Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church Pastor del Valle 600 Beebe Road, Central Point, OR 97502 Office Hours: Monday - 1 - 5 pm Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Horario de oficina en español: martes a viernes de 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Y después de la 6:00 PM con previa cita. Phone: (541) 664-1050 Fax: (541) 664-9312 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail Ministerio Hispano: [email protected] web site - Iglesia Catolica FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Parish Staff Father Mike Walker - Pastor Father Victor Perez - Parochial Vicar Joyce Marks - Coordinator of Ministries & Volunteers Deacon Felix Garcia - Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Kelsie Whaley - Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jenny Zomerdyk- Office Manager David Knouff - Maintenance Rick Knouff - Maintenance MISSION STATEMENT Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church is a welcoming parish family, who worships together as disciples, receives Jesus in Word and Sacrament and proclaims the Good News. We commit ourselves to the joyful love of Christ. Our faith is expressed in service to all God’s children. We go out into the world to share and invite others to experience the love of God. Ministries/Ministerios Altar Servers: Jerry Bourgeois 541-826-4676 Augustinian Seculars: Debbie Childs 541-664-8604 Baptism: Megan Sandlin 541-664-3221 Bautismos: Deacon Felix Garcia 541-664-1050 Bereavement Ministry: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 Catecismo: Yolanda Canjura 541-664-1050 Children's Liturgy of the Word: Joyce Marks 541-664 -1050 Ecuentro Matrimonial: Liz & Santos Godinez 541-890-2698 Grief Support: Jenny Zomerdyk 541-664-1050 Hospitality: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Initiation / R.C.I.A.: Joyce Eason 541-664-5910 Knights of Columbus: Dr. Doug Smith 541-773-1414 Legion of Mary: Jim Brick 541-826-4881 Liturgy Coordinator: Diane Orto 541-535-5980 Men's Book Study: Terry Marks 541-826-7924 Ministeno de Jovenes: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Ministry to the Ill & Homebound: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Music Ministry: Steve Childs 541-664-8604 New Parishioners: Don Krolak 541-879-0319 Prayer Chain: Irene Vaughn 664-2517 or Joyce Eason 664-5910 Religious Education: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 San Juan Diego: Isabel Martinez 541-301-5570 Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 St. Augustine Conference (S.V.D.P.): 541-646-7879 Young Adult Group: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Youth Ministry: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Masses/Misas Saturday: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM (Espanol) Sunday: 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM (Espanol) Weekdays Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 12:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM Bilingual 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 1st Friday or Communion Service Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. - 4:00 to 4:45 PM or anytime by appointment Baptisms: Call 3 months prior to the baptism Weddings: Call 6 months prior to the wedding FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FROM FATHER MIKE: Celebrity or Service? After Jesus performed a miracle he had the attention of the people. He could work the crowd, be noticed, and be a celebrity! But what did he do instead? He actually ditched the crowds and went off by himself to pray. When his disciples finally found him he told them that he wanted to go to other villages to pray instead of returning to Capernaum. Why didn’t Jesus return so he could be a “star” or a celebrity? The answer is actually very simple: He didn’t care about such things. He came to do the will of the Father. The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many (MT 20:28). His worth, identity, and motivation didn’t depend on others looking to him like a celebrity. Jesus prayed to know the Father’s will so he could follow it and he was humble and comfortable being who he was called to be. How many times are we overly worried about what other people think? How many times do we want to be noticed as smart, good