Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS INDEX FICTION - JAVIER HERNÁNDEZ - CRIME NOVEL - PG. 2 - YANET ACOSTA - CRIME NOVEL - PG. 3 - SERGIO MIRA - CRIME NOVEL - PG. 4 - EZEQUIEL TEODORO - THRILLER - PG 5-6 - JUAN TALLÓN - LITERARY FICTION - PG 7-10 - MATÍAS CROWDER - LITERARY FICTION - PG 11 - RAFAEL HERRERO - LITERARY FICTION - PG 12 - DANIEL P. ESPINOSA - FANTASY - PG 13 - DIEGO PÉREZ - HUMOUR - PG 14 - JAVIER ABASOLO - HISTORICAL NOVEL - PG 15 - ROSER PROS-ROCA - NON FICTION - PG 16 - DANIEL GÓMEZ VISADO - NON FICTION - PG 17 - MATÍAS CROWDER - NON FICTION - PG 18 - NAIARA DOMÍNGUEZ - FAN FICTION - CHICK LIT - PG 19 - AINHOA REBOLLEDO - LITERARY FICTION - PG 20 - CARLOS LÚRIA - HISTORICAL NOVEL - PG 21 - FERNANDO TRAVESÍ - LITERARY FICTION - PG 22 [email protected] 1 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: EL CHEF HA MUERTO Synopsis: The most famous chef in the world has died under strange circumstances and Ven Cabreira has to investigate it. The chef was an i n t e r e s t i n g ch a ra c t e r : h e doesn’t worry about fashion, he is a widower, he loves stew and he uses to collect Barbies. As well as the chef, many o t h e r c u r i o u s ch a ra c t e r s appear in this book: ambitious chefs who arrange murders in order to get a Michelin star, restaurant owners with financial problems, a vengeful gastronomic critic, journalists addicted to social networks and even sham Michelin Guide inspectors. All of them create a perfect and humorous plot in which the reader discovers the different characters’ interests. The novel also has a delicious series of comments about fashion, taste and s n o b b e r y, t h r e e b a s i c ingredients in actual select restaurants. Furthermore, the detective Ven Cabreira is a great character who will allow the author to solve new plots in future novels. This novel is perfect for crime novel lovers interested in the gourmet and chef’s world. YANET ACOSTA Writer and journalist, author of ‘El chef ha muerto’ and coordinator and founder of the gastronomy fanzine ‘enCrudo’. Yanet is a columnist at the Cadena Ser, in the section Tinta de Calamar, and has worked for the newspapers ‘El Mundo’, ‘El País’ y ‘Público’. She also has collaborated with the national magazines ‘Sobremesa’, ‘Spain Gourmetour’, ‘Distribución and Consumo’, and ‘El Gastronómico’, and the international magazines ‘Status’ (Brasil) and ‘Mundo Gastronómico’ (México). She has a degree in Journalism and a Ph.D. in History of the Press from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She specialized in Social Media from at the Columbia University in New York. Yanet Acosta Noches sin sexo Ilustrado por Ariadna Acosta [email protected] © Jorge Gutiérrez Narro Noches sin sexo Ariadna Acosta nació en Tenerife en 1992. Actualmente cursa cuarto curso en el grado de Bellas Artes por la Universidad de La Laguna. Ha participado en varias exposiciones colectivas: “Marcados” El Epóca, La Laguna (2012); “El sujeto fragmentado” La Fonda Medina, Güimar (2012); “El Proceso Creativo”, Fundación Maphre Guanarteme, La Laguna (2013); “Ater” Dos y Una, La Laguna (2013); y “El frágil equilibrio” Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2014). Las ilustraciones de este libro están hechas con técnicas mixtas, y se han usado tanto acuarelas como acrílicos. En las cuarenta y tres piezas que compone Noches sin sexo, la escritora Yanet Acosta combina relatos breves con microrrelatos, muchos de ellos brevísimos, para describir de forma directa e intensa las reacciones irracionales, anómalas e incluso violentas de unos personajes condenados a sus propias pesadillas. Mujeres, hombres y niños recurren a la destrucción, la propia y la ajena, como única forma de canalizar su soledad, frustraciones, miedos o deseos no consumados. Los cuentos de Noches sin sexo apelan a los sentimientos y a los sentidos, estableciéndose entre éstos un límite sutil y prácticamente inapreciable. Así, el amor, el desamor, el miedo, la frustración o el deseo se mezcla con los olores, sabores, texturas y sonidos para conformar un universo cercano a lo onírico, en el que también tiene cabida el sentido del humor y la ironía. Complementan los cuentos las bellas ilustraciones a dos colores de Ariadna Acosta, ofreciendo a los lectores su sugerente punto de vista o contrapunto a este universo trágico y visceral. Yanet Acosta In 2014 Adeshoras Editorial published her tales c a l l e d “Noches sin sexo”. Yanet Acosta nació en Garachico (Tenerife) en 1975 y es periodista y docente. Es autora de numerosas publicaciones académicas, ha trabajado como redactora en la Agencia EFE y ha colaborado con diversos medios de comunicación, entre ellos El Mundo, Público y Cadena Ser. Se ha especializado en periodismo gastronómico y nutricional e imparte clases en esta disciplina. Es autora de las novelas El Chef ha Muerto (2011) y No hay trabajo bueno (2013), así como de un capítulo de la obra colectiva La Vida es un Bar. Cuentos de Noche. Malasaña (2011). También ha participado con el relato Furtiva en la antología 44 mundos a deshoras publicada por esta editorial en diciembre de 2013. 