St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 1421 New Road, Northfield, New Jersey Parish Office: 609-646-5611 Parish Office Fax: 609-484-8345 Religious Education Office: 609-484-0249 * [email protected] Reverend Jason T. Rocks, Pastor Reverend Armando Rodriguez Montoya, Parochial Vicar Mr. George Del Rossi, Permanent Deacon Mr. Luis Correa, Permanent Deacon Sr. Helen Lodge, OSF, Pastoral Associate Miss Mildred DiCicco, Religious Coordinator (609) 484 0249 Sheila Naticchione, Business Manager Claudia A. Costa, Parish Secretary Bettie Timm, Director of Music Ministry Jeff Young, Director of Youth Ministry Trustees: George Hornberger and Blanca Ruiz Parish Finance Council Chairperson: Anthony Mazzeo OUR MISSION We, the members of the diverse community of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, united by one faith, inspired by the Word and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, will bear witness to the contemporary pastoral challenges identified in the Pastoral Priorities of our Diocese. Trusting that our efforts will address the needs of those with whom we interact, we will increase the levels of worship and witness in the New Parish. MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY MASSES: 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish WEEKDAYS: Monday thru Friday: 8:30 AM FRIDAYS: 7:00 PM Spanish HOLYDAYS: Vigil 7:00 PM; 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Monday, December 8, 2014 The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Obligation Saturday, November 15 4:30 PM Dominica Puleiot & Luigi Spagnuolo r/b The Family Sunday November 16 8:00 AM Barbara Mora r/b Dave & Maureen Somers 9:30 AM Jule Bonner r/b Michael & Dawn McGee 11:00 AM Clotilde, Matteo, Al & Victor Vergulti r/b The Vergulti Famaily 1:00 PM Intentions of the People of the Parish Monday, December 8 at 8:30AM Monday, December 8 at 5:30PM Monday, December 8 at 7:00PM (Spanish) Monday November 17 8:30 AM Mass Schedule is as follows: Gil Pacana r/b Olivia Pacana Tuesday November 18 8:30 AM Alfred & Ann DeMeo r/b Estate Wednesday November 19 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30 PM thru 4:15 PM. Anytime by appointment. John Davis, Jr. r/b The Family Jean Palmieri r/b Vici & Gerri Butler Msgr. Thomas Sharkey r/b Dante & Mary Ann Vergulti Patricia Lomangino r/b Mel & Kathy Thomspson SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish office. Parents and Godparents must attend Baptism Preparation Class. Thursday November 20 8:30 AM Muriel O’Brien r/b M.J. O’Brien Friday November 21 8:30 AM 7:00 PM Jean Palmieri r/b Marie Dolceamore James Malia r/b Wife Lena Saturday November 22 12:00Noon Conmemoración de la Festividad de 4:30PM Sta. Cecilia-Spanish Mass In Thanksgiving r/b Mildred Del Viscio Sunday November 23 8:00 AM Jackie Surace & Mike Mazza r/b Dante & Mary Ann Vergulti & Janet & Mike Morey 9:30 AM Jim Malia r/b Dave & Maureen Somers & Katherine Chelsea 11:00 AM Charles Rempfer r/b Wife, Kathleen 1:00 PM Intentions of the People of the Parish 2-636 REQUESTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES The role of a sponsor is primarily a spiritual role to model a Christian life for the child. Therefore, anyone requesting a certificate must be a registered, participating member of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing (not living in violation of the Church laws), at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Please call the Parish office for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered parishioners who wish to marry at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish should contact the pastor during office hours before making any other arrangements one year in advance. Call the Parish office to schedule an appointment. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Please call the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Mildred DiCicco at 484-0249. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY A Word from Fr. Rocks… "Couldn't you keep watch with me for one hour?" our Lord asks St. Peter and those with him in the garden (Mt. 26:40). It is a question put to you and I as well. If the Apostles had difficulty spending an hour with the Lord in the garden, how much more difficult is it for us today? We are all busy with so many things and activities: work, caring for family, clubs, kids sporting events and the like, not to mention all the daily choirs. All this can make it difficult to spend some time with the Lord in prayer, conversing with him as friends do. Yet, how important it is to take some time from the busyness, hustle and bustle, and sit quietly with the Lord, especially before his presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The philosopher Josef Pieper wrote a marvelous work entitled Leisure the Basis of Culture. Pieper stresses the importance of taking time