MESSIAH MESSENGER The Newsletter of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 185 W. 5th Street Constantine MI 49042 Our Vision: Messiah seeks to grow as a congregation of the ELCA called by Christ, gathered by the gospel, and sent by the Holy Spirit into our communities to share and celebrate God's compassion and love. Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Church Office: 269.435.9785 FAX: 269.435.2021 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook: HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BIBLE? BOOK OF 2 KINGS What fell from Elijah as he was carried into heaven? his mantle his staff his water bottle his sandals A. his mantle. (2:14) FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER A. B. C. D. 1 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (or by appointment) CHURCH STAFF Dennis Smith, Pastor Debby Painter, Church Secretary Thom Britton, Worship/Music Organist Theo Outman, Choir Director COUNCIL OFFICERS Vic Raul, President Rick Jackson, Vice President Cathy Jackson, Secretary MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Yvonne Kline, Treasurer Deb Hart, Christian Ed. Theresa Chrisman, Congregational Care Roscoe Hassinger, Facilities Mgt. Tegan Stuby-Hekter, Resource Mgt. Berne Heign, Gospel/Mission Eunice Outman, Invest Fund Linda Walker, Financial Secretary Cindie Rockwell, Altar Guild Joyce Shidaker, Memorial Mgt. Not long after, the removed log sputtered and went out, turning from translucent pink to slate gray. They both watched silently. Some minutes later the pastor thanked the man for his hospitality and left. The next Sunday the man was back among the assembled worshippers. Following worship, he thanked the pastor for her visit and her wise pastoral counsel. My Facebook friend was effusive about how wonderful a story he thought this was. I had to agree that it was a clever and memorable parable. Upon further reflection, however, I began to wonder about a less likely, but equally poignant conclusion to the parable of the fireplace. What if the otherwise well burning stack poofed to a smoldering end along with the one log removed? The flame is a common biblical symbol of life, joy, and the Holy Spirit. Conversely, ashes denote death and mourning. It is often taken as obvious that we, as individuals, need to be in company (communion?) with the whole body of Christ in order to thrive, to be as whole and alive as God intended us to be. Apart from the burning stack, we soon sputter and spiritually die. But, what if the opposite were also true? What if the body suffers when we are not a part of it in some real, present way? Lent is a season of both quiet reflection and a time to stoke our spiritual fires. We begin on A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Ash Wednesday, a reminder of our individual A Facebook friend shared a story he mortal limits. Yet we do so, in presence of the found online that went something like light of Christ, a candle flame reminding us that this. our lives belong to Christ, the light no darkness A longtime, faithful member of the congregation can overcome. Lent is an invitation to experience suddenly stopped attending services for no the warmth of Christ’s love in communion with particular reason, stated or implied. He was the body of Christ. It is also a reminder that the a quiet fellow, not given to long explanations. body is not complete without you and me. After a couple Sundays of his absence, the Our Lenten observance begins on Ash Wednesday, pastor determined that a personal call was in February 18th, with two ecumenical services at order. It was a cold, Michigan night. Upon 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. The noon service will reaching the fellow’s house, the pastor was be hosted by 1st Congregational Church. The invited in and offered a chair next to the well 7:00 p.m service will he hosted by Messiah. tendered and lit fireplace. Both sat there for some time, silently gazing at the dancing flames Lenten Wednesdays begin with a meal at 5:30 p.m., and glowing logs. After a bit, the pastor reached followed by Lenten devotions at 6:30 p.m. in with the fireplace tongues and moved one Mark your calendars now to keep the fires of the flaming logs off to the side, away from the your faith burning. burning stack, and sat back down. 2 MONDAY NIGHTS AT THE MOVIES February 2nd - If I Stay (PG-13) While trying to choose between love and a musical career, 17-year-old Mia Hall finds her life upended by a tragic car crash that puts her in a coma. As she lies unconscious, Mia has a vision of her life that leads her to another crossroads. February 9th - The Judge (R) Big city lawyer Hank Palmer returns to his childhood home where his father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder. Hank sets out to discover the truth and, along the