CAPITULO 2 -Percepción del ABA/ABA-BSA al nivel de la membrana plasmática (PM), corrientes de iones y expresión de genes. Caso de los ROS – Concepto de receptores ABA al nivel celular (extracelular y intracelular) -Receptores externos (PM) : CTC/GCR/… -Receptores internos : CHLH / PYR / PYL / RCAR/… - Establecimiento de vías de señalización de ABA -proteínas quinasas y fosfatasas -SnRKs; -Ca2 +-dependiente de las proteínas quinasas -OST1; CPK23 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot JP Rona, Univ. Paris 7 1 Se muestra en electrofisiología vegetal que hay receptores ABA al nivel de la membrana plasmática (RMP) que son involucrados en la estimulación de la actividad de canales iónicos para controlar el movimiento de agua y inducir la expresión de genes JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 2 1 Plant cells – channels and pumps acting in concert (mA) Ca2+ (pA) VOC VAC. SOC CYT. K+in H+ K+out (mA) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 3 Courants K+ sortants Sauts de potentiels imposés entre - 40 & +100 mV +100 mV K+ Vh=-40 mV 4 cytoplasme Current (nA) Whole cell +100mV 3 + 80mV 2 + 60mV + 40mV 1 + 20mV 0 -1 0 1000 2000 Time (ms) 3000 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 4 2 Corrientes K+ : percepción extracelular 5 y identificación de ABA-Receptores ABA suelto SCOR / GORK family JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 5 BSA BSA ABA-BSA, que no entra el las células, tiene la casiJPla misma actividad que el Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 ABA suelto 6 3 Current (nA) Activation, puis inactivation des courants Cl- 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 Time (s) 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 Sauts de potentiels entre + 40 to -200mV JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 7 Current (nA) Effect of Extracellular ABA on the Plasma Membrane anion currents of intact A. thaliana Suspension Cells. 0 ECLAMP : – 200 mV -2 Control -4 ABA -6 0 1 2 Time (s) 4 -200 -160 -120 -80 2 -40 0 Control -2 ABA -4 Current (nA) E (mV) Plasma membrane currents resulting from voltage JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris 8 pulses from Diderot - 200 to + 20 mV 4 Effect of ABA-BSA on the plasma membrane anion whole cell currents of intact A. thaliana suspension cells. +ABA-BSA +ABA-BSA JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 9 An anion channel inhibitor (9-AC) prevent the effect of the ABA-BSA Current (nA) 2 2) 9-AC 3) 9-AC+ABA-BSA 1) Control 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 2 4 6 Time (s) 8 ECLAMP : – 200 mV JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 10 5 ABA contribute to the ROS increase (H2O2) ABA O2 + H2O2 PM CYT. DPI NADPH oxidase ABA DPI ROS DPI (diphenyleneiodonium), a specific inhibitor of NADPH oxidases. JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 11 ABA produced a rapid and transient release in reactive oxygen species (ROS) via NADPH oxidases. 25 A ABA ROS release (arbitrary unit) 20 15 Control 10 5 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (min) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 12 6 Plasma membrane anion currents Ca2+ sensitive recorded in A. thaliana cells under oxydative stress Current (nA) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Current (nA) 2 0 -2 -4 + external H2O2 (10 mM) -6 -8 4 6 8 10 14 12 Time (s) Potential (mV) 2 1 -200 -160 -120 -80 -40 1 -1 -2 Current (nA) 0 ∆ H2O2 0 -1 -2 -3 4 6 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 8 10 12 14 Time (s) 13 A - Plasma membrane depolarization observed in response to 10 µM ABA - 50mV Membrane potential (mV) A - - 40mV control 30mV ABA 1 min - + DPI 35mV - 25mV - 15mV B ABA H2O2 1 min B- The plasma membrane depolarization induced by ABA is prevented by DPI, (no ROS synthesis), but not by H2O2 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris added after Diderot 14 