Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # 4143 QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENT CODE #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Team Name Occam's Razor Hood River Affiliation Hood River Valley High School Susan Winner Peter Team City Coach 4379 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Error 404 Hillsboro Glencoe High School 4380 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD 4380 Hillsboro Glencoe High School Peter Schmurr 4412 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Transformers Hood River Hood River Valley High School Jeff Blackman 4543 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Binary Chaos The Dalles The Dalles High School Bev Froemming 4594 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Wolves Tualatin Tualatin High School Jimmy Mei Jimmy Mei Jeff Blackman 4640 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD The Wolves Tualatin Tualatin High School 5266 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Aztechs Hood River Hood River Valley High School 5686 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Cog-Nation Maupin 7187 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Team Axis Lake Oswego South Wasco County High School Jamie Sowell Lake Oswego High School Gary Mitchell Enterprise Wallowa County Alt. Ed. Maria Weer 7262 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Building Healthy Families & Building Healthy Families 7723 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD U-GO Hood River 4-H Jim Klaas 7874 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Hex Tech Hood River Hood River Valley High School heather Staten Trey Rigert 7938 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Robohawks Hood River Horizon 8171 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Ranger Bots Dufur Dufur High School Gerald Donahue 8176 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Pandora Hood River Hood River Valley High School Jeff Blackman 8398 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD The Big Bot Theory Portland Robotek Academy Sandeep Jain 9065 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD The Shermanators Moro Sherman Jr Sr high school dezirah remington Peter Schmurr 9232 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Rockin Robos Hillsboro Glencoe High School 5267 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Bucket of Bolts Hood River Hood River Valley High School Jeff Blackman 9528 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Excelrate Hood River Hood River Valley High School Mr. Blackman Jeff Blackman 9529 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Terabytes Hood River Hood River Valley High School 9531 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD Athey Bots Tualatin Athey Creek Andrew iannaccone 9619 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School QT-TD The Dalles Wild Cats The Dalles The Dalles Middle School Bryce Jenkinson QT-TD The Great Unknown Glenwood Glenwood School District 401 Tom Anderson 9699 #1 SAT 01-31-15 - The Dalles Middle School Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # 3633 QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENT Team City #2 SAT 02/07/15- Team Name Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoBazinga Bots Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoWd41 spartans Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoCircuit Boardum Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoMonroe High School Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoDigital Storm Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoPremroller 5166 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 6585 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 6717 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7098 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7099 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7100 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7101 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7126 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 7516 7939 7940 #2 SAT 02/07/15#2 SAT 02/07/15#2 SAT 02/07/15- 7941 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 8119 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 8165 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 8466 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 8720 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 8949 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9026 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9123 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9143 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9375 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9470 #2 SAT 02/07/15- 9471 #2 SAT 02/07/15- The Dalles Affiliation The Dalles High School Bev Froemming Eugene Marist Catholic High School Chris fudge Salem Community Team Ed Zager Monroe Monroe High School David Beatley Portland Lincoln High School Rick Tinling Coach Portland Lincoln High School Rick Tinling Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoXenon Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoStarwhal Portland Lincoln High School Rick Tinling Portland Lincoln High School Rick Tinling Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoSpartan Robotics Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoRoborines Halfway Pine Eagle Charter School Troy tubbs Wilsonville Wood Middle School Alan Cavarno Oregon City Springwater Environmental Science School Kassandra Paige Oregon City Springwater Environmental Science School Kassandra Paige Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoThe AndroidsS Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoMonroe Grade School Oregon City Springwater Environmental Science School Kassandra Paige Monroe Monroe Grade School David Beatley Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoRenegade Robotics The Fellowship of the Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoRobot The Dalles The Dalles High School Lu Seapy Lake Oswego Lake Oswego HIgh School Jim Rise Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoEagles Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoThe Gifted Gears Hillsboro Evergreen Middle School Edwin Portland Access Academy Shirley Ma Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoBowtastic Six Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoCougarbots 2.0 Oregon City Springwater Environmental Science School Kassandra Paige Canby Canby High School Jennifer Gingerich Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoTBD Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoGo4Bot Beaverton Club Crusaders Robotics Club Blaine Michael Gresham Gresham High School Stephen Scannell Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoQuantum Mechaniks Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoSEI Academy Portland Jefferson High School K. Gabriel Rosati Portland SEI Academy K. Gabriel Rosati Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoFantastic Fiestas The Purple Hawaiian Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO1 OswegoLions Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # 3836 QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENT Team City #3 SUN 02/08/15 Team Name Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoSHS1 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoSHS2 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoLiberty Team A Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoAdamantium 4276 #3 SUN 02/08/15 4983 #3 SUN 02/08/15 5198 #3 SUN 02/08/15 5649 #3 SUN 02/08/15 6586 #3 SUN 02/08/15 6712 #3 SUN 02/08/15 6713 #3 SUN 02/08/15 6930 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoLiberty Team B Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoWarranty Voiders Robbie Wheeling Liberty High School Dr. Milt Scholl Ted Krupicka Newberg High Terry Coss Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoSyntax Error 42 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoRoboCraft Portland Neighborhood Bethany Nixon Xavier portland westview Rahul Khanna Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoExcelsior Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoMen In Green Hood River Hood River Valley High School Barry Paul Hood River Hood River Valley High School Jeff Blackman Canby Canby High School Jennifer Gingerich Newberg Newberg High Terry Coss Hood River Hood River Middle School Hood River Hood River Middle School Andy Angstrom Hillsboro Neighborhood Russ Wilson Lake Oswego Lake Oswego Robotics/ Lake Oswego Junior High PTA Wan-Shu Lu Portland na James Motley Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoRed Hot Techy Pepperz West Linn Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoRevolution Newberg Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoBig Red Bots Elkton West Linn High School Tim Manes Newberg High School David Elder Elkton Charter School Randall Harper Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoPc master race Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-TD OswegoWy'East Team 1 Portland Franklin high school Merritt sansom Hood River Wy'east Middle School Patrick Getchis Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-TD OswegoWy'East Team 2 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoRsl Hood River Wy'East Middle School Patrick Getchis Portland Franklin high school Merritt sansom #3 SUN 02/08/15 8056 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoCougarbots Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoIronman 8169 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Hood River Middle Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoSchool Team 2 8170 #3 SUN 02/08/15 8371 #3 SUN 02/08/15 8610 #3 SUN 02/08/15 8800 #3 SUN 02/08/15 9357 #3 SUN 02/08/15 9474 #3 SUN 02/08/15 9567 #3 SUN 02/08/15 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Livingstone Adventist Academy Hillsboro Newberg #3 SUN 02/08/15 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Salem Newberg 7878 9591 Dr. Milt Scholl Wayne Sanman 7875 9463 Liberty High School Newberg High School #3 SUN 02/08/15 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Ian Lake Hillsboro Neighborhood team #3 SUN 02/08/15 #3 SUN 02/08/15 Sherwood Milwaukie 7873 8789 Ian Lake Sherwood High School Coach Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoNewberg Tigers Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoAeterna 7014 9590 Sherwood Affiliation Sherwood High School Hood River Middle Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoSchool Team 2 Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoAwesome Aliens Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoTobortech Lake Oswego High School, Lake QT-LO2 OswegoThe Robotinatorz Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect 3963 #4 SAT 02/07/15 Team Name Block Bots Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Optimistic Pessimists Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis 4480 #4 SAT 02/07/15 TheCorvallis Blue Dwarves Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Team # 3093 Springfield Affiliation Thurston High School Polly Kohl Springfield Thurston High School Polly Kohl Junction City Junction City High School Stacey Johnson Grants Pass Josephine County 4-H - OSU Extension Service Susan Hunt Coquille Coquille High School