CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08876 WWW.IMMACULATECONCEPTION.ORG November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Week end Masses Saturday—5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:00AM,10:30AM, 12:00 NOON, Spanish 2:00PM Holy Day Eve (Vigil) 7:30PM Holy Day 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 12:10PM, and 7:30PM Daily Masses 6:30 and 8:00AM Note: September to June the schedule changes as follows: Friday, 6:30 and 8:30AM First Friday, 6:30, 8:30 and 10:15AM Religious Formation Grades: 1-8: Monday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Wednesday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Confessions Saturday 4:00–5:00PM 7:30–8:00PM Parish Center Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Msgr. J. Nevin Kennedy, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Associate Pastor Rev. Charles Sabella, Associate Pastor Deacon Frank J. Quinn Deacon Anthony J. Hancock Deacon John R. Czekaj Deacon Paul Blessing Deacon Emeritus, John Ivers Deacon Emeritus, Luis Vindas Sister Virginia Quinn, IHM, Convent Superior Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager Karen Bohler, Director, Children’s Faith Formation Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/Adult Faith Formation Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Sacred Music John Hack, Director, Development Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager Daphne Lazarte, Spanish Secretary Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper Parish Center Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM–8:00PM Friday, 9:00AM–5:00PM Parish Center: (908) 725-1112 Fax (908) 725-6269; [email protected] Office of Children’s Faith Formation: (908) 725-1112 Ext. 1119 or 1128 Development Office: (908) 722-0200 Ext. 224 Music Office: (908) 526-3016 Schools Immaculata High School: (908) 722-0200 Mrs. Jean G. Kline, M.Ed., Principal Immaculate Conception School: (908) 725-6516 Sister Mary C. Chapman, IHM, Ed. D., Principal Liturgy and Prayer This Week Parish Mission Immaculate Conception is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey. We seek to live the gospel as faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ. As Stewards of our God given gifts we proclaim the good news of salvation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we are commissioned as Apostles to transform all things in Christ. Mass Intentions Monday, November 17, St. Elizabeth of Hungary 6:30AM MARY IUSI MARLIESE STEFANSKI 8:30AM Tuesday, November 18, Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul 6:30AM FR. RICHARD RYAN JAMES P. MCKINNON 8:00AM 6:30AM-CONV THOMAS P. IVERS Wednesday, November 19 6:30AM FRANK BARONE 8:00AM JAMES & MARY BRENNAN PORFIRIA BAUTISTA 6:30AM-CONV Thursday, November 20 6:30AM MARIA DEBENEDETTO RALPH LEARY 8:00AM 6:30AM-CONV JOHN ZOLANDZ Friday, November 21, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30AM WILLIAM CLEARY ANN MARIE BOURKE 8:30AM 6:30AM-CONV MILDRED IVERS Saturday, November 22, St. Cecelia 6:30AM HAROLD V. ADAMS RALPH J. LEARY 8:00AM 5:00PM THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, November 23, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30AM TOM & MOLLIE RAFTER RONALD LALLY 9:00AM STEPHEN GAVULA 10:30AM JOSEPH MANTELLA 12:00PM SPANISH MASS 2:00PM Baptisms Baptisms are celebrated in English on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 11AM and on the 3rd Sunday within the 12 Noon Mass. Baptisms in Spanish are on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:30PM. Catholic parents are obliged to attend a preparation session before the baptism of their 1st and 2nd child. We recommend parents attend this class prior to the birth of their child. These preparation classes are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM in the Parish Center in English and on the first Sunday of every month at 4PM in Spanish at the Nazareth House. To register for the baptism of a child, call 725-1112. Next session in English: 12/2/2014. 2 Scripture Readings For This Week Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, November 16, 2014 Today’s Readings Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 November 17: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5 Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 Lk 18:35-43 November 18: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22 Ps 15:23a, 3bc-4ab, 5 Lk 19:1-10 November 19: Rv 4:1-11 Ps 150:1b-2, 34, 5-6 Lk 19:11-28 November 20: Rv 5:1-10 Ps 149:1b-2, 34, 5-6a and 9b Lk 19:41-44 November 21: Rv 10:8-11 Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 Lk 19:45-48 November 22: Rv 11:4-12 Ps 114:1, 2, 910 Lk 20:27-40 November 23: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Mt 25:31-46 Rosary The Rosary will be recited every Monday at 2:00PM in the Chapel. All are welcome. The Rosary For Life is the first Saturday of the month at 8:30AM in the Chapel. Novena and Evening Prayer This service takes place every Monday in the Chapel, beginning with the Rosary at 7:00PM, followed by the Perpetual Novena Devotion in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Evening Prayer at 7:30PM. Adoration & Exposition: Mon. 8pm-Tues. 6am; Tues. 8:30am-6pm; Thur. 9pm-Fri. 6am; Fri. 9am-6pm . Divine Mercy Chaplet: The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Tuesday evening at 7:00PM in the Chapel. 