201 pags. Publisher: AMARGORD SPANISH ISBN: 9788492560899 Translation rights available 2 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: EL ASESINO DEL PENTAGRAMA SERGIO MIRA Sergio Mira Jordán (Novelda, 1 9 8 3 ) i s a g ra d u a t e o f Hispanic Studies from the University of Alicante and Grado Medio Trumpet at the Conservatory ‘Mestre Gomis' of his hometown, where he p r e m i e r e d h i s fi r s t compositions. Since 1998 he has published poems, articles and stories in various media, local and provincial. His poems h ave b e e n c o l l e c t e d i n anthologies such as ‘Hablan los poetas’ (2004), 'Con plumas y pinceles' (2007) and 'Coloquio de las artes' (2009), all published by the Editorial ECU. In 2007, the journalist and writer Mariano Sánchez Soler included his story 'Un trabajo bien hecho' in a selection of detective stories: 'El taller de los cuentos oscuros', editorial ECU. In 2011 Sergio p a r t i c i p a t e d i n Po e t r y Collection in the Distance, published by South Corona, within the volume ‘Silencios encontrados’. In 2012, the editorial Cuaderno del Laberinto published his thriller ‘El asesino del pentagrama’. [email protected] Synopsis: A series of brutal crimes disturb the calm of a provincial music academy. The crimes are connected by The Goldberg Variations. The murderer places clues that rebuild Bach’s work in each crime scene. David, a History of Music professor, has to solve the mystery. Time is running out. Fortunately, David has the help of Laura, an incredible flute professor. David comes into a manic investigation and he carries the readers with him. Meanwhile, the police seems to be completely lost. This story is a great combination between music and thriller and captivates the readers until the end. It is a thriller that introduces a new and fascinating element: music as a key to discover the truth. Therefore, both mystery and music fascinate the readers from the first page. Mystery, crime, music and wisdom are the four keys of this novel. Publisher: Cuadernos del laberinto. 330 pages SPANISH I.S.B.N: 978-84-940581-9-6 Translation rights available 3 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: UN CAMINO A TRAVÉS DEL INFIERNO JAVIER HERNÁNDEZ Javier Hernández (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1968) works as a lawyer and o f fi c e r i n t h e L o c a l Administration. He is a writer who analyzes society and uses literature to tell us what is happening around him and wh a t a r e t h e c a u s e s , because he has the ambition of waking up people’s consciousness. He thinks that memory is the legacy of real society and he reflects this in his novels: El fondo de los charcos (finalist of Benito Perez Armas Award in 2009), Los días prometidos a la muerte (Canarias Lee 2012 program) or El sueño de Goslar (Santa Cruz Ciudad leída 2013 program and Red de Biblioteca). Synopsis: At the beginning of a new election, Mat Fernández, a private detective, tries to solve his wife’s murder. During the investigation, he will enter into a dazzling environment, but dark and violent at the same time. He will discover that his investigations are related to the election campaign and to a network of corruption and secret problems in the democratic system. In this story of power and corruption Mat’s case culminates with an ending full of tension, blood and death. The film rights in Spain are being negotiated ISBN 978-84-941489-3-4 232 Pages MAR EDITOR - Spanish 2013 Translation rights available He has published Un camino a través del infierno with M.A.R. Editor. With this novel, Javier was a fi n a l i s t i n t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Th r i l l e r Award L’H Confidencial 2013 and he got the jury’s Special Mention. [email protected] 4 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: EL MANUSCRITO DE AVICENA EZEQUIEL TEODORO Ezequiel Teodoro was born in Ceuta, although his work, as a journalist, led him to live in Malaga, Seville and Madrid, his current residency. Since beginning his professional career he has worked in various media, local and nacional, like COPE, El Periódico de Ceuta, El Faro de Ceuta, El Pueblo de Ceuta, national news agency Europa Press and several information magazines. I n r e c e n t ye a r s h e h a s practiced as deputy press secretary for the Ministry of Development. In 2011 he published El Manuscrito de Avicena (Ed. Entrelíneas). The book reached number two in the most sold list on Amazon with 8.000 downloads, and has sold 13.000 copies. [email protected] Av i c e n a ’s M a n u s c r i p t i s a historical novel, written on two temporal planes. In the old part, the novel relates to two fundamental moments in the Abú Alí In Sina life: when he saved the emir Nuh Ibn Mansur from certain death after an accidental poisoning from lead tincture, that allowed him to enter into the great library of the Samanids, in Bukhara; and the last days of his life, when he accompanied the emir Isfahán, Alá El-Dawla, in a military campaign against Kurdish soldiers of Mahmud El-Gaznawí. In the second novel’s part, set in the present, during a trip to Europe, a Spanish doctor has to find a manuscript created by Ibn Sina, that could save humanity. The novel has sold about 13.000 copies in Spain, and more than 1.000 in the United States. It portrays the Ibn Sina’s human side, showing who he was and how he thought in two different stages of his life - his youth and old age - and it centres on his medical profession more than his other skills. Publisher: Última Línea Pages 412 ISBN: 9788498021479 Translation rights available 5 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: CUADERNO NEGRO: COMPLOT CONTRA FRANCO EZEQUIEL TEODORO Ezequiel Teodoro was born in