Don Swenson Rusted Metal Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis MenCorvallis Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Stayton Stayton Middle School Jason hohnbaum Springfield Thurston High School Polly Kohl TheCorvallis Weeping Angles Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Rusted Metal Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Junction City Junction City High School Stacey Johnson Stayton Stayton middle school Jason hohnbaum Metal scraps Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Mechanical Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, CorvallisManiacs Stayton Stayton middle school Jason hohnbaum QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENT #4 SAT 02/07/15 4761 #4 SAT 02/07/15 5039 #4 SAT 02/07/15 6145 #4 SAT 02/07/15 6476 #4 SAT 02/07/15 6564 #4 SAT 02/07/15 6588 #4 SAT 02/07/15 6589 #4 SAT 02/07/15 7750 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8060 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8061 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8063 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8124 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8132 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8134 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8135 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8179 #4 SAT 02/07/15 8188 #4 SAT 02/07/15 CODE Rogue Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Devilbots Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Coach Sutherlin 4H Colette Van Hattem TheCorvallis Velociraptors Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Patton Ponies Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Junction City Junction City High School Stacey Johnson McMinnville Patton Middle School Brian Bixler Purple Thunder Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis BHS Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis McMinnville Duniway Middle School David Larson Bandon Bandon High School Martha Kemple Kraxberger Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, CorvallisGearheads Molalla High School Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Gladstone Kraxberger Middle School Shawn Price Molalla Molalla High School Sarah Musgrove Molalla High School II Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Scenic Middle Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis School Molalla Molalla High School Sarah Musgrove Central Point Scenic Middle School Brenda Redhead Kraxberger Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, CorvallisGearheads Lord of the Gears Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis Gladstone Kraxberger Middle School Shawn Price McMinnville Duniway Middle School Nathan Murray McMinnville Fred Patton Middle School Michele Brantner Bandon Bandon High School Martha Kemple Coquille Coquille Junior High Amy Holbrook 9058 #4 SAT 02/07/15 9059 #4 SAT 02/07/15 9130 #4 SAT 02/07/15 Patton Mustangs Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis West Coast Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis #4 SAT 02/07/15 Cogsville Cogs Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU1 University, Corvallis 9487 Team City Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect 5688 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Team Name Bulldog Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Whovians Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Salem West Salem High School 5708 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Robovikes Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Colton Colton High School Allan Bruner 6497 #5 SUN 02/08/15 RedCorvallis Ring Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Sheridan Sheridan After School Program Kimberly Butt 6769 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Colton Colton High School 7027 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Colton Corvallis Robotics Lowell Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Lowell Lowell School District Glenda Green 7044 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Robo-Wolverines Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Mill City Santiam Jr/Sr High School Dennis Chamberlin 7257 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Rogue River Rivers Edge Academy Charter School Craig Warren 7954 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Da Builders Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Mark Twain Middle School Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Gromit's Grommets Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Silverton Mark Twain Middle School dana smith Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill High School Rick Faber Chieftain Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Driftwood Elementary School Robokop Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis TNTCorvallis (Trial N Terror) Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Rogue River Rogue River High School Otis Richardson Port Orford Driftwood Elementary School Jake Van Dam Medford St. Mary's Kent Dauterman Salem Judson Middle School Mary Chen #5 SUN 02/08/15 Chunky Bears Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Chieft2 Robotics Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Rogue River Rogue River High School Terri Richardson #5 SUN 02/08/15 Driftwood Elementary School Eagle Tech Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Port Orford Driftwood Elementary School Jake Van Dam Team # 4662 Greg Smith #5 SUN 02/08/15 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8161 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8173 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8372 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8476 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8833 Steve West Team City 8045 8780 Sutherlin Affiliation Sutherlin Middle School QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENT 8881 #5 SUN 02/08/15 8885 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Catalystic Pirates Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis LiveWires Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis 8892 Port Orford/Sixes Pacific High School Coach Steven Taylor Winston 4-H & Douglas HIgh School Lou Boler #5 SUN 02/08/15 PHRED Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Philomath Philomath High School Tom Thompson 9044 #5 SUN 02/08/15 North Eugene Robotics Division: N.E.R.D. Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Eugene North Eugene High School Cody Rosenberg 9218 #5 SUN 02/08/15 9339 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Super Corvallis Nerds 9339 Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Rogue River Rogue River Jr/Sr High School Jordan 9383 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Lincoln City Taft High 7-12 Noah Lambie Scio Scio High School Aaron Shown Salem North Salem High Mark Atkinson 9449 #5 SUN 02/08/15 TaftCorvallis Tech Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, SCIO HIGH SCHOOL Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis 9508 #5 SUN 02/08/15 Vikings Robot Kelley Engineering, Oregon State QT-OSU2 University, Corvallis Klamath Falls Ponderosa Middle School Jennifer Hodges Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # League Championship Assignment CODE Team Name 7473 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB Robot Vikings 7474 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB Binary Builders 7496 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB Swagbotics 7497 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB Infinite Robotics 7498 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB V-Tech C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB LCP-CB The Nerdy Girls Robo-Dawgs Tiger Robotics Team Rocket Modern Americans The Lucky Dudes Helix School Tiger Tech 9060 C- Hermiston, 1/31 LCP-CB Smarties 7499 8007 8096 8153 8154 8155 8590 8890 Team City Affiliation CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla Hermiston Hermiston High School Stanfield Stanfield Secondary School Pendleton Pendleton High School Pendleton Pendleton High School Pendleton Pendleton High School Helix, Oregon Griswold High School Stanfield Stanfield Secondary School CLARA BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL Umatilla Coach Tammy Fisher Tammy Fisher Tammy Fisher Tammy Fisher Tammy Fisher Tammy Fisher Tasha Larson` Don Walker Matthew Campbell Matthew Campbell Matthew Campbell Jack Bascomb Don Walker Tammy Fisher Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # 267 447 3111 3727 4511 5939 6587 6716 6978 7013 7333 9231 9262 9263 9518 9519 9520 9521 League Championship Assignment CODE Team Name A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS A- Saturday, January 24th at Tigard HS LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 LCP-TIG1 EMP Portland Benson Polytechnic High SchoolDon Bell 2 Much Sense Amity Amity HS Roy Markee The Doctors Amity Amity HS Roy Markee Spartan Robotics Hillsboro Hillsboro High School Devin Hunter Falcons Milwaukie, OR La Salle Prep David Heineck Team AFOOFA Portland Washington County 4-H C D Venkatesh Ctrl-Alt-FG Forest Grove, OR Forest Grove High School & Oregon Charlotte Department Denis of Education Ultra Lightning Cobra Strike Hillsboro Force Hillsboro High School Devin Hunter Pioneer Robotics Oregon City Springwater Environmental Sciences AndySchool Bowlin Hot Wired Portland Westview High School and SparkKris Technology Kolady Education Combustible Lemons Hillsboro Hillsboro High School Terry Alexander Wilson High School Trobots Portland Wilson High School Kari Smith Haight Squirrel? Vernonia Vernonia Middle School Eric Urban Red Shirts Vernonia Vernonia High School Eric Urban Blank Portland Madison HS Tamara O'Malley HoneyBunny Portland Madison HS Tamara O'Malley JAM Portland Madison HS Tamara O'Malley SPORE Portland Madison HS Portland TeamCity Affiliation League Affiliation Oregon FTC Team Roster BY EVENT Cascade Effect Team # 187 750 2973 3058 3965 4097 4560 4855 5894 6590 6935 7503 7709 7776 8150 8441 8716 8970 League Championship Assignment BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS Sunday, January 25th at Tigard HS LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 LCP-TIG2 Team Name TeamCity Affiliation TBD Gears in Motion Zotbotz Jury Riggers Twisted Metal PacBots Phoenix Batteries In Black V-cube Ratchet Robotics PARADOX Lightning Bolts The Vikings Loose Screws Team Underscore Total Reboot Techaholix Go4Bots--Go4Nators Portland Tigard Beaverton Tigard Tigard Tigard Portland Portland, OR Portland, OR Aumsville Portland Gresham Portland Portland Newberg OR Portland Portland OR Gresham Benson Polytechnic Galen Kawamoto Tigard High School Steve Fulton Village Home Bobbi Burton Tigard High School Steve Fulton Tigard High School Steve Fulton Tigard High School Steve Fulton Benson Polytechnic High SchoolJohn DeLacy Washington County 4H Krishnan Duraiswami 4H Vikas Aditya Cascade High School / Neighborhood Doug Team Schmidt Neighborhood team Ramesh Dindukurthi Homeschool Vicki KIng Benson Polytechnic High SchoolJeff McBride Wilson High School Matthew Johnson Newber High School Gabi Blaug Westview High School Narayan Menon Stoller, ISB & Meadow Park Shreyas Saitawdekar Gresham High School Stephen Scannell League Affiliation
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