579 Stewardship. A Way of Life Tithing, God’s Plan For Giving Our Food Collection is this weekend Our next Penny Collection is 12/6 & 12/7 The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16 “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much…”- MATTHEW 25:21 God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. This Week at a Glance MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 12:30PM RENEW (KLAR-WILLIAMS)—TR 2:00PM ROSARY—CHAPEL 4:00PM CFF—CAFÉ 6:15PM CFF—CAFÉ 7:00PM NOVENA—CHAPEL 8PM MONDAY — 6AM TUESDAY ADORATION—CHAPEL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8:30AM-6PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 7:00AM RENEW (CONNORS)—TR 7:00PM DIVINE MERCY—CHAPEL 7:00PM AA—TR 9:00PM HOUR OF PRAISE—CHAPEL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 8:00AM SCRIPS—ST ANNE ROOM 4:00PM CFF—CAFÉ 6:15PM CFF—CAFÉ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 9PM-6AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 12:30PM RENEW (BASILE)—TR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 9AM-6PM—EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SCRIPS—ST ANNE ROOM 8:00AM 5:00PM DEN 9 (NEE)—TR Tithing - God’s Plan for Giving Monthly Collection Summary October 2013 October 2014 Envelope & Loose $71,217 $67,944 e-Contributions $14,415 $17,245 $85,632 $85,189 TOTAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 8:00PM AA—CAFÉ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 ENGLISH MASSES: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM SPANISH MASS 2:00PM 10:00AM RCIA—ST. ANNE 4:00PM SOLEMN EVENING OF PRAYER FOR CONSECRATED LIFE—CHURCH Sanctuary Candle Flowers For the Altar The Sanctuary Candle for last week was given in memory of: The altar flowers for this week were given in memory of: Johansing Dy (Chapel) Claire Drastura To arrange for Sanctuary Candle to be placed at the altar, call 725-1112 ext: 1116. To arrange for flowers to be placed at the altar, call 725-1112 ext 1116. 579 3 Immaculate Conception Church Pro-Life Corner Last month Archbishop Chaput delivered the 2014 Erasmus Lecture sponsored by the Institute on Religion and Public Life. The Archbishop entitled his address STRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND, and stated: "In the developed world, more and more people of faith, people for whom God is the anchor of their lives, people who once felt rooted in their communities, now feel like strangers, out of place and out of sync in the land of their birth." Our nation has changed from a culture accepting religion and Christian moral principles to one that is antagonistic to such views and those that hold them. In looking at our nation's history, the Archbishop states: "America has always been a mixed marriage of biblical and Enlightenment ideas. It was a fertile arrangement. It worked well for a long time. But the hard news for religious believers is that the mom and dad of the family – the two bodies of thought that gave birth to this country -- are getting a divorce. And we won't like the new rules of the house." The founders of our nation recognized that democracy needed a creative check, and that only religion can moderate democracy, because it appeals to authority higher than democracy itself. Archbishop Chaput calls upon us to engage and change the culture, a difficult task, but very doable. We do this by firmly believing and living our faith. "Christianity is worthless as a leaven in society unless people actually believe in Jesus Christ, follow the Gospel, love the Church and act like real disciples with passion and purpose." Living our faith includes a serious obligation as believers to care for the poor, the immigrant, the elderly and persons with disabilities. "And lest we forget: The poor include the unborn child. The abortion struggle hasn’t suddenly disappeared. There are no human rights without a fundamental right to life. Abortion is the assassination of hope. It’s the murder of a society’s future. There’s no way to contextualize or diminish the evil of a law that allows the killing of innocent, unborn human life. Nor is there any way for any Catholic to accept or ignore that kind of legalized homicide when it comes to decisions in the voting booth or anywhere else." The Archbishop concludes: "We were made by God to receive love ourselves, and to show love to others – love anchored in the truth about the human person and the nature of human relationships. That’s our purpose. That’s why we were created. We’re here to bear each other’s burdens; to sacrifice ourselves for the needs of others; and to live a witness of love for the God who made us – not only in our personal lives, but in all our public actions, including every one of our social, economic and political choices. And if that makes us strangers in a strange land, then we should praise God for the privilege." Submitted by Kevin Dugan, ProLife Ministry Leader 4 Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Life-Changing Faith For over 32 years, the Phillipsburg Social Service Center, operated by Catholic Charities, has opened its doors to those with limited assets who search for the everyday means of sustenance. In addition to its food pantry and thrift shop, the Center also provides essential information, advocacy, referral and case management. Through your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, you are a caring companion on the journey to self-reliance for so many families in need. Please give as generously as your means allow. Immaculate Conception Grammar School Immaculate Conception School is sponsoring breakfast with Santa on Sunday, December 7th 8am-12pm $4.00 per child / $6.00 per adult (over 18) Delicious Pancake Breakfast Children’s Raffle Pictures with Santa ($5.00)Free Face Painting & Children’s Crafts See the insert in today’s bulletin to register. Children’s Liturgy of the Word CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children's Liturgy of the Word will be celebrated at the 10:30AM Mass on Sundays. There will be Children’s Liturgy on the remaining Sundays in November. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY KINDERGARTEN —THIRD GRADE AGES SHOULD BE DISMISSED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN TO CHILDREN’S LITURGY. 579 Immaculate Conception Church Email Update Diocese of Metuchen In order to ensure you receive our Christmas schedule and all other mailings from the church, please keep us updated on your current email address: Bishop to lead Evening Prayer November 23rd at 4PM Name _______________________________ Address _____________________________ City _________________________________ State_______________ Zip Code ________ Phone_______________________________ Email _______________________________ For all those who do NOT have an email, hard copies of all mailings will be available at all church exits and on our website, “Pennies from Heaven” Support our Seminarians & Postulants In conjunction with National Vocations Awareness Week, the Somerville Columbiettes will be holding a “shake a can” after all masses November 22nd & 23rd. The “Pennies from Heaven” program is run by the NJ State Council of Columbiettes and 100% of all proceeds are distributed to seminarians and postulants in New Jersey to help defray the cost of their studies. As one of our patronesses, St. Therese the Little Flower, once said “What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love.” We are not asking for large donations, just spare change so we may support those that have dedicated their lives and love to God. Rosary Altar Society There will be no general meeting in November. On December 7th plan to attend 10:30am mass and then on to Mannion’s for our Christmas Party at 12 noon. The Cost is $25 payable to RAS sent to the Parish Center. For further info, contact Marguerite Baranowski at 908-526-5094. PIE SALE: Please note that the pie pickup will be at the Immaculata High School cafeteria this year. 579 Wake Up The World! 