away from work, spending it thinking, or, contemplating truth, goodness and beauty. What better place to do just that than before the Most Blessed Sacrament, contemplating divine love and goodness, particularly in the person of Jesus Christ. Such time will transform our lives, allowing us to then transform our culture with the love and goodness of God. In order to assist the parish in doing this, we will begin to have a Holy Hour every first Wednesday of the month, from 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm. This will begin on Wednesday December 3 (the first week of Advent, not a bad way to prepare for Christmas). The hour will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, quiet time and will end with Benediction. I hope that many of you will come and join me for part or all of the hour. The time will rejuvenate those who come, allowing them to take on all the demands of a busy world with the strength of Christ Jesus. O OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELEBRATION DECEMBER 14, 2014 AT 1:00 PM ur Parish will observe the Feast of the Patroness of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 14, 2014. Mass in Spanish at 1:00 PM; Fiesta with will follow immediately in the Family Memorial Center, the Parish Hall. The Spanish community of the parish is conducting a Raffle to underwrite the expenses of the Mariachi’s appearance. Chances are available at the Parish office Monday-Friday from 9:00AM-4:00PM. The cost is $5.00 each or five for $20. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Catholic Campaign for Human Development November 22-23, 2014 ext week, we will take up the Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection (CCHD). It was founded by the U.S. bishops, who recognized that the lives of those in need will not improve until the systems and policies that keep people in poverty change. For over 40 years, CCHD has funded community groups that create lasting change. Fight poverty in America. Defend human dignity. Let’s follow Christ’s example of love and solidarity with the poor. Please be generous in next week Catholic Campaign for Human Development. N 3-636 From the Desk of Miss Millie DiCicco, Coordinator of Religious Education E-mail: [email protected] Religious Education Office Winter Hours Mondays 9:00AM to 7:00PM Tuesdays - 9:00AM to 12:30PM Did Pope St. John XXII really say he wanted to open the windows of the Church? If so what did he mean? To find out, come join Fr. Rocks on Wednesday, November 19th, at 7:00-8:00PM in the Parish Hall. Fr. Rocks will present a brief talk on the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium. He promises there will be no exams afterward! Sodality Members ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER he Annual Sodality Christmas Dinner will be held on Tuesday December 2, 2014 at 6:00 PM at the Crab Trap in Somers Point. Tickets are $30 each (choice of three delicious entrees) and can be purchased by calling Hilda at 646-2933. Time is short. Get your tickets as early as possible; it promises to be a delightful evening. T ATTENTION!! Be A Server At The Altar! N ow we are recruiting new Altar Servers. Children who are in 4th grade and up and who have received first Holy Communion, are most welcome. Please if you are interested in becoming an Altar Server contact the parish office (646-5611). P lease keep the servicemen and women who are presently serving our country in your thoughts and prayers. November 17: Sacramental Work: Lesson 4 should by handed into the Religious Education office. November 18: Home School Meeting 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. Testing Unit 2. There are some Candidates who have registered to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and have not completed the paper work required for the reception of the Sacrament. Please call the Religious Education Office (484-0249) if you are in doubt about these requirements. Please be sure to contact Mr. Young (2146179) if you have not gotten an email relating to your responsibilities as a Confirmation Candidate. T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all expectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born. All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further information. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mothers: Stephanie Corcoran, Julie Thomas, and Katie Gerace Figlus. Diocese of Camden Lay Ministry Formation Program T he Office of Lifelong Faith Formation invites you to a Mass celebrated in gratitude for all Lay women and Men who minister in the Diocese of Camden. Thursday, November 20, 2014, - 7:00PM Christ the Good Shepherd Parish 1655 Magnolia Rd., Vineland, NJ 08361 Principal Celebrant: Most Rev. Dennis J. Sullivan Light Reception to follow in the Parish Hall (Spouse, family and friends are welcome!) 