Iglesia San Pio X A Community with a Mission Una Comunidad con Misión PA S TO R A L T E A M E Q U I P O PA S TO R A L Rev. Wilson Cuevas Pastor Rev. Mariano López Associate Pastor Deacon Rolando Luján Deacon Juan Manuel Alvarez Sister Gabriela Ramirez, O.P. Director of Religious Formation Sister Terri Rodela, O.S.F. Pastoral Team Associate Weekdays Mass Misas Diarias Mon.-Fri. 7:00am Sunday Schedule Horario del Domingo 5:30pm Sat (English) Reconciliation Reconciliación Saturdays Sabados 4:00p.m. Religious Formation Office Sunday Mass 7:00am English 9:00am English (Sign Language) 11:00am Español 12:45pm English 5:00pm Español (915) 772-0224 St. Pius X School Jesse Armendariz School Principal (915) 772-6598 Fax (915) 225-0010 h t t p : / / e l p a s o s t p iu s x . o r g www.stpiusxelpaso.org Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario NO DEMACIADO PARA EL CESAR NOT ENOUGH FOR CAESAR Nunca ha sido agradable pagar impuestos. Un precepto que siempre obedecemos de mala gana o por lo menos con una queja implícita: "si al menos emplearan bien nuestro dinero..." En el tiempo de Jesús, los judíos debían cumplir conel tributo religioso para el funcionamiento del culto. Pagaban al estado como cualquier ciudadano de cualquier nación. Y también aportaban otra tasa para el sostenimiento de la invasión romana en su territorio. Lo cual en varias ocasiones origino revuelo en el pueblo. De otro lado la moneda judía circulaba a la par con la griega y la romana. Pocas veces Jesús hablo en su enseñanza de dinero: aquella vez cuando una mujer viuda aporto dos pequeñas moneditas a la alcancia del templo. Y otro dia cuando le preguntaron a los discípulos si su Maestro pagaba el tributo al templo. Jesús envió a Pedro al lago y allí encontró un pez que llevaba en la boca un "estater" con el cual cubrió su obligación y la del Maestro. Los fariseos quieren comprometer al Señor y lo asedian con esta pregunta: Es licito a nosotros pagar el tributo del Cesar? Jesús antes de responder, le dice hipócritas, por qué me tientas? Muéstrame la moneda del impuesto. Jesús pregunta: De quien es esta efigie e inscripción? Del Cesar, le responden. A los cristianos de hoy Jesús nos enseña que el Reino de Dios va más allá de las estructuras económicas y políticas. Bajo cualquier régimen civil podemos y debemos darle a Dios lo que es suyo: Nuestra fe, nuestra obediencia, nuestra ofrenda. Tendemos a ser muy cumplidos con el Cesar y a Dios no le damos lo que le corresponde el Diezmo, como nos ensena la Biblia, sino lo que nos sobra o cualquier cosa. Dar a Dios lo que es de Dios significa que Él es dueño de todo, porque todo ha sido creado por El. Reflexiones en la forma de ofrendarle a Dios. Pensemos que Él es el Señor y el merece lo mejor. Bendiciones ! Rev. Wilson Cuevas Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time It has never been pleasant to pay taxes. A rule that we always obey reluctantly or at least an implicit complaint. “If at least our money was well employed.” In the time of Jesus, the Jews were to pay religious tribute to operate their service. They paid the state as any citizen of any nation. Another tax also contributed to the maintenance of the Roman occupation in their territory. This repeated tax caused a stir in the towns. On the other hand the Jewish currency circulated alongside the Greek and Roman. Rarely in his teaching did Jesus speak about money: One time was when a widow gave two of her last coins to the offering box. Another day was when the disciples were asked if their Master