5:00pm Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 ADORATION: Eve of First Fridays, beginning at 6:00 pm; and ending at 10:00 pm. BAPTISM/ BAUTISMOS: For information please call the Corpus Christi Center. You may call during the latter part of your pregnancy or 3 months in advance. MARRIAGE/ BODAS: Call the Corpus Christi Center to meet with a priest at least 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERA: Call the Corpus Christi Center 11 months in advance for reservations. Llamar 11 meses por adelantado para reservar. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK AND/ OR HOLY COMMUNION: For the home bound, please call the Corpus Christi Center. ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. John Vianney Catholic parish, commit ourselves to sharing the gift of salvation with all by deepening our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We do this by: ♦ Centering our faith life in the Eucharist ♦ Providing for the spiritual growth of all persons ♦ Offering physical and emotional support to those in need, by celebrating life through the Scriptures, Sacraments and Fellowship. October 25, 2015 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. Tim Nichols Associates: Rev. R. Carlos Nava, O.M.I. Rev. Patrick Nwokeogu In Residence: Rev. Mike Sezzi Deacons: Jesse Martinez Richard Noon Seminarian: Spencer Lewerenz ALL BUSINESS IS HANDLED AT THE CORPUS CHRISTI CENTER PARISH OFFICES - 626-330-2269 Website: Hours: Weekdays: Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - Noon Administrative Assistant/ Bulletin: Jan O’Neill, Ext. 225 Business Manager: Jeannie Jaramillo Shepard, Ext. 227 Music: Michael Gribschaw, Director, Ext. 237 Christine Brydges, Choir Director, Ext. 236 Jorge Huaman, Youth Band/Choir Director Parish Outreach: Carol Lazarovits, Coordinator, Ext. 228 Religious Formation: Cristina Alba, Director, Ext. 238 Sandra Colindres, Spanish Rel Ed Coord, Ext 242 Initiation for Adults - RCIA (Sacraments) Gina Zepeda, Ext. 230 Scheduling of Facilities: Please call the Cor pus Christi Center. Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Becky Cerda, Coordinator, Ext 231 To make an appointment with one of the priests, please call the Office. New Parishioners are welcome and are asked to register at the Parish Office, the Corpus Christi Center. PAGE 2 St. John Vianney Parish October 25, 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 26 4:00 pm Monday Family Catechesis - O’C Hall 5:30 pm High School Communion Class 6;:30 pm Confirmation I Classes 7:30 pm Juan XXIII Grupo de Oracion - Dol Hl Tuesday, October 27 9:00 am East SGV Coalition Nurses - Dol Hall 7:00 pm RCIA Session - O’Callaghan Ctr Discipulos de Cristo - Room 7 Spanish Bible Study - Room 2 7:30 pm Tuesday Bible Study - Room 3 Wednesday, October 28 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study - O’ C Center 6:00 pm Religious Education Classes Youth Choir Rehearsal - Music Room Knights of Columbus - Dolan Hall Thursday, October 29 11:30 am Seguidores De Jesus - Dolan Hall 6:00 pm Middle School Faith Formation - O’C Hl 7:00 pm Apostoles de la Divina Misericordia - Dol Hl Sunday, October 25 6:30 am - For St John Vianney Community 8:00 am - Jose/Dolores Alvarado - RIP requested by Consuelo Salazar 10:00 am - Phillip Milano - RIP request by Dom/Sandy Niccoli 12:00 pm - Editha L. Salomon - Birthday requested by L. Lorenzana 5:15 pm - Efren/Maria Ortega - Anniversary requested by Maria Ortega Monday, October 26 6:30 am - Vito Pasciucco - RIP request by Fran/Camille Kowalski 8:00 am - Antonio Jimenez, Jr. - RIP requested by his daughter Tuesday, October 27 6:30 am - Kathy Nelson - RIP requested by Cathy McDonald 8:00 am - Josefina Ruiz - RIP requested by Barrera Family Wednesday, October 28 6:30 am - Librada Aranda - RIP requested by Villicana Family 8:00 am - Chris & Megan Gray - Anniversary requested by June Schwarz Thursday, October 29 6:30 am - Frederick L. Gabas - Birthday requested by L. Lorenzana 8:00 am - Richard/Feliciano Ruano - RIP requested by Victor/Ana Gomez Friday, October 30 6:30 am - Niccoli Family - Special Intention requested by Joe/Ann Bartak 8:00 am - Souls in Purgatory requested by Vasquez Family Saturday, October 31 8:00 am - Lorenza Delgado - RIP requested by Susana Delgado 5:15 pm - Leo/Alexandra Lazicki - RIP requested by Joan Lavey Sunday, November 1 - All Saints 6:30 am - Fred Delacruz - RIP requested by Niccoli Family 8:00 am - For St. John Vianney Community 10:00 am - Elizabeth Yo - Special