Ceuta, although his work, as a journalist, led him to live in Malaga, Seville and Madrid, his current residency. Since beginning his professional career he has worked in various media, local and nacional, like COPE, El Periódico de Ceuta, El Faro de Ceuta, El Pueblo de Ceuta, national news agency Europa Press and several information magazines. I n r e c e n t ye a r s h e h a s practiced as deputy press secretary for the Ministry of Development. In 2011 he published El Manuscrito de Avicena (Ed. Entrelíneas). The book reached number two in the most sold list on Amazon with 8.000 downloads, and he has sold 12.000 copies. Synopsis: The novel is split into two time frames: one takes place in the year 1946, when Franco and British Prime Minister Attlee exchanged letters to bring positions on how to govern Spain at a time when the Falange was not willing to lose power. The other half of the novel takes place in the middle of a High Court trial held against still alive Franco ministers. Toni Escobar, a journalist of El País newspaper, receives some strange information: there are some documents that could show that since 1946 a number of leaders of the Falange remained and manipulated Franco in order to control the power from the shadows. Escobar will be faced with the dilemma of his life: betray himself, proving the innocence of Franco, or betraying his leftist principles concealing evidence which incriminated the Falange in the maintenance of Franco. Cuaderno negro is certainly a novel full of action and intrigue that gives us an unexpected ending. 430 pages Publisher: ULTIMA LINEA SPANISH ISBN: 9788416159055 Translation rights available [email protected] 6 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: EL VÁTER DE ONETTI JUAN TALLÓN Juan Tallón (Ourense, 1975) graduated in Philosophy f r o m t h e U n ive r s i t y o f Santiago de Compostela. He just writes in a magazine when he feels like it, nothing serious. Juan collaborates with: Jot Down and El País. He is the author of the novels “A pregunta perfecta (o caso Aira-Bolaño)” and “Fin de poema”. “El váter de Onetti” will be his third work of fiction and the first in Spanish. In june 2014 he published “Manual de fútbol. Un libro fuera de juego” (Edhasa). He writes in a personal blog ( He collaborates with the radio Cadena Ser in a programme called “A vivir que son dos días”. Literary quality and humor in a surprising novel Incapable of writing a normal novel, the main character of this story, the author’s alter ego, packs up everything he has and moves to another city looking for time and peace. El váter de Onetti is considered a literary fiction of the highest level, arriving to a faultless balance between what is said and how it is said; the novel delves into the consequences produced because of a moving to Madrid, a sad and happy experience at the same time, and a bad neighbour’s influence on his perfect wife. It explains the writer’s life, who, despite finding the perfect conditions to write, doesn’t actually do so, instead, becoming involved in an exciting hold-up. And in between all this there is Juan Carlos Onetti, gin-tonic, Javier Marías, a minister, Madrid’s bars, football, César Aira or Vila-Matas; which all help to create an altarpiece about the beauty and dignity of some failures. This novel is so different that it has made Edhasa consider, and finally carry out with, the option of opening a new contemporary narrative’s collection (Tusitala) to publish it. A bet for real literature. Edhasa June 2013 256 pages. Rustic with flaps, 13,5x22 Translation rights available [email protected] 7 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 What the media say “This is a work with a great auto-fiction power”, Matías Néspolo (Tendèncias, El Mundo). “Working as a journalist, formed as a philosopher and novelist because of devotion. Tallón is today, one of the most interesting voices of the literary Galician’s outlook.” by Armando Requeixo. http:// “A proud and funny novel.”, Fco. Martínez Bouzas. “Well written, with a clean and clear prose. (…) It is written in first person, where reality and fiction walk together. A personal style, simple and brilliant, with humorous points all over the novel.”, Paco Marín, El eco de Cartagena. “A honest and authentic book.”, Antoni Gual, Revista Qué Leer. “I think that El váter de Onetti will be loved by people that, like me, feel passionate about literature. ”, María Mansilla en Recommended by Enrique Vila-Matas on the digital magazine Lecturas Sumergidas. [email protected] 8 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: FIN DE POEMA JUAN TALLÓN Juan Tallón (Ourense, 1975) graduated in P h i l o s o p hy f r o m t h e University of Santiago de Compostela. He just writes in a magazine when he feels like it, nothing serious. Juan collaborates with: Jot Down and El País. He is the author of the n o v e l s “A p r e g u n t a perfecta (o caso AiraBolaño)” and “Fin de poema”. “El váter de Onetti” will be his third work of fiction and the first in Spanish. In june 2014 h published “Manual de fútbol. Un libro fuera de juego” (Edhasa). He writes in a personal blog ( He collaborates with the radio Cadena Ser in a programmed named “A vivir que son dos días”. Fin de poema delves into the last day of the lives of Cesare Pavese, Anne Sexton, Gabriel Ferrater and Alejandra Pizarnik, weaving a fragmented and messy story about the lives of the four poets. Their existences become trapped by desperation, and confer unity to the chaos in which the author organizes each story, until they can all exorcise the ghosts that they all carry with them and seem unable to escape from. It is a novel about suicide and death, a story about the crack of the poet who one day falls silent, finishing, no verses to cling to. This is about a fragmented novel fleeing consciously towards the chaos, where past and present coexist with a certain harmony. That is why the final hours of the four protagonists include all previous hours of their lifes. 