St. Andrew Catholic Church Address/Dirección : 1401 Valley Ave. Sumner, WA, 98390 Phone 253-863-2253 Fax 253-863-3567 Web November 16, 2014 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack D.Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, [email protected] Tracy Lentz, Administrative Assistant, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Olaf Valderrábano-Aguilar, Pastoral Assistant for Hispanic Ministry, 253-863-3220 [email protected] Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, [email protected] Amy Gallwas, Pastoral Assistant for Music/Liturgy, 253-826-3859, [email protected] Elise Rodrigues, Children’s Choir, [email protected] Eduardo Ramirez, Spanish Liturgical Music, [email protected] Leann Korbuszewski, Bulletin Editor, [email protected] Margarita Quiroz, Custodian, 253-863-2253 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Saturday 5:00pm (English) & 7:00pm (en Español) Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am (English), & 5:30pm (English) The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before daily and weekend masses DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Monday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00am (English) Lunes y Jueves y Viernes 9:00am ADORATION Thurs: all day until 6:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES See Planning Ahead Section for days and times. Confessions are celebrated in English and Spanish Se puede confesar en Inglés o Español EMMANUEL FOOD PANTRY / BANCO DE COMIDA Tuesday/Martes 10:00am - 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miércoles 3:00pm - 6:00pm Friday/Viernes 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Ss. Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Address/Dirección: 213 Leber St. NW, P.O. Box 215 , Orting, WA 98360 Phone 360-893-3154 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, [email protected] Leann Korbuszewski, Administrative Assistant, 360-893-3154 Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, [email protected] Vida Drew, Music Director, 360-893-3154, sscdmusic@comcast. net Ray Stewart, Custodian, 360-893-3154 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Sunday, 9:30am DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Wednesday, 9:30am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Sunday, 8:45-9:15am & by appt. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 360-830-6879, [email protected] PARISH NURSE , Marlene Bartram, R.N. 360-893-3154, [email protected] 1 Saint Andrew Catholic Church Mission Statement: To Become Saints Following the example of our patron, St. Andrew, with humility we seek to: Hear God’s call through the truth of the Catholic Church, Respond in love with acts of charity and mercy, Grow continuously through the sacraments and daily prayer and Proclaim the Good News through our vocation. PLANNING READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK- Nov. 23, 2014 Solemnity of Christ the King AHEAD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 Mass (Mary Melton & Family, int+), 9:00am St. Vincent de Paul, 7:00pm,Bldg D Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Psalm 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 1Cor 15:20-26, 28 Mt 25:31-26 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 Mass (Doris Michalek+), 9:00am Altar Society, Day Group, 11:45am, Hall Altar Society, Evening Group, 6:30pm, Hall SUNDAY COLLECTION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Divine Mercy Cenacle, 9:00am, Hall Mass (Felix Guzman+),6:00pm Elementary Faith Formation, 6:00pm, Church Sacred Story Faith Sharing, 7:00pm, Bldg E Chancel Choir, 7:30pm, Church Week of November 9, 2014 Goal: $17,000 Actual: $13,104 Difference: $ (3,896) Year to Date Goal: $323,000 Actual: $315,654 Difference: $ (7,346) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 Men’s Prayer Hour, 5:00am, Church Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Mass (Colela & Marone Family+), 9:00am Mom’s Group, 9:00am, Bldg E Adoration, 10:00am-6:30pm Pillars of the Church Study, 10:00am, Bldg D Confession, 5:00pm Benediction, 6:00pm-6:30pm RCIA, 7:00pm, Hall; RCIC, 7:00pm, Bldg D FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Confession, 8:00am Mass (Sanctification of all Priests and Religious+) 9:00am SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2014 Mass (Robert Gale+), 9:00am Confession, 10:00am & 3:00pm-4:30pm Mass, 5:00pm Hispanic Choir, 5:30pm, Hall Mass (in Spanish), 7:00pm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Mass, 8:00am Chancel Choir, 9:30am, Church Mass, 10:30am Preschool, 10:30am, Bldg E, Children’s Choir, 12:00pm, Bldg D Youth Ensemble, 4:00pm, Church Youth Mass, 5:30pm Middle School Youth Group, 7:00pm, Bldg D High School Youth Group, 7:00pm, Hall Food Pantry: $1,152 SVDP: $234 PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF THE PARISH PARISH LEADERSHIP—ST. ANDREW Altar Servers Altar Society-Day Altar Society-Evening Art & Environment Extraordinary Ministers Finance Council Funeral Receptions Gabriel Project Helping Hands Knights of Columbus Lectors Long Range Planning Marriage Preparation MC’s & Sacristans Men’s Club Mom’s Group Pastoral Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul Stewardship Ushers Joan Cox [email protected] Kathy Weber 253-927-6099 Karen Raffle 253-686-3807 Judy Caviezel 253-863-6544 Sharon Stamper 253-686-2586 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Diane Caviness 253-862-1379 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Theresa Stallman 509-991-8563 Joe Rempe 253-840-6401 Mona Sullivan 253-389-0568 Carl Jones 253-988-2275 Tracy Lentz 253-863-2253 Steve Rossignol 253-845-8217 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Jessica Druffel 513-260-7402 Randy Cox 253-380-2139 Kelly Bowman 253-678-3732 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Patti Tisdale 253-863-4394 Shelly Sosa 253-709-4488 Arnie Huck 253-863-5278 Catholic Community Services Counseling Center 1 253-502-2696 Saints Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Mission Statement: Proclaim the Good News of God’s Saving Love to all People; Establish and nourish a praying community of believers; Give practical expression to the Gospel by serving the needs of others and transforming the world. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE PLANNING AHEAD November 9, 2014 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Goal: Actual: Difference: Mass (Dominic Joseph Nguyen+), 9:30 am Confession, 10:15 am Scripture Reflections, 10:30 am $2,227 $2,298 $ 71 Year to Date Goal: $42,312 Actual: $45,648 Difference: $ 3,336 Friday, November 21, 2014 Harvest Dinner, 6:30 pm Sunday, November 22, 2014 Thank you for all you share with our community! Confession, 8:45 am Mass, 9:30 am PRAYER REQUESTS Karl Fleming, Raymond McDade+, Marlene Wilson and Tony Zepeda HARVEST DINNER The Harvest Dinner is only 5 days away! We are so looking forward to seeing all of you. If you would like to come, please contact Kay Williams at 253-720-0434. There may still be some seats available. There is no charge to attend the event. Cash donations are still being accepted and can be given to Marlene Bartram. PRAYER TO KNOW ONE’S VOCATION Lord, my God and my loving Father, you have made me to know you, to love you, to serve you, and thereby to find and to fulfill my deepest longings. I know that you are in all things, and that every path can lead me to you. But of them all, there is one especially by which you want me to come to you. Since I will do what you want of me, I pray you, send your Holy Spirit to me: into my mind, to show me what you want of me; into my heart, to give me the determination to do it, and to do it with all my love, with all my mind, and with all of my strength right to the end. Jesus, I trust in you. Amen Bulletin Articles Please submit by Monday, 12:00 noon to: [email protected]. Pulpit Announcements Please submit by Friday, 12:00 noon to: [email protected] PARISH LEADERSHIP — Ss. Cosmas & Damian Altar Servers: Altar Society: Coffee Hour: Communications Eucharistic Ministers: Finance Council: Homebound Ministry: Joe Rempe Patty Carr Marlene Wilson Charlene Binfet Lisa Clinton Tom Schmidt Tony Schneider Marlene Bartram Knights of Columbus: Joe Rempe 253-840-6401 360-897-0310 360-893-7211 253-951-8954 253-845-0083 360-893-0673 253-224-3163 253-576-6566 253-840-6401 Lectors/MC’s Joe Rempe Liturgical Music Vida Drew Parish Health Ministry Marlene Bartram Pastoral Council Carrie Joy Prayer Line: Patty Fleming Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kay Williams St. Vincent de Paul: Tony Schneider Ushers: Bob Smith 2 253-840-6401 360-893-3154 253-576-6566 360-893-6350 360-893-9229 360-893-5163 