® WEEKEND EDITION WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXVI • NÚMERO 40 5 de abril de 2015 La Vía Dolorosa y la Crucifixión se vivieron con pasión en San Antonio Arzobispo de San Antonio, Gustavo García-Siller, cargando la cruz. (Fotos, Roberto J. Pérez) Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] El Viernes Santo cientos de fe ligreses siguieron el desarrollo de la Pasión de Cristo, escenificada en escenarios de Milam Park y la Catedral de San Fernando, donde concluyó con la puesta en escena de la crucifixión; para proseguir con el sermón de las Siete Pala bras que Cristo pronunció en la Cruz, según el Evangelio La ceremonia empezó a las 10 de la mañana en un foro en el parque Milam con la repre sentación teatral del Juicio ante Poncio Pilato, prefecto de Judea, impuesto por el Imperio Ro mano, y ante Herodes Antipas, tetrarca de Galilea. La puesta en escena estuvo a cargo del cuadro de actores no profesionales de la Catedral de San Fernando para quienes su intervención escénica es, más que una manifestación artística, una práctica de fe. Un centenar de personas per sonificando a centuriones ro manos y pueblo de Jerusalén participaron en la “Pasión”. Al terminar el escenario del juicio, Emanuel Quijares, de 26 años de edad y quien representó a Jesús, fue cargado con la cruz e inició un peregrinaje por la calle Houston hacia la catedral San Fernando. A la mitad del recorrido, a la altura del ex Teatro Alameda, Emanuel Quijares de 26 años, representó a Jesús en su Vía Crucis. Quijares (Jesús) fue aliviado del pesado madero y en su lugar lo cargó el arzobispo de San Anto nio Gustavo García-Siller, quien llevó la cruz en dos cuadras sobre la calle Houston. La procesión llegó a la cate dral a las 12 del mediodía y se procedió a la crucifixión como lo narra el Evangelio. Familias devotas y visitantes de diferentes partes del estado de Texas y el sur de México, llegaron desde temprana hora al a Milam Park, donde empezó acto devocional con asistencia del arzobispo de San Antonio Gustavo García-Siller y párrocos de varias iglesias de la ciudad de San Antonio y poblaciones circunvecinas. Representación de Herodes Antipas, tetrarca de Galilea en tiempos bíblicos. Ministros de diferentes religiones cristianas asistieron a la tradiActores de la catedral representando al pueblo de Jerusalén. cional puesta en escena de “La Pasión”. 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... El primer presidente latino Pronto, muy pronto, un presidente de Estados Unidos va a tener un apellido Mar tínez, Pérez, Jorge Ramos Castro, Cruz o Rubio. La razón es muy sen cilla. Ya hay más hispanos que afroamericanos. Barack Obama es el primer presidente afroameri cano, ahora nos toca a nosotros. Ya nada es imposible para los latinos. Seguimos creciendo y cada vez tenemos más poder. Actualmente hay 55 millones de hispanos y seremos más de 100 millones para el 2050. Es decir, estamos pasando de grandes números a tener un poquito de poder. Esto es nuevo. Todo esto viene por el anuncio del senador de Texas, Ted Cruz, de que quiere ser presidente. Fue el primero en anunciarlo pero no será el único. Es muy probable que Marco Rubio, el senador de la Florida, también se lance por la Casa Blanca. Será la primera vez en la historia que dos latinos busquen simultáneamente la presidencia. La gran ironía es que los dos son del partido Republicano (a pesar de que la mayoría de los latinos vota por el Partido Demócrata). Y tanto Cruz como Rubio son hijos de refugiados cubanos (aunque más de la mitad de los hispanos son de origen mexicano). Algo que los distingue, también, es que su posición sobre la legali zación de indocumentados no co incide con la de la mayoría de los latinos. Ambos dicen apoyar una reforma migratoria y reconocen que el sistema no funciona. Pero, por ahora, tanto Cruz como Rubio se oponen a ofrecer un camino a la ciudadanía a los 11 millones de indocumentados. (En contraste, según encuestas del Centro Pew, la mayoría de los latinos sí quiere darles la ciudadanía estadoun idense a los inmigrantes sin pa peles). Para ellos primero hay que asegurar la frontera con México y promover la inmigración legal. ¿Por qué Cruz y Rubio, hijos de inmigrantes, no quieren un camino a la ciudadanía para to dos los indocumentados? ¿Por qué no ofrecer a casi todos los inmigrantes la misma posibilidad que tuvieron sus padres cuando llegaron de Cuba? Los dos senadores tienen la misma respuesta: En entrevistas ambos me han dicho que tanto el padre de Cruz, como el padre y la madre de Rubio, llegaron legal mente a Estados Unidos, no como la mayoría de los indocumentados. (Aquí están las entrevistas con Cruz youtu.be/wRvD5f8d6Ak y con Rubio bit.ly/19l64vn.) También hay, seguramente, consideraciones políticas. Ni Cruz ni Rubio podrían ganar la nominación del Partido Republi cano a la presidencia si promue ven abiertamente un camino a la ciudadanía para indocumentados. Necesitan el apoyo de votantes muy conservadores. La apuesta de Cruz y Rubio es que los votantes los vean como estadounidenses –integrados cul tural y políticamente a Estados Unidos– no como candidatos latinos. Sin embargo, ser hispanos les debe ayudar. Ningún candidato republicano ha podido ganar la Casa Blanca sin obtener, al me nos, una tercera parte del voto latino. John McCain perdió en el 2008 con el 31 por ciento de los votantes latinos y Mitt Romney perdió también con el 27 por ciento en el 2012. Cruz y Rubio apuestan a que ganarían más del 33 por ciento del voto de los 16 millones de hispanos que irán a las urnas en el 2016. Los senadores Cruz y Rubio no son los primeros hispanos en buscar la presidencia. El repub licano Ben Fernández lo hizo en 1980. Y el exgobernador de Nuevo México, el demócrata Bill Richardson –de madre mexicana– se lanzó en el 2008. Lo que antes hubiera resultado imposible, dos latinos buscando la presidencia, hoy es casi normal. Además, si Hillary Clinton no tu viera tan amarrada la candidatura demócrata, posiblemente alzarían la mano un par de hispanos más, como el exalcalde de Los Ánge les, Antonio Villarraigosa, y el actual secretario de Vivienda, Julián Castro. Si en la popular serie de tele visión de Netflix “House of Cards” jugaron con la idea de un primer presidente latino –llamado Héctor Mendoza y que estaba retando al temible Francis Under wood– entonces, todo es posible. Hollywood va, generalmente, un paso adelante que Washington. Para llegar al poder, primero hay que imaginárselo. Estoy absolutamente conven cido que el primer presidente o presidenta hispano ya nació. Podría ser el hijo de un exiliado cubano o de una indocumentada. Podría ser un niño o una jovencita que vieron cómo Gloria Estefan, Jennifer López, Shakira y Ricky Martin se hicieron “mainstream”, que oían noticias en español en su casa, leyendo en la Internet sobre la magia de la democracia estadounidense. Esa magia consiste en creer que los de hasta abajo podrán, algún día, llegar hasta arriba. “Only in America”. (¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). In the past two years plus of writ ing “Just a Thought,” I have written about various days of the Steve Walker year to include Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Valentine’s Day, Diez Y Seis, Cinco de Mayo, Veteran’s Day and such. I have never written about Easter which we celebrate today. Historically, Christians cel ebrate Easter Sunday to com memorate the resurrection of Jesus. It was not until 325 A.D. that Emperor Constantine offi cially declared that Easter would always be celebrated on Sunday and no other day of the week. Up to that time it was celebrated on numerous days of the week. But did you know that some aspects of modern Easter cel ebrations, however, pre-date Christianity? According to an ancient monk, scholar, historian and theologian referred to as the “Venerable Bede,” Easter derives its name from Eostre, an Anglo Saxon goddess of spring. It seems probable that around the second century A.D., Chris tian missionaries seeking to con vert the tribes of northern Europe noticed the Teutonic springtime celebrations, which emphasized the triumph of life over death. Christian Easter gradually ab sorbed the traditional symbols. The concept of Easter eggs came about from Medieval Eu rope when eating eggs were forbidden during Lent. Back then eggs were boiled or other wise preserved. Eggs were thus a mainstay of Easter meals, and a prized Easter gift for children and servants. Many traditions and practices have formed around Easter eggs. The coloring of eggs for example is an established art, and eggs are often dyed, painted and otherwise decorated. Growing up I remem ber well the Easter egg hunts in our neighborhood and even at Catholic school where we painted eggs in class for the Easter hunt for the school’s celebration. When my four grandkids were little we used to have our own Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Of course we graduated to plastic eggs with candy treats inside of them for obvious practical rea sons. Those of us from a long ago generation can never forget many parents hiding eggs for children to find and children rolling eggs down hills. These practices live on even now. Today the most famous egg roll takes place on the White House lawn every year. The tradition was started by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876. Easter cards are also a tradition dating back to Victorian England when a stationer added a greeting to a drawing of a rabbit. Accord ing to American Greetings, Eas ter is now the fourth most popular holiday for sending cards, behind Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Although my grandchildren are older now and live in another state, I look forward to the day when their children celebrate Easter with an egg hunt. Happy Easter everyone. Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former journalist and Justice of the Peace. Just a Thought: Easter! “Harry Reid is gone; by retirement, defeat or indictments?” By Raoul Lowery Contreras Surprise! Nevada United States Senator Harry Reid will not run for reelection in 2016. He has served since January 1987, before that he served in the House of Representatives, as Nevada’s Lt. Governor, as a state legislator, as Chairman of the Ne vada Gaming Commission and as City Attorney for the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson, Nevada. There is one bit of information about Reid that is missing in the mainstream press that Hispanics should know: First term Harry Reid helped start the evil Hispanic bashing we see today by attacking every Hispanic American citizen born in the United States to an illegally-present parent. Harry Reid == Helped birth the deleterious label, “Anchor Baby.” Yes, Harry Reid, who along with Barack Obama, destroyed President George W. Bush’s excel lent Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2007; he also destroyed the “Dream Act” that would have made legal kids born here to il legally present parents. It missed becoming law by five Democrat votes. Reid didn’t try to convince them to vote yes. Before all that, with Hispanics in mind he attacked the 14th Amend ment to the Constitution that grants citizenship to every child born in the United States no matter if par ent’s are legally or illegally present in the United States (unless they are foreign diplomats or invading soldiers). His objection was that no child born to illegally present parents should be allowed to be U.S. citizens because the parents were not in country legally. Most of the subject children are Hispanic. “All Persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…” This is the 14th Amendment regarding citizenship that Harry Reid wanted to junk. Reid’s specious attack was based on the obvious fact of parent’s le gality, the claim that the illegal par ents were outside the “jurisdiction” the country and that illegals had no legal rights because they were in country without permission. Lastly, Reid and others thought that because illegal’s who had children in the U.S. owed no loyalty to the United States because they were here illegally, their children were outside the “jurisdiction” of the United States. That was Harry Reid, first term United States Senator. His politics were geared to an almost all-White Democrat Nevada voting public that countenanced segregation of africanamericans, job discrimination against africana mericans to the extent that owners of Las Vegas gambling would not hire africanamericans for any position higher than housekeeping and janitorial work; africanameri cans could not work as dealers, pit bosses, croupiers, casino execu tives or even front desk clerks. That was Harry Reid’s world. Hispanics were not numerous in Nevada while Reid was working his way up from City Attorney to U.S. Senator but then came Las Vegas growth that exploded with the construction of mega-hotels like Bellagio’s, MGM Grand and others each with thousands of employees. Almost all of the Eastside of Las Vegas became Mexico north; in fact, in addition to Mexicans, Central and South America are well represented in Las Vegas filling thousands of the new jobs created every month and year. Finally, Harry Reid came around after he destroyed Bush’s immigra tion reform in 2006-2007. He en dorsed Hispanic Catherine Cortez Masto for Nevada Attorney Gen eral and she won. The daughter of Las Vegas Strip promoter Manny Cortez she took her Gonzaga U. law degree to Washington D.C. and worked as a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office. She came back to be a governor’s Chief of Staff then on to win the AG office. AG Cortez Masto indicted sitting Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Kolicki (in 2008) when he started making noises of running against a weak Reid in 2010. Politicians rarely run well when under indictment. The (phony?) indictment was thrown out a year later but it kept a popular Lt. Governor from running and allowed a politically unacceptable Sharon Angle to run against and lose to Reid. Term-limited-out AG Cortez Masto was secretly appointed to a $215,000 job last December as Executive Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nevada’s governing authority before the University‘s Board of Regents even knew the office was open. Where there any other candidates for the job? Did Harry Reid have anything to do with the appointment? Lucy Flores was his choice for Lt. Governor in 2014’s Nevada election. Reid did nothing to help her and she lost. He tends to en dorse Hispanics with no chance of winning. Within the past few days, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General issued a scathing report that Senator Harry Reid personally thrust himself, pos sibly illegally, into the visa- grant ing process of DHS’s by lobbying for permanent visas for wealthy Asians represented by Harry Reid’s lawyer son. Harry Reid is retiring. If a new Republican Attorney General in 2017 asks a federal grand jury to indict Reid for illegal tampering in the visa process one will know exactly why he retired. One more thing, he could not beat Hispanic Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval in a million years. Adios, Harry. 5 de abril de 2015 COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Animal Care Services (ACS) is looking for volunteers to assist with administra tive duties, pet adoptions and in the vet clinic and kennels. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days a week through SA Volunteers, the City’s volunteer program, at the ACS main campus at 4710 Hwy 151, off-site adop tion events and several PetCo and PetSmart cat adoption centers. 30 FOR 30 - Palo Alto College is seeking 30 former students achieving great success in their professional and personal endeavors to be a part of the special 30th anniversary project representing the mission of Palo Alto College. The project will highlight former students who have made a positive impact in their profession and com munity. Nomination form can be found online at alamo. edu/pac/30th and can be returned to the Scholarships and Alumni Office at Palo Alto College, located in the Student Center, Room 101. TRINKETS AND TREASURES - The Volunteer Ser vices Council of the San Antonio State Hospital is opening their “Trinkets & Treasures Resale Shop” on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Many gently used items are available at a very favorable price. All proceeds benefit the patients at the San Antonio State Hospital (SASH). ACADEMIA AMÉRICA - Academia América iniciará un curso de ciudadanía de 10 semanas para personas que califican para tomar el examen de naturalización en es pañol con la colaboración de la Biblioteca Las Palmas. El curso empezará viernes 10 de abril, 2015, en la biblioteca Las Palmas, ubicada en el 515 Castroville Rd. en encuen tros cada viernes de 11 a.m. a 1 p.m. Los interesados deben presentarse en persona con su tarjeta de residencia legal más otra identificación con foto. Mayores detalles sobre la inscripción están disponibles en español por anuncio grabado en el (210) 207-1710. ONE DAY FREE SPAY/NEUTER - In a bid to host the biggest community spay/neuter clinic San Antonio has ever seen, Animal Care Services is working with a local animal welfare group to offer hundreds of FREE pet sterilizations, Saturday, April 11, 2015, at Meadowcliff Community Center, 1240 Pinn Road. Residents can call (210) 237-9400 or log onto www.snipsa.org under the Big Fix tab. SPRING CONCERT – The Helotes Community Band performs its Spring Concert, “A Hill Country Music Jubilee, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., at the John Marshall High School Auditorium, 8000 Lobo Lane. The concert is free and under the direction of Band Director Chuck Kuentz and Director Emeritus Charles L Kuentz Jr. For more information, call (210) 695-8877. EDUCATOR JOB FAIR - Education Service Center, Region 20 will host an Educator Job Fair for educators. There will be 24 school districts from the San Antonio and surrounding area invited to participate. Districts will be hiring for the current school year. Friday, April 17, 2015, noon – 2 p.m. Education Service Center, Region 20, 1314 Hines Avenue CLEAREDJOBS.NET TO HOST CYBER JOB FAIR - ClearedJobs.Net will host a Cyber Job Fair Thursday, April 23, 2015, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. The Cyber Job Fair is held in conjunc tion with the CyberTexas conference, set for April 23-24 at the convention center. MAYOR’S FITNESS COUNCIL – Area youth are in vited to apply for the Mayor’s Fitness Council 2015-2016 Student Ambassador Program. The (MFC) is looking for committed, enthusiastic youth to serve as advocates for healthy eating and active living in their schools and communities. Applications are due Friday, May 1, 2015. Please contact Andrea Bottiglieri if you have any ques tions or concerns at (210) 857-5378 or Andrea.Bottigl [email protected]. 2ND CHANCE JOB FAIR - Bexar County together with Alamo Workforce Solutions hosts a 2nd Chance Job Fair, Thursday, May 7, 2015, 9 a.m. to noon at the AT&T Center. The Fair is geared towards helping families and the community near the AT&T Center benefit from $101 million dollars in construction jobs as a result of renova tions to the arena. Employers and attendees can register for the Job Fair on Alamo Workforce Solutions website http://www.workforcesolutionsalamo.org/reentry.htm A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Publisher/CEO TINO DURAN JR. VP of Operations DENNIS AYOTTE Managing Editor JOE SANDOVAL Assignments Editor STEPHANIE GUERRA Assistan Editor ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers NATALIE BOBADILLA LEA THOMPSON Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Traffic Rep. MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, ac cording to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 Nuevo servicio de VIA para el sector turístico del centro Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] El sistema de transporte ur bano VIA puso en operación una nueva ruta de transporte gratis que recorre un amplio cuadrante en el centro de la ciudad. La ruta pasa por el Centro de Convenciones Henry B. Gonza lez y puntos clave del distrito de negocio, atracciones turísticas principales y restaurantes para mejor servir al turismo y al público local. Dos autobuses (trolley) de color anaranjado, que los hace fácil de distinguir, proveerán transporte de jueves a sábado de 6 de la tarde a la medianoche en un recorrido que incluye las céntricas avenidas Commerce, Market, St. Mary’s y Navarro. El nuevo servicio es un plan piloto de seis meses, después de los cuales será evaluado en su utilidad a fin de determinar el beneficio que aporta al cre ciente movimiento del centro de la ciudad que va en aumento cada fin de semana. Dirigen el proyecto VIA Metropolitan Transit, Centro San Antonio y Center City De velopment, dependencias de la administración municipal. El sábado 29 de marzo a las 6 de la tarde fue inaugurada la ruta denominada The E. “El bus fue diseñado para ofrecer óptimas opciones de transporte en el distrito central de negocios, y es una pieza más en los proyectos para el vibrante sector céntrico de la ciudad”, según expresó Jeffrey Arndt, presidente/CEO de VIA. Asistieron al acto inaugural, Hope Andrade, presidenta del concejo directivo de VIA (VIA Board Chair), y el concejal del Distrito No. 1 Robert Treviño, acompañados de directivos y un numeroso grupo de empleados de VIA. SA Tomorrow ¡EVENTO DE INAUGURACIÓN! Con cascarones, al estilo de Fiesta SA, VIA Metropolitan Transit inauguró la nueva ruta The E. para proporcionar servicio gratuito de jueves a sábado en el centro turístico de la ciudad. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) ¡GRATIS Y ABIERTO AL PÚBLICO! Va ver platicas, encuestas, actividades para los niños, obsequios y premios con su boleto de entrada ¿Sabía usted que se espera que San Antonio crezca y tenga millón más de personas para 2040? Venga a la inauguración y participe en la conversación sobre la vivienda, el empleo, el transporte y más. La Ciudad de San Antonio estará al frente de este esfuerzo, con el apoyo de agencias asociadas y queremos que usted sea parte del equipo. El Plan Comprensivo – ¿cómo desea usted que sea San Antonio en 25 años? ➢ El Plan de Sostenibilidad – ¿cómo vamos a administrar los recursos económicos, ambientales y sociales? ➢ El Plan Multimodal de Transporte – ¿cómo viajaremos por la ciudad en 2040? DONDE Centro de Convocatoria Álamo de SAISD 110 Tuleta San Antonio, TX 78212 Rutas de VIA 7 y 8 Estacionamiento gratis para autos y bicicletas CUANDO El sábado, 11 de abril de 2015 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Para más información: 210-354-2925 ¡comienza hoy! /SATomorrow2040 @SATomorrow2040 SATomorrow.com La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A Nissan 370 Z NISMO 2015 BBB receives ‘Best Companies Por Enrique Kogan El 370Z es la sexta generación de la línea Z-car Nissan, suce diendo el 350Z. Se anunció el 29 de octubre de 2008 y fue mostrado por primera vez en un evento en Los Ángeles antes del auto show del 2008. El NISMO 370Z se dio a cono cer en el 2013 en el Chicago Auto Show, seguido del Salón de Ginebra el pasado año. Motor y trasmisión El 370Z Nismo utiliza el V6 de 3.7 litros que genera 350 caballos de fuerza y 276 lb-pie de torsión. La transmisión manual de seis velocidades con “SynchroRev” es estándar, y la automática de siete velocidades está disponible como una opción. Estilos y opciones El 370Z Nismo cuenta con versiones de sus piezas únicas de cuerpo aerodinámico, nuevas luces de marcha LED y un spoiler trasero reducido revisado. A diferencia de la cabina del 370Z estándar, el Nismo trae asientos de cuero Recaro con gamuza simulado y un volante de gamuza con adornos. En materia de tecnología trae el sistema de navegación basado en la pantalla táctil y un sistema de audio, cámara de vista trasera y un espejo retrovisor con atenua ción automática. Diseño de interiores El Nismo trae materiales de más alta calidad que usted en contrará en casi cualquiera de los rivales de este deportivo. Con medidores que se mueven con ajuste de la inclinación de la rueda de dirección para ayudar a mantener una visibilidad óptima. No hay mucho espacio de almacenamiento, incluso para objetos pequeños y el mamparo entre los respaldos de los asientos y el área de carga hace que para una sensación particularmente sofocante. Tal es el mismo para los magros 6.9 pies cúbicos de es pacio de carga, lo que hace que sea difícil para un par de viajeros empacar unas maletas para el fin de semana. Seguridad Viene de serie con frenos antibloqueo, control de tracción y estabilidad, airbags laterales, airbags laterales de cortina y airbags laterales que se extienden hacia arriba para protección de la cabeza. Una cámara de vista trasera es estándar. En carretera El 370Z NISMO conduce como si no se puede esperar a llegar a la pista de carreras. La dirección, aunque pesada en la sensación, es preciso sin nada de la insen sibilidad y el tiempo de reacción retardada que caracterizan a muchos sistemas modernos en otros deportivos. La suspensión más firme y rígida del NISMO con llantas más grandes, ofrecen un manejo más preciso, a expensas de la comodidad, claro. Sufre de ruido de la carretera lo que limita seria mente su atractivo como un carro para el trabajo diario, más si las distancias son largas. Aunque la falta un poco refina miento al V6, su pronta acelera ción en prácticamente todos los engranajes, hace que se sienta más como un V8. Ambas transmisiones automáti cas son bastante agradables, pero debe de probar el sistema “Syn chroRev Match”. Lo va a ser sentir como un piloto profesional con cada cambio descendente perfectamente adaptado al motor. Conclusión Aunque es difícil nombrar a un rival directo para el coche Z, hay algunas alternativas de entretenimiento en este rango de precios que ofrecen más en el camino de refinamiento. Tal vez más cerca de una perspectiva de rendimiento por dólar son el Ca maro y el Mustang. Dentro del puñado de opciones, el Nissan 370Z tiene mucho a su favor. Hay una herencia larga y generalmente maravillosa detrás de él. Es impresionantemente rápido y se agarra tenazmente a la carretera, combinándolo con un interior de alta calidad. Cuando se suman todos sus atributos, el 370Z sigue siendo algo de una ganga, también, y si usted está buscando un carro deportivo de dos asientos, todavía hay nada como la Nissan 370Z. Precio: Desde US $ 46,790 Consumo: 18 mpg ciudad, 26 mpg carretera to Work for in Texas’ award By Erin Dufner The Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin was named one of the 2015 Best Companies to Work for in Texas. At an awards ceremony held earlier this week in Austin, BBB staff were presented the honor in front of dozens of busi ness leaders from across the state. The awards program was created in 2006 and is a project of Texas Monthly, the Texas Association of Business (TAB), Texas SHRM and Best Companies Group. “We are thrilled to receive this award,” Carrie A. Hurt, President/ CEO for BBB serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin said. “This great honor not only shows that we are fulfilling our mission to be the leader in advancing mar ketplace trust, but that we are also maintaining trust with our own employees. I personally am proud of the professional, supportive and fun culture our office brings to the communities we serve.” This is not the first workplace award your BBB has received over the years. For the past four years, the NonProfit Times, a national publication, has honored BBB serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Perm ian Basin with the top 50 Best Nonprofits to Work For award. The Austin American-Statesman has also honored your BBB with the Top Workplaces of Greater Austinaward in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The Best Companies to Work for in Texas statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Texas, benefiting the state’s economy, workforce and busi nesses. To be considered for partici pation, companies had to fulfill the following eligibility require ments: • Have at least 15 employees working in Texas • Be a for-profit or not-for-prof it business or government entity • Be a publicly or privately held business • Have a facility in the state of Texas • Be in business a minimum of one year For this particular award, busi nesses from across the state en tered the two-part survey process to determine the Best Companies to Work for in Texas. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, systems, philosophies, practices, and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experi ence. This part of the process was worth approximately 75 percent of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Texas and also analyzed the data and used their expertise to determine the final rankings. The rankings were revealed for the first time last night at the Best Companies to Work for in Texas awards banquet at the Hyatt Regency Austin, and will also be profiled by Texas Monthly in a special publication that will be released in conjunction with the event. For more information on the Best Companies to Work for in Texas program, visit bestcom paniestx.com. Yvette Granato se convierte en la primera mujer Deputy Fire Chief de SAFD Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] Yvette Granato, con más de 10 años de servicio en San Antonio Fire Department, fue nombrada Deputy Fire Chief de dicha dependencia. Y se convierte así en la primera mujer en esta im portante posición en la historia del departamento de bomberos. Granato, específicamente, tendrá a su cargo la sección Emergency Services Division. La ceremonia promocional de SAFD fue presidida por Charles Hood, Fire Chief, el martes 31 de marzo en el salón de entrenamiento (315 S. Santa Rosa Ave.), sede de Public Safe Headquarters, acto en el que fueron promovidos 6 oficiales para ocupar cargos superiores en virtud de sus años de servicio, experiencia y probada eficacia en distintos secciones del SAFD. Antes de este nombramiento, Yvette Granato ha venido ac tuando como Interim Deputy Fire Chief desde octubre de 2014 al retiro del Deputy Fire Chief David Martínez. Con 21 años de servicio, Dis trict Chief Andrew Estrada fue promovido al cargo de Assistant Fire Chief. Antes de este cargo fungió como Battalion Chief en el noroeste de la ciudad. Desde su nuevo puesto tomará el co mando de Emergency Service Medical Division. Las otras promociones inclu yen la del capitán Valerie Fraus to, promovido a District Chief, y el Lieutenant Tyan Hartman ahora subiendo a la posición de capitán en la estructura del departamento. Fire Engineer Jesse Treviño tiene ahora el rango de Lieu tenant y Casey Tilley y David fueron promovidos to Fire En gineers. El 370Z NISMO conduce como si no se puede esperar a llegar a la pista de carreras. (Foto, cortesía) St. Mary’s School of Law team wins Federal Bar Association National Championship By Jennifer Lloyd The St. Mary’s University School of Law Moot Court Team traveled to Washington, D.C. last week and returned home with a third national championship in the past four years at the Federal Bar As sociation’s 18th annual Thur good A. Marshall Moot Court Competition. All three moot court teams from the St. Mary’s University External Advocacy Program (EAP) advanced to the quar terfinals, dominating much of the competition at one of the nation’s premier moot court competitions. The event drew 38 teams from across the United States. “St. Mary’s consistency in bringing the FBA Champion’s Cup back t o San An to n io three out of the last four years is directly attributable to the high caliber of students that are part of the St. Mary’s law school community,” St. Mary’s adjunct law professor Ricky Poole (J.D. ’90), who coaches the law school’s moot court teams said. The championship round was held at the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and consisted of only St. Mary’s teams. The team of third-year law students Stephen Bachran and Bianca Frisaura ultimately surpassed the team of second-year law students Dylan Pearcy and Olivero Flores. Bachran was part of a twoperson St. Mary’s team that won the national title last year as well. This year, Bachran was rec ognized as the third-best advo cate out of 76 competitors in the preliminary rounds of the competition, Pearcy took home best advocate in the finals, and the team of second-year law students Stephanie De Sola and Leah Wise won second-best overall brief. The prestigious competition addresses emerging issues of federal statutory and consti tutional law. Judges included distinguished members of the federal bench and bar who were in Washington for the Federal Bar Association’s midyear meeting. “Placing three of the top eight teams at a national com petition is, in my experience and opinion, remarkable,” Poole said. “The fact that St. Mary’s students did not lose an elimination round to any other school at the competition other Charles Hood, jefe de San Antonio Fire Department (SAFD), entrega un diploma a Yvette Granato, que la acredita como la primera mujer en la historia de este departamento en ser nombrada Deputy than another St. Mary’s team is Fire Chief. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) equally amazing.” Other St. Mary’s moot court Solicitud para El Cargo de Consejero del Distrito 4 team wins include being named the 2015 Rocky Mountain de la Junta Directiva de Alamo Colleges Region Champions for the Na tional Black Law Students As Se aceptarán solicitudes para el puesto vacante en la Junta sociation Frederick Douglass Directiva del Distrito 4 hasta las 5:00 p.m. del 16 de Abril del 2015. Moot Court Competition and winning the 2014 State Bar of Texas Annual Mack Kidd Ad La Junta Directiva busca un candidato para la vacante de Consejero del Distrito ministrative Law Moot Court 4. Favor de entregar su solicitud a mas tardar el día 16 de Abril del 2015 antes de Competition. las 5:00 p.m a: Sandra Mora, Elections Administrator, Alamo Community College District, 201 West Sheridan, Edificio A, Cuarto 101 G, San Antonio, Texas 78204. Las solicitudes recibidas después de la fecha y hora limite no serán consideradas para el puesto. La solicitud esta disponible en nuestra página web o en la oficina de la Administración de Elecciones. Favor de llenar la solicitud por completo y de certificarla ante un notario público. Los candidatos deben vivir dentro del Distrito 4 y llenar todos los requisitos de elegibilidad presentados en la solicitud. El candidato seleccionado para este puesto tomará el cargo hasta nuestro siguiente ciclo de elecciones, el cual se llevará a cabo en Mayo del 2016. Para más información visite Alamo Colleges en la pagina web www.alamo.edu/trustee o llámenos al (210)485-0030. www.alamo.edu 6-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 Secretary Cascos visits After-school program keeps kids safe, holds celebratory luncheon S.A. on Texas tour “Down to Business” tour with a visit to the Toyota Texas manu facturing plant on Wednesday. Cascos briefly discussed Toy Texas Secretary of State Carlos ota’s economic impact on South Cascos continued his statewide side San Antonio and Texas since By Lea Thompson [email protected] Newly appointed State Secretary Carlos Cascos continues his ‘Down to Business Tour’ with a visit to the Toyota motor manufacturing facility in San Antonio. (Photo, Lea Thompson) hours following the end of the test scores,” Karam told La school day and they have several Prensa. “There’s also been an By Natalie Bobadilla 2003. Cascos said that Texas [email protected] structured components. increase in their promotion rate must continue improving busi “First of all, we help them because we’re helping them ness infrastructures in order to The peak hours of juvenile with homework so that they with that.” grow in the manufacturing and crime and experimentation with can be successful from there,” Students are exposed to robot technology industries, but that drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and Karam explained. “Then we ics and other hands on experi San Antonio’s Toyota plant was sex occur between 3 p.m. and do academics, either remedial ences they wouldn’t normally a great example of positive busi 6 p.m. if they need it or accelerated.” have time to do during the aca ness growth. The nonprofit has a strong demic school year. Statistics from the Afterschool “I think there’s a tremendous Alliance show the majority of focus on science, technology, In addition to celebrating the fiscal impact on the economy, students have no supervision engineering and mathematics, success of the nonprofit during the direct and indirect jobs are between the time the last school but it also takes into account the the annual luncheon, they also something that we want and what bell rings and the time their par importance of fine arts. recognized a handful of indi Texas wants, and you know it’s ents get home from work. “We take them on field trips viduals for their support. all about job creation and entre However, the same way these to the McNay and the San An Among the honorees were Dr. preneurial investment,” Cascos gap hours could be detrimental tonio Museum of Art,” Karam Francisco Cigarroa and his wife said. “The Toyota Plant is a poster to a child’s well-being, they can added. Graciela Cigarroa. child for that investment in a lot also be a time for educational Daniel Luna, a fifth grade “To keep our children oc of money, but they’ve also cre growth and the development of student at Robert B. Green El cupied is so important, but in ated a lot of good jobs for a lot life skills. ementary who has been a part of addition to that, the life-long of good people. “ Greater San Antonio After- the nonprofit for six years, said learning lessons that this pro Recently appointed by Texas School All-Stars is hoping to his favorite subjects are math gram provides for children are Gov. Greg Abbott, Sec. Cascos foster just that. The nonprofit and science and has a set goal also preparing them for higher has taken steps to familiarize held their annual luncheon at to graduate from Massachusetts education, I cannot think of himself with the economies of the Jack Guenther Pavilion at Institute of Technology (MIT) something as supportive as this both large cities and small towns the Briscoe Museum Thursday with a degree in engineering. after school program,” Fran throughout the state. Last week, afternoon and Executive Direc “Greater San Antonio After- cisco Cigarroa said. Cascos visited the Port Authority tor Patricia Karam spoke to La School All-Stars is a wonderful Other honorees included in Houston and Pearland area. Prensa about the importance of program to be a part of,” Luna Bexar County Sheriff Susan “What people from other coun the program. said. “The staff members orga Pamerleau, Valero Director of tries feel about Texas as a whole “Our mission is to provide nize activities that motivate kids Community Relations Sylvia is that it’s friendly and that Texas comprehensive quality out-of- to enjoy math, reading, science Rodriguez, Director and Presi is clamoring for business,” Cas school programs for children in and art. We have projects that dent of CST Brands Kimberly cos said. “I know that the state of the San Antonio and Edgewood enable us to learn about differ Lubel and her husband, Attor Texas was in competition for this Independent School Districts ent cultures around the world.” ney Lance Lubel. plant with other places.” The program was established The individuals honored have to help them be successful in “The state won out, and it school and in life,” Karam said. in 2003 and Karam has noticed supported the program in one wasn’t just because of the finan “The whole idea is that they a positive impact, not just in the way or another. cial incentives. It was the strong don’t get into trouble when life of Luna. Greater San Antonio Afterlabor force,” Cascos added. “It they’re unsupervised.” “We’ve seen an increase in School All-Stars is in 28 schools was working with good and The program is held for three their reading, math and science in SAISD and Edgewood ISD. friendly government, the medi cal schools, etc., that all played a part in bringing this here to San Antonio.” The Toyota plant in San An tonio is the only location where Tundras are made, and one of two places in the world where Tacomas are made. According to Mario Lozoya, the director of government re lations and external affairs at Toyota, the manufacturing plant has already contributed to huge economic and social growth in San Antonio’s Southside. “We employ 6,000 people, when you encompass the on-site suppliers and our workforce to gether on the Southside,” Lozoya said. “That’s a huge eco impact. That’s $230 million of investment in the community. About 65 per cent of our workforce lives within a 15 minute drive of the plant, which means it’s an economic development for the Southside of San Antonio and that’s a huge deal. “ Secretary Cascos plans to con tinue his introductory state tour next week with visits in Dallas Daniel Luna, fifth grade student at Robert B. Green Elementary, speaks to a packed room about and Nacogdoches. his experience with Greater San Antonio After-School All-Stars. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla) www.LaPrensaSA.com 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-A april child abuse prevention month A familiar story sheds light on child abuse in San Antonio By Kim Abernethy, CEO of ChildSafe, Bexar County’s only Children’s Advocacy Center Hard to believe, but we hear this story time and time again at ChildSafe. A young victim, getting extra attention from her step-grandfather, is groomed over time. The family spends weekends and holidays bar bequing together. During her family visits, she is singled out and given gifts of money, candy and clothes. Eventually the man invites her into his bedroom when everyone is busy, watching a game or out side by the grill. He asks her to take off her shirt the first time. What happened brings her to tears as she tells her story. This goes on for two years. How did she know to speak up, or make an ‘outcry?’ She was at a sleepover and a friend was sharing a similar experi ence, and she said, oh, that hap pened to me too. Her friends insisted she tell her mom and dad. She was too devastated, so she told her older brother who then told her parents. A family divided, but a young girl now is on the road to healing and leading a normal life with help from ChildSafe. She is strong and resilient says her ChildSafe counselor; she is an athlete, a good student and her parents and siblings sup port her, along with her team at ChildSafe. When untreated, victims of sexual abuse are more likely to become alcohol or substance abusers, have mental illness or become abusers themselves. It is imperative that we stop the cycle of abuse, and that is where ChildSafe comes in. Our counselors and therapists provide expert treatment to young victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect, with compassion and care. Victims can continue therapy at ChildSafe from the time they make an outcry until they are 18, so they regularly receive the care they deserve. There’s a role for you, as a member of the community, to play to end child abuse and neglect. Believer. More than 90 per cent of the time, children know their perpetrator. If a child discloses abuse to you, it is important to believe them and seek immediate support from professionals. Observer. Be aware of the physical signs of child abuse and neglect, behavior changes, and changes in relationships with peers. Sometimes it is hard to determine what is dif ferent or out of place. Just remember, if it doesn’t seem right, it usually isn’t. Listener. Listen to what children are saying. They may speak directly to you or they may tell a friend there is some thing wrong in their lives. They may also speak through play, their writing, or through their reaction to the books they read. Reporter. On occasion, your observations of a child or par ent may lead you to suspect child abuse. Don’t assume that someone else will make a report. And don’t second guess--ACT! Model. Children need adult role models who make them feel good about themselves. It is important for children to feel there are adults who consider them important. It is equally as important for children to carry these positive nurturing images forward into their adult life. To report suspected abuse or neglect, call the state Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or online at TxAbuseHotline.org. For more information about ChildSafe’s work, please visit www.childsafe-sa.org. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month… but you can act to support families and protect children all year round! The future prosperity of any community depends on its ability to foster the health and well-being of the next generation. When a com munity invests wisely in children and families, the next generation will pay that back through a lifetime of productivity and responsible citi zenship. Yet, when not all children have equal opportunity for healthy growth and development — due to experiences of child abuse and neglect — we put our future at risk. While April is Child Abuse Pre vention Month, you can make a big difference year-round through small acts that help protect children, strengthen families, promote traits that help protect families — and, ultimately, prevent the abuse and neglect of children. Here is a list of simple tips that can have a positive effect on the wellbeing and healthy development of children, families and communities. Print out the tip sheet PDF) to hang on your fridge, post in your office or carry with you, and download one of the images to the right as your computer desktop background for a reminder of things you can do in April, and throughout the year, to prevent child abuse and neglect! For your family: As a parent, block out 15 minutes a day to play one-on-one with your child — doing anything he or she wants. We know from studies that the more parents engage in positive activities with their children, the less they use negative physical and psychological discipline. Tell the children or youth in your life how much you care for them and appreciate them. All children deserve to have someone who is “crazy about them” and loves them unconditionally. Work with the kids in your life to explore their heritage and learn their family’s story. Every family has a rich story to tell and our connections to our past help us carry forward our values and traditions. Connect with grandparents to preserve cultural heritage. Grand parents are an incredible source of cultural heritage — from traditions to language to food! Encourage them to tell stories to their grandchil dren and even visit their schools to share where they come from. For friends and neighbors: Compliment a father — some one you know or even someone in public — on something positive you see him do with his children. Dads contribute uniquely to children’s development. Offer your time to baby-sit for the child of a friend, neighbor or fam ily member. All parents need help sometimes — even if it is just to rest or “recharge” for an hour or two. Mentor a young dad you know in growing his relationship with his kids. Some young dads may need help with transportation or in identifying helpful resources for their children. Support parents looking for a job by offering your professional knowl edge and experience in resume writ ing or preparing for a job interview. Financial stability links directly with family stability and can have a big effect on the emotional well-being of caregivers and their children. Encourage single mothers you know, whenever possible, to support the involvement of children’s fathers in their lives. When non-custodial dads work to be involved in the lives of their children, they need the positive support of the child’s other parent or caretaker to encourage the development of that relationship. Build community trust and to getherness by inviting friends to participate in a meaningful cultural event in your life. Helping people learn about your culture may help them understand that despite some differences, we have a lot in com mon — especially the need for support now and then. Be a resource and “sounding board” for a dad who is separated from his children. Dads provide qualities and benefits for their chil dren no one else can. Arrange a potluck event in your neighborhood to get to know other parents and their kids. Friends and neighbors can give outstanding support to families in times of need or stress. April iS NAtioNAl Child AbuSe preveNtioN MoNth Reveal Day iS apRil 9th Spread the word by sharing images and posts about Cardboard Kids via social media using #cardboardkidsSa ChildSafe provides expert care to child victims of abuse and neglect. www.ChildSafe-sa.org. ofrecemos alivio durante las tormentas personales En el 2014 se confirmaron 5,434* víctimas de abuso infantil y negligencia en el condado de Bexar. En la mayoría de los casos, las víctimas conocen al abusador. St. PJ’s cuida de estos niños, brindándoles un lugar seguro donde vivir y ayudándoles a superar los efectos del abuso y la negligencia que sufrieron. *Reporte DFPS actualizado 11/07/14. Ayúdanos a romper el ciclo de abuso a menores. Visitanos en www.stpjhome.org/CAPA. “Me apresuraría a buscar mi lugar de refugio contra el viento borrascoso y la tempestad.” —Salmos 55:8 D onDe se C omienza a s anar • WWW.STPJHOME.ORG 8-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 Community Action Change your worries with By Meg Barron To bring change, to assist in making our community a better place for all Papouli’s set forth with Alzheimer’s as our corpo rate charity in September 2011. I have been advocating both at our national and state level ever since. The Alzheimer’s Association has made great strides in research, funding and disease awareness since 1984. This year advocates and ambas sadors took the Nation’s Capital 1000 strong seeking addition funding and passage of the HOPE Act. The San Antonio and South Texas Chapter covers seven Con gressional Districts. Representa tive Will Hurd (TX23) in office only 11 weeks sat down with me and our team of seven to learn more on how he can be a part of the change. As his ambassador for Alzheimer’s I will continue to provide and be a resource for both his congressional and district office. Our team visited Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX15), Rep. La mar Smith (TX21), Rep. Filemon Vela (TX34), Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX20), Rep. Blake Farenthold (TX27), Henry Cuellar TX 28, and Senator’s John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. Alzheimer’s is the 6th lead ing cause of death in the United States. Of the top 10 killers, Alzheimer’s is the only one that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed. Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in America at $226 billion in 2015. The total cost of care for those with Alzheimer’s is estimated to be $226 billion in 2015 with more than two-thirds paid by Medicare and Medicaid. FEDERAL PRIORITIES 2015 Alzheimer’s disease is a grow ing crisis for our families and the economy. The federal government must address the challenges the disease poses and take bold action to confront this epidemic now. 1. Increase the commitment to Alzheimer’s research Alzheimer’s is the most expen sive disease in America. Nearly one in every five Medicare dol lars is spent on someone with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, and by 2050, it will be nearly one in every three dollars. Between now and 2050, caring for people with Alzheimer’s will cost our country $20.8 trillion. If we meet the goal of the National Alzheim er’s Plan to have an Alzheimer’s treatment by 2025, Medicare spending would be reduced on those with the disease by nearly 25 percent in 2050 alone – and the federal government would recoup its research investment within three years. While Congress has recently provided additional funding for Alzheimer’s research at the NIH – including an additional $25 million in fiscal year 2015 – the chronic underinvestment in Al zheimer’s research persists and it continues to fall far short of what researchers say is needed to reach the 2025 goal. For every $100 that the NIH spends on Alzheimer’s research, Medicare and Medicaid spend over $26,000 caring for those with the disease. Congress must continue its commitment to the fight against Alzheimer’s by increasing funding for research by $300 million in fiscal year 2016. 2. Improve access to care planning To ensure high quality medical care and better outcomes for indi viduals with Alzheimer’s, the dis ease must be diagnosed, care must be planned, and the diagnosis must be noted in the individual’s medical record. Studies also sug gest that an early diagnosis and care planning improve a care giver’s long-term health. Yet, less than half of seniors who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dis ease, or their caregivers, are aware of the diagnosis. One reason is the lack of time and resources avail able to doctors to discuss treat ment options and support services with newly-diagnosed individuals and their caregivers. Consistent with the National Alzheimer’s Plan’s call for time ly diagnosis and education for newly-diagnosed individuals, the Health Outcomes, Planning, and Education (HOPE) for Alzheim er’s Act would provide Medicare coverage for comprehensive care planning services – for both the individual and his/her caregiver – following a dementia diagnosis. Providers would be required to document the diagnosis and care planning services in the indi vidual’s medical record. The fed eral government would conduct outreach to providers to educate them about the new benefit. Amber Anthony, Alzheimer’s Association Board Member and Ambassador to Rep. Thomas Hurd Lanzan iniciativa para prevenir ahogos Por Natalie Bobadilla [email protected] El verano está por llegar y va rias organizaciones se han unido para fomentar la importancia de aprender a nadar, especialmente durante este tiempo cuando los niños dejan los libros por los trajes de baño. Según los más recientes es tudios por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de En fermedades (CDC), aproximada mente 10 personas se ahogan cada día en los Estados Unidos y más del 20 por ciento de las personas que se ahogan son menores de catorce años. Con el apoyo de más de 20 organizaciones en la comunidad, San Antonio Sports lanzó la ini ciativa “Viva Swim” esta semana para conectar a niños al igual que a adultos con clases de natación, algunas de ellas completamente gratis. Russ Bookbinder, presidente y director ejecutivo de San Antonio Sports, señaló que 70 por ciento de niños afroamericanos no saben nadar, 60 por ciento de niños hispanos no saben nadar y 40 por ciento de niños angloamericanos tampoco saben nadar. “Aprender a nadar te puede sal var la vida”, comentó Bookbinder. “Todos nos vamos a encontrar cerca del agua en algún tiempo u otros en nuestras vidas, ya sea un río, un lago o una alberca”. Entre las instalaciones que estarán dando clases de natación como parte de esta iniciativa se encuentran varios centros del YMCA, Gold’s Gyms y parques de la ciudad. En total son 40 instalaciones las que estarán participando y 10 de los centros de natación de la ciudad estarán ofreciendo clases gratis. La Dra. Lillian Liao, directora de trauma pediátrico en Universi ty Hospital, enfatizó que aprender a nadar es una necesidad vital, ya que el ahogamiento es la causa número uno de muertes de niños de 1 a 4 años. Según estadísticas, partici pación formal en clases de na tación puede reducir el riesgo de ahogamiento en 88 por ciento de niños de 1 a 4 años. “Es importante que todos en tendamos que los ahogos son algo prevenible”, señaló la doctora. “Necesitamos que los adultos y líderes comunitarios tomen me didas de seguridad para prevenir accidentes”. La Dra. Liao recomienda que todos los padres aprendan a nadar y aprendan a realizar resucitación cardiopulmonar, que inscriban a sus hijos en clases de natación, que siempre estén supervisando a sus hijos cuando estén en el agua y que cierren las albercas cuando no haya un adulto presente. Para ver la lista completa y los horarios, ingrese a www.SanAn tonioSports.org/vivaswim. San Antonio Sports es una organización sin fines de lucro que pretende transformar la co munidad por medio del deporte. La organización presenta varios eventos deportivos, como los campeonatos de la NCAA, y ha desarrollado una variedad de programas para fomentar el atletismo en la Ciudad del Álamo. the tips of your fingers Between bills, health insurance and now tax season, it seems like the last few weeks Cristina Blackwell h a v e b e e n filled with stress. I was venting my feelings to my mom and she said, “Have you tried the Tapping Method?” I had never heard of this, and when I tell you, you’re going to think I’m crazy. However, the more research I do on this tech nique, the more effective I realize it is! Also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), tapping is… well, exactly what it sounds like. You basically tap your head, face and body with your fingertips while you repeat a positive phrase out loud and pay attention to your emotions. You may feel silly doing it the first time, but I promise you it will be worth it. It’s similar to acupunc ture and acupressure in the sense that it stimulates the “meridian points,” as the Chinese medicine calls it. These are energy points that our chi (life force energy) gets trapped in. Tapping is believed to increase the overall flow of chi by getting it unstuck from these points. So here’s how you do it: with the first two or three fingers of either hand, tap lightly for a few seconds on the top of your head, on your eyebrow, on the side of your eye, under your eyes, under your nose, on your chin, your collarbone, under your arms and on the side of your palms. As you do this, repeat a phrase out loud that speaks the truth about how you feel right now followed by how you would like to feel. For instance: “Even though I have a lot of financial stress, I love and accept myself.” The whole point it to not mini mize the problem, but accept it and know that this too shall pass. It tells your body that the stressful thought you’re having isn’t a real threat to your survival. And once you break that association in your mind, it actually stays broken. So connect with your inner power and remove that negativity! Give it a try and let me know how you did at cris@crisblackwell. com. Vme TV transmitirá documental “Sin Rastros de Enfermedad’ Hispanicize Wire. Vme TV, la única cadena nacional de tele visión en español en asociación con las estaciones de televisión pública, transmitirá “Sin Rastros de Enfermedad” (N.E.D., por sus siglas en inglés), un galardonado documental de una hora sobre música, medicina, y la lucha por supervivencia producido por Spark Media. El documental saldrá al aire el viernes 10 de abril de 2015 a las 10 p.m. E/P. A raíz de las cuatro palabras que todos los pacientes con cáncer desean escuchar, el docu mental cuenta la historia real de seis cirujanos que se convirtie ron en estrellas del rock en un esfuerzo de crear consciencia acerca del cáncer ginecológico, un tema que incluso hoy en día no es discutido ampliamente. “Al ser una cadena de tele visión, Vme TV tiene la oportu nidad de compartir herramientas útiles con nuestros televidentes a lo largo y ancho de la nación y resaltar temas muy importantes que afectan su vida diaria”, dijo Doris Vogelmann, vicepresiden te de programación de Vme TV. “Sin Rastros de Enfermedad” hace énfasis en una enfermedad de la cual no es fácil hablar y el documental se enfoca en expe riencias emocionales, el coraje y la inspiración de una forma completamente diferente”. De acuerdo a los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfer medades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés), cada año aproxima damente 71,500 mujeres en los Estados Unidos son diagnosti cadas con cáncer ginecológico. Además, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE.UU. reporta que las latinas tienen el mayor índice de cáncer cervical y están más propensas a morir por este tipo de cáncer que las mujeres blancas nohispanas. El factor clave detrás de esta disparidad es la falta de chequeos médicos. Investigacio nes muestran que seis en cada 10 cánceres cervicales ocurren en mujeres que nunca han recibido una prueba de Papanicolaou o no se han realizado exámenes médi Vea Sin Rastros en la pág. 8-A El documental “No Evidence of Disease” (NED) se transmitirá en español en televisión pública y trata sobre las historia de cuatro cirujanos que se convierten en estrellas de rock en un esfuerzo por informar acerca del cáncer ginecológico. (Foto, cortesía) presents SAN ANTONIO EDUCATIONAL SUMMIT ON ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Conversations About Dementia F R I D AY, M AY 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 8:00AM to 4:30PM Regist rati on opens at 7:30AM The Whitley Center @ Oblate School of Theology 285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio TX 78216 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. Maria C. Carrillo Chief Science Officer Medical & Scientific Relations Alzheimer’s Association Join us as we discuss research, diagnosis, resources and treatments. The Summit is aimed at both family caregivers and healthcare professionals. CEU’s will be provided. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at (210) 822-6449 or [email protected] La ciudad de San Antonio estará ofreciendo clases de natación gratuitas en ciertos parques y centros comunitarios. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla) 24/7 HELPLINE: 800.272.3900 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Recursos para control de la diabetes Especial para La Prensa El Consejo Nacional de La Raza (NCLR) con sede en Wash ington DC informa regularmente a la comunidad sobre los temas de la alimentación y la salud. Casi el 80 por ciento de los hispanos están con sobrepeso y en riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, el derrame ce rebral (stroke) y diabetes. El promedio de un tercio de los latinos en nuestro país tienen dia betes aunque muchos no lo saben. NCLR tiene expertos que pue den hacer entrevistas sobre la alimentación y la salud. También hemos desarrollado una infografía sobre las bebidas azucaradas y como reducir su consumo de esas bebidas no saludables. Estos son algunos de los recur sos para el control de la diabetes: Un examen a través del Internet que le permite evaluar su riesgo de diabetes. Una receta saludable cada mes en www.nclr.org/nutrition. Un video producido por Peers for Progress en conjunto con el NCLR que explica cómo funcio nan los programas de promotores de salud para ayudar a las perso nas con enfermedades crónicas como el diabetes (contiene infor mación en español). Un video breve en español tam bién explica qué es lo que hace la promotora de salud. Se puede obtener más información en el sitio www.nclr.org o llamando a Camila Gallardo al teléfono (305) 215-4259 y en su correo electrónico [email protected]. Estos son cinco consejos para reducir el consumo de bebidas azucaradas. (1). Tome más agua. El agua es lo mejor para aliviar la sed. El 60 por ciento de nuestro cuerpo está compuesto de agua, lo cual significa que el agua es esencial para nuestra sobrevivencia y la buena salud. Comience con reemplazar las bebidas gaseosas y azucaradas con agua. Usted puede darle un saborcito al agua naturalmente con bayas, limón, o pepino. Además, los beneficios de tomar agua también incluyen músculos energizados y un mejor color de piel y cutis. (2). Coma frutas. Es fácil come ter el error de pensar que algunas bebidas de jugo azucaradas son saludables. Mientras que la fruta fresca también contiene azúcar, las frutas son saludables porque están llenas de vitaminas esen ciales, minerales y fibra. Cada vez que usted desea algo dulce, agarre un melón, mango u otra clase de frutas en vez de una bebida azu carada. También puede mezclar algunos trozos de fruta con hielo para hacer una bebida refrescante. Merendar con comidas salu dables. Comúnmente las bebidas azucaradas acompañan a las comidas y pueden también to mar el lugar de las meriendas. Mientras más consuma meriendas saludables como nueces, fruta o vegetales, menos su cuerpo le pedirá bebidas azucaradas. Si usted mantiene pequeñas porciones de comidas para picar en su carro, escritorio o cartera será más fácil comer algunas de estas en vez de agarrar la bebida azucarada al sentir un poco de hambre entre comidas. (4). Analice su lista de com pras. Si usted no hace una lista de compras antes de ir al mercado comience hoy. El comer saludable comienza con la planificación. Si el 50 por ciento de las bebidas azucaradas son consumidas en su casa, esto significa que nosotros mismos las estaremos comprando y que están accesibles para toda la familia. Comience el hábito de hacer listas de compras que no contengan bebidas azucara das y manténgase firme en este compromiso. (5). Aprenda los nombres dife rentes del azúcar. Con las comi das preparadas, el azúcar está presente en formas y nombres diferentes y esto hace un poco difícil el poder identificar cuales comidas y bebidas contienen azúcar. El conocimiento nos da el poder. Familiarícese con los nombres diferentes-high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, fruit juice concentrate, etc. Estos están enumerados en la lista de ingre dientes de la etiqueta nutricional. Si estos ingredientes aparecen primero en la lista, ese producto contiene más azúcar. Debe de consumir menos productos que contienen estos ingredientes y que son procesados. Salud y adelante. 9-A High school students to benefit from $675,000 grant By Rosanne Fohn Outstanding San Antonio area high school students will have the opportunity to participate in a unique, intensive, three-year biomedical research program at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, thanks to a $675,000 grant from The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund. Voelcker Fund trustees helped establish the Voelcker Biomedi cal Research Academy at the UT Health Science Center in 2009 with an initial gift of $750,000. The goal of the Voelcker Acad emy is to encourage high school students to enter scientific, tech nological, engineering and math ematics (STEM) careers to solve the health care research questions of the future. The new funds will not only extend the program for three more years for students, but will enable Voelcker Academy leaders to conduct longer-term research on the program’s effectiveness with the hope of developing a national model for other universities to replicate. “Minnie Voelcker hoped to help find cures for cancer, arthri tis, heart disease and many other chronic health conditions. We are honoring Mrs. Voelcker’s desires by supporting this innovative pro gram that provides early exposure and support for scientific careers,” Voelcker Fund trustee Forrester M. Smith III said. Through the program, up to 25 high school freshmen from throughout San Antonio are selected each year through a competitive process. Students are matched with world-class bio medical researchers at the Health Science Center who mentor them in conducting individual research projects. Students devote seven weeks each summer for three consecutive years and several hours a week during the school year to their research project and to learning about science through a specialized curriculum. The curriculum includes lectures, seminars, career exploration, field trips and peer mentoring. It is one of the most extensive and com prehensive research programs for high school students in the U.S. “We have remarkable evi Sin Rastros... cos en los últimos cinco años. “El tema de los cánceres ubicados por debajo del cinturón permanece un tabú todavía, a pesar del aumento de casos en el país. Al Vme TV transmitir N.E.D., esperamos romper la barrera del silencio, aumentar el interés y generar una conver sación entre latinas en EE.UU.”, dijo Andrea Kalin, directora del documental. “No hemos trazado este propósito debido a que las latinas son las que tienen el índice más bajo en chequeo ginecológicos y realización de su Papanicolaou por la falta de información acerca de la enfer dence that the program is work ing,” Andrea Giuffrida, Ph.D., Health Science Center interim vice president for research and principal investigator of the Voelcker Academy said. “All of the students who have completed the program are attending fouryear universities and the majority has said the Voelcker Academy helped them do better in high school and prepared them well for college. Our data show they maintained or improved their GPA, and had significantly better SAT scores than other students from the same high school and in Texas. “Starting a research career takes many years because students need at least a master’s degree to enter this field. Students from our first cohort in 2009 are just now in their junior year in college. We are using the additional Voelcker funding to continue tracking and supporting our Voelcker alumni, and to provide additional services to help those who are interested be better prepared to apply for and enter graduate or health care professional school,” Dr. Giuf frida said. (Viene de la pág. 7-A) medad y sus síntomas”. “Sin Rastros de Enfermedad” se unirá a la lista de programas del bloque de Vme TV “Cróni cas de Nuestro Tiempo”, una antología de documentales so ciales e históricos. Este bloque de programación educacional se enfoca en historia y relatos inspiradores, haciendo énfasis en que entendiendo el pasado, se puede construir un mejor futuro. Acerca de Vme Television Vme TV (se pronuncia veme), es la primera cadena de tele visión nacional en español en asociación con las estaciones de televisión pública. Llegando a más de 70 millones de hogares en los Estados Unidos, Vme TV se transmite en 43 mercados por estaciones de PBS y se encuentra disponible en DIRECTV, DISH Network, AT&T U-verse, así como las principales compañías de cable como Comcast. El servicio de transmisión digital de 24 horas se dedica a entretener, educar e inspirar a las familias, en español, con una mezcla contemporánea de producciones originales, estre nos exclusivos, adquisiciones y programas de televisión pública, adaptado especialmente para los hispanos. El enlace a la buena salud: CHIPmedicaid.org CHIP/Children’s Medicaid cubre cuidado dental, anteojos, recetas médicas, y visitas al doctor. Con $50 o menos asegura a todos sus niños por un año. Para saber si califica, visite CHIPmedicaid.org el enlace a la buena salud para su familia. APOYO. EDUCACIÓN. ÁNIMO Nuestro grupo de apoyo es