2015 Spanish ISBN: 978-84-16328-15-4 160 pages Translation rights available Premio Lueiro Rey 2012’s winner novel [email protected] 9 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: MANUAL DE FÚTBOL JUAN TALLÓN Juan Tallón (Ourense, 1975) graduated in P h i l o s o p hy f r o m t h e University of Santiago de Compostela. He just writes in a magazine when he feels like it, nothing serious. Juan collaborates with: Jot Down and El País. He is the author of the n o v e l s “A p r e g u n t a perfecta (o caso AiraBolaño)” and “Fin de poema”. “El váter de Onetti” will be his third work of fiction and the first in Spanish. In june 2014 h published “Manual de fútbol. Un libro fuera de juego” (Edhasa). He writes in a personal blog ( He collaborates with the radio Cadena Ser in a programmed named “A vivir que son dos días”. Synopsis: Football is something to tell. It is not only a sport, it is a story. It is ephemeral and even vulgar to think about football as something that faces eleven men against eleven men limited by time and space. Beauty can be written. There, in that chronicle that tells us what happened, that describes a sunny or a rainy day, that talks about viewers’ emotions, both sadness and happiness at the same time, there, in words, is where football becomes a legend. At that time, football is the most important event of the week. Football is not only football. Football is literature, beauty, memories, laughter and friends. There are two ways of watching a football game: as people see it and as Juan Tallón does, with and incredible ability to connect ideas and words. Juan Tallón uses a great and irrational logic to demolish every classic principle of the royal sport. ISBN: 978-84-350-1997-2 128 pages SPANISH Translation rights available [email protected] 10 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: LA DUNA MATÍAS CROWDER M a t i a s C r ow d e r ( L a Plata, Buenos Aires, 1973), graduated in Social Communication, has been introduced to the world of letters through photojournalism in Argentina. He has collaborated with print media in South America and Europe, has been awarded the National Prize of Stories “Jose Saramago” (2009, Madrid) and the University of Barcelona Award (2010, Barcelona). In 2010 he published the n ove l “ E n e l t r e n ” , Ediciones Albores, and in 2013 “La Duna”, Ediciones La Discreta. In 2014 Plataforma Editorial published “Border line”. Ediciones La Discreta 2013 Pages 112 ISBN 978-84-96322-56-1 Rights in French sold Translation rights available to other languages [email protected] Synopsis: A giant dune runs around t h e fi e l d s o f Trenque Lauquen, a small town in the province of Buenos Aires, scorching the grass, crops, forcing many people to leave. The dune is drawing on its journey an amazing figure, as if it had its own life, or as if something was guiding it. There are several ways to disable the dune; one way is to hunt it like a wild beast, for which human ingenuity runs huge trap. The other way is supposed to be faster, but is more complex: it consists in understanding it. Around the dune back and forth a diverse group of characters. In the desert we see Indians being decimated, soldiers fighting in exchange for arid lands, settler families who are facing doom and barbarism, determined priests… The narrative skill and verbal power of this intrigue make some parts of the story resonate in other, everything we see seems a symbol of something else, something that we do not see. The dune, while a fascinating historical recreation, is a metaphor for the mystery of existence. “The dune is a powerful novel, between a fantastic tale and a historic fiction”, El Mundo. 11 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: LA PLAZA DEL SILENCIO RAFAEL HERRERO A s a fi l m a n d r a d i o scriptwriter, he wrote and directed several TV shows, including Cajón desastre, (series that lasted more than three years and was awarded a TP Award for two consecutive years) ‘Historias de music hall’, ‘El mismo día a la misma hora’ and ‘Lo tuyo es puro teatro’, also the documentary series ‘Fetiche y Autor’, ‘Una pasión’. Rafael was also the director of the cultural program of TVE ‘La Mandrágora’. In 2010 Rafael won the KUTXA San Sebastián City Award with the theatre play ‘No me hagas daño’, published by Editorial Alberdania). This work premiered at the Teatro Principal of San Sebastian, in October 2010, and at the Spanish Theatre in Madrid in 2011. ALREVÉS EDITORIAL 2014 Spanish ISBN: 978-84-15900-40-5 Pages: 352 [email protected] Synopsis: Chema is coming home. It is later than other d a y s . C h u e c a ’s square is empty. Suddenly, he hears a heartrending cry. He hides and he becomes a murder witness. He stays there and he doesn’t do anything. He feels as a coward. He doesn’t call the police. Remorses pursue him and they become bigger