Saint Peter Claver ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH A Diverse Spiritual Community in Action 56 Elmwood Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 973-783-4852 REV. ZEPHYRIN K. KATOMPA, ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Office: 973-783-4852 • Fax: 973-783-3261 [email protected] • Catholic Community Social Services Hotline Day: 1-800-227-7413 Evening: 1-800-227-7705 PHONE NUMBERS WEEKLY EUCHARIST FALL SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:45 p.m. English Administrative Assistant Marisol Dennis 973-202-5958 Receptionists Camelia Miller Vinnie Galasso SUNDAY 9 a.m. English, 11 a.m. Spanish, 12:45 p.m. Creole 973-746-1750 973-744-0581 Trustees Lois Crawley William Huebner DAILY MASS 8:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday & Saturday 8 a.m. Friday 973-783-6552 973-748-8393 Financial Council Chairperson Tom McNeilly 973-743-4918 Religious Education/RCIA Call the Rectory 973-783-4852 Music Director Paulette Bouknight 973-669-1940 Spanish Ministries Coordinator Gladys Herrera 973-744-6879 Spiritual Life Bethie Dominique 973-325-7141 Liturgy Suzanne Moore 917-602-5906 Parish Life Barbara Green 973-746-4753 Communications Debbie Villarreal-Hadley 973-783-7852 Social Concerns Brian Gibson 973-743-7850 Tuesday - Healing Mass Holy Days - See bulletin for schedule First Saturday - Divino Niño Saturday 7 p.m. 7:15 p.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 5:15 p.m. or by appointment PRAYER SERVICES Rosary Prayer 1st Saturday, 8 a.m. Creole Charismatic Prayer Friday, 7:30 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please let us know of any homebound people who would like Communion on a regular basis. To schedule a hospital or home visit please contact the rectory. BAPTISMS AND MARRIAGES Baptisms are held on the first Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Before any other arrangements are made with regards to Baptisms and Marriages, please contact the rectory and schedule a visit with Father Zephyrin. WELCOME TO ALL NEWCOMERS We are so happy to have you worship with us. Please introduce yourself. We’d love to meet you! You are invited to join our parish family. You can find registration forms in the Vestibule of the Church. SAINT PETER CLAVER MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY PARISH COMMITTEE NUMBERS MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 28– Palm Sunday Vigil 5:45pm For the parishioners of Saint Peter Claver Sunday, March 29–Palm Sunday 9:00 AM For the parishioners of Saint Peter Claver 11:00 AM Descanso en paz de las almas de Sara Vasquez y Cipriana Requema th 12:45 PM In thanksgiving of Marguerite St. Felix 90 birthday Tuesday, March 31- Healing Mass 7:00 PM For the Sick SUZANNE MOORE- LECTORS 917-602-5906 LOIS CRAWLEY -EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 973-783-6552 NANCY TAIANI – PARISHIONERS FOR PEACE & JUSTICE - 973-783-4163 BETHIE DOMINIQUE -LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME - 973-325-7141 BRIAN GIBSON - MEN’S FELLOWSHIP 973-743-7850 SUSAN RICH, ED.D – WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP 973-224-3073 TRACY GREEN- FRAGER – WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP 973-746-4753 CHANDLER DENNIS -BLACK CATHOLIC CONCERNS – 201-247-0632 TINA SCHUMACHER – HEALING MINISTRY 973-432-7167 Saturday, April 4– Easter Vigil 5:45pm For the parishioners of Saint Peter Claver Next Week April 4, 5 & 7, 2015 Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5–Easter Sunday 9:00 AM For the parishioners of Saint Peter Claver 11:00 AM Descanso en paz de las almas de Norma De Benedetti y Susana Montenegro 12:45 PM In Thanksgiving for the birthday of Marc Douyon ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 5:45 PM TBA TBA TBA Sunday 9AM TBA S. Huebner TBA Tuesday, April 7- Healing Mass 7:00 PM For the Sick 11AM E. Riega F. Valencia TBA Please remember in your prayers… Mary Bachman Mary Bennett Jean Joseph Cadet Marisol Dennis Bethie Dominique Howard Farling Virginia Farling Irene Handville Tom Langan Vania Maddy Vera Matthews Dolly Moore Joel Rivera Frank Schulte Fernando Urquijo And all our special intentions. Mass Intentions are available! Call the rectory office, 973-783-4852 We will not serve Breakfast on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday. Tues. 7 PM B. Robinson A. St. Felix E. Douyon M. Pierre Louis Y. Solages R. Hanley T. Schumacher Offering – March 22, 2015 Total Envelopes – 32 Saturday 5:45 pm Sunday 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:45 pm $ 1,039.00 $ 278.00 $ 331.00 TOTAL: $ 2,1549.00 $ 506.00 Our Palm Sunday and Easter Offering will be reported on April 12th. We’ll be back 4/12. #0648 12:45 PM V. Stewart R. Stewart L. Djondo O. Acuña E. Acuña Page: 1 Your ongoing support is deeply appreciated. Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Faisons de ce Triduum pascal une expérience de la dernière Cène de Jésus au milieu de ses disciples, le procès par devant Pilate, le moqueur, et enfin la crucifixion le Vendredi Saint. GREETINGS FROM Ensemble nous revivrons durant cette semaine tous les évènements qui ont abouti jusqu’à la mort de Jésus et nous nous rassemblerons pour célébrer la résurrection du Christ et la défaite de la mort. Cette année, nous sommes bénis d'avoir six candidats qui recevront les sacrements de l'initiation chrétienne à la Veillée pascale et le dimanche de Pâques. Je vous prie de nous rejoindre pour les accueillir à notre famille paroissiale. We enter into Holy Week this Sunday. In Jesus Christ we are being re-created, re-fashioned and redeemed as we cooperate with grace. He comes to live in all who make a place for Him within the center of their lives. This "making a place" is the essence of Christian prayer. It is not about doing, but about being. The Lord wants us to freely choose to respond to His continual invitations to love, to serve and to forgive. As Holy Week continues, we enter into the Triduum, the great Three Days, where we experience the Last Supper with his disciples, his trial and mocking before Pilate, and ultimately his crucifixion on Good Friday. As we have walked together through Lent and as we press on through Jerusalem and all of the events surrounding Jesus' death, we gather at last to celebrate the empty tomb. Christ has been raised from the dead, death no longer has hold over Him, or us! This year we are blessed to have six candidates who will receive the sacraments of Christian Initiation on the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. We welcome you to pray for them and join us in welcoming them into our church family. Next week we celebrate Easter, the good news of life in the midst of death and the feast of joy in God's presence! Invite someone to come along with you to hear the good news! -----------------------------------------------------------------Nous entrons dans la Semaine Sainte à partir de ce dimanche. Jésus renouvelle notre création. Par Lui nous sommes rachetés et combles de grâces. Il vit au sein de tous ceux qui font de Lui une place spéciale au centre de leur vie. Le Seigneur veut que nous soyons libres de choisir et répondre à son appel, nous devons continuer à aimer, servir et pardonner. #0648 Page: 2 Nous vous serons reconnaissants d’inviter vos parents et amis de vous accompagner a la fête de Pâques pour commémorer et partager avec nous la bonne nouvelle. -------------------------------------------------------------Entramos en la Semana Santa En este domingo. En Jesucristo estamos recreados, somos redimidos y nos cooperamos con la gracia. Él viene a vivir dentro de todos los que hacen un lugar para Él en el centro de sus vidas. Este "hacer lugar" es el espíritu de la oración cristiana. No se trata de hacer, sino de ser. El Señor quiere que elijamos libremente a responder a su continua invitación a amar, servir y perdonar. Mientras que la Semana Santa continua, entramos en el Triduo, los grandes tres días, donde vivimos la experiencia de la última cena con sus discípulos, su juicio y burlona ante Pilato, y, finalmente, su crucifixión el Viernes Santo. A medida que hemos caminado juntos a través de la Cuaresma, seguimos adelante a través de Jerusalén y todos los acontecimientos que rodearon la muerte de Jesús, nos reunimos para celebrar por fin la tumba vacía. Cristo ha resucitado del muerto, y la muerte ha perdido su aguijón. Este año tenemos la bendición de tener seis candidatos que recibirán los sacramentos de la iniciación cristiana en la Vigilia de Pascua y el domingo de Pascua. Por favor oren por ellos y unirse a nosotros para dales la bienvenida a nuestra familia parroquial. La próxima semana se celebra la Pascua, la buena noticia de la vida en medio de la muerte y la fiesta de la alegría en la presencia de Dios! Invitar a alguien a venir con usted para escuchar las buenas noticias! Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 SPC FOOD PANTRY HOURS Monday & Wednesday 10 am – 1 pm Tuesdays 5pm – 7pm It is with sadness that we report to you the passing of long time parishioner Marie Dormus. Her funeral Mass was held here this past Saturday. Please keep her loved ones in your prayers. Eternal rest grant to her oh Lord. May perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace. C’est avec tristesse que nous vous faisons part du décès de notre chère paroissienne Marie Dormus. Ses funérailles ont eu lieu ici hier samedi. S’il vous plaît de la garder dans vos prières. Que son âme repose en paix. ALL IN NEED ARE WELCOME. Donations are always welcome too. Holy Week Readings Monday, March 30 Isaiah 42:1-7 Psalms 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 John 12:1-11 1 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE CHRISM MASS - Monday, March 30 at 8:00 PM –Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark Tuesday, March 31 Isaiah 49:1-6 Psalms 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17 John 13:21-33, 36-38 HOLY THURSDAY - April 2nd 7:00 PM- Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Adoration of the Holy Eucharist. Wednesday April 1 Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalms 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 Matthew 26:14-25 GOOD FRIDAY - April 3rd 6:00 PM -Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM- Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Jesus