PDF - Saint Anne Catholic Church

February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston
Served by Oratorians
1694 Bird Street ● Rock Hill, SC 29730 ● Phone: (803) 329-2662 ● Fax: (803) 329-2190
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm ● Email: [email protected]
Sacramental Emergency (803) 329-2662 Ext.7 ● www.saintanne.com
WELCOME to saint anne
We celebrate our cultural diversity and invite everyone in our community to share their unique gifts.
Rev. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Pastor
Rev. Paul Nguyen, C.O., Parochial Vicar
Deacon Ray Moore (803) 684-5621
Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327-5080
Mrs. Pat Fedele, Parish Manager
Mrs. Christina Pascual, Parish Secretary
Ms. Margie Blair, Facility Operations
Mrs. Maria Perez, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Elena Ziegler, DRE
Mrs. Kendra Foos, Youth Minister
Mr. Jermaine Evans, Music Director
Mr. Dan Taylor, FLC Coordinator
Saint Anne Catholic School
Phone: (803) 324-4814
Mrs. Shaileen Riginos, Principal
Mrs. Melita Talbot-Hill, Secretary
Mrs. Michelle Hatchett, Marketing
Mrs. Terrah Shene, Nurse
Saint Anne Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community
blessed with a diversity of cultures all united in the Body of Christ.
Formed in Faith and nourished by the Sacraments,
we continue to grow in our call to Evangelization.
Saturday Masses
5:30pm and 7:30pm (Vietnamese Mass)
Sunday Masses
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am,
12:30pm (Spanish Mass) and 5:00pm (Contemporary Mass)
Weekday Mass
7:00am (Monday - Friday)
Baptism—Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Baptism Class
is on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Meeting Room.
Holy Eucharist—Please call the church for Communion to be brought to
the homebound, the sick or the hospitalized.
Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:45pm — 5:15pm or by appointment.
Confirmation—Call the DRE for more information.
Marriage—Bride and Groom must schedule with the pastor a minimum of
one year prior to intended date of marriage.
Holy Orders—If you feel a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, contact
our priests or deacons.
Anointing of the Sick—If you are in need of this sacrament, contact one of
our priests.
February 8, 2015 - World Marriage Day
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Altar Servers Lauren Switzer (803) 517 7415
Annulments Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080
Apostles of Divine Mercy Bill Griesbauer (803) 327 4300
Bereavement Ministry Marian Craig (803) 327 1458
Boy Scouts Dan D'Agostino (803) 628 0150
Building Committee Rob Worley (803) 328 9399
Confirmation Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Craft Group Mary Sacco (803) 328 3244
Cub Scouts Todd Cook (803) 327 0420
Daily Morning Mass Marian Shulgay (803) 327 7676
Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen Beverly Carroll (704) 519 5952
Extraordinary Ministers Bill Rife (803) 980 5483
Family Promise Jan Richards (803) 328 6535
Finance Council Ralph Domenick (803) 324 4250
Girl Scouts Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Greeters Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Hispanic Ministry Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548
Knights of Columbus Ray Howard (803) 325 1086
Lectors Pat Gann (803) 366 2168
Little Flowers Group Kristine Patterson (803) 327 1333
Men’s Organization Ed FitzGerald (803) 366 2774
Music Director Jermaine Evans (803) 517 4537
Parish Manager Pat Fedele (803) 329 2662
Pastoral Council Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Perpetual Adoration Bud & Carol Marlow (803) 328 9745
Religious Education Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Respect For Life Kristine Lenti (803) 328 5810
Rosary Group (M.M.P.) Maureen Johnson (803) 366 1588
Sacristan Bill Rife (803) 980 5483
Safe Environment Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Secretary Christina Pascual (803) 329 2662
St. Anne Festival Kendra Foos (803) 792 1442
St. Martha’s Circle Mary Lou Fellows (803) 980 6271
St. Vincent De Paul Kim Herbott (803) 327 2099
St. Vincent De Paul Youth Ashley Jordan (803) 487 7713
Stewardship Committee Charlie Grobusky (803) 366 1501
Ushers Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Vietnamese Ministry Jenny Nguyen (803) 389 9516
Wedding Advisor Diane Hinton (803) 366 6652
Welcome Committee Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Worship Committee Fr. Paul Nguyen (803) 329 2662
Youth Ministry Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Oficina Parroquial Christina Pascual (803) 329-2662
Caballeros de Colón Rigoberto Félix (803) 980-4990
Coro de la Iglesia Jesús Román (803) 324-9784
Catecismo Denise Kizer, Coordinadora (803) 324-8260
Bautizos Gerardo Arroyo (803) 412-1859
Matrimonio Ángel Juarez (803) 327-2548
Quinceañera Coi Juarez (803) 242-2985
Ministerio de Eucaristía Luis Lozano (803) 371-7210
Lectores María Quiroz (803) 487-8682
Grupo de Oración Elvia Trujillo (803) 678-9961
Legión de María Chela Arzaluz (704) 222-8941
Retiros Emaús (hombres) Gabriel Chávez (704) 361-3414
Retiros Emaús (mujeres) Noemi Garcia (803) 554-5942
Mục Vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam
Mọi vấn đề liên quan đến mục vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam
xin trực tiếp liên lạc với Ông Gioan Nguyễn Văn
Chuyên (324-7532), Ông Nguyễn Văn Toán (803)3671990, Bà Phạm Thị Liễu (803-325-5260), Bà Nguyễn
Jenny Nhung (803-389-9516), Bà Nguyễn Thị Huyền
(803-412-2759), hoặc Phạm Thị Loan (803-328-5100).
