Church of the Holy Child Jesus Twenty-Eight Sunday In Ordinary Time October 12th, 2014 111-11 86th Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Schedule of Masses: Weekdays in the Leonard Center Chapel: Monday-Friday - 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Sundays: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday) 7:30 a.m.; 9:00 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. (Spanish) 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Welcome new parishioners! We’re glad you’re here and we encourage you to stop by the parish office to register into our parish family. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are celebrated on Saturdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. At any other time ask one of the priests. Sacrament of Baptism: Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to call the Parish Office to find out the dates of the Registration (birth certificates required), Instruction Class, Anointing & Baptism. Generally, each step is done on a Sunday every month with exception to when there is a holiday so it is important to call for that months schedule. Sacrament of Marriage: Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage should make arrangements at least six months prior to their wedding date to allow sufficient time to complete our Marriage Preparation Program. Ministry to the Sick: We will respond to emergency calls at any time. Any parishioner unable to attend Mass due to illness or old age should contact the parish office to have a priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion bring them Holy Communion. Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. concluding with Benediction. Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays after the 9 a.m. Mass. The Pastoral Staff: Most Rev. Octavio Cisneros, Pastor Rev. Fr. Francis Colamaria, Administrator Rev. Fr. Daniel Ayala, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Francisco J. Ares, In Residence Mr. Dean Tully, Deacon Mr. Raul S. Elias, Deacon Mr. Jeremiah W. Schwarz, Deacon Dr. Victor Lana, School Principal Parish Office/Leonard Center: 86-13 112th Street…………….718-847-1860 Fax: 718-849-7030 Holy Child Jesus Catholic Academy: 111-02 86th Avenue…………………718-849-3988 Religious Education: 111-02 86th Avenue Rm. 6………….718-805-5771 Social Outreach/Food Pantry: 112-06 86th Avenue……………...718-847-1860 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Emergency Priest Contact: 718-570-7555 Please use only in an emergency. Living Our Faith, Loving Our Neighbor, Doing the Work of Our Father HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL Frances Cooper Please pray for all recently deceased members of the parish family. MEMORIALIZING HYMNALS The new Hymnals are available for memorializing. Each Hymnal to be memorialized will cost $20. Each memorialized Hymnal will read " In Loving Memory of____________." The name of the individual will be hand written in Calligraphy. Please contact the parish office for details. Sanctuary Lamp In Loving Memory of John Genco From: Wife Rose Altar Bread & Wine In Loving Memory of Zoila Velazco & Pilar Cabrera From: Zoila & Carlos Baigorria & Family Purgatorial Society Steve Filomena Marge Duffy Frank Mauro Paulina Cleovan Catarina Cleovan Patricia Whalen Joao Cleovan Saturday October 11th 5:00pm Dominick, Nicholas & Louis Bello and Family and Luongo Family Sunday October 12th Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am People of the Parish 9:00am Annie Petrassi 10:30am Santos Yajahuanca De Herrera 12:00pm Living & Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus Secular Franciscans 5:00pm Richard Reynolds Monday October 13th 9:00am The Santoro Family Tuesday October 14th St. Callistus 7:30am Rafael Damaso Ruiz 9:00am James Haggerty Wednesday October 15th St. Teresa of Jesus 7:30am James Laveglia 9:00am Josephine Santoro 7:30pm Agradecimiento a San Antonio de Padua Thursday October 16th Sts. Hedwig & Margaret Mary 7:30am Walter Grzelaczyk 9:00am Juliet Paollo (1st Anniversary) Friday October 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:30am Walter Grzelaczyk 9:00am Lothar Krings Saturday October 18th St. Luke 9:00am Juan Fernando Guzman 5:00pm Robert Keogh Sunday October 19th Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am People of the Parish 9:00am John & Jackie DiBono (20th Anniversary) 10:30am Jose & Laura Mendoza ( Aniversario de Boda - 66 años) 12:00pm Mark Joseph Funke 5:00pm