A PARISH STAFF S 315 Walnut Avenue, South San Francisco, California 94080 EQUIPO PASTORAL Rev. Agnel De Heredia, Ph. D., Pastor Rev. John Piderit S.J. Weekend Associate Mr. Vincent Riener, Principal, All Souls School Mrs. Lauren Balcáceres, Director, All Souls PreSchool Mrs. Maria Barcelata Long, Director, Religious Education Ms. Nenette A. Santos, Music Director, Religious Education Ms. Connie Martínez & Ms. Valeria Guardado, Parish Secretaries MASSES Saturday/Sábado: Sunday/Domingo: Weekdays: C MISAS: 8:00 am, Vigil 5:15 pm, 6:30 pm en Español. 7:30 am, 9:00am, 10:30 am 12:00 Mediodía en Español 5:15 pm 8:00 am and 5:15 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - RECONCILIACIÓN Saturday/Sábado: 4:00pm-5:00pm And on prior appointment with any of our parish priests. BAPTISM BAUTISMO We urge that the arrangements be made well in advance. Call parish office from 9am to 4:30pm. DEVOTIONS: Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesday 5:05pm BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT HOLY HOUR: 1st Friday after 5:15pm Mass Catholic Cemetery: Holy Cross, Colma Tel: 650-756-2060 TELEPHONE TELEFONO: All Souls’ Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 650-871-8944 All Souls’ School/Escuela Parroquial: 650-583-3562 All Souls’ Pre School 650-871-1751 Religious Education Program/Catecismo: 650-873-5356 All Souls’ Parish Office Fax: 650-871-5806 MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Call the parish office to make arrangements to administer this sacrament for one who is sick or homebound or in the hospital. The Parish Priests visit the sick & homebound and administer the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of the sick on the First Friday of the month. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound on weekends. MARRIAGE MATRIMONIO Call the parish office and make an appointment with one of the parish priests for the required preparations and to set the wedding date. Ordinarily preparations will take at least six months. QUINCEAÑERAS Call one of the parish priests to make an appointment to set the quinceañera date. The quinceañera is expected to have received all three Sacraments of initiation. Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. The family is expected to be registered and worship in the parish. Preparations will take at least six months. All Souls Parish Web site: www.Allsoulschurchssf.org FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIXING GOD’S HOUSE FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR: Job’s cry of helplessness stands in marked contrast to the strong hope of those who put their trust in Jesus. Jesus heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. Such are the blessings of the good news. The story of Job is well known, and the poetry of this man’s tale of sorrow and heavy burdens is at one and the same time beautiful and yet heart wrenching. It draws the hearer or reader into Job’s plight, and at the same time makes one admire the vibrant faith and some hope of Job. The book of Job introduces Job as “blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil”, with “seven sons and three daughters,” yet calamity after calamity befalls him. In just two verses, we hear that a great wind blows through the house where his children were having a party, and the house collapses, killing them all. The sorrows of Job continue with “months of misery” and “troubled nights”, and Job “like a slave who longs for the shade” continues to struggle, while his trust in God remains unshaken. Job’s experience is that of someone who has suffered much and tried to make sense of it in faith. Ultimately, fidelity and perseverance pays off, and Job is vindicated and is able to call God, his redeemer. Job is restored to good health and happiness. Sickness and suffering is addressed again in the Gospel today. The story may sound a bit odd to contemporary ears. Peter’s poor mother-in-law, St. Mark tells us, begins to wait on the men folk moments after she was healed from a sickening fever. However, the point of the story is not about her subservience. St. Mark tells us that every healing encounter with Jesus is for the purpose of restoring the sick person to active service in the community. It is a complete restoration and integration of a healed person into the whole community. 