851CA0016 Residential Recycling Newsletter Winter 2015 www.richmondsanitaryservice.com Serving Hercules, Pinole, Richmond, San Pablo, and Unincorporated West Contra Costa County New Weekly Collection Service Beginning in March 2015, Republic Services will be offering weekly collection service of recycling and organics for residential and commercial cart customers. This new service will be beneficial for your home, business and community by making it easier to recycle more materials each week. This enhanced service comes at no extra cost and will help you manage your service needs. The only action you need to take is to make sure all of your collection containers are ready to be picked up on your assigned service day each week. Look for more information on this new service in the New Year. Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they mean? The Different Types of Plastic Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they m ean? DTifferent Have you ever wondered about hese nwhen umbers and iswthe hat they ean? Different ypes of TPypes lasticof Plastic There arettimes plastic best ormonly choice, Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they mean? Different Types of Plastic but please look for plastics that can be recycled in your residential recycling program and REUSE if possible! There are p times is otnly he bchoice, est or obnly hoice, but please lok tfhat or pclastics hat can ibn e yrour ecycled in your recycling residential recycling rogram REUSE if possible! There are times when lastic wis hen the pblastic est or ut pclease lok for plastics an be rtecycled residential program and pR EUSE if apnd ossible! Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they mean? Different Types of Plastic There are times when plastic is the best Toerephthalate r only choice, but please lok for plastics that can be recycled in your residential recycling program and REUSE if possible! Plastic Polyethylene #1: TPerephthalate Plastic Polyethylene (PET or Terephthalate ETE): (PET or PETE): Plastic #1: Plastic #5:DPolypropylene Plastic 5: P(PP) olypropylene (PP) olypropylene Have y#1: ou e2-‐liter ver wolyethylene ondered aPbout these numbers and wPlastic hat #5: tPhey m#ean? ifferent Types o(PP) f Plastic oda bbottles, ottles, cwooking ater bottles, cooking oil bbottles, eanut butter jars. 2-‐liter soda bottles, wsater oil bottles, peanut utter jpars. Ketchup bcottles, aerosol aps, adnd rinking traws, yossible! ogurt containers. Republic Services' residential Ketchup aerosol drinking straws, yo(PET or PETE): Ketchup ottles, aerosol aps, dbottles, rinking sctraws, yogurt csontainers. Republic Services' residential #1: oPpr olyethylene Terephthalate (PET Pontainers ETE): There are is tPlastic he brest only choice, bnut please lok fr cor plastics that can be a5 recycled in y5 our rbesidential recycling program REUSE if pcaps, RSS's esidential recycling programs accepts noarrow-‐neck PaET containers nd 1 plastic RSS's residential recycling rograms accepts arrow-‐neck PET nd 1 times when Plastic #5: Polypropylene (PP) recycling programs accepts PP containers. rograms accepts PP containers. 2-‐liter soda ottles, water water bottles, cooking ot il bottles, peanut jars. and wrecycling gurt containers. Republic 2-liter soda bottles, cooking oilbutter bottles, sbottles, hells. clam sy hells. Have ou eclam ver wbondered about hese numbers hat tphey m ean? Different Types Services’ of Plasticresidential recyHave y ou e ver w ondered a bout t hese n umbers a nd w hat t hey m ean? clam shells. Ketchup bottles, aerosol caps, drinking straws, yogurt containers. Republic Services' residential There are times when is RSS's the brest oerephthalate r only choice, bout please lok for plastics can be recycled in 5 your residential recycling program and REUSE if possible! esidential recycling programs accepts narrow-‐neck PET that containers and 1 plastic Plastic #1: Polyethylene Tjars. (PET r PETE): PETE PP #5: Polypropylene Different Types of Plastic cling pprograms PP containers. PETE PP recycling rograms accepts Paccepts P containers. peanut butter Republic Services’ residential rePlastic (PP) 2-‐liter soda bottles, water bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars. cycling programs accepts narrow-neck PET contain- Plastic #6: Polystyrene Ketchup bottles, aerosol caps, drinking (sPS) traws, yogurt containers. Republic Services' residential Plastic #6: Polystyrene (PS) Plastic #1: Piolyethylene Tperephthalate (PET oarrow-‐neck r PpETE): PETE PP RSS's residential recycling rograms accepts ET fcor ontainers and 1 times when There are plastic s tPlastic he best only choice, bnut lease lPok plastics that can be 5 recycled in your #r5: recycling pr rogram and REUSE if ppossible! Plastic Pellets olypropylene PP) #2: Hr igh-‐density Polyethylene (HDPE) Packaging p(ellets o Styrofoam peanuts, cups, lastic tableware, meat trays, to-‐go clamshell recycling pesidential rograms PP cpontainers. Plastic 2: Hbigh-‐density Poolyethylene (HDPE) Packaging p or aSccepts tyrofoam eanuts, cups, lastic tableware, meat trays, to-‐go clamshell 2-‐liter s#oda ottles, water bottles, cooking bottles, peanut butter jars. clam shells. ers and clam shells. re hen pmlastic is he m bjugs, est orocery r wooil nly hoice, but lease lok cfups. or pRlastics e 6recycled icontainers, n yaerosol our #6: rsesidential recycling rogram a(PS) nd RREUSE f Sill pervices' ossible! Plastic Paps, (PS) Ketchup bottles, chipping rinking traws, ogurt containers. rpesidential Detergent bottles, ilk agnd ater jcugs, rocery bpags, yogurt epublic eolystyrene gg #6: cdartons, sshipping bp locks. Many shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene Plastic Polystyrene bwottles, ilk and wtater bags, ygogurt cups. Republic egg cartons, blocks. Many syhipping/packaging sepublic tores iw accept olystyrene 2 times 65 that can bcontainers, 2 There aDetergent RSS's residential recycling programs accepts narrow-‐neck PET containers and 1 PETE PP Plastic #2: H igh-‐density P(aPET olyethylene Packaging pellets op r ackaging Styrofoam eanuts, cups, plastic ableware, eat trays, to-‐go clamshell recycling ap rograms ccepts P ontainers. Plastic #1: Polyethylene erephthalate r PHETE): Services' rTesidential recycling porograms ccepts HDPE containers. peanuts and oPther mpaterials for reuse. Republic Services' residential recycling Services' residential recycling programs ccepts DPE (HDPE) caontainers. peanuts nd other paackaging mcaterials for reuse. Republic Services' rtesidential rm ecycling Packaging pellets or Styrofoam peanuts, cups, plastic tableware, meat trays, to-go clamshell containers, egg cartons, shipping blocks. Many shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene peanuts and other packaging materials for reuse. Republic Services’ residential recycling programs accepts only PS containers not packaging materials. clam shells. Plastic #5: Polypropylene (ePP) Detergent bottles, milk and water jugs, grocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic containers, gg cartons, shipping blocks. M any shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene 6 #6: aPccepts programs acccepts only nPot S cpontainers not packaging materials. Plastic olystyrene programs only P(PS) S ontainers ackaging m aterials. PS Ketchup bottles, aerosol caps, drinking straws, yogurt cfontainers. epublic SServices' ervices' residential residential Plastic #5: Polypropylene (PP)materials peanuts and other packaging or reuse. m RRepublic Plastic #2: High-‐density Polyethylene (HDPE) Packaging pellets or Styrofoam peanuts, cups, plastic tableware, eat trays, to-‐go clamshell recycling recycling p rograms a ccepts PP containers. Ketchup b ottles, aerosol aps, drinking straws, yogurt containers. Republic Services' residential Plastic #7: (PS) ther Plastic ccepts o PS cM containers not packaging m aterials. Plastic Plastic #3: Polyvinyl (PVC or Vy)ogurt ncarrow-‐neck clam Plastic #3: bPottles, olyvinyl cesidential hloride (PVC ocr hloride V )grocery RSS's recycling programs accepts PET containers a6nd Detergent mrilk and water jugs, bags, ups. Republic containers, eolystyrene gg programs cartons, sOahipping bnly locks. any shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene HDPE PS 1 shells. 5 ##7: 6: OPther recycling pncrograms ccepts PP ocf ontainers. This palastic ategory, aas its nimplies, ame “s other” implies, is atny plastic other t#han t6 he named #1– #6 plastic This p lastic c ategory, s i ts ame o f “ other” i a ny p lastic o ther han t he n amed 1– # plastic Plastic p#ipes, High-‐density Polyethylene HDPE) Packaging pellets opr ackaging Styrofoam peanuts, cups, plastic tableware, meat trays, to-‐go clamshell Plastic pfurniture, ipes, oputdoor schrink-‐wrap, ater bottles, liquid PP Plastic outdoor some furniture, s(hrink-‐wrap, water bottles, lw iquid clam hells. Services' residential rsecycling rograms accepts sHome DPE ontainers. peanuts and other materials for reuse. Republic Sypes ervices' residential recycling 3 2: types. containers can be steveral of pBlastic polymers. Biodegradable and compostable Plastic T#chese 7: types. containers an Obther e several different ypes odf ifferent plastic ptolymers. iodegradable and compostable 7 These 7 Plastic #R3: olyvinyl chloride (PVC or recycling Vy)ogurt Detergent cbontainers. ottles, milk and water jugs, grrocery bags, cpups. epublic programs 6 containers, egg cartons, hipping blocks. any shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene detergent cPontainers. Republic Services' residential rRecycling detergent epublic Services' esidential rograms programs opnly S (sThese ontainers ot pMackaging PETE PP #a6: re lso labeled 7 not aaterials. cceptable our recycling rogram). M ost recycling PS This lastic cacategory, i#nts n(These ame oaf re “other” mplies, is any plastic ther than the named #1– #6 cpenters lastic do plastics re aaPccepts lso lplastics abeled #aP 7 are ans ot acceptable in om ur riecycling pin rogram). Moost rpecycling centers do Plastic olystyrene ( PS) Plastic pPipes, utdoor furniture, Services' residential recycling programs accepts some HDPE shrink-‐wrap, containers. water bottles, liquid peanuts and o#ther packaging aterials fbor reuse. Rdepublic Secycling ervices' esidential recycling accepts VC coontainers. accepts containers. 3 #P2: VC not ake plastic #m 7. Republic Sups, ervices' residential prrograms ao-‐go #7 Oother only. types. Ttyrofoam hese ontainers can e several ifferent trypes om f peat lastic olymers. B iodegradable and compostable not 7 take plastic 7. o Rtr epublic Scervices' residential recycling ptrograms accepts #t7 rays, Opther cccepts ontainers nly. containers Plastic High-‐density Pcolyethylene (epublic HDPE) Services' residential recycling programs OTHER Packaging p ellets S p eanuts, c p lastic ableware, t c lamshell Plastic # 6: P olystyrene ( PS) PVC OTHER detergent ontainers. R Plastic #7: Oather programs ccepts only PS aclso ontainers packaging maaterials. Plastic #3: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or V ) plastics are labeled #n7 ot (These are not cceptable in our recycling program). Most recycling centers do PS Detergent bottles, milk aVC nd wontainers. ater