Charito Aquino Santos Columbus Day Schedule Monday, October 13, 2014 There will be one Mass at 9:00am The Parish Office will be closed 2014 MASS BOOK OPEN As of Wednesday, October 15th the Mass book for 2014 will be open for intentions for the second half of the year. The stipend per Mass is $15. Please stop by the Parish Office if you wish to have a Mass offered. TWENTY-EIGHT SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Rosary-Altar Society All HCJ parishioners are asked to pray the Rosary each day during Sunday October 12 9-11:00am Health Ministry Cafeteria 9:00am Pastoral Infantil Cafeteria 11:30am Baptism Registrations (Spanish) LC DR 12:00pm Jornada LC Bsmt 1:00pm Baptism Preparation (English) LC DR 1:00pm Secular Franciscans LC Bsmt 2:00pm Filipino Apostolate Cafeteria 4:30pm Men’s Basketball Gym Monday October 13 2:30pm After School Cafeteria/Gym 3:30pm Quisqueya Aprende LC Rm A 6:00pm Sports Gym Tuesday October 14 10:00am Canta Español LC Bsmt 2:30pm After School Cafeteria/Gym 6:00pm Sports Gym 6:00pm Rosary & Altar Society Cafeteria 7:00pm OA Meeting LC Bsmt Wednesday October 15 11:30am Bereavement Group LC DR 2:30pm After School Cafeteria/Gym 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:30pm Cub Scouts Cafeteria 7:30pm Men’s Prayer Group LC Rm A 8:00pm Divino Niño LC DR Thursday October 16 2:30pm After School Cafeteria/Gym 2:30pm School Band Gym 3:30pm Quisqueya Aprende LC Rm A 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:00pm Boy Scouts Cafeteria 7:00pm International Dance Committee LC Rm A Friday October 17 2:30pm After School Cafeteria/Gym 7:30pm Girl Scouts Cafeteria 8:00pm Filipino Choir LC Rm A 8:00pm Knights of Columbus LC DR Saturday October 18 8:30am Sports Gym 9:30am Religious Education Gym/Auditorium 9:00am Exceptional Children LC DR 12:00pm Fiesta de la Hispanidad Gym Sunday October 19 9:00am Pastoral Infantil Cafeteria 11:30am Cofradia del Sagrado Corazon LC DR 12:00pm Jornada LC Bsmt 2:00pm Line Dancing Cafeteria 4:30pm Men’s Basketball Gym October and to include World Peace in their intentions. ------------------Thanks to all who supported the R-A Snack Shack at the Trash ‘n Treasures Weekend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Open-House Meeting TUES. OCT. 14 7pm CAFETERIA ADVENT… A NEW SEASON… A NEW SONG! Every Advent the parish engages in the perennial activity of the “changing of the misallettes”. The misallettes contain all the readings for Sunday and the hymns for liturgy. This “changing of the misallettes” occurs usually during Thanksgiving weekend and is quite time consuming... yes, while we are enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers… numerous volunteers return to the Church and replace the old misallettes! Disposable misallettes are a very common sight in Catholic parishes, because upfront they are “cheaper” than hymnals. But things are going to change at Holy Child! Beginning this Advent HCJ will introduce new hymnals. The purchase of new hymnals will be first and foremost a cost effective endeavor. After five years they will have paid for themselves and subsequently throughout the years will save the parish tens of thousands of dollars in bills and man power. Both Mr. Steve (guitarist) and Adam Singleton (organist) are very pleased that the new hymnals will increase our current repertoire of music! Some of the traditional hymns of Catholic Worship as well as some of the contemporary hymns are currently not found in the misallette! The new hymnals will be more aesthetically pleasing and of course be more “green”… no more delivering and throwing out 600 books year after year! The new hymnals will contain all the readings for Mass! As with the current misallettes I request you not take the hymnals home… actually that would be stealing! The new hymnals are a donation for use at Church… if anyone is interested in obtaining a hymnal for home use I have purchased extras and you may purchase them, at cost, in the parish office. Again, this investment for the parish is a long term investment and I am proud that Holy Child Jesus Parish is in the position to make this investment for the present and future individuals who will Gather and Worship at HCJ! 12 DE OCTUBRE 2014 VIGESIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Antífona: Si llevas cuenta de los delitos, Señor, Quien podrá resistir…? Pero de ti procede el perdón , Dios de Israel. MISA POR LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS No olvide