looking, skilled, athletic, interesting, exciting, unique, special, or fun? We might want to pay attention to Jesus’ response to such things. If we were more interested in following the will of the Father we would come to notice that we don’t really care about the vainglory that so many seek after. Humility sets us free from being dependent or trapped seeking some form of celebrity. It also keeps us from being self absorbed. A life of humility doesn’t mean that we are doormats and mope around as if we are depressed, insignificant, or weak. Rather it leads to the freedom to be comfortable being who we truly are and acting as our God inspires us to act. It gives us strength, freedom, fulfillment, and love – and that is much more valuable than any stardom or celebrity status. NEED A VISIT AT HOME We have parishioners who will be happy to visit you or someone you know at home if you are incapable of coming to church with communion, prayer or just a visit. Call Joyce Marks at the church office: 541-664-1050. page 2 DE PARTE DE PADRE MIKE: ¿Fama o servicio? Después de que Jesús realizó un milagro tuvo la atención de la gente. Podía manejar a la multitud, podía darse a conocer y ser una celebridad! Pero, ¿qué fue lo que hizo en su lugar? Él en realidad abandonó la multitud y se fue a solas para orar. Cuando sus discípulos por fin lo encontraron, les dijo que quería ir a otros pueblos para orar en vez de volver a Cafarnaúm. ¿Por qué Jesús no volvió, El que podría ser una “estrella” o una celebridad? La respuesta es muy simple: Él no se preocupa por esas cosas. Él vino a hacer la voluntad del Padre. El Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino a servir ya dar su vida como rescate por muchos (MT 20:28). Su valor, su identidad, y la motivación no dependen de otros que lo buscan como una celebridad. Jesús oró para saber la voluntad del Padre para que pudiera seguir y él era humilde y cómodo siendo lo que él fue llamado a ser. ¿Cuántas veces estamos demasiado preocupados por lo que piensen los demás? ¿Cuántas veces queremos ser notado como inteligente, guapo, hábil, deportivo, interesante, emocionante, único, especial, o la divertirnos? Podríamos querer prestar atención a la respuesta de Jesús a estas cosas. Si estábamos más interesados en seguir la voluntad del Padre nos daríamos cuenta de que realmente no nos importa la vanagloria que tantos buscan. La humildad nos libera de ser dependientes o atrapados en busca de algún tipo de celebridad. También nos impide ser ensimismado. Una vida de humildad no significa que somos felpudos y abatidos como si estamos deprimidos, insignificante, o débil. Más bien nos lleva a la libertad de ser cómodo siendo quienes somos realmente y actuar como nuestro Dios nos inspira a actuar. Nos da la fuerza, libertad, plenitud y amor y que es mucho más valioso que cualquier estado de la fama o celebridad. ROSARY Come say the Rosary every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the Day Chapel We are His Beloved Many of you saw my post on Facebook a while back, but I wanted to share it with you here. A couple of weeks ago was my Goddaughter’s birthday so we went out to coffee and wandered around the bookstore. While we were chatting she shared with me that “she made herself a birthday present”. At first I thought about how adorable that is. Then she began to tell me what she had made herself… affirmation notes, little sticky notes with all kinds of things that she loves about herself (kind, loving, smart, weird, etc). She showed me what she had made and I was so touched and in awe of what the Lord was teaching me through her. We are each His beloved children. He delights in us. He not only loves us, but actually likes us too. If only each of us were like my Goddaughter, able to recognize and celebrate what is good in us, our world would be a much happier place. I told her that she needs to do this every year on her birthday; she thinks I’m crazy. But it’s a beautiful exercise in remembering who we are and who we were created to be. I am God’s beloved child, and so are you! Kelsie ARE YOU VISITING OR NEW TO OUR PARISH? Please come and introduce yourself at our Welcome Table in the church foyer. We want to welcome you personally to our community! Or you can call Don Krolak at 541879-0319 or Bill Morse at 541-878-4016. Somos sus hijos amados Muchos de ustedes vieron