ST. ANNE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BASILIAN FATHERS ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA ANA PADRES BASILIANOS ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE GALVESTON-HOUSTON We, the Catholic Community of St. Anne, aspire to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We foster holiness by encouraging each other on our journey of faith. We seek the kingdom of God as a Eucharistic community. We witness the presence of the living Christ by our profound hospitality, respect and love for all. Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de Santa Ana, anhelamos seguir el ejemplo de Jesucristo. Engendramos la santidad alentándonos mutuamente en nuestro caminar de fe. Pretendemos como comunidad Eucarística buscar el Reino de Dios. Revelamos a Cristo vivo a través de una bienvenida calurosa, con respeto y con amor a todos. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT TERCER DOMINGO DE LA CUARESMA What constitutes true worship of God? What does God expect of us? How do we know our relationship with him is appropriate? How does someone who has understood who God really is, relate to him? These are questions today´s liturgy answers for us. It acknowledges God’s holiness and his claim on us. It recognizes that we are his people, and must live in a way that reflects his holiness. The new mentality of the Christian people understands that Jesus is first of all the Crucified One. Nailing our worldliness to the cross, we become capable of true worship. ¿Qué constituye la adoración verdadera de Dios? ¿Qué espera Dios de nosotros? ¿Cómo sabemos que nuestra relación con Él es apropriada? ¿Cómo uno que entiende lo que es Dios, se relaciona con Él? Estas son preguntas que la liturgia de hoy nos contesta. Admite la santidad de Dios y su reclamo sobre nosotros. Reconoce que somos Su pueblo, y que debemos vivir de una manera que refleja su santidad. La mentalidad nueva del pueblo Cristiano entiende que Jesús es primeramente el Crucificado. Clavando en la cruz a nuestra mundanería, nos hacemos capaces de la adoración verdadera. ST. ANNE CHURCH / LA IGLESIA DE SANTA ANA 2140 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3276 Church office hours: 9 AM-noon, 1-5 PM Ministerio Hispano: Lun., Miér., Vier, 1-5 PM; Mar., Juev., 9-12, 1-5 ST. ANNE SCHOOL / LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ANA 2120 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3279 For more information / para mayor información: St. Anne Catholic Community PASTORAL MESSAGE La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana MENSAJE PASTORAL Lent is a privileged time to intensify the path of personal and community conversion. This path involves cooperating with grace, to kill the old man that acts in us. It is a profound breaking from sin that dwells in our hearts, fleeing all that separates us from God's Plan, and consequentially, from our happiness and personal fulfillment. Even though it is a time of penance, it is not a sad and depressing time. It is a special time of purification and renewal of Christian life in order to participate more fully and joyfully in the Paschal mystery of the Lord. Conversion is good news, a Gospel. The Church gives us the means to this journey of conversion: since prayer calls, fasting intercedes, and mercy receives. Fasting is the soul of prayer and mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. Those who pray should fast, those who fast should be compassionate and generous. May this time be for you a holy Lent united to the Lord of our lives and to those who live and are close to you. La Cuaresma es un tiempo privilegiado para intensificar el camino de la conversión personal y comunitaria. Este camino supone cooperar con la gracia, para dar muerte al hombre viejo que actúa en nosotros. Se trata de romper desde lo más profundo con el pecado que habita en nuestros corazones, alejarnos de todo aquello que nos aparta del Plan de Dios, y por consiguiente, de nuestra felicidad y realización personal. Si bien es un tiempo penitencial, no es un tiempo triste y depresivo. Se trata de un tiempo especial de purificación y de renovación de la vida cristiana para poder participar con mayor plenitud y gozo del misterio pascual del Señor. La conversión es una buena nueva, un evangelio. La iglesia nos da los medios para