Energy Reform: Round 1 (Technical Sessions) Round 1 – General Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Unconventionals Perdido Area Mexican Ridges Southern Deepwaters Extra Heavy Oils Chicontepec Shallow Waters 2 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils General Map 94°0'0"W 4 92°0'0"W Kayab Alak-Kach Kastelan R1 Extraction Pit Tson y Pohp R1 Exploration Ek Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts 5 Sinan 3 Southeast Marine Basins Utsil-TekelAyatsil 1 9 11 7 6 Bolontikú 10 8 4 Campeche 2 18°0'0"N 18°0'0"N Mora Tabasco Ogarrio Veracruz ± 0 10 20 Oaxaca 40 Cárdenas Volume Blocks / Area Simbología (MMboe) Fields (km2) R1 Explotación Prospective 724 11 313-630 R1 Exploración Resources* Chiapas Pemex Reserves 2P* Asociaciones 1,104 32 7-54 Type 60 km 94°0'0"W Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) *Excluding Pemex’s farm-outs and contracts 92°0'0"W 3 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils Geological Provinces Map 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W Cordilleras Mexicanas Mexican Ridges 5 3 1 Salinadel Basin Salina Istmo 9 11 7 6 Cinturón Plegado Catemaco Catemaco Fold Belt 10 Yucatan Platform Plataforma de Yucatán 8 Pilar Reforma-Akal 4 Macuspana Campeche 18°0'0"N 18°0'0"N 2 Tabasco Veracruz ± Belt CinturónChiapas PlegadoFold de Chiapas 0 10 20 Oaxaca 40 60 km 94°0'0"W Chiapas Simbología R1 Extraction R1 Explotación R1 Exploration R1 Exploración Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Pemex’s current contracts Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) Provinces Provincias 92°0'0"W 4 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils Seismic Map ELIMINAR R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Seismic 3D Seismic 2D 5 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils Structures Map 92°0'0"W 20°0'0"N 94°0'0"W 5 3 1 11 9 la Pi na pa fo a- Campeche 18°0'0"N 2 e rR rm l us 4 a Ak ac 8 M 10 7 6 Tabasco Saline Basin Reservoirs are associated with structural, salt tectonics, stratigraphic and combined traps. Veracruz R1 Exploration Thrust faults Norma faults Folds ± 0 12.525 Salt Chiapas Oaxaca 50 Oil fields 75 km 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 6 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils Main Infrastructure Map 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 5 3 1 7 6 11 9 10 8 4 2 Campeche R1R1 Explotación Extraction Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Tabasco Pemex’sPemex current(CIEPS-COPFS) contracts Contratos 18°0'0"N 18°0'0"N R1R1 Exploración Exploration Instalaciones InfrastructurePetroleras Compression Station de Compresión # * Estación Veracruz ± 0 10 20 Chiapas 40 94°0'0"W 60 km # * # * # * Storage platform Plataforma de Almacenamiento Compression platform Plataforma de Compresión Production Plataforma deplatform Producción Drilled wells Pozos Perforados Pipelines Ductos 92°0'0"W 7 Onshore, Shallow waters and Extra-heavy Oils Statistics Exploration: Geological province Block # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Salina Basin Main Hydrocarbon Extra-heavy oil Light oil Extra-heavy oil Light oil Extra-heavy oil Heavy oil Wet gas Light oil Light oil Light oil Extra-light oil Total Identified prospects (number) 8 9 2 6 5 2 4 2 3 2 1 44 470 471 313 470 509 392 630 470 470 470 353 Prospective Resources (MMboe) 171 104 77 76 57 56 48 46 40 30 20 5,018 724 Area (km2) Extraction: Type Extra-heavy oils Shallow waters Onshore