para todos los sobrevivientes de derrame cerebral, familiares y personas que los cuidan. Aquí, usted recibirá el apoyo, la educación y el ánimo de personas que entienden por lo que usted está pasando. Jueves, 9 de Abril, 5-6 p.m. Tema: Ejercicios apropiados y clases de ejercicio en grupo Estacionamiento gratis • Aperitivos ligeros Llame al 210-743-1364 para más información University Health System - Robert B. Green Campus 903 W. Martin St. • 5˚ piso, Foundation Room Follow La Prensa on Twitter @myPrensa Solicite por Internet o llame a cualquier hora. CHIPmedicaid.org 2-1-1 HHSC-0459_LaPrensaWest_5n95x4_SPAN_V1.indd 1 2/13/15 1:10 PM 10-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 A E EST R MOS A CERR DOS ESTE Domingo de Pascua 5 de abril Sábado 4 de abril - Horario Regular Lunes 6 de abril - Abriremos operaciones al horario regular. En H-E-B sabemos lo importante que es disfrutar de este día de Pascua con la familia y amigos. ©2015 HEB, 15-0539 5 de abril de 2015 Contract Extention This Week In Sports The Big Dance is about to end LGBT Pride Night Cowboys ink linebacker Rolando McClain to a one-year deal. The contract keeps him with Dallas. Breaking it down in dollars and cents, McClain receives a $3 million base salary. At the same time he has a chance to earn an additional $1 million in playing-time incentives. The Oakland A’s is holding its first LGBT Pride Night in June. Some season ticket holders don’t want any part of that game. So pitcher Sean Doolittle’s girlfriend, Eileen Dolan, is putting her money where her mouth is and on her blog offered to buy the tickets. Kawhi Leonard aumenta su ofensiva Por José I. Franco [email protected] By Jessica Duran [email protected] Tickets are punched and the NCAA Men’s Final Four teams are set. This tournament is what basketball student-athletes work for the entire season. Attending a Final Four is an accomplishment not just for the players, but also for the coaches and the universities. The teams who have made it this year are the undefeated Kentucky Wildcats, Wisconsin Badgers, Duke Blue Devils, and the Michigan State Spartans. The Kentucky Wildcats will face the Wisconsin Badgers in the semi-finals. In last year’s Final Four, the Badgers lost to the the Wildcats by one point. Led by Sam Dekker, Wisconsin is coming off an incredible win against Arizona. Dekker hit five of Wisconsin’s final 10 three pointers and finished the game with a career high 27 points. Frank Kaminsky added 29 points for the Badgers as well. Kentucky barely escaped the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame with a 68-66 victory keeping their perfect record intact and the reach for a perfect season still possible. Karl-Anthony Thomas led the Wildcats with 25 points and 17 of them coming in the second half. Willie Cauley-Stein and Thomas have been the unstoppable duo all season for the Wildcats. Their rematch in the semi-finals will definitely be the game to watch. The Duke Blue Devils are coming off a 66-52 victory against the Gonzaga Bulldogs. The Blue Devils, although having a fantastic season, have been flying under the radar this year and have a successful strategy of staying focused. With renowned second and third round outings, the team has struggled to make the Final Four consistently given their talented teams. They will be facing the Michigan Spartans who are the obvious underdog. Even though they are a seventh seed, coach Tom Izzo and the Mighty Spartans are a young team with a load of talent that might just be the team to upset not only the Blue Devils but also their opponent either the Wildcats or Badgers. Coach Izzo has led Michigan State to the national title before and has certainly shown he can do it with this team. Although these teams could have been predicted to make the Final Four, this tournament has been one to remember as there were many “bracket busters”. This has been an exciting tournament for everyone including some famous faces. Look for Green Bay Packers and NFL MVP quarterback Aaron Rodgers with actress girlfriend Olivia Munn cheering on the Badgers, famous rapper Drake cheering on the Wildcats, and Cowboys coach Jason Garrett and quarterback Tony Romo cheering on the Blue Devils. The Final Four semi-final games will be Saturday April 4th and the National Championship will be Monday April 6th. El partido número 73 de la temporada era primordial ganarlo para los Spurs, ya que tenían a un gran rival en el equipo visitante Grizzlies de Memphis, que se encuentran adueñados del primer lugar en la división suroeste y en el tercer escaño de la Conferencia del Oeste. Spurs lograron salir adelante quedándose con la victoria número 47, marca que los puso rumbo a los cincuenta triunfos en la recta final del rol regular que consta de seis cotejos a partir de este domingo 5 de abril. En la victoria de Spurs tuvo bastante que ver la espectacular actuación del alero californiano Kawhi Leonard, quien hizo mancuerna con el capitán Tim Duncan, a quien en los primeros minutos de juego le entregó balones los cuales encestó de forma sorpresiva. A ellos se unieron en el mismo sistema de juego sus compañeros Danny Green y el poste brasileño Tiago Splitter, que hicieron bastante daño a la defensiva encabezada por el capitán rival Marc Gasol y el alero estelar Zach Randolph, quienes son los más productivos de la quinteta abridora seguidos por el alero suplente Jeff Green. Kawhi Leonard se vio contundente a lo largo de sus 33:27 minutos de juego en los que aumentó su ofensiva acertando 11 de 17 disparos a la canasta, con 10 rebotes y 25 unidades anotadas. Los más de 18 mil espectadores vieron a un Kawhi diferente en su ofensiva. Leonard se dedicó a realizar disparos en forma directa al Kawhi Leonard (2), con el balón en posesión, realizó efectivos pases al capitán Tim Duncan con quien se combinó en el ataque ofensivo en partido ganado por holgado marcador ante el duro rival del oeste, Thunder de Oklahoma City, al que le anotó 25 unidades. (Foto, Franco) aro, dejando fuera el clásico tiro de globito. No se atrevió a desperdiciar balones en sus tradicionales tiros triples, ya que cambió de estrategia, realizando solo 3 disparos de los que hizo bueno uno de ellos, siendo la misma estrategia que había utilizado en el AT&T Center ante el visitante Thunder de Oklahoma City, a los que les dio una repasada, anotándoles 5 de 9 disparos al aro, con 1 de 2 triples, 5 rebotes, 5 asistencias, un robo y 14 puntos anotados en la victoria de 130-91. “Me he dedicado a encestar tiros al aro, los cuales he venido practicando y me gusta la forma de hacerlos efectivos. Claro que el crédito lo comparto con mis compañeros, que son ellos los que me han apoyado asistiéndome durante cada partido”, admitió Leonard. Entrado en su cuarto año jugando en la NBA con los Spurs, Leonard –quien ostenta el flamante trofeo del Jugador Más Valioso (2014 NBA FinalsMVP) de la gran final entre Spurs y el Heat de Miami– indicó que su juego se ha vuelto más intenso y agresivo porque se encuentra en buen estado de salud y ritmo de juego. “En este mi cuarto año en la NBA me he sentido confiado en mi desempeño sobre la cancha. Lo más importante actualmente es continuar jugando unidos, como lo hemos venido haciendo, ya que ese sistema fue el que nos dio grandes satisfacciones en la pasada temporada. Creo que vamos por el mismo camino, no queda más que continuar adelante jugando de la misma forma como lo hicimos ante tres grandes equipos como lo son el Thunder, Mavericks y Grizzlies”, exhortó Leonard. “Kawhi Leonard estuvo especular ante nosotros, no lo pudimos parar aun enviándole varios defensores. Fue una gran estrategia de los Spurs que no pudimos descifrar”, expresó Dave Joerger, entrenador en jefe de los Grizzlies. Spurs este domingo de Pascua a las 6 p.m. se estará midiendo ante el visitante Warriors de Golden State, que ya se clasificó en primer lugar del oeste para disputar la primera ronda del playoff. Warriors vienen dirigidos por el exjugador de los Spurs, Steve Kerr, dueño de sortijas de campeón en la NBA con los Bulls de Chicago y San Antonio. The Spurs are back, for the 18th time By Joe Sandoval [email protected] The Tim Duncan-Gregg Popovich era, which began in 1997, has been good for the San Antonio Spurs. With a win Wednesday night in Orlando, 103-91, the magic returned and the Race for Seis was officially underway. The victory put the Spurs in the playoffs for the 18th consecutive time, a streak that began when the Spurs got the first round draft pick and selected Tim Duncan. Although it would be two years after that pick before the Spurs would become NBA Champions, the ground work was there. With David Robinson mentoring a young Tim Duncan and Pop understanding that he would do more harm than good trying to coach him, the Race for Seis began. Since that 1999 championship season, the Spurs have won in 2003, 2005, 2007 and after a seven year dry spell, they regained the NBA crown in 2014. While the Twin Towers, Robinson and Duncan proved effective, it wasn’t until the addition of Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili, did the Spurs become a team to be reckoned with if any team San Antonio Spurs clinched playoffs berth in the Western Conference. (Photo, Franco) wanted to become NBA champs. The seven season layoff between championships gave the Spurs a chance to build and still be in contention for NBA champs. Rumors surfaced that Duncan, Ginobili and Parker were passed their prime and too old to compete in the young man’s game that is the NBA. Yet year after year, they continued to be in the thick of things, making the playoffs year after year and coming away with four championships in the process. The win in Orlando put them in that championship process for the 18th consecutive time and once again stirring up Spurs Fever in San Antonio. In the process, Pop has become a member of the Holy Trinity of basketball coaches. He ranks number three behind Pat Riley and Phil Jackson in consecutive trips to the NBA Finals and he’s just one season behind Pat Riley. Another plus for the Spurs success may be Tony Parker. He’s the fastest NBA player to reach a thousand career games. 2-B La Prensa de San Antonio 5 de abril de 2015 ESPN Deportes recibió cuatro Omar Cummings signed by Scorpios nominaciones premios Emmy Special to La Prensa El segmento deportivo Sports Center recibió su segunda nominación de los premios Emmy de Deportes, el cual le fue otorgado en el 2014 como mejor Show de Estudio. (Foto, cortesía) Especial para La Prensa En el segundo año en el que se reconocen a medios de comunicación de habla hispana, ESPN Deportes recibió cuatro nominaciones a los Premios Emmy de Deportes en la categoría de mejor Show de Estudio y Talento Deportivo. El anuncio se dio a conocer recientemente por la Academia Nacional de Artes y Ciencias de Televisión. Los ganadores serán anunciados el martes 5 de mayo en la ciudad de Nueva York. Por el segundo año consecutivo, ESPN Deportes consigue cuatro nominaciones. El Show de Estudio sobresaliente en Español Sports Center, el programa de noticias e información insignia del canal, el cual ganó un Emmy el año pasado como mejor Show de Estudio, recibió su segunda nominación en la misma categoría. Fuera de Juego, el programa de ESPN Deportes dedicado al fútbol internacional alcanzó su primera nominación, también en categoría de Show de Estudio. Talento deportivo sobresaliente en Español. El legendario periodista mexicano José Ramón Fernández ganó su segunda nominación en la categoría Talento Deportivo. Ernesto Jerez, quien es un co- mentarista veterano de béisbol y conocido a nivel mundial por su clásica frase de jonrones “¡no… nono, nono, no…! ¡Dígale que no a esa pelota!”, formó parte de la lista de nominados como Talento Deportivo. En 2014, ESPN Deportes ganó dos Emmy de Programa de Estudios- Sports Center y Nación ESPN. El canal también obtuvo cuatro nominaciones. ESPN Inc. lideró la industria con 57 nominaciones a los Emmy de Deportes en 2014, la mayor cantidad de nominación para ESPN. Además de ESPN Deportes, las nominaciones se expanden a lo largo de las plataformas de la marca incluyendo ESPN, ESPN2, ABC, ESPN.com, ESPNEWS, espnW, Grantland.com, WatchESPN, y por primera vez, SEC Network. Por si fuera poco el éxito y aceptación de su auditorio, la cadena ESPN realizó acuerdo multianual para transmitir la serie Premier Boxing Champions (PBC). ESPN y ESPN Deportes difundirán esa serie creada para televisión por Haymon Boxing, que exhibe peleas de alta categoría entre muchos de los personajes más conocidos del mundo del boxeo. La primera de 12 transmisiones The Akron Racers selected Megan Low in the sixth round of the 2015 National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) Draft on Wednesday. Low, the fourth pick of the sixth round (30th overall), is the first UTSA player ever to be selected in the NPF Draft, which only is open to college seniors. “This truly is a dream come true for me,” Low said. “First, I want to thank all of my coaches and teammates at UTSA, because without them this would not be possible. I also want to thank (Akron owner/CEO) Craig Stout and (Akron owner/general manager) Joey Arrietta for the chance to be part of their great franchise. My focus right now is on helping our program win a conference title, but I’m very excited for what the future holds.” “It’s such a proud moment for me to see Megan, who is a talented and deserving student-athlete, get selected to play at the next level Marcina really wanted me here; my family is in Houston so I am closer to them. San Antonio is a great choice for me.” The Rapids selected Cummings in the third round of the 2007 MLS SuperDraft and he made his professional debut for the Rocky Mountain side late that year. Prior to joining the Scorpions, he appeared for the Colorado Rapids (MLS) and the Houston Dynamo (MLS). With the signing, the Scorpions now have nineteen players on the roster for 2015: GK- Sattler, Kempin. DDeRoux, James, Zea, Attakora. M-Menjivar, Castillo, Forbes, Soto, Cruz, Chavez, Tsiskaridze, Gibson. F-Elizondo, Hassli, Zahorski, Palomeque, Cummings. The 2015 San Antonio Scorpions season is presented by deeproot Funds. Scorpions will begin defense of their 2014 North American Soccer League (NASL) Championship when the NASL Spring Season kicks off on April 4 at Toyota Field against the Tampa Bay Rowdies. For information on Scorpions season tickets, call 201-495-8686 or visit SAScorpions.com. anuales en vivo de dos horas cada uno de Premier Boxing Champions está programada para su difusión el sábado 11 de julio a las 9 p.m. tiempo del centro por ESPN. ESPN Deportes televisará todas las peleas en español como parte de su serie Noches de Combates. La cobertura en vivo también estará disponible mediante WatchESPN en computadoras, smartphones, tablets, Amazon Fire TV y Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Xbox 360 y Xbox One mediante una empresa de video afiliada. El acuerdo también incluye los derechos mundiales mediante ESPN International. Los detalles de las tarjetas de la primera transmisión de PBC y los programas que siguen serán anunciados próximamente. ESPN Deportes seguirá ofre- Forward Omar Cummings (right) former MLS All-Star will pace the Scorpions on attack. (Courtesy photo) ciendo el análisis y noticias más completas en diversas plataformas, entre ellos los programas de estudio de boxeo A Los Golpes, con Bernardo Osuna, David Faitelson y el excampeón mundial Julio César Chávez, capturando toda la acción del fin de semana y sirviendo como arena post pelea llena de pericia, debate y análisis; y Golpe a Golpe, con el análisis y últimas noticias de otro campeón mundial mexicano, Juan Manuel Márquez, en conjunto con Jorge Eduardo Sánchez. Low selected in National Pro Fastpitch Draft By Jordan Korphage The San Antonio Scorpions have signed Jamaican international and former Major League Soccer (MLS) All-Star Omar Cummings, team President/GM Howard Cornfield and Head Coach Alen Marcina recently announced. “Omar is a proven goal scorer that has the ability to stretch defenses with his speed and movement,” Marcina said. “His impressive resume from MLS includes; leading league in assists, being recognized as an MLS All-Star, and winning MLS Cup. He also brings significant experience leading the Jamaican National Team, so he is a great signing for our club and we are delighted to welcome him into the Scorpions. The addition of Omar is a significant step towards defending our title in 2015.” The 5’10” lb Cummings compiled career totals of 42 goals, 30 assists, and 11,902 minutes played in in 185 MLS games. In 2009 with the Colorado Rapids, he tied for the League lead with 12 assists and for an encore the following year, he scored a career-high 14 goals. He won the MLS Cup with the Rapids in 2010, was an MLS All-Star in 2011 when the opponent was Manchester United, and he has scored in both CONCACAF Champions League and the MLS Playoffs. “Players like Omar don’t come around every day,” Cornfield said. “He was once called the most dangerous forward in MLS and is a great addition to the team. He’s an affable gentleman off-the-field and our fans will love him. We are delighted to welcome him to the Scorpions family.” Cummings is a native of Old Harbor, Jamaica, and has scored seven goals in 35 appearances for the Reggae Boyz. He played collegiately at the University of Cincinnati where he compiled career totals of 13 goals plus 16 assists and was the first All-American in school history. “How many teams can you actually say that they play to support a non-profit?” Cummings asked rhetorically. “Coach in National Pro Fastpitch,” head coach Michelle Cheatham said. “We still have a lot that we want to accomplish this season, but we look forward to watching Megan continue her impressive softball career amongst the nation’s finest players.” The Spring, Texas, native is batting .362 with seven doubles and two triples for the Roadrunners this spring and she ranks among Conference USA’s best with 11 home runs (t-2nd), 82 total bases (2nd), 27 walks (4th), a .781 slugging percentage (4th), 29 runs scored (6th), a .511 on-base percentage (6th) and 32 RBIs (8th). Low, who was tabbed as the 2015 Preseason C-USA Player of the Year, earned first-team all-conference and second-team National Fastpitch Coaches Association All-South Region honors a season ago when she hit .388 with 12 doubles, 22 homers and 47 RBIs. She finished just one round-tripper shy of tying the program’s singleseason record, but she closed the regular season tied for the nation’s home run lead and was the NCAA Division I statistical champion for homers per game (0.44). Previously, Low was the 2012 Southland Conference Freshman of the Year and a first-team allconference selection that season. The senior infielder owns the school record for walks with 102 free passes and she ranks among the program’s all-time leaders in batting average (3rd/.364), RBIs (3rd/139), homers (4th/43), doubles (4th/41) and extra-base hits (5th/86). 5 de abril de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio Elías Contreras es nombrado padrino de Tex-Mex IBL Por José I. Franco [email protected] Por decisión del fundador, presidente y jugador Gilberto Rodríguez Sr. la temporada de primavera y verano en Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League será apadrinada por el beisbolista Elías Contreras, manager, patrocinador y jugador del club Desperados. El estadio del Rosedale Park será la sede donde siete equipos se estarán disputando la supremacía de coronarse monarca de temporada y de la serie de playoff. Para lograr el éxito de Tex-Mex IBL, Rodríguez ha contado con el respaldo de su esposa Elvia, su hija Génesis y su heredero Gilbert Jr., quien desde hace tres años ha vestido con orgullo la franela del equipo Tecolotes, que bajo la dirección de su señor padre ha logrado la conquista de tres títulos en temporadas de verano e invierno. La elección del manager Contreras fue acertada de acuerdo a directivos de equipos quienes han sido testigos de los esfuerzos que él ha realizado para sostener al club entre los mejores equipos de la región en el béisbol independiente de San Antonio. La ceremonia de apertura comenzó con el Himno Nacional. A continuación Contreras subió al montículo para hacer el primer lanzamiento y agradecer las finas atenciones que tuvieron para él nombrándolo padrino de la temporada “Elías Contreras 2015”. Otro de los aspectos más sobresalientes en la programación de apertura fue la emotiva presentación de trofeos, anillos y bonificaciones al mejor talento de la temporada invernal 2014 que se jugó en honor del beisbolista Armando Marín. El presidente Rodríguez (apodado el Tecolote Mayor) fue llamando consecutivamente a los equipos, jugadores y coaches que recibieron flamantes trofeos, anillos y placas de agradecimiento. El campeón Bobcats y sus directivos Richard González (manager) y Johnny Guzmán (coach) recibieron los trofeos de campeón zona sur y monarca del playoff. El club Juggernauts del manager Gabriel Cárdenas, su coach y buscador de talento Frank Torres, aceptaron los trofeos de campeón zona norte y subcampeón del playoff. El extoletero profesional Jonathan Cisneros y el lanzador ex ligamayorista Conner Rowe recibieron donativo económico. Cisneros fue campeón de jonrones y Rowe MVP del playoff. Los hermanos Ed y Rey Solís, coaches del campeón de verano 2014 Astros, recibieron anillos alusivos. Lo mismo el slugger de Tecolotes Arnold Ponce, campeón bateador, y su compañero Keith Vázquez, que fue el lanzador con más victorias. La placa de honor le fue entregada a Jay Pérez por su patrocinio y apoyo a la liga. Para la temporada 2015, el presidente entregará anillos al manager y coach del equipo campeón, por igual al campeón de jonrones y de pitcheo. “Son diez años en los que Desperados me han dado satisfacciones por jugar un buen béisbol. Con seis temporadas en Tex-Mex IBL creo que el homenaje en mi honor lo debo compartir con mis jugadores. Somos como familia y por lo cual seguiremos adelante compitiendo, ello a pesar de que Desperados se va a reforzar con algunos jugadores claves para obtener mejores resulta- dos. Gracias a la familia Rodríguez y directivos de equipos que hoy me brindan tributo, les estaré agradecido de por vida”, dijo Contreras. Resultados En resultados de la primera fecha se vieron las sendas victorias de Juggernauts contra Marlins, que fueron blanqueados 9-0. Tecolotes no tuvo compasión del excampeón invernal High Sox, dirigidos por el Marine Eddy Rodríguez. Desperados debutaron con el pie derecho apaleando a las Águilas de La Sauceda con pizarra de 8 a 1 carreras. El club Rough Riders no tuvo acción. Por ser tradición en Tex-Mex IBL este domingo se suspenden los partidos con motivo del Domingo de Pascua. “Tex-Mex IBL continuará adelante promocionando el desarrollo del béisbol categoría independiente en San Antonio. Siempre se ha contado con jugadores de gran calidad y disciplina beisbolera. Gracias de nueva cuenta a quienes seguirán contribuyendo en nuestro sistema y programas en los que se tendrán competencias de gran nivel”, anunció el presidente Rodríguez. Elías Contreras, manager del equipo Desperados, lanzó la primera bola en la temporada de Tex-Mex IBL que llevará su nombre por El coach y buscador de talento del club Juggernauts, Frank Toel apoyo que le ha dado al béisbol independiente de San Antonio. rres (cuarto de izq. a. der.), acompañado de jugadores recibió los (Fotos, Franco) trofeos de campeón zona norte y subcampeón del playoff. O’s y Cardenales van por el cuarto lugar Cayó el telón en la temporada invernal de Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán con sede en el Colt 45 Baseball Field. En partidos de la última fecha del rol regular, el campeón Astros –con pitcheo de Kodd Kurtz– superó al abridor Gilbert Rodríguez de los Broncos de Reynosa S.A. que cayeron abatidos con pizarra de 11-1 carreras. Con su victoria, Astros del manager Jaime Guerrero y su coach José Montes sumaron 11 victorias por 2 y media derrotas. En partido pendiente, el club O’s del manager Omar Ramírez se impuso 4-3 ante Águilas de Piedras Negras, con victoria en el montículo para Ricardo Cabello, con salvamento para Rubén Esparza. La derrota fue para Luis Alfonso Velázquez. O’s finalizaron con marca de 9 victorias por 5 derrotas, con lo que se empató en tercer lugar con Cardenales de Saúl Navejar, por lo que el presidente Gonzalo Carramán decidió que jugasen un partido más para desempatarse. El ganador obtendrá el tercer escaño para su clasificación a la serie del playoff, que será a ganar 2 de 3 partidos. Águilas en su segunda contienda sabatina ante Red Sox volvió a caer con pizarra de 7-6. La derrota fue para Armando Calderón y el relevista Óscar Márquez. La victoria se la agenció el derecho Will Martínez. Red Sox finalizó en segundo lugar con récord de 11 triunfos con 3 derrotas. “Jugamos con estrategia. Todos respondieron y se logró obtener buen record. Estamos listos para los playoffs”, dijo Pedro Espinoza, manager de Red Sox. El partido por el cuarto lugar se jugará en el horario de las 2 p.m. Raúl Muñoz, bateador de largo alcance, después de nueve años de estar inactivo se volvió a reunir con su manager Omar Ramírez, quien lo becó para jugar con él cuando dirigió el equipo de UT Brownsville. “El éxito del equipo lo hicieron los mismos jugadores. Ante Águilas no se cometieron errores y ello nos ayudó a la victoria”, dijo Ramírez. (Foto, Franco) Convocatoria para equipos La softbolista Janelle Cisneros entrará en nueva etapa en su vida deportiva. En esta ocasión estará aprovechando la infraestructura del legendario estadio Colt 45, que es administrado por su familia. Por este conducto, Cisneros hace la convocatoria para invitar a equipos de béisbol categoría dominical abierta. La temporada de primavera se jugará con cinco equipos o de ser posible seis, ya que con el cambio de hora lo permite. Directivos de equipos ya formados y los que están por integrarse se pueden comunicar con Cisneros al teléfono (210) 373-3580. Ella les dará mayor información. “Siguiendo con la tradición nuestra, los equipos tendrán que utilizar bates de madera, por ningún motivo vamos a cambiar lo que aquí se ha hecho por muchos años”, afirmó Cisneros. El estadio Colt 45 tiene 52 años operando en el distrito de lo que ahora es la Planta Toyota de San Antonio, lo cual es de benéplacito para todo aficionado al buen béisbol categoría abierta dominical. 