December 27, 2015 / 27 d e Diciembre d e 2015 SAINT MARY’S AND SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO PARISHES Parroquias de Santa María y San Carlos Borromeo Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria, y José 27 de Diciembre de 2015 SAINT MARY PARISH My brothers and sisters in Christ, On behalf of the priests and staff at St. Mary’s I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Christmas Eye Mirembe! I pray that the God of Mercy be with you and your families throughout the Christmas Season and this year of Mercy. Jesus is Mercy…. and Jesus came to us in Bethlehem to show us mercy even when he and his parents were denied mercy when they arrived. May Saint Mary’s become Bethlehem where we learn to perform the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. May we become givers and receivers of mercy this year… to one another and especially to the poor. Bethlehem is the place where through Mary and Joseph, humanity was able to return the favor of mercy to God… with some of the corporal works of mercy… for the Christ Child was fed and given drink, clothed and welcomed by his parents. May the God of light and mercy fill your hearts with the joy that makes us merciful…. For he is Emmanuel – God with us. Merry Christmas. – Father Michael Please remember the following intentions in your prayers during this Christmas Season: Donated by: Intention: Bernadette Antoine Muriel Auguste Sheila Bennett José Manuel Boteo Jane & Tim Buckley Jane Burgoyne Paula & Larry Callahan Janet Calvert Janet & Steven Cappetta Lillian & Peter Clancy John Clark Bob & Patricia Connors Hazel Cronin Tere Cruz Connie Danforth Ann Darcy Anita Denault Patricia DeNufrio Sylvio & Gisèle Deveau Gilberto Diaz Daughter Kevin Dwyer Edgar Escobar y familia Barbara Fucci Pauline Gallagher Elizabeth Gallagher Elizabeth Gallagher Mickala, Tyler, Stella, Grace, & Evelyn Mike, Laura, Kathleen, & Catherine Ruth & Bob Gately Margaret Gaudet Rayna Gigliotti Teresa Gines Rosana Padilla y Tonita González Rosa Maria Colin González Rosemarie Gorman John Howard Kathy Hynes Mr. & Mrs. Jocol Barbara Johnston Pray for peace in the world Deliverance from all the evils Joseph & Barbara Robinshaw Le damos gracias a Dios y todo lo que nos a dado y lo que sigue dando gracias In memory of Bob & Tom McNamara In memory of the Burgoyne & McLaughlin families Paul Frazier In memory of Balbina & Charles Wiker; Edmund P. Wiker M.D. Rao & Cappetta families In memory of the Clifford & Clancy families For my recently deceased cousin, Christopher Bullock The Connors, Joyce, & Curran families In memory of John Cronin Oracion por toda mi familia por los que partieron y por los que estan en este mundo Husband, Parents, Ann, Louise, & Joseph In memory of Michael, Kathleen, & Roger Darcy Rose & Charles Denault, Thomas Roche In memory of my mother Margaret (Peg) Edmunds, a life-long parishioner For our deceased parents Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo In memory of Mona Dittmeier ------------------En memoria de Eduviges Escobar, Elvida Escobar, Antonio Recinos Patsey, Rosalie, & Ellen Fucci In memory of John P. Gallagher; the Ashness & Gallagher families Eleanor, Robert & Mark Gallagher The Murphy family Mary M. Ryan Beatrice & Edward Burns In memory of Bobby Gately Joseph Gaudet & family In memory of Mary & Gordon Sheffer ------------------Gracias a Dios por la salud de mi familia, que un dia estemos todos juntos Por nuestro matrimonio y nuestros hijos para que Dios siempre sea quien guie nuestro camino In memory of Richard Wayne Gorman & the Gorman & Mancuso families In memory of Lorraine Thomas, Vanda Ribeiro Costa, Ross Morgan Hamsher, Sam Warren Norman F. Hynes, Rev. Jeremiah Mackey; Hynes & Mackey families Elmer Jocol, Hilda Jocol y familia; Mercedes Villanueva y la salud de Rosenda Arrecis y familia In loving memory of Jim 2 Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph December 27, 2015 SAINT MARY PARISH Please remember the following intentions in your prayers during this Christmas Season: Donated by: Zdenka & Louis Kabelka Mrs. Sephy Kamurali & children Eleanor Kavaleski Barbara Kiggundu Antonina Klauzinski Laudaino & Mercedes Gerard & Stella LeBlanc Milagro & Dan Leone Cecilia Lim Miriam Linihan Shirley Lord Kathleen Lussier Karen Malikowski Mary Malone Mark & Kelly McInnis John McManama, M.D. John J. Monaco & family Kety Mondesir & Family Joan, Jeff, and David Murphy Marie O'Brien John & Barbara O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ohnemus Rudy Olivares Vicky Elianna Olivares Guerra Peggy & Ed O'Neill Bill Parker Catherine Price Vincent & Christine Provencher Rose