7 Conclusion :the anion current activation promoted by ABA was dependent on ROS production A B Control DPI DPI+ABA ABA 2 nA 1s 2 2 -120 -40 0 Control -1 -2 ABA Current (nA) 1 -200 1 -200 -120 -40 0 DPI -1 DPI+ABA -3 -2 -3 Potential (mV) Corresponding I/V curves JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 15 Is the current activation promoted by ABA necessary for RAB 18 expression? + 9-AC FEBS Letters, 2000, 474, 43-47 1-Adding the anion channel blockers 9-AC with ABAinhibited the ABA-induced RAB18 expression Northern blot analysis of total RNA from cells. Similar RNA loading was checked by 16 hybridizationJP Rona, with an Arabidopsis 18S 2014, Université Paris Diderot probe. 16 ribosomal 8 2-Adding the anion channel blockers niflumic acid with ABA inhibited the ABA-induced RAB18 expression RAB 18 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 17 17 3-Induction of RAB18 gene expression triggered by an extracellular ABA perception is independent of K+ channel activities in A. thaliana suspension cells. JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris DELLIS Olivier, FEBS, 2000 Diderot 18 9 4-The Depolarizing Effect of Extracellular ABA-BSA on the Plasma Membrane Potential of Cells After the H+ Pump was Inhibited. Membrane potential (mV) -20 mV A -30 mV +ABA-BSA -40 mV +VAN -20 mV B -30 mV -40 mV +ABA -BSA +DES 1 min Vanadate 200µM (VAN) Diethyl stilbestrol 100µM (DES) Medium alkalinization (∆ (∆pH) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 0.08 19 C ABA-BSA 0.04 0.00 VAN+ABA-BSA 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 5-El ABA libre (o ABA-BSA) puede inducir una alcalinización solamente cuando la bomba H+ no esta ya inhibida ABA-BSA VAC. CYT. (-) ABA H+ JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot Brault et al. 2004 Plant Physiol, 135, 231-243 20 10 Conclusión : la percepción del ABA al nivel exterior de la membrana plasmática muestra que hay un receptor-ABA que juega un papel en la regulación de flujos de iones necesaria para inducir la expresión de RAB 18 ABA (ABA-BSA) Rc CYT. N ? RAB 18 + - H A activación JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot Ghelis et al. 2000, FEBS Letters, 474, 43-47 inhibición 21 2 – Concepto de receptor al nivel de las membranas : identificación de ABA-R(s), los SAR y MAR 3 candidatos intracelulares de receptores de ABA son bien descritos, pero parece que hay muchos más. También hay receptores adicionales que fueron encontrados en la membrana plasmática para explicar la percepción extracelular de ABA. Soluble ABA Receptors Membrane ABA Receptor JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 22 11 -Las proteínas-receptores de ABA identificadas hasta el momento sugieren que el ABA intracelular (núcleo, citoplasma, cloroplasto ) y su percepción extracelular pueden controlar muchos fenotipos iguales o diferentes. Estos sitios (receptores) son muy importantes para manejar, al mismo tiempo, las diferentes respuestas fisiológicas controladas por el ABA interno y externo JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 23 Concepto de ABA-receptores Reported ABA binding proteins FCA RCAR -Regulatory Components of ABA Receptor PYR -Pyrabactin Resistance Protein PYL -PYR-Like proteins GTG -plasma membrane–localized GPCR type G-proteins GCR : G-prptein coupled receptor CHLH -(Mg-chélatase H); ABAR : ABA-binding protein -(Mg-chélatase H); FCA : Flowering-time Control protein ABA JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Univ. Paris 7 24 -(Mg-chélatase H); JP Rona,Diderot 12 GCR2, a G protein-coupled receptor-like receptor, is localized at the plasma membrane Also, plants use ABAR in the chloroplast ; FCA as ABA receptors to integrate the ABA signal with other stress signals that affect chloroplast function and flowering-time control to adapt to various environmental conditions. FCA is localized in the nucleus and is involved in the regulation of mRNA stability, which is required for flower induction. Chloroplast function and floweringtime control are crucial for plant JP Rona, 2014, survival. Université Paris Diderot 25 The ABA signal is received by (at least) three ABA receptors: GCR, GTG ABAR and FCA. GTG/GCR2 Ca2+ Shinozaki, K, 2007. In the ABA signaling pathway, Ca2+ , second messengers (ROS), protein kinases, protein phosphatase 2Cs JPand transcription factors form a Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 26 web-like network. 