3-B La Raza 8-UDG 2 Por Sendero Deportivo El equipo La Raza de Laredo, de cierre, derrotó 8 a 2 goles a los “universitarios” de la UDG, que tuvieron espectacular comienzo durante el primer tiempo del encuentro jugado sobre la cancha del concurrido Normoyle Park en acciones del balompié dominical de la pionera Liga Latina que preside Manuel de la Rosa y su jefe de árbitros Alfredo Guajardo. En otros resultados, Pique FC de Alberto Ramírez “Malancas” le dio la bienvenida a Real Lobos, que cayeron con marcador de 3-1 con goles anotados por Víctor Martínez, Marcos Caballero y el líder goleador Eduardo “Guayo” Jinéz, quien llegó a 32 dianas. Por Real Lobos el gol del honor fue anotado por Óscar Castillo. Veracruz blanqueó 7-0 a Xolos. El Valle 5-3 a Tuzos. Halcones 7 Real Madrid 1. San Pablo goleó 7-0 a Boxers USA. Junior y Zacatecas empataron 2-2. Real Felinos doblegó 6-3 al Atlético San Antonio. Real San Luis se impuso 5-2 ante Manchester. La fecha dominical se canceló por la celebración del Domingo de Pascua, por lo que los partidos se jugarán hasta el domingo 12 de abril en las canchas del Amistad Park, Vidaurri Park y Normoyle Park. De acuerdo al goleado Guajardo, para el domingo 12 de abril se tienen programados los partidos de La Raza de Laredo contra Juniors en Amistad Park (4p.m.). En Normoyle Park, el Veracruz ante Real Madrid en el horario de las 12 p.m. y en Vidaurri Park a las 12 p.m. Zacatecas contra Real España. “Tres clásicos que los fans no deben perderse”, dijo Guajardo. El defensa Sergio Romero de cabecita despejó disparo a gol en la portería de su equipo Pique FC, resguardada por el valioso arquero Julián Álvarez, en partido ganado 3-1 al debutante Real Lobos. (Foto, Franco) 4-B La Prensa de San Antonio 5 de abril de 2015 Bishops call on government to halt practice of family detention, adopt ‘humane’ alternatives By Jordan McMorrough Today’s Catholic Five Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran bishops traveled to the Dilley Detention Center in south Texas March 27 and visited with families -- young mothers with children from Central America -- who are being detained there. Last year, more than 68,000 families from Central America fled violence in their home countries. Rather than released into alternative programs which provide them with case management and community support, many being detained. The faith leaders called upon the federal government to halt the practice of detentions, citing the harmful effects on the mothers, children and society. Archbishop Gustavo GarcíaSiller, MSpS, of San Antonio, whose archdiocese includes Dilley, was joined by Seattle Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, MSpS, who serves as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration; and Bishop James Tamayo of Laredo, a border diocese which was on the front lines in dealing with the surge of immigrants from Central America last year. Bishops Michael Rinehart and H. Julian Gordy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America also joined the Catholic prelates on the visit. That same day, a letter calling for the end to the detention of immigration families was sent to President Barack Obama. It was signed by 80 religious leaders representing the Jewish and Christian faiths. Since last summer, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has detained hundreds of families at detention centers in Texas, Pennsylvania and New Mexico. In addition to the Dilley facility, mothers and children fleeing their homelands are also being held at a center in Karnes City, which is located in the Archdiocese of San Antonio as well. “So many of these mothers and children are detained in my archdiocese; they hold a special place in my heart,” Archbishop Gustavo at a bilingual press conference at St. Joseph Church in Dilley following the visit and tour said. “As their pastor and shepherd, we share a special bond. It is my loving responsibility to minister to them in their time of distress and invite them to be part of our family of faith and feel the healing and compassionate embrace of God through us.” The archbishop told of recently visiting those being detained in Karnes City. While there, he met a mother who gave birth to her child while she made the terrifying journey to escape violence in her home country. While he talked with her she tearfully described her pilgrimage of what she hoped would be freedom and safety. “She told me that every night she prayed that her baby would one day be baptized,” Archbishop Gustavo recalled. “It was with joy that I baptized her 6-week old daughter and gave this uncommon gift of grace to her mother. As her ‘pastor, this is what I am called to do.” The archbishop asked, “Why do we feel compelled to place in detention such vulnerable individuals -- traumatized young mothers with children fleeing persecution in their home countries?” He replied, “They have Taking part in the press conference outside St. Joseph Church following the faith leaders’ visit to families at the Dilley Detention Center on March 27 were, from left, Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, MSpS, of Seattle and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration; Bishop H. Julian Gordy of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and chairperson of the Conference of Bishops Immigration Ready Bench; Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, of San Antonio; Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley; Bishop Michael Rinehart of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and member of the Board of Directors of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; and Bishop James A. Tamayo of the Diocese of Laredo. (Photo, Jordan McMurrough) already gone through a horrific experience on their journey at the hands of smugglers and others, victims of violence and sexual assault.” The San Antonio prelate said that it is clear from his interactions that these families are no threat, yet they are detained as if they are. “A great nation such as ours need not incarcerate the most vulnerable in the name of deterrence,” he stressed. “Rather, we should offer them the fair opportunity to seek and receive legal protection.” Archbishop Gustavo emphasized that there are humane alternatives to the detention of these families, where they could be cared for in the community and provided appropriate support, including legal representation. “We should not continue to expand bed space for these families, but pursue alternatives. The moral character of a society is judged by how it treats the most vulnerable in its midst. Our nation’s family detention policy is shameful and I implore our elected leaders to end it,” he concluded. Bishop Elizondo expanded on those comments, saying, “Family detention should be ended. It serves no purpose. It especially harms children, who experience emotional and psychological harm from detention.” The bishop added that the current policy does not deter family migration, as the forces compelling families to leave Central America are much stronger than any deterrent threat detention may create. Bishop Elizondo focused on other ways to ensure that families appear at their court proceedings, most importantly by giving them legal representation. “This policy is a stain on the president’s record on immigration, and now is the time for the president to reverse this inhumane practice,” the bishop said passionately from the podium. “The U.S. bishops are ready to work with his Administration to provide alternatives to this policy, so our nation can meet its commitment to human rights and refugee protection.” Bishop Tamayo said he sees this issue from a slightly different perspective – from the U.S. Mexico border. “These families have been crossing at points in my diocese and in the Diocese of Brownsville not to evade the Border Patrol, but to request security and safety in our nation.” The bishop told of domestic and international legal obligations toward these families – the large majority of whom are eligible for asylum under our system, he said – but by detaining them, the United States is denying them due process, as the immigrants are unable to access legal representation or understand their rights. “We are not saying that all of them would be able to stay, but we have obligations under our laws to give them a chance to earn legal status and refugee protection,” Bishop Tamyo explained. “I add my voice to those of other faith leaders that this policy is unworthy of our great nation.” El supuesto borrico no se movió ni hizo sonar la campana. El hortelano subió a la noria, ¡y cuál no sería su sorpresa al descubrir que su borrico se había convertido en un ser humano! —¿Qué es esto? —exclamó. —Mi amo —respondió el joven—, unas pícaras brujas me convirtieron en borrico, pero ya cumplí el tiempo de mi encantamiento, y he vuelto a mi estado original. El pobre hortelano se desesperó, pero no tuvo más remedio que quitarle los arreos y decirle que se fuera con Dios. Luego, afligido, se dirigió a la feria para comprar otro burro. Dio la casualidad de que el primero que le procuraron vender era su propio burro, que unos gitanos acababan de comprar. Tan pronto como lo vio, echó a correr, exclamando: “¡Quien no te conozca, que te compre!”. De ese gracioso cuento procede el dicho con el que damos a entender que como ya conocemos lo que se nos ofrece, no hay modo de que nos lo vendan. El hecho de conocer algo a la perfección nos permite rechazarlo porque no nos conviene o porque sabemos realmente de qué se trata, y sin embargo Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios, hizo precisamente lo contrario en el caso nuestro. San Pablo nos enseña que no somos nuestros propios dueños porque hemos sido comprados por un precio. Y San Pedro nos explica que ese precio es el que pagó Dios para rescatarnos de nuestra vida pasada, no con oro ni con plata, sino con la sangre de Cristo. ¿Acaso no sabía Dios, cuando decidió pagar el precio supremo enviando a su Hijo al mundo a morir por nosotros, que nosotros no valíamos la pena? ¿Cómo no iba a conocernos a la perfección el que nos hizo con libre albedrío y por lo tanto propensos a un sinnúmero de imperfecciones? Dios pudo habernos rechazado por el hecho de saber con certeza que se trataba de nosotros con todas nuestras imperfecciones, pero hizo todo lo contrario: mostró su amor por nosotros cuando todavía éramos pecadores y no habíamos hecho nada para merecerlo. Pagó un precio muy alto para que pudiéramos convertirnos en príncipes con todos los derechos y privilegios de su reino. Cristo pudo haber dicho: “¡Quien no te conozca, que te compre!”. En cambio, dijo: “Te conozco, y sin embargo te compro”. Más vale que no echemos a correr rechazando su oferta, sino que corramos a aceptarla. Quien no te conozca Por Carlos Rey Había feria en el pueblo al que acababan de llegar tres jóvenes pobres. —¿Cómo hacemos para divertirnos? —preguntó uno de ellos al pasar por una huerta en la que un borrico estaba sacando agua de la noria. —Ya sé cómo —contestó otro—: Pónganme a mí en la noria y llévense el borrico al mercado, que seguro que ahí lo van a poder vender en seguida. Y así se hizo. Después que sus compañeros se fueron con el borrico, el que había quedado en su lugar detuvo la marcha. —¡Arre! —gritó el hortelano, que no había visto nada debido a que estaba trabajando a cierta distancia. “Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas” Salmo 119:27 CHURCH DIRECTORY EL SENDERO ASSEMBLY OF GOD 5400 Daughty @ Evers Just inside Loop 410, 680-0111 Raúl C. García, Pastor 8:30 A.M. Spanish Service 11:00 A.M. English Service Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M. Bible Centered Preaching Active Youth and Children’s Programs Spanish & English Services LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA 508 Paseo de la Villita (210) 226-3596 Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Cleo Edmunds, Pastor San Fernando Cathedral Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol 5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass) Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised); 10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English); 5:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm 115 Main Plaza Downtown • 227-1297 5 de abril de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 5-B St. Philip’s College 20th Anniversary Read It! Write It! Share It! celebrate National Poetry Month 2015 CultureFest and Rib Cook Off By Marcie Hernandez April is National Poetry Month, the largest literary celebration in the world celebrating poetry’s vital place in our culture. Take time this month to learn more about poetry. Attend a poetry reading, check out a book of poems, or try your hand at writing a poem of your own! In addition to events, SAPL is offering the public an opportunity to test out their poetic skills during Poetweet. Tweet a family-friendly poem, tag @ m y s a p l and we’ll re-share it on our feed and on Facebook. How creative can you be in 140 characters? You can also find poems, author bios and literary criticism with SAPL databases, searchable from any branch or from your home computer or mobile device at guides.mysapl. org/databases. National Poetry Month Events will take place at the following Library locations: Sheer Poetry - Celebrate National Poetry Month with poetry readings every Monday in April. Mondays in April 6:30 p.m. at Forest Hills Branch Library (5245 Ingram Rd., 78228.) Teen Time: Poetry with a side of popcorn- Teens 13-18 are invited to join us in decorating the library with poems made by you! We will repurpose old books into poetry by cutting out words, phrases, and images to create poems that will go on display for National Poetry Month. Being this creative can make you hun- gry, so popcorn will be provided to feed your mind. Thursday, April 2, 3:30 - 5 p.m. at Tobin Library at Oakwell (4134 Harry Wurzbach Rd., 78209.) Readers Ink Book Club- Join us as we celebrate Poetry Month with a discussion of Poems That Make Grown Men Cry: 100 Men on the Words that Move Them. Refreshments will be served. Saturday, April 4, 2 - 3 p.m. at Landa Branch Library (233 Bushnell Ave., 78212.) Fun with Poetry - Poems, Novels in Verse - join in the celebration as we listen to popular titles and practice writing, illustrating, and reciting our own original poems! Tuesday, April 7, 5 - 6 p.m. at Pruitt Branch Library (5110 Walzem Rd., 78218.) National Poetry Month Open Mic - Do you write poems? Are you comfortable reading them out loud? If so, please join us for our open mic night. Thursday, April 9, 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Branch Library (3222 Culebra Rd., 78228.) Braided Stream - A Poetry Duet- Join poets Janice Rebecca Campbell and Toni Heringer Falls for an intriguing evening of collaborative weaving, a poetry calland-response, a braided stream, Thursday, April 9, 6:30 p.m. at Parman Branch Library (20735 Wilderness Oak, 78258.) Poetry Reading - Please join us for a poetry reading hosted by Don Mathis of the Alamo Area Poets of Texas. Poets and writers will celebrate Fiesta, National Library Week, Earth Day, and National Poetry Month, Sunday, April 12, 4 - 5:30 p.m. at Landa Branch Library (233 Bushnell Ave., 78212.) Cool Teens Club - Quilting Wordless- Use your words to make quilting poetry! Teens, ages 13-18, join us to learn how to make and share quilts wordless and maybe some e-crafting along the way. Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Landa Branch Library (233 Bushnell Ave., 78212.) Teen Time - National Poetry Month- We will celebrate Poetry Month by creating “Add a Word” community poems. Tuesday, April 21, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Pruitt Branch Library (5110 Walzem Rd., 78218.) Celebrating Poetry Month with Sun Poet’s Society – Join the Pan American Branch Library’s celebration of April Poetry Month with the Sun Poet Society. Members Susan “Susana” Marquez and Rod Stryker will read from their writing collections. Saturday, April 25, 2 - 3 p.m. at Pan American Branch Library (1122 W. Pyron Ave., 78221) Poem in Your Pocket Day - Every April, on Poem in Your Pocket Day, people throughout the United States celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with them, and sharing it with others throughout the day. Mission Branch Library (3134 Roosevelt Ave., 78214) will share the gift of poetry with patrons on Thursday, April 30. For more information about National Poetry Month events at SAPL, visit mysapl.org or call 210.207.2500. Senseless deaths on the rise due to distracted driving Special to La Prensa With more people dying senselessly on Texas roads due to distracted driving, the Texas Department of Transportation kicks off its annual “Talk, Text, Crash” campaign to urge drivers to give their full attention to the road. TxDOT’s campaign coincides with National Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April. “Nearly 1 in 5 traffic crashes in Texas is caused by a distracted driver,” TxDOT Deputy Executive Director John Barton said. “Last year, 468 people were killed because someone took their attention off the road. How important is a fleeting distraction when it could end in the death of someone, perhaps even one of your loved ones?” Distracted driving-related crashes in Texas are highest among 16- to 24-year-olds. In 2014, there were 100,825 crashes in Texas involving distracted driving — up 6 percent from the previous year. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, drivers using a mobile phone are four times more likely to cause serious injury in a crash. Text messaging is particularly dangerous. New research conducted last year by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute showed it takes a driver double the amount of time to react when they are distracted by text messaging. Additionally, sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes away from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s the equivalent of driving the length of a football field while blindfolded. While mobile phone use is the most recognizable driving distraction, any type of behavior that draws a motorist’s attention away from driving is dangerous. TxDOT urges drivers to refrain from: By John Dendy The 20th anniversary lineup for the 2015 St. Philip’s College CultureFest and Rib Cook Off has been confirmed with ribs, massages, musical guests and a March 10 certification from the City of San Antonio as a green event at the platinum level. The certification is the second-highest level possible from the city based on its Green Events Ordinance on sustainable policies for medium and large-scale events. Musical guests for the 20th anniversary program include Mariachi Los Conquistadores, Villela, Lipstick Junkys, Cadillac Muzik and DJ Bernard Wah. Nationally known spoken word artist Khoree the Poet will perform as master of ceremonies. Parking and admission are both complimentary for this family–friendly event that is open to the public. Registration for the rib cook– off is open to all by confirming with John Martin, the college’s associate director of student success, at (210) 486-2241 by April 21. Confirm with Dr. Angela McPherson-Williams, the college’s director of student life, at (210) 486-2135 by April 21 for remaining food and non-food vendor opportunities. Find details and vendor applications at the CultureFest web pagehttp://www. alamo.edu/spc/CultureFest/. Traditionally, the day hosted by St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston and the degree candidates of St. Philip’s College unfolds on April 23 from 9:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. with rising temperatures and ceremony as musical sounds and rib aromas waft from the barbecue competition area known as Rib Row. Stage party members include Fiesta San Antonio President Fernando Reyes, Fiesta San Antonio interim CEO Philip Nelson, Miss Fiesta San Antonio Alixzandra Pena, Mr. St. Philip’s College2015 Patrick Partab, Miss St. Philip’s College Miya Frazier 2015, Queen of Soul Kamilah Avery and her court, Fiesta Riverwalk Prince David Uminski, and other Fiesta royalty. After welcoming comments, the aromas of barbecues on Rib Row are very enticing, and the event is ceremonially opened. Some guests swap recipes and shout words of encouragement to the 2015 CultureFest chef teams. Many guests will place their bids and purchase tickets during the CultureFest Scholarship Fundraising Silent Auction, and at noon from the CultureFest Main Stage results are announced for the 2015 rib cook-off. Substantial student effort goes into each CultureFest. The college’s culinary arts degree candidates give back by helping with the CultureFest Rib Cook-Off by preparing and serving each entry to the judges. Guests will also have a chance to meet on Rib Row with such college construction technology degree candidates such as Ernest Patino, a scholar who is part of the team giving back by building in their labs two youth-size picnic tabled and two bookcases for the CultureFest Scholarship Fundraising Silent Auction, perfecting woodworking, teamwork, community service and construction skills in this process. Several of the college’s early childhood education degree candidates provide leadership in the CultureFest Kid’s Corner, teaching and engaging the preschool and elementary school patrons who are valued CultureFest guests. College massage therapy degree candidates contribute while gaining invaluable therapeutic experience by staffing the CultureFest 500-Hour Massage Therapy Zone to ensure event guests are refreshed and ready for their next Fiesta event. St. Philip’s College vocational nursing degree candidates give back by staffing the CultureFest First Aid Tent, administering guest and competitor care related to heat or injury. Behind the scenes, seven fine arts degree candidates competed to produce The Palm Restaurant’s official Fiesta pin for 2015. Students Brandon Hoffman, Danielle Alonzo, Chris Dech, Matias Martinez, Melody Halsrud, Yolanda Jones and Alicia Cantu are this year’s competing pin artists. The unveiling at The Palm will take place on April 8 in the restaurant at 233 E. Houston St. All proceeds from this related activity will be donated for student scholarships as well, explained McPherson-Williams, adding that St. Philip’s College CultureFest Fiesta Medals will be available for purchase for $5 each on April 23 during the CultureFest event. Through coordination among hospitality management faculty member Deb Romeo, NIOSA chairman Barb Machado and construction technology program director James Chilson, students teamed up to learn as they helped the food and beverage-intensive NIOSA week go greener than ever with record revenue, record attendance and record-setting recycling of 34.18 tons. “CultureFest celebrates our college’s influences as one of our city’s institutions of higher learning, and green designation for the only college in South Texas with a nationally-recognized alternative energy degree program is another reason to celebrate,” said McPherson-Williams. “We were the first Fiesta organizers offering massages for everyone from our degree candidates to our guests who include Fiesta royalty, and we look forward to seeing everybody at the event for a good cause on April 23.” • Texting • Checking email • Eating and drinking • Grooming • Reading • Programming a navigation system • Adjusting music or other audio device If a distraction absolutely The Smokehouse, one of many food vendors at last years Culture Fest and Rib Cook. (Courtesy photo) requires immediate attention, TxDOT reminds drivers to pull over to a safe location and come to a complete stop before diverting their attention. Pet of the week Sweet Beverly is looking for a loving forever family! She is a 2 year old Hound mix with the best floppy ears. She would love to sit on the couch with you while she rests her head on your lap - snuggle time! And when you come home from work or school, get ready because she will greet you at the door and actually DANCE with you - it’s time to groove! Just gently grab her front paws and she will follow your lead very well! This gorgeous gal listens to her humans and if she is doing something unpleasant, a simple “no” will be obeyed immediately. She is house trained, is past the chewing phase, and gets along well with others like her and even cats. If you’d like to take her on car rides to the park, she will do extremely well in the car. Beverly has a playful side and loves to play fetch with a big, braided rope toy. While she also enjoys a nice walk, she’s very happy lounging on the couch! She is quite intelligent and will sneak in kisses from time to time. Her hope is that you will show her a ton of affection in return. Beverly will eagerly and quickly learn new tricks, and will gently take the treats she earns as rewards. Come by the SAHS today to meet Beverly! Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life. Adoption fees for Dogs: 25 pounds & under - $99 26 pounds & over - $65 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd. or call (210) 226-7461. 6-B 2005 JEEP WRANGLER: NEW TIRES, 4 CYLINDER, VERY CLEAN, $13,025. (210) 860-1642. (04/29/15) EMPLOYMENT: Need a Baker specializing in Mexican Bread & Cookies. Good working environment. Please call (210) 226-2979 or apply in person at 2200 W. Martin. (04/29/15) ---------------------Solicito mecánico, plomero, electricista, nivelador, carpintero, y yardero de México para trabajar en rancho. (210) 362-0875. (04/08/15) ---------------------Solicito sobadora, también una que dé limpias. Compro madera. (210) 3620875. (04/12/15) ---------------------Drivers: CDL-A $2400 Sign-on. Excellent Benefits. Home Weekly. Solos & Teams-Excellent Wages. Newer Equipment. Monthly Bonus Programs. New Grads, Training Available. (877) 723-8932. (04/05/15) ---------------------¿Cansado de su economía? Empresa líder busca 2 personas que quieran ganar dinero extra. Irma (210) 264-1340. (04/05/15) ---------------------Tenemos posiciones de limpieza para cubrir inmediatamente en la plaza comercial de North Park para el exterior. Los candidatos ideales deben ser responsables y asumir el compromiso en función a la calidad del trabajo. Si tú disfrutas trabajar al aire libre, este trabajo es para ti. ¡¡Ser bilingüe es un plus!! Experiencia no es necesaria. Turnos de medio tiempo tanto en la mañana como en la tarde están disponibles. Por favor aplicar en www. interstatecleaning. net o llame al (210) 525-8355. Favor de dejar nombre y número de teléfono o parknorth0300@ aol.com (04/05/15) ---------------------Panadería y Taquería necesitan cajera, cocinero/a y ayudante general. 223 Palo Alto, favor de llamar (210) 416-8985. (04/05/15) ---------------------Cake Decorator Position (410/Bandera) compensation: Depending on Experience. Full-Time & Part-Time Position available!! Great Pay Experience a Must: Job Description: Experienced cake decorator with smooth icing techniques-Stacked Cakes - 3D Cakes - Fondant:Fondant figures/Cake toppers. We have a wonderful working environment. Call for an Interview (210) 598-0562 En espanol (210) 413-6310 Rosy (04/05/15) Tapizador de muebles con experiencia, empleo a tiempo completo. Buen salario. Aplique en persona 1126 N. St. Mary’s S.A. TX 78215 (04/08/15) Reliable Paving, Inc. está buscando marcadores de pavimento/estacionamientos. Montadores de metal de armazón liviano/soldadores. Trabajadores de asfalto para la pala, la máquina de acostar, la máquina de paver. Aplicar en persona de lunes a viernes de 1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Estamos localizados en 1903 N. Peyco Arlington. In Business since 1982 (04/05/15) ---------------------Reliable Paving Inc. está buscando marcadores de pavimento/estacionamientos. Montadores de metal de armazón liviano/soldadores. Trabajadores de asfalto para la pala, la máquina de acostar, la máquina de paver. Aplicar en persona de lunes a viernes de 1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Estamos localizados en 1903 N. Peyco Arlington. In business since 1982 (04/05/15) ---------------------Drivers: Non-CDL Great Hourly Pay/ Benefits. Paid Training! No Exp. Necessary. San Antonio Region! Background/ Drug Screening. Apply: wwwlefleur.net/ careers.aspx (04/12/15) ---------------------Solicito ayudante con experiencia, para piso de madera, cerámica y maestro, con herramienta y transporte propio. (210) 4148301. (04/08/15) HOMES: COMPRO CASAS EN EFECTIVO: We pay cash for houses, fast, any areas and any condition, 25 yrs. experience. Privacy assured! Call John (210) 300-4000. www.alamohomebuyers.com (12/30/15) ---------------------FOR SALE • Owner Financed: 1922 San La Prensa de San Antonio 4-plex. Central A/C, NUEVA por solo 922-9244. (05/31/15) W/D Connections $29,995. Llame al - All Utilities In- (210) 591-0129 RBI ---------------------SERVIVIOS DE cluded $995 monthly 36845. (04/05/15) TRADUCCIÓN: De $500Dep. Must have GOOD rent history. ---------------------- Español-Inglés-EsCall John (210) 414- FOR SALE 2 Acres pañol. Documentos Mini Ranch with Legales/Técnicos/ 4210. (04/15/15) Manufactured Home. Médicos/Negocios. ---------------------- Call (210) 591-0129 T r a d u c i m o s s u s documentos de inFOR RENT • 510 RBI 36845. (04/05/15) migración. TraducS. Pine#1 • 1 Bed 1 Bath • Cottage be- ---------------------- ción en las consultas hind House • W/D F O R S A L E N e w médicas, etc. ContácConnections Stack- D o u b l e w i d e M o - tenos via email: javaable • $495 monthly bile Home for only [email protected] / $250 Dep. Must have $49,000. Land avail- Tif. (817)204-4525. GOOD rent history. able call (210) 591- Precios razonables. (04/15/15) Call John (210) 414- 0129 RBI 36845. (04/05/15) ---------------------4210 (04/15/15) ---------------------- T R A N S L A T I O N ---------------------- Vendo tortilla de ha- SERVICES: EnglishRento departamen- rina y limpio casas. Spanish-English. Leto: personas may- Llame (210) 214- gal/Technical/Medical/Business docuores, solicito reme- 9657 (04/08/15) ments. We make all dios caseros para your Spanish-transcurar diabéticos. SERVICIOS: lation needs easy (210) 362-0875. and fast. Reasonable (04/08/15) ---------------------- $7.50 SERVICIO prices. Contact us via Rento recámara amu- A D O M I C I L I O , email: javamor65@ eblada, salida privada REFRIGERADO- gmail.com Phone: p a r a u n a d a m a RAS, LAVADOR- (817) 204-4525 AS, SECADORAS (04/15/15) (210)409-8255. (04/05/15) Y ESTUFAS. UN ---------------------- AÑO GARANTÍA. Rento cuarto una per- LLAME A (210) Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus, in sona, $275 mensu- 291-5431. (04/26/15) the past I have asked RENT/LEASE ales, con biles. Otro for favors. This time compóngalo cuenta Own and operate your renta (210)374-5425. Corto yardas, pongo I ask you this very own floral and/or gift (04/05/15) tile, azulejo, textura, special one (mention hago y reparo cercas favor). Take it dear shop in downtown de madera y alambre, Jesus and place it San Antonio area for pinto casas, plomería, within your own broas little as $795 per SALES or SELLS: sheetrock y remod- ken heart where your month, $95 equipelaciones, carpintería, father sees it, then in ment rental fee per month, plus $1,600 Vendo panadería “La pongo puertas y ven- your merciful eyes it of existing floral in- Chiquita” 1225 El tanas. Habla con will become your faventory. This shop is Paso, llamar a Jesús Jesús Villa. Llame a vor not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 located four blocks Lara (210)454-2168. (210) 797-6677. (04/08/15) (04/05/15) days, promise å and from the newly develfavor will be granted. oped Riverwalk and ---------------------Pearl Brewery areas. For Sale NEW Mo- Reparamos desde $49 Never known to fail. We are leasing floral bile Home with 3 lavadoras, secadoras, E.C.B. section and selling bedrooms 2 baths. refrigeradoras, es- J.B.F most of the floral Land available and tufas, A/C’s. Todas tools and materials home is ready to marcas, garantizado. Prayer to the three angels needed to run and move in today! Call Llame a (210) 605operate a full service (210) 591-0129 to 9418 o (210) 489floral shop. We also see home. RBI 36845 0604 o (210) 488(04/05/15) 0779. own a professional (04/05/15) floral school so we ---------------------can also train you for Home on Land we as little as $800 and have 10 properties for Sobador/Masajista in one month you will sale from 1 to 3 acres, para toda clase de be ready to open your starting at $69,000. lastimaduras (210) own business for just Call (210) 591-0129 slightly over $2000. for more information. If you are interested RBI 35845. (04/05/15) or you know of someEstamos Contratando: one who might be ---------------------interested in owning Venta para niños @ • Jardinero and operating their Kendall County Fair• Jardinero/Chofer own floral or gift grounds. Abril 9, 9 business, please call a.m.-6 p.m. Abril 10, • Jardinero/Supervisor (210) 229-9204 or 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Abril 11 50% descuento Debe pasar prueba sobre uso (210) 772-2900. (04/29/15) venta 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ---------------------- juguetes, ropa, zapa- de drogas, antecedentes criminales, FOR RENT • Small tos, bicicletas. (04/08/15) E-Verify, Office: 1806 Martin Street front visibility. ---------------------y Expediente De Conductor (si Rent: $450 • Deposit: Se vende casa con ter$100. Call John (210) reno, varias propie- es requerido) dades disponibles 414-4210. (04/15/15) desde $69,000. LlaApply in Person at: ---------------------- mar al (210) 591FOR RENT • 4419 0129 para más infor- 214 Recoleta Rd Hein #2 • 1 Bed, mación. RBI 36845. San Antonio, TX 78216 (04/05/15) 1 Bath • Part of a 4-plex: Central A/C, ---------------------W/D Connections - Vendo Mobile Home EOE/M/F/D/V All Utilities IncludATTENTION M/WBE and SBE VENDORS ed • $895 monthly Texas Sterling Construction is requesting bids from Subcon$450 Dep. Must have tractors and Suppliers for the City of San Antonio – SeelGOOD rent history. ing Channel Phase II Drainage Project IFB #40-00427. Call John (210) 414Bid Deadline is Tuesday April 7, 2015 @ 2PM. SW3P, 4210 (414-4210). Seeding, Hauling, Striping, Concrete, Signage, comprise (04/15/15) needs for the project. All inquiries shall be directed to 210---------------------340-2133 Attn: Jim O’Reilly. All quotes shall be in our office FOR RENT • 4419 by 1pm on April 6, 2015. Please email: TSC-Estimating@ Hein#3 • 2 Bed Strlco.com or fax: 210-340-8732. Texas Sterling is an Equal 1 Bath • Part of a Opportunity Employer. Fernando, near Zarzamora - 2 Bed 1 Bath $64,000 • $3,000 Down • $695. Month - includes Tax & INS. Call John (210) 4144210 (04/15/15) ---------------------FOR SALE • Owner to Owner: 315 Arrid - 2 Bed 1 Bath • $59,000 • $3,000. Down • $645. Month, includes Tax & INS. Call John (210) 4144210. (04/15/15) ---------------------FOR SALE • Owner to Owner: 838 Keats - 3 Bed 1 Bath - $79,000. • $4,000. Down • $850. Month includes Tax & INS. Call John (210) 4144210. (04/15/15) ---------------------ITIN-Compre Casa 25 por ciento Enganche ¡Nada Más! Muchas Selección/ Tiempo Limitado. Llame Hoy: (210) 708-5493. (04/05/15) Trugreen Landcare 5 de abril de 2015 Beloved Archangel Gabriel, Archangel of purity and resurrection, I love you and bless you and thank you for what you mean to me. Load these my decrees and provide me your cosmic love your help, I thank you. Beloved Archangel Michael, on behalf of the divine presence of God in me and all of humanity, I invoke your presence and your legions of Blue Angels to protect me and my loved ones, I thank you. Beloved Archangel Raphael, Archangel of healing of consecration, I love you and bless you, seal me in your flame healing and help me to be aware only of perfection. M.M.C J.B.F el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos, Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Santo! que jamás se oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que se desea y decir siete veces. M.G.H Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen. L.I./D.I. Divino Niño Niño amable de mi vida, consuelo de los cristianos, la gracia que necesito, pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro... Tú sabes mis pesares, pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los turbados y alivio al corazón mío, Dios te salve María... Novena To Y aunque tu amor no St. Jude merezco, no recurriré Most holy Apostle, a ti en vano, pues eres St. Jude, faithful ser- vant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. R.V.P M.M.V. Doy gracias a la Virgen de Juquila, por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9 días esta oración y publíquela al noveno día, nueve Ave Marías durante nueve días. Pida tres deseos. Uno de nego- ALAMO COLLEGES BID/PROPOSAL INVITATION The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown. REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR RAMP AND CANOPY ADDITION TO THE MOODY LEARNING CENTER BUILDING AT ALAMO COLLEGES – SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE CSP 15C-015 Deadline: 4/30/15 Pre-Proposal Conference – April 15, 2015 at 3:00pm San Antonio College, Visual Arts Center Room 120 1819 N. Main Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78212-4299. For more information, contact Asst. Director, Karen Gottfried, at 210/485-0122. ________________________________ REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION TRAINING SERVICES CSP 15A-014 Deadline: 4/21/15 For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Nikki Smith, at 210/485-0132. __________________________________ REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR WAY-FINDING SIGNAGE – PHASE I AT ALAMO COLLEGES – PALO ALTO COLLEGE CSP 15C-010 Deadline: 4/30/15 Pre-Bid Conference – April 14, 2015 at 9:00am Palo Alto College, Campus Student Center Room 130 1400 W. Villaret Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78224-2499. For more information, contact Asst. Director, Karen Gottfried, at 210/485-0122. _________________________________ Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows: By U.S. Mail or Courier Service: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693 San Antonio, TX 78212 By hand delivery by Bidder/Offeror: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg 41, Room 101 San Antonio, TX 78212 Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s website www.alamo.edu/district/purchasing. 5 de abril de 2015 cios, dos imposibles. Al noveno día publique esta oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo crea. Amén. Prayer to the Infant of Atocha You are the powerful Savious of all people, protector of the invalid and almighty doctor of the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you. Here you say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to God. To remember this day I pray to you to answer my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all my heart to help me. Please be with me in thought and spirit when I find my peace and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise å and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. Divino Niño Niño amable de mi vida, consuelo de los cristianos, la gracia que necesito, pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro... Tú sabes mis pesares, pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los turbados y alivio al corazón mío, Dios te salve María... Y aunque tu amor no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano, pues eres el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos, Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Santo! que jamás se oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que se desea y decir siete veces. Divino Niño Jesús, bendícenos. D.N. De La Garza of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. J.M.T. Doy gracias a San Judas Tadeo por el milagro recibido. K.R.L. Para los casos más difíciles Ante ti vengo con la fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil situación, no me desampares de las puertas que se me hacen de abrir e mi camino, sea tu Brazo Poderoso el que las abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). Súplica que te hace un corazón afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la lucha humana, ya que sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias dulce Jesús (rezar quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho. Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día. B.R. L.L.V. Novena To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, Prayer to the Sato be ever mindful cred Heart of Jesus La Prensa de San Antonio ORACIONES O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen. La sombra de M.R.G. San Pedro ¡Oh! Felicísimo apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos del redentor, primer vicario de Jesucristo en su Iglesia Católica, confesor de sus dos naturalezas, divina y humana, sencillo pescador a quien dio el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de su templo militante; por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus excelentes virtudes y, especialmente a la de tu Santísima Sombra, pues con ella se libra el que con devoción implora tu amparo a tu sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al enfermo y a cuantos te piden favor. ¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de sus culpas, para que arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas de la gracia y a tu sombra no pierdan el derecho que tienen a la gloria. Amén. El Espíritu Santo Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será creado. Y renuevas la faz de la tierra. Oremos. Oh Dios, que ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con la luz del Espíritu Santo, con- cédenos el don del mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar. Al noveno día publique esta oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo crea. Amén. Oración a la M.V. Virgen de Juquila Prayer to the InMadre Querida, fant of Atocha Virgen de Juquila, Virgen de nuestra esperanza, tuya es nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal. Si en este mundo de injusti cias, de miseria y pecado ves que nuestra vida se turba, no nos abandones. Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos, acompa- You are the powerful ñamos por todos los Savious of all people, caminos, vela por los protector of the inpobres sin sustento valid and almighty y el pan que se les doctor of the infirm. quita retribúyeselos. Holy Infant, we honor A c o m p á ñ a n o s e n you. toda nuestra vida y Here you say three libéranos de todo tipo Our Fathers, Hail de pecado. Amén. Marys, and Glory be Doy gracias a la Vir- to God. gen de Juquila, por To remember this los favores recibidos. day I pray to you to Rece los 9 días esta answer my requests. oración y publíquela Holy Infant of Atoal noveno día, nueve cha I ask you with all Ave Marías durante my heart to help me. nueve días. Pida tres Please be with me deseos. Uno de nego- in thought and spirit cios, dos imposibles. when I find my peace 7-B and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise å and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. Divino Niño Niño amable de mi vida, consuelo de los cristianos, la gracia que necesito, pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro... Tú sabes mis pesares, pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los turbados y alivio al corazón mío, Dios te salve María... Y aunque tu amor no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano, pues eres el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos, Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Santo! que jamás se oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que se desea y decir siete veces. Divino Niño Jesús, bendícenos. ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y deseo conocer una mujer de 30 a 60 años, solteras, casadas, viudas o divorciadas sin compromiso. Soy muy romántico y cariñoso. No se arrepentirán. C-221 ----------------------------Soy señor joven de 63. Me veo más joven. Estoy retirado. Busco una dama de peso entre los 175 a los 220. De estatura de 5’3’’ para arriba. De edad entre los 30 a 60 años. No tomo ni fumo, soy cristiano. C-222 ----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Mido 5’2’’ pulgadas. Peso 150 libras. Católico de buenos principios y sin vicios. Busco una damita que sea hispana, no más de 5’ pies de altura, no más de 110 libras, blanca y de ojos de color. Que sea buena y tenga buenos principios y católica. No más de 55 años de edad. Gracias. C-223 ----------------------------47 años. Mexicano. 