2015—THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Pope Francis has declared 2015 the Year of Consecrated Life. Throughout this year many activities are being planned to celebrate the many women and men who have been called to consecrated life and who minister in our Archdiocese and all over the world. Sr. Rosina Conrotto will share her thoughts with us at the end of all the masses this weekend, 7th & 8th Feb 2015. PRESIDENTS’ DAY FEBRUARY 16th The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 16th in observance of this holiday, There will be only one Mass at 8:00 am and the Church will be open from 7am to 12pm. ASH WEDNESDAY 8TH OF FEBRUARY 2015 February 18th A Day of Fast and Abstinence Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 12:000 Noon, 5:15 pm in English and 6:30 pm in Spanish Para-Liturgies: 11:00 am, 2:30 pm and 4:00 pm At all these Masses and Para-Liturgies, ashes will be blessed and imposed on the faithful. We: Gratefully remember the Past, Celebrate the Present and Embrace the Future! Please do not forget our commitment to maintain this legacy with integrity and loving devotion, so that we can hand it (the Church of All Souls) down with utmost joy and pride to our younger generation. The ‘on-going Campaign for “FIXING GOD’S HOUSE” on the repairs and maintenance continues. Thank you for your support and generosity. The next upcoming work is “Fixing the Exterior Steel doors” of our Church. The project went out for bidding . A contractor has been chosen. The contract has been signed and the brand new doors are expected to be installed sometime around the Ash Wednesday and Easter 2015. The estimated cost is $ 50,000.00. The next immediate project under consideration and being planned is the Brand new Restrooms in the Parish Hall. The Stewardship committee welcomes your ideas and suggestions at this stage of the feasibility and affordability of the project. Drawings will be prepared and submitted to the Building Department of the City of South San Francisco for their approval and building permit. Upcoming projects: For a complete list, please visit the parish website: www.Allsoulschurchssf.org/content/stewardship. As of today, we have received a total of $ 500,605.37. As per the last financial report we spent $ 395,086.07. Archdiocese of San Francisco WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION All husbands and wives celebrating a “5-year wedding anniversary” in 2015 are invited to attend & be recognized. Saturday, February 21, 2015 10:0 am Mass followed by reception $20 suggested donation per family Cathedral of Saint Mary’s of the Assumption 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco Principal Celebrant: His Excellency Salvatore Cordileone Archbishop, Archdiocese of San Francisco Registration required www.sfanniversary.net call 415-614-5680 Please register by: February 12, 2015 Questions/information: 415-614-5680 MARRIAGE ON FIRE: A Retreat for Couples Nationally know speakers Greg and Julie Alexander turned their failing marriage around 10 years ago, and will be offering insights on how every couple can have a more loving, joy-filled marriage. They will offer a oneday marriage retreat at Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame on March 21st (3pm—9pm, $65/couple, dinner included), and be speaking at parishes around the Bay Area from February 25th—March 27th. Come hear their dynamic presentation at a parish near you! For a complete schedule, go to: http://www.sfarchdiocese.org/marriage/marriage-on-fire -tour-alexanders. QUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Reflexiones del Párroco: El grito de impotencia de Job marca un contraste a la firme esperanza de quienes pusieron su confianza en Jesús. Jesús sana al de corazón roto y venda sus heridas. Tales son las bendiciones de las buenas nuevas. La historia de Job es bien conocida, y la poesía del cuento de este hombre de dolor y cargas pesadas es a la vez y al mismo tiempo hermoso y aún de corazón desgarradora. Lleva al oyente o lector a la situación de Job y al mismo tiempo hace que uno admire la fe vibrante y cierta esperanza de Job. El libro de Job presenta a Job como "intachable y recto, quien temía a Dios y se alejó del mal", con "siete hijos y tres hijas," sin embargo calamidad tras calamidad le acontece. En sólo dos versos, escuchamos que un gran viento sopla por la casa donde sus hijos estaban en fiesta, y la casa se derrumbó, matándolos a todos. Las penas de Job continúan con "meses de miseria" y "noches turbulentas", y Job "como un esclavo que suspira por la sombra" sigue luchando, mientras que su confianza en Dios permanece inquebrantable. La experiencia de Job es la de alguien que ha sufrido mucho y trató de darle sentido en la fe. En última instancia, la fidelidad y