Các vấn đề liên quan tới phép bí tích xin liên lạc với
Cha Xứ hoặc các vị dưới đây.
Bí Tích Rửa Tội
Cha mẹ muốn cho con chịu phép Rửa Tội cần phải (1)
gia nhập giáo xứ và (2) tham dự khóa hướng dẫn về Bí
Tích Rửa Tội. Xin liên lạc văn phòng giáo xứ (803-3292662 ext. 3) để ghi danh.
Bí Tích Hôn Phối
Theo luật Ðịa Phận Charleston, những ai muốn lãnh nhận
Bí Tích Hôn Phối cần phải học khóa dự bị hôn nhân với
cha xứ ít nhất là 6 tháng trước ngày lễ cưới.
Liên lạc: Cha Phaolô Hiền
Xin liên lạc với bà Diane Hinton (366-6652) để biết
những việc cần làm và tập dợt cho ngày lễ cưới.
2013-2016 - Denise Kizer, Bud Marlow, Jenny Nguyen
2014-2017 - Ed FitzGerald, Joe Geraci, Jamie Raad
2015-2018 - Carolyn Hawn, Maureen Johnson, Chuck Thompson
If you would like to serve on the Parish Council,
please contact the Parish Office.
Chương Trình Giáo Lý
Mọi chi tiết về chương trình Giáo Lý xin trực tiếp liên lạc
với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
Chương Trình Giới Trẻ
Ralph Domenick - Chair
Pat Fedele, Shaileen Riginos, Andrew Shene,
Ray Howard, Michael Radl, Mark Eddie
Mọi chi tiết về Nhóm Trẻ (Youth Group) xin liên lạc với
bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he is filled
with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
Psalm - Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147).
Second Reading - Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have
become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:1619, 22-23).
Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases
(Mark 1:29-39).
Primera lectura - Job declara que la vida en la tierra es monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
Salmo - Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones quebrantados
(Salmo 147 [146]).
Segunda lectura - Pablo dice que no tienen otra alternativa
sino la de predicar el Evangelio (1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23).
Evangelio - Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y de expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la Buena Nueva (Marcos
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass ©
1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation.
Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co. Los lectores se reúnen el segundo
jueves de cada mes a las 7:00pm en la iglesia.
Parish Prayer List
Mary Ann
SATURDAY - February 7 - Blessed Virgin Mary
Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm
SUNDAY - February 8 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm - Sunday Masses
Faith Formation & F.U.E.L. K4-12th Grade
Adult Bible Study - “A Cultural Tour of Study”
Confirmation Class - FLC Library
MONDAY - February 9
Mass - Daily Chapel
Girl Scouts #2670 in Music Room
Cristma Hispanic Choir - Church
Boy Scouts #277 - Cafeteria
Rosary (Spanish) - Daily Chapel
Those who have died
TUESDAY - February 10 - St. Scholastica
Mass - Daily Chapel
St. Anne School Rosary - Daily Chapel
Rosary (M.M.P.) - Church
Especially, † Jurgen Hanebrink
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may your perpetual
light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, WEDNESDAY - February 11– Our Lady of Lourdes
Mass - Daily Chapel
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 7
7:30pm † Thuan John Trinh
Sunday, February 8
7:30am In Honor of St. John Central Catholic
9:00am † Joshua Delbrugge
10:30am † James D. Rife, Sr.