jugs, Pgrocery bags, (yHDPE) ogurt cups. Republic containers, egg Packaging cartons, snhipping br locks. Many psieanuts, hipping/packaging stores w ill accept ptolystyrene Plastic #P2: High-‐density olyethylene p ellets oother” Styrofoam cups, plastic tableware, m1– eat rays, to-‐go clamshell 6 This plastic category, a s i ts ame o f “ i mplies, s a ny p lastic o ther t han t he n amed # # 6 p lastic accepts c not take plastic #7. Republic Services' residential recycling programs accepts #7 Other containers only. Plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, some shrink-‐wrap, water bottles, liquid PVC OTHER Plastic #4: Lb ow-‐density Polyethylene LDPE) Services' rLesidential recycling programs accepts H(jDPE peanuts and other packaging mcaterials fsor rteuse. Solymers. ervices' esidential recycling types. ontainers can be several different ypes boR f epublic plastic Briodegradable and compostable Plastic ow-‐density olyethylene (LDPE) Detergent ottles, m water ugs, cgontainers. rocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic containers, egg artons, hipping locks. Mpany shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene 6 T#hese Plastic 7: Octher 2 ##4: 3: 7 Plastic olyvinyl cPR hloride (PVC oilk r Va)nd detergent cPontainers. epublic Services' residential recycling programs Food storage ontainers, dry cleaning bags, paroduce bHags, can liners. #4 produce plastics are aacccepts lpeanuts abeled 7 (nd ot naot cceptable in aony ur paterials. rflastic ecycling program). recycling Food storage containers, dry ccleaning brags, produce bags, trash can liners. #trash 4 produce programs only PaS came ontainers pyackaging m This plastic ategory, aa s #lternatives its nThese oaf re “other” implies, is other the MnSost amed #1– residential #6 cpenters lastic dro residential ecycling programs ccepts DPE containers. o ther pnw ackaging mcaterials or reuse. Rthan epublic ervices' ecycling llso ook for hen ou an! PS 4 pipes, *Please look f*Please or alternatives w hen yervices' ou can! Plastic oServices' utdoor fburniture, some shrink-‐wrap, water bottles, liquid accepts containers. bags e rgecycled t lParge rocery Ss(tores. Services' residential recycling not t ake p lastic # 7. R epublic S r esidential r ecycling p rograms a ccepts # 7 O ther c ontainers o nly. Plastic #large 4: Low-‐density olyethylene LDPE) Republic bags can PbVC e recycled act an rocery satores. Rgepublic ervices' residential recycling types. These containers can abccepts e several different types of pnlastic polymers. mBaterials. iodegradable and compostable 7 programs only PS containers ot packaging OTHER HDPE PS #7: detergent containers. Republic ervices' rcnd esidential recycling programs accepts LSDPE film bags hen b b agged ubbrograms p with ait boigger ag, tie it poroduce ff, and Food sctorage containers, dry leaning bwags, roduce ags, trash can lbiners. #4 programs accepts LDPE film and bPVC ags wohen baagged up w ith ap igger p ag, tie ff, and Plastic Oather plastics a re lso l abeled # 7 ( These a re n ot a cceptable i n o ur r ecycling p rogram). M ost r ecycling c enters d o Plastic # 3: P olyvinyl hloride ( r V ) *Please look for alternatives when you can! 4 it in PtVC accepts ontainers. place t ciart! n bte he recycling art! grocery stores. Republic Services' residential recycling LDPE bags cian at clarge place he rcecycling recycled This lastic category, as #its of “other” implies, is any pplastic other than t#he named #1– #6 plastic not tpake plastic #Plastic 7. Republic Services' residential recycling rograms accepts 7 O ther containers only. 7: nOame ther Plastic #p4: ipes, outdoor urniture, some shrink-‐wrap, wVater Plastic Pf#olyethylene 3: Polyvinyl cfhloride (PVC or ) bottles, liquid OTHER Plastic Low-‐density (LDPE) programs accepts LDPE ilm and bags when bagged up with a bigger bag, tie it off, 7 and types. These containers can b e several ads ifferent types of plastic polymers. Bpiodegradable and tche ompostable This p lastic c ategory, i ts n ame o f “ other” i mplies, i s a ny lastic o ther t han n amed # 1– #6 plastic Food torage containers, dipes, ry cleaning bags, prroduce ags, tsrash can pliners. 4 produce detergent containers. epublic Services' recycling rograms Plastic utdoor furniture, sbome hrink-‐wrap, w#ater bottles, liquid *Please look place it p iRn the ro ecycling cart! esidential LDPE plastics are also ltypes. abeled #hese 7 (These not acceptable in doifferent ur recycling program). ost recycling centers do and compostable for wThen ycontainers ou acre an! 3 csan can be several types of plastic M polymers. Biodegradable 7 alternatives bags bVC e Lrow-‐density ecycled at large rocery stores. Republic Services' residential rrecycling ecycling programs Plastic #P 4: Polyethylene (LDPE) accepts containers. detergent cgontainers. Republic Services' residential not take plastic #plastics 7. Republic ervices' residential recycling accepts 7 Other cpontainers only. are aSlso labeled #7 (These are not parograms cceptable in our #recycling rogram). M ost recycling centers do OTHER programs a ccepts L DPE f ilm a nd b ags w hen b agged u p w ith a b igger b ag, t ie i t o ff, a nd Food storage containers, ry ccleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners. #4 produce accepts PdVC ontainers. *Please look for alternatives when you not take plastic #7. cRan! epublic Services' residential recycling programs accepts #7 Other containers only. 2 soda bottles, 2-‐liter water ottles, cooking oil bottles, p(eanut Plastic #1: Pbolyethylene Terephthalate PET or bPutter ETE):jars. (HDPE) PS HDPE Plastic #2: High-density Polyethylene PP Services' residential recycling rograms accepts HDPE cpontainers. RSS's residential recycling pbrograms aater ccepts nparrow-‐neck PoET ontainers and butter jars. 5 2-‐liter soda ottles, w bottles, cooking il bcottles, eanut HDPE PETE 1 Detergent bottles, milk and water jugs, grocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic Services’ residential recycling programs accepts HDPE containers. 