mi post en Facebook hace un tiempo, pero quería compartirlo con ustedes aquí. Un par de semanas atrás, era el cumpleaños de mi ahijada, así que fuimos a tomar café y a dar vueltas alrededor de la librería. Mientras charlábamos compartió conmigo que ella se dio a si misma un regalo de cumpleaños”. Al principio pensé en lo adorable que era. Entonces ella comenzó a contarme lo que había hecho... notas de afirmación, pequeñas notas adhesivas con todo tipo de cosas que a ella le gusta de sí misma (amable, cariñosa, inteligente, raro, etc.). Ella me mostró lo que había hecho y yo estaba tan movida y asombrada de lo que el Señor me estaba enseñando a través de ella. Somos cada uno sus hijos amados. Él se deleita en nosotros. Él no sólo nos ama, pero en realidad nos ama demasiado. Si tan sólo cada uno de nosotros fuéramos como mi ahijada, capaz de reconocer y celebrar lo que es bueno en nosotros, nuestro mundo sería un lugar mucho más feliz. Le dije que ella tiene que hacer esto cada año en su cumpleaños; ella piensa que estoy loca. Pero es un hermoso ejercicio de recordar quienes somos y lo que fuimos creados para ser. Soy hijo amado de Dios, y tú también! Kelsie LEGION OF MARY MEETS The Legion of Mary group meets in Mathew on Wednesday’s at 10:30amcome join us for the Rosary. For further information call Jim Brick 541-8264881 or Delphine Peyton 541-665-1624 Welcome to Shepherd of the Valley! THE 33RD ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEN’S RETREAT “Saint Joseph The Faithful Father and Husband” We are privileged to have Fr. Ken Sampson as our presenter. He is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Medford OR. He has been with the Archdiocese of Portland for eight years. He was a religious brother with the Discalced Carmelites, who have a principle charism of retreat page 3 work, spiritual direction and teaching the faithful how to deepen their prayer life. The retreat will be held at St. Rita’s Retreat Center in Gold Hill, Oregon on Feb. 27- March 1, Friday- Sunday. To register or for more information call Don Zimmerer at 541-531-2929. THIS WEEKS READINGS February 9 February 15 MONDAY Gn 1:1-19 Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35 Mk 6:53-56 TUESDAY Gn 1:20-2:4 Ps 8:4-9 Mk 7:1-13 WEDNESDAY Our Lady of Lourdes Gn 2:4-9, 15-17 Ps 104:1-2, 27-28, 29-30 Mk 7:14-23 THURSDAY Gn 2:18-25 Ps 128:1-5 Mk 7:24-30 FRIDAY Gn 3:1-8 Ps 32:1-2, 5-7 Mk 7:31-37 SATURDAY Gn 3:9-24 Ps 90:2-4, 5-6, 12-13 Mk 8:1-10 SUNDAY Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 Mk 1:40-45 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal 2015 “Teach, Bless, Serve” Next weekend, February 14-15th, we will have our Commitment Weekend for the 2015 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. During Mass we will watch a video from Archbishop Sample about the Appeal. If you received a personalized commitment card in the mail please bring it to Mass with you as we join together to support our Catholic Church in western Oregon. If you did not receive a commitment card in the mail pledge envelopes will be available during Mass. This next week, please read the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal materials you received in the Parish Bulletin today and prayerfully reflect on the level of commitment you will make next weekend. The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal provides substantial financial support to essential ministries that support parishes in our Catholic Church in western Oregon. These programs provide education and faith formation at all levels and provide a Catholic presence for tens of thousands of people. When we stop to count our abundant blessings, we are aware of how truly blessed we are. The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is an invitation to share your blessings and support for the Gospel mission here in Western Oregon. Your pledge is also a sign of your gratitude for God’s generous abundance. While we can never out-do God in generosity, we are called to join in the mission of the Gospel as we put forth the gifts of life, goodness, and grace through the sharing of our own blessings from God. NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASS There will be no Religious Ed. Class on Sunday, Feb. 15 due to the three day weekend. Please support our Knights of Columbus French Toast