2015 Year of Consecrated Life to be observed in the Diocese of Metuchen from November 23, 2014 November 22, 2015. Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski invites the faithful of the Diocese of Metuchen to mark the beginning of the Year of Consecrated Life with Evening Prayer on November 23 at 4 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Parish, Somerville. Light refreshments will be served in the I.C.S. cafeteria following Evening Prayer. Sister Jeannine O’Kane, IHM, Professor of Psychology at Immaculata University will offer a reflection. For information about this liturgy hosted by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and other upcoming Year of Consecrated Life observances in the Diocese of Metuchen, call (732) 5621900 ext. 1102, email [email protected] or visit BE A CHAMPION For Catholic Charities As a Champion for Catholic Charities, you are a champion in every sense of the word. Through your support, you champion for the oppressed and underprivileged and give voice to the voiceless. You provide a warm bed for someone who is homeless…food for a hungry child…emergency aid for a disaster victim; all of which truly makes you a champion in the eyes of those we serve. There are many ways to become a Champion. Visit our website at or call 732-562-2438 to learn more about: • Sponsorship Opportunities – includes recognition in The Star- Ledger, the Catholic Spirit and on • CHAMPION 50/50 Raffle – if all tickets are sold, 2 winners will receive $375,000 each!) • Give a Gift x 2 – make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone. Great for Christmas gifts or any occasion. Wine & Cheese Reception – join us Dec. 17th at the diocesan center for some holiday cheer and the excitement of the Champion 50/50 Raffle drawing. $125 per person ($75 of ticket cost goes directly to Catholic Charities.) 5 Social Ministry Operation St. Nick Operation St. Nick is our Christmas gift giving program for area children/families in need. Look for the Christmas tree in the church going up next week. The tags on the tree indicate specific gifts requested by families for their children. By taking a tag, and returning it to church with the specified gift, you will be sharing the joy of Christmas with those less fortunate. Each year more than one thousand gifts are collected and distributed to parishioners in need and other local agencies (i.e. Division of Youth and Family Services, Catholic Charities, St. Peter’s Pediatric Oncology and Family Clinic, and Parish Families in Need).It is easy to become distracted from the true meaning of Christmas in a world that emphasizes commercialism and seems to push toward secular observance of the holidays. It is a blessing to be part of a faith community that exemplifies the spirit of giving, year after year, by its generous participation in this project. The simple act of giving selflessly and joyfully is the best celebration of the birth of our Savior. SHIP's Galley is a service provided by the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program as a response to the need for an on-site meal program to feed the hungry in our region. It is run through the efforts of Faith Communities and other volunteers whose purpose is to provide a nutritious meal to those in need. Our parish provides two teams of volunteers for SHIP on the first Wednesday of each month. One team prepares food and the other serves the food at St. John's Episcopal Church in Somerville. We are most in need of volunteers to prepare food for this endeavor. Would you please consider taking a small amount of your time to prepare a casserole, side dish, salad, sandwiches or to shop to purchase bread, milk, or fruit for this meal program? The food should be prepared or purchased in order to be dropped off at the Parish Center on the first Tuesday of the month. The food is then delivered to the Galley on the following day to be heated and served. If you would be so generous to assist with this tremendous need, you will be contacted by phone regarding your assigned food. You do not need to commit to every month in order to assist. If you would like more information or to schedule yourself for future SHIP Galley dates, please contact Jeanine Cavanagh, at 7251112 x1126 or contact Barbara Canavan, at 908-313-4468 or email at [email protected]. Thanks you for your consideration. Samaritan Homeless Interim Program S.H.I.P. is accepting donations of fresh or frozen turkeys for the up coming Thanksgiving and Christmas season. If you are able to assist and make a donation, please deliver directly to SHIP Safe Harbor located at 87 High St. Somerville, or call them at 908-393-9545 to set up a delivery time. Thank you for your ongoing support to helping feed the Homeless families of Somerset County. 