south Total Number of Fields OOIP (MMbls) OGIP (Bcf) Area (km2) 8 7 17 32 14,098 1,819 1,873 17,790 1,791 2,488 3,943 8,222 219 141 223 584 5 1P Reserves 2P Reserves 3P Reserves °API (MMboe) (MMboe) (MMboe) (average) 336 124 34 494 757 293 54 1,104 1,753 562 64 2,378 11 32 40 27 Information by field 8 Round 1 – General Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Unconventionals Perdido Area Mexican Ridges Southern Deepwaters Extra Heavy Oils Chicontepec Shallow Waters 9 Deepwaters: Perdido Area General Map 98°0'0"W 96°0'0"W Type Prospective Resources* 94°0'0"W Volume (MMboe) Blocks (number) Area (km2) 1,591 11 224-409 26°0'0"N 26°0'0"N *Excluding Pemex’s farm-outs and contracts Trion 6 11 Exploratus 9 7 5 2 4 1 Tamaulipas 10 8 ± 0 12.525 98°0'0"W 50 3 Simbología R1 Extraction R1 Explotación R1 Exploration R1 Exploración Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Pemex’s current contracts 75 km 24°0'0"N 24°0'0"N Perdido Area Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) 10 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W Deepwaters: Perdido Area Geological Provinces Map 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 26°0'0"N 26°0'0"N 98°0'0"W 6 11 9 7 5 2 1 Burgos 4 Abyssal Plain Gulf of Mexico Abisal del Golfo de México Tamaulipas 10 Cinturón Subsalt Subsalino Belt 8 Cinturón Perdido Plegado Fold Belt 3 24°0'0"N Simbología R1 Extraction R1 Explotación R1 Exploration Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) 24°0'0"N Perdido Pemex’s farm-outs ± 0 10 20 98°0'0"W Cordilleras Mexicanas Mexican Ridges R1 Exploración Pemex’s current contracts Asociaciones Pemex 40 Provinces Provincias 60 km 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 11 Deepwaters: Perdido Area Seismic Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Seismic 3D Seismic 2D 12 Deepwaters: Perdido Area Main Infrastructure Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Drilled wells Pipelines 13 Deepwaters: Perdido Area Statistics Exploration: Block # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Geological province Perdido Fold Belt Perdido Fold Belt Perdido Fold Belt Perdido Fold Belt Subsalt Belt Subsalt Belt Perdido Fold Belt Perdido Fold Belt Subsalt Belt Perdido Fold Belt Perdido Fold Belt Total Identified Main prospects Hydrocarbon (number) Extra-light oil 1 Wet gas 2 Light oil 1 Light oil 1 Light oil 4 Extra-light oil 2 Extra-light oil 2 Light oil 2 Light oil 2 Light oil 1 Light oil 0 18 299 224 337 336 298 297 373 337 297 299 409 Prospective Resources (MMboe) 217 209 195 159 143 141 129 129 120 111 37 3,506 1,591 Area (km2) 5 14 Round 1 – General Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Unconventionals Perdido Area Mexican Ridges Southern Deepwaters Extra Heavy Oils Chicontepec Shallow Waters 15 Deepwaters: South General Map Type Volume (MMboe) Blocks (number) Area (km2) 3,222 17 384-966 Prospective Resources* 22°0'0"N 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 7 *Excluding Pemex’s farm-outs and contracts 22°0'0"N 96°0'0"W 10 Mexican Ridges 11 15 5 Salina Basin 16 6 17 14 12 20°0'0"N 3 20°0'0"N 13 2 9 8 Veracruz 0 15 30 Simbología R1 Extraction R1 Exploration R1 Exploración Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Pemex’sPemex current contracts Contratos (CIEPS-COPFS) Kunah R1 Explotación Piklis Puebla ± 4 1 60 90 km Campeche 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 16 Deepwaters: South Geological Provinces Map 