Richard Betty Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Romanowski Fatima Rose Robert Shea Jack & Lois Smith Blanche Stalmon Alberta Sullivan & family Emily Szczypek Frank Taddeo Steve & Maureen Taddeo Dorothy Taranto Teresa Tino Maria Torres Antonio Vallejos y familia Arthur Veno Jr. & Mary Veno John & Cathy Vieira Leonard Wencis Richard & Patricia Yarossi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intention: For the health of Zdenka & Louis Kabelka, for Veronica & Mark West & son Louis In memory of Mr. John Baptist Kamurali The Kavaleski & McKenna families Humility for all the challenges and uncertainties I face each day Dorotea & Antonio Goglia, Zygmund Klausinzki, Stanley Klauzinski, Fr. Basil Rechenberg ------------------Deceased members of the LeBlanc family Maria & William Polonis, Mary Leone, Joseph Arcaris, Andrea Pecunia, Anne Haynor; Michael Leone For souls in purgatory Eugene Linihan Francis "Buddy" Lord, Sean Lord Lussier & MacDonald families In memoriam: Malikowski & Kaniecki family members In memory of Thomas F. Greaney In memory of Edith Stephano ------------------Julia, James, & Joseph Monaco Help this family increase its faith daily. Keep the children in church. Please heal the sick. For John F. & Rita Keane Murphy The McLaughlin family, especially Eileen, Mary Egleston, Lotte Blustein, Judy McLaughlin Our deceased family members Peace & good health Le doy gracias a Dios por estar bien de salud Por mi hijo Jefferson Daniel Barrera Olivares In memory of Lori O'Neill Glaubius & Karlena MacKenzie Deceased family, Harold & Estelle Parker, James & Lauretta Biggins Mary & Ernest Demeo, Francis Price, Ernest Scafidi, Audrey O'Connell Rachael Ann Provencher, Adrian Provencher, John, Theresa, Rocky, & David Bellan In memory of William E. Richard In memory of Walter Robinson, Alice Robinson; Joseph & Barbara Quinn Souls of the Romanowski & Ambrose families good job for Tammy; help for Fred, Alda; safe & peaceful death for Fernando; Rose & Freitas families ------------------In loving memory of Charlotte Smith-we miss you; & in loving memory of Mary Murray-R.I.P. Stalmon & Luchinskis families In loving memory of Al & Anna Ferguson Health on earthly plane for family & friends; world mercy Evelyn Taddeo & deceased members of the Taddeo family In memory of John P. Gallagher & Evelyn E. Taddeo In memory of Angelo Taranto La iglesia In memory of Tomasa & Edelmiro Vega Amparo & Juan Torres Oraciones por la familia In memory of Arthur Veno Sr.; Veno & Reilly families McCarthy & Vieira families In loving memory of Peter & Edna Wencis In memory of the Yarossi family Oracione para mi familia Michael & Rose Cusano Peace on earth & good will to all men 3 Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria, y José 27 de Diciembre de 2015 SAINT CHARLES PARISH My brothers and sisters in Christ, On behalf of the priests and staff of St. Charles, I want to extend great blessings upon you and your family throughout the Christmas Season. Christmas is the season of Peace. It is a time of Joy. Let us also remember that it is the announcement of Mercy, for Jesus Christ is Mercy. God the Father in his mercy sent his Son out of mercy for us. The Holy Father has called for the Church to celebrate Mercy throughout the year. Jesus came to us out of mercy… let us ask him to remain with us all year by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; by feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked and welcoming the stranger, visiting the sick and the imprisoned and burying the dead, teaching the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, admonishing sinners, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving offenses willingly, comforting the afflicted and praying for the living and the dead. – Father Michael Please remember the following intentions in your prayers during this Christmas Season: Donated by: Ms. Frances Arnold Mr. Bernard Babineau Ms. Leona Battista Irene M. Belcher Phyllis & Guillame Blanc Victor Caissie Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Caissie Mrs. William Callahan Elizabeth Cameron Geraldine Casey Lensey Chanlatte Mr. & Mrs. Leo L. Chiasson Jr. Irene L. Chiasson Yvonne Chiasson Mrs. Daniel F. Collins Martin Rooney & Susan Connors Ms. Jean Conti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coxall Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Darcy Romeo R. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delaney Mrs. William Delvin Doris Dunham Linda M. Favreau Mr. Chester L. Fay Mr. Robert A. Finneran Mildred Flagg Robert Foucher Rene Geneva Fougere Mrs. Paul Geoffrion Carol A. Gill Mr. Maurice R. Godin Corinne Hart Mary Hegarty Clare Kirley Mrs. Maureen Kortenkaemper Edward J. Lambert 4 In Memory Of: Dorothy & George Arnold Babineau & Alley Families --------------------------------Mose, Evelyn & Arthur Doucet; Marie A. LeBlanc; Bernice Richardson; Judy Hart Arthur & Lina Nowlan Catherine Allain Roberts Caissie family William R. Callahan; Joseph & Marie Rose William & Lucy AuCoin & David Cameron Gerard & Lucy Doucet; Rodney Casey Louis A. Chanlatte, Laure O. Chanlatte, Jude StPhard, Yvonne L. Magloire Jean Chiasson Quinn; Leo & Dorothy Chiasson; John & Delfina Fahey; Marcelle Francis; Priscilla King Lev J. & Melina Chiasson Theresa Bennett & Eileen Druken Daniel Collins Colleen Rooney, Timothy & Joan Connors Ruth & John Conti Scott, Shirley, & Donald Coxall; Ethel Spaulding & Ellsworth Spaulding Darcy & Ferrick families Gemma, Stephen, Phyllis Delaney John B. Delaney, James M. Delaney, Sr. Mary Delaney CSJ William and David Delvin Charles Dunham & the deceased family of Susan Aucoin Edna M. Leger; Robert E. Favreau; Joan A. Marchand Carol Devine --------------------------------Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Wyman, Dottie Lyons, Flagg family Joseph, Florence & Mary Cormier ----------------------------------------------------------------George Gill Mildred Godin Joseph & Lana Doucet The Hegarty and Frazier families Kirley family John, Bridget & Sean; Tom & Eileen Carey; Michael Sharkey; Barney & Barbara Jordan Rita Lambert Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph December 27, 2015 SAINT CHARLES PARISH Please remember the following intentions in your prayers during this Christmas Season: Donated by: In Memory Of: Bertha Landry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lane The Langley family Marie D. Larade Ms. Jean A. Lawless Marilyn Lawless The Thibault family Lisa Marie Lane Robert and Shawn Langley Lenus Larade The Lawless & O'Leary families Sr. Elizabeth Lawless C.S.J.; Rev. Peter Hallisey C.P.; Msgr. William B. Shea; Rev. David J. Boulton S.J.; Catherine Boulton; Robert Cummings; Dorothea Chandonoit; Elsie for Cormier & daughters; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson; Sue Harris; Lucille Hanna & family; Sadie Topia Eugene & Theresa McGrath Camile & Yvonne LeBlanc Flora & James Mazerolle; Bertha & Antoine LeBlanc Clarence, Billie, Alex LeBlanc Alexander LeBlanc The Logan & Malloy Families --------------------------------Mr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson; Mr. & Mrs. James McGovern Joseph & Alice McKenzie Monaghan & Murphy families Royston English & Martha Fitzpatrick John Nix Husband, Mr. Richard; Brother, Jean Baptist William J. Fox Jr. Ed, Ruby, Arthur Rousseau Snedecker, Ring, O'Brien families; William F. Ring Bryson & Stanley families Albert L. Stewart Donald Wightman; Michael Arsenault The Brennan and Yorston families Mr. & Mrs. Camille J. LeBlanc Ms. May L. LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Bertin LeBlanc Rita Anne LeBlanc Marilyn LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Logan Joan McGann Mr. & Mrs. Walter McGovern Ms. Marie J. McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Monaghan Julie Monaghan Mrs. John E. Nix Emma Richard Jean Marie Fox Rivera & Edio Rivera Joan L. Rousseau Eileen Snedecker Mrs. Roberta Stanley Martha Stewart Maureen Wightman Mrs. Marie Yorston PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . Lillian, Esther Grieci, Evie, Anthony DeFelice, Bob Little, Mary Moran, Andrew Driscoll, Irene Gailius, Sr. Claire S.M., Anne Clark, Brody Yeager, Robert & Joan Cataldo, Nicholas, Carmel, Judy Malouf, Erin, Shirley, Ann Hanning, all the sick & suffering RIP: Nancy Daley HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION - JANUARY 1, 2016 Eight days after the birth of Jesus we commemorate Mary, Mother of God, who gave birth to the Child who is King of heaven and earth. Masses for the holy day are: ST. MARY'S 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. (Spanish) Fri., Jan. 1 12:10 p.m. ST. CHARLES Thurs. Dec. 31 10:00 a.m. ENGLISH CLASSES New Vistas, an adult education program, offers beginning and intermediate English classes for adults (formely ESL). Registration is Tuesday, January 19 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Religious Education Building, 30 Pond Street, Waltham. Classes run Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-11:30 a.m. for 10 weeks. The cost is $100. for more information, please email Kathy at [email protected]. UPDATE ON WEDDING AT CANA II We are postponing the wedding of Cana until the Fall. If there are any couples who would like to get married in the church next Fall but do not want to spend thousands of dollars and hours and hours of planning and worrying, please contact one of the priests. This past year, seven couples were married on this night. We want to help you and others celebrate your wedding with simplicity and grace without stressing you out both before the big day and after the credit cards bills arrive. On Thursday, December 31, St. Charles’ and St. Mary’s daily Masses will still be celebrated at their usual times. 