way, reconnects with his estranged family. Stars Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall. Monday Movie suspended after February 9th through Lenten Season and will resume again Monday, April 13th. LENT 2015 SCHEDULE Theme: Learning to Walk in the Dark Thanks to Barbara Brown Taylor) February 18th - Ash Wednesday Services 12:00 Noon at 1st Congregational 7:00 p.m. Messiah February 24th - March 25th Lenten Wednesdays Meal at 5:30 p.m. Lenten Devotion at 6:00 p.m. Choir Practice at 7:00 p.m. March 29th - Palm/Passion Sunday Services w/Palm Procession 10:30 a.m. April 2nd - Maundy Thursday Service w/Communion 7:00 p.m. April 3rd - Good Friday Services 12:00 Noon at Constantine Methodist Church 7:00 p.m. at Messiah NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Please remember that in order to have events shown in the February’s Messiah Messenger, it must be added to the church calendar (located outside the church office) or given to the church secretary no later than Monday, February 16th. ALL TOGETHERS’ VALENTINE DINNER Come join us for dinner at Essen Haus on Saturday, February 14th. ALL are welcome. Reservations are for the buffet dinner at 6:00 p. m. Cost is $14.50 per person plus 7% tax. Pie is extra. Please sign up on the sheet on the Fellowship Hall Table by Sunday, February 8th. Meet at the church at 5:15 p.m. to carpool. April 4th - Holy Saturday Service 6:00 p.m. April 5th - Easter Sunday Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt at 9:45 a.m. Easter Service at 10:30 a.m. Lenten Wednesday Dinner Hosts: February 24th - Council March 4th - W/ELCA March 11th - Men’s Group/Christian Ed. March 18th - 1st Congregational Church March 25th - Choir ANNUAL MEETING 2015 Annual Meeting Report and Minutes are available in both print and online at Messiah’s website. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Sunday February 8th after Worship Services. 3 WE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING PRESENCE IN THE LIVES OF THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE Agnes Blough, Edward Brynes, Lillian Carter, Brian Deller, Judy Elliott, Lillian Farr, Heidi Feldman, Steve Freese, Lincoln Hoffmaster, Edith Howe, Shirley Lipscomb, Dale and Lois Lucas, Linda Lytle, Norma Moord, Jake Persing, Heather Philips, Nancy Preston, David Schafer, Ron Schuen, Steve, Patty W., Marlyn Wigren, and Sam Yacono Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep. Tend the sick, rest the weary, bless the dying, and soothe the suffering. Shine your light of love on them and walk with them, that they may know the peace and comfort of your presence. Amen. WOMEN OF THE ELCA MEETING There will be a business meeting of the W/ELCA Tuesday, February 10th at 2:00 p.m. in the library. WOMEN OF THE ELCA PROJECT FOR FEBRUARY Our church women are sponsoring an out-reach project for February. Heartline is a 33-person residential center that helps women in the criminal justice system re-enter society. It also serves homeless women in the Detroit area. It is a Lutheran Social Services of Michigan (LSSM) facility. We are collecting toiletries for Heartline. Needs include: deodorant, lotion, mini pads, nail polish, Kleenex, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. If you wish to donate items, please bring them to church on or before February 10th. SOUP KITCHEN Messiah’s next turn at the Soup Kitchen is Monday, February 16th. THIS MONTH’S BIRTHDAYS Jim Shidaker Sally Stuby Joshua Blough Suzanne Smith Charliece Miller Devon Eley Berne Heign Dylan Newton Katie Vandeburg Sally Cook Paige Brown Marinda Moord-Stamp Hailee Stears Greg Bojanich 02/01 02/01 02/03 02/09 02/10 02/10 02/13 02/16 02/18 02/21 02/22 02/26 02/26 02/29 THIS MONTH’S ANNIVERSARIES Victor and Margaret Raul 02/06 Christopher & Heather Harrison 02/11 Jim & Joyce Shidaker 02/23 Ray & Cindy Kline 02/24 BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, February 4 and 11th at 5:30 p.m. Bible Study will not be held during the season of Lent but will resume again on Wednesday, April 8th. FOOD BANK SUNDAY The last Sunday of the month has been traditionally Food Bank Sunday at Messiah. Don’t forget to bring in a non-perishable item for the Food Bank Sunday, February 25th. CHOIR PRACTICE February 4th and 11th at 6:30 p.m. There is not practice on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Through the Season of Lent (February 25th - March 25th) practice will be at 7:00 p.m. We will resume our normal time of 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8th. 4 KIDZ KORNER NOISY OFFERING The Noisy Offering for February has been designated for the kids’ Global Mission Project: The Lutheran Disaster Response, International and the U.S. CHILDREN’S CHUCK WAGON - SOUPER BOWL Sunday, February 1st. Donations will go toward the kids’ Global Mission Project: The Lutheran