6 Alternative GiftGiving Opportunity ~ Think Outside the Box! Back by popular demand our Alternative Gift Giving Opportunity (AGGO) will be held on December 6th & 7th. The AGGO offers all parishioners an opportunity to give to those who are less fortunate. This is a chance to welcome Christmas with less emphasis on material gift giving, and respond to the needs of those around us. Realizing that the greatest gift we can give is to help improve the quality of another’s life. Representatives from charitable/ church agencies in our area will be present in the main vestibule of the church at the AGGO after all Masses. Parishioners will be invited to make a donation to the cause of their choice, and in turn will be given a certificate to present to the people in your life whom you wish to honor through this gift giving. This is a chance to honor family and friends through your generosity towards others in need of assistance. Participating agencies will include: SHIP (Samaritan Homeless Interim Program); Habitat for Humanity; Appalachia Relief Services; Pregnancy Aid Center of Raritan; Immaculate Conception Elizabeth Ministry; Interfaith Hospitability Network; and the Immaculate Conception Social Ministry Emergency Relief Fund. The Gift Giving Opportunity comes at such a perfect time of year. Not only because most of us feel generous to just want to help those in need, but also it is a time when we are searching for gift ideas. Sometimes we need a little something to add to a gift, sometimes we need stocking stuffers, sometimes we want to give a gift to someone but we know that person needs absolutely nothing. The Gift Giving Opportunity has all of the answers! It is just the perfect gift to give anyone. There are also so many options of charities and amounts to give. I love giving a gift to the Appalachian Relief Services to my Father. He was a builder by trade and I think it brings back fond memories, in addition, he knows that a donation is going to help others in need, which is something he did all his life. I love giving this gift in my children's stockings. They always open their stockings first and this just reminds them what the real spirit of Christmas is, giving. Personally I view The Gift Giving Opportunity is a wonderful convenience to me as it completes my Christmas shopping. It's a place where you can find a gift for everyone on your list! "Maybe Christmas*," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more!" - from How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss Participating in our Alternative Gift Giving Opportunity is a great way to make a difference this holiday season. At the fair, learn about the many local, organizations making a difference in our community and world. 579 Immaculate Conception Church Immaculate Conception Church Presents AN ADVENT FESTIVAL OF READINGS AND CAROLS The annual festival service of music and scripture featuring the Immaculate Conception, Choir, Children’s Choir and Handbell Ensemble of Immaculate Conception Church with Festival brass, Organ and Harp Come to the candle-lit sanctuary of Immaculate Conception Church to hear the story of the Incarnation retold through word and music. Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 5:00pm Immaculate Conception Church Somerville, New Jersey ~A free-will offering will be taken.~ ~A festive reception will follow the program.~ For further information, please call the Parish Music Office at: 908-725-1112 X1133 HOLIDAY DEADLINES FOR THE BULLETIN Bulletin date 11/30 12/21 12/28 1/4/15 Due Date 11/17 by 12 noon 12/8 by 12 noon 12/10 by 12 noon 12/15 by 12noon Concrete Foundation Work Headstone Setting-Contractor Sought We are seeking the help of a concrete contractor to replace small foundations of headstones in our cemetery on Union Avenue in Bridgewater and to reset some headstones which have fallen. If you are available and equipped to do such work please contact our Business Manager, Jo Anne Peppe, to arrange a visit to our cemetery and to submit a bid. We are anxious to receive bids as soon as possible. Please call Jo Anne at 908-725- Wedding Banns As these couples prepare to meet Christ in the Sacrament of Matrimony, let us pray that their relationship will grow in Him. FIRST Ruby Libores,/Franklin Richardson, Jr, Hillsborough, NJ FIRST Kate Roz, Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway, NJ/Christopher Gonda, St. Matthias, Somerset, NJ 579 Immaculata High School Cookie Walk at IHS November 23, 2014 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We’re back once again to save you the trouble of baking cookies this Holiday Season. Come to the 2nd Annual Holiday Cookie Walk at IHS on November 23, 2014 during the Holiday Craft Fair where you will be able to create your own unique holiday cookie platter. All cookies will be homemade and sold for $9.00 per lb. Proceeds will benefit the IHS Music Department. Book Fair November 30 The Immaculata High School robotics team will be having its annual Barnes & Noble Book fair on Sunday, November 30. You can support our team by shopping at any Barnes & Noble store that day. Simply tell the cashier that your purchase is part of our book fair, and Barnes & Noble will donate a percentage of your purchase to our team. If you are unable to shop in a store that day, you can shop online from Sunday, November 30 through Friday, December 5 and enter book fair id number 11351756 when you go through the checkout process. Thank you for your support. IMMACULATA HIGH SCHOOL 25TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW 240 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, SOMERVILLE, NJ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Over 90 Crafters & Vendors Theme baskets & Prizes Refreshments and home-baked goods available for purchase ADMISSION $2 Adults, $1 Seniors, Children FREE Learn more about Immaculata today.... See the new video on Immaculata and tell them to visit our site at: http:// 7 The New Evangelization—Discipleship / Stewardship Oliver Twist Save the date! Saturday, December 6th All people who graciously give their time and talent to the Lord, in various ministries in our parish, please save the date, Saturday, December 6, 2014. You will receive a invitation to the Stewardship Thank You Luncheon. If you have any question, please contact the parish center at 908-7251112 ex. 1124 or 1125. For information about studies & events or to register for one of them, pick up our Evangelization Booklet located at all church entrances or go to our website to download a copy. For information about using your time & talent in one of our many ministries here at Immaculate Conception, pick up our Stewardship Booklet located at all church entrances or go to our website to download a copy. JPII Cultural Arts Ministry Presents "Oliver Twist" The JPII Cultural Arts Ministry is proud to present "Oliver Twist". This play, with its memorable characters, is a timeless story with relevance today. Come and see your fellow parishioners, both adults and children, play the memorable characters from Dickens' story. The show is very close to the book, so some scenes may not be appropriate for young children. Show dates are Friday, December 5 at 7pm; Saturday, December 6 at 2pm and 7pm; and Sunday, December 7 at 2pm at the Little Theater at Immaculata. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students/seniors if purchased in advance - they will be $2 more if purchased at the door. Tickets will be available after all Masses. You can also reserve your seats by e -mailing [email protected] or by calling the Lang's at 908-253-3282. See you at the show! Dinner with the Pope On 12/4 we will meet from 6:00p.m. at Alfonso’s Restaurant. In preparation for our attendance in World meeting of Families Father Charles will discuss Saint John Paul the Great's Encyclical "Familiaris Constorio" on the family! Please call the Office of New Evangelization and make reservations for this event (908) 725-1112 ext 1125. World Meeting of FamiliesPhiladelphia 2015—Save the Date! Mark your family calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit the official website: to learn more and to sign up for regular updates on how you can participate. The 10 months prior to the World Meeting of Families have been assigned 10 themes based on the 10 chapters of the Preparatory Catechesis, “Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive”. The November 14th theme is: Created for Joy which states: We are more than an accident of evolution. We are greater than the sum of our biology. God exists. He is good. He loves us. He made us in his image to share in his joy. He takes an active hand in our lives. He sent his only Son to restore our dignity and lead us home to him. Check out this website frequently during the year. 8 579 Parish Directory CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 Mountain Avenue, Somerville, New Jersey 08876 Tel: 908-725-1112 · Fax: 908-725-6269 Diocese of Metuchen website: The Parish Clergy Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1127 Rev. Charles Sabella, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1122 Frank J. Quinn, Deacon Anthony Hancock, Deacon John R. Czekaj, Deacon Paul Blessing, Deacon John Ivers, Deacon Emeritus Luis Vindas, Deacon Emeritus The Parish Office Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1116 Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1120 Office of New Evangelization and Stewardship Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/ Adult Faith Formation Ext x1124 [email protected] Margie Ellis & Mirna Gonzalez, Coordinators of Discipleship Ext 1124 Mary Young, St. Thomas More Apostolate;908-725-1112 Joan Kopil, Bereavement Ministry and Lazarus Ministry; 908-369-0845 Dona Cramer, Director, Becoming Catholic / Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; 908-725-1112 x1239 Grant VanEck, Young Adult Ministry, [email protected] Parish Trustees, Mrs. Anita B. Hogan Mr. Robert J. Foley Office of Social Ministry John Hack, Development, 722-0200 Ext. 222 Daphne Lazarte, Parish Secretary/Spanish E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1117 Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1118 Milton Ayala, Director, Maintenance; Ext 1110 Office of Children's Faith Formation Karen Bohler, Director, Children's Faith Formation E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1119 Jenny Santiago, CFF secretary E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext. 1128 Office of Liturgy & Sacred Music Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1133 Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry, E-Mail: [email protected], Ext 1126 • • • • • • • • • • • • • SHIP’s Galley —Serving or preparing meals SHIP’s Mobile Kitchen—Serving meals SHIP’s SOS Unit—personal hygiene items Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Associate Director, Sacred Music Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Extraordinary Ministries of the Eucharist Deacon Tony Hancock, Lector Formation Deacon Paul Blessing, Ministers of Hospitality Coordinator 579 Appalachian Relief Services Camp Fatima of NJ/Mentally Disabled Elizabeth Ministry Interfaith Hospitality Network-shelters homeless Habitat for Humanity Hospital Ministry Monthly Food Collection Monthly Penny Collection for SHIP Nursing Home Visitations Parish Nursing Program Pro-Life Outreach St. Joseph Workers Samaritan Homeless Interim Program (SHIP) • • • • St. Peregrine Ministry—Cancer Outreach Project Linus —Lynette Klar Persons with Disabilities—Regina Tegeler 908-963-8473 Welcome Ministry—For New Parishioners 9 Boletín en Español Mensaje Spiritual 16 de Noviembre del 2014 Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lecturas del Domingo Primera lectura: PROV 31, 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Segunda lectura: 1 TEL 5, 1-6 Evangelio: San Mateo 25,14-30 Festival del Advenimiento de Lecturas y Villancicos El festival anual de música de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción incluye el coro de la Iglesia, el coro de niños, el grupo de campanillas de la iglesia incluyendo el órgano y arpa. Ven a encender las velas en el Santuario de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción y a escuchar la historia de la Encarnación, contada a través de la palabra y la música. Domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014 a las 5 PM. Habrá una colecta voluntaria. Horas de Adoración Eucarística Lunes 17 de Noviembre: 8:00 PM - 6:00AM Martes, 18 de Noviembre: 9:00 AM –6:00 PM Miércoles, 19 de Noviembre: No Adoración Jueves, 20 de Noviembre: 9:00 PM-6:00 AM Viernes, 21 de Noviembre: 9:00 AM-6:00PM 10 Pronto va ha finalizar el Año Litúrgico y recordemos que el Señor ha de volver para juzgar a vivos y muertos. No sabemos cuando sucederá por lo que San Pablo nos dice que no dejemos que se apague la vida de la gracia en nosotros; y los mejores medios para ello son la oración y el ejercicio de la caridad. El evangelio narra la parábola de los talentos. Todos hemos recibido dones de Dios en diferente medida. Cada uno de nosotros debe hacer fructificar los talentos que nos han sido dados. La parábola nos permite ver dos actitudes diferentes. Unos empleados ven los talentos como una tarea; el tercero lo percibe como una carga. Los primeros actúan conscientes de que su vida guarda relación con lo que se les ha