5.8. 235 libras. 9 años de viudo. 2 hijos de 18 a 19 años. Busco una mujer sincera, honesta y hogareña que quiera algo serio. De 40 a 50 años. El físico no me interesa. Que sea de México o de aquí, Estados Unidos, de San Antonio TX o de afuera, sin compromiso. C-224 ----------------------------Busco un hombre que sea sincero, solo, que no tenga compromiso. De 60-65 años, que sea mexicano, que sea alegre, que le guste el baile, cine o reuniones familiares. Yo soy una mujer divorciada. Tengo 59 años. Soy muy alegre, buen carácter. Soy blanca, mido 5.2 pies. D-225 ----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer sola y viuda sin compromisos. Busco un hombre que tenga más o menos mi edad, de 68 a 70 años. Soy blanca, ojos café, pelo café. Mido 5’5’’. No me importa si el hombre es más bajo que yo, no más que sea bueno y le guste lo que a mí me gusta. Si es moreno está bien, no más que sea buena persona conmigo. Yo ya tengo mucho de estar sola sin compañero, por eso yo busco un buen hombre. Yo sé que muchos hombres están solos a la edad de nosotros. Necesitamos un cariño de veraz. Si hay alguien que le guste mi carta, pues conteste. Estaré esperando una buena persona para mí. Su amiga. D-227 ----------------------------Soy un caballero de 59 años solo. Soy alto, mido 6 pies, pelo negro, moreno claro. Peso normal. Soy buena persona. Te ofrezco mi atención, mi amor. Sé valorar. Te doy toda mi alma. Busco una dama. 45 a 55 años, sola, sin niños, que su talla sea 12 o 14, peso normal. Que sea buena persona, cariñosa, que desee una relación seria. C-228 ----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Vivo solo, tengo mi apartamento, mi carro, estoy retirado y trabajo. Busco una señora para una relación seria, no importa el físico. No juegos, ni pasatiempo. Si buscas lo mismo escríbeme. No te arrepentirás. C-229 ----------------------------Soy una mujer de 45 años de edad y soy divorciada, amable y cariñosa. Estoy en busca de un hombre bueno de 45 a 50 años que busque algo muy serio. Si te interesa, mándame tu carta. conocer un hombre de 68 años, alto 5’8”, de peso entre los Te espero. D-230 178 a los 185. Que sea: fiel, sincero, honesto, de buenas ----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 48 costumbres, buen carácter, digno, que hable como hombre años alto, mido 1.87, algo y que no tenga vicios con las blanco, cuerpo normal, muy drogas, atractivo, educado, de aseado, trabajador, no tengo buenos principios, respetuoso vicios, me gustan los deportes, y de buenos sentimientos. Que leer, salir a comer, ver alguna sea de Estados Unidos, de San película en casa y divertirme Antonio TX. Si hay alguien sanamente. Busco dama sincera, que tenga todo esto: escríbeme, cariñosa, sencilla y de nobles porque yo tengo todo esto. D-232 valores para una bella relación ----------------------------seria y duradera, la edad no importa, solo que desee ser feliz. B u s c o u n c a b a l l e r o q u e C-231 sea educado, que no tenga compromiso y desee compartir ----------------------------ideas, tiempo. Soy viuda, Soy una mujer de 68 años, católica, 59 años, estatura 5,2. Latina, 5’3”, 142 libras, Peso 130. Morena clara. Me morena clara. Yo tengo buenos gusta vestir con elegancia, sentimientos y soy honesta. Me las buenas costumbres, el arte gusta la música y las diversiones y conocer diferentes países, sanas. Me gusta la verdad, la historia, pintura. dignidad de las personas. Deseo D-219 5 de abril de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 1130 am www.1130am.net diferente a todas... Igual a ti Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500 Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio Llegando a casi todo el sur de texas Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi 8-B 5 de abril de 2015 Marcha anual por Día de César Chávez Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] El sábado 28 de marzo fue celebrado en San Antonio el Día de César Chávez, dirigente campesino, con la 18th Annual March for Justice, que parte de las inmediaciones de la Plaza Guadalupe hacia El Álamo en la que participaron organizaciones laborales y estudiantiles en home naje al fundador de United Farm Workers of America (UFWA). Presidió la marcha Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de la ciudad de San Antonio, y dirigentes laborales, acompañados por funcionarios públicos. Little Joe Hernández fue el Grand Marshal. César Chávez nació el 31 de marzo de 1927 en Yuma, Arizona. Después de servir en el Navy se integró a los movimientos pací ficos por el mejoramiento de los campesinos en California. En 1962, fundó UFWA. En San Antonio, el dirigente laboral Jaime Martínez creó la Fundación César Chávez, entidad que desde hace 18 años presenta la marcha anual en honor del dirigente campesino. 2-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 El colorido grupo de baile estilo country J.J. Pearse Mustang Stampede se presentó exitosamente en la apertura del partido Spurs vs. Thunder de Oklahoma City (AT&T Center), donde recibieron ovación por su excelente coreografía. (Fotos, Franco) Celia Jairala, propietaria y operadora de restaurantes McDonald’s, agradeció a Kawhi Leonard, alero titular de los Spurs, su participación en el programa de Ronald McDonald House Charities. El lunes 6 de abril los vasos con la imagen de Leonard se pondrán a la venta. Parte de lo que se recaude será donado a las casa-hogar Ronald McDonald. Aficionadas de los Spurs posaron sonrientes para La Prensa durante su participación en el “Fan Tunnel”, desde donde saludaron a cada jugador que entró a la cancha para enfrentarse al Thunder. Antes del partido contra Oklahoma City, la gerencia de los Spurs le dio la bienvenida y felicitó a integrantes de la porra mixta de Converse Elementary Cheer & Step Team. Emotiva fue la ceremonia del Himno Nacional en el partido Spurs vs. Thunder, interpretado por el coro St. Thomas Episcopal School Choir, que al concluir su presentación recibió gran ovación. A como se van jugando los últimos partidos del rol regular en la temporada 2014-15 de la NBA, aficionados de los Spurs “compiten” entre sí vistiendo playeras de gira de su jugador favorito. Los “Spurs Super Fans”, que son seguidores del pentacampeón (en cada partido son diferentes espectadores), presenciaron las prácticas de calentamiento previo al partido contra Thunder. El equipo SA Great Debate del National Hispanic Institute San Antonio (NHISA), con trofeo ganado en justa académica, dio gracias a Spurs Sports & Entertainment por su apoyo. Durante la inauguración de la temporada 2015 de Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, celebrada en el Rosedale Park Stadium, el club de béisbol Bobcats, formado por mayoría de jugadores que cursaron estudios en South San High School y dirigidos por Richard González y Johnny Guzmán Sr., recibieron sus trofeos de campeón zona sur y del playoff, motivo por el que celebraron en grande con inolvidable fiesta. En la colorida ceremonia de inauguración de la temporada de béisbol de primavera y verano, presentada por Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, organizada por el presidente y fundador Gilberto Rodríguez Sr. (centro) y dedicada a Elías Contreras del club Desperados, se le entregaron anillos al campeón bateador Arnold Ponce, los hermanos Ed y Rey Solís del equipo Astros y al pitcher campeón Keith Vázquez. Ponce y Vázquez juegan para el club Tecolotes. FELI CES PASCUAS 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-C Robert Treviño, concejal del Distrito No.1, y Hope Andrade, presidenta de la directiva de VIA, Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de San Antonio, a bordo de la primera vuelta inaugural del nuevo servicio captados a bordo del autobús del servicio The E., que recorre el distrito de negocios de 6 de la tarde gratuito: The E. del sistema de transporte VIA, que recorre los hoteles y centros turísticos del centro. (Foto, Roberto J. Pérez) a 11 de la noche y es gratuito para turistas y público local. Cada vez son más populares en San Antonio los mercados sobre ruedas con vistosos camiones que cocinan sabrosos alimentos al momento que llegan los clientes a lugares como La Villita, Travis Park o Pearl Brewery. Texas A&M mariachi amenizó un recepción reciente de Fiesta Especial. La gracia del flamenco en Estela Hinojosa, del Ballet Tesoro. Recursos, equipo y buena preparación en el departamento de policía de VIA. Adelina Alejandro, electa como Princesa de “Piñatas en El Ba rrio”, feria popular Del 18 de abril en la Plaza Guadalupe a partir de las 12 horas. Listos para Fiesta. Daniella Espinoza, Miss Latina SA; Crystal Bill Dante y Juan Ortiz en una recepción en Texas A&M previa Entretenimiento para los niños en Wonderland of Americas con Diaz, Jorge Núñez (Univisión) y Débora Guzmán-Pérez de Relaa la semana de Fiesta 2015. ciones Públicas de OLLU. más de 50 tiendas al servicio del público. DE PARTE DE SUS AMIGOS DE ©2015 HEB, 15-0566 4-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Gino’s East brings a slice of Chicago flavor in S.A. By Lea Thompson [email protected] roasted with pancetta. Their menu also includes healthy options like the Caprese jar salad, which combines mozzarella, crisp tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. The salad is served with toasted garlic bread for a makeyour-own bruschetta experience. Although each deep-dish pizza takes about 45 minutes to bake, the fresh flavors are worth the wait. Thanks to a special dough conditioner, the crust bakes to a crispy golden color with fluffy, thick layers inside. “We are super excited to be in San Antonio, I think it’s going to go over super well especially in this area, we invite everyone to come out and enjoy some deep dish pizza,” Evans said. All of the Texas restaurant locations will offer cocktails, wine and craft beers including a selection from Chicago’s Goose Island Beer Company. Beginning May 1, customers will be able to order pizza for carry out. After June 1, Gino’s East will begin offering a delivery option to customers within a one-mile radius. “We expect a lot of local businesses and residents to look for the in-house dining and delivery options,” Evans added. “Depend- ing on customer demands, we’ll start out with a one-mile radius and hopefully expand our services to other areas over time.” Price Range: $$ Gino’s East is located at 8224 Fredericksburg Rd. Customers can call 210-970-PIES to make reservations for groups of 15 more. The restaurant celebrated its grand opening Thursday and from Friday. Gino’s will launch its regular business hours this weekend, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Deep dish fans can finally get their pizza fix in San Antonio as of Thursday at Gino’s East, a restaurant famous for its Chicago style pizza. Although Gino’s originally hails from Chicago, the restaurant has already made it’s way to two other Texas locations in the Houston area. This marks the first San Antonio location, with a second location slated to open this summer. Gino’s East brings its legendary deep-dish pizzas to San Antonio with favorites like the ‘Chicago Fire,’ which includes wall-to-wall sausage, red peppers, and a roasted jalapeno baked into the pizza. “Gino’s has been voted the number one deep dish pizza in Chicago every year,” Mark Evans, the San Antonio General Manager said. “There are several restaurants in town that offer a great product of deep dish pizza, but none of them are going to compare.” “The special ingredients for our dough are different from anyone in town anywhere else,” Evans added. “They all make great pizzas but I think ours is the best.” The restaurant’s Texas menu also includes fresh and delicious appetizers like the crispy Gino’s East of Chicago opened in San Antonio this week, offering special menu items like the Brussells sprouts, flavored and ‘Chicago Fire’ deep dish pizza. (Photo, Lea Thompson) ` 5 de abril de 2015 5 de abril de 2015 Nelda Perez Doña Rosita’s Jalapeño Kitchen By Lea Thompson [email protected] Ruby Nelda Perez serves up a performance with “accent and attitude” in “Doña Rosita’s Jalapeño Kitchen,” a one-woman show playing from April 10 to 12 at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center. The veteran actress created the character of Doña Rosita more than 20 years ago while performing at the Teatro de Esparanza in Santa Barbara, California. During her time with the company, she befriended writer Rodrigo Vasquez-Park, who eventually wrote eight plays for her character. Nelda Perez and VasquezPark’s shared love for creating and eating great food helped develop Doña Rosita’s background story as a hardwork- ing restaurant owner from the barrios. In this performance, Rosita faces pressure from a local developer who wants to buy her restaurant to create a new shopping mall, and locals who want her to fight back. “Rodrigo wanted something we could bite into,” Nelda Perez said. “[The play] is about gentrification, the barrios and shopping malls, and how Rosita can’t make up her mind whether she should sell or not.” “There’s a toothless old man who doesn’t want her to sell, and another person who does, but in the end it has to be Rosita’s decision,” Nelda Perez added. Although Nelda Perez originally hails from Chicago, she has toured as Doña Rosita in theatres throughout the country for more than two decades. The actress is excited to be living in San Antonio again, reprising one of her favorite roles as a strong woman with a sense of humor in spite of difficult circumstances. The play itself is 85 percent in English, and the rest is in Spanish,” Nelda Perez said. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center. San Antonio is going in different paths and a lot of the artists are dying to be in shows and theatre on the Westside. Its underrepresented, so I’m so happy and proud to be working here again.” General admission tickets for “Doña Rosita’s Jalapeño Kitchen” cost $15, while students, seniors and members pay $12. The show plays at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and at 3 p.m. on Sunday. For ticket information call the Guadalupe at (210) 271-3151. Mujeres Mercado and IAMA Coffee House Present: “Pop up on Pearl, an Artisan Pulguita” Special to La Prensa On Saturday, April 4, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mujeres Mercado and IAMA Coffee House launch the first of a collaborative monthly event series, “Pop Up on Pearl, an Artisan Pulguita.” Join us every first Saturday of the month for a free, familyfriendly event that will combine the love of arts and music featuring some of San Antonio’s most talented handmade artisans and musicians. Mujeres Mercado is proudly the only San Antonio Mercado to boast all handmade, carefully curated finds while proudly supporting women-led economies. Mujeres Mercado has created cultural spaces and local marketplaces across San Antonio. Their recent partnerships include SA’s only Night Market, a collaboration with Main Plaza Conservancy, and The Vibrant Community- a handmade artisan shop and cultural space with Southwest Workers Union. The International Academy of Music and the Arts and the IAMA Coffee House pair roasted java with classical arts education. IAMA offers music lessons where students learn the finer arts of voice, piano, violin, guitar and other instruments. As the founder/owner of IAMA, Dr. Rachel Cruz has created a niche for like-minded people to gather, learn, and create. For this special collaboration, artisans will be set up in front of the beautiful IAMA Coffee Ruby Nelda Perez tackles serious issues with a sense of humor in Doña Rosita’s Jalapeño Kitchen, shop, located at the entrance a one-woman show playing at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center from April 10-12, 2015. (Cour- of Broadway and Pearl Pkwy. The market will feature artisan tesy photo, Invisible Theatre) Fiesta Begins at La Fogata! Special to La Prensa Spring has sprung and in San Antonio, that means it’s time for Fiesta, and where better to start the party than La Fogata? Restaurants are always happy to host special events and private parties for their customers, but how many restaurants actually throw a party in their customers’ honor? At La Fogata, celebrating the people who have kept the restaurant bustling for more than 35 years is a tradition that goes beyond providing great food and fabulous service every day: the restaurant actually throws a party. The annual “Fiesta Begins at La Fogata” kicks off the Fiesta season on Thursday, April 16, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For La Fogata, restaurant patrons are not customers, they are guests—and the staff goes out of their way to make their guests feel at home and appreciated. “Fiesta Begins at La Fogata” celebrates the restaurant’s best guests—the people who fill tables time and time again, to the point that they are considered part of the La Fogata family. The annual party is invitation only and is La Fogata’s way of thanking the people whose loyal appetites have made the restaurant a San Antonio institution. “When we talk about our food, we always say we don’t know how to produce a superior product with inferior ingredients. To us, it’s simple: start with the best quality you can get, do it right and you’ll end up with a great product,” says Dwight Lieb, owner of La Fogata. “We feel the same way about our customers: we have the best and they make us better. I can’t think of a better reason to celebrate than that.” A great place for lunch or dinner, for throwing the perfect party in one of their private rooms or the place to call when you want a fabulous catered meal brought to your location, La Fogata never fails to deliver an exceptional dining experience time and time again. So start your Fiesta the right way—if you’re not on this year’s “Fiesta Begins at La Fogata” guest list, make sure to visit La Fogata and join the family soon. For more information about La Fogata, visit www.lafogata. com or call 210-342-1337. La Fogata Mexican Restaurant. (Courtesy photo) Jewelry from local vendor Las Ofrendas is an example of what can be found at Mujeres Mercado. (Courtesy photo) jewelry & up cycled accessories, hand-poured candles, paintings, herbal medicines, creatively potted houseplants, household cositas, and more! All items are handmade by creative, local female artisans. Market goers will get to peruse a carefully curated selection of mujer-powered artisan businesses, including: BarbacoApparel, Sweetcraft Jewelry, Jane Madrigal, Santa Valentina, Potheadz, El Puño y La Mano, Karma Candles, Rock n Gem Shop, VeryThat, and Las Ofrendas. Confirmed performers include singer/songwriter Andrea Gonzalez, an award-winning vocalist that has been writing songs since she was 15 years old. “Music is my religion and guitar is my altar,” says the guitarist-singersongwriter. Vocalist, Nizhoni Camille Begay will also perform. Nizhoni is a junior at Incarnate Word High School. Originally from Arizona, she represents a unique cultural heritage- as a Latina and a member of the Navajo Nation. In April 2014 Nizhoni was selected by the Texas Commission on the Arts and the Texas Cultural Trust as a “Young Master.” Recently, Nizhoni performed for the 2015 Texas Medal of the Arts at the Governor’s Mansion in Austin. Carlos Vives y Marc Anthony saldrán de gira EFE - El cantante colombiano Carlos Vives y el salsero de origen puertorriqueño Marc Anthony anunciaron esta semana en Miami una gira conjunta por Estados Unidos y Canadá. Marc Anthony acudió a la rueda de prensa luciendo un atuendo casual y con sandalias de diseñador, cosa que inspiró a Vives, que vino vestido de gala, para iniciar el encuentro de manera relajada. “Pensar que yo vine de Santa Marta esta mañana y estaba así como él (vestido), pero mi esposa me hizo poner zapato negros y chaqueta dizque porque Marc iba a estar muy formal, muy glamuroso, y en cambio parece que acaba de salir del yate, porque vino en chancletas”, comentó. El colombiano, prosiguió contando que, camino al aeropuerto en Santa Marta, vio un supermercado con el nombre “Mercanthony” por lo que pensó “es un buen augurio, nos va a ir muy bien en esta gira, vamos para donde Marc”. La gira “Unido2″, que promete ser un espectáculo lleno de “energía y calidad” según aseguraron los cantantes, comenzará el próximo 11 de septiembre y ofrecerá once conciertos conjuntos aunque Anthony ofrecerá otros siete en solitario. Organizado por Cárdenas Marketing Network (CMN), la gira comenzará el 11 y 12 de septiembre en el Coliseo José Miguel Agrelot en Puerto Rico, y luego continuará por Las Vegas, Toronto, Chicago, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Nueva York, Boston, Washington DC, Dallas, Houston, MaCallen, Los Ángeles y terminará el 25 de octubre en San José, California. No obstante, habrá ciudades donde cantará Marc Anthony solo, como en los conciertos de Puerto Rico, Las Vegas, Miami, Washington DC y MaCallen. “Tenemos problemas de agenda que estamos tratando de resolver”, explicó el músico oriundo de Santa Marta. Los dos cantantes ya habían probado suerte con el tema incluido en el álbum de Vives “+ Más Corazón Profundo” en el corte “Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar”, un éxito El vallenato de Carlos Vives se combinará con la salsa de Marc Anthony en la gira “Unido2”, que arrancará el 11 de septiembre. (Foto, cortesía) que alcanzó los primeros lugares de popularidad. “Siempre he sido fanático de Carlos, la calidad de sus producciones es insuperable”, comentó Anthony, quien estuvo acompañado de su esposa Shannon de Lima. A su vez, Vives, acompañado de su esposa Claudia Elena Vásquez, aseguró que “Marc es una persona muy sencilla pero crece en el escenario”. “Tiene mística en el escenario. Siempre hablamos de eso con mi esposa”, agregó. Los cantantes describieron la gira como un momento de intercambio cultural y musical, donde cada uno sumergirá en la música del otro. “Será algo más que dos conciertos. Será diferente. Habrá mucha integración de nuestra música, mucho público en común, una noche de música, todo por el precio de un boleto”, explicaron. También aseguraron que pondrán a bailar a todo el mundo y posiblemente Anthony bailará un vallenato mientras que Vives lo intentará con una salsa. “Marc ha sido el salvador de la música salsa en tiempos donde la radio le ha dado la espalda al género. Es el líder que le ha dado visibilidad y resurgimiento al gé- nero. Yo llevé el vallenato a Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos”, comentó el cantante colombiano. De su parte, Anthony aclaró que ya hicieron “algunos ensayos el año pasado”. “Tendrían que filmar los que pasa detrás del escenario, es muy divertido, vacilamos mucho”, agregó. Durante la rueda de prensa, ambos artistas recordaron a la cantante Selena Quintanilla en el vigésimo aniversario de su muerte, y al músico colombiano radicado en México, Aniceto Molina, quien falleció el lunes 30 de marzo. “A Selena la conocí personalmente”, comentó Marc Anthony. “Los dos nacimos en Estados Unidos y comenzamos juntos nuestras carreras. Coincidimos en mucho; para los dos era un reto no hablar bien el español. Su legado es enorme y agradezco que se siga reconociendo su talento”, aseveró el salsero. “Es invaluable el aporte que hizo Selena a la cumbia. En mi nueva canción ‘La cumbia es de todos’ hablo de cómo en distintos pueblos, como el mexicano, se adoptó la cumbia haciéndola suya”, remató Vives. “A Aniceto lo recordaremos como un juglar vallenato al cual le agradecemos que la cumbia y el vallenato se hayan hecho populares en México”, agregó el colombiano. Los boletos para la gira “Unido2″ de las dos estrellas de la canción, que dijeron que “vendrán con todo”, saldrán a la venta a partir del 10 de abril. Marc Anthony, embajador de la cultura y la música latina a nivel global, ha vendido más de 12 millones de álbumes en todo el mundo y ha recibido numerosos discos de oro y platino de la Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). En 2012 creó la Fundación Maestro Cares, y desde ese momento ha celebrado una serie de eventos para recaudar fondos para beneficiar a la organización sin fines de lucro. Carlos Vives, por su parte, es embajador de UNICEF y se le considera uno de los artistas más influyentes de la música latina que ha trascendido las barreras durante más de dos décadas. Tiene en su haber más de 30 millones de discos vendidos, un Grammy, 12 Grammys Latinos, 35 nominaciones en nombre de la Academia Latina de la Grabación y álbumes de oro múltiple y platino. 