realizar este camino de conversión: ya que la oración llama, el ayuno intercede y la misericordia recibe. El ayuno es el alma de la oración y la misericordia es la vida del ayuno. Quien ora que ayune, quien ayune que sea compasivo y generoso. Que este tiempo sea para ti una cuaresma santa unida al Señor de nuestras vidas y al prójimo STEWARDSHIP LA ADMINISTRACIÓN CRISTIANA To sign up for online giving, please go to the Faith Direct website: . Our parish number is TX629. Para inscribirse a donar en línea, favor de ver al sitio de Faith Direct: . Nuestro código es TX629. Feb. 21-22/ 22 de febrero Year-to-Date / Este Año Number of Envelopes / No. de sobres 573 Number of Loose Checks / No. de cheques sueltos 136 Numbe of On-line Donations Feb. 15 / Número de donaciones en línea feb. 15 158 Collection February 21-22 / Colecta del 22 de febrero $ 71,181 $2,274,606 February 21-22 Budget / Presupuesto del 22 de febrero $ 63,000 $2,074,000 Over/Under Budget / Más de/menos del presupuesto $ 8,181 200,606 Next weekend: Catholic Relief Services Collection / El próximo domingo: Colecta de Servicios Católicos de Alivio 2015 DSF Update / FSD 2015 Noticia St. Anne Parish Goal / Meta de la Parroquia de Sta. Ana Total Amount Pledged / Cantidad Comprometida Pledged Over (Under) Goal / Comprometido Más (Menos) de la Meta Percent Pledged $ 358,000 142,748 (215,252) 39.87% March 7 & 8, 2015 8 de maroo de 2015 IN THE PARISH CCSC’S AZALEA DINNER & AUCTION Thursday, March 26, 6:00 -9:30 PM Post Oak Hilton, 2001 Post Oak $95/ticket or $180/couple Sponsorship Levels Hallelujah Table of 10 $10,000 Illuminate Table of 10 $5,000 Triumph Table of 10 $2,500 Jubilation Table of 10 $1,500 Proclaim Table of 10 $1,250 Rejoice Seating—2 tickets $500+ Auctioneer: Ray Burgess, Attorney at Law - former CCSC Board President Benefitting CCSC’s programs With the help of almost 1,700 volunteers, CCSC is able to assist more than 54,000 people annually in the following programs: Emergency Services—Central Emergency Services—Southwest Jobnet Martha’s Way Back to School Louis J. Moran Vision Care Jingle Bell Express Contributions should be made payable to CCSC and mailed to PO Box 27924, Houston, TX 77227 or visit Azalea_Dinner.html. For additional information, contact Kelly Finkenbinder, (713) 961-3993 or [email protected]. EN LA PARROQUIA THE HANDBELL CHOIR IS LOOKING FOR YOU! Come and join the handbell choir at rehearsals on Monday nights from 7-8:30 and Sundays at the 9 AM Mass. No ringing experience required but you must be able to read music. For more information please contact Matthew McCue, mmccue, or (713) 525-4211. APOYO A VÍCTIMAS Si alguien ha sido victimo de abuso sexual del clero o del personal de la Iglesia, se les anima llamar a la Hna. Maureen O´Connell al (713) 654-5799. Por favor oren por la sanación de las víctimas del abuso y por todos los que sufren de alguna manera. ARE YOU MOVING? Have a new email, phone number, or a change in family status? Please call or email the parish office:(713) 526-3276 [email protected] or go to our website and click on “Update my info.” ¿SE CAMBIARÁ DE CASA? ¿Tiene un nuevo número de teléfono, correo electrónico, dirección, un cambio en su familia? Favor de avisar a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al (713) 525-4390 o a: [email protected]. TASTE OF TECABOCA Texas Catholic Boys’ Camp, Marianist Center for Spiritual Renewal Experience the Tecaboca that boys love! Sunday, March 15: Check-in: 12:30-1 pm; Program time: 1:30-4 PM; Cookout: 4:30 pm; Departure: 5:00 PM Riflery, Climbing Wall and Zip Line (must meet size and weight requirements), Archery, Fishing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Horseback Riding. This is a free event but you must register: Tecaboca is 11 miles west of Ingram in Mountain Home, Texas. Question? (830) 866-3425. Check This Out… Daylight Savings time begins this weekend. Did you know that many religious groups here including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, opposed the extension of DST back in 2005 when the longer time period took effect. The USCCB were opposed on the grounds that children would have to travel in pre-dawn darkness to school. CHILDREN OFTEN TALK about what they want to be “when they grow up”: doctors, lawyers, athletes, nurses, movie stars, teachers, carpenters. They may talk about these roles, but do they ever talk about being a priest, sister or brother? You are the hand of God — encourage your children to consider Church ministry. LOS NIÑOS A MENUDO HABLAN sobre lo que quieren ser "cuando crecen": médicos, abogados, deportistas, enfermeras, estrellas de cine, profesores, carpinteros. Pueden hablar sobre estos roles, ¿pero nunca hablan de ser un sacerdote, hermano o hermana? Eres la mano de Dios — anime a sus hijos a considerar el ministerio de la Iglesia. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: POR FAVOR ALIENTE NUESTRO PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA: Carol Ann Fakouri John Daugherty Realtors (713) 553-7272 [email protected] For more parish news, go to St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana IN FOCUS ENFOQUE Sean ricos en buenas obras… listos a compartir Be rich in good works…ready to share FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How is my contribution to the Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) spent? The Diocesan Services Fund helps all of us fulfill Christ’s mission here on earth by supporting those programs and services that cannot be accomplished by one parish alone. More than 60 programs receive all or part of their funding from the DSF and all funds are spent within Archdiocesan boundaries. The broad areas of ministry that receive DSF support include: Catholic education of children and adults; pastoral ministries for the sick, the poor and the incarcerated; the formation and education of church leadership; social service programs such as San José Clinic, St. Dominic Village and Catholic Charities. Are any of the funds spent on administration at the Chancery? No funds are spent on general administrative expenses of the Chancery. A little over 4% of the funds are spent on the DSF campaign expenses. This percentage does not cover staff compensation expenses or office supplies, which are covered under general administrative expenses of the Chancery. How may I donate to DSF? By credit card or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express), stock, IRA, mutual funds or securities: Follow instructions on your pledge card or go to . You may also call the Archdiocesan Development Office at (713) 652-4422. DSF qualifies for many corporate matching gifts programs. Contact your employer for more information on this program. You may also donate by check or cash with the Pew Envelopes found in the church. You may put it in the offering basket or mail your check with your pledge card to the DSF office. PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ¿Cómo se gasta mi contribución al Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos (DSF)? El Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos nos ayuda a todos nosotros a cumplir con la misión de Cristo aquí en la tierra, apoyando aquellos programas y servicios que no pueden ser realizados por una parroquia individualmente. Más de 60 programas reciben el total o parte de sus fondos del DSF, y todos los fondos se gastan dentro de los límites geográficos de la Arquidiócesis. Las áreas de ministerio más extensas que reciben apoyo del DSF incluyen: La educación Católica de niños y adultos; ministerios pastorales para enfermos, pobres, y aquellos que se encuentran encarcelados; la formación y la educación del liderazgo de la iglesia; programas de servicios sociales tales como la Clínica San José, La Villa de Santo Domingo y Las Caridades Católicas. ¿Algunos de éstos fondos se gastan en la administración de la Cancillería? Ninguna parte de éstos fondos son utilizados en gastos de la administración general de la Cancillería. Un poco más del 4% de los fondos se emplean en gastos de la campaña del DSF. Este porcentaje no incluye gastos de compensación al personal o artículos de oficina, los cuales son cubiertos por los gastos de la administración general de la Cancillería. ¿Cómo puedo hacer una donación al DSF? Tarjeta de Tarjeta de crédito o débito (Visa, MasterCard, Discover y American Express). Sólo siga las instrucciones en la tarjeta de promesa o vaya al internet, a la página También puede colocar su cheque en los sobres que están en el templo, o enviarlo con la tarjeta de promesa por correo. Usted puede colocar su dinero en efectivo en los mismos sobres. Acciones, IRA, Fondos Mutuos o Valores: El Departamento de Desarrollo puede ayudarle con cualquiera de estas transacciones. Llame al Departamento de Desarrollo, (713) 652-4417. También el DSF califica para muchos de los programas de Donaciones Corporativas Equitativas. Pida más información en su lugar de empleo sobre este programa. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Monday Lunes 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Lk 4:24-30 2 Reyes 5:1-15b; Lc 4:24-30 Tuesday Martes Dn 3:25,34-43; Mt 18:21-35 Dn 3:25,34-43; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday Miércoles Dt 4:1,5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Dt 4:1,5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday Jueves Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23 Jer 7:23-28; Lc 11:14-23 Friday Viernes LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO Hos 14;2-10; Mk 12:28-34 Os 14;2-10; Mc 12:28-34 Saturday Sábado Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 Os 6:1-6; Lc 18:9-14 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23 Ephesians 2: 4-10 John 3: 14-21 RCIA Scrutinies: 1 Sam. l 16: 1b,67,10-13a; Eph. 5: 8-14; John 9:1-41 DOMINGO Éxodo 20: 1-17 1 Corintios 1: 22-25 Juan 2: 13-25 March 7 & 8, 2015 8 de maroo de 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS After Masses Incarnate Word Raffle Ticket Sales St. Basil Coffee Sales Church Plaza A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am BOW for RCIA/CCE RCIA 1st Scrutiny Dismissal during Mass 10:00 am Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. Paul Resource Room 10:15 am CCE Grades 2-5 Various Locations 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Fields 2:00 pm RICA Salón Sur de La Casita Ensayo Pasión de Cristo Gimnasio 2:30 pm Cursillistas—Ultreya Salón St. Anthony 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Bible Study St. Christopher Room 9 am-2 pm Guild Lenten Day of Prayer St. Basil Hall 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:45 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room EDGE / Middle School CCE St. John Bosco Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco Taller para Jovenes Salón St. Joseph Adult Confirmation Class St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Meditation St. Elizabeth Room CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 11:00 am St. Anne’s Guild Meeting St. Basil Hall 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room SAYA Basketball Gym H.S. Confirmation Class Various Locations Prayer Sponsor Meeting St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa Templo 8-10 pm Grupo Vía Crucis Casita Salón de Conferencia N. 9:00 am Altar Society Sewing St. Elizabeth Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Lenten Evening Prayer Church RCIA St. Christopher Room / St Teresa Room 6:30-8:30 pm Curso de Biblia Salón St. John Bosco 5:30 pm Stations of the Cross Church 7:00 pm Vía Crucis Templo 8 am-noon CCE Retreat St. Christopher Room 9:00 am Catecismo en Comunidad A Varias Locaciones 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous St. Christopher Room A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am BOW for RCIA / RCIA 2nd Scrutiny Dismissal during Mass 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 2:00 pm Ensayo Pasión de Cristo Gimnasio 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:00 pm SAYA Scripture Study St. Joseph Room 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:45 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco 7:00 pm Meditation St. Elizabeth Room 7:30 pm SAYA Praise & Worship Church 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 6:30 pm Moms’ General Meeting St. Teresa Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room SAYA Basketball Gym 7:30 pm Misa Templo 8-10 pm Grupo Vía Crucis Casita Salón de Conferencia N. 9:00 am Altar Society Sewing St. Elizabeth Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Lenten Evening Prayer Church RCIA St. Christopher Room / St Teresa Room 6:30-8:30 pm Curso de Biblia Salón St. John Bosco To view the entire monthly calendar, go to, then click on “St. Anne Calendar.” St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM BAUTISMOS ANOINTING OF THE SICK UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Parents are required to take a class. To register for this mandatory class please contact the Religious Education Office. If you are a