Disaster Response, International and the U.S. For our Youth Mission Project Confirmation Camp”, we made $1,042.87 (total). This will pay for the majority of our campers’ tuition. Thank you so much everyone!!!! The February 15th event for our youth is bowling at Sturgis Bowl in Sturgis (on S. Centreville Road). All must be there by 2:00 p.m. Hope to see you, both kids and adults. During our Lenten season we will be collecting items for the Lutheran World Relief. Our Youth Mission Project for January through June is the Lutheran World Disaster Response, both international and U.S. So this will go hand in hand with our project. (This is similar to the “Buck-a-Chick” last year during Lent, that went hand in hand with our Heifer Project.) I will be posting what items to bring for each week of Lent, which starts February 22nd. Thank you all for your continued support. Thanks Deb Hart INTERNATIONAL RANDOM ACT OF KINDESS WEEK In the U.S., RAK Day is Tuesday, February 17th, internationally RAK Day has been extended to a full week from February 9th16th. Anthropologist Margaret Mead once remarked: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Research confirms that people who perform acts of kindness feel positive emotions and it can make one feel happier. For more information on this growing international movement and ideas for people big and small, go to 5 CONSTANTINE COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY 2014 ANNUAL REPORT TO CHURCHES “Share with God’s people who are in need.” Romans 12:13 continues to be the theme our local churches have with the Constantine Food Pantry. With your generous support, we were able to help many people in our community in 2014. · There were 715 walk-in clients representing 2307 family members in their households. This number represents a total of 196 non-duplicative households and 675 non-duplicative individuals. · We averaged 59.5 clients per month (same as 2013). · We registered 53 new clients from the Constantine geographic area. · A new statistic: 89 clients who accessed the food pantry in 2013 did NOT in 2014. · 504.5 total volunteer hours were recorded (new record). This number includes staffing; sorting/counting/shelving donated food; delivering food from the four churches; or picking up food from the Centreville tailgate or bread in Elkhart. · Overall community donations of food and cash contributions were increased in 2014. Gentle reminder: please check expiration dates on food; I am not allowed to put outdated items on the shelves at the food pantry Summary of contributions from Messiah Lutheran Church in 2014: Cash contributions $ 843.00 (increase from 2013) Food & supplies with estimated dollar value $1,553.63 Volunteer hours 271.50 (increase from 2013) These donations allow us to continue to serve families in our community in time of need. Thank You. Susan Outman Director, Constantine Food Pantry 6 CROP WALK RESULTS The final results have been released for the 2014 Constantine/White Pigeon CROP WALK: $3612.50 was raised with pledges from Messiah totaling $1644.50 and an additional $150.00 donated by Thrivent. Our local Constantine Food Pantry will receive 25% of these funds. CORRECTIONS TO DIRECTORY: Ann Gerst C/O Patricia Connor 9264 Rosewater Lane Jacksonville FL 32256 Mahaley Moord 608-B Dayspring Court Middlebury IN 46514 CHURCH FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014 INCOME $139,115.40 EXPENSES $131,272.31 PROFIT/LOSS +$ 7,843.09 If you haven’t already, please fill out the following pages and give to the Church Secretary. If you have already filled these out last year and there are no changes, it is not necessary to fill them out again. BIG THANKS!!! Giving exceeded our expenses for 2014. Thanks to all who have contributed so generously to the ministry of Messiah. Pastor Dennis Smith Dear Messiah, Many thanks for your cards and prayers during my injury and rehab. All is going well and I hope to be home soon. Love, Norma Moord 7 Messiah Lutheran Church Time and Talent/ Service Opportunities Volunteer Form – 2015 Check any opportunities in which you are interested. Complete one form per person. Please check back and front. Please return this form to church secretary or place in labeled basket on the table in fellowship area. Worship and Music (GCM) ___ Lectors (read scripture during worship) ___ Assisting Minister (lead prayers, responsive readings during worship) ___ Acolyte - Child (assist with Communion, light and extinguish candles) ___ Audio Visual Technician (operate A/V control booth; microphone and projector controls) ___ Usher/Greeters (distribute bulletins, greet worshipers, assist with wheelchairs) ___ Communion Assistants (assist with the distribution of wine or retrieval of wine glasses) ___ Choir Member (designate section: Alto, Baritone, Soprano, Tenor) ___ Choir Administrator (help