entregado, por eso buscan la manera de hacer que crezcan. Y que felicidad sienten al ver que el talento daba fruto. Así se anticipa la alegría que experimentan al final cuando son felicitados por su señor, que les anuncia un premio definitivo. La gracia de Dios va creciendo en nosotros en la medida en que correspondemos a ella: nos hace mas capaces para servir a Dios y al projimo y, a su vez, más felices. Cuando nos hacemos conscientes de que nuestras capacidades vienen de Dios, a la vez nace en nosotros el deseo de compartirlas con los demas: todo lo que he recibido ha de server también para hacer mejor la vida de mi projimo. El empleado holgazán vive con miedo. Por eso esconde el talento. Podemos imaginar su vida: siempre temiendo el compromiso y la entrega, huyendo del projimo y siempre con la angustia por el mañana. Una vida seguramente pesada. Tengamos siempre presente al Señor. Si algo nos pide Jesús, es que nos apoyemos en El y que confiemos solo en El. Incluso cuando esto parece difícil, acordémoslo de que no estamos llamados a tener éxito, pero si a ser fieles. La fidelidad es importante, incluso en las pequeñas cosas, no por la cosa en si, que seria de un espíritu mezquino; la grandeza esta en hacer la voluntad de Dios. San Agustín dijo: “Las pequeñas cosas siguen siendo pequeñas, pero ser fiel en las pequeñas cosas es una gran cosa. Acaso nuestro Señor no es el mismo con un pequeño que con un poderoso? 579 EL MANANTIAL El Nuevo Periódico Católico en Español Para llegar a las personas Hispano/Latinas que viven y trabajan en nuestra diócesis, pero no pueden leer The Catholic Spirit, que está en inglés, el obispo Bootkoski ha aprobado la publicación de un periódico nuevo, totalmente en español. Este periódico, El Manantial, ya empezó a imprimirse enteramente en español. Va a ser publicado trimestralmente y tendrá una distribución a las parroquias con comunidades hispanas, así como otros lugares en nuestra diócesis. Proporcionará a los hispanos historias de fe así como también noticias de la diócesis y otros recursos en su propio idioma. Esperamos que ya hayan leído nuestra primera edición! El Manantial debe ser auto sostenible lo cual significa que no habrá ninguna subvención Diocesana y sin costo alguno para las copias distribuidas. El periódico debe ser apoyado únicamente por ingresos publicitarios. Esto no será posible sin su ayuda. Tenemos oportunidades de publicidad que ofrecen precios muy asequibles para mostrar anuncios y directorios. Si necesita información adicional, por favor llame a la oficina al 732-562-1990, ext. 1410. Muchas gracias por su apoyo para traer El Manantial a nuestra comunidad Hispana/Latina. Atentamente, Nan Kubian The Catholic Spirit P.O. Box 191 Metuchen, NJ 08840 732/562-1990, ext. 1410 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Life-Changing Faith Apreciados Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, En su primera carta encíclica, “Lumen Fidei” (“La Luz de la Fe”), el Papa Francisco nos dice: “La fe, que recibimos de Dios como don sobrenatural, se presenta como luz en el sendero, que orienta nuestro camino en el tiempo.” (nº 4) La carta encíclica, iniciada por el Papa Benedicto XVI, examina el papel único de la fe que es “capaz de iluminar toda la existencia del hombre.” (nº 4) Debido a su donación a la Campaña Anual del Obispo, nuestra fe toca las vidas de miles de personas en los cuatro condados de la Diócesis de Metuchen. Es su apoyo generoso que suple las necesidades materiales básicas de los menos afortunados, y da luz a los que sufren en la mente, el cuerpo o el espíritu. Su don tiene un impacto en nuestras familias, de manera especial en los jóvenes, y también provee formación para diáconos y sacerdotes para que nuestra fe pueda perdurar para las generaciones futuras. Como el Papa Francisco escribe: “La fe no es un refugio para gente pusilánime, sino que ensancha la vida.” (nº 53) Es su valentía y compromiso que permite que nuestros ministerios diocesanos florezcan. Sin sus dones de tiempo, talento y recursos financieros, la luz de la fe en nuestra diócesis no brillaría tanto. Caridades Católicas Programa de Servicios de Inmigración Este programa de la Diócesis de Metuchen busca ofrecer servicios legales de inmigración a bajo costo a las comunidades de Nueva jersey. Las oficinas están localizadas en: Perth Amboy: 271 Smith St. 732-826-9160 (Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 5pm) New Brunswick : 56 Throop Ave. 732-214-8743 (Lunes a Jueves de 2pm a 8pm) Phillipsburg: 430 South Main St. 908-977-3731 (Lunes de 3pm a 8pm) 579 Les invito a poner su fe en acción una vez más acompañándome en hacer una donación sacrificial a la Campaña Anual del Obispo. Juntos podemos tener un impacto positivo en la vida de tantas personas. Teniéndoles presente en oración, les deseo todo bien. Agradecido en el Señor, Reverendísimo Monseñor Paul G. Bootkoski, DD Obispo de Metuchen 11 Divino Niño Jesús El Niño Jesús te invita que le abras la puerta de tu casa y tu Corazón con la Oración y el Rosario en Familia. Información con : Flory Vargas (609)-638-0601 ¡Bendíceme Divino Niño Jesús. Ruega por mi sin cesar. Aleja de mí el pecado hoy y en todo momento! Adoración a la Divina Misericordia Este grupo se reúne todos los Miércoles en la capilla de 7:30—9:30 pm. Empiezan con el Santo Rosario, ofreciéndolo por las familias a Jesús Sacramentado. También oran por los matrimonios que están pasando una situación difícil. Por favor llamar a Fulvio al 908-295-3369 La Hora Mariana El grupo se reúne todos los Sábados de 6 PM a 8 PM en la Capilla para orar y rezar el Rosario. También se reúnen ciertos Sábados para orar por ciertas cosas específicas de este mundo. Anímate! Se parte de este grupo para el cual Orar es llamar y responder. Es llamar a Dios y responder a sus invitaciones. Es un diálogo de amor. Para más información, por favor llamar a Margarita Spencer al 908-281-7054. Misa para personas con necesidades especiales: Tercer Domingo del mes a las 6:00 pm En la Iglesia de Inmaculada Concepción Ministerios Hispanos Inmaculada Concepción Somerville, NJ Círculo de Oración Renovación Carismática Adoración y alabanza a Jesús. El grupo se reúne todos los viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM en la capilla. El último viernes de cada mes: Exposición del Santísimo. Los miércoles se hacen visitas a los hogares que necesiten oración. Comunicarse con Sylvia Díaz al 908-448-1128. Movimiento Parroquial Juan XXIII de Somerville Es un movimiento de evangelización y trabaja principalmente por aquellos alejados de la Iglesia y los marginados por la sociedad. Es un movimiento que no trabaja tanto hacia adentro sino hacia fuera. Su lema es: Con Cristo Todo, Sin Cristo Nada Los invitamos a ser parte de este movimiento que se reúne los Jueves de 7:30 PM a 9:00 PM; en la Casa de Nazaret. Para mas información puede comunicarse con Marianela Delgado al 908-635-8486 Recordar que el coro se reúnen todos los Domingos 16 de Noviembre, 2014 Es una oportunidad para que la parroquia reciba a personas con necesidades especiales a participar plenamente en la vida de la Iglesia. Para mas información por favor contactarse con : Regina Teggler al (908)963-8473 Jeanine Cavanagh al (908) 725-1112, ext. 1126. 