la perseverancia rinde frutos, y Job es reivindicado y es capaz de llamar a Dios, su Redentor. Job se restaura en buena salud y felicidad. Enfermedad y sufrimiento es tratado de vuelta en el Evangelio de hoy. La historia puede sonar un poco raro a los oídos contemporáneos. La pobre suegra de Pedro, nos dice San Marcos, comienza a servirles a los hombres momentos después de que fuera sanada de una fiebre enfermiza. Sin embargo, el punto de la historia no es sobre su sumisión. San Marcos nos dice que cada encuentro de sanación con Jesús es con el fin de restaurar a la persona enferma al servicio activo en la comunidad. Es una restauración completa e integración de una persona sanada a toda la comunidad. 2015—EL AÑO DE LA VIDA CONSAGRADA El Papa Francisco ha declarado el 2015 como el Año de la Vida Consagrada. A lo largo de este año están previstas muchas actividades para celebrar las muchas mujeres y hombres que han sido llamados a la vida consagrada y quienes ministran en nuestra Arquidiócesis y en el mundo. Sor Rosina Conrotto compartirá sus pensamientos con nosotros al final de todas las Misas este fin de semana, el 7 y 08 de Febrero. DÍA DE LOS PRESIDENTES 16 DE FEBRERO La Oficina de la Parroquia estará cerrada el Lunes, 16 de Febrero en observación de este día feriado. Habrá una sola misa a las 8am y la Iglesia estará abierta de 7am a 12 del Mediodía. PASTORAL FAMILIAR La Familia: Cimiento de la Humanidad Un grupo de apoyo para los matrimonios con nuevo método, nuevo ardor y nueva expresión les invita para reflexionar: La próxima reunión será el: Viernes, 20 de Febrero en la Cafetería Escolar a las 7:00 pm. Para mayor información, llamen al Matrimonio Cuauhtemoc Y Sonia Alvarado: 650—588—1970 8 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 ARREGLANDO LA CASA DE DIOS Nosotros: Recordamos agradecidamente el Pasado, Celebramos el Presente y Abrazamos el Futuro! Por favor no olviden nuestro compromiso de mantener esta herencia con integridad y devoción amorosa, para poder pasárselo (la Iglesia de All Souls) con alegría y orgullo a la generación que viene. La ‘Campaña para Arreglar la Casa de Dios” continúa en la reparación y el mantenimiento. Gracias a ustedes por su apoyo y generosidad. El próximo trabajo de “Arreglar las puertas de acero del Templo” Este proyecto se puso a cotización . El contratista ya ha sido escogido y las flamantes puertas se espera que sean instaladas cerca del Miércoles de Ceniza y la Pascua 2015. El costo estimado es de $50,000.00. El próximo proyecto inmediato bajo consideración y siendo planeado, es el de los baños nuevos de el salón parroquial. El Comité de Mayordomía les invita a dar les sus ideas y sugerencias en esta etapa de viabilidad y asequible para este proyecto. Los planos serán preparados y sometidos al departamento de Edificios de la Ciudad de Sur San Francisco para su aprobación y permiso de construir. Próximos proyectos: Para una lista completa, por favor visite el sitio web: www.Allsoulschurchssf.org/content/stewardship. Hasta hoy día, hemos recibido un total de $ 500,605.37. Según el último informe financiero hemos gastado $ 395,086.07. MIERCOLES DE CENIZA 18 DE FEBRERO Un Día de Ayuno y Abstinencia Misas: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 12 del Mediodía, 5:15 pm en Inglés y 6:30 pm en Español Para-Liturgias: 11:00 am, 2:30 pm y 4:00 pm En estas Misas y Para-Liturgias, cenizas serán bendecidas e impuestas a los fieles. La imposición de estas cenizas manifiestan un visible signo de la virtud del arrepentimiento. Una de las formulas usadas en el rito de la imposición de estas cenizas es: “Arrepiéntete y cree en el evangelio”. Arquidiócesis De San Francisco Celebración de Aniversario de Bodas Todos esposos que estén celebrando su “Aniversario de Boda de 5 años en adelante” en el año 2015 están invitados a asistir y celebrar: Sábado, 21 de Febrero del 2015 10:00 am Misa y recepción después de la Misa $20 donación sugerida por familia Catedral de Santa María de la Asunción 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco Celebrante Principal: Su Excelencia Salvatore Cordileone Arzobispo, Arquidiócesis de San Francisco Debe registrarse en: www.sfanniversary.net o, llame al 415-614-5680 Por favor regístrese antes del 12 de Febrero Preguntas/más información 415-614-5680 El Señor puede contar el número de estrellas y llama a cada una por su nombre. — Salmo 147 (146):4 8th of February 2015 Page 4 SAT 02/07 SUN 02/08 8:00 am Camilla McGoran (First Birthday) 5:15 pm †Patria and Floriño Jaochico 6:30 pm †Maria De la Luz Alonso 