13 The core complexes of the better established ABA signalling path-ways. ABA Controls Rapid Drought Adaptive Responses by Modification of Selective Transport Across the Plasma Membrane and in the cytoplasm ABA EXT. Receptor ABA GCR GTG H2O2 SnRK2 ABA INT. Soluble ABA Receptors D’après Leung, 2011, Gif-sur-Yvette SnRK2: SNF1- related protein kinase : The sucrose non-fermenting 1related protein kinases (SnRKs) are protein kinases containing catalytic domains with sequences similar to SNF1 (sucrose non-fermenting1). RCAR -Regulatory Components of ABA Receptor PYR -Pyrabactin Resistance Protein PYL -PYR-Like proteins GTG -plasma membrane–localized GPCR type G-proteins GCR- G protein-coupled receptor-like receptor PP2Cs: protein phosphatases type Paris 2C JP Rona, 2014, Université Diderot 27 Relation tree of the SnRK2 family from Arabidopsis. and rice. Arabidopsis SnRK2 proteins activated by hyperosmotic conditions can be divided into three groups, depending on additional activation by ABA. G2 G1 G3 Boudsocq M .Plant Physiol. 2005; Group 1 (G1) corresponds to kinases strongly activated by ABA, Group 2, SnRK2s are not responsive to ABA. Group 3 includes kinases poorly or not JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris activated by ABA. Diderot 28 14 a-Chloroplast : ABA-CHLH CHLH est un régulateur positif dans la signalisation de l’ABA. Le gène CHLH (chélatase H) code pour une protéine chloroplastique, la sous-unité H de la Mg-chélatase, déjà connue pour être impliquée dans la biosynthèse de la chlorophylle et dans la signalisation entre le plaste et le noyau. JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 29 b-proteína G-receptores acoplados (PM) GPA1 modulates the GTPase activity of the GTGs (PLC IP3?) PLC/IP3 Ca2+ GPA1 : G Protein α subunit Arabidopsis 1 proteins GPCR :G-protein coupled receptor GTG proteins = GPCR-type G GTG -plasma membrane–localized type G-proteins JP Rona, 2014, Université GPCR Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 30 15 b.1-proteína-receptor nuclear FCA is localized in the nucleus and is involved in the regulation of mRNA stability and Ca2+ mobilization, which is required for flower induction. ABA int. PYR FCA : Flowering-time JPControl protein ABA-(Mg-chélatase H); Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot PYR -Pyrabactin Resistance Protein 31 FCA is an ABA receptor It binds target RNA via an interaction with its 3' endprocessing factor FY that leads to promoting flowering with in a positive regulation of FLC (floral repressor). ABA binding prevents this interaction, required to reduce production of FLC and full-length FCA, maintaining a flowering repression. flowering repression FCA : Flowering-time Control protein ABA-(Mg-chélatase H) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 32 16 c-Solubles PYR / PYL / RCAR A new model for ABA action has been proposed and validated, in which the soluble PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors function at the apex of a negative regulatory pathway to directly regulate PP2C phosphatases, which in turn directly regulate ion channels-SnRK2 kinases. R R is free : SnRK2 is INACTIVATED by PP2C R is bound to ABA and PP2C : SnRK2 is free SnRK2 can ACTIVATES ABF ABF- transcription factor PP2Cs: protein phosphatases type 2C RCAR -Regulatory Components of ABA Receptor SnRK family: SNF1- related protein kinase JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris