Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Corpus Christi Catholic

Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. (English)
7:00 p.m. (Español)
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. (vigil)
Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,
10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Español
2:30 p.m. Eritrean
12:00 noon & 4:15 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Church Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday & Saturday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
600 Mountain View Drive
Phone: (770) 469-0395
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Fax: (770) 469-0568
Check us out on Facebook!
[email protected]
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
This is my church.
Rev. John
Molyneux, C.M.F.
Rev. Gregory D.
Kenny, C.M.F.
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Richard
DeTore, C.M.F.
Rev. Alex Gaitan,
John McManus
Ken Melvin
Marlice S. Casnave
Business Manager
Samantha Smith
Parish Secretary
Allana-Ann Joseph
Gini Eagen
Pastoral Care
Milton Hawkins
Facilities Manager
William Tarver
Youth Sports
Steve Stone
Music Director
Rick Dick
Religious Education
Beedee Soskin
Little Ones Preschool
October 19, 2014
This is my house.
This is my family.
Sacramental Guidelines and Information
Baptisms Under 5 Years of Age: Parents are
required to attend one baptismal preparation class prior to
scheduling the baptism. This class is held on the last
Sunday of every month at 6:15 p.m. Registration is not
required. Contact the church office to schedule the
baptism. We do not have Baptisms on Sundays, although
exceptions can be made. Contact Rick Dick, Director of
Religious Education (770-469-0597) for baptisms in other
age groups.
Religious Education.
Rite of Confirmation: The Archdiocese requires three
successive years of religious education in a Parish School of
Religion or a Catholic School. In their third year of
preparation, candidates must attend six special retreat
sessions preparing them for this sacrament: a weekend, peer
retreat; and two half-day retreats with their sponsor. The Rite
of Confirmation normally takes place in this
Archdiocese during the candidate’s 10th grade year. For
Marriage in English or Spanish: This sacrament
further information, contact our Office of Religious
requires a marriage preparation program (generally five to Education.
six months in length), as well as other
Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners must notify the
Pastoral Care or Church Office to receive a communion visitFirst Reconciliation/Communion: The Archdiocese of
ation, anointing by a priest in the home or hospital, or to have
Atlanta requires two successive years of religious
a name placed on the prayers for the sick list in the bulletin
education in a Parish School of Religion or a Catholic
School. In their second year, children and their parent(s) Bulletin submission information: Bulletin content must be
submitted in writing to the Front Office or sent to
must attend special sessions to prepare them for these
[email protected] no later than Monday at
sacraments. A child normally receives his/her First
9:00 a.m. of the week prior to publication. Bulletin inserts
Reconciliation and First Communion in the second
and pulpit pitches must be scheduled in advance.
grade. For further information contact our Office of
Guía Para Los Sacramentos e Información
Bautizos en Español de niños menores de 5 años se
requiere que padres y padrinos atiendan a una clase de
preparación bautismal que se lleva a cabo el primer
sábado de cada mes a las 9:30 a.m. Deberán traer una
copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño/a. Los
padrinos deben ser católicos y estar casados (si es el caso)
dentro de la Iglesia Católica. Para la registración deberá
comunicarse con el Padre Alex. Los bautismos son
celebrados el segundo y último sábados de cada mes a las
10:00 a.m.
Las presentaciones de los niños de tres años se llevan a
cabo los domingos durante la misa de 1:00 p.m. Por favor
infórmenos con una semana de anticipación que desea
presentar a su hijo/a. Se puede comunicar a nuestra
oficina durante la semana o avisar hoy mismo a
cualquiera de los Ministros de Bienvenida.
Las Quinceñeras se llevan a cabo los sábados p.m. a las
2:00 p.m. y deben ser programadas por lo menos con tres
meses de anticipación. Al momento de la registración
deberá cancelar un costo de $300.00 llenar y entregar un
breve formulario de información. Le
recordamos que las quinceañeras deberán asistir a una
plática previa sin la cual la celebración no puede ser
realizada. Para acordar el día y la hora de la plática por
favor comunicarse con Claudia Lira al número 404-5475127.
Les informamos que cualquier anuncio que quiera dar al
final de la misa del Domingo deberá ser comunicado a
nuestra oficina por lo menos con tres días de anticipación.
De esta manera habrá más organización durante la misa y
menos confusiones.
Matrimonios en inglés o español: Este
sacramento requiere un programa de preparación
(generalmente de 5 a 6 meses de duración) así como otros
requerimientos. Por favor comunicarse con la
oficina de la iglesia o con un sacerdote.