when he discovers that the murder he saw wasn’t an isolated crime. Several people have been murdered in the neighborhood because of their homosexuality. At the same time Franco, the dictator, is dying and Chema tries to forget everything working in the theatre. In this environment, stages and reality are confused. But Chema can’t forget. He is obsessed with that night in Chueca. The author writes a novel full of psychological stress and he also does a trip to the depths of human cowardly. This book removes everything and it tells us about emotions, friendship, impossible love, memory, hate and crime. It is also a trip to the childhood, a time in which everything was simple and easy. Translation rights available 12 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: NEKROMANTEIA, RITUALES DE LOS MUERTOS DANIEL P. ESPINOSA Daniel P. Espinosa (Madrid, 1973) was IX Minotauro’s Award finalist with this contemporary necromancy Nekromanteia, published by Dolmen editorial ( 2 0 1 3 ) . H e i s w r i t e r, corrector and professor in literary workshops. His other publications include the novel Aplaudan al salir (23 Escalones, 2012), and collective stories in anthologies Leyendas Urbanas (Universo, 2013), Fantasmagoria (Tombooktu, 2013), No eres bienvenido (Pastilla roja, 2013), Peta Z (Sportula y Dolmen, 2013) Antología Z vol.6: Todos los santos (Dolmen, 2012) and Calabazas en el Trastero: Empresas (Saco de Huesos, 2012), also other edited anthologies in Madrid, Barcelona and Buenos Aires desde 2003. It has also been published in journals Artifex, Narrativas, El Humo (Méjico), NGC 3660 and Yambria. He has also worked as a writer of comics and novels for radio.Translation rights available. [email protected] “It will be your fault. Everything happens. Although shuns face what haunts him, if only he hungs his dead l ove r. His acquaintances will die, the dead kill the living, Hell will be a little closer to Earth. Everything is your fault. So the necromancer must die”. The prophecies speak of the end of what exists. Increasingly dead return quietly to their homes, terrorizing their families, or walk around town as if they were still alive. Loss, a practitioner of ancient necromancy that seeks to invoke the spirit of her suicide’s lover, discovers hellish rituals in these resurrections. A sect starts to go after him and harassing him numerous spectra. And someone already dead relentless pursues him through the city causing massacres. In an attempt to save his soul, Loss initiates an irreversible path towards magic prophesied hell while the end is near. Novel finalist IX Minotauro’s Award ( "A very dark horror novella, whose symbolism and ceremonial magic are based on Western classical grimoires", Revista Leer ISBN: 978-84-15296-92-8 - 408 pages - Dolmen Editorial 13 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: GUILLOTINA PARA TÍTERES DIEGO PÉREZ Diego P. Carpeño was born in Madrid in 1965. After a short time at school he began to work at 14 in a little family company. The 92's economical crack reconverts his profession from glazier to taxi driver. Since he left school prematurely he is selftaught. He has put together a wealth of different knowledge. In his first book Anécdotas de taxistas, edited by Cúpula (Grupo Planeta) and Círculo de Lectores with over 6,500 copies sold, Diego reflects the life experiences that more than twenty years on that profession procured him. Now, with his is self-taught knowledge and the University Degree in Spanish Language and Literature underway in the UNED Faculty of Philology, his efforts are focused on several literary projects, among which is his new novel ‘Guillotina para títeres’. Guillotina para títeres is a humour novel, a critique of the political class and the current rulers strung through the consequences of the alleged disappearance of the Prime Minister and the President of the Community of Madrid in a plane crash. In this political context, Gabriel, a taxi driver, young and somewhat womanizer, will be immersed in an adventure, when driving a strange passenger as a favor to a disreputable policeman. 309 pages Publisher: ULTIMA LINEA Spanish ISBN: 9788416159161 Translation rights available Novela de humor, una crítica a la clase política y los gobernantes actuales, hilada a través de las consecuencias de la supuesta desaparición del Presidente del Gobierno y la Presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid en un accidente de aviación. En este contexto político, Gabriel, un taxista, joven y algo mujeriego, se verá inmerso en una aventura al llevar a un extraño pasaje por hacerle un favor a un policía de dudosa reputación. Diego Pérez Carpeño, después de su éxito Anécdotas de taxistas, vuelve con una obra que mezcla el humor, el thriller político, y hasta lo mejor del ‘humor monologuista’ (a base de diálogos) en una novela cuyo todo parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia... o no. DIEGO PÉREZ CARPEÑO (Madrid, 1965). De carácter autodidacta, su afición por la lectura y la escritura le sirve de válvula de escape a su trabajo como taxista en la capital. En esta labor profesional encuentra una importante fuente de inspiración para sus libros. El contacto con la gente más diversa, las conversaciones con los clientes y su constante observación de la vida urbana le proporcionan material suficiente para sus obras, como ocurre en Anécdotas de taxistas (2010), en la que recopila una