Breakfast instead! REMEMBER PARENTS We have a nursery for babies through 5 years of age for the 11:00 Mass in the John Module. MASS INTENTIONS 12 noon Monday, Feb. 9 Lynn Boland 12 noon Wednesday, Feb. 11 + Ron Van Domelen 12N Thurs., Feb. 12 + Don, Dave, & Darryl Meartz page 4 Colecta Católica del Arzobispo del 2015 “Enseñar, Bendecir, Servir” El próximo fin de semana, febrero 14 y 15, es el Fin de Semana de Compromiso para la Colecta Católica del Arzobispo del 2015. Durante la Misa veremos un video del Arzobispo Sample acerca de la Colecta. Si recibió una tarjeta de compromiso personalizada en el correo, por favor, tráigala a la Misa con usted, mientras juntos nos unimos a apoyar a nuestra Iglesia Católica en Oregón occiental. Si no ha recibido una tarjeta de compromiso por el correo, puede encontrar sobres de promesa disponibles durante la Misa. Esta semana, por favor, lea los materiales de la Colecta Católica del Arzobispo que usted ha recibido el día de hoy en Boletín de la Parroquia, y medite profundamente sobre el nivel de compromiso que usted hará el próximo fin de semana. La Colecta Católica del Arzobispo provee substancial apoyo financiero a ministerios fundamentales que apoyan a las parroquias en nuestra Iglesia Católica en Oregón occidental. Estos programas ofrecen educación y formación de la fe a todos los niveles, y proveen de la presencia Católica a decenas de miles de personas. Cuando nos detenemos a contar nuestras abundantes bendiciones es cuando nos damos cuenta de lo verdaderamente bendecidos que somos. La Colecta Católica del Arzobispo es una invitación para compartir sus bendiciones y para apoyar la misión del Evangelio aquí en Oregón Occidental. Su compromiso es también una muestra de su gratitud por la generosa abundancia de Dios. Si bien es cierto que nunca podremos superar a Dios en su generosidad, estamos llamados a participar en la misión del Evangelio mientras derramamos los dones de la vida, la bondad y la gracia a través de compartir las bendiciones que nos han sido dadas por Dios. PUT YOUR GUM IN THE TRASH! Please dispose of your gum properly! It has been very difficult to remove gum from the parking lot asphalt and sidewalk! Put it in the trash. COLLECTION January 2, 2014 - $12,186 January 1, 2015 - $11,072 Addtl. Jan. Children’s Collection $125.31 PLATICAS PREMATRIMONIALES Para las personas que contraerán matrimonio durante este año las clases prematrimoniales serán el día 7 de marzo de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM. Los milagros en la evangelización. En el plan de Dios el anuncio de la muerte del Señor Jesús y la proclamación de su resurrección van unidos a los signos de poder que demuestran que el Señor Jesús que murió por nosotros en la cruz, ha resucitado y está vivo. Los signos, prodigios, milagros y curaciones no son accesorios de la evangelización sino diversas formas de evangelizar porque muestran que el Señor Jesús ha resucitado. Tampoco son optativos, pues se traicionaría el plan de Dios. Mucho menos se tiene derecho a reducirlos a los primeros años de la vida de la Iglesia, pues los dones de Dios son sin arrepentimiento. En algunas ocasiones los signos acompañan la predicación, como es el caso de la curación del paralítico que fue introducido por el techo de la casa donde Jesús proclamaba la Palabra (Mc 2,1-12). En otras ocasiones anteceden a la predicación y esta cobra una plusvalía que reditúa en gran número de conversiones como es el caso de la curación del paralítico de la Puerta Hermosa, cuando se convirtieron dos mil personas. En alguna ocasión le escuche comentar al padre Emiliano Tardif este pasaje, cuando decía: “Pedro con una predicación y una curación convirtió a dos mil personas. Nosotros con dos mil predicaciones no logramos convertir a nadie. La diferencia radica en el poder del Espíritu que muestra que Jesús está vivo” Como Pedro proclamaba en el templo de Jerusalén, “no deben ser motivo de admiración” (Hech 3,12), porque forman parte normal del anuncio del evangelio. Lo extraño no es que existan, lo anormal seria que hubieran desaparecido de la tarea evangelizadora. Tampoco se trata de atribuirlos a ninguna persona en particular, porque son sólo obra de Dios que ama a sus hijos y porque los ama los sana con su amor Dios sana a sus hijos como signo de su amor, porque gracias a las llagas de Jesús