registered member of St. Anne and have taken a baptism class in the past three years, contact Gwen to schedule a baptism date. The next baptism classes are March 28 and May 30. Para miembros inscritos. Se requiere tomar un curso de preparación. Deben registrarse mínimo un mes antes de la clase y después ya puede elegir la fecha del Bautismo. Para más información y fechas, favor de llamar a la oficina de Ministerio Hispano. First Saturday of the month after 8:15 AM Mass, or call the church office. Primer viernes del mes en la misa de 7:30 pm o cuando se solicite llamando a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano, ext. 4277. BAPTISMS AT ST. ANNE BAUTISMOS EN STA. ANA Congratulations to the following infants, who were recently welcomed into our faith community this month through the sacrament of baptism: Felicidades a los siguientes bebés que les fue dada la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad de fe recientemente a través del sacramento del bautismo: Paul Joseph Busher Parents / Padres: Peter & Patricia Busher Bianca Andree Caccialupi Massimo Roberto Caccialupi Parents / Padres: Alessandro & Andrea Caccialupi Lillian Grace Goossen Parents / Padres: Matthew & Lacey Goossen Giorgio Kalil Gracely Parents / Padres: Anthony & Siobhan Gracely Josue Cuauhtemoc Mendoza Parents / Padres: Alejandro & Iris Mendoza Giulia Michelle Suarez Parents / Padres: Eduardo Suarez & Natalie Gomez Peter Thomas Volf Parents / Padres: Keith & Mary Volf Liam Dev Walsh Parents / Padres: Michael & Seema Walsh PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK FAVOR DE REZAR POR LOS ENFERMOS Our ill family and friends written in our Book of Prayers: Nuestros familiares y amistades enfermos inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones: PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF: FAVOR DE REZAR POR LAS ALMAS DE: Our deceased family and friends written in the Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades difuntos que están inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES Monday and Friday: 11:30-11:50 AM; Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM. Los sábados a las 4:15 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE EL SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO The sacrament of marriage at St. Anne Church is reserved for Catholics who are registered, attending, supporting members of St. Anne Parish and live in the parish boundaries. Those not living in the boundaries must be registered, attending, and supporting the parish for at least six months before securing a wedding date. Call the church office. El sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Santa Ana está reservado para Católicos que están inscritos como miembros, asistiendo, apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia y que viven dentro del área de la parroquia. Personas que no viven dentro del área deben de estar inscritos, asistiendo y apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia por un mínimo de seis meses antes de iniciar el proceso. Llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. REGISTRATIONS INSCRIPCIONES If you are new to the parish, we would like for you to be a registered member of St. Anne Church. The next membership meeting is Sunday, March 22, after 9 AM or 5 PM Mass, in the St. Joseph Room in the Parish Center. People 18+ should register on their own. Students away at college or university should register there. You must be a registered member in order to be married in this church, to obtain a letter to be a sponsor for a sacrament or to have your child baptized or enrolled in CCE. Si usted es nuevo en la parroquia o no es miembro inscrito, le recomendamos se inscriba a la parroquia. La siguiente reunión para inscribirse será el domingo 5 de abril después de la misa de 12:45 PM en el salón St. Joseph del Centro Parroquial. Ser miembro inscrito en Sta. Ana es un requisito cuando solicitan algún sacramento como bautismo o matrimonio, para clases de educación religiosa, o una quinceañera. Todo joven mayor de 18 años debe inscribirse individualmente. March 7 & 8, 2015 STAFF DIRECTORY MASSES MISAS Sunday / Domingo 7:30 AM • 9 AM • 11 AM • 5 PM Español: 12:45 PM y 7 PM Weekdays / Entre semana Monday—Friday 7:00 AM • 12 noon Español: Miércoles: 7:30 PM y Viernes Primero: 7:30 PM Saturday / Sábado 8:15 AM • 