12 No se olviden que antes de la misa el coro se reúne. Isabel Salazar esta encargada del coro de mayores y de niños. Para cualquier pregunta por favor llamarla al 908-439-9333 579 Bautismo Intención de la Santa Misa 16 de Noviembre del 2,014 LAS CLASES PRE BAUTISMALES SERAN EL PRIMER DOMINGO DE CADA MES DESPUES DE LA MISA EN LA CASA DE NAZARETH (88 West End Ave., Somerville) La misa es ofrecida por la salud de Patricia Luisa Peña Chávez RECUERDEN QUE: • El primer Sábado, 8:30 AM, Rosario por la Vida, en la Capilla (en inglés) 6 de Diciembre • Los Miércoles de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM La divina Misericordia, en la Capilla. • El ultimo Jueves de 7 PM-8:30PM Rezo por las Animas del Purgatorio, en la Capilla (27 de Noviembre) • Los Jueves de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Movimiento Juan XXIII, en la Casa de Nazaret. • Los Viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Circulo de Oración, en la Capilla y Talbot Room • El segundo sábado de 7AM-9AM, Hágase en Mi según Tu Palabra (Cry Room) (13 de Diciembre) • El tercer Domingo de 9AM –1:30PM Las Mil Ave Marías, Casa de Nazaret y Capilla (16 de Noviembre) • Los Sábados de 6 PM a 8PM Oración con La hora Mariana, en la Capilla • El Primer Viernes, Consolando al que te ama, en la Capilla, 6 PM-7PM (5 de Diciembre) 579 El Próximo curso Pre-Bautismal será: el 7 de Diciembre del 2,014 a las 3:30 pm. RECUERDEN QUE LOS BAUTIZOS SON EL PRIMER Y EL TERCER DOMINGO DE CADA MES A LAS 3:30 PM. Para mas Información y registración, por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial al 908-725-1112 (preguntar por Daphne) Padrinos para el Bautizo Requisitos: Los Estados de derecho canónico (Iglesia) de un Padrino deben ser: • Ser un Católico Bautizado y Confirmado que asiste a la Misa semanal y recibe la Eucaristía. • Al menos 14 años de edad (siempre que el Padrino o la Madrina hayan recibido la Confirmación) • No ser uno de los padres • Llevar una vida moral según la doctrina de la Iglesia, y ser un buen modelo Católico. • Si es casado, estar casado según la ley de la Iglesia • Ser un usuario registrado de su parroquia actual y obtener un certificado de elegibilidad • Sólo podemos dar Certificados de Elegibilidad a aquellos que están registrados en nuestra parroquia. Ya que se requiere solamente un padrino Católico, un miembro Bautizado de otra iglesia cristiana (pero no católico) puede servir como un testigo Cristiano. Puesto que los Padrinos renuevan su Promesa Bautismal prometido durante el rito del bautismo; una persona no bautizada no puede servir en este importante papel. 13 A-PLUS CLOTHING ALTERATIONS • $10 Pants Basic Hem While-U-Wait • Formal Wear • Leather, Suede • Coat Relining 29 W. Somerset St., Raritan 908-393-6066 Tax Preparation • Life Insurance Mortgages Income Tax Preparation, Electronic Filing Life & Disability Insurance Mortgages Available for Purchases & Refinances Quality Insurance Services Since 1940 James T. Rick, Jr. Michael A. McCurry, Jr. 126 West End Avenue • Somerville, NJ • (908) 725-9400 BRUCE J DINER TAX SERVICES Pinoy Filipino Restaurant 18 Division St., Somerville, NJ 08876 908.450.9878 • Fax 908.393.4982 See you after Mass for the Lunch Buffet 105 EAST UNION AVENUE 81 MAIN STREET BOUND BROOK, NJ 08805 HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07840 CALL TO SET UP YOUR APPOINTMENT AT EITHER LOCATION TODAY! CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK $39 Alexander R. Petrone REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, CNE NJAR Circle of Excellence with FREE uniform START NOW! 908-393-6191 70 W. Main St. Downtown Somerville 601 Route 28, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 [email protected] Please present this coupon to recieve 20% off your tax preparation For 2 Weeks Van Syckel ~ Golden Post 1701 Rt. 22 West, PO Box 8127, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Cell: 848-219-3353 Business: 732-560-0200 ext. 131 Email: [email protected] Proud Member of the New Jersey Self-Storage Association NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 Tel: (908) 850-8884 Fax: (908) 850-8819 Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. FREE INSPECTION RIGHTWAY Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 732-308-9988 MISCHELLE’S CLEANING SERVICES “Because You’re Worth It” Home and Office 908-635-1027 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Immaculate Conception is looking for a few more sponsors. If you are interested in adver ising your business, please contact John Pat ick Publishing. 