en la cruz hemos sido curados de nuestras dolencias y enfermedades. Por tanto son siempre signo de su amor por nosotros que dio la prueba máxima de amor, entregando su vida por aquellos que ama Dios nos sana porque Dios es amor y todo lo que hace lo hace por amor y con amor. Su amor es terapéutico porque la carencia del mismo es la causa de tantas enfermedades psicológicas y males físicos que aquejan a la humanidad. (tomado de evangelizació CABALLEROS DE COLON el 15 de febrero a las 9 de la Mañana organizaran un desayuno para recaudar fondos para la parroquia. PASCUA JUVENIL La Pascua Juvenil se llevara a cabo los días 20, 21, y 22 de febrero en el armory de Medford. Para jóvenes de 12 a 18 años. Necesitamos voluntarios mayores de 21 años para servir en la pascua. La reunión será el día 14 de febrero a las 10 de la mañana. MIERCOLES DE CENIZZA La celebración del miércoles de Ceniza será el día 18 de febrero a las 7 de la noche RETIRO FAMILIAR el retiro para familias será el día 14 de marzo de 9:00am a 6 de la tarde. Este año tendremos en la música al misterio de música nueva alianza y Josué 24,15. En la predicación diacono José Gutiérrez de Portland y Gela de los ángeles california, la donación es de 20 dólares por persona o 50 por familia, incluye comida. page 5 Clases de Bautizo: primer y tercer viernes de cada mes en el salón Marcos. Llamar a la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautizo para verificar la fecha (favor de no traer niños a la clase). Confesiones: sábados a las 4:00 PM. O en Cualquier otro tiempo con previa cita. Bodas: llamar con seis meses de anticipación. Ministerio de visitas a los enfermos: por favor llame al 664 1050 para pedir visita a los enfermos y la comunión, ya sea en su casa u hospital. FRENCH TOAST BREAKFAST Another fine Knights of Columbus French Toast Breakfast. Sunday February 15th after the 8:30 Mass, to be held in the Parish Hall. Cost of $6.00 for adults, $4 for children, and $18 per family. PLASTIC EGGS & CARTONS NEEDED Collecting one dozen count egg cartons for Rel. Ed. Project. Please only the 12 count, drop off at the office. Also any donations of plastic colored Easter eggs would be appreciated. Dead line March 8th. MORNING PARISH BOOK STUDY The Parish Book Study on “Made for More” began last Thursday, Feb. 5th, it will be in the mornings from 10:00-11:30, running for 6 weeks in the Mark classroom. POWER POINT VOLUNTEER NEEDED! College Students, Dads, Moms, Professionals or anyone who isn’t intimidated by Power Point: We need a person for our 11:00 Sunday Mass to be trained in how to do the Mass power point screen. You can learn how to create them, or do it at Mass, or both. At this point, our sub is a middle schooler, so really, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Contact Dennis Mihocko at [email protected] CAN DO PROJECT ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR BOTTLES & CANS TO SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY? Last week we received $112.85 to add to the project. Remember that Gator Aid and Wine Bottles have no deposit so please don’t include them in your donation. Keep up the good work and the Can Do Project continues to grow. MANDATORY MEETING Sacramental Prep, First Communion Orientation Mandatory Meeting for Parents will be Tuesday Feb. 10th 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Hall. ATTENTION-LAY MINISTERS Please notify Schedule Coordinator Jan Plunkett of your unavailable March weekends no later than Wednesday, February 18th. The March schedule will include the weekends of March 7/8, 14/15, 21/22 and 28/29 (Palm Sunday) Please call Jan at 541-499-0382. Thank you. MEN’S BOOK STUDY TO BEGIN The Men’s Book Study of “Be A Man” started February 2 it will be held on Monday and Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30. Monday Classes will be in the Hall and the Thursday classes will be in the conference room in the new church. These classes will run for 6 weeks. CATHOLIC SENTINEL In the new Catholic Sentinel, read about the Benedictine men and women in Mount Angel as part of an ongoing series on consecrated life. Hear how concern for climate change and faith are becoming linked as Pope Francis is about to issue an encyclical on the environment. See a group of lay people who have committed to the Franciscan way and read Archbishop Sample’s