Primera Reconciliación / Primera Comunión: La
Arquidiócesis de Atlanta requiere dos años de educación
religiosa y doctrina. En el segundo año, los niños y sus
padres tienes que atender sesiones especiales para la
preparación a los sacramentos. Un niño/niña normalmente
recibe su sacramento de Primera Reconciliación y Primera
Comunión cuando está en Segundo grado de Escuela
elemental. Para mayor información comuníquese con la
Oficina de Educación Religiosa.
Rito de Confirmación: Las Arquidiócesis de Atlanta
requiere 3 años consecutivos de Educación Religiosa en la
Doctrina en la Parroquia o en una Escuela Católica. En el
tercer año de la preparación, los candidatos deben atender 6
sesiones de retiros especiales para la preparación para la
Confirmación: un retiro de un fin de semana, retiro de
jóvenes, y 2 días y medio de retiro con su padrino /
madrina. El Rito de la Confirmación normalmente se
realiza en nuestra Arquidiócesis cuando el candidato está en
grado 10. Para mayor información comuníquese con la
Oficina de Educación Religiosa.
Unción de enfermos: Los parroquianos deberán notificar a
los ministros de Cuidado Pastoral o a la oficina de la iglesia
para: recibir visitas de comunión o unción de parte de un
sacerdote en su casa u hospital; Agregar un nombre a la lista
de oraciones para los enfermos del boletín.
Entrega de información para el boletín: El contenido del
boletín debe ser enviado a
[email protected]. La información deberá
ser entregada no mas tardar del lunes a las 9:00 a.m. de la
semana anterior de la anexos o anuncios desde el pulpito
deberán ser programados con anticipación.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
From the Front Office & Ministry News
Sunday/Domingo 10/19
7:00 a.m.
Claretian Intention
8:30 a.m.
Anthony Anso
10:00 a.m. Rachel Egbe
11:30 a.m. Jean Savoy
1:00 p.m.
Claretian Intention
5:30 p.m.
Claretian Intention
Monday/Lunes 10/20
8:30 a.m.
Jerry Christenson
7:00 p.m.
Lolita Remollo
October 12th
Offertory: $18,361.71
Children’s Offertory: $138.47
Thank you for your generosity!
Tuesday/Martes 10/21
8:30 a.m.
Barbara Roney
7:00 p.m.
Claretian Intention
Wednesday/Miércoles 10/22
8:30 a.m.
Rena Celani
7:00 p.m.
Claretian Intention
Thursday/ Jueves 10/23
8:30 a.m.
Bud Webster
7:00 p.m.
Ron Venet
Weekly Goal: $19,135.00
Corpus Christi’s
online giving is here!
Donations are accepted
for regular offertory,
second collections, and
the capital campaign. All major credit cards
are accepted. For more information, please
Corpus Christi’s website has a
new look! Check out our new
features and online giving at
Please keep in mind the Mass time changes beginning the
weekend of November 8th/9th:
Saturdays: 4:00 p.m. Vigil
Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (Español)
2:30 p.m. (Eritrean)
Confessions will be Saturdays in English & Spanish at 12:00 noon
Friday/Viernes 10/24
8:30 a.m.
Donn Keefe
7:00 p.m.
Ron Venet
Saturday/Sábado 10/25
8:30 a.m.
Claretian Intention
5:30 p.m.
Joanne Polentz
Sunday/Domingo 10/26
7:00 a.m.
Ricardo Leon Sr. & Family
8:30 a.m.
Mary & Henry Wilson
10:00 a.m. Judith Brown
11:30 a.m. Claretian Intention
1:00 p.m.
Claretian Intention
5:30 p.m.
Claretian Intention
Are you interested in setting up for Mass during the weekends? If
so, please consider becoming a “Mass Captain” for Corpus Christi!
Mass Captains arrive 20 minutes before Mass and help with preparing
the credence table, offertory gifts, liturgical books, candles and much
more! Training will be offered. For more information, please contact
Allana Joseph, our Administrative Assistant, at the church office: 770469-0395 EXT. #111.
Corpus Christi Women’s Lectionary-Based Bible Study invites you to
join us Wednesday mornings from 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. in the Beltran
Annex. We study Sunday’s readings and enjoy lively conversations!
Join us for an opportunity to grow in knowledge of the scriptures. For
more information, contact Beedee Soskin at 770-469-0625.
