"Keys to the Kingdom" 34th ANNUAL DISTRICT 90 CONVENTION August 14, 15 & 16, 2015 Please m ak e hotel reserv ati ons di rec tly with: CONVENTION SPEAKERS Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, B eaumont Plaza Fri. 08:00 PM AA Robert C.—Inglewood, CA Fri. 10:00 PM AA Pat G.—Beaumont, TX Sat. 10:00 AM AA Donna B.—Lafayette, LA 3950 I-10 South at W alden R oad Phon e (409) 842-5995/ Fax (409) 842-7810 www.holidayinnbeaumont.com Convention Rate - $95 * per night * If reserved by Cut-Off Date – July 28, 2015 Sat. 01:00 PM Al-Anon Mandy S., Beaumont, TX ONSITE REGISTRATION Sat. 02:00 PM Alateen Jay Jay R., League City, TX Sat. 03:00 PM AA Skit Sat. 08:00 PM AA Bill C.—Torrance, CA Sat. 10:00 PM Dance Sun. 10:00 AM AA Polly P.—Jacksonville, FL Pre-Registration ends Aug 9, 2015! (AA/Al-Anon $10, -teen $3)† O†nSeseibtoettoRmelegft iosf tthrisafltyieo n opens Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:00 PM: r t o Pre -re giste r AA/ Al-Anon …$ 12 ea Dance only …$ 6 ea Alateen…$ 5 ea Coffee…Incl. w/ registration Dance admission included with convention registration ‡ “Dance only” tickets will be sold at ball room doo r Sat night HHospitality Suites… Sobriety Countdown… First Timers Contest… Raffle… Marathon Meetings… Ice CreamSocial WESTRIVE TO BE SELF-SUPPORTING - PLEASEDONATE TO THE COFFEEANDHOSPITALITYSUITE CONTRIBUTIONCANS! Note: The city of Beaumont has a smoke free ordinance. Smoking hotel rooms are available, but we encourage you to register early due to limited availability. Outdoor smoking areas will be designated to accommodate our smoking guests during the convention. ------------------------- ---- --------------------- ----- -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------ ------- ------------------------- ------------------ PRE-REGI STRATION F ORM Name 1: __________________________________________ Name 2: __________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________ Badge Name: ______________________________________ Badge Name: ______________________________________ Home Group: ______________________________________ Home Group: ______________________________________ Check One: Check One: _____AA _____Al-Anon ____ Alateen¹ Check if Needed: ___ASL Interpreter___Spanish Translator___Special Accom/Need Pre-Registration: Amt. Enclosed: { } A A @ $ 10.00 each $________________ Check if Needed: ___ASL Interpreter___Spanish Translator___Special Accom/Need { } Al- Anon @ $ 10.00 each $________________ { } Alateen @ $ 3.00 each $________________ { } Sponsorship Donation $________________ TOTAL ENCLOSE D $___________________ ¹Alateens must have signed permission slips! _____AA _____Al-Anon ____ Alateen¹ Check if Needed: ___ASL Interpreter___Spanish Translator___Special Accom/Need Accom/Need Accom/Need Accom/Need MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO AND MAIL REGISTRATION FORMSTO: District 90 Convention Treasure PO Box 1591 Groves, TX 77619 "Llaves del Reino" 34th CONVENCION ANNUAL DEL DISTRITO 90 August 14, 15, & 16, 2015 Por favor h acer reservaci ones directam ente con: CONVENCIÓN ORADORES Y EVENTOS Fri. 08:00 PM AA Robert C.—Inglewood, CA Fri. 10:00 PM AA Pat G.—Beaumont, TX Sat. 10:00 AM AA Donna B.—Lafayette, LA Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, B eaumont Plaza 3950 I-10 South at W ald en R oad Phone (409) 842-5995/ Fax (409) 842-7810 www.holidayinnbeaumont.com Tasa de Convención- $95 * por noche * si reservados po r fecha límite – 28 de julio de 2015 Sat. 01:00 PM Al-Anon Mandy S., Beaumont, TX Sat. 02:00 PM Alateen Jay Jay K., League City, TX ONSITE REGISTRACIÓN P rei nscri pci ón term ina el 09 de Ag osto d e 2015!AA/Al-Anon:$10,teen:$3 † Ver parte inferior izquierda de este folle to para pre-registrarse Sat. 03:00 PM AA Skit Sat. 08:00 PM AA Bill C.—Torrance, CA Sat. 10:00 PM Dance Sun. 10:00 AM AA Polly P.—Jacksonville, FL Abre reg ist ro en el sitio vi ernes, 14 de aAg osto de 2015 a 14: 00 AA / Al -Anon... $ 12 ea Alateen ... $ 5 ea Sólo bailar ... $ 6 ea‡ Café...Inclui do con el regi stron La ent re da al ba il e incluy e en la r egis tr ació n. ‡ S o lo p a ra el b a ile se v en d er a n lo s b oleto s en la p u er ta d el sa lon sa b a d o. Hospitality Suites... Cuenta regresiva sobriedad... Concurso de novatos... Rifa... Reuniones de maratón...Ice Cream Social NOS ESFORZAMOS POR SER AUTOSUFICIENTE -POR FAVOR DONEN ALAS LATAS DE CONTRIBUCIÓN CAFÉ Y HOSPITALITY SUITE! 3 Nota: La ciudad de Beaumont tiene una ordenanza libre de humo. Habitaciones del hotel fumar están disponibles, pero le animamos a registrarse temprano debido a la disponibilidad limitada. Espacios para fumadores al aire libre serán designadas para acomodar a nuestros huéspedes de fumar durante la Convención. ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------PRE-REGI STRATION F ORMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nombre 1: ________________________________________ Nombre 2: ________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Dirección: _________________________________________ Dirección: _________________________________________ Ciudad y estado y zip:________________________________ Ciudad y estado y zip:________________________________ Distintivo Nombre:__________________________________ Distintivo Nombre:__________________________________ Grupo Base: _______________________________________ Grupo Base: _______________________________________ Check One: Check One: _____AA _____Al-Anon ____ Alateen¹ Check if Needed: ___ASL Interpreter___Spanish Translator___Special Accom/Need Pre-Registration: { } AA @ $ 10.00 each { } Al-Anon @ $ 10.00 each { } Alateen @ $ 3.00 each { } Patr ocinador Donación TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ________________ $________________ $________________ $________________ $____________________ ¹Alateens tienen que firmar una note de permiso sig! _____AA _____Al-Anon ____ Alateen¹ Check if Needed: ___ASL Interpreter___Spanish Translator___Special Accom/Need HAGA SUS CHEQUES PAGABLES A: District 90 Convention Treasurer PO Box 1591 Groves, TX 77619
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