253-224-3163 360-893-6502 Dear friends, This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St. Andrew. Because we enjoy his patronage in Sumner, we get to transfer the Feast to this Sunday. The Feast day is actually November 30 and usually we would transfer it to the closest Sunday, but each year the Sunday closest to the Feast is the first Sunday of Advent, which cannot be trumped, and the Sunday before that is the Feast of Christ the King, which cannot be trumped either. So we bring it two weeks back to this Sunday so that we may celebrate our great patron, the Apostle St. Andrew, as a parish on Sunday. It’s much easier in Orting as the Feast of Ss. Cosmas and Damian is September 26 and there is nothing impeding us from moving it to the closest Sunday each year. This weekend we are reminded of our stewardship, our responsibility to use and share the gifts that God has given us for the building up of His Kingdom. I am greatly edified by the example of our patrons. We have some great men to look up to as we seek to become saints, growing as catholic men and women into the person that God created us to be. Like St. Andrew we have to hear the call and seek to be with the Lord. In St. John’s Gospel St. Andrew is hanging out with Jesus’ cousin St. John the Baptist, he hears St. John say, “Behold the Lamb of God.” Immediately he leaves his teacher, and with the other St. John, follows Jesus. He heard something that piqued his interest and as he was looking for the Messiah, the Anointed one that was to come and save His people, he was attentive and listening for the call. He starts to follow Jesus and Jesus turns recognizing that there are two men trailing him and asks, “What are you seeking?” St. Andrew responds, “Where do you abide?” He wants to be with Jesus, to get to know Him. This is where our discipleship begins, a relationship with Jesus. Take some time to talk with Him and walk with Him as you discern how He is calling you to share your time, talent, and treasure with the community. Ss. Cosmas and Damian were physicians by trade. In every age, one who practices medicine has a privileged place in society as their services are precious to society. Recognizing their gifts and ability to serve, they began to offer their services without charging. Can you imagine if there was a doctor in Sumner/Orting that didn’t charge? The line daily would be out the door. Ss. Cosmas and Damian trusted that they would be provided for as they used their gifts for the glory of God and knew that He would take care of them. I am always inspired by the example of the saints. On my journey in France I got to visit the patron of priests, St. John Vianney. St. John did not excel at his studies and struggled to be ordained. After ordination they sent him to a little village in the middle of nowhere. He transformed that village into a place of pilgrimage and at the end of his life 10,000+ people were coming to Ars each year to make their confession to this holy priest. With the influx of more and more pilgrims, he slept less and less. At the end of his life, St. John Vianney slept only about 4 hours each night. We do have lines here for confession, but not that long yet. I pray that God will continue to use me as His instrument to share His Divine Mercy with all His children, especially in the confessional. I don’t have much to give myself, when I give of myself then I experience the greatest blessing. Visiting the holy priest of Ars, St. John Vianney inspired me to pour myself out more and more as your priest. I pray each day that I may be more attentive to God’s grace and use the gifts that He has given me to build up His kingdom here just as St. John Vianney did in Ars. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. Luke 6:36-38 3 Queridos amigos, Este Domingo celebramos la Fiesta de San Andrés. En Sumner movemos la Fiesta a este Domingo, porque nos gozamos de que sea nuestro Santo Patrón. El día de su Fiesta es en realidad el 30 de Noviembre y normalmente la moveríamos al Domingo más cercano, pero cada año el Domingo más cercano a la fiesta es el Primer Domingo de Adviento, que no puede moverse, y el Domingo anterior es la Fiesta de Cristo Rey, que tampoco puede moverse. Así que la adelantamos dos semanas para poder celebrar como parroquia a nuestro gran Patrón, el Apóstol San Andrés, este Domingo. Es mucho más fácil en