Our RCIA Ministry is in need of more sponsors! We have a
few more candidates and are in need of more sponsors to help our
brothers and sisters through their journey of faith. If you would
like to serve as a sponsor for one of our candidates for the
sacraments of initiation, please contact Mr. Rick, our Director of
Religious Education, via phone (770-469-0597) or email
([email protected]). RCIA sessions are held on
Sunday mornings from 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Please pray for the sick in our parish and for those who provide them care: Florine Abrams, Billie Ballard, Linda
Baron, Phil Brierre, Mickey Butcher, Jim Cangelose, Maria Cardenas, Donna Cella, Dorothy Collman, Isaiah
Covington, Wesley Cox, Jolene Davis, Donna Ferrara, Veronica Garner, Beth Goodrich, Jim Greth, Dick Hawkins,
Javier Ibarra, Brian Jamison, Starr Lauer, Larry Mehok, Martha Mihalek, Carmen Monfries, Brian Mortenson,
Alfred Nukuna, Beatrice Nukuna, Jen Occhicone, Dolores Paz, Bernado Rumbaoa & John Raulerson
Please pray for our deceased: Bernado Rumbaoa
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
Ministry News & Local Information
Are you looking to spend more time with Jesus? If
so, you’re invited to commit an hour in Adoration with
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The pay is great and
the rewards are endless! Listed below are the available
Monday: 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 a.m.
Friday: 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m.
If interested, please contact Judy Layne via phone (404-2995709) or email: [email protected]
It’s almost time for the Corpus Christi
Annual Trunk or Treat! Please sign up
outside after all the Sunday Masses in
October and join us on Friday, October
31st from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. for a safe
alternative to Halloween trick or treating.
Adults are invited to bring your cars to the
gym parking lot and decorate your open trunk (dressing up
yourselves adds to the fun!) and children are invited to dress in
their favorite Halloween costume! We hope to see you there!
Do you love to praise the Lord through dance?
If so, please consider joining the Corpus Christi
Hallelujah Dancers! We meet every Saturday at
11:30 a.m. in Rooms 6 & 9 (off of the Stone
Mountain Room). We are looking for new dancers
of any age and all skill levels are welcome! For more
information, please contact Allana ([email protected]).
Atlanta’s Catholic Charismatic Conference will
begin Friday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m. and
will end on Saturday, October 25th at 4:30
p.m. It will be at St. Pius X Catholic High
School, 2674 Johnson Road, Atlanta, GA
30305. This year’s theme is “Awaken God’s
Gifts Within: Be Fruitful, Be Bold, Be
Victorious.” Tickets are $30 which include lunch on Saturday.
To register for this event, please visit or mail to
ACCR P.O. Box 870556, Stone Mountain, GA 30087. Checks
can be made payable to ACCR. For more information, please
email [email protected] or call 678-464-9008/770-931-2533.
Just Faith will present a free movie afternoon,
showing “Romero” on Saturday, October 26th
at 3:00 p.m. in the Beltran Room. Romero is a
1989 American biopic depicting the life of
Salvadoran Archbishop Óscar Romero, who
Vitality Yoga is here at Corpus Christi! Join
protests against the violent military regime,
us every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Gym.
of his own life. We welcome anyone in the
Vitality Yoga is a special rejuvenating class
story of this remarkable life. The movie is
designed to gently strengthen and open the body
We look forward to seeing you!
by use of a chair and wall support and is for
those who feel limited or restricted physically.
Please save the date for Breakfast with Santa on
Classes are $10. Please bring your yoga mat and
Saturday, December 13th!
wear non-restrictive clothing. We hope to see you there!
Fr. Richard Ho Lung and Friends present The Messiah, a spectacular musical of the greatest truth ever told,
at the Gwinnett Performing Arts Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA 30097. Show times are
Friday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, November 8th at 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday,
November 9th at 1:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Adults are $35, Seniors are $25, and 18 & Under are $20. Tickets
will be on sale at Corpus Christi the weekend of October 25th/26th. For more information, please visit All proceeds are for the homeless and abandoned children served by the
Missionaries of the Poor.