4-636 THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME S F irst Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-29, 30-31 An encomium for a good and worthy wife, this passage from Proverbs extols all the virtues which a worthy wife possesses – fidelity, industriousness, skill, charity to the poor, and fear of the Lord. econd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Once again, Paul reassures the Thessalonians, who are anxious about the coming of Christ, that they need not fear being unprepared because they are “children of light.” Holy Hour tarting on Wednesday, December 3, 2014, our Parish will have a Holy Hour each month on the First Wednesday at 7:00PM Mark your calendar!! WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 7:00PM S W G e are sincerely thankful to you for your cooperation in using contribution envelopes each Sunday. It shows not only good example but helps us in our system of running your parish since donations are recorded by envelope number. GOD BLESS YOU FOR IT!! Please remember that in order to keep our records up to date and also, stop the mailing of contribution envelopes during the winter months, we would appreciate hearing from parishioners who are summer residents in our parish before they move away. Thank you! T here will be NO Coffee & Donuts in December. We will resume in January 2015. Please keep in mind that we are still looking for volunteers to help with this joyful activity on the SECOND SUNDAY of each month for 15 minutes, in the gathering area of the church. If you are able to help please contact Kathy Morrison 645-3995. G ospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus narrates the parable of the talents – in the story, the silver pieces given to the three men. Two of the men invest their coins and double their worth, but the third buries his coins in the ground and earns no return. The message of Jesus is that we must use to the fullest the talents we have received. Stewardship Reflection od expects us to nurture and develp the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. Stewardship of Treasure Collection Report November 8-9, 2014 he Parish is profoundly grateful to the parishioners and visitors for their faithful and generous support. St. Gianna’s last weekend Collection amounted to $8,917. T Remember ALWAYS to give thanks 5-636 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SICK OF OUR PARISH AND THOSE WHO ARE IN NURSING HOMES AND IN HOSPITALS CHILD ASSAULT PREVENTION SESSIONS he Office of Child and Youth Protection is announcing CAP sessions. CAP is the safe environment training program for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the diocese is that adults will attend CAP once every five years. CAP 1 teaches attendees to recognize child abuse and neglect and how to report to the proper authorities. CAP 2 is NO More Bullies, No More Victims and is a workshop on bullying awareness and bullying prevention. Cyber bullying is also addressed. Both sessions are 90 minutes. CAP 3 is called Cyber-Empowerment and is a workshop which promotes adults understanding of cyber activity of youth while teaching them realistic ways to help children keep their own rights and guard the rights of others in the cyber-sphere. Each presentation is 90 minutes. Adults who are new employees or volunteers should attend CAP 1 before attending CAP 2 or CAP 3. The following sessions will be offered in November: T CAP 2: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 7:00PM at St. Vincent de Paul, Mays Landing, Church. To attend one of these classes, please call the CAP registration line in the Office of Child and Youth Protection at (856) 583-6165 or email at [email protected] to register. Retreat for Pastoral Caregivers Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:00AM-2:00PM Catholic Campus Ministry Center, Stockton College of NJ, 235 Pomona Rd, Pomona. The retreat will be led by Linda K. Robinson, Spiritual Director. Cost is $25 per person or $20 per person in groups of two or more. Continental breakfast will be provided. Bring a bagged lunch. For questions call Colleen at 856-583-6118. O ur parish hosts “Bingo” on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 10:00AM in the Family Memorial Center, Parish Hall. Doors open at 8:00AM. Come and join us! $1,000 in prize money, instant winners and progressive jackpots! Also, coffee, bagels, donuts and lots of fun. C ome and join us!! We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in the Family Memorial Center at 1:00PM. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome! S aint Gianna Prayer group meets every Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:00AM in the Family Memorial Center, the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome. O n Saturdays evening and Sunday morning Masses, family and friends whose Mass is being offered for a loved one are invited to bring up the Offertory Gifts at the Mass. Before the Mass begins, please notify one of the ushers of your intent. S aint Gianna’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are readily available to bring Communion to the homes of the sick on a schedule agreeable to the sick person. If you or someone that you know is a shut-in and would like to receive the sacraments, please let us know by contacting the Parish office. 6-636 NOVEMBER 16, 2014 CELTIC TWILIGHT CHRISTMAS PLEASE JOIN PHIL COULTER- ANDY COONEY AND THE IRISH POPS ORCHESTRA DECEMBER 6, 2014 @ 7:30PM TD BANK ARTS CENTER, SEWELL, NJ Proceeds will support the South Jersey Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships for financial assistance to attend Catholic Schools. Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Atlantic City has made arrangement for transportation by bus for those who wish to attend. Tickets are $50 each (bus +concert). If you are interested please call Marcie at 609-344-0287. A Holy Spirit Tradition Returns Mark Your Calendar! Join fellow alumni, students, parents and the entire Holy Spirit Family as they celebrate Holy Spirit High School’s 50th Anniversary in Absecon, NJ. The Homecoming Back! November 26, 2014 6:00-8:00PM Ed Byrnes Stadium Alumni, come back and celebrate your SPARTAN PRIDE! Enjoy a great night of friends, food & festivities! Thanksgiving Day Gridiron Rivalry November 27, 2014 10:00AM Ed Byrnes Stadium Be there to cheer on the Spartans as they take on the Vikings of ACHC in this Thanksgiving tradition! St. Monica’s Christmas Party Our Lady of Sorrows Young Adult Groups Meets the 1st Sunday of the Month 7:00PM in the Hall Kitchen For more information call Tom Salerno 609-9278679 or Email Vivian at [email protected] Advent by Candlelight Tuesday, December 9, 2014 -6:30-9:00PM $10 per person - Quinn Hall 100th & 3rd Avenues, Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 Celebrate the blessed season of Advent with an evening of quiet festivities and beauty. A light meal is served and tables are set with a sense of warmth to reflect the opportunity we have to welcome Jesus into our own hearts. Guest Speaker Msgr. William Quinn. For more information call Janet Levinson 609-967-7667. Christmas Tree Sale Sponsored by Our Lady of Sorrows Youth Group Sale starts on Saturday, November 29th Monday-Friday: 4:00PM to 8:00PM Saturdays & Sundays: 10:00AM t0 8:00PM Location: Behind Our Lady of Sorrows church, corner of Wabash & Poplar Aves., Linwood. Northfield Boy Scouts Christmas Tree Sale Starting Friday, November 28, 2014 Weekdays: 2:00PM-7:00PM Weekends: 10:00AM-7:00PM Fire House on Burton Avenue in Northfield (North of the entrance to Birch Grove Park). Tickets are on sale now! St. Monica’s Christmas Gala will be held on Saturday, December 13 at Quaremba Hall at 10 N. Mississippi Avenue. The fun friendly party runs from 7:00 PM to Midnight and features live entertainment plus DJ music, dancing, home cooked food and door prizes. Take a chance to win the 50/50 raffle or bid on gifts at the silent auction. For more information, call 345-1786. 7-636 DOMINGO 16 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 TRIGESIMOTERCER DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Hora Santa de Adoratión Eucarística L os preparativos para la gran celebración en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patrona de las Américas, que se llevará a cabo el día domingo 14 de diciembre, ya han comenzado. Estamos en búsqueda de voluntarios que quieran colaborar con las tareas del evento y la organización del mismo. Si usted esta interesado en donar su Tiempo, Talento o Tesoro no dude en comunicarse con la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes o al finalizar la Misa (viernes y domingo) con Maria Jimenez. Su contribución, cualquiera sea (tiempo, talento, flores, bebidas, bocadillos, arroz, frijoles o algún otro platillo de su país natal), será inmensamente agradecida. O tro punto muy importante, es que con el objetivo de recaudar fondos para decorarar nuestra iglesia con arreglos florales y también para agasajar a todos los invitados en la festividad que se llevará a cabo inmediatamente despues de la Misa, en el Salón Grande, con Mariachis y mucho más, necesitamos unir esfuerzos para vender los tickets que ya están a la venta. Usted puede comprar un ticket por $5 o cinco tickets por $20. Desea vender tickets? No dude en solicitarlos (hay un hermoso premio reservado para aquellos que vendan 50 tickets). Los tickets están disponibles al finalizar la Misa (Viernes y Domingos) en las puertas de la iglesia y también en la oficina parroquial. Confiamos que con la ayuda de Dios y la colaboración de toda la comunidad la festividad en honor a nuestra Madre Celestial será un hermoso testimonio de fe, unidad y mucha alegría. Gracias!! “Permaneciendo en silencio ante el Santísimo Sacramento, es a