2-D LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 de abril de 2015 Entrevista con Chiquis Rivera sobre Jay Z, Beyonce and Madonna present alternative to Spotify in New York su libro “Perdón” en televisión Por La Prensa Con motivo del lanzamiento del libro biográfico “Perdón” de Chiquis Rivera, María Celeste Arrarás entrevistó a la hija de la Reina de la Banda, Jenni Rivera. La entrevista se empezó a transmitir por Telemundo el 2 de abril en “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste”. Y también se mostrará en “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” (12 pm/11amC) el domingo 5 y en “Un Nuevo Día” (7am/6c) el 7 del presente mes. La televisora también dio a conocer que Celeste Arrarás estará el lunes 6 en el programa “Access Hollywood” para conversar sobre esta entrevista. En “esta impactante conversación, la primogénita de Jenni Rivera revela cómo fue crecer junto a su madre con quien tuvo una relación intensa y conflictiva; por vez primera habla con lujo de detalles sobre el abuso sexual que sufrió a manos de su padre biológico y comparte un secreto con María Celeste, el cual define como algo aún más doloroso que las violaciones de su progenitor, un secreto que detalla en su libro y que nunca le comunicó a su fallecida madre, algo de lo cual se arrepiente”, detalla Telemundo en boletín de prensa. Muchos detalles dolorosas contó Chiquis Rivera a María Celeste Arrarás durante la entrevista para promocionar su libro “Perdón”. (Foto, María Celeste Arrarás Facebook) La entrevista se realizó en la casa de Jenni Rivera en Encino, California. En la conversación, Chiquis ríe y también llora mientras confiesa el dolor que sintió cuando Jenni la cortó por completo de su vida, meses antes de su fatal accidente, y explica el porqué de ese distanciamiento. María Celeste Arrarás comentó que el libro “Perdón” “es extremadamente honesto y sobre todo me impactó de diversas maneras. Y fue aún más impactante cuando entrevisté a Chiquis y ella abundó sobre los temas. Definitivamente el libro y la entrevista sobrepasaron todas mis expectativas. La entrevista fue como hace mucho no realizaba una”. Además de esta elocuente entrevista, Chiquis Rivera estará en “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste” el lunes 6 y en “Un Nuevo Día” el 7 de abril para dar más detalles de su libro autobiográfico. “Ancira Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram 2015 Live Music Series” at County Line Restaurant By Jeanne Albrecht The popular “Ancira Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram 2015 Live Music Series at The County Line” benefiting the San Antonio Food Bank, returns to the stage Wednesday with Midnight River Choir. Now in its 15th year, the music series has featured some of the very best Texas and national country musicians such as Blake Shelton, Bart Crow Band, Kyle Park, Gary P. Nunn, Cory Morrow, Stoney LaRue, Randy Rogers, Jason Boland, Roger Creager, Wade Bowen, Pat Green, Aaron Watson, Radney Foster, Kevin Fowler, Bleu Edmondson, The Rick Cavender Band and many more. The live music series is free; however, all who attend are asked to make a food or monetary donation to the San Antonio Food Bank. Since it started, the series has raised more than 913,400 pounds of food for the San Antonio Food Bank; last year’s music series alone raised 93,458 pounds of food for the Food Bank, which translates into more than 73,000 meals to those in need in our community. Last year, the National Restaurant Association named County Line a winner of its annual Restaurant Neighbor Award—one of only three in the state and the only one in San Antonio—for its charitable support and dedication to improving their local communities through its music series and donations to the Food Bank. “Music, BBQ, and the perfect way to give back. This describes Two Tons of Steel. (Courtesy photo) the great experience we have every week with the folks over at The County Line,” Eric Cooper, San Antonio Food Bank President and CEO said. “This is a perfect example of community coming together in a fun way to help fight hunger in our community. We are so grateful to those who come out every week to support the cause, and even more grateful to The County Line for continuing to be such an exceptional partner.” Here are the performers booked as of March 2, 2015 (headliners listed first): • April 8 - Shane Smith & The Saints with Will Owen Gage • April 15 - Sam Riggs with Jonathan Garcia • April 22 - Cameran Nelson with The Southern Strangers • April 29 - The Crooks with Brian Boyce • May 6 - Brandon Jenkins with Bexar Creek Boys • May 13 - Thieving Birds with Roadside Libby • May 20 - Tejas Brothers with Joe Moreno • June 3 - Mike and the Moonpies with James Delgado • June 10 - Adam Hood with Pardo and Reed • July 1 - Two Tons of Steel with Myer Anderson Band • July 22 - Aaron Einhouse with Johnny Kiser • July 29 - Rusty Brothers with Roadside Libby Sponsors thus far include Ancira Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram; Y-100; Bud Light; Rebecca Creek; Enchanted Rock Vodka; Comfort Air/Primo Plumbing; Red Bull; Ozarka; Hallmark College, and Pure Party Ice. EFE - The artists have taken the initiative in resolving the business model crisis in the music industry and on Monday, Jay Z gathered together in New York Madonna, Rihanna, Beyoncé and Alicia Keys, among others, to present Tidal, a “streaming” music platform intended to compete with Spotify. While the industry is still lamenting the death of the CD and consumers are still frequently resorting to piracy to obtain the most popular songs, on Monday it was the artists - who recently had seemed relegated to focusing their profitmaking endeavors on concert tours and not album sales - who decided to establish an alternative to the prevailing model. Jay Z is the brains behind the Tidal operation, which offers - for $19.99 per month - a service to provide 25 million songs without advertisements, 75,000 music videos, a song identifier, and social network and reproduction list management functions. All that, compatible with almost all mobile phone and computer operating systems, will be available in 31 countries and promises a superior sound quality to that of its competitors, although it also offers a $9.99-per-month option for people who just want conventional sound quality. The famous rapper and visionary producer managed, in addition to conceiving this project, to get the music stars with the most hectic agendas in the world into the same room. Madonna, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Daft Punk, Alicia Keys, two members of Arcade Fire, Jack White, Kanye West, Nicky Minaj and Usher, among others, signed the initial draft of the proposal and, by videoconference, Coldplay’s Chris Martin and singersongwriter Calvin Harris participated in the historic moment. At the main New York post office, it was Alicia Keys who acted as master of ceremonies for the international music “dream team” at a livestreamed announcement about Tidal. “Our mission goes beyond commerce and technology,” Keys said. “Our intent is to preserve music’s importance in our lives. It’s the world’s true universal language.” Keys said that the participating artists were seeking the health and sustainability of the music industry around the world. Jay Z bought Tidal from the Swedish firm Aspiro in January for $56 million and, since then, he has been turning the platform around to adapt it to this business model focusing on livestreaming which, according to the Recording Industry Association of America, is valued at $1.8 billion. According to The New York Times, Spotify currently has some 60 million users around the world, of whom 15 million pay the subscription fee and the others use the service free with advertising. It is predicted that Apple will also begin offering a streaming music service later this year. 5 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-D Mana to release “Cama incendiada,” sexy and happy album coming after breakup EFE - The heartache after a divorce and the resulting explosion of feelings are all contained in the songs on Mana’s new album - “Cama incendiada” - but they are transformed into happiness on the sexy album, full of piquant lyrics and exotic fusions of rhythm, the band’s lead singer, Fher Olvera, told Efe. Olvera, the writer of most of the numbers, said that he was “crossing through some dark areas after a breakup,” when he wrote many of the lyrics for the album that will go on sale on April 21. And art, “for good or for ill, is what is born in your stomach, in your guts, in your testicles, what you really feel like singing,” he said in an interview with Efe in Guadalajara, Mexico, where the band emerged in the late 1980s. The group invited various communications media outlets to their studios to hear their ninth studio album, which includes songs like “Adicto a tu amor,” “Peligrosa,” “La Telaraña” and the title song, “Cama incendiada,” (which means “The burning bed” in Spanish) emphasizing the importance of that very symbolic object where humans spend almost half their lives. “You’re born there, you grow up, reproduce and die there. Love sometimes generates so many flames that they can The Mexican band Mana. (Coutesy photo, Warner Music/EFE) turn (you) into ashes,” said the singer, who presented each of the songs on the album by explaining its rhythms and its significance. Drummer Alex Gonzalez said that the album is a “very eclectic” one with touches of evolution and songs that the band’s fans “have followed their entire lives and they’re going to recall Mana’s beginnings, but with a more up-to-date sound.” The album was produced by George Noriega, who has also produced works by artists such as Ricky Martin, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, and he forced the group to emerge from “its comfort zone to try and do different things and risk other things, musically speaking,” Gonzalez said. Despite the fact that Mexico is not going through its best period due to problems of lack of security, Mana’s new album makes almost no references to the country, despite the fact that the band has always been rather constructively critical of its homeland. Although the political situation in Mexico is bad, the singer said, he added that the “force of the people” is being heard and it fills him with hope to know that people can unite via the social networks to create change. He said that Mexico can overcome its problems, but the great “cancer” in Latin America is corruption. He also said that, as Mexicans, it is incumbent upon them to do as much as they can to “improve the country.” Johnny Depp’s hand surgery delays filming on 5th “Pirates of the Caribbean” EFE - Hand surgery for actor Johnny Depp has forced a delay until at least mid-April in the filming of the fifth installment in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” saga entitled “Dead Men Tell No Tales.” It is expected that production will resume on Australia’s Gold Coast around April 15, according to Entertainment Weekly on Wednesday. The directors of the new film, Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg, had decided to spend the first days of production filming scenes in which Depp’s character does not appear, but the filming was suspended altogether shortly thereafter. The actor flew to the United States on March 11 to undergo the operation. Depp, 51, was not involved in moviemaking activities when he injured his hand. The temporary halt to filming originally had been scheduled to last two weeks, given that the producers felt that Depp’s injury would have “a minimal impact” on the project, but the suspension wound up being extended to a month because of surgical complications. The decision has affected about 200 members of the film crew. This is the second time that filming on the new movie has been halted after a tropical storm forced a halt in February. After the break, 14 weeks will be required to finish filming and the work is expected to begin showing in theaters in July 2017. Spanish actor Javier Bardem is one of the castmembers in this fifth film in the franchise, along with Kaya Scodelario, Adam Brown, Delroy Atkinson, Danny Kirrane and Brenton Thwaites. Roberto Carlos y Carlos Santana recibirán reconocimiento en Premios Billboard de la Música Latina La larga trayectoria musical del cantautor brasileño Roberto Carlos será reconocida el próximo 30 de abril con el Premio Billboard Trayectoria Artística. Y Carlos Santana recibirá el Premio Billboard Espíritu de la Esperanza. (Fotos, cortesía) Por La Prensa Dos grandes de la música latina serán reconocidos durante los Premios Billboard 2015 a la Música Latina el jueves 30 de abril. El famoso cantautor brasileño Roberto Carlos recibirá el Premio Billboard Trayectoria Artística. Y Carlos Santana, por su parte, será acreedor del Premio Billboard Espíritu de la Esperanza en reconocimiento por sus contribuciones filantrópicas y humanitarias. Asimismo, ambos artistas cantarán durante la ceremonia, que será producida y transmitida en vivo por Telemundo el jueves 30 de abril a las 7pm/6c desde el BankUnited Center en la Universidad de Miami en la Florida. Roberto Carlos tiene una ca- rrera musical de más de 50 años y más de 120 millones de álbumes vendidos en todo el mundo. El Premio Billboard Trayectoria Artística le será entregado por ser un artista con una carrera excepcional que ha elevado la música Latina a un nivel global. El renombrado artista, quien se destaca como uno de los artistas latinos de mayores ventas en el mundo, sigue siendo relevante por sus contribuciones artísticas y personales, y su influencia ha marcado el desarrollo de la música Latina en el mundo. Desde Brasil Roberto Carlos inició una mayor revolución musical en Brasil en los 60s, llegando al éxito en un periodo que coincidió con el movimiento juvenil que iniciaron los Beatles, y se tomó al mundo. Roberto Carlos fue el líder de Jovem Guarda, y lideró un programa de TV del mismo nombre que se convirtió en una denominación genérica de un estilo musical que significó un cambio definitivo a la cara de la música brasileña. A finales de los años 60, Roberto Carlos cambió su estilo para convertirse en el artista romántico más exitoso de Brasil, co-escribiendo algunas de las más bellas canciones en este estilo que se convertirían en clásicas, como “Detalles”, “Jesus Cristo”, “Emociones” y “Que será de ti”. Para finales de los 70s se había convertido en el músico brasileño con mayor venta en la historia de la música. En los 80s, Roberto Carlos comenzó a grabar en inglés y en francés, habiendo lanzado álbumes en español, italiano, y portugués, lo que le permitió tener una carrera internacional sólida, obteniendo las posiciones más altas en los listados Latinos de Billboard. En 1986, fue un éxito en el Radio City Music Hall en Nueva York, y tres años después ganó el primero de sus cuatro Grammys, esta vez por Mejor Cantante Pop Latinoamericano. En los años 90s, Roberto Carlos se convirtió en el primer artista latinoamericano en vender más álbumes que los Beatles. El guitarrista El Premio Billboard Espíritu de la Esperanza, creado en honor a Selena, se entrega a los artistas por sus contribuciones filantrópicas y humanitarias más allá de su obra musical. vea Roberto Carlos y Carlos Santana página 4-D 4-D Querida Nina: Hace un tiempo que comencé a fumar. Mi esposo detesta a todo el que fuma. Cuando me pregunta por qué huelo a cigarro, siempre le digo que LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO en el trabajo hay una persona que tiene su escritorio a lado mío y fuma de más y que es por eso que mi ropa tiene olor a cigarro. Sé que algún día le tendré que decir pero por lo pronto me hallo sin respuestas. Tenemos juntas muy seguidas y él siempre va conmigo. Temo que me pregunten si quiero un cigarro o que si tengo uno, porque entonces allí se sale toda la verdad. Quisiera dejar de fumar por mi cuenta, pero no puedo. ¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Qué me aconsejas? Por favor contéstame pronto. Margarita Querida Margarita: Eso es un problema universal. Muchas personas, tanto hombres como mujeres piensan que es fácil dejar de fumar, pero no lo es. Fumar es como el alcohol, es una adicción. Unos pueden parar y otros no. Los que no pueden necesitan ayuda médica o entrar a un grupo como AA (Alcohólicos Anónimos) en que se apoyan unos a los otros. Te aconsejo que le digas a tu esposo lo que me has dicho y luego que busques ayuda con tu médico. Pregúntale con quien puedes ir para recibir esa ayuda. Vuelve a escribir si no conseguiste esa información. Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio, TX 78212 o al correo electrónico: [email protected] Roberto Carlos y Carlos Santana...(viene de la página 3-D) En 2015, el galardón Espíritu de la Esperanza será entregado a Carlos Santana por su devoción al activismo social y a las causas humanitarias, y en particular por su trabajo en representación de los niños a través de su Fundación Milagro. Establecida originalmente por Carlos Santana y su familia en 1998, la Fundación Milagro beneficia a los niños menos privilegiados y más vulnerables de todo el mundo a través de sus donaciones y otorgamientos a organizaciones comunitarias sin fines de lucro que trabajan con niños en las áreas de la educación, la salud y las artes. Con los fondos generados por las donaciones de boletos para conciertos, productos licenciados por Santana y generosos aliados filantrópicos y donantes individuales, Milagro ha otorgado más de cinco millones de dólares para apoyar a niños y jóvenes en el área de la Bahía de San Francisco, a lo largo de los Estados Unidos y en países en todo el mundo. Transmitida con un nivel de pasión y alma a la altura del legendario sonido característico de su guitarra, la música de Carlos Santana es uno de los sellos más famosos del mundo. Durante más de cuatro décadas, desde los primeros días de Santana como intérprete revolucionario de sonidos de fusión Afro-Latinblues-rock en San Francisco, Carlos ha sido la fuerza visionaria detrás de un arte que trasciende los géneros musicales y las fronteras generacionales, culturales y geográficas. Durante más de cuarenta años y casi el mismo número de álbumes, Santana ha vendido más de 100 millones de discos y llegado a más de 100 millones de seguidores en sus conciertos alrededor del mundo. Entre muchos honores más, Carlos Santana recibió el premio Trayectoria Artística durante los Premios Billboard de la Música Latina 2009 por su carrera de toda una vida, y recibió el Premio Billboard Century en 1996. El álbum más reciente de Santana, “Corazón” es el resultado de un esfuerzo colaborativo con los nombres más importantes de la música Latina, incluyendo a ChocQuibTown, Lila Downs, Gloria Estefan, Fabulosos Cadillacs, Juanes, Ziggy Marley, Miguel, Niña Pastori, Diego Torres, Samuel Rosa of Skank, Cindy Blackman Santana, Romeo Santos, Soledad, Wayne Shorter, y más. Este es el primer álbum en español de la icónica carrera musical de Santana. Finalista para cinco premios este año, “Corazón” ha sido certificado Doble Platino Latino de EE.UU. y fue el álbum de la Música Latina de mayores ventas en los Estados Unidos durante seis semanas consecutivas. El gran evento contará con actuaciones musicales de la figura multifacética de la música urbana Wisin; la mega-estrella Daddy Yankee; la nueva sensación de la música urbana J Balvin; la estrella internacional Carlos Vives; el líder de la música regional mexicana Julión Alvarez; la cantante mexicana Ana Gabriel; y la adorada cantante y actriz Lucero. 5 de abril de 2015 San Antonio in full bloom By Alyssa Bunting [email protected] For the longest time, San Antonio was simply known as the home of the Spurs, Fiesta and the Alamo. However, recently it seems as though the train of opportunities and must see events that usually stop only in Austin, Dallas and Houston is finally passing through the Alamo city. In the past year, a multitude of events and new establishments have come through the city that normally would have not. For example, since the Tobin Center of Performing Arts has opened, we have been able to enjoy things such as an evening with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, which took place earlier this month and performances by the last two former Beatles, Sir Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, who had never come to San Antonio as a collective. Another example is popular low brow concerts that seemed to have always skipped over San Antonio. For the longest time, it seemed as though the former White Rabbit was the only venue available to touring bands and would for the most part booked only bands of the Metal genre. Since the Paper Tiger has been open, acts such as Courtney Love and Lee Fields will be stopping through. What is most favorable about the Paper Tiger is the fact that they have local artists performing almost regularly or opening up for the major artists that tour through. Local K23 Gallery is also doing its part and bringing in some pretty big name bands that are coming in from surrounding concerts and festivals from places such as Austin and doubles as a community art space that adds to the Fredericksburg Road artistic community known as On and Off Fred. However, it isn’t just the newer venues bringing in big name acts, the Majestic Theatre announced earlier this month that Bob Dylan would be performing in May and as a personal unexpected surprise, the Aztec announced that punk band Bad Religion will be performing with OFF! next month. New restaurants have been a hot commodity this year and though restaurants open every single day all over the world, San Antonio is getting national attention for restaurants that have only been around for a short time. New restaurant, Southerleigh that just opened at the Pearl, is not only creating delicious meals, it is also utilizing the Pearl for what it once was, a brewery. Southerleigh will be brewing its own beer at the Pearl using some of the brewery’s original equipment. The artistic aspect of San Antonio is growing as well. It seemed as though First Friday was the only place to catch a gallery opening or to purchase art from local artists. Now though the artistic community is a lot more accessible with events such as Creative Creatures, Mujeres Mercado and all the “pop-up” galleries opening up around the Blue Star Arts Complex. Perhaps it is the season, but it seems as though San Antonio is blooming in so many different aspects that combine economy, creativity and local community.
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