12:30 am † Ofelia Jimenez Tovar
Saturday, February 14
7:30pm † Thuan John Trinh
School Mass - Church
Bible Study - FLC Meeting Room
Faith Formation K4-8th Grade - FLC
Adult Bible Study-“Catholic Beliefs that Guide You”
Choir (English) - Church
Adult Choir - Music Room
Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Sacristy
Choir (Spanish) - Church
THURSDAY - February 12
Mass - Daily Chapel
Cub Den Meeting - Café/Mtg/Music Rooms
Lectors (Spanish) - Church
FRIDAY - February 13
Mass - Daily Chapel
Divine Mercy Chaplet - Daily Chapel
Stations of the Cross - Daily Chapel
Hispanic Prayer Group - Church & Mtg. Room
Flowers this weekend are in honor of
World Marriage Day.
SATURDAY - February 14 - SS. Cyril and Methodius
Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm
St. Martha’s Circle - Cafeteria
Lunar New Year Celebration (Vietnamese) Gym/Cafeteria
If you would like to donate flowers for the church as a special
remembrance, please contact the church office at 329-2662.
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Saint Anne: Committed to Safe Environment
The policy requires any adult who has regular contact with children or vulnerable adults and all employees of the Church to attend awareness
training, be background screened, sign a volunteer/employee code of conduct and acknowledgement of receipt of our diocesan policy.
Please go to www.virtus.org to register for one of the upcoming classes.
God’s Plan for Marriage
Loving as God Loves
We might not think the Bible has much to say about marriage.
Yet, in a certain sense, the Bible from beginning to end is a story
about Marriage.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you” (John 15:12). “Therefore a man leaves his
father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).
“Throughout the Old Testament, God’s love for his people is
described as the love of a husband for his bride.
In the New Testament, Christ embodies this love.”
There are numerous ways to describe God’s love, but four
qualities in particular stand out. God’s love is:
The Bible begins and ends with marriages — Adam and Eve and
Christ and the Church. We can look to these marital “bookends”
of Genesis and Revelation as a key for interpreting what lies between. Applying this analogy, we learn that God’s eternal plan is
to “marry” us.
“I will make you my wife forever — I will make you my wife in a
way that is righteous, in a manner that is just, by a love that is
gracious, and by a motive that is mercy.”
God wanted this eternal “marital plan” to be so obvious to us that
he stamped an image of it in our very being by creating us as male
and female and calling us to marriage.
“The Church cannot therefore be understood … unless we keep
in mind the “great mystery” involved in the creation of man as
male and female and the vocation of both to conjugal love, to
fatherhood and to motherhood.”
Love is Our Mission because God
created us for a reason: to love us,
and for us to love one another.
God’s covenant with Israel and
the Church reveals what God’s
love is like: tender and passionate, but also steadfast and sacrificial. The bodily, earthly world
has spiritual significance. Tangible things - sacramentals, acts of
charity, sacred art and culture, our liturgical feasts and fasts - have
the capacity to reveal the glory of God. Marriage, as one of the
sacraments, reveals this to us in a special way. The bodies of the
spouses, in the complementarity of their masculinity and femininity, have the unique role of revealing God’s nature as a communion
of life-giving love. How can a man and a woman imitate God’s
love together? How can they live in a way that is intimate and
committed, joyful and merciful, forgiving and fertile? Through
their participation in the life of the Church, this kind of love becomes possible. God’s love is not an audition, or a temporary experiment, or a self-seeking negotiation. In the same way, marriage
is never a private, inward romance, but always discovers its true
nature in relation to God and his wider purposes. A sacramental
marriage is called to be a little parable of God’s love, always ordered to joy and service.
Another name for this kind of love is Marriage.
This is precisely what bride and groom commit to at the altar
and express with their whole selves (body and soul) by becoming “one flesh.”
Marriage is a commitment to learning to care for one another
in mutually fulfilling ways. It is not an act but a life-long relationship always in the making. Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are
fresher, commitment is stronger, even anger is felt more
strongly, and passes away more quickly. Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It
encourages and nurtures new life, new experiences, new ways
of expressing a love that is deeper than life. When two people
pledge their love and care for each other in marriage, they
create a spirit unique unto themselves which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise
made in the hearts of two people who love each other and the
potential of marriage requires a lifetime to fulfill.