800-333-3166 • 579 Immaculate Conception, Somerville, NJ (Third) U John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 ( ANTHONY J. PAPAVERO, SR., FOUNDER NJ LIC. NO. 3120 ANTHONY J. PAPAVERO, JR., MANAGER NJ LIC. NO. 4091 Family Owned and Operated JASON C. PAPAVERO, DIRECTOR NJ LIC. NO. 4208 910 U.S. HIGHWAY 202 S., BRANCHBURG, NJ 08876 908-526-7638 • ARCHWAY ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ORTHOPEDIC SHOES OPENING SALE! 20% OFF Four Generations of Professional and Dignified Funeral Service Scott’s Florist ON ANY ITEM Over 70 Years Sucess - Third Generation Carrying the Brands: Saucony, Aertrex/Apex, Orthofeet, OOFO, Superfeet, Spenco, Heel That Pain Delivering true shoe fit for an optimum gait. ALL PLUMBING • ALL ELECTRICAL • ALL HEATING ALL EXCAVATION • ALL DRAINAGE • ALL HOME REPAIRS Elect. Lic. #4939 • Plumb. Lic. #6954 Parishioner 732-356-5600 73 W. Somerset Street Raritan, NJ 08869 908.218.0033 Mention Ad For 10% OFF RKB Office: 908-450-7313 Fax: 908-450-7316 Robert K. Bongiovanni [email protected] 78 North Bridge St., Somerville Certified Public Accountant COUNTRYSIDE FUNERAL HOME 724 Route 202 North - PO Box 431 Three Bridges, NJ 08887 FUCILLO & WARREN FUNERAL HOME 205 S. Main Street PO Box 515 Manville, NJ 08835 The Largest Funeral Home in Readington Township 908-782-2121 908-725-1763 John R. Zalewski, Owner/Manager NJ Lic. #2820 • Sharon Ann Zalewski, Director NJ Lic. # 4003 John R. Zalewski, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4703 • Daniel M. Erickson, Director NJ Lic. #4798 George Rocco Seminara, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4927 Fine Gourmet Foods Imported Directly From Italy Marovato Italian Imports Kristine Krol, M.D. Medical Director • Proud Parishioner 177 West High Street • Somerville 908-725-8666 Our Dad Can Fix It H A N DY M A N S E RV I C E S N.J. License #13VH04133300 908-306-1091 108 Dobbin St. Brooklyn, NY 11222 O: 718-389-7246 • C: 609-548-0586 Email: [email protected] ABR®, e-PRO®, SRF • Sales Associate [email protected] RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908-581-8513 Cell • 908-766-2900 Ext. 222 Bus. Bernardsville / Basking Ridge Area Office 39 Olcott Square, Bernardsville, NJ 07924 • TILING INSTALL / REPAIR • INTERIOR / EXTERIOR PAINTING • BATHROOM / KITCHEN / BASEMENT RENOVATIONS • SIDING / TRIM / SHEETROCK / DECK REPAIR & INSTALL • CAULKING PARISHIONER Frederic C. Sterritt, D.M.D. Richard D’Avanzo, D.M.D. #3413 #4063 ritt & D’Avanzo S ter Coins American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Estates Saturday 10am-3pm Collections or By Appointment 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 • 908-782-0840 [email protected] HOME For SALE Walking Distance to Immaculate Conception Church and Schools BELLE MEAD Orthodontic Care 2139 Rt. 206 Belle Mead, NJ Jacqueline Pirante-Fuchs Lovely Home - Come - Take a Look Call for Details 908.507.4939 Kate McGilloway, D.M.D. #5821 Personalized 908-874-8360 & Comfortable Fax 908-874-5985 DENTISTA Edilfonso Vargas D.D.S. Pilar Wong D.D.S. GENERAL DENTISTRY 732 - 560 - 0051 Most Insurances Accepted Mastercard, Discover, Visa Payment Plans 579 Immaculate Conception, Somerville, NJ (Inside) U Se Habla Español Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED 128 East Union Ave. Check out our reviews on: Bound Brook John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 ( Somerville BENCH FASHION FLOORS 111 North Gaston Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876 908-725-3111 Bruce VanArsdale, Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3521 “Parishioner” Member of KOC & AOH FUNERAL HOME INC. 10 West End Ave., Somerville 908-725-2079 Ceramic • Wood • Sanding Laminate • Carpet • Vinyl Pre-arrangement, Pre-planning & NJ Pre-paid Trust Available Anna Louise Bongiovi, CFSP Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 2817 206 S. & Frelinghuysen Raritan Life & Disability, Long Term Care, Annuity & Estate plans INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Anthony Petto, Parishioner 908-725-6466 PO Box 37 • Neshanic Station, NJ 08853 B: 908-371-0824 • C: 908-625-4021 Providing Peace of Mind for Generations Se Habla Español Rick Wright, D.D.S., M.S., P.A. Robert J. Peterman, Patrick Kelly ® D.M.D., M.D.S. Specialty #2357 Specialty #06316 Orthodontic Specialists For Children & Adults 908-526-0039 199 West High St. • Somerville, NJ 08876 Across From the Church 908-864-RYDE (7933) Indoor Cycling & Fitness Studio REALRYDER Theater Studio & TRX Training Zone Try Us For 1 Month $49.00 28-30 W. Main St., Somerville, NJ REALTOR Broker Associate Parishioner DINE-IN • DELIVERY • CATERING RE/MAX Preferred Professionals 1170 Route 22 East Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908)722-7700 [email protected] Office: (908) 685-0700 x29 Cell: (908) 285-0321 [email protected] Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 2 W. MAIN STREET SOMERVILLE, NJ GEORGE RIEHMAN Lytwyn Plumbing, Heating & A/C Professional Land Surveyor Parishioner Title Surveys Boundary & Topographical Surveys 908-655-7701 Mark Lytwyn • President NJ Plumbing Lic. No. 6438 Ph. 732-968-0081 • Cell: 732-266-9092 99/101 W. Main St. Somerville, NJ CASUAL ITALIAN CUISINE (908) 526-0616 REASONABLE RETURNS email: [email protected] 908-685-1975 908-379-TAX1 Senior home care from our caring hands to yours 908-962-2988 12 First Avenue • Raritan, NJ 08869 BARE CARE 908-725-0993 • Computerized tax preparation • Electronic filing • Out of state returns • Delinquent prior year returns • New Business start ups • Personal & Business Tax returns • Sales & use tax • Ask about “Parishioner Discounts” ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 243 South Main St. • Manville, NJ License 3581A llc Quality repairs since 1959 ASE/I-CAR Certified technicians Lifetime guarantees • 24 hour towing •Free Estimates Will & Gary Sediazek • 35 Old York Rd., Bridgewater •908-725-5900 JACK/MARY ANN WENTZELL PARISHIONER 908-218-9200 RESIDENTIAL: AIR DUCT/DRYER VENT CLEANING Cell 908-313-4080 MODERN EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS • TRAINED TECHNICIANS [email protected] FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED A+ Rating FREE ESTIMATES NJ Lic. #14568 Contractor’s License #13VH00498900 18 W. Main St. Somerville, NJ 08876 ideal auto body J & M COMMERCIAL CLEANING Professionally Installed Vinyl Siding, Windows & Doors & Garage Doors Airline Tickets Income Taxes Immigration Accounting Notary Public Translation TRAVEL Money Transfer Fax 908-722-9111 Copies [email protected] Cruises “Let Us Cater Your Next Event” Susan Smith Morella ~ Parishioner 908-255-0647 Over 25 Years Experience 277 S. Main St. Manville, NJ Cool - O - Matic Inc. 908-722-1400 Heating, Cooling & Electrical Design • Sales • Service • Maintenance Contracts 409 No. Main St., Manville “IF TODAY YOU HEAR HIS VOICE HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS” LEARN HOW CONTACT: DEACON FRANK QUINN 908-725-1112 579 Immaculate Conception, Somerville, NJ (Back) Rt. UPS John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 (
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