2 PETE 3 2 HDPE PVC HDPE 2 Plastic #3: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or V) Plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, some shrink-wrap, water bottles, liquid detergent containers. Republic Services’ residential recycling programs accepts PVC containers. 3 HDPE 4 3 PVC Plastic #7: Other This plastic category, as its name of “other” implies, is any plastic other than the named #1– #6 plastic place in bthe recycling bags cit an e recycled at clart! arge grocery stores. Republic Services' residential recycling PVC OTHER Plastic #4: types. These containers can be several different Plastic #4: aLccepts ow-‐density Pfilm olyethylene LDPE) programs LDPE Low-density and bags (w hen bagged Polyethylene up with a bigger bag, tie it o(LDPE) ff, and Food dry c leaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners. bags, #4 produce produce place sitorage t in tstorage he containers, recycling art! Plastic #c4: Low-‐density Polyethylene (LDPE) Food containers, dry cleaning types polymers. Biodegradable and com*Please look for alternatives when yof ou cplastic an! bags can be recycled a t l arge g rocery s tores. R epublic S ervices' r esidential r ecycling Food storage containers, dry cleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners. #4 produce *Please look postable for alternatives when you care an! also labeled #7 (These are not 4 accepts bags, trash can liners. produce recyplastics programs LDPE film bags w b#4 agged up sw ith a R bepublic igger bags bag, tie it can off, and berecycling bags can be arnd ecycled at hen large grocery tores. Services' residential place it in the recycling cart! programs accepts LDPE film and bags when bagged up with a bigger bag, tie it resoff, and cled at large grocery stores. Republic Services’ acceptable in our recycling program). Most recycling place it in the recycling cart! LDPE idential recycling programs accepts LDPE film and centers do not take plastic #7. Republic Services’ bags when bagged up with a bigger bag, tie it off, residential recycling programs accepts “#7 - Other” and place it in the recycling cart! containers only. LDPE PVC 3 4 PVC 4 LDPE LDPE 4 LDPE Where do your organics go? Have you ever wondered where your organic materials go if they are not buried in a landfill? Organics make up more than two-thirds of the daily solid waste stream and these compostable materials can be diverted and used to make soil amendment products. The organics that are collected each week are comprised of many different elements that include yard waste, food scraps, food soiled paper, cardboard and compostable bags. In order to conserve landfill space and benefit the environment, organics are transferred to a processing facility where they go through a series of steps to become compost. These materials that otherwise would be landfilled will become useful products in a few short months. a West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill b West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill c West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill f West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill d e West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill g When the compostable materials are initially delivered to the organics processing facility they are ground up and placed in static piles. After this process, the compostable materials are moved into what are called “windrows” where they are turned every few days and watered down to control the heat generated by the decomposition process. The organics will be processed for a total of 50-60 days and once a windrow reaches a temperature of about 145 degrees it is ready to be screened. During the screening process non-compostables such as glass and plastic are removed to prevent contamination of the finished compost. The finished product is a rich soil material that resembles ground coffee and can be sold for use to local residents, gardeners and farmers. West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill h West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill i West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill West County Resource Recovery (510) 231-4200 Republic Services (510) 262-7100 Golden Bear Transfer Station (510) 970-7260 pms 471 process equivalent : 0C 59M 100 Y 18K and black West County Organics (510) 970-7260 j RecycleMore www.recyclemore.com West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill Do you have questions on which items go into which containers? If so, please visit www.richmondsanitaryservice.com, or contact [email protected] for answers. pms 471 and black Printed on recycled paper * 851CA0016 Boletín Informativo de Reciclaje Invierno 2015 www.richmondsanitaryservice.com Sirviendo a Hercules, Pinole, Richmond, San Pablo, y al Condado no incorporado del Oeste de Contra Costa Nuevo Servicio de Recolección Semanal A partir de marzo del 2015, Republic Services estará ofreciendo el servicio de recolección semanal de reciclaje y orgánicos para los clientes de depósitos residenciales y comerciales. Este nuevo servicio será beneficioso para su hogar, negocio, y la comunidad porque