Cristo, total y realmente presente, a quien descubrimos, a quien adoramos y con quien estamos en relación” (Carta al Obispo de LieTe invitamos cordialja, Bélgica, 1996). mente a la Hora Santa que nuestra parroquia comenzará el Miércoles 3 de diciembre a las 7:00PM y que llevará a cabo los primeros miércoles de cada mes. Juntos tendremos una hora de adoración ante Jesus en el Sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía, rezaremos el Santo Rosario, meditaremos en silencio y concluiremos con la bendición. Proclamemos juntos que Jesús está aquí, hoy, verdaderamente presente entre nosotros. Los esperamos! R ecuerden que como de costumbre, el Círculo de Oración NO se reunirá el martes 25 de noviembre debido a que esa semana se celebra el Día de Acción de Gracias. Próximo encuentro: martes 2 de diciembre a las 6:30PM en la iglesia. CURSILLO DE CRISTIANDAD Cursillistas, marquen sus calendarios!! Sábado 6 de Diciembre, 2014 6:00PM Santo Rosario Padre Armando R. Montoya celebrará la Santa Misa a las 7:00PM. 8-636 BIENVENIDOS Y GRACIAS POR ESTAR AQUI!! “¿Ni siquiera una hora pudieron ustedes mantenerse despiertos conmigo? nuestro Señor le preguntó a Pedro y a los que estaban con él en el huerto (Mt. 26:40). Es una pregunta que también nos hace a ti y a mí. Si los apostoles tuvieron dificultad de mantenerse despiertos en el huerto con nuestro Señor, ¿qué tan dificultoso es para nosotros hacerlo hoy? Todos estamos ocupados con muchas tareas y actividades: trabajo, familia, clubes, deportes de los niños y cosas similares, esto sin mencionar las demás tareas cotidianas. Nuestras obligaciones y trabajos hacen dificultoso que encontremos un tiempo libre para orar con nuestro Señor, conversar como lo hacen los amigos. Sin embargo, qué importante es liberarnos de nuestras obligaciones, ajetreos y bullicio, y sentarnos en silencio con nuestro Señor, especialmente en su presencia frente al Santísimo Sacramento. El filosofo Josef Pieper hizo un maravillosos trabajo titulado Leisure the Basis of Culture. Pieper enfatiza la importancia de tener tiempo libre, sin actividad laboral para emplearlo en pensar, contemplar las verdades, la bondad y la belleza. Qué mejor lugar para hacerlo que frente al Santísimo Sacramento, contemplando su divino amor y bondad, particularmente en la persona de Jesucristo. Un momento asi transformaria nuestras vidas, permitiendonos transformar nuestra cultura con el amor y la bondad de Dios. Con el proposito de asistir a nuestra parroquia para lograrlo, comenzaremos a tener los primeros miércoles de cada mes una Hora Santa de 7:00 a 8:00PM. Esto comenzara el miércoles 3 de diciembre (primera semana de Adviento, excelente manera de prepararnos para Navidad). Durante la Hora Santa tendremos la Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento, rezaremos el Rosario, tendremos un tiempo meditativo y concluiremos con la Bendici ón. Espero que muchos de ustedes puedan acompañarme durante toda o parte de esta hora dedicada exclusivamente a Cristo, nuestro Señor. Domingo 16 de Noviembre Celebración del día de la Virgen de la Providencia Patrona de Puerto Rico La imagen de Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia, inspira devoción a cualquiera que la mira. Representa a la Madre suavemente inclinada sobre el Niño dormido en la falda, una de cuyas manitas sostiene a la altura del corazón. El símbolo es doble. Por una parte recoge un cuadro familiar entre madre e hijito. Por otra el abandono de María en los brazos de Dios. El título "de la Divina Providencia" se ha atribuido a San Felipe Benicio, quinto superior de los Siervos de María pues un día, cuando sus frailes no tenían nada que comer, después de invocar la ayuda de la Virgen, encontró a la puerta del convento, dos cestos llenos de comida cuyo origen no pudo averiguarse. El Papa Paulo VI, en un decreto firmado el 19 de noviembre de 1969, declaró a Nuestra Señora Madre de la Divina Providencia, patrona principal de la isla de Puerto Rico. En este documento se decreta también que la solemnidad de la Virgen se transfiera del 2 de enero al 19 de noviembre, día en el que la isla fue descubierta. La intención es juntar los dos grandes amores de los puertorriqueños: el amor por su primorosa isla y el amor por la Madre de Dios. NOTICIAS DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA **Lunes 17 de Noviembre: Trabajos Sacramentales (Unidad 4) deben ser presentados en la oficina de Religion Educativa. **Martes 18 de Noviembre: 6:30PM en el Salón Grande habrá examen (Unidad 2) para los niños que estudian en la casa. 9-636 ARMANDO CON EL PADRE ARMANDO Las virgencitas de nuestros países. L os hispanos tenemos profundas manifestaciones religiosas, enraizadas en las enseñanzas que hemos recibido de nuestros padres. Hablar de la Guadalupana llena de orgullo a los mexicanos y la historia de sus apariciones nos llena de asombro y piedad. Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia se venera orgullosamente por los puertorriqueños, a quienes nos unimos contentos hoy para participar de su gozo. La Virgen de Chiquinquirá es venerada en la Catedral de un bello pueblo colombiano que lleva el mismo nombre. Por su parte, los dominicanos se muestran felices de participar culturalmente en la celebración de la Virgen de Altagracia, en el mes de enero. Los peruanos veneran a la Virgen de la Candelaria de Chapi, a cuyo santuario siguen acudiendo miles de devotos, en la ciudad de Arequipa. Nuestra Señora de Coromoto es una advocación mariana venerada en Venezuela, de hecho tengo entendido que es la patrona de dicho país, o al menos de Caracas. Nuestros hermanos hondureños celebran el 3 de febrero a Nuestra Señora de Suyapa, su patrona, con grande júbilo; hermosa es la gente hondureña, de gran corazón y una honda devoción a sus tradiciones. En Argentina la advocación de la Santísima Virgen, como Nuestra Señora de Luján, es considerada como protectora y patrona, al mismo tiempo que lo es en Paraguay y Uruguay. En el monte de Cojutepeque, en el Salvador, se muestra orgulloso el santuario consagrado a la Virgen de Fátima, donde las procesiones de devotos que rezan el santo rosario y cantan son frecuentes. Los cubanos veneran a Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre, quien es su patrona y protectora desde el año 1916. Sé que he dejado de mencionar otros países de nuestra América Latina, que se sienten identificados también con la devoción a alguna advocación mariana. Pero tenemos en común que nuestros pueblos latinos son devotos y cálidos en fervor, de gente buena y honesta, con muchos problemas económicos y sociales, que hacen derivar situaciones de inseguridad y pobreza más graves. Pero también sabemos que nuestros pueblos son ricos en calidad humana y cristiana; que las expresiones de fe, herencia de las tradiciones, nos han ayudado a mirar con esperanza hacia el futuro. Nuestras devociones marianas, sin embargo, no son garantía de la vivencia de una fe verdadera y desafortunadamente pueden llegar a convertirse en mero fanatismo o superstición, cuando les adjudicamos un lugar que corresponde solamente a Dios. Es revelador que, a diferencia de los demás días del año, el día de la solemnidad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe uno no puede encontrar una iglesia vacía o sin fiesta. En cambio, los domingos (y no digamos ya un día entre semana) la asistencia es "normal", por no decir que baja. Debemos revisar si estamos dando a nuestras devociones marianas el lugar justo que les corresponde. Si estas expresiones nos conducen hacia Jesús y el Evangelio, estamos en el lugar correcto. Pero si se quedan solamente en el júbilo de la virgen correspondiente, habrá que preguntarnos obligatoriamente si nuestra fe es verdadera. Atención Comunidad!! Todos están invitados a saborear comida étnica puertorriqueña (surullitos fritos, pasta de guayaba y queso blanco, galletas, pastelillos, bacalaitos, bizcochos, pudin de leche y pan, y mucho más) y a continuar agasajando a la Virgen de la Providencia con mucha alegría y entusiasmo. Los esperamos hoy, domingo, 16 de noviembre, inmediatamente al finalizar la Misa en el Salón Grande. Y o soy María Isabel Cerón y participo en nuestra parroquia ayudando a colectar, también como ministro de la Eucaristía y como proclamadora de la Palabra de Dios. Mi familia colabora también en la parroquia. Me gusta compartir con mi familia todos los aspectos de mi vida. Lo que más me gusta de mi iglesia es la unión de la comunidad, las homilías, y todo lo que tiene que ver con el servicio de Dios. Esto lo disfruto porque siento que experimento dentro de mí el amor de Dios. Me gustaría que nuestra parroquia impartiera clases de biblia a los jóvenes y de vida matrimonial a las parejas. MARQUEN SUS CALENDARIOS!! Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María Diciembre 8, 2014 Día de Precepto Obligatorio HORARIO DE MISAS: 8:30AM & 5:30 PM (Ingles), 7:00 PM (Español) Misa Especial Sábado 21 de Noviembre - 12:00PM Festividad de Santa Cecilia Patrona de los Músicos Toda la comunidad está invitada a participar en esta liturgia. 10-636 Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. Alicia C. Petrilli Alejandra L. Marenco 1650 NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 • 5 NORTH SECOND STREET, PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 BUENA VISTA SEGURO (609) 641-0065 “A Family Business That Cares” David G. UmphleĴ N.J. Lic. No. 4465 Serving All Of Atlantic County David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 3945 Seguro Personal • Comerical y de Médico • Seguro de Vida 332 Tilton Road 609-646-1000 Ste. 201 • P.O. Box 225 Ext. 803, 802 North¿eld, NJ 08225 Fax: 609-485-0999 GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 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