You and I have so much love
That it burns like a fire
In which we bake a lump of clay
Molded into a figure of you
And a figure of me.
Then we take both of them
And break them into pieces
And mix the pieces with water
And mold again a figure of you,
And a figure of me.
I am in your clay. You are in my clay…
Kaun Tao-Sheng, 13th Century A.D.
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
“Active Parishioner” is determined by three things:
●Being properly registered in the parish—faithfully attending Mass on the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation
●Regularly supporting the parish by using any identifiable donation (such as envelope system, loose check, or electronic donation)
●Being active in at least one parish program, ministry, or organization.
To what Are you Saying “I Do” ?
Stewardship of Treasure
Corresponsabilidad Financiera
Since God himself is the author of marriage, we are not free to
change it at will. Marriage is only marriage to the extent that it
conforms to God’s design for it.
Feb. 1, 2015 Collection
Marriage is the intimate, exclusive, indissoluble communion of life
and love entered by man and woman at the design of the Creator
for the purpose of their own good and the procreation and education
of children; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised
by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament (CCC 1601).
Online Contributions
Other Income
Catholic Schools
Facilities Improvement
Sacraments are visible signs in the world that communicate
God’s invisible mystery of life and love to us. Sacraments, you
might say, are where heaven and earth “kiss,” where Christ becomes one with his Bride in and through our flesh.
When you make the sacrifice in marriage,
you’re sacrificing not to each other but
joining as a trinity of the sacramental
marriage with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
THIS WEEK - Facilities Improvement
This collection is used depending on the age and wear and tear
of structures and systems and the need for major expenditures
required to keep our facilities safe, in good condition, comfortable and well-functioning. Your contribution will help defray
the cost of improvements for all Parish property. Thank you for
your anticipated generosity!
That matrimony plays an essential and providential role in
God’s plan for order and for sanctity in the world is obvious by
the fact that it is a sacrament, which makes it one of only seven
external signs instituted by Christ to give grace. While matrimony is not what is called a “state of perfection” (as religious life
is), this does not mean that married people should not strive for
perfection. St. Paul tells us that all the baptized are called to
perfection: “This is the will of God, your sanctification” (1
Thess. 4:3), says St. Paul. And elsewhere, that same Apostle
gives directives on how married people can achieve sanctity
(Col. 3, Eph. 5, Titus 2).
NEXT WEEK - Catholic Schools
This collection helps to offset tuition assistance. Catholic
Schools empower students through an academically Christcentered education. We invite you to participate in this ministry
by supporting this collection which helps schools to remain a
place where our faith is taught and lived.
On December 4, 2014 at St. Martha’s House, Pope Francis
spoke of the hidden holiness of the
saints of daily life. In words that
could have been written about
Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin,
the parents of Saint Therese of
Lisieux, he said: “Let us consider
so many mothers and fathers of
families, who, with so much effort,
raise their families, educate their
children, carry on their daily work,
bear their problems, but always
with hope in Jesus, who do not
strut about, but do what they can.
They are the saints of daily life.”