va a ser más fácil de reciclar más materiales cada semana. Este servicio mejorado viene sin costo adicional y le ayudará a controlar sus necesidades de servicio. La única acción que usted necesita tomar es asegurarse de que todos sus depósitos de recolección están listos para ser recogidos en su día de servicio asignado cada semana. Busque más información sobre este nuevo servicio en el Año Nuevo. ¿Se ha preguntado acerca de estos números y lo que significan? Diferentes Tipos de Plástico Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they m ean? DTifferent Have you ever wondered ael bout these umbers aond hat topción, hey mean? Different ypes of TPypes lasticof Plastic ¡Hay momentos en que plástico esnla mejor la w única perom por favor busque plásticos Have you ever wondered about these numbers and what they ean? Different Types of Plastic que puedan ser reciclados en su programa de reciclaje residencial y REUTILIZELO, si es posible! There are p times is otnly he bchoice, est or obnly hoice, but please lok tfhat or pclastics hat can ibn e yrour ecycled in your recycling residential recycling rogram REUSE if possible! There are times when lastic wis hen the pblastic est or ut pclease lok for plastics an be rtecycled residential program and pR EUSE if apnd ossible! Have you ever wis ondered about hese umbers nd can wbhat they mean? Different Types oRf EUSE Plastic There are times when plastic the best or only choice, btut please nlok for plastics a that e recycled in your residential recycling program and if possible! Plastic #1: olyethylene T(PET erephthalate Plastic #1: Polyethylene TPerephthalate oTereftalato r PETE): (PET or PETE): Plástico #1: Polietileno Plástico #5: Polipropileno (PP) Plastic #ean? 5: P(PP) olypropylene (PP) Plastic #5: Phey olypropylene Have y ou e ver w ondered a bout t hese n umbers a nd w hat t m D ifferent T ypes o f P lastic 2-‐liter ottles, cwooking ater bottles, cooking oil obr bottles, eanut butter jars. 2-‐liter soda bottles, wsater ottles, oil bottles, p(eanut Plastic #oda 1: Pbbolyethylene Terephthalate PET Putter ETE):jpars. Ketchup bcottles, aerosol aps, rinking traws, ogurt containers. Republic Services' residential (PET or PETE): Ketchup ottles, aerosol drinking sctraws, yogurt csontainers. Republic Services' residential Plastic 5: Paps, olypropylene (PP)adnd There are is tRSS's he brest or ottles, only cwhoice, bnut pclease lok for plastics that can be nd recycled in y5 our rbesidential r#ecycling program REUSE if pyossible! esidential recycling pbrograms accepts narrow-‐neck PaET 1 plastic RSS's residential recycling aater ccepts arrow-‐neck PoET ontainers nd 1 times when 2-‐liter soda pbrograms ottles, ooking il bcottles, peanut bcontainers utter jars. a5 Botellas de salsa de tomate, tapas de aerosol, pajillas para recycling rograms accepts PP d containers. rograms accepts PP containers. beber, envases yogur. Losyo programas reciclaje resibpottles, aerosol cde aps, rinking straws, ogurt containers. Rde Services' residential Botellas de 2sry litros refrescos, botellas de agua, botellas hells. clam Have yhells. ou eclam ver wondered about nPumbers and wrecycling hat tphey m ean? D ifferent ypes f TPypes lasticof epublic RSS's esidential rver ecycling accepts tnhese arrow-‐neck containers nd Have ou ede wprograms ondered about tET hese naumbers and wKetchup hat tphey mccepts ean? DRTifferent Plastic 1 pslastic There are times when is the best or only choice, but please lok for plastics that can be recycled in 5 your residential recycling EUSE if possible! recycling rograms parogram PP acnd ontainers. denciales de Republic Services aceptan envases PP. Plastic #1: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or de PETE): de aceite comestible, frascos crema de cacahuate. Los PETE PP #5: Polypropylene clam shells. PP Plastic (PP) 2-‐liter soda bottles, water bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut jars. programas de reciclaje residenciales debutter Republic Services PETE PP #6: Plastic #6: Polystyrene Ketchup bottles, aerosol caps, drinking (sPS) traws, yogurt containers. Republic Services' residential Plastic Polystyrene (PS) Plastic # 1: P olyethylene T erephthalate ( PET o r P ETE): RSS's r esidential r ecycling p rograms a ccepts n arrow-‐neck P ET c ontainers a nd 1 5 There are times when lastic s hen tPlastic he pblastic est oolyethylene cde hoice, bnly ut pangosto lok for plastics an be de rtecycled esidential recycling pr rogram and EUSE if apnd There aPlastic re ptimes wiigh-‐density iPET s otnly he b est r o clease hoice, but please lok that for pclastics hat can ibn e yrour ecycled in yoour r6: esidential recycling pRrogram REUSE if ptossible! Plastic #r5: Pellets olypropylene PP) #2: Hr igh-‐density Poolyethylene (HDPE) Packaging pP(ellets o Styrofoam peanuts, cups, possible! lastic tableware, meat trays, to-‐go clamshell recycling p rograms a ccepts PP cpontainers. aceptan envases cuello y los recipientes # 2: H P ( HDPE) Packaging p r S tyrofoam eanuts, cups, lastic tableware, m eat trays, o-‐go clamshell Plastic # olystyrene (Poliestireno PS) Plástico #6: (PS) 2-‐liter soda bottles, water bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars. clam shells. Ketchup b ottles, a erosol c aps, d rinking s traws, containers. Rsepublic Sill ervices' rpesidential Detergent bHottles, ilk aPgnd water jugs, gogurt rocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic gg cartons, shipping bogurt locks. any pslastic hipping/packaging stores will to-‐go accept polystyrene 6 Detergent bplástico. ottles, milk and water m jugs, rocery bags, cups. Republic