Intention requested by Lucia Lee 12:00 pm - Christopher Saldana - RIP requested by his parents 5:15 pm - Flordeliza Ferrer - RIP request by Rene/Noemi Santos 8:00 pm Young Adult Ministry - Room 6 Friday, October 30 8:30 am Lectionary Study Fellowship - O’C Hl 7:00 pm Spanish Marriage Encounter - Room 2 Saturday, October 31 1:00 pm El Shaddai - Dolan Hall 6:00 pm Halloween Carnival - O’Callaghan Hl Sunday, November 1 9:45 am Confirmation I/Sponsor Day - O’C Hl All Souls Mass You are cordially invited to join us for the All Souls Mass Monday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm in the Church. The names of those who died this past year will be read during this Mass. You are invited to bring a single flower in remembrance of your loved one. Misa de Todos los Difuntos Los invitamos a usted y a su familia a la Misa de Todos los Difuntos el lunes2 de noviembre a las 7:00 pm en el Iglesia. Los invitamos a traer una flor singular en memoria de su ser querido. 2am Sunday, November 1st Please Pray for Those who have Died and for their Families Gilbert Avila Loretta Mulrooney Thomas Bejarano Sabrina Castillo Frank Carrillo George Steward Armando Rodriguez Velia Campos Alicia Sambrano Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGE 3 DESIGN TEAM INTRODUCES REBUILD PLAN CHANGES Renzo Zecchetto Architects, the firm that created the original plans for our new church, spent the last three months developing plan changes that will cause construction costs to be reduced by approximately four million dollars. These changes have not compromised the integrity of the building in any way. Rather, they have enhanced the beauty of the church. For example, by removing wood paneling from the apse (sanctuary area), the resulting simplicity causes the crucifix and the altar table to become prominent focal points. By removing wood paneling from the narthex (entryway), the focus on the main processional wooden door is more pronounced. By simplifying the cupola (dome like structure at the top of the building), natural lighting creates a striking dramatic effect especially during the evening hours. Overall, the changes serve to underscore an elegant Spanish influence. Other interior changes are not significantly noticeable. They are primarily system changes such as the manner air conditioning is delivered. The work sacristy has been reconfigured and a restroom eliminated from the ministers sacristy area. Externally, changes have been made to the parking lot and its lighting. The paving along the pedestrian promenade is less ornate and the façade of the church building has been simplified. The most noticeable change to the façade is the size of the copula and the elimination of pergola (shaded walkway) structures. The north elevation of the church will be mostly windowless. The design of the bell wall has been simplified. It will undoubtedly be deferred as well as the fellowship garden (both of which can be added when funding becomes available.) When construction documents are completed, including final specifications and drawings, they will be submitted to L.A. County for a building permit. Once the permit is granted, we will break ground, begin construction and celebrate. Copies of the timeline and revised architectural renderings will soon be posted in the Church and the Corpus Christi Center. All parishioners are invited to review them. EQUIPO DE DISENO INTRODUCE CAMBIOS DEL PLAN PARA LA RECONSTRUCCION Renzo Zecchetto, Arquitectos, la compañía que creo los planos originales para nuestra nueva iglesia, se ha pasado los últimos tres meses desarrollando cambios en los planos que causaran que los costos de construcción sean reducidos aproximadamente cuatro millones de dólares. Estos cambios no han comprometido la integridad del edificio en ninguna manera. Si no que han realzado la belleza de la iglesia. Por ejemplo, al quitar los paneles de madera del área del santuario (apse) la simplicidad que resulta causa que el Crucifijo y la mesa del altar sean foco de atención prominente. Al remover los paneles de madera del pasillo de entrada (nártex) la atención en la puerta del pasillo procesional es más marcado. Al simplificar la cúpula (la estructura en forma de dome arriba del edificio), la luz natural crea un efecto dramático especialmente durante las horas del atardecer. En sí, los cambios sirvieron para realzar la influencia de un estilo Español elegante. Otros cambios al interior no son significativos. Son primordialmente cambios de sistema como hacia dónde va el