5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days / Días de Obligación See bulletin; Vea el boletín INTENTIONS INTENCIONES March 7-14, 2015 Sat/Sáb 5:30 Patricia Foley Sun/Dom 7:30 Int. All Parishioners 9:00 Angie Jansen + 11:00 Faithful Departed 12:45 Alvaro Gómez Racancoj 5:00 Alberta Layden 7:00 Miguel Vivanco , Carolina Vivanco Mon/Lun 7:00 Int. Suzanne Garcia 12:00 Paul Strelkow Tue/Mar 7:00 Int. Fabian Garcia 12:00 Int. Frank DePaul Wed/Miér 7:00 Dale Chessman 12:00 Ulises Deveze Torres 7:30 Juan Julio Quintanilla Thurs/Jue 7:00 Betty Even 12:00 Kathryn Sauer , Katherine Doherty , Betsy Sauer Fri/Vier 7:00 Shirley Davis 12:00 Jean Albanese Martin Sat/Sáb 8:15 Robert Piscoran 5:30 John Flowers = deceased/ difunto Int. = Intentions of / Intenciones de 8 de maroo de 2015 DIRECTORIO DEL PERSONAL Church Office (713) 526-3276 Fax (713) 525-4365 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Alvin A. Sinasac, C.S.B., Pastor Fr. Jay F. Walsh, C.S.B. Fr. René Espejel, C.S.B. Deacon Jean-Paul Budinger LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS ED COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY TO SENIORS PASTORAL ASSISTANT / MARRIAGE PREP SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Jim Ross x4232 Matthew McCue x4211 Cary Ann Nunn x4234 Isabel Van Strien x4273 Monica Aquila x4223 Betty Boatman, [email protected] Joan O’Leary x4254 Mary Singleton x4291 MINISTERIO HISPANO (713) 525-4390 Fax (713) 525-4359 VICARIO PARROQUIAL Padre René Espejel, C.S.B. COORD. DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Sylvia Salinas x4247 FORMACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sylvia Salinas x4247 COORDINADORA DE MÚSICA SECRETARIA Beatrice García x4248 Patricia Herrera x4277 OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTANT PART-TIME OFFERTORY ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT PARISH SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST WEBMASTER MANAGER OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RELIGIOUS ED ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Paulette Golden x4239 Jerry Aucoin x4297 María Lourdes Lopez x4253 Rosemary Morgan x4272 Gwen Rossel x4256 Brenda Esparza Isabel Saucedo [email protected] Jerome Baumeister x4269 Madison Woods-Bernardine x4235 ST. ANNE SCHOOL 2120 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 (713) 526-3279 Fax (713) 526-8025 Email: [email protected] PRINCIPAL Kathleen A. Barnosky ST. ANNE SCHOOL FOUNDATION (713) 525-4301 Fax (832) 553-1008 Email: [email protected] DIRECTOR Sharon Current x4301 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY IN GWEN ROSSEL’S OFFICE OR BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]. Favor de entregar anuncios para este boletín a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano antes de mediodía el lunes. St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana ST. ANNE SCHOOL NEWS A Family Lenten Journey The St. Anne Catholic School community is celebrating our Lenten journey together. Instead of each person walking alone on this path, we are supporting one another. A great source of this support came at our PTO General Meeting last week. The PTO brought Father TJ Dolce to speak to the parents and students about his vocation as a priest and how we can help each other grow during this spiritual time. Father TJ, who has been ordained since 2009, shared with the audience the signs he received that helped him to discern that God was calling him to the priesthood. From a very young age, he knew how much he loved God and church and that he would like to be a part of this. “The turning point was when a priest told the congregation ‘if you know someone who you think would be a great priest, you should tell him.’ Several people came up to me after that Mass and said, ‘we think you would make a great priest,’” NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA SANTA ANA said Father TJ. “I began to listen more closely to God after that,” In his hour long talk, Father TJ talked to the students and parents about the support he received from his family and many of the “superhero”-like things he gets to do as a priest, such as helping people, blessing them and comforting them. He ended his talk with a short discussion about Lent. He shared with the students that when we give up sweets, or electronics or candy, we are much like Jesus, working to avoid temptation and sin, and that brings us closer to God on our own journey. Un Viaje Familiar de Cuaresma La comunidad de la Escuela Católica de Sta. Ana está celebrando nuestro viaje cuaresmal juntos. En vez de cada persona caminando solo en esa vereda, estamos apoyando el uno al otro. Una gran fuente de este apoyo vino en nuestra Reunión General del PTO la semana pasada. El PTO trajo al P. TJ Dolce para hablar a los padres de familia y alumnos sobre su vocación como sacerdote y cómo podemos ayudar el uno al otro a crecer durante este tiempo espiritual. SCOUT SUNDAY PHOTOS Padre TJ, que ha sido ordenado desde el año 2009, compartió con la asamblea las señales que él recibió que le ayudaron a discernir que Dios le estaba llamando al sacerdocio. Desde una temprana edad, él sabía cuánto amaba a Dios y a la iglesia y que le gustaría ser parte de esto. “El punto decisivo fue cuando un sacerdote dijo a la congregación, ´si conoces a alguien que piensas que sería un buen sacerdote, debes decírselo.´ Varias personas vinieron conmigo después de esta misa y me dijeron, ‘creemos que tu serías un buen sacerdote’”, dijo Padre TJ. “Empecé a escuchar más de cerca a Dios después de esto.” En su plática de una hora, el Padre TJ habló a los alumnos y a sus padres sobre el apoyo que recibió de su familia y de muchas de las cosas que como un “superhéroe”, llega a hacer como sacerdote, tal como ayudar a la gente, bendiciéndolos y dándoles consuelo. Terminó su plática con una discusión corta sobre la Cuaresma. Él compartió con los alumnos que cuando dejamos los dulces, o los electrónicos o los caramelos, somos muy parecidos a Jesús, trabajando para evitar la tentación y el pecado, y esto nos acerca más a Dios en nuestra propia jornada. March 7 & 8, 2015 8 de maroo de 2015 FAITH FORMATION Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for March Universal prayer intention for March: “That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person.” For evangelization: “That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always.” CHILDREN March CCE Class Dates: Mar ch 8, Mar ch 22 VBS: Save the Date - June 15-19 (Registrations begin soon!) Lenten Family Retreat: Match 14, 2015, Contact Isabel van Str ien for mor e info / (713) 525-4273 / [email protected] YOUTH JHDC—Jr. High Day Camp 2015 - July 6-10, 2015 Registration information is available online or at the parish religious education office. High School Staff application also available. AYC—Archdiocesan Youth Conference All incoming 9th-outgoing 12th grade students are invited to join us for AYC with 2500 teens from the Archdiocese. It is a weekend at the George R Brown and Hilton Hotel downtown, filled with international speakers, breakouts, games, music, food, laughs, and fun. Online registration will be up soon. Paper registrations are available at the parish religious education office. Fee is $225 (scholarships available; contact Monica). Deadline for Registration is March 30. Contact: Monica Aquila / [email protected] or Natalie Mendieta / [email protected]. ADULT ACTS Retreat (Adoration Community Theology Service) A group of parishioners is working on trying to bring the Acts Retreat experience to St. Anne. In order to be able to offer the retreat for the parish a team from the parish has to be formed. The team is made up from people who have attended an ACTS Retreat. Upcoming ACTS Retreats: May 10 St. Vincent De Paul Men’s Holy Name Retreat Center May 28 St. Vincent De Paul Women’s Holy Name Retreat Center June 4 St. Rose of Lima Women’s Circle Lake Retreat Center Oct 22 St. Rose of Lima Men’s Circle Lake Retreat Center For more information about the ACTS Retreat Experience you may contact Dan Persha, (713) 802 6145; [email protected] or Cary Ann Nunn [email protected] RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) & Scrutinies Starting with this weekend, the Third Sunday of Lent, and for the next two Sundays, the Scrutinies will be taking place at the 9:00 AM. Mass. The readings will be taken from the A cycle; the Gospel is of the Samaritan Woman. The Scrutinies are meant to uncover then heal all that is weak, defective or sinful in the hearts of the Elect. Please keep all who are seeking the Sacraments of Initiation and Full Communion in your prayers.
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