latest teaching on the sacrament of marriage. See a scene from the pro-life rally and a Catholic young adult conference. Get a look at the first principle of Catholic social teaching — life and human dignity. See a special section on Catholic weddings that addresses “green weddings” and mixed-religion marriages. FAMILY FAITH SHARING Mark 1:29-39 In this story, we learn how Jesus heals people who suffer and are sick. Jesus shows people compassion and kindness; they are healed and their lives are transformed. Jesus is a prayerful person who speaks about the goodness of God. Many people want to listen to him and follow him. Remember and tell about a time when you were sick, or perhaps seriously ill. Who do you turn to when you suffer? Today, how can Jesus heal people who suffer or are sick? page 6 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday 12:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm February 9, 2015 Mass St. Book Group H. Women’s Group Men’s Book Study Tuesday 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm February 10, 2015 Rosary & Divine Mercy Day Chapel Mass Day Chapel Charismatic Prayer Group Mark Orientation 1st Communion Hall- 2,4 San Juan Diego Men Matt Welcome Home Catholics John Wednesday 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm February 11, 2015 Guitar Lessons Benedictine Oblates Legion of Mary Mass Women’s Prayer Group 1pm Choir San Juan Diego Choir Marriage Encounter RCIA Confirmation Class H. Liturgy Training Thursday 10:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm February 12, 2015 Parish Book Study Mass H. Relig Ed 7:00pm Men’s Book Study Mark Day Chapel Hall, Rm 1-8, Mods, CLOW Conf. Rm February 13, 2015 Communion Service H. Choir Charismatic Prayer Grp Day Chapel Hall 7, 8 Lk, Jn Friday 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Church Mark Matt,John Conf. Rm John Mark Matthew Day Chapel Matt Hall 1, 2 Hall, 5, 6 John Matt,Mark CLOW Day Chapel WELCOME HOME CATHOLICS Sessions started Tuesday, January 6th at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Contact Terry or Lorna at 541-973-5028 for questions. Session V - The Bible Session VI - Prayer Session VII - Annulments/Divorce Session VIII - Mary and Catholic Opportunities page 7 Saturday February 14, 2015- Valentines Day 4:00pm Choir Practice Church 5:00pm Mass Church 7:00pm H. Mass Church Sunday 8:30am 8:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 6:00pm February 15, 2015 French Tst Breakfast Kit, Hall Mass Church Mass Church Sr. Sunday Kit. Mt H. Mass Church H. School Youth Grp Luke, K, Hall Rm 1 LOVE THE LORD EVERYDAY AS HE SO LOVES YOU! PRINCIPAL/TEACHER OPENING: St. Anne Catholic School in Grants Pass is now actively seeking out qualified persons who will serve as principal and teacher for school in the coming 2015/16 school year and beyond. We are seeking a strong leader who can inspire our children, their parents, the staff, teachers, and volunteers. They must be an example of Catholic faith with excellent organizational and development skills. This position is a 1/2-time principal and 1/2-time teacher position. The person must already hold an Oregon Teaching license and/or hold Masters Degree or be wiling to acquire one while employed. Submit a cover letter and resume to the Catholic Schools Department at the Archdiocese of Portland viapdxpersonnel@ Do not submit any applications to the parish directly. The application closing date is February 20, 2015 with initial interviews occurring in March unless the application period is reopened to expand the field of candidates. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OPENING: St. Anne Catholic Church in Grants Pass is seeking out a person will be the face of the parish in answering the phone and receiving visitors to the office. They will provide administrative support, reception and secretarial services and coordinate the parish office. Excellent communication and organizational skills with the ability to meet deadlines are required. They will need general ability in accounting and reconciliation as well as typing 50 wpm and 10-key by touch. Three to five years of experience required. Practicing Catholic preferred. Bilingual in English/ Spanish preferred. Submit resume and cover letter by email to: [email protected]
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