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Adelina Rivera and Antonio Sanchez
32 years
Adriana and Alexander Cardona
13 years
Alma Delia Perez Mata and Tomas Sanchez-Garcia
8 years
Anamaria and Arturo Garcia-Linares
16 years
Angelica and Luis Lozano
24 years
Ann and Mark Eddie
31 years
Araceli Camacho and Pedro Gonzalez
10 years
Barbara and George Steinfeld
50 years
Barbara and Robert Sambuco
45 years
Bernabelli Aguilar-Reyes and Jorge Luis Paniagua
1 year
Brenda and Jose Pedro Gonzalez
16 years
Carol and Bud Marlow
55 years
Carol and Dennis Peasenell
48 years
Catalina and Andres Rogelio-Reyes
12 years
Catherine and Richard Fricke
48 years
Charlotte and Eli Furo
49 years
Chela and Luis Arzaluz
27 years
Christine and Thomas McKeon
42 years
Coi and Angel Juarez
10 years
Connie and Brad McKeown
45 years
Connie and Geary Bradley
33 years
Debbie and Michael Teachout
20 years
Deborah Ann and Paul James Teachout
30 years
Delia and Jesus Govea-Victoriano
12 years
Denise and Frank Kania
42 years
Diane and Larry Hinton
45 years
Diane and Lynn Henry
51 years
Dianne and John Liebe
50 years
Dottie and Ron Cunningham
45 years
Elizabeth and David Morton
55 years
Elizabeth and Joseph Bangert
38 years
Elizabeth and Rigoberto Felix
25 years
Faviola De La Torre and Marcelo Ruedas
17 years
Flora Martinez and Bartolo Camacho
40 years
Frances and Carl Hendel
55 years
Germaine and Norman Robbins
59 years
Gladys and Gerardo Arroyo-Mancera
10 years
Guadalupe and Jose Linares
12 years
Irene and George Lourigan
60 years
Isabel and Jose Castro-Ramirez
7 years
Jackie and Andrew DaSilva
10 years
Jamie and Tom Raad
27 years
Jan and Ray Howard
52 years
Jane and Robert Worley
42 years
Janice and Ronald Richards
46 years
Jacqueline and Rodrigo Barranco-Reyes
22 years
Joan and Donald Morgan
60 years
Julie and Dan Trick
27 years
Justine and Albert Ang
17 years
Karen and Dennis Flowers
43 years
Kathleen and Richard Schlauch
50 years
Kathleen and William Masterton
22 years
Kendra and Andy Foos
20 years
Kristine and Darrin Patterson
12 years
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Lisa and Andrew Pecarina
3 years
Lisa and Christopher Schroeder
25 years
Lisa and Joe Hetzer
20 years
Louise and Jack Clinton
60 years
Lucille and William Dowling
30 years
Marge and Ed Beamon
55 years
Maria and Carl Grein
35 years
Maria and Salvador Padilla
56 years
Maria and Victor A. Gomez
6 years
Maria Rivera-Garcia and Rene Camacho Martinez
11 years
Maria Teresa and Raul Ugalde-Hernandez
18 years
Marian and Jim Craig
64 years
Martha and Diego Morales-Sorcia
1 year
Martha Erika and Jesus Roman
19 years
Mary and Paul Wagner
53 years
Melida N. Linares and Mario Linares
40 years
Miroslava and Gabriel Rogelio-Chavez
28 years
Nancy A. and James W. Kinnee
51 years
Nancy and Bob Graupner
33 years
Nancy and David Grimm
42 years
Nancy and Dennis Coleman
37 years
Nancy and Dennis Switzer
26 years
Nayda and Robert Smith
48 years
Pat and Chuck Swoope
49 years
Pat and George Kostell
48 years
Patricia and Edmund FitzGerald
53 years
Patricia and Lawrence Facelli
53 years
Patricia and Thomas Gainey
44 years
Patricia Y. and Michael A. Fedele, Jr.
40 years
Patty and Ted Clement
25 years
Paula A. and Billy P. Rife
43 years
Pearl and Joseph Schroedel
64 years
Raquel and Gabriel Andrade-Robles
18 years
Rhea and Joseph Dernovshek
60 years
Rita and Guy Underdahl
36 years
Sandra and Stephen Pakozdy
54 years
Sandra Lopez-Lopez and Jesus Ruiz Montes
10 years
Sheila and Robert Martin
47 years
Silvia and Robert Wozniak
20 years
Susan and Marvin Morgan
33 years
Teresa and Dennis Bayron
31 years
Terry and Joe Geraci
47 years
Thelma and Jerry Ball
60 years
Theresa Marie and Scott Michael Westphal
16 years
Tina Dzung Hoang and Paul Luat Pham
40 years
Tracey and Chuck Villani
8 years
Trish and Luke Egan
32 years
Victoria Diaz Sanchez and Jose Saul Machado
9 years
Victoria Kliniek and John Stuart
39 years
Violet and James Prill
51 years
Zinthia and Santiago Manzo-Govea
2 years
Brenda and Mario Delgado
1 year
Maria and Joseph Amstadt
60 years
Angela and Hector Acevedo
10 years
“We Vow to Stay Together”
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Bienvenidos a la Página de Información Hispana
Esta página contiene información para la Communidad Hispana. Los invitamos a formar parte de nuestra parroquia,
a crecer espiritualmente, a integrarse a algunos de nuestros ministerios, y a leer todas las páginas del boletín.