Holy Thursday, April 2 Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 Psalms 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 First Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-15 HOLY SATURDAY - April 4th Retreat with Candidates from 10 am – 1pm EASTER VIGIL – April 4th at 8pm Blessings of the Fire, Easter Candle and water. New converts, Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation and more. EASTER SUNDAY April 5th The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ 9:00 AM Sunday - English 11:00 AM Sunday - Spanish 12:45 PM Sunday-Creole/French #0648 Good Friday, April 3 Isaiah 52:13--53:12 Psalms 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1--19:42 Saturday Easter Vigil, April 4 … Epistle: Romans 6:3-11 Psalms 118:1-2, 16, 17, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 16:1-8 Easter Sunday, April 5 Acts 10:34, 37-43 Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Colossians 3:1-4, or First Corinthians 5:6-8 John 20:1-9 Page: 3 Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Good Friday Way of the Cross The Archdiocesan Justice for Immigrants Task Force, with Pax Christi NJ, Faith NJ, Wind of the Spirit, First Friends of NJ & NY and others, will walk our fifth ecumenical Good Friday Way of the Cross for "Justice for Immigrants and for All" through the streets of Newark. We’ll begin at 10:00 a.m. at the Federal Immigration Building (970 Broad St.)—praying for change in ourselves and in a society marred by such sins as our unwelcome of the immigrant, poverty, mass incarceration, gun violence, lack of health services, human trafficking and war. You are invited to join us! Way of the Cross – locations and themes 1. Federal Immigration Building (970 Broad St.) – THEME: Our beliefs require us to work to end the mass incarceration of immigrants and people of color 2. City Hall (920 Broad St.) – THEME: We need to recognize that it is immigrant labor that continues to build this country 3. Broad at Lafayette St.–THEME: We look to God in hope to overcome adversity 4. St. Benedict Acad. 520 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd – THEME: How do we support families torn apart by deportation? 5. Hall of Records, 465 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd – THEME: We are called to share the burden of our immigrant brothers and sisters 6. Essex Community College - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Raymond Blvds. – THEME: How do we protect the rights of women? 7. Rutgers Campus Center -350 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. – THEME: How to we guarantee access to education for all? 8. St. Michael’s Hospital (111 Central Avenue) – THEME: How do we guarantee adequate healthcare for all? 9. Broad Street Train Station at MLK Blvd. – THEME: How do integrate the undocumented immigrant into society so they can drive without fear? 10. Martin Luther King Blvd & 7th Ave.–THEME: How do we a guarantee a dignified living for our workers 11. St. Lucy Plaza – 7th Ave. –THEME: How can we minimize the suffering of our minority communities? 12. Same location: St. Lucy Plaza – 7th Ave. –THEME: We value life and say no to violence 13. Entrance to Branch Brook Park at 7th Ave. and Clifton St. – THEME: We are called to put an end to human trafficking 14. Within Branch Brook Park overlooking Victoria Ave. – THEME: What are the values that guide and govern my life? 15. Outside the Cathedral Basilica at Victoria and Clifton. THEME: With the strength of love, we build community St. Peter Claver Church Parishioners for Peace & Justice 3/29/15 Issue 13 #0648 Page: 4 Monday, March 30 6:30pm English – Tech Center Tuesday, March 31 7pm Computer – Tech Center Holy Thursday, April 2 NO ENGLISH CLASS Good Friday, April 3 NO SPANISH CLASS To register call the rectory. Para registrarse llame a la rectoría. Pour vous inscrire, appelez le presbytère. 973-783-4852 The next Women’s Fellowship meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd at 3:00 PM in Dr. Martin Luther King Hall. Please mark the date on your calendar as Women’s Fellowship of SPC will devote this meeting to the upcoming World Meeting of Families 2015 to be held in Philadelphia, PA.during the month of September. ******************************************* “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 ¿Ha Hecho Su Reservación? ¡Por favor confirme su asistencia hoy! You recently received an invitation to attend a reception to inaugurate the We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign taking place throughout the Archdiocese of Newark. As your Pastor, I urge you to make every effort to attend this reception and learn more about this exciting endeavor. As you know, the receptions will be held on the following dates: 9th Thursday • April at 7:00 PM in Martin Luther King Hall or Monday • April 27th at 7:00 PM in Martin Luther King Hall (With Archbishop Hebda) Estos eventos sociales e informativos son su oportunidad de aprender sobre el emocionante futuro de nuestra comunidad y hacer preguntas, mientras comparten tiempo con sus hermanos Cristianos de la parroquia. Favor escojan una de las fechas que siguen: lunes, 13 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón parroquial de MLK miércoles, 22 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón parroquial de MLK lunes, 27 de abril a las 7:00 pm en el salón parroquial de MLK (con el Arzobispo Hebda) Refrescos van a ser servidos Las invitaciones han sido enviadas por correo. Si usted no ha recibido su invitación, por favor llame a la parroquia cuanto antes al (973) 783-4852. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP to the parish office so that we can prepare for the appropriate number of guests. “Después de que encarcelaron a Juan, Jesús se fue a Galilea a anunciar el evangelio de Dios…” – Marcos 1:14 We are in a challenging and exciting period in our history as a Catholic community. We have an opportunity to be the living stones that we as Catholics are called to be, and to leave a legacy for the faithful that follow. Members of our parish will also present how this tremendous project will directly benefit our own parish. ¿Usted piensa lo difícil que debe haber sido para Jesús al llegar a Galilea, sabiendo que Juan había sido arrestado por enseñar el mismo mensaje que Jesús estaba proclamando? Debió requerir mucho amor y confianza para que Jesús hiciera todo lo que el Padre le mandó a hacer en la tierra. De la misma forma, el seguir una vida de servicio toma mucho amor y confianza. Debemos estar dispuestos a rendirnos por completo a Dios, confiando en que Él siempre nos dará lo que necesitemos para cumplir con los planes que tiene para nosotros. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to being with you at one of our informational campaign receptions. #0648 Page: 5 Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Gospel Summary: Mark 14:1–15:47 The Passion reading in Mark’s gospel is the shortest of all gospel accounts and is known for its swift impact and drama. It begins with an unnamed woman pouring expensive perfume on Jesus’ head and continues through the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples praying in Gethsemane, the arrest of Jesus, his trial, crucifixion, death and burial. Of course the disciples scattered and made no claim to Jesus. He was left alone to die a degrading death. Some women stood and watched at a distance and a Jewish man, Joseph of Arimathea, gave him a tomb. Reflection for Families It’s human nature, even the nature of our own children, to cry out when an injustice has taken place. “I didn’t do it” or “It’s not my fault”, are phrases that wear us thin dealing with infractions in our children’s lives day after day. But don’t we marvel at how much Jesus suffered without a word. He didn’t argue with Pilate. He didn’t even express sadness at the desertion of his disciples. In fact, he knew that Judas would betray him and Peter would deny him. Like Jesus, we hope for the best of strength and courage from our children, but things will happen in their lives where they fail. The most important lesson we can learn from Jesus is that of the unconditional love he had for his disciples. Even after they denied and deserted him, he still came to them in love and reconciliation. Mother’s Day Celebration Dinner Dance Raffle and more Saturday, May 16th 7pm Saint Peter Claver Martin Luther King Hall Suggested Donation: $25.00 Contact the rectory at 973-783-4852 or Gladys Herrera at 973-744-6879 for more information and tickets. All are invited. Celebración de las Madres Cena Baile Rifa y más Sábado, 16 de mayo 7pm San Pedro Claver salón de Martin Luther King Donación sugerida: $ 25.00 Póngase en contacto con la rectoría al 973-7834852 o Gladys Herrera al 973-744-6879 para las entradas o más información. A Word of Thanks One of our parishioners, who wishes to remain anonymous, has donated $300 for the new Church keyboard we purchased for our music ministry. Carmen Mena has generously donated a new Reina De Los Angeles statue, a devotion which is very dear in Latin America, especially in Costa Rica. The statue will be blessed this Sunday at the 11am Mass and placed solemnly in the Church. Their donations are greatly appreciated and will be a blessing to our parish. Men’s Fellowship We are so blessed by God with the growth of our Men’s Fellowship in English and now in Spanish! These past two weeks they have been meeting and are taking a more active role in the parish. They have cleaned out the shed and removed the garbage and recycle. They have also fixed the door of the vestibule and the door of the computer room and have bought the material and donated their labor. They are also fixing the faucets in the sacristy bathroom and sink in order for us to get hot water there. They have also fixed the lamp in front of the main entrance to the Church. They are truly a gift to this parish and we are so grateful for their service. #0648 Page: 6 Since 1926 Pilsbury School HARRY J. HERZ ATTORNEY AT LAW Personal Attention and A Commitment to Excellence Nursery Preschool FLOOR COVERINGS, INC. 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Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 648 St. Peter Claver, Montclair, NJ (U) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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