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 7 Abisal del Golfo de México 10 22°0'0"N 22°0'0"N Gulf of Mexico Abyssal Escarpe de Campeche Campeche Escarpment Cordilleras Mexicanas Mexican Ridges Cinturón Quetzalcoatl Extensional Extensional Quetzalcoatl Belt 11 15 5 6 16 Plataforma Yucatan de Yucatán platform 17 13 14 Salina delBasin Istmo Salina 12 3 20°0'0"N 20°0'0"N Tampico-Misantla 2 8 Veracruz Simbología R1 Extraction 4 9 R1 Explotación 1 R1 Exploration R1 Exploración Pemex’s farm-outs Puebla Asociaciones Pemex ± Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) 0 15 30 Pemex’s current contracts 60 90 km Provinces Provincias Cinturón Catemaco Plegado Fold Belt Catemaco Campeche 96°0'0"W Veracruz 94°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 17 Deepwaters: South Seismic Map 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 22°0'0"N 22°0'0"N 7 10 Sísmica 11 15 5 6 16 17 14 12 3 20°0'0"N 2 R1 Explotación R1 Extraction R1 Exploración R1 Exploration Asociaciones Pemex’s Pemex farm-outs Veracruz ± 0 12.5 25 9 50 75 km 96°0'0"W 8 1 4 20°0'0"N 13 Pemex’s current contracts Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) Seismic Sismica 3D 3D Seismic Sismica 2D 2D 94°0'0"W 18 Deepwaters: South Main Infrastructure Map 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W 22°0'0"N 22°0'0"N 7 10 11 15 5 6 16 17 13 14 12 3 R1R1 Explotación Extraction Exploration R1R1 Exploración 20°0'0"N Veracruz ± 0 12.525 9 8 50 Pemex’sPemex current(CIEPS-COPFS) contracts Contratos Infrastructure Instalaciones Petroleras Compression Station de Compresión # * Estación # * # * # * 4 1 75 km 96°0'0"W 20°0'0"N Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex 2 Storage platform Plataforma de Almacenamiento Compression platform Plataforma de Compresión Production Plataforma deplatform Producción Drilled wells Pozos Perforados Pipelines Ductos 94°0'0"W 19 Deepwaters: South Statistics Exploration: Block # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Region Holok Holok Holok Holok Han Han Han Holok Holok Han Han Tlancanan Tlancanan Tlancanan Tlancanan Tlancanan Han 5 Identified prospects (number) Mexican Ridges Dry Gas 4 Salina Basin Wet Gas 3 Salina Basin Wet Gas 3 Catemaco Fold Belt Wet Gas 1 Salina Basin Extra-heavy Oil 3 Salina Basin Heavy Oil 2 Salina Basin Light Oil 3 Mexican Ridges Dry Gas 3 Mexican Ridges Dry Gas 2 Salina Basin Light Oil 1 Salina Basin Light Oil 2 Mexican Ridges Dry Gas 1 Mexican Ridges Wet Gas 2 Mexican Ridges Wet Gas 2 Mexican Ridges Dry Gas 2 Mexican Ridges Wet Gas 3 Salina Basin Heavy Oil 1 Total Geological province Main Hydrocarbon 38 388 465 464 466 966 619 766 388 388 769 770 386 385 385 460 384 619 Prospective Resources (MMboe) 300 282 278 233 229 225 224 220 207 173 152 126 124 115 114 110 109 9,068 3,222 Area (km2) 20 Round 1 – General Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Unconventionals Perdido Area Mexican Ridges Southern Deepwaters Extra Heavy Oils Chicontepec Shallow Waters 21 102°0'0"W 100°0'0"W 98°0'0"W Type Prospective Resources* 96°0'0"W Volume (MMboe) Blocks (number) Area (km2) 142 8 112 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N Unconventionals Gas: Garza General Map 28°0'0"N 28°0'0"N *Excluding Pemex’s farm-outs and contracts 26°0'0"N 26°0'0"N Coahuila Nuevo Leon R1 Exploración R1 Exploration R1 Explotación Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Pemex’s current contracts 24°0'0"N Tamaulipas Zacatecas ± 0 25 50 102°0'0"W Luis Potosi 100 San150 km 