paid tribute to the temple. Jesus sent Peter to the lake and there he found a fish that had a “stator” which it covered his obligation and his Masters. The Pharisees want to compromise to the Lord and besiege him with this question: Is it lawful for us to pay the tribute to the Caesar? Jesus before answering, tells them: hypocrites, why do you tempt me? Show me the coin of the realm. Jesus asks: Whose effigy and inscription is this? Caesar’s they answer. Then, Jesus said, give unto Caesar what is his and unto God what is his. Jesus teaches to the Christians of today that the Kingdom of God goes beyond the economic and political structures. Under any civil regime we can and should give God what belongs to him: Our faith, our obedience, our offering. We tend to be very committed with the Caesar and we don’t give God what belongs to him, a tithe, as the bible teaches us but only what is left over. Giving God what is God’s means that he’s the owner of everything. Reflect on how to make offerings to God. Let’s be mindful that he is the Lord and he deserves the best. Blessings!!!! Rev. Wilson Cuevas – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 2 GRAND REOPENING St Pius X Book & Gift Store October 26, 2014 @ 8:00am—3:00pm Blessing By Fr. Wilson Cuevas And door opening at 8:15am Come and join us for coffee & doughnuts Store will be restocked with new merchandise! Store Hours: Sundays from 8:00am to 3:00pm Tuesday thru Thursdays from 10:00am to 3:00pm Closed on Monday, Friday and Saturday GRAN REAPERTURA Libreria y tienda de regalos de San Pio 26 de octubre, 2014 @ 8:00am– 3:00pm Bendicion por el padre Wilson Cuevas La puerta se abrira a las 8:15am Vengan y acompañenos con café y donas La tienda estara reabastecida con nueva mercancia! Horario: Domingos de 8:00am a 3:00pm Martes a Jueves de 10:00am a 3:00pm Cerrado Lunes, Viernes y Sábado Durante la semana del lunes 20 al viernes 24 de octubre nuestros sacerdotes se encontraran atendiendo su retiro anual, por lo cual no estaran disponibles en la parroquia. Pedimos a toda la comunidad orar por ellos y por este retiro. We will be selling tickets after mass on October 18-19 During the week of Monday, October 20 to Friday, October 24, our priests will be attending their annual retreat, so they will not be available in the parish. We ask the community to pray for them and for this retreat. Sacred Earth Ministry would like to remind everyone that the Bags to Benches project is still going on. We have been collecting all of the bags left in our two boxes in the entryway of the church into larger black bags for pick up. We have a place where the city waste management person picks those bags up, however, she has been finding trash in other black bags in the same area. Please put trash in the trash can or dumpster. The only items that should be put into our boxes are shopping/ grocery bags, bread/tortilla bags, sandwich bags, bubble wrap, and other types of plastic bags. Thank you for your cooperation. Se acerca el dia de todos los santos y se le recuerda a la comunidad que pueden traer la foto de sus seres queridos difuntos, a la oficina paraponerlas junto al altar. No olviden anotar su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono en el reverso de la foto. All Soul’s day is coming, we invite the community to bring a picture of your deceased family members to the office. Do not forget to write your name, address and telephone number on the back . Thank you, Michelle Flahive-LeFebvre Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 