Events For The Week
Sunday, October 19
Monday, October 20
Beltran Room: BR
Choir Room: CHR
Church: CHU
Cry Room: CR
Gym: Gym
Rooms 6&9: 6 &9
Rooms 7 & 8: 7 &8
Rooms D1 & D2: DD
Stone Mountain Room: STM
9:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Religious
Education Classes
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study BR
10:30 a.m. Spanish RCIA 6&9
11:00 a.m. African Families BR
11:30 a.m. Refugee English Class
Beltran Annex
English RCIA 7&8
3:00 p.m. Columbian Squires BR
6:30 p.m. EDGE BR
7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Little Ones
6:00 p.m. CCYBL Gym
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Prayer Group
Just Faith BR
7:30 p.m. Servants of the Lord CR
Health Ministry 6&9
Tuesday, October 21
7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Little Ones
5:30 p.m. Children’s Choir CHR
6:00 p.m. CCYBL Gym
7:30 p.m. Gospel Choir CHU
Ultreya Parroquial BR
Finance Council 6&9
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
Local Information
GRACE Scholars’ Early Bird prePlease join the Archdiocese of Atlanta for their
registration for 2015 for education tax
Archdiocesan Mass for Domestic Violence
credits is in full swing! The form is now
Awareness Month on Saturday, October 25th at
available online on the GRACE home page,
5:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 3175
with a paper form available as well. For more
Hathaway Court, NE, Atlanta, GA 30341. Bishop
information, please call 404-920-7900, email
Luis R. Zarama will be presiding. For more
[email protected] or visit
information, please contact the Archdiocese’s Justice & Peace
Ministries at 404-920-7895 or via email: [email protected].
Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat in Ft. Mitchell,
AL is offering a weekend retreat entitled
Please save the date for Immaculate Heart of
“Traveling Tips for the Spiritual Journey on
Mary Catholic School’s Open House on
Friday, October 31st-Sunday, November
Sunday, November 16th from 3:00 p.m.-5:00
2nd. We will examine our own journeys and
p.m. All prospective K-8 students and their
find ways to make our spiritual journey easier
parents are invited to attend to meet teachers,
and more meaningful. Registration begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday
tour the campus, and more! For more
and concludes with dinner at noon on Sunday. For registration
information, please contact Melinda Martin at
information, please call 334-855-4474 or write Blessed Trinity
404-636-4488 EXT. #238 or visit
Shrine Retreat, 107 Holy Trinity Road, Ft. Mitchell, AL 36856.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta invites you to a
The Archdiocese of Atlanta will host its
Eucharistic Miracle Pilgrimage to Italy on
Annual Archdiocesan Fair Trade Sale on
October 28th-November 6th, 2015. Join us as
Thursday, November 13th from 9:00
we visit Assisi, Rome, Florence, San Gimignano,
a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Chancery, 2401
Cascia and Orvieto! The price of $3,029 includes
Lake Park Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080.
8 nights of accommodations in 4 star hotels, daily continental
Featured items will be from all over the
breakfast, four dinners, luxury motor coach for sightseeing, tour
world and available at fair prices. Please
escort, daily Mass and more! For more information, please call
come, and support crafters and farmers!
Pilgrimages by Corporate Travel (800-272-1999 EXT. #121) or
the Archdiocese of Atlanta (404-920-7800).
St. John Neumann Regional Catholic
School, located in Lilburn, serves
Join an unforgettable faith journey during a January
students from 20 Catholic parishes in the
17th-27th, 2015 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
northeast Atlanta region, including
cosponsored by the U.S. Catholic Magazine (of
students from Corpus Christi. As an
which Fr. John is the editor) and Catholic
Archdiocesan regional school, we are
Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago. During this 11
structured to provide a Catholic education
-day trip, we will pray in Nazareth, visit the sites in
to students in a specific region, serving
Bethlehem, see the Mount of Beatitudes, take a boat tour on the
the educational needs of multiple parishes. Our Catholic faith
Sea of Galilee, and retrace the steps of Jesus in Jerusalem. Tour
stresses community and we consider you to be an integral part of
packages (including airfare, accommodations, meals, and
ours. If you would like more information, please contact us at
transportation) start at $3,190 (departing from New York) or
770-381-0557 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for
$3,290 (from Chicago). For more information, please visit
your support!
Wednesday, October 22
Thursday, October 23
7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Little Ones
9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study
2:30 p.m. Vitality Yoga Gym
6:00 p.m. CCYBL Gym
7:00 p.m. Little Rock 7&8
Life Teen BR
7:30 p.m. Altar Server’s CHU
Spanish Bible Study CR
St. Vincent de Paul 6&9
7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Little Ones
3:00 p.m. Centering Prayer CR
6:00 p.m. CCYBL Gym
7:00 p.m. First Reconciliation
7:30 p.m. Chorale Choir CHR
Friday, October 24
7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Little Ones
6:00 p.m. Spanish Children’s
Choir CHR
7:00 p.m. Jovenes en Cristo BR
7:30 p.m. Hispanic Prayer Group
8:00 p.m. Spanish Choir CHR
Saturday, October 25
7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 7&8
9:00 a.m. Opus Dei 6&9
11:30 a.m. CCH Dancers 6&9
5:00 p.m. Cristo Renueva Su
Parroquia BR & DD
Eritrean Religious
Education Room B/H,