5 Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria, y José 27 de Diciembre de 2015 SAINT CHARLES PARISH SAINT MARY PARISH Queridos hermanos en Cristo: En éstos últimos días del año, hemos visto el entusiasmo de muchos fieles en las celebraciones de diciembre, el día de la Inmaculada Concepción, la de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, las Posadas en los hogares de familias que generosamente han abierto sus puertas a la comunidad para la Novena de Navidad, en el Nacimiento Viviente en San Carlos y en las Misas de Navidad en Santa María y San Carlos Borromeo. Es Cristo el que nos motiva, es el entusiasmo por su venida y por la espera. No todas las personas han tenido una Feliz Navidad, por la separación, unos miembros de la familia aquí y otros en diferentes países, otros por desempleo, otros por enfermedad y muchas otras cosas que nos hacen sufrir. Es el ejemplo de Cristo y la Sagrada familia los modelos a seguir. También en la Primera Navidad hubo sufrimiento, María y José rechazados en Belén, el niño nace en una cueva, Herodes quiere matarlo y asesina a inocentes, sus padres deben emigrar a Egipto. María y José pasan “fríos y calores”, pero tienen a Jesús con ellos y eso es lo que da esperanza a Cristiano, que a pesar de mil dificultades y sufrimientos, tenemos a Jesús que nos da fuerza y esperanza para un día llegar al Paraíso donde enjugará las lágrimas de los que lloran, el lugar de Paz, Luz y Felicidad eterna. Con esto en mente preparémonos a recibir el 2016 con Fé y Esperanza en Jesús que es la fuente de nuestra Alegría. – P. Agustín MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 26 4:00 p.m. - Rachael Ann Provencher Sunday, December 27 8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners 10:00 a.m. - Adrian Provencher Monday, December 28 12:10 p.m. - Leo McGann - 30th Anniversary Tuesday, December 29 12:10 p.m. - Joseph L Burgoyne, Jr &Mary Rose Burgoyne Wednesday, December 30 12:10 p.m. - Dorothy Harris Thursday, December 31 5:30 p.m. - Gloria Santiago Friday, January 1 12:10 p.m. - Jeremiah Murphy Saturday, January 2 4:00 p.m. - Rosaire Doiron - 1st Anniversary Sunday, January 3 8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners 10:00 a.m. - Joanne Buck MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 26 4:00 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners Sunday, December 27 10:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners 7:00 p.m. - Timothy & Joan Connors Saturday, January 2 4:00 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners Sunday, January 3 10:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners 7:00 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. First four Masses last weekend (810 people): Weekly collection: $4,956.00; Special Monthly: $3,718.00 1:30 Mass on December 13 (125 people): $640.00 Jan. 2/3 6 OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. Offertory last weekend: $3,107.50 Special Monthly: $1,756.00 READINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND Holy Family / C 493 HEALING MASS JANUARY 7 There will be a Healing Mass on Thursday January 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel at St. Charles. THANK YOU Thank you so much to all the people who organized the Living Nativity and those who attended. Thank you for making Jesus present among the community. SANDWICHES FOR THOSE IN NEED Thank you to all of our “sandwich makers” who help us each month. Please bring sandwiches to the Parish Center at St. Charles between 9:00-10:30 a.m. on Monday, December 28. Your sandwich donation provides lunch for those in need. 1000 CLUB WINNERS Congratulations to the winners for December: $50: Frederick Dempsey, Matthew Kiley, Mary Cacciatore, John Darcy, Linda Lyons $250: Trudie Collins $500: Guillaume Blanc LECTOR & EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHUEDULE Dec. 26/27 Jan. 1 4:00 L: T. Coxall E: M. Stewart E. Coxall L: E: L: M. Rooney E: E. Coxall M. Stewart 10:00 R. Logan J. Rousseau Y. Chiasson TBA L. Battista J. Rousseau J. McGann J. Rousseau Y. Chiasson 7:00 A. Hession J. Freedman M. McKenzie J. Freedman
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