querida Comunidad de Holy Child Jesús, venir por las oficinas de nuestra parroquia a reservar las misas por sus seres queridos fallecidos, en el Leonard Center 86-13 112th Street. Como solo tenemos dos misas a la semana en Español, queremos entonces dedicar siempre para el buen servicio de nuestra Comunidad, el Segundo y cuarto miércoles del mes, a la Oración por nuestros familiares o amigos fallecidos, en el horario de las 7:30 de la noche comenzando con el rezo del Santo Rosario por las almas del Purgatorio a las 6:45 de la tarde. El donativo es de $15 dólares. Los esperamos. El 500 aniversario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa de Ávila! Cuantas veces crees que vas a tener la oportunidad de ser parte de un peregrinaje en el que conoces personalmente al guía espiritual? Ciertamente eso no sucede muy a menudo, aunque pensándolo bien acaba de suceder este mayo pasado cuando fuimos juntos a Brooklyn a la inauguración de la Co-Catedral de San José. Este viaje es un poco más exótico y requiere del uso de un pasaporte y una visa porque nos estaremos transportando a España y Portugal. Estaremos visitando extraordinarios, milagrosos y antiguos lugares, reliquias y santos. Es una oportunidad para vivir la historia en carne propia y hacer nuevos amigos. El costo es $3,499.00 por persona en una habitación para dos. Es importante notar que en este precio están incluido la mayoría de los gastos del viaje y sobretodo está incluida la inolvidable experiencia de poder celebrar tan importante acontecimiento; el aniversario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa de Ávila. Si está interesado venga conmigo. Partiremos el 12 de Marzo y estaremos de regreso el 20 del mismo mes. Para más información llamar a Regina Tours al 1.800.CATHOLIC extensión: 208 o 1.800.228.4654 Te invita el Obispo Octavio Cisneros JOVENES JORNADISTAS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Recordando querida Familia Parroquial de Holy Child Jesus que los niños y los jóvenes son el futuro del mundo, de nuestra familia y de la Iglesia. Es por este motivo que siempre debemos apoyar a los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad que se reunen cada Domingo despues de la misa, a compartir en unidad, fe y alegria, las enseñanzas de Jesus, para poder ser mejores personas y buenos cristianos. Por este motivo, los jóvenes en mencion, estan invitando cada domingo para que los visiten en el Leonard Center (86-13 112th Street) en donde son muy bienvenidos con la certeza que podran tener buenas experiencias de convivencia, fundamentados en el lema: Jóven, evangeliza, jóven La parroquia les invita y el grupo de jóvenes los recibe con amor, en nombre de Jesus y de Maria, madre de la Iglesia. OCTOBER 12TH, 2014 THOMAS J. ADAMS DAY TRIP TO BEAR MOUNTAIN Wills • Estates • Real Estate Home Consultations Available Sunday, October 19th Enjoy the fall foliage with a day trip to Bear Mountain! Bus departs Holy Child Jesus after the 7:30am Mass (8:45am). Arrive in Bear Mountain at 11am for hiking, other outdoor activities, and Oktoberfest! Bus returns to Holy Child Jesus at 8pm. Bus fee is $30 for adults & $15 for children under 13 years old. (Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult ) Payment required by October 14th to guarantee a seat. Please call or stop by the Parish Office to sign-up. VIAJE A LA MONTAÑA DEL OSO Domingo 19 de Octubre ¡Disfruta la hermosura de la Montaña del Oso! Un viaje de un día en un cómodo autobús que sale de Holy Child Jesús a 8:45am (despues de la misa de 7:30am). Llegaremos a la Montaña del Oso para una caminata., actividades del aire libre y participar en Oktoberfest-Festival del Otoño Aleman. Regresando a Holy Child Jesus a las 8pm. $30 por adulto y $15 por niño o niña menos de 13 años de edad. (Niños menos de 18 años de edad deben ser acompanados por un adulto). Se require el pago total antes del 14 de octubre. Llame o visite a la Oficina Parroquial para reservar. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL (718) 441-0909 ATTORNEY AT LAW Family and Cosmetic Dentistry METRO DENTAL SERVICE P.C. 109-22 Myrtle Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 114-06 Jamaica Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 718-847-4572 GLEN J. GRAFFEO, DDS A Neighborhood Dental Practice Creating Beautiful Healthy Smiles For Two Generations This Space Available 104-16 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative 718-849-6143 Paul Kerwick 1-800-888-4574 x 3427 or email: [email protected] DACA ¿Desea usted tener un Permiso de Trabajo? ¿Ingreso a los Estados Unidos en el 2007 o antes? PARKSIDE REALTY ¿Tiene menos de 31 años de edad? OF QUEENS, INC. 116-28 Myrtle Ave., N. Richmond Hill REGINA SANTORO - Associate Broker RON LAYER • LAURA MRAKOVCIC - NYS LICENSED SALESPERSONS FREE MARKET ANALYSIS DACA le puede ayudar Para más información llame al (718) 651-8630 37-47 76th Street Jackson Heights NY 11372 (718) 8 4 6 - 3 0 0 8 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO International Dance A night of music, dance, raffles and fun. October 18, 2014 from 8pm-Midnight Tickets $15 $10 for Seniors 60 years and over. Adults Only. Sponsor by Events Committee – Spanish Mass. Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage 500th Anniversary St. Teresa of Avila Visiting , Fatima, Lisbon, Avila, Madrid, Segovia Toledo. March 12-20, 2015 Bishop Cisneros Spiritual Director For a Brochure call: Lucielle, Regina Tours 1-800-Catholic x208. Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing S&F OCTOBER 1, 2014 1:39 PM HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL, NY 04-0244 Myrtle Ave. at 115th St. Richmond Hill 61-40 Woodhaven Blvd. Rego Park 103-33 Lefferts Blvd. So. Richmond Hill 718-441-3300 or 1-800-640-9500 Leo F. Kearns Funeral Directors, Inc. Patrick J. Kearns Paul C. Kearns-Stanley Thomas L. Kearns FDIC Insured Pre-Arrangement Accounts – Burial and Cremation Services Tenemos Directores de Funerales que hablan en Español Mitra Hakimi Realty, Group LLC. 106-05 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375 718-268-5588 WWW.MITRAHAKIMI.COM Please call us for a free appraisal of your home Born-2-Win Martial Arts Marlowe Jewelers Specializing In Remounting Diamonds & Remodeling Jewelry 116-08 Liberty Ave. 160-55 Crossbay Blvd. Richmond Hill Howard Beach 718-843-1987 718-323-8730 6RQQ\·V &ROOLVLRQ 6SHFLDOLVWV Where Perfection is not an Accident... 106-12 Atlantic Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 6RQQ\V 718-724-4116 • 108-15 Jamaica Avenue Victor Rodriguez NYC Master Plumber License #1743 Victory Plumbing & Heating, Inc. OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE IS UNLIMITED • Free computerized estimates • Computerized color matching • Laser measured unibody straightening • Full down draft European heated spray booth • Free 24 hour towing with any collision repair • Your vehicle will be delivered to your door when the job is completed Kids/teen Karate • Womens Fitness/Self-Defense Free Trial Class • Free Uniform • Free Registration • Family Discounts For All Your Plumbing Needs Tel: (718) 850-7066 718-846-4065 CHOICE? 718-846-6671 WE DELIVER 85-19 126th Street • Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Dream Street JOSEPH MONTELONE • DANIELLE MONTELONE Caterers “Let Us Turn Your Dreams Into Realities” (516) 520-9684 • Fax (516) 520-9685 2558 Hamstead Tpke., E. Meadow, NY 11554 Where do I go now, when I want to stay near Holy Child Jesus? You and Your family deserve the best. That is why we invite you to compare our funeral home. We are confident we can provide your family with the highest quality service for the best value possible. 3 Blocks from Holy Child Jesus RC Church Leahy McDonald Funeral Home 111-02 Atlantic Avenue Richmond Hill, NY (718) 849-0785 BRITE HARDWARE James F. McDonald - Director Serving Holy Child since 1939 Large Private Parking YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE, CALL US. LOCKSMITH • INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY TOOL RENTAL • FREE DELIVERY 112-15 Jamaica Ave., R.H. Queens WALSH & CASSESE FUNERAL HOME, INC 849-2775 214-43 39th Avenue, Bayside, New York 843-4620 Nicholas A. Cassese & Anthony F. Cassese 1930-2005 (718) 847-9154 We Deliver This Space Available DEEGAN’S Wines & Liquors, Inc. Bob & Betty Ann 95-19 Jamaica Ave.• Woodhaven For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Paul Kerwick 1-800-888-4574 x 3427 or email: [email protected] ICB2012 THIS SPACE IS Dr. Vincent Evangelista Podiatrist - Foot Specialist Board Certified 97-15 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 718-848-5700 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SIMONSON FUNERAL HOME John C. Sommese • 718-847-0300 Serving Parish Since Inception 98-07 Ascan Avenue • Forest Hills • OCTOBER 1, 2014 1:39 PM HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL, NY 04-0244
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