El Ministerio de Comunicaciones se fundo en 1914 y se origino para lograr una presencia pastoral de los Obispos, los ministerios, las parroquias y las escuelas de la Diocesis de El Paso, en la vida de los fieles y de la poblacion en general, a traves del uso efectivo de los medios sociales de comunicacion. La Diocesis recientemente dio la bienvenida a un Nuevo director y Editor de Comunicaciones: Elizabeth O’Hara. O’Hara fue directora de noticias del canal de television KFOX-TV donde comenzó su carrera como reportera en el 2000. En el 2002, O’Hara fue ascendida a presentadora de noticias. O’Hara será portavoz de la Diocesis de El Paso y trabajará para llevarle al mundo digital con el re-lanzamiento de su pagina de Facebook, asi como una expansion en YouTube, Twitter e Instagram. The Communications Ministry was founded in 1914 and originated to achieve a pastoral presence for the Bishop, ministries, parishes and schools of the Diocese of El Paso, in the lives of the faithful and of the general population through the effective use of social media of communications. The Diocese recently welcomed aboard a new Communications Director and Editor, Elizabeth O’Hara. O’Hara most recently was the news director at KFOX-TV where she began her career as general assignment’s reporter in 2000. In 2002, O’Hara was promotes to primetime news anchor and in 2007, she was named the news director. O’Hara will also be the spokesperson for the Diocese of El Paso and will be working to bring the diocese into the digital world with the re-launch of its Facebook page as well as an expansion into You Tube, Twitter and Instagram. How can I pay the Lord for all the great good done for me? Psalm 116:12 God bless each and every one of you who so generously responded on support of the 2014 Progress Appeal. Our Parish Goal is $137,171., our church has pledge $102,536. to this date has been donated $61,986. If you have heard the call and have not responded, please do so today. PREGUNTATE… ¿Qué es más importante para ti: Tener muy brillante tu carro o compartir buenos momentos con tu familia? Eres felíz? Una persona felíz no mortifica a los demás, sino que da de su felicidad para hacer felices a los otros… ¿Qué es lo más importante que has hecho en tu vida? cada día vamos dejando una huella con lo que decimos y hacemos, ¿Estas satisfecho con lo que estas haciendo? Qué estas haciendo para agradar a Dios? Sabes por dónde vas? A dónde quieres estar al final de tu vida? Piensa en esas cosas… Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time Iglesia San Juan Baustista Estará llevando a cabo una rifa a beneficio de Reparación, Mantenimiento y Dotación del templo. 1er Premio- $5000.00 2 Premio– TV 48” Led Insignia 3er Premio– Laptop Toshiba Satellite C55-B 4to Premio– Cámara Digital Nikkon 22x 5to Premio– Gift Card $150.00 to 6 Premio- 1000 Watts Microwave Emerson 7o Premio– Blue Ray DVD Sony 3D do Boletos de venta en la oficina de San Pio X Donacion $5.00 – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 4 P Mass Intentions Intenciones de las Misas ray for those who are ill Oremos por los Enfermos Maria Elena Hernandez Norma Leyva Selena Leyva Sandy Homer Rene Flores Melissa Avelar and Family Fam. Leyva Johnny Terrazas Arturo Dominguez Maria Concepcion Reyes Maria Montelongo Jesus Fierro Tommy Juarez Florence Holguin Irene sierra Guadalupe Olmos John Baldwin & Family Baby Bella Ogbu Mr. & Mrs. Michael Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hinds Mrs. Raquel Deal & Family Josie McGrew Fam. Martell