aire acondicionado. La Sacristía ha sido reconfigurada y un baño ha sido eliminado del área de Sacristía de los ministros. Los cambios al exterior se han hecho en el estacionamiento y el alumbrado. El pavimento a lo largo del paseo de peatones es menos adornado y la fachada del edificio de la iglesia ha sido simplificada. El cambio más notorio a la fachada es el tamaño de la copula y la eliminación de las estructuras de la pérgola (pasillo sombreado). La elevación de la iglesia hacia el norte será por la mayoría sin ventanas. El diseño de la pared de la campana ha sido simplificado. Sin duda será deferido al igual que el jardín de compañerismo (los dos se podrán agregar cuando el presupuesto este disponible.) Cuando estén completos los documentos de construcción, incluyendo las especificaciones finales y dibujos, serán sometidos al Condado de Los Ángeles para un permiso de construcción. Una vez que el permiso sea dado, comenzaremos a construir y a celebrar. Copias de la línea de tiempo y dibujos arquitecturales corregidos serán puestas en la Iglesia y en el Centro Corpus Cristi. Se les invita a todos los parroquianos a revisar los planos. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE September 27 - November 1 A Big Thank You to the SJ V par ishioners who participated in the recent Baby Shower. We were overwhelmed by the enormous outpouring of wonderful gifts and monies donated tor the newborn babies. Every item can and will be put in the layettes for babies comfort and for the mothers’ peace of mind. God bless you. Whittier Life Center LIFE IS SACRED St John Vianney Community 50th Golden Anniversary 1965 - 2015 Celebrating New Beginnings 50TH ANNIVERSARY ALBUMS If you pre-paid for an album you can pick it up at the Corpus Christi Center Office anytime during the week. Albums are also on sale for $30.00 each. Don’t miss out on getting this beautiful book, there is a limited number for sale. PAGE 4 St. John Vianney Parish 2015-2016 FAMILY LIFE SERIES Strengthen the ways your family can become more loving and caring, with God at its center. Once a month join other parents and grandparents on a Monday evening from 7 to 8:30 pm in the O’Callaghan Center. NEXT SESSION: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 “Communicating with Love talking within the family with care & affection” Speaker: Lar r y Har tmann Larry is a Catechist and longstanding parishioner of SJV. A distinguished Franklin Covey Program Facilitator for “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, his service also includes the Bishop Amat Council, Industry Hills Charity Pro Rodeo, a Director for the Gabriel Foundation which has donated over 2 million dollars to various organizations dealing with the mentally & physically challenged, abused and disadvantaged youth. With many years experience inspiring people to reach great heights, Larry gains immediate audience engagement through his wit and humorous anecdotes. Married for 52 years to his cheerleader, Corinne, they have 3 adored children and 8 fantastic grandchildren. Save the following dates for future sessions: January 25, February 29, March 14, April 11 & May 9 Sponsored by SJV Adult Faith Formation S T E W A R D S H I P TIME * TALENT * TREASURE Collection for 10-18-2015 Envelope: $ 17,015.50 Plate: 3,316.00 Rebuild Fund/Rise Again: 8,653.72 Parish Outreach: 1,021.00 World Missions: 721.00 Coffee/Donuts for 2 weeks: 572.00 Building/Maintenance Fund: 426.00 Baptisms: 245.00 Food Pantry: 165.00 Miscellaneous: 91.00 Spanish Faith Formation: 41.00 Total Deposit: Envelopes used: 617 $ 32,267.22 Comparison of Offertory 3rd Week of October 2014 2014 2015 Envelope: $ 15,144.00 $ 17,015.50 Plate: 3,011.00 3,316.00 Total $ 18,155.00 $ 20,331.50 October 25, 2015 TURKEYS NEEDED Our SJV Food pantry needs about 450 turkeys to distribute for Thanksgiving dinners. If you can help, please bring your donations to the St. Martin De Porres Center on Thursday, November 19, between 5 & 7 pm. Your gener osity will help make Thanksgiving a real celebration in many homes that would not have enough food without your help. Thank you. St. John Vianney 50th Anniversary Celebration Calendar of Events NEXT EVENT November 15, 2015 Pancake/Menudo Breakfast More information to follow! WOMEN’S SILENT RETREAT January 22-24, 2015 Sacred Heart Retreat House, Alhambra The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles invite you to share in the peace, serenity and beauty to be found amid the lovely gardens, orchards and paths of their