Orting, ya que la Fiesta de los Santos Cosme y Damián es el 26 de Septiembre y no hay nada que nos impida moverla al Domingo más cercano cada año. Este fin de semana se nos recuerda de nuestra mayordomía, nuestra responsabilidad de utilizar y compartir los dones que Dios nos ha dado para la edificación de su Reino. Los ejemplos de nuestros Santos Patronos me edifican. Tenemos a grandes hombres como ejemplos al tratar nosotros mismos de ser santos, creciendo cada vez más para ser los hombres y mujeres Católicos que Dios tuvo en mente cuando nos creó. Como San Andrés, tenemos que escuchar el llamado y tratar de estar con el Señor. En el Evangelio de San Juan, San Andrés está paseando con el primo de Jesús, San Juan Bautista, cuando este dice: "He aquí el Cordero de Dios". Inmediatamente San Andrés deja a su maestro, y con el otro San Juan, el evangelista, sigue a Jesús. Oyó algo que despertó su interés y como él estaba buscando al Mesías, el Ungido que había de venir y salvar a su pueblo, estaba atento y escuchando el llamado. Él empieza a seguir a Jesús y Jesús se vuelve, reconociendo que hay dos hombres que lo siguen y les pregunta: "¿Qué buscan?". San Andrés responde: "¿Dónde vives?". Él quiere estar con Jesús, para llegar a conocerlo. Aquí es donde comienza nuestro discipulado, una relación con Jesús. Tómese el tiempo para hablar con Él y caminar con Él mientras usted discierne cómo Él está llamando a usted a compartir su tiempo, talento y tesoro con la comunidad. San Cosme y San Damián eran médicos de profesión. En todas las épocas, el que practica la medicina tiene un lugar privilegiado en la sociedad, ya que sus servicios son muy valiosos para la sociedad. Reconociendo sus dones y capacidad de servir, comenzaron a ofrecer sus servicios sin cobrar. ¿Se imagina usted si hubiera un médico en Sumner/Orting que no cobrara? La fila sería larguísima todos los días. San Cosme y San Damián confiaron que tendrían lo necesario para vivir porque utilizaban sus dones para la gloria de Dios y sabían que Él cuidaría de ellos. Siempre me inspira el ejemplo de los santos. En mi viaje en Francia pude visitar el Santo Patrón de los sacerdotes, San Juan María Vianney. San Juan no sobresalió en sus estudios y tuvo problemas para ser ordenado. Después de la ordenación lo enviaron a un pequeño pueblo en el medio de la nada. Transformó esa aldea en un lugar de peregrinación y al final de su vida más de 10,000 personas iban a Ars cada año para confesarse con este santo sacerdote. Con la llegada de más y más peregrinos, dormía menos y menos. Al final de su vida, San Juan María Vianney dormía sólo 4 horas cada noche. Aquí tenemos filas para la confesión, pero no tan largas todavía. Yo oro para que Dios continúe usándome como su instrumento para compartir Su Divina Misericordia con todos sus hijos, sobre todo en el confesionario. No tengo mucho que dar, pero cuando me entrego a mí mismo entonces yo experimento la más grande bendición. Visitar al santo cura de Ars, San Juan María Vianney, me ha inspirado a servir entregándome más y más como su sacerdote. Rezo cada día para que yo pueda estar más atento a la gracia de Dios y utilizar los dones que Él me ha dado para edificar su reino aquí, como San Juan María Vianney lo hizo en Ars. Sean misericordiosos, como su Padre es misericordioso. No juzguen y no serán juzgados; no condenen y no serán condenados; perdonen y serán perdonados. Den y se les dará: recibirán una medida buena, bien sacudida, apretada y rebosante en los pliegues de su túnica. Porque con la misma medida con que midan, serán medidos. Lucas 6: 36-38 4 M inisterio Hispano ~ Hispanic M inistry Nuestra misión: llegar a ser santos. Siguiendo el ejemplo de San A ndrés, nuestro santo patrono, con humildad procuramos: Escuchar el llamado de Dios mediante la verdad de la Iglesia Católica, Responder en amor con actos de caridad y misericordia, Crecer continuamente por medio de los sacramentos y la oración diaria, y Proclamar la Buena Nueva de acuerdo a nuestra vocación. Bautismos 2015 Adoración Eucarística Sábados a las 12 del mediodía: Un encuentro personal con Cristo … Enero 24, Abril 18, Mayo 23, Juni o 27, Julio 25, Ag osto 22, Septiembre 26, Octubre 24, Noviembre 28 POR FAVOR HABLE O VAYA A LA OFICINA PARA RESERVAR LUGAR Jueves de 9:45 AM a 6:30 PM Viernes de 6:30 AM a 8:30 AM TAN SOLO NECESITA Aceptar y Practicar toda la Fe Católica