Armando Camargo Joe Prieto Baolla C. Garcia Jorge Reza Estela Castañeda Nisha Elizalde James McGrew Josefina Chavez Joe Chavez Rafael L. Ruiz Ruben Hermosillo Anita Castillo Socorro Urquidi Richard Barajas Josefina B. Rodriguez Castulo Diaz de Leon Jose D. Benavides Sherly Cortez SATURDAY, Sábado October 18th 5:30pm Joseph P. Ysrael for his good health and special inten ons by his loving sisters and brother. †Amada Delgado By Maggie Campa Happy Birthday Camila Talamantes, from la labuela SUNDAY, Domingo October 19th 7:00am Pray for all the names in the Prayer Garden Thanks to God for favor granted by Enriqueta Sanchez Rosendo Aragon By his Wife, Gracie Aragon †Patsy Lara By Bau sta Family 9:00am For the families of †Tom & † Mildred McCabe from McCabe Family Names will be removed after 4 weeks 11:00am Por todos los enfermos 12:45pm For our Holy Father, bishops, presbyters, deacons, and lay leaders. 5:00pm Por las familias que se encuentran divididas MONDAY, Lunes 7:00am †Tom & †Mildred McCabe October 20th TUESDAY, Martes 7:00am †Lydia Franco Duke by Sam and Sammy Duke †Ramon and Lucy Franco By Sam and Sammy Duke October 21st WEDNESDAY, Miércoles 7:00am For the vic ms of abuse and human trafficking October 22nd THURSDAY, Jueves 7:00am †Felicitas Valenzuela By Family October 23rd FRIDAY, Viernes 7:00am †Margarita Garnica By Family October 24th 8:15am † Wingo Sanchez By Fernie and Perla Bermudez October 25th SATURDAY, Sábado 5:30pm † Elena Fiori de Franco By Family READINGS FOR THE WEEK Twenty-nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 1819; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:5459 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time Radio Guadalupana 11.10AM Sintonice Radio Guadalupana En la frecuencia 11.10AM durante todo el dia se estan transmitiendo mensajes de formación doctrinal y vida espiritual para todos los feligreses de nuestras parroquias. Radio Guadalupana es la única Radiodifusora Católica en esta area y ha sido de una inmensa ayuda para la consolación especialmente de los enfermos en casa que tienen la disponibilidad para sintonizarla. Estas son buenas noticias para difundirlas. Animo!!! Web Pages www.stpiusxelpaso.org Catholicnews.com Zenit.org is it the world seen from Rome www.saintmessenger.com OnDemand.CatholicUpdate.org – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 PARTNERSHIP AARP Tax Preparation Annunciation House Centro Sta. Catalina Cd. Juarez Alzheimer's Association Diabetes Association Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Las Americas Immigration Center Sin Fronteras farm workers Santa Maria de la Montaña Border Network for Human Rights PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES Agua Viva Maria A. Sierra 564-3877 Guiados por el Espiritu Santo Brisa Contreras Papa Francisco Amada Ramos San Juan Pablo II Martha Herrera 231-0424 Eloisa Sanchez 778-2936 Jubileo y Gozo Carmelita Olmos Misioneros de Cristo Sandra Figueroa-Shaw 599-2935 Sembradores de Jesus Alfredo e Hida Rodriguez 227-4477 SMALL COMMUNITIES Journey in Faith Matt Rocha 373-6444 Lighthouse to Hope, Love & Jesus Martha Highfill 584-6604 Light of the World Marina Lopez 591-6222 Metanoia John Snow 566-5435 Need to reserve a room or make changes please contact: Parish Office @ 772-3226 [email protected] SUNDAY/ DOMINGO 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Oscar Romero Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Juan Diego Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Padre Pedro