24°0'0"N Simbología R1 Extraction Durango Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) 100°0'0"W 98°0'0"W 96°0'0"W 22 102°0'0"W 100°0'0"W 98°0'0"W 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N Unconventionals Gas: Garza Geological Provinces Map 96°0'0"W Simbología R1 Extraction R1 Exploración R1 Exploration R1 Explotación Pemex’s farm-outs Asociaciones Pemex Pemex’s current contracts Contratos Pemex (CIEPS-COPFS) Provinces Provincias Burro-Picachos Platform 28°0'0"N 28°0'0"N Plataforma Burro-Picachos Coahuila 26°0'0"N 26°0'0"N Sabinas Burgos Nuevo Leon Cinturón Subsalino Subsalt Belt Perdido Cinturón Fold Belt Plegado Abyssal Plain Gulf Abisal delof Mexico Golfo de México 24°0'0"N Tamaulipas Zacatecas ± 0 25 50 102°0'0"W Luis Potosi 100 San150 km 24°0'0"N Perdido Durango Mexican Ridges Cordilleras Mexicanas 100°0'0"W 98°0'0"W 96°0'0"W 23 Unconventionals Gas: Garza Seismic Map Sísmica R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Seismic 3D Seismic 2D 24 Unconventionals Gas: Garza Main Infrastructure Map Infraestructura y pozos R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Drilled wells Pipelines 25 Unconventionals Gas: Garza Statistics Exploration (Shale): Region Garza Geological province Burro-Picachos Main Blocks Hydrocarbon (number) Dry gas 8 Area (km2) Average area per block (km2) Prospective Resources (MMboe) 900 112 142 5 26 Round 1 – General Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Unconventionals Perdido Area Mexican Ridges Southern Deepwaters Extra Heavy Oils Chicontepec Shallow Waters 27 Chicontepec and Unconventionals General Map Unconventionals Type Prospective Resources* 2P Reserves* Volume Blocks/ (MMboe) Fields Area (km2) 8,927 62 120 2,678 28 35-311 *Excluding Pemex’s farm-outs and contracts R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Chicontepec 28 Chicontepec and Unconventionals Geological Provinces Map Quetzalcoatl Extensional Belt Mexican Ridges Production R1 R1 Extraction Exploration R1 R1 Exploration Pemex’s Farmouts Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s Contracts Pemex’s current contracts Provinces Provinces 29 Chicontepec and Unconventionals Seismic Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Seismic 3D Seismic 2D 30 Chicontepec and Unconventionals Main Infrastructure Map R1 Extraction R1 Exploration Pemex’s farm-outs Pemex’s current contracts Drilled wells Pipelines 31 Chicontepec and Unconventionals Statistics Exploration (Unconventionals): Region TampicoMisantla Geological province Main Hydrocarbon Tampico-Misantla Oil and wet gas Blocks (number) Total Area (km2) Average area per block (km2) Prospective Resources (MMboe) 62 7,401 120 8,927 Extraction (Chicontepec): Type Chicontepec Poza Rica Altamira Total 1,903 1P Reserves (MMboe) 355 2P Reserves (MMboe) 2,671 3P Reserves (MMboe) 7,022 552 129 4 7 10 26 20,642 2,032 358 2,678 7,032 28 Number of Fields OOIP (MMbls) OGIP (Bcf) Area (km2) 11 38,918 20,090 17 733 28 39,650 °API (average) 30 Information per field 5 32 ttp:// Head of Investor Relations Office Gabriel Heller Green [email protected] Appendix: Offshore, Shallow Waters and Extra-Heavy Oils Statistics per field* Type0 Field* Alak Baksha Kach Extra-heavy Kastelán oils Kayab Pit Pohp Tson Extra-heavy Oils total Amoca Hokchi Ichalkil Shallow Miztón Waters Nak Noxal** Pokoch Shallow Waters total Ayapa Cafeto Calicanto Carmito Catedral Cuichapa-Poniente Fortuna Nacional Iris Onshore Malva South Moloacán Mundo Nuevo Ribereño