containers, egg containers, cartons, shipping locks. Many psyeanuts, hipping/packaging tores accept 2 residential 65 2 Plastic #2: olyethylene (yHDPE) Packaging pepara ellets obr empacar Styrofoam cMups, tableware, meat tolystyrene rays, cvasos, lamshell cartón RSS's recycling pigh-‐density rograms accepts narrow-‐neck PET containers and 1 Bolitas o cacahuates dewServices' hule espuma, PETE PP recycling p rograms a ccepts P P c ontainers. Plastic #1: Polyethylene T erephthalate ( PET o r P ETE): Services' r esidential r ecycling p rograms a ccepts H DPE c ontainers. peanuts a nd o ther p ackaging m aterials f or r euse. R epublic r esidential recycling Plastic # 1: P olyethylene T erephthalate ( PET o r P ETE): Services' r esidential r ecycling p rograms a ccepts H DPE c ontainers. peanuts a nd o ther p ackaging m aterials f or r euse. R epublic S ervices' r esidential r ecycling containers, gg cartons, shipping blocks. Many shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene 6 #5: Polypropylene 2 shells. Detergent bottles, milk and water jugs, grocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic clam Plastic Plastic #5: P(ePP) olypropylene (PP) vajilla de plástico, bandejas para carne, recipientes de cartón 2-‐liter soda bottles, wsater bbottles, cw ooking oil pbrograms ottles, paeanut bottles, utter jpars. programs acccepts opnly Pot S cpontainers not packaging materials. 2-‐liter oda ottles, ater b ottles, c ooking o il b eanut b utter j ars. Plastic # 6: P olystyrene ( PS) programs a ccepts o nly P S ontainers n ackaging m aterials. Services' r esidential r ecycling ccepts H DPE c ontainers. peanuts a nd o ther ackaging m aterials f or r euse. R epublic S ervices' r esidential r ecycling HDPE PS HDPE PS Ketchup bottles, aerosol bcottles, aps, drinking yogurt csontainers. Republic Services' residential Ketchup aerosol sctraws, aps, drinking traws, yogurt containers. Republic Services' residential PETE PP Plástico #2: Polietileno Alta Densidad (HDPE) RSS's residential recycling programs accepts nde arrow-‐neck PET containers PaET nd containers plástico de comida para de huevos, 1 RSS's residential recycling programs accepts narrow-‐neck a5 nd Plastic #2: High-‐density Polyethylene (HDPE) Packaging pellets or Styrofoam peanuts, ccups, prápida lastic ntot ableware, mllevar, eat trays, cartones to-‐go clamshell 1 5 programs a ccepts o nly P S ontainers p ackaging m aterials. recycling p rograms a ccepts P P c ontainers. HDPE PS recycling rograms accepts PP containers. #7: (pPS) ther Plastic OP ther Plastic ##7: 6: Plastic #3: Polyvinyl (y PVC or Vy)ogurt clam shells. Plastic #3: bPottles, olyvinyl chells. hloride (PVC jugs, ocleche r hloride V )grocery clam Detergent msilk and water bjarras ags, Republic containers, eolystyrene gg Plastic cartons, sOhipping blocks. Many shipping/packaging stores will accept polystyrene Botellas de detergente, decups. agua, bolsas de su6 2 bloques de de envío/paquetería This category, as envío. its nimplies, ame of i“Muchas other” implies, itiendas s atny plastic other t#han t6 he named #1– #6 plastic This plastic cpategory, alastic s S#ityrofoam ts of p“eanuts, other” any ptlastic other han the named 1– c#lamshell plastic Plastic p#ipes, High-‐density HDPE) Packaging oppr cups, ps lastic ableware, m eat trays, to-‐go Plastic p#furniture, ipes, oputdoor furniture, sHome schrink-‐wrap, ater bottles, liquid PP Plastic 7: nOame therm Plastic outdoor some s(yogur. hrink-‐wrap, bottles, lw iquid Services' residential renvases ecycling rograms accepts DPE peanuts and ellets other ackaging aterials for reuse. Republic Stypes ervices' residential recycling Plastic 3: PPolyethylene olyvinyl chloride (PVC oLos r wVater )ontainers. PETE PETE PP 3 2: permercado, de programas de reciclaje 3 types. Tchese containers can be steveral of pespuma polymers. Biodegradable and compostable types. These containers an cbategory, e several ds ifferent ypes odf ifferent plastic phule olymers. Blastic iodegradable aynd compostable aceptarán cacahuates de otros 7 7 This p lastic a i ts n ame o f “ other” i mplies, i s a ny p lastic o ther t han t named materia#1– #6 plastic Detergent cbontainers. ottles, milk and w ater jugs, grrocery bome ags, ogurt cpups. epublic containers, egg cartons, hipping blocks. any shipping/packaging stores will accept he polystyrene detergent containers. R epublic Sservices' residential rRecycling programs 6 detergent epublic Services' esidential recycling rograms 2 programs aaccepts only #aP7 S (sThese clso ontainers n7 ot pMackaging m aterials. Plastic pRipes, outdoor furniture, syhrink-‐wrap, w ater bottles, liquid PS plastics re a l abeled # ( These a re n ot a cceptable i n o ur r ecycling p rogram). M ost recycling centers do HDPE plastics a re lso l abeled a re n ot a cceptable i n o ur r ecycling p rogram). M ost r ecycling c enters do and compostable Plastic # 6: P olystyrene ( PS) 3 PVC Plastic #6: Pcempacar olystyrene (PS) residenciales Republic Services envases HDPE. types. Tde hese ontainers can e para everal Rdsu ifferent tSypes of plastic polymers. Biodegradable les reutilización. Los programas de 7 and o#ther Services' residential rde ecycling programs accepts HDPE aceptan containers. peanuts packaging aterials fbor rseuse. epublic ervices' esidential recycling accepts PVC containers. accepts containers. not ake plastic #m 7. Republic Sups, ervices' residential recycling prrograms ao-‐go #7 Oother containers only. detergent containers. R(epublic Services' residential recycling programs not take plastic 7. o Rtr epublic Slso ervices' residential recycling patrograms