Maldonado Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Dorothy Day Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (St. Francis Room) October 19th 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Rico Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Kateri Room) 8:00am Religious Formation Classes (Cesar Chavez Room) 10:30am RCIA (Guadalupe Room) 2:00pm Special Needs Group (GYM) 6:00pm P. Flags ( Rico Room) MONDAY / LUNES 5:30pm Education Ministry (Community Center) 6:00pm Comunidad Sembradores de Jesus (Padre Maldonado Room) 6:00pm San Martin de Porres Ministry (San Martin de Porres Room) 6:00pm Spanish Women’s ACTS Formation (Guadalupe Room) 6:30pm Light of the World (Cesar Chavez Room) October 20th 6:30pm Jovenes Nazaret (St. Pius Room) 7:00pm Revelation Choir Rehearsal (Santa Cecilia Room) 7:00pm English Marriage (Juan Diego Room) 7:00pm Jail Prision Ministry (Kateri Room) 7:30pm St. Agustine (Oscar Romero Room) TUESDAY / MARTES 8:00am Senior Line Dance (Rico Room) 10:00am Mejor Mujer( Guadalupe Room) 11:30am Rico Ministry (Rico Room) 11:30am Centro de Esperanza (Kateri Room) 5:30pm Education Ministry (Community Center) 5:30pm Al-Anon Español 24 Horas (Dorothy Room) 6:30pm ACTS Core (Padre P. Maldonado Room) 6:00pm Comunidad Papa Francisco (Oscar Romero Room) October 21st 6:00pm Es.Pe.Re. (Guadalupe Room) 6:00pm Healing after Loss Spanish Meeting (Kateri Room) 6:00pm Healing after Loss Spanish Monthly Meeting (St. Francis Rm) 6:00pm Men’s Bible Study/Men’s Spirituality Ministry ( Rico Room) 6:00pm Healing After Loss Wkly Support Meeting (Juan Diego Room) 6:00pm Rosary for life/Divine Mercy (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) WEDNESDAY / MIERCOLES 6:00am TMIY (Guadalupe Room) 6:00pm FIAT (RICO Room) 6:00pm Grupo Jovenes Nazaret (Community Center) 6:00pm Guiados por el Espiritu Santo (Cesar Chavez Room) 6:00pm Comunidad San Juan Pablo II (Kateri Room) October 22nd 6:00pm Healing After Loss (St. Francis Room) 6:30pm Comunidad Agua Viva (Dorothy Day Room) 6:30pm Just Faith (Juan Diego Room) 7:00pm Taller de Oración y Vida (Padre Pedro Maldonado Room) THURSDAY / JUEVES 8:00am Senior Line Dance (Guadalupe Room) 11:30am Rico Ministry (Rico Room) 5:00pm Al-Anon en Español 24Hrs. (Dorothy Day Room) 6:00pm Hombres ACTS en Español (Rico Room) 6:00pm Boys Scouts Troop 727 Meeting (Guadalupe Room) 6:00pm AA (Cesar Chavez Room) October 23rd 6:30pm Special Needs (Dorothy Day Room) 7:00pm ACTS Core de Hombres (Santa Cecilia Choir Room) 7:00pm Al-Anon New Life (St. Francis Room) 7:15pm NA (Cesar Chavez Room) FRIDAY / VIERNES 8:00am Senior Line Dance (Guadalupe Room) October 24th 4:00pm Choir (Santa Cecilia Room) SATURDAY / SABADO 7:00am Discipulos de San Jose (RICO Room) 9:00am Baptisms (Church) 10:00am Coro Jovenes Nazaret (Santa Cecilia Choir Room) October 25th 10:00am Education Ministry (Guadalupe Room) 11:00am Special Needs Group (Rico Room) Walking with YAHWEH Antonio Gonzalez Stewardship/Mayordomia Church Cleaning Crew: Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Leonard Yañez, Gloria Yañez, Carmen Pell, Richard Couder, Josie & Victor Lopez October 12th, 2014 $13,673.77 Thank You for your support! Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 6 1) ACTS Ubelia Huerta 637-4756 2) Altar Servers/Servidores del Altar Teresa Carrillo 772-3887 Carolyn Smalley 731-9556 3) Al-Anon English- Mary Maria Gandarilla 592-3032 694-6923 4) Amistad Choir Johnny Barragan Maria Barragan 922-8305 204-9735 5) Annulments/Anulación Eduardo & Aida Castorena 6) Baptisms/Bautizos Stella Bautista 26)Evangelization/Evangelización Carlos Gomez 502-2474 28)Girls Scouts Blanca Chavira 637-5432 526-1035 593-6508 29)Jovenes Nazaret Miguel & Chita Benitez 726-7403 778-3989 30)Health Ministry Rene de la Fuente 855-6121 929-1034 217-3287 10)Children's Liturgy Alfonso & Mina Carpio 592-6842 11)Church Cleaning Crew Gloria Yañez 474-2034 12)Citizenship Elvia Snow 566-5435 13)Colonia Ministry Fernie & Perla Bermudez 778-8792 14)Communion to Homebound & Hospital Angie Gonzalez 778-4046 Mary Trejo 778-3820 772-0224 539-2989 17)Crossroads Jail Ministry Paul Siqueiros 760-3263 Carmen Zuñiga (281) 732-8586 18)Cure/El Paso Against Death Penalty. Chapters of El Paso Lety Moreno 274-2844 19)Cursillistas Consuelo Espinosa 261-7103 20)Deaf Ministry Pat Sanchez 820-6390 21)Education Ministry Renata Renova Lety Montoya 487-6348 820-0597 22)Elderly Care Ministry Lupita King 25)Escuelas del Perdón y Reconciliación ES.PE.RE Martha Diaz 540-8687 595-2115 9) Boy Scouts Jessie & Lilia Ramirez 15)Confirmation for Adults S. Gabriela Ramirez 16) Cub Scouts Fred Chavira 526-2453 27)Finance/Finanzas Gilbert Cuburu 7) Bereavement Support Group Terry Almengor 373-3752 Eddie Martinez (Español) 422-0935 8) Bookstore & Gift Shop Lydia Trevino 24)Engaging Spirituality Sylvia Saenz 345-5778 487-3163 45)Parent Teacher Club (PTC) Claudia Millan 772-6598 46)Quinceañera Program Yvonne Gomez 433-4014 47)Ramp Building Art Saenz Leonard Yañez 731-8940 740-5461 48)Religious Formation/ Formación Religiosa Sister Gabriela Ramirez 772-0224 49)R.C.I.A- Catechumenate Adults - Guillermo Yañez Children - Sis. Gabriela Ramirez 449-5929 772-0224 50)Rico Ministry Rolando & Norma Lujan Jesus and Christie Sedano 345-5778 584-3675 31)Hospitality Ministry Terry Carrillo Sylvia Price 772-3887 566-1275 32)Immigrant Ministry Eina Holder 867-1014 33)Jail & Prison Ministry Lety Moreno Maria Bueno 274-2844 256-3054 51)Sacristans Terry Carrillo Sylvia Price 772-3887 566-1275 34)Just Faith Lucila Torres 494-7153 52)Sacred Earth Ministry Lety Montoya 820-0597 35)Knights of Columbus Homero Silva 491-6956 53)San José Ministry Carlos Chávez Jorge Valenzuela 407-4493 727-3121 566-5435 54)San Martin De Porres Ministry Terri Moreno 772-0502 55)School Board/ Mesa Directiva Escolar Shane McMahon 929-0231 778-2748 36)Language Ministry John Snow 37)Lectors/Lectores Armando Rodriguez (Spanish) Sylvia Hernandez (English) 525-5980 873-3446 38)Marriage Prep/ Preparación Matrimonial Javier & Norma Luna 759-8530 56)St. Pius X Special Needs Group Richard & Zelma Couder 39)Mejor Mujer Ivonne Hernandez 599-9094 57)Taller de Oración y Vida Teresa Olmos 772-2395 58)Prayer of Life Martha Garcia 771-0617 59)Vocations Tony DeAnda 593-7405 60)West Texas Missions & Tarahumara Ministry Lucila Torres 494-7153 61)Women of Faith Jennifer Parada 203-1101 40)Men's Spirituality Ministry Dr. Antonio Gonzalez 41)Ministers of Communion/ Ministros de Comunión Mary Durand (English) Lorena Olague (Spanish) 42)Ministerio Guadalupano Rolando & Norma Lujan Felicia Armendariz 590-5781 747-7677 594-7384 549-0422 345-5778 494-4794 820-0320 23)Encuentro Mundial de Matrimonios Miguel y Claudia Rodriguez 588-3953/588-4374 44)Passion Drama Rolando & Norma Lujan Laura Rivera 43)Ministry of Mothers Sharing "M.O.M.S." Lilia T. Ramirez 472-6524 Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time 62)Young Adult Ministry/Ministerio de Jovenes Adultos – October 19 de Octubre - Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 7
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