serie de experiencias personales, y en Guillotina para títeres, en la que le sirve de excusa para caricaturizar la actualidad española. También es autor de múltiples relatos de ficción. Actualmente sigue compaginando su trabajo en el taxi con otros proyectos literarios. ISBN 978-84-16159-16-1 @EdUltimaLinea Cubierta Guillotina.indd 1 23/04/2014 10:12:54 [email protected] 14 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: UNA DECISIÓN PELIGROSA JAVIER ABASOLO José Javier Abasolo (Bilbao, 1957) graduated in law from the University of Deusto. He has worked as a lawyer and held various positions from government, judicial, state a n d r e g i o n a l ( i n t h e a u t o n o m o u s r e g i o n t h e BasqueCountry). IntheWieldofliteraturehehas had a long career as a crime n ove l i s t . S o fa r h e h a s published the following books,allwithinthedetective genreoritsenvirons:Lejosde aquel instante (1997 Novel Prize Press Canaria 1996 and WinalistfortheHammettPrize 1997,translatedintoFrench), Nadie es inocente (1998, translated into French and Italian), Una investigación 5icticia (2000), HollywoodBilbao (2004), El color de los muertos (2005), Antes de que todo se derrumbe (2006 Narrative Prize Garcia Pavon 2005), El aniversario de la independencia (2006, Paper Lantern Award Booksellers Guild of Bizkaia), Heridas permanentes (2007), Pájaros sin alas (2010 translated into e u s k e r a ( B a s q u e ) a n d Ukrainian), La luz muerta (2012), La última batalla (2013) Una del Oeste (2014) and Una decisión peligrosa (2014),hehasparticipatedin the anthology España Negra (2013). [email protected] 1940:TheKingdomofNavarra doubts whether or not to intervene in WW2 at the request of the Allied forces. Its d e l i c a t e s i t u a t i o n a s a n independent state situated between two great nations, Spain and France, always willing to annex it, hangs over itsdecision,adecisionthatwill inevitably be as risky as it is dangerous. Meanwhile,themurderoftheprominentheroesof the people of Navarra will further strain the situation. To try to clarify what happened two police inspectors will be immersed, reluctantly, into the murky waters of politics and religion. A fusionoftheBlackgenreandhistory.Theexistence ofanindependentKingdomofNavarraandascene ofgreatpowerstruggles. Translation rights available ISBN:978-84-9843-582-5 2014 317 pages SPANISH 15 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: 20 CONVERSACIONES PARA LA INDEPENDENCIA ROSER PROSROCA Roser Pros (El Vendrell, 1971) graduated in Humanistic Studies and also studied Politic Sciences and Communication. In 1986, she started working in local communication m e d i a . Th e r e , s h e d i d managerial tasks and collaborated as a radio and TV presenter in programs like Baix Penedés or Diari del Baix Penedés. Nowadays, she works in different media and writes commercial articles. She usually collaborates in a digital magazine ( w w w. n u v o l . c o m ) a n d participates in several publications, both printed and digital. Besides, she is editor of De Humanitas, the digital magazine of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Roser is the author of El Baix Penedès (1994) and 125è aniversari del Cor d’Infants del Vendrell (2007) and she has participated in collective books: Calafell, el meu poble ( 1 9 9 5 ) a n d Ta r r a g o n a enamora (2011). Editorial Gregal 2014 [email protected] Synopsis: We usually hear about Catalonia’s independence. At first, the discussion was almost isolated and even anecdotal but two years ago, society started to be interested about this question. The causes of this movement are constantly a point of study and discussion in the biggest communication media in Catalonia and Spain. Experts of different scopes talk about the advantages and disadvantages of an independent Catalonia and the breakup between Catalonia and Spain. Furthermore, the civil movement has considerably grown up during the last two years, especially since the massive manifestation celebrated the 11th of September (2012) and the last Diada (2013), in which more than a million and a half people created a human network.This network toured 400 kilometers, from le Pertús to Alcanar, and it had a slogan: “Via catalana cap a la independència” (Catalan track to the independence). There are also critical people in this movement and they participate in the diary discussion. Both of them, critical people and people who defend Catalonia’s independence, have good reasons and arguments to think as they do. In this book, Roser gets opposite opinions and perspectives and this may help readers to meditate about what is the best option for a future that is almost here. There are several famed people who have confirmed their participation in this project: Santiago Niño-Becerra, Jordi Basté, Juanjo Puigcorbé, Marius Serra, Ferran Mascarell, Ian Gibson o Josep Lluís Carod Rovira. 