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm †Ramiro Ramirez †Nello and Ida Lazzari The Intentions of the Parish †Jose Alfredo Hernandez †Antonio Romo MON 02/09 8:00 am †Martha Byrne 5:15 pm TUE 02/10 8:00 am †Mercedes Catalan 5:15 pm †Linda and Peter Ferrai WED 02/11 8:00 am †Pierina and Cesare Mezzetta 5:15 pm †Mike and Rina Tacchella THU 02/12 8:00 am 5:15 pm FRI 02/13 8:00 am †James Martinucci 5:15 pm †Joaquin and Anselma Perez SAT 02/14 8:00 am 5:15 pm †Richard J. Ervin 6:30 pm †Margarita, Romulo and José Luis Jiménez SUN 02/15 Liv & †Dec Mem of Tañada & De la Rosa Fam 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am The Intentions of the Parish 12:00 pm †José Hernández Romero 5:15 pm Michael Ethan Kloefkorn (Birthday) Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time The LORD tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. — Psalm 147:4 Next Week at a Glance: February 8—15, 2015 SUN 10:15 am Sunday Preschool 02/08 11:45 am Escuelita Dominical 3:00 pm Youth Choir School School Parish Hall MON 02/09 4:00 pm Rel Ed Class: First Communion 7:00 pm Religious Ed Class: Confirmation School School TUE 02/10 7:00 pm RCIA Youth Room WED 02/11 6:00 pm Religious Education Non-Catechized Youth Room 7:00 pm Religious Ed 1st Comm Parent Mtg Parish Hall 7:00 pm MDC: Grupo de Oración Church THU 02/12 6:00 pm YMI Business Meeting 7:00 pm MDC: Clase de Crecimiento Cafeteria Parish Hall FRI 02/13 6:00 pm Bingo 7:00 pm Youth Choir Parish Hall Youth Room SAT 02/14 9:00 am 9:00 am 4:00 pm 7:00 pm School Youth Room Church Parish Hall Religious Ed Class: First Communion Small Christian Comm. Parent Group Confession/ Confesiones Valentine Concert 9:00 am Kermes Guadalupanos SUN 02/15 10:15 am Sunday Preschool 11:45 am Escuelita Dominical 1:00 pm Pan Dulce Parish Hall School School Parish Hall 8th of February 2015 Page 5 WEEKEND COLLECTIONS: Jan. 31- February 1, ’15 Sunday Collection: $ 6,642.22 We give to the Lord the best from what we have received from Him. Please do not forget our weekly offering to the Parish. Our generous giving to the Parish of All Souls, makes the timely paying of the bills & various parish ministries possible. Thank you for your support. P C Would you consider praying and supporting our parishioners who are sick: May Jesus heal them, be their source of strength and comfort in this time of distress and that they may recover soon. Willie Lobo, Roberto Salinas, Shirley Hoch, Romolo Braschi, Juana Ramirez, Marietta Gianetti, Heather Galleotti, Jacoba Perez, Graciela Guerrero, Jaime Martinez, Elinor Warren, Alondra Vergara, Sol Santos, Donna Aagaard, Mercedes Cordero, Fernando Antonio Cordero, Josefina Baldocchi, Maria Josefina Villanueva Alarcón, Lily Cardenas, Joe Hanna, Lupe Gomez, Esperanza Sandoval, Ramon Huerta, and Javier Huerta. Welcome to All Souls Parish If you worship with us each week, and if you have not yet registered in our parish, please fill out this form and help us to welcome you to become an official member of our parish. Our office staff will contact you and get more details. By registering, you get on our mailing list and learn about the opportunities here at All Souls Parish. You also let us know you are willing to support your parish through your time, talents and treasure. If you are just visiting from another parish, we do hope you enjoy your All Souls Parish experience today! Name:_____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City _______________________________________ Zip Code:_________ Telephone Number: _______________ Bienvenidos a la Parroquia All Souls Si asiste a nuestros servicios litúrgicos cada semana, y si todavía no se ha registrado con nosotros, le pedimos que llene esta forma y nos ayude a recibirlo oficialmente como miembro de nuestra parroquia. El personal de la oficina se pondrá en contacto con usted para pedirle más detalles. Registrándose, lo pondremos en nuestra lista para recibir correspondencia de la Iglesia y le avisaremos de oportunidades aquí en la Parroquia de All Souls. Por favor avísenos si esta dispuesto a apoyar nuestra parroquia por medio de su tiempo, talento y tesoro. Si solamente esta visitándonos de otra parroquia, esperamos que disfrute de su experiencia aquí hoy! Nombre:____________________________________________________________________ Dirección: (Calle) _______________________________________________________ Ciudad _____________________________________________________________________ Código Postal ______________ Número Telefónico:_________________
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