Retreat House. Come away from the pressures and activities of daily life for a refreshing weekend of renewal. this time of personal retreat will help you regain and strengthen your spiritual perspective and deepen your personal prayer through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Confession, group conferences, spiritual direction and time for prayer and reflection. Invite a family member or friend to share the experience with you. (It would make a wonderful Christmas gift.) For information and reservations, call: June 626-961-8622 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Young Adult Ministry If you are between the ages of 18-35, join the 30+ Young Adults (YAMs) who have committed themselves to nurturing their faith and serving the Lord and the SJV community. We gather every other Thursday from 8 - 10 pm in Room 6. Upcoming dates: October 29 - November 12 - December 10 The next book we are reading and discussing is Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission by John R. Wood Invite a friend! For more information about the YAMs and upcoming events, go to Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 Monday: Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21 Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30 -31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:1213a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE Wednesday: Ss. Simon and Jude Saturday: Halloween; Blessed Virgin Mary KNIGHTS IN ACTION Candy Donations The Knights of Columbus are requesting donations of candy for its Annual Halloween Carnival. Please drop off your unopened candy package to the Corpus Christi Center by October 28, 2015. Halloween Carnival The Knights of Columbus will hold its Annual Children’s Halloween Carnival on Saturday, October 31, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the O’Callaghan Center. Information Night There will be an Information Night on Wednesday, October 28 in Dolan Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. Any Catholic male, who is 18 years of age or older, interested in finding more information about the Knights of Columbus please R.S.V.P. to Ray Gomez at (626) 315-7325. Pasta Dinner and Karaoke Night Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 7th when the Knights of Columbus along with the Youth Confirmation Class will hold a Past Dinner and Karaoke Night fundraiser to benefit the Youth Confirmation Retreat. Tickets will be sold after the Masses on the weekend. FALL BOUTIQUE & BAKE SALE The Hospitality Ladies Ministry will be holding their Fall Boutique and Bake Sale on Sunday, November 22 after all morning Masses. Your delicious baked items are big sellers and always appreciated. Please deliver the baked goods before 8 am on the day of the event. If you have any questions, please call Geri 626-333-1044. PAGE 5 ON-LINE GIVING! Go to, Click on the Ways To Give tab; click on Weekly Offertory link; go to the Offertory on-line page, OR Click on Rise Again Donate emblem for the Rebuild SJV On-line Giving page. MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Middle School Faith Formation Calling all 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders! Join us at our next gathering Thursday, October 29th from 6 - 7:50 pm in the O'Callaghan Center Topic: The Jesus Question: “Your life will never really make sense until you place Jesus at the center of it.” For more information, go to or contact Cristina Alba @626-330-2269X238 All Women 18 & over are invited to “Breathe in the Spirit” Women’s Fellowship Next Date: November 21sr Dolan Hall - 9:00 – 11:00 am Come be refreshed, restored and renewed! Sorry, no babysitting will be provided CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 3rd Dolan Hall - Doors open at 6:30 pm All men 18 and older are welcome. AT HOME WITH THE WORD 2016 The three scripture readings for each Sunday, plus insights into the readings. Cost: $7.00 PALABRA DE DIOS Lecturas domincales y reflexiones espirituals - $7.00 Available at the Corpus Christi Center. DO YOU FEEL CALLED TO PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD AT DAILY OR WEEKLY MASSES?? If your response is “YES”, then Lector Ministry may be your answer! Training for prospective lectors is required for ALL sessions. Tuesday, November 10 - Room 6 - 7-9 pm Wednesday, November 11 - Room 6 - 7-9 pm Tuesday, November 17 - Church - 7-9- pm Wednesday, November 18 - Church - 7-9-pm For more information call, Becky 562-699-0093. “Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise.” Psalm 51 PAGE 6 St. John Vianney Parish October 25, 2015 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES YOUTH MINISTRY/YOUTH CONFIRMATION Baptismal Ministry Couples help pr epar e par ents & God parents of children to be baptized. If you are interested in this ministry call Mary Ellen 626-3307635. Bereavement Ministry wor ks with families who have lost a loved one and offers assistance for the day of the funeral. Contact the Corpus Christi Center for more information. Breathe in the Spirit Women’s Fellowship - Third Saturday of the Month 9-11 am, O’C Center. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Fir st & Thir d Tuesdays, Dolan Hall, 6:30 pm. Call Tony 626-893-9363. Eucharistic Ministry - if you ar e 18 year s or older , participate regularly in church life, and wish to dis tribute the Eucharist, please call Felipe & Flor Espinoza 626-333-0787. Filipino Catholic Association pr omotes fellowship, hospitality and group prayer to the Filipino Community. Call Celso 626-330-4208 or Evelyn 626-912-6291. Friday Morning Lectionary Group Study, shar e, pray the Sunday readings on Friday from 8:45 to 10:00 am.. All invited for food and fellowship. Kay and Bob 562-696-1136 Hospitality Ministry pr ovides hospitality to and for many areas of the parish. Call Gerri 626-333-1044 or Joan 626-674-9669. Kings & Queens is a gather ing of Senior Citizens meeting first and third Thursdays for companion ship, luncheon and bingo. Knights of Columbus is a fr ater nal or ganization open to practicing Catholic men 18 and older, pro viding fellowship in pursuit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Call Grand Knight Ray Gomez 626-315-7325; Deputy Grand Knight Edwin Flores 213-291-4821 or Membership Director Michael Reynaga 909-630-889 Life is Sacred - a pro-life ministry. For more information, please call 626-961-8622. Marriage Encounter is a weekend for any mar r ied couple that has the desire to want more in their relationship. More passion, forgiveness, tender ness and communication. Call Ray & Letycia Gomez at 626-315-7332. Our Lady Queen of Peace - Monday Rosary ever y Monday in the Church 5:30 pm. Parish Outreach/Christian Service/Food Pantry for information, call Carol, Coordinator, 626-3302269- Ext 228. Pro-Life Information Whittier Life Center Pregnancy Hot Line 562-6938803. Small Christian Communities always welcome new members. Groups meet on a variety of days- times to deepen their faith while sharing life experiences. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Tuesday Evening Bible Study October thr u May. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Wednesday Morning Bible Study October thr u May. Call Ann 626-330-6093. Knights of Columbus and the Youth Ministry Team are Having a "Pasta Night" Saturday, November 7th - 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cost: $13.00 Come & Enjoy an evening of delicious food and good company! Proceeds will benefit our youth. Confirmation Classes Year II - Sunday, October 25th 2:45 p.m. Year I - Monday, October 26th 6:30 p.m. Faith Nights Sunday, November 15th Sunday, December 6th All High School youth are invited! Bring a friend. Dinner is always provided. We are currently looking for different ministries or families who would be willing to host a dinner on one of our Faith Nights. If you think you might be able to or would like further information, please call the YM/Confirmation office. If you have any questions about Youth Ministry or High School Baptism/Communion/Confirmation, Please call 330-2269 ext. 231 or Email: [email protected] or go to you can also follow us on Instagram and facebook. RISE AGAIN Capital Campaign Our Goal: $6,000,000 We still need EVERYONE’S support and participation to help build our new church. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Visit to make a pledge or a payment. You can also visit the parish office to make your donation. Campaña Capital “RISE AGAIN” Aun necesitamos el apoyo y participación de TODOS par a poder constr uir nuestr a iglesia. USTED PUEDE HACER LA DIFERENCIA! Visite nuestra pagina de internet al para hacer una promesa de donación o para hacer un regalo. También puede visitar la oficina parroquial para hacer su donación. SJV WEBSITE CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE WWW.SJVHH.ORG ALSO, LINKS TO REBUILDING SJV 50TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS! RELIGIOUS FORMATION AND MORE!
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