y Ser miembros productivos de la Iglesia. Si por alguna razón usted se ha alejado de la Iglesia, el Bautismo de sus hijos o ahijados es una hermosa Primer Viernes de Cada Mes: 24 Horas de Exposición y Adoración: oportunidad para volver a empezar y ser miembro responsable de la Iglesia y ejemplo para sus hijos… Iniciamos con la Santa M isa el V iernes a las 9:00 de la mañana, para terminar con la Santa M isa el Sábado a las 10 de la mañana. ¡DIOS NO SE CANSA DE ESPERAR, SU MISERICORDIA ES INFINITA! Palabra del Señor. “Yo tengo designios de paz, no de aflicción, dice el Señor. Me invocaréis y yo os escucharé y os libraré de vuestra esclavitud dondequiera que os encontréis”. Jeremías 29, 11; 12; 14 N OS P REP ARAM OS PARA LA M ISA LE YE NDO Y M E DI TANDO LAS LECTURAS DE L P RÓXI M O D OM I NGO: E ZE QUIE L 34, 11-12; 15-17; SALM O 22; P RI M E RA C ARTA A LOS CORI NTI OS 15, 20-26; 28; SAN M ATE O 25, 31-46 HORAS DE OFICINA: MARTES Y VIERNES : 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM C ERRADO LUNES , MIÉRCO LES , J UEVES Y S ÁBADOS . S ÁBADOS: CLASES, BAUTISMOS, RETIROS, M ISA A LAS 7:00 PM. TEL. (253) 863-3220 E- MAIL: OLAF@STANDREWS UMNER.ORG 5 COMMUNITY OUTREACH RESPECT LIFE~ Stay alert. Be informed. Stand for life! COMMUNITY BIG GIVE THANKSGIVING PROGRAM Uniting Sumner through generosity and service [email protected] 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign November 22, 2014 9:00am-11:00am Sumner Fred Meyer Garden Center Please join us in celebration and thanksgiving. Potluck: St Nicholas Catholic Church, 3510 Rosedale St. NW, Gig Harbor. Big Give unites the community of Sumner through generosity and service by providing every economically challenged family in the Sumner School District, and in the area, the opportunity to have a full and complete Thanksgiving meal. Last year, St. Andrew joined hands with local food banks, businesses, churches, non-profits, and schools to make a difference in our community-together. It was a big success! We are so happy to have the opportunity again this year to help those who have been hit the hardest during these challenging times. Won’t you join us? Sunday, November 16th; 2:30 - 4:30 pm. Wondering what to bring? If possible bring friends and family to share the joy of life with you. Also, since it's a potluck, if you are able to bring a dish we have set up the following guide according to last names: A-H = salads; I-Q = Entrees; R-S = Deserts; T-Z = Breads. Beverages will be provided. Hope to see you there. THANK YOU PARISHIONERS FROM THE SUMNER SCHOOL DISTRICT Emmanuel Food Pantry received a letter of thanks for donations made to the Sumner Family Center Back to School Resource Fair: “With the generous support of people like you, we were able to help 587 students receive school supplies and backpacks. We were also able to provide hearing and vision screening for 90 students and haircuts for 85 students”. Students were excited and thankful for the supplies; their parents were grateful for the help. One family stated that they were going to have to make a choice between shoes or supplies but with this event their children could have both and walk into school with confidence, ready to learn! Please volunteer (any age) by signing up at or call Arlene, 253-350-4899. First shift: 7:00-9:00am, set up and fill bags with Thanksgiving food. Second shift: 9:00-11:30am, check in families, and distribute food. Begin clean up. Clean up 11:00-11:30am. If you would like to donate food, it must be purchased at Fred Meyer and dropped in the bins labeled Big Give (by the doors). Rachel’s Corner *Monetary donations are welcome and much needed. Make checks out to: Living Hope, noting “Big Give” on the memo line. Online giving is available at Please be sure to click on “Sumner”—this will take you to the donation screen. Hope and Healing After Abortion “I experienced a great inner healing as a result of attending a Rachel’s Vineyard ™ retreat. It is a wonderful way to forgive yourself, find the unconditional love of Christ and grieve the loss of your little child.” -Testimonial from retreat Sponsorships are also available: Gold Sponsorship: $500, Silver Sponsorship: $250, Bronze Scholarship: $100.00. For sponsorship details please call Arlene at Emmanuel Food Bank, 253-350-4899. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat to begin the process of healing your loss due to abortion. Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a is a program of Catholic Community Services. Thank you for any help you can offer! 6 FAITH FORMATION/PARISH LIFE New at Saint Andrew LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH Advent Journey If you have questions about the Catholic faith, or if you are interested in finding out what it takes to become Catholic, contact Monica Rodrigues at 253-863-4300. I'd love to help you find the answers you are seeking and determine your next steps. A Winter VBS! MEN’S PRAYER HOUR Meet in front rows of church, 5:00am, Thursday mornings, for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Father will lead us in the Liturgy of the Hours (download iBreviary free app), adoration, followed by coffee in the Hall, readings for the coming Sunday, discussion topic, and prayer for our personal intentions. Walk with Mary and Joseph as they look for a place where they can rest and wait for Baby Jesus… An Adventure for Preschool to 5th Grade children. Saturday December 13, 2014 10 am to 1 pm “The most popular and powerful excuse we give for not praying, or not praying more, or not praying regularly, is that we have no time. The only effective answer to that excuse, I find, is a kind of murder. You have to kill something, you have to say no to something else, in order to make time to pray.” –Peter Kreeft Registration open ST VINCENT DE PAUL The good news of today’s Gospel is extravagance of what is being given to us. we need do is be faithful in “small matters.” cost of fidelity has no comparison to rewards given. Join us for a very special concert celebrating our blessed Saints on the Feast Day of St Cecelia, patroness of musicians. Enjoy spiritual music by candlelight. Come and be blessed with prayer and musical meditations! the All The the When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant love. The performance will include vocals accompanied by Harp PLUS a priest will be joining in and sharing inspirational stories about saints. OPEN HOUSE You are cordially invited to an Open House at All Saints Catholic School on Tuesday, November 18th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. The Open House will be held at both our Fife and Puyallup campuses. We will be featuring our 5th grade Social Studies curriculum at the Puyallup campus and our living Saints museum at our Fife campus. For more information please call our Puyallup campus at 253-845-5025 or visit our website at There is a suggested donation of $10. Saturday, Nov. 22nd at 7 pm, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 520 S. 30th St, Tacoma, 98402 BULLETIN ARTICLES If you have an article for the bulletin, please submit it by Monday, 2:00pm, to: [email protected]. Thank you! 7 PARISH LIFE ALTAR SOCIETY MEETINGS ST. JOSEPH MISSALS All ladies of the parish are invited to join us at our monthly meeting(s) on Tuesday, Nov. 18 th. The Day Group meets at 11:45 a.m., with lunch served at 12:15 p.m., followed by the meeting. The 2015 Missals will be available after Mass on November 29th and 30th. Cost per book is $5.00. Catholic Community Services’ Adopt-AFamily program needs your help to provide a joyous holiday to families in Pierce County. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, families traditionally come together to share a meal and exchange gifts; for low-income families facing challenges, being able to afford and organize such holidays is an overwhelming task. However, enjoying this tradition can be an uplifting occasion for all family members and brings a sense of stability to their lives. Please consider adopting a family this year. You may contribute $30 to provide a Thanksgiving meal, or request a family's wish list in order to provide Christmas gifts. For more information, please contact Penny Grellier at 253-502-2708 or email [email protected]. The Evening Group meets on the same day, at 6:30p.m. with dinner served, followed by the meeting. The meetings are held in Building B. TURKEY BINGO IS COMING! This Thursday, November 20th Our Annual Turkey Bingo will be Thursday, Nov. 20th, at Maple Lawn Elementary from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. All Parishioners and their family and friends are invited. Bingo prizes are turkeys as well as cash awards. The Altar Society Raffle prizes will be awarded also, along with