PYR-Like proteins JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 33 Structural mechanism of ABA action R is free : SnRK2 is inactivated by PP2C R is first bound to ABA P SnRK2 R -ABA bound PP2C : SnRK2 is free W D’après Sheard et Zheng, 2009 ABA initiates an allosteric open-to-close transition of the gating loop, allowing it to approach the second entrance loop and sequester ABA in the pocket. The phosphatase PP2C binds to the hydrophobic site on the gating loop, inserting a conserved tryptophan (W) next to the JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris gating loop and Diderot locking it closed. 34 17 In conclusion : ABA receptors PYR1, PYL1 and PYL2 are allosteric switches controlled by ABA binding. PYR/PYL receptors inhibit PP2C phosphatases, which leads to activation of SnRK2 kinases. + ABA SnRK2s phosphorylate downstream target proteins to regulate ABA responses. JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 35 Summary of abscisic acid (ABA signaling factors. ) D’après Cutler et al., 2010 RCAR -Regulatory Components of ABA Receptor PYR -Pyrabactin Resistance Protein PYL -PYR-Like proteins GTG -plasma membrane–localized GPCR type G-proteins SnRK2: SNF1- related protein kinase PP2Cs: protein phosphatases type Paris 2C JP Rona, 2014, Université JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 36 18 2.2 - Establecimiento de vías de señalización de ABA en los estomas a-proteínas quinasas y fosfatasas SnRKs; Ca2 +-dependiente de las proteínas quinasas OST1; CPK23 OPEN CLOSED ABA effects :increase of outward A- / K+ /H202 fluxes, then stomatal guard cells are closed JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 37 Receptores ABA específicos de los estomas En las células de guardia, el receptor ABA está formado por el complejo heteromérico PP2C como ABI1 y RCAR que se puede unir al ABA ABA Negative action without ABA OST Signalling pathways OST : Open Stomata gene : serine–threonine protein kinase RCAR -Regulatory Components of ABA Receptor ABI1 gene encodes a member of the 2C class of protein serine/threonine phosphatases (PP2C) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 38 19 Action of the protein kinases OST1 Mutations in the OST1 gene OST1 OST1 OST1 Mutations in the OST1 gene (Open Stomata 1), encoding a serine–threonine protein kinase, render Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells insensitive to abscisic acid, such that stomata remain open in the presence of this JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 39 phytohormone Sin ABA, la actividad de la fosfatasa PP2C inhibe la acción de las proteínas quinasas (presentadas en verde) OST1 (por ej., actividad de la H +-ATPasa) y de las SnRKs - asociadas (canales anicónicos lentos) y, posiblemente, de las Ca2+ - CPKs (como la CPK23 40 que es dependiente del calcio). PP2C ION JPCHANNELS/PUMPS Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona,Diderot Univ. Paris 7 40 20 En las células de guarda, las llaves principales son las actividades de los canales iónicos SLAC1 (activación) y KAT1 (inhibición) : se activan y se inhiben respectivamente por la acción de OST1. E. Grill, Cell, 2010. In the presence of ABA, the phosphatase activity of the receptor is blocked and OST1 is activated increasing the inhibition of IK+in and JPthe stimulation of IA-out Rona, 2014, Université Paris JP Rona, Diderot Univ. Paris 7 41 (I: current) Effect of an anion channel inhibitor on inward currents elicited by 10 µM ABA. 100 ABA+9-AC 0 ABA 50 Control Inward currents (%) 150 200 µM anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9-AC) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 42 21 Mecanismo de acción y cadena de pasos del ABA en las células oclusivas de estomas (Membranas plasmática y vacuolar) JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 43 JP Rona, 2014, Université Paris Diderot 44 22
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