with music, cataloging, distribution, retrieval, ordering) ___ Instrumentalist (indicate instrument: Piano, organ, percussion, wind, strings) ___ Nursery Attendant ___ Nursery Coordinator (schedule nursery attendants, clean and organize nursery) ___ Worship Planner (new position: assist pastor with seasonal worship planning, hymn selection) ___ Altar Guild (Communion set up and clean up, order supplies, look after banners and paraments) After Worship Fellowship: ____ Pick up donuts ____ Set up and clean up refreshments 8 Christian Education (CED) ___ Open Space Teacher (Christian education leader/teacher) ___ Confirmation Instructor ___ Open Space Administrator (order supplies, coordinate schedules) ___ Music Leader (teach songs, lead singing during worship) ___ Vacation Bible School Coordinator (administer congregations role in vacation bible school) ___ Vacation Bible School Teacher/Helper ___ Adult Bible Study Leader/facilitator ___ “Mini Chuck Wagon” (cook, serve, clean up) Facility Care and Maintenance (FM) ___ Weekly Church Cleanup (vacuum the floors, clean restrooms, tables and chairs) ___ Lawn and Landscaping (mow, water, weed control, plant) ___ Minor Maintenance (change filters, minor repairs) ___ Snow Removal (shovel sidewalks and entryways prior to worship) Congregational Care and Community Ministry (CLC) ___ Home Communion Minister (take communion to the home bound) ___ Home Bound Assistant (provide rides, occasionally clean, grocery shop, visit) ___ Prayer Chain Caller ___ Funeral Luncheons Provider/Worker ___ Soup Kitchen (once per month, cook, serve, clean up) ___ Food Bank (assist with weekly distribution) ___ CROP Walk (recruit participants, promote event, coordinate event) ___ All Togethers (participate in recreational activities for adults) ___ Women of the ELCA (participate in women's service and social group) 9 Administration (RM) ___ Serve as a member of Church Council ___ Newsletter (assist with printing, folding, distribution) ___ Offering Counter (count and record weekly offerings and special service offerings) ___ Communication and Promotion (create congregational brochures, oversee press releases, promote activities and ministries) ___ Librarian (create and oversee a functional congregational library) ___ Memorial Committee Standing Ministries of Messiah Include: Christian Education and Discipleship (CED), Gospel Communication and Mission (GCM), Facilities Management (FM), Congregational Life and Care (CLC), Resource Management (RM). Name ________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Cell Phone __________________________ Email Address _________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to church secretary. 10 THOSE WHO SERVE IN FEBRUARY February 1st: Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: ATV Tech: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: Ray Kline Sue Outman Dale and Sally Stuby Theresa Chrisman, Sue Outman NONE - SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY Leah Stiver Madi Tulley February 8th: Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: ATV Tech: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: Deb Hart Eunice Outman Andy Rockwell, Tom Rockwell Deb Hart, Sue Kantauskas Sharlyn Craig, Janis Jones NEEDED NEEDED February 15th: Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: ATV Tech: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: Theresa Chrisman Paige Brown Roscoe Hassinger, Matthew Kantauskas Veleta Smith - 1 NEEDED Dorothy Hassinger, Jan Heign Leah Stiver Paige Brown February 22nd Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: ATV Tech: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: Cindy Kline Theresa Chrisman Dale and Sally Stuby George Dieffenderfer, Deb Hart Sue Outman, Sally Stuby Brock Milachek Sanctuary Ministers: Altar Guild Ministers (All Month): Donut Pick-up (All Month): George Dieffenderfer and Friends Kim Bojanich, Niki Tulley Tom and Cindie Rockwell 11 Sunday 22 Sheila Stears’ Baby Shower 2-? Open Space Birth to 3 Class 15 Open Space Council Meeting 8 Open Space Souper Bowl Sunday Chuck Wagon 1 Open Space Food Pantry Sunday 12 23 President’s Day Newsletter Deadline Soup Kitchen 16 Movie Night 9 Groundhog Day Movie Night 2 Monday 24 International Random Act of Kindness Day 17 W/ELCA Meeting 10 Card Night 3 Tuesday Lent Midweek Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. 25 Ash Wednesday Services 12 Noon @1st Cong. 7:00 p.m. @ Messiah No Choir Practice 18 Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 11 Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 4 Wednesday Card Night 26 Chinese New Year Card Night 19 Lincoln’s Birthday Card Night 12 Card Night 5 Thursday February 2015 27 20 13 6 Friday 28 21 St. Valentine’s Day Alltogethers’ Dinner 14 7 Saturday
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