Lecturas y Calendário, página 3 - Finanzas, página 5 - Evangelización, página 6
El Matrimonio
Según el Catecismo
fecundos y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra y
sometedla"» (Gn 1,28).
1605 La Sagrada escritura afirma que el hombre y la mujer
fueron creados el uno para el otro: "No es bueno que el hombre
esté solo" (Gn 2, 18). La mujer, "carne de su carne" (cf Gn2,
23), su igual, la criatura más semejante al hombre mismo, le es
dada por Dios como una "auxilio" (cf Gn 2, 18), representando
así a Dios que es nuestro "auxilio" (cf Sal 121,2). "Por eso deja
el hombre a su padre y a su madre y se une a su mujer, y se
hacen una sola carne" (cf Gn 2,18-25). Que esto significa una
unión indefectible de sus dos vidas, el Señor mismo lo muestra
recordando cuál fue "en el principio", el plan del Creador
(cf Mt 19, 4): "De manera que ya no son dos sino una sola carne" (Mt 19,6). Para informarse más:
1601 "La alianza matrimonial, por
la que el varón y la mujer constituyen entre sí un consorcio de
toda la vida, ordenado por su misma
índole natural al bien de los cónyuges y a la generación y educación de la prole, fue elevada por Cristo Nuestro Señor a la
dignidad de sacramento entre bautizados" (CIC can. 1055, §1)
I. El matrimonio en el plan de Dios
1602 La sagrada Escritura se abre con el relato de la creación
del hombre y de la mujer a imagen y semejanza de Dios
(Gn 1,26- 27) y se cierra con la visión de las "bodas del
Cordero" (Ap 19,9; cf. Ap 19, 7). De un extremo a otro la Escritura habla del matrimonio y de su "misterio", de su institución y del sentido que Dios le dio, de su origen y de su fin, de
sus realizaciones diversas a lo largo de la historia de la
salvación, de sus dificultades nacidas del pecado y de su renovación "en el Señor" (1 Co 7,39) todo ello en la perspectiva de
la Nueva Alianza de Cristo y de la Iglesia (cf Ef 5,31-32).
La Boda Dura un Dia,
pero el Sacramento
Dura Toda la Vida…
¿Por qué el matrimonio debe realizarse en una Iglesia?
“Para los católicos el matrimonio no es sólo un evento social
o familiar, sino, sobre todo, un acontecimiento de la comunidad de creyentes. Por eso se debe preferir el templo parroquial de la comunidad a la cual pertenece la novia. Sólo el obispo
puede autorizar la celebración de la boda en otro lugar […]
Por ello, cuando preparamos nuestra boda, debemos tener en
claro lo que implica esta verdad. De no hacerlo, corremos el
peligro de pensar que el matrimonio, el Sacramento, se reduce
a la planificación del día de nuestra boda. Hoy en día son muchos los que dedican más tiempo, esfuerzo, atención y aun
estrés a buscar la iglesia más bonita, el vestido más bello, el
lugar de recepción más elaborado, los arreglos florales más
vistosos, la comida más elegante, el fotógrafo mejor y más
profesional y un sinfín de cosas y gastos para asegurarse de
que nuestra boda ‘sea la major’. Pero son pocas las veces en
que las parejas piensan en lo más importante. […]
Es impresionante ver cuántas parejas se unen simplemente
por pasión, por no sentirse que están sin pareja (como sus
amistades), para llenar el vacío de la soledad o para tener quien
les sirva, sin tener un concepto claro de lo que verdaderamente
es el matrimonio, según el plan de Dios, o de lo que el amor
conyugal verdadero y maduro implica: un amor total, libre, fiel
y fructífero” (www.portumatrimonio.org).
El matrimonio en el orden de la creación
1603 "La íntima comunidad de vida y amor conyugal, está
fundada por el Creador y provista de leyes propias. [...] El mismo Dios [...] es el autor del matrimonio" (GS 48,1). La
vocación al matrimonio se inscribe en la naturaleza misma del
hombre y de la mujer, según salieron de la mano del Creador.
El matrimonio no es una institución puramente humana a pesar
de las numerosas variaciones que ha podido sufrir a lo largo de
los siglos en las diferentes culturas, estructuras sociales y actitudes espirituales. Estas diversidades no deben hacer olvidar
sus rasgos comunes y permanente. A pesar de que la dignidad
de esta institución no se trasluzca siempre con la misma
claridad (cf GS 47,2), existe en todas las culturas un cierto
sentido de la grandeza de la unión matrimonial. "La salvación
de la persona y de la sociedad humana y cristiana está estrechamente ligada a la prosperidad de la comunidad conyugal y familiar" (GS 47,1).