door prize raffles throughout the night. CHRISTMAS WREATH TIME AGAIN ADVENT, TIME AND TALENT Feeling like you want to get involved during Advent and Christmas? Do you like to sing? Consider joining the choir of St. Andrew at either our 10:30am or 5:30pm mass. No audition required. Please call or email Amy Gallwas for more information or come see me after mass. (253)826-3859, [email protected]. St. Cecilia, pray for us! The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph the Worker Council will be taking orders for Christmas Wreaths this weekend in the vestibule at St. Andrew. The wreaths are 24” for $25.00 each. They will be available for pick up at the Christmas Tree Lot November 22nd and 23rd in time for Thanksgiving. This fundraiser will go toward helping support our Seminarians. PARISH OFFICE HOURS ALTAR SOCIETY RAFFLE Monday and Thursday: 9:30am to 4:00pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm. Closed daily for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. This weekend: Last chance to purchase tickets after Mass! Tickets are a bargain at $1.00 each for a chance at your desired basket. Drawing will be held at Turkey Bingo on Thursday, November 20th. If you miss your chance to buy a ticket this weekend, they will also be sold for a short time Thursday evening. MOVING? HAVE A NEW PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL ADDRESS? PLEASE LET US KNOW! When your personal information changes, please let us know so that we can keep our records up to date. Just email changes to [email protected] or call 253-863-2253. If you have any questions please call Shelly Sosa @ 253-709-4488. Good Luck everyone! 8 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Rudy & Sons, LLC Landscaping & Maintenance Services Full-Service Retirement and Assisted Living “Where the living is easy” 15519 62nd St. Ct. E. Sumner 862-1818 or stop by for a tour Residential and Commercial Working together in our community Free estimates • 253-666-3998 Construction Contractors L#rudyssL866CG INSURANCE Jeff Villarreal 770-1877 •Auto •Life •Home •Business [email protected] Full Service Funeral & Cremation Gonzalez Landscaping NICHOLSONS SUMNER PHARMACY (253) 863-8141 PUYALLUP: 253-845-0536 SUMNER: 253-863-6332 Home Care Natalie Duran ~ Realtor 253-315-9827 Se Habla Español, [email protected] “10% of my commission will be donated to your Parish or Non-Profit Organization of your choice” From housework to incontinent care – a few hours a day to 24 hour care Free Assessment:1-877-870-1582 Diesel, Gas, Heating Oil Lubricants, Grease, Racing, Gas, Truck Sales & Repair Licensed, Bonded & Insured Are you ready to buy or sell a home? We can help you! Call today! Hablamos Español. Victor Zacapu Professional Realtor (253) 848-8550 Buy one lunch or dinner get the 2nd for 50% OFF Limited one coupon per table. Dine in only Cannot be combined with other offer. Free Estimates, Fast Service, & Reasonable Rates! Call Your Fellow Parish Members Mary or Salvador Santos at (253) 735-2135 (206)229-6883 800-626-3213 215 - 15th St. S.E. Puyallup, WA 98372 124 Auburn Way N. (253) 833-9696 ** with each completed job over $300 Sincere, personal service for over 90 years Open 7 Days a Week Cocktail Lounge Banquet Facility Available Auburn License Agency Inc. Trustworthy • Honorable • On Time, Every Time 100% Service Guarantee Mexican & American Food CatholicMatch Washington 253-905-8841 [email protected] Paola Kendall Mortgage Lender Suzan Burke Financial Advisor Portfolio Manager 425.462.2662 • 800.876.0503 601 108th Avenue N.E., Suite 2100 Bellevue, WA 98004 253-241-9275 NMLS ID# 518865 LateNow NightServing Happy Hour 9pm-close every day! Breakfast! 1/2 Sat. Price & appetizers* Sun. 10 am -1 pm *offered on select appetizers in entire dining room. OPEN HOUSE NOV. 23 Noon-2 p.m. Catholic college preparatory school in the Jesuit tradition Financial Aid Available 320 - 9th Ave. N. Seattle 800-426-3320 Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ARTRNKJD | AD-06-14-0015.A | 470944PM-0314 | 06/2014 112 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Barry Wolf 800 867-0660 Jesus Gonzalez 253-397-6974 Let us prune & clean your yard for winter. $20 coupon for free lunch** 220 Auburn Way N. (253) 833-4455 ©CPI POWERS FUNERAL HOMES SPRUCE UP YOUR YARD! Gosney Motor Parts Inc.
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