alastic ccepts #ecycling 7 rays, Other cccepts ontainers nly. Plastic # 2: H igh-‐density P olyethylene HDPE) Packaging p ellets S tyrofoam p eanuts, c p lastic ableware, m eat t t c lamshell plastics a re a l abeled # 7 ( These a re n ot cceptable i n o ur r p rogram). M ost r ecycling centers do Plastic # 2: H igh-‐density P olyethylene ( HDPE) Packaging p ellets o r S tyrofoam eanuts, c ups, p t ableware, m eat t rays, t o-‐go clamshell PVC OTHER PVC OTHER Plastic #7: Oather programs ccepts only PS containers not packaging de materials. Plastic #3: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or V ) reciclaje residenciales Republic Services aceptan úniaccepts P VC c ontainers. HDPE PS not taake plastic #o7. Services' esidential programs ther ontainers only. Detergent bottles, milk and water m jugs, rocery bags, cups. Republic containers, egg containers, cartons, snhipping bepublic locks. M any sis hipping/packaging stores ill aaccepts ccept p7 olystyrene 6 Detergent bottles, ilk agnd water jugs, yogurt grocery bags, yogurt cups. Republic egg cf artons, simplies, hipping barlocks. Many shipping/packaging stores will acccept polystyrene 2 This plastic category, s its ame “Rother” ny plastic orecycling ther than the nw amed #1– ##6 pO lastic 6 2 PVC OTHER Plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, some shrink-‐wrap, water bottles, liquid camente envases no losRepublic materiales de empacar. Plástico #3: Cloruro de or V) 7 3 Plastic #4: ow-‐density Polyethylene LDPE) Services' rLesidential recycling programs accepts H(DPE caontainers. peanuts and other packaging mlos aterials for rteuse. ervices' esidential recycling types. ontainers can be oseveral ifferent ypes oRPS, f epublic plastic prS olymers. Briodegradable and compostable Plastic ow-‐density olyethylene (LDPE) Services' rLesidential roecycling pPolivinilo rograms ccepts H(PVC DPE containers. peanuts and ther pdackaging materials for euse. Services' residential recycling Plastic T#hese 7: Octher Plastic ##4: 3: olyvinyl cPR hloride (PVC r V )residential detergent cPontainers. epublic Services' recycling programs Food storage ontainers, dry cleaning bags, produce bags, #trash can liners. #4 produce plastics are aacccepts lprograms abeled 7 (naThese are not nP aot cceptable in aony ur rlastic ecycling program). recycling Food storage cde ontainers, dry ccleaning bags, produce bde ags, trash can liners. 4 produce programs only PS came ontainers ackaging m This plastic ategory, aa s #lternatives its “oother” is paterials. other than the Mnost amed #1– #6 cpenters lastic do ccepts nly S implies, cpyontainers not packaging materials. Tubería plástico, algunos envasPlastic #4: Low-‐density Polyethylene (LDPE) *Please llso ook for when ou can! HDPE PS 4 *Please look fPS or alternatives w hen yervices' ou ocf an! HDPE Plastic pPipes, obags utdoor fburniture, smuebles ome shrink-‐wrap, wexterior, ater bottles, liquid 4 accepts VC c ontainers. c an e r ecycled a t l arge g rocery s tores. R epublic S ervices' r esidential r ecycling not t ake p lastic # 7. R epublic S r esidential r ecycling p rograms a ccepts # 7 O ther c ontainers o nly. 3 bags can be recycled large gcrocery stores. residential types. These containers can be several different types of plastic polymers. Biodegradable and compostable Food ast torage ontainers, dry Rcepublic leaning Sbervices' ags, produce bags, rtecycling rash can liners. #4 OTHER produce 7 PVC detergent containers. Republic ervices' esidential recycling es botellas agua, de *Please llso ook for a#lternatives w hen you can! programs accepts LSDPE film bde arnd bags agged ubrograms p with boigger bag, tie it off, and 4 retractilados, Plástico #7: programs accepts LDPE film ags w up wwhen ith ab envases b igger p ag, tie ait ff, adetergente nd Plastic #7: Oather plastics are labeled #7: 7 O (These not aOtro cceptable in our recycling program). Most recycling centers do Plastic ther are bags ccan be aPrnd ecycled aot chen arge grocery Plastic #3: Polyvinyl hloride (bPVC r lhloride V ) agged Plastic #3: olyvinyl (PVC stores. or V ) Republic Services' residential recycling accepts ontainers. place iprogramas t ciart! n the cart! LDPE place it in PtVC he rcLos ecycling recycling LDPE This lastic category, alastic s its categoría ncame of “other” mplies, any pplastic o ther han t#he nnombre amed #than 1– #t6 pdel lastic not tpake plastic #This 7. Rpepublic Services' esidential roecycling rograms 7 O ther containers nly. “otro” líquido. Reategory, ars its nide ame plástico, f i“s other” implies, ias ccepts atny plastic other he noamed #1– #6 plastic programs accepts LsDPE ffilm and reciclaje bags when bagged up wlith a bigger bag, de ie it o ff, and Esta como su inPlastic ipes, outdoor folyethylene urniture, ome sde hrink-‐wrap, water bresidenciales ottles, iquid Plastic ipes, outdoor urniture, some shrink-‐wrap, w ater bottles, ltiquid PVC OTHER Plastic #p4: Low-‐density Pp (LDPE) 3 3 types. These containers an be several different ypes of lastic ptolymers. iodegradable and compostable and compostable types. Tchese containers can be steveral dp ifferent ypes of pBlastic polymers. Biodegradable 7 place i t i n t he r ecycling c art! LDPE 7 Food storage containers, ry caceptan containers. leaning bags, prroduce bags, tPVC. rash can pliners. #4 produce public envases detergent cServices ontainers. Rdepublic Services' esidential recycling rograms detergent Republic Services' residential recycling programs *Please look dica, que sean tipos derdecycling plástico plastics are also lplastics abeled #a7 These acre not acceptable in noot