1604 Dios que ha creado al hombre por amor, lo ha llamado
también al amor, vocación fundamental e innata de todo ser
humano. Porque el hombre fue creado a imagen y semejanza
de Dios (Gn 1,2), que es Amor (cf 1 Jn 4,8.16). Habiéndolos
creado Dios hombre y mujer, el amor mutuo entre ellos se convierte en imagen del amor absoluto e indefectible con que Dios
ama al hombre. Este amor es bueno, muy bueno, a los ojos del
Creador (cf Gn1,31). Y este amor que Dios bendice es destinado a ser fecundo y a realizarse en la obra común del cuidado de
la creación. «Y los bendijo Dios y les dijo: "Sed fecundos y ...
“No hay que terminar nunca el día sin pedir perdon, sin que la
paz vuleva a nuestra familia […] Es habitual discutir entre esposos, quizá voló un plato, pero no hay que terminar el día sin
hacer las paces. Es un secreto para conserver el amor”
—El Santo Padre Francisco (www.esnoticia.co)
I CHÚA (CN V Mùa Thng Niên - Nm B)
“Hãy siêng nng làm vic theo gng Chúa”
Bài c I (G 7,1-4.6-7)
n sách Gióp này a ra mt cái nhìn bi quan v
công vic con ngi phi làm trong cuc sng:
x Làm vic là cc nhc nh "nô dch"
x Con ngi ging nh mt ngi làm công.
x Và cuc i vi nhng công vic nh th
coi là bun thm, bt hnh.
Cái nhìn bi quan này s
c sa sai bng gng
làm vic ca c Giêsu trong bài Tin M!ng.
Bài c II (1 Cr 9,16-19.22-23)
Thánh Phaolô trình bày quan nim ca ngài v vic
rao ging Tin M!ng nh sau:
x ó là mt nhu c#u. "Nu tôi rao ging Tin M!ng
thì không phi $ làm cho tôi vinh quang, mà vì
ó là mt nhu c#u i vi tôi"
x ó là ngun hnh phúc. "Vô phúc cho tôi nu tôi
không rao ging Tin M!ng"
Vì th phi làm vic rao ging Tin M!ng mt cách t
ý t nguyn ch không phi do b bó buc.
Bài Tin Mng (Mc 1,29-39)
n Tin M!ng này mô t mt ngày làm vic tiêu
bi$u ca c Giêsu. Ngài ging dy % hi ng.
Ging v!a xong thì n nhà nhc m&u ca Simon
$ cha cho bà này kh'i bnh st. Tip t*c cha
+nh và tr! qu/ t! chiu cho n ti. Sáng tinh
0ng hôm sau, Ngài c#u nguyn % mt ni thanh
12ng. Ngi ta li tìm n vi Ngài $ c cha
+nh. Nhng Ngài ành phi ra i, b%i vì còn phi
rao ging Tin M!ng % nhng ni khác na. Tóm li,
c Giêsu là mt ngi làm vic b3n rn sut ngày.
Vic làm ca Ngài là rao ging Tin M!ng, cha
+nh và tr! qu/.
Trong tun, xin hip ý cu cho nhng ý
nguyn sau:
ƒ C#u cho các linh hn
ƒ C#u cho các bnh nhân
Chúc Tt
Phân Nhim Cho Tha Tác Viên:
7 tháng 2, 2015 Æ 7:30 PM
Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa
o 4i Các Bà M5 (Bài c I)
o 4i Các Bà M5 (Bài c II)
Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th
o Hi Các Bà M5
14 tháng 2, 2015 Æ 7:30 PM
Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa
o Ô. Giuse Nguy6n Vn Thành (Bài c I)
o Ô. Giuse Bùi c Phng (Bài c II)
Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th
o Ô. Giuse Nguy6n Vn ông
o Ô. Giuse Nguy6n Vit Xuyên
o Ô. Tôma Maria Lê An Nhân
Thông Báo
c Valentine Gây Qu
Kính tha quí v, hàng nm c vào dp Valentine liên
giáo x qu3n ht York có t7 chc ba n ti $ nhn
quí Cha/Thày và ng thi c9ng là dp gây qu; giúp
Oratory. Nm ngoái cng oàn chúng ta ã có 36 ngi
ghi danh tham d. Ngoài s ngi tham d, cng oàn
chúng ta còn óng góp c $2,560.00. Oratory rt cám
n! Fc bit ông tr%ng ban t7 chc ã gii thiu s
óng góp ca chúng ta vi c Giám M*c Giáo Ph3n vì
J9ng có s hin din ca Ngài. Nm nay ba tic s
c t7 chc vào ti th Sáu ngày 13 tháng 2, 2015 .