600 pag. Lenguage: CATALAN ISBN: 9788494272905 Translation rights available 16 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: BUSCANDO SEÑALES DE VIDA INT. EN EL COMITÉ DE DIRECCIÓN DANIEL GÓMEZ Daniel Gómez Visedo (Madrid, 1961) is a bachelor of laws by the “Autonomy University of Madrid”. He has completed his formation realizing marketing c o u r s e s , b i g c o u n t ’s management in United States, Britain, Holland and Spain. His professional activity has been developed in insurance s e c t o r, wh e r e h e h a s alternated key account manager, business address, I+D direction and general direction’s responsibilities in different enterprises. He usually imparts training courses and collaborates in media sector. Daniel has lived in Colombia, where he has headed the first bank assurance’s project in that country. Nowadays he is the Europe Assistance’s Business’ Director (Generali Group). Synopsis: This is a book located between management and release. It offers a structured, rigorous and sometimes provocative view of the three most important s c i e n t i fi c d i s c i p l i n e s (evolution, endocrinology and neuroscience) which impact in our behavior on workplace turning their contributions to practical tips. Currently this theme has a media relevance that is permanently in progress. News about nowadays scientific discoveries related with those disciplines are daily and published in general media because there is a strong knowledge’s request from readers. Recently President Obama has announced a decisive budgetary effort to unravel brain’s mysteries. Heading this project (called as BRAIN, Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) there is a Spanish man, Rafael Yuste. The past February, the European Union announced his own project dedicated to brain’s studies. This book is mainly oriented to all professional people working in companies, but will also be interesting for any scientific divulgation’s lover. PUBLISHED: Gestion 2000 (Planeta) ISBN: 9788498753820 - 248 pages. Translation rights available [email protected] 17 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: FRONTERA LÍMITE MATÍAS CROWDER Matias Crowder (La Plata, Buenos Aires, 1973), graduated in Social Communication, has been introduced to the world of letters through photojournalism in Argentina. He has collaborated with print media in South America and Europe, has been awarded the National Prize of Stories “Jose Saramago” (2009, Madrid) and the University of Barcelona Award (2010, Barcelona). In 2010 he published the novel “En el tren”, Ediciones Albores, and in 2013 “La Duna”, Editions La Discreta. In September 2014 Plataforma Editorial will be publish “Border line”. Published by Plataforma Editorial. Rights are available in other l a n g u a g e s . Tr a n s l a t i o n rights available. S y n o p s i s : S a n t i C o r e l l a proposes us an overcoming message, a message about human limits and purposes, a message about body and mind power. Santi Corella is a humble man who went into skydiving’s history because he was the first man who practices skydiving in North Pole and in South Pole. This is the most dangerous place to practice this sport in the entire world. Besides, he crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in “human fly” and he has got speed and distance’s records. How can a man overcome his own limits? In this book, the reader will find not only several extreme adventures but also a life’s philosophy that encourages men to know their fears and to overcome them. It is not only about an adventure, it is about choosing challenge as a principle of life. Santi Corella looks for his limits in his adventures and when he crosses the line, he discovers that conformism is a trap. A limit is only the next challenge. We live in a constant framework of decisions and in this framework, the absence of fear can help us t o m ove o n . Wi t h f e a r, i n s e c u r i t y a n d convenience, our dreams will never become truth. 18 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: LA CHICA DE PABLO NAIARA DOMÍNGUEZ Naiara Domínguez (Barcelona, 1992) is a journalist specialized in communication gabinets, multimedia and corporate journalism. Blogger, Community Manager and Director of the online magazine “AM”, she manages and writes the blog “http://”, which has more than 360.000 visits, where she has been publishing by fascicles the novel Desencuentro, a literary fiction whose protagonist is the world-wide famous singer-songwriter Pablo Alborán. She writes romantic novel and chick-lit. 198 páginas Idioma: Español ISBN: 978-84-08-15098-5 Synopsis: Marina is a normal girl until the day that a concert of Pablo changes her life forever. Both share a very intense moment on the stage and an “I would like to see you soon” of him will convert her in a very special girl, the most sought of all the country. Marina will need to face her own insecurities and overcome her fears to make her dreams come true. But, as if the destiny played against them, a series of casualties will hinder them from b e i n g t o g e t h e r, obliging them to love each other in silence. The story that every fan would like to live with his idol, with a surprising and unexpected ending. A novel that will connect both with chick-lit readers and with all those women that would like to see the man of their dreams becoming real. Forthcoming Editorial Planeta. Translation rights to other languages available. 