ur acceptable recycling pirogram). Most rpecycling centers o for alternatives when ou an! re (es ay lso lcualquier abeled #7 (These plástico are n ono ur recycling rogram). Most centers do 4 bags can bVC e Lrow-‐density ecycled a t l arge g rocery s tores. R epublic S ervices' r esidential r ecycling Plastic #P 4: P olyethylene ( LDPE) accepts containers. accepts PVC containers. not take plastic #not 7. Rtepublic Services' residential recycling programs accepts #7 Other ontainers nly. cde ake plastic #7. Republic Services' rEstos esidential renvases ecycling programs acccepts #7 ser Oother ontainers only. nombrados #1 al #6. pueden varios PVC OTHER programs accepts LDPE film and bags wbhen up with tarash bigger ag, tie #i4 t opff, and PVC OTHER Food storage containers, dry cleaning ags, bpagged roduce bags, can bliners. roduce *Please look for alternatives when you can! 4 place in bthe recycling LDPE tipos diferentes de polímeros de plástico. Los plásticos bags cit an e recycled at clart! arge grocery stores. Republic Services' residential recycling Plástico #4: Polietileno de Baja Densidad (LDPE) Plastic #4: aLccepts ow-‐density olyethylene LDPE) programs LDPE #Pf4: ilm and bags (w hen bagged up (LDPE) with a bigger bag, tie it off, and Plastic Low-‐density Polyethylene biodegradables y compostables también están etiquetaFood dalmacenamiento ry c leaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners. 4 pbolsas roduce place sitorage t in the containers, recycling cart! Food de storage containers, dry cleaning bde ags, palimentos, roduce bags, #trash can liners. de #4 produce LDPE Recipientes tin*Please look f*Please or alternatives you el can! 4 look dos for wahen lternatives when (Estos you can! no son aceptables en nuestro pro4 can be recycled con #7. bags large rocery satores. ervices' residential recycling bags act an be rgecycled t large Rgepublic rocery Sstores. Republic Services' residential recycling torería, bolsas de comestibles, forros de los depósitos de baprograms accepts LDPE film and bags when up w when ith ab bagged igger u bp ag, ie iat boigger ff, and programs accepts LDPE film baagged nd bags wtith bag, tie it off, and grama de reciclaje). La mayoría de los centros de reciclaje place i t i n t he r ecycling c art! sura. Las place bolsas de comestibles #4 pueden ser reciclados en LDPE it in the recycling cart! LDPE no toman plástico #7. Los programas de reciclaje residenlas grandes tiendas de comestibles. Los programas de reciciales de Republic Services únicamente aceptan envases claje residenciales de Republic Services aceptan cinta LDPE #7 - Otro. y bolsas cuando se empacan en una bolsa más grande, se amarra y se coloca dentro del depósito de reciclaje. PETE ¿A dónde van sus materiales orgánicos? ¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado a dónde van sus materiales orgánicos si no se entierran en un vertedero? Los orgánicos representan más de dos tercios del flujo diario de residuos sólidos y estos materiales compostables pueden ser desviados y utilizados para hacer productos de enmienda del suelo. Los compuestos orgánicos que se recogen cada semana se componen de muchos elementos diferentes que incluyen residuos de jardín, restos de comida, papel manchado de comida, cartón y bolsas compostables. Con el fin de ahorrar espacio en los vertederos y beneficiar al medio ambiente, los orgánicos son transferidos a una instalación de procesamiento donde pasan por una serie de pasos para convertirse en abono. Estos materiales que de otro modo serían depositados en vertederos se convertirán en productos útiles en unos pocos meses. a West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill b West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill c West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill f West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill d e West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill g Cuando los materiales compostables son inicialmente entregados a la planta de procesamiento de productos orgánicos se muelen y se colocan en pilas estáticas. Después de este proceso, los materiales compostables se mueven a lo que se llama “hileras” en el que se les da vuelta cada dos o tres días y se les riega con agua para controlar el calor generado por el proceso de descomposición. Los orgánicos se procesarán para un total de 50 a 60 días y una vez a la hilera alcanza una temperatura de 145 grados, está listo para someterse a las pruebas. Durante el proceso de selección de materiales no compostables tales como el vidrio y el plástico se eliminan para evitar la contaminación del abono final. El producto final es un suelo rico en material orgánico que parece café molido y puede ser vendido para uso de los residentes locales, jardineros y agricultores. West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill h West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill i West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill West County Resource Recovery (510) 231-4200 Republic Services (510) 262-7100 Golden Bear Transfer Station (510) 970-7260 pms 471 process equivalent : 0C 59M 100 Y 18K and black West County Organics (510) 970-7260 j RecycleMore www.recyclemore.com West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill ¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre qué materiales se depositan en cada depósito? Si es así, por favor visite: www.richmondsanitaryservice.com, o escríbanos a [email protected] para más información. pms 471 and black Impreso en papel reciclable
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