Kính mong c s h%ng ng ca tt c mi ngi
trong cng oàn. Danh sách tham d và mi óng góp
xin c thông báo trên t thông tin.
Xin cám n quí ân nhân sau ây ã ng h "Oratory
Valentine Dinner":
Ô/B Trnh Khanh = $180.00 (3 vé)
B.Lai + Antony = $120.00 (2 vé)
Ô. Nguyn ông = $60.00 (1 vé)
Ô/B Uông Sn = $100.00
Bà C Loan = $40.00
A/C M+Sng = $100.00
Ô/B Lê An Nhân = $100.00
HDDMV chúng con xin kính chúc Cha Qun
Nhim nm mi t Mùi luôn c tràn y ân
ng ca Chúa, mnh khe vi nhiu nim vui và
luôn trung thành vi n gi.
t t Mùi 2015
[ng oàn chúng ta s t7 chc m!ng "Tt \t Mùi 2015"
vào lúc 7 gi ti th By ngày 14 tháng 2,2015 ti nhà
th St. Anne . Rt mong ón nh3n s giúp _ ca quí v.
Xin chân thành cám n.
Xin kính chúc quý C, quý Ông Bà và toàn th
quý v mt nm mi khang an hnh phúc, tràn
y hng ân ca Thiên Chúa, y yêu thng,
trong tinh th
n hip thông ca i gia ình cng
oàn chúng ta . Xin kính chúc.
Xin cám n quí ân nhân sau ây ã ng h cho vic t7
chc Tt \t Mùi 2015:
Ô/B Khuê+Hnh = $100.00
February 8, 2015 ~ World Marriage Day
Novena Prayer
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless me and grant me the grace of
loving Holy Church as I should, above every earthly thing, and of
ever showing my love by deeds.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless me and grant me the grace of
openly professing as I should, with courage and without human
respect, the faith that I received as your gift in holy Baptism.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless me and grant me the grace of
sharing as I should in the defense and propagation of the Faith
when duty calls, whether by word or by the sacrifice of my possessions and my life.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless me and grant me the grace of
loving my family and others in mutual charity as I should, and
establish us in perfect harmony of thought, will, and action, under the rule and guidance of the shepherds of the
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless me and grant me the grace of conforming my life fully as I should to the commandments of God’s law and those of His Holy Church, so as to live always in that charity which they set forth.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I ask in particular this special favor:
(Mention your favor).
Dedication of One’s Family
Most loving Jesus, by Your sublime and beautiful virtues of humility, obedience, poverty, modesty, charity, patience,
and gentleness, You blessed with peace and happiness the family which You chose on earth. In Your mercy look
upon my family. We belong to You, for we have received Your many blessings over many years and we entrust ourselves to Your loving care.
Look upon my family in Your loving kindness, preserve us from danger, give us help in time of need, and grant us
the grace to persevere to the end in imitation of Your holy Family, so that having revered You and loved You faithfully on earth, we may praise You eternally in heaven.
Mary, dearest Mother, to your intercession we have recourse, knowing that your Divine Son will hear your prayers.
Glorious patriarch, Saint Joseph, help us by your powerful prayers and offer our prayers to Jesus through Mary’s
hands. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, being subject to Mary and Joseph, You sanctified family life by Your beautiful virtues. Grant that
we, with the help of Mary and Joseph, may be taught by the example of Your holy Family, and may after death enjoy
its everlasting companionship.
Lord Jesus, help us ever to follow the example of Your holy Family, that in the hour of our death Your glorious Virgin
Mother together with Saint Joseph may come to meet us, and we may be worthy to be received by You into the everlasting joys of heaven. You live and reign forever. Amen.
“Always pray together, respect each other, give each other encouragement,
try to save some time for each other,
when mistakes are made, be willing to say you are sorry.”