19 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: GORNÚ AINHOA REBOLLEDO Ainhoa Rebolledo was born in 1987. Her journey so far has taken her to Galicia, Madrid and Barcelona. She has written several blogs (including Let’s Pretend We Were Drunk and the column Una para las dos en el Butano Popular) and has published four books: Mari Klinski (Honolulu Books, 2012), Antropología de la noche madrileña (Sigueleyendo 2012) , Tricot (Principal de los libros, 2013) and Wolframio (Tandaia 2015). She has also translated the New York poet Megan B o y l e ’s “ Vo m i t ” i n t o Spanish for the Young American Poetry Anthology, and several of Peter Jenny’s books on design and visual thinking for the publisher Gustavo Gili. In November 2014 she was among the finalists of the Herralde Novel Prize. She did not win, but she wanted to look a little like Roberto Bolaño anyways. S y n o p s i s : G o r n ú i s a n exaggerated autobiography set in Barcelona around the time of unemployment. Ainhoa R e b o l l e d o ’s i n v e n t e d autobiography all began with her bike, surprising Sergi Pamies, who ended up with the book in his hands despite its low distribution. In his column in La Vanguardia (01/06/2012), Pàmies wrote about the problems of bicycles in Barcelona, indicating that they are not sufficiently present in literature: we should be thankful for someone like Rebolledo who has an intimate and uninhibited view of the cyclist, we discover the hatred for padlocks, bike thieves and authority. The book, which is read with a healthy curiosity, also gives us energy from its discrepancies. Rebolledo’s use of irony when describing the character of a city surrendered to the cool aura of the bike path, recreating the emotional bond that the cyclist establishes with their ride … Translation rights to other languages available. 220 pag. ISBN: 978 - 84 - 16469 - 39 - 0 Publisher: La isla de Siltolá 2015 20 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: EL HIDALGO QUE NUNCA REGRESÓ CARLOS LÚRIA (Barcelona, 1962) is a journalist and radio and television scriptwriter. He has worked with, amongst others, Luis del Olmo, Gemma Nierga and Andreu Buenafuente. In 2002 he won a Premio Ondas de R a d i o ( R a d i o Wa v e Award) for his screenplay Entrevista a Gaudí (Interview with Gaudí). Uno de los muertos (One of the dead) was his first novel (Temas de Hoy, 2010), and in 2013 he published a second, this time under a pseudonym. He is currently a professor in Novela del Laboratori de Lletres de Barcelona. His new novel, still under revision, is scheduled for publication in 2016. ISBN 9788416331512 336 pag. Publisher: Ediciones Pámies 2016 Synopsis: Madrid, 1614. A mysterious young man from Barcelona attends the meeting of Miguel de Cervantes, almost a septuagenarian. He takes board in the solitary inn where the writer has a habit of working: at this time he is locked in the second part of "Don Quixote". Rocamaura, presents the young man to Cervantes, who comes to bring an object of vital importance, but before handing it over the writer should tell you everything that happened during his stay in Barcelona more than forty years ago. Cervantes, surprised, is reluctant and mocking, but curiosity gets the better of him and finally he agrees to the deal. Barcelona, June 1570. A young Miguel de Cervantes arrives on foot in Barcelona. It has taken several weeks to get from Madrid, where he has hastily fled after seriously wounding the military man Antonio Sigura in a sword duel: as a result, King Philip II has signed an order demanding the writers capture. In Barcelona, Cervantes is captivated by the fascinating spectacle of the San Juan festivities. But the fugitive cannot forget to watch his back, for the Royal Guard Sheriff Matthew Sigura, cousin of the master builder and former soldier of the los Tercios (The Thirds), has vowed to avenge Antonio Sigura’s death. What Cervantes does not know is that the ex-soldier has offered a small fortune to the boat captains and persecutors to give news of the fugitive. 21 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 AUTHORS TITLE: LA VIDA IMPERFECTA FERNANDO TRAVESÍ Travesí is a Spanish writer and playwright, and winner of the N a t i o n a l Th e a t r e Calderon de la Barca (2001) for Ilusiones Rotas (Broken Illusions).In other narrative fields, he has authored Peter, Niño Soldado (Ed. Martínez Roca, Grupo Planeta 2004), which tells, in fi r s t p e r s o n , t h e testimony of a child soldier during the war in Sierra Leone.In June 2013 his manuscript La vida imperfecta (The imperfect life) was unanimously awarded the Premio de Novela Corta (Short Novel Prize) by the jury of renowned Colombian writers, organised by the publishing house Fo n d o d e C u l t u r a Económica (Colombia). Synopsis: Always worried that the phone rings in the middle of the night. And never, well rarely never, bringing good news. The ring abruptly breaks Lorenzo Argüelles dreams. His companion sleeps naked beside him. His ex-wife bursts into his rest with the bad news: Javier, your teenage son is missing. What should be a pleasant summer night becomes a search scene without a compass as the minutes pass heavily. While they search, they will discover things they had never known. While they wait, their lives will change forever. “In La vida imperfect, seventeen year old Javier disappears. His trail lost in the big city. So, without further ado, his parents, separated and separately, begin their search. And so the night begins, it will be an extreme learning curve,” says the author of the winning novel. Desember 2015 - Ed. Isla de Siltolá Translation rights to other languages available. 212 pág. ISBN: 978 - 84 - 16469 - 40 - 6 22 Authors Catalogue LETRAS PROPIAS LIT. AGENCY 2016 CONTACT US: ROSER HERRERA DIRECTOR [email protected] C/Consell de Cent, 484 08013 - Barcelona SPAIN +34 931 062 086/ +34 655 091 353 23
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