Santa Ana** Secadero Tajón Topén Vernet Onshore South total Total OOIP (MMbls) OGIP (Bcf) Area (km2) 261 450 586 614 6,966 2,870 1,266 1,084 14,098 284 419 571 284 139 0 122 1,819 28 23 1 60 37 453 7 34 13 222 86 12 141 7 652 40 58 1,873 17,790 88 62 77 80 751 216 252 266 1,791 109 198 637 219 567 584 174 2,488 13 60 0 639 717 472 62 204 86 122 572 253 134 17 424 72 96 3,943 8,222 14 8 19 23 54 37 37 27 219 17 27 45 7 18 17 9 141 4 3 0 13 9 32 15 24 5 32 19 29 3 3 5 7 20 223 584 5 1P 2P 3P Reserves Reserves Reserves (MMboe) (MMboe) (MMboe) 0 0 0 0 184 151 0 0 336 27 21 11 29 6 0 30 124 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 20 1 0 1 1 1 34 494 43 43 67 0 232 314 34 24 757 34 67 39 70 38 0 46 293 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 36 1 0 4 1 1 54 1,104 51 43 96 40 889 463 94 76 1,753 48 93 145 86 67 77 46 562 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 45 1 0 4 1 1 64 2,378 °API (average) Main Hydrocarbon 14 10 13 13 9 11 8 8 11 27 26 33 33 42 30 32 30 65 39 39 57 32 53 45 35 20 50 50 31 36 33 29 32 40 31 Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil • In case of multiple reservoirs the information presented corresponds to the most representative reservoir. • Located within that group for R1. Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Gas Oil Oil Gas & Cond. Oil Gas & Cond. Gas & Cond. Oil Gas & Cond. Gas & Cond. Oil Oil Gas & Cond. Gas & Cond. Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Drilled Wells (count) Cumulative Production (MMboe) 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 14 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 11 14 13 21 246 30 14 3 315 14 2 2 5 4 52 746 768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 0 79 144 179 2 55 9 45 116 0 37 4 2 12 16 712 712 34 Appendix: Chicontepec Statistics per field* Area Field* Agua Nacida Amatitlán Coyol Coyotes Furbero Chicontepec Humapa Pastoría Presidente Alemán Remolino Sábana Grande Tenexcuila Chicontepec total Barcodón Centurión Gran Morelos Guadalupe Gutiérrez Zamora Hallazgo La Laja Miguel Hidalgo Poza Rica - Paso de Oro Altamira Pirámide Plan de Ayala Presidente Alemán PR Remolino PR Riachuelo Santa Lucía Santiago Tecolutla Poza Rica-Altamira total Total Cumulative 1P Reserves 2P Reserves 3P Reserves °API Drilled Wells Production (MMboe) (MMboe) (MMboe) (average) (count) (MMboe) 10 136 242 26 100 1 1 52 161 44 20 0 28 389 822 34 133 3 35 151 281 32 168 14 105 367 649 22 553 10 45 239 486 27 322 7 3 157 516 32 8 0 77 355 712 31 459 45 44 439 1,297 21 798 5 4 250 954 29 8 0 2 136 903 29 207 0 355 2,671 7,022 30 2,776 86 1 1 1 18 55 15 0 0 0 30 2 0 0 0 1 28 10 3 0 0 0 33 1 1 0 0 0 18 6 1 1 1 2 28 90 110 0 0 0 26 6 0 0 1 1 30 25 10 0 0 0 29 8 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 27 3 0 OOIP (MMbls) OGIP (Bcf) Area (km2) 1,691 1,061 3,319 1,478 5,259 2,447 3,325 3,323 2,463 6,880 7,670 38,918 165 1 36 6 3 258 2 38 1 1 1 950 847 1,991 665 2,367 1,224 1,330 1,866 2,956 3,440 2,454 20,090 48 0 30 11 2 166 1 97 0 2 2 70 35 182 80 213 134 98 196 311 284 300 1,903 12 0 4 0 3 20 4 4 5 1 0 24 36 43 1 1 1 20 254 3 158 7 15 9 8 733 39,650 128 8 7 5 9 552 20,642 21 2 5 3 3 129 2,032 0 1 0 0 0 4 358 0 2 0 0 0 7 2,678 2 2 0 0 0 10 7,032 33 24 19 40 28 26 28 98 12 11 11 7 601 3,377 34 4 2 1 2 188 274 5 * In case of multiple reservoirs the information presented corresponds to the most representative reservoir. 35
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