B A S S ritish lpine eeding ystem Administered on behalf of Snowsport England, Snowsport Scotland, Snowsport Wales, BARSC & CSWSA From: Peter Heath, National Seeder e-mail: pheathski (at) aol.com THIRD SEEDLIST 2014/2015 (2015.3) Tel/fax: +44(0)151-342-4626 Valid from 7th February to 28th March 2015 1. Welcome to the third seedlist for the 2014/2015 season. New results included are from the RAF, Welsh, Gordon Open, Schoolgirls and Schoolboys races. The results of U12/U10 races are not seeded, but for the benefit of race organisers, registration details of all U12/U10s as notified to me are included in the list. Only your “BASS” club (as notified by Snowsport England/Scotland/Wales) is shown on this list – see http://www.britski.org/15nominated_clubs.pdf 2. The 2015 issue of the British Competition Rules (BCR) is available at http://www.gbski.com/rules.php Separate rules (BACR) are approved for all artificial slope and indoor snow competitions. 3. List 1 2 3 4 5 Proposed seed list dates for the season are: Cut-Off 23rd November 7th January 27th January 13th March 3rd April Publication 29th November 13th January 3rd February 23rd March late April Valid From 1st December 16th January 7th February 28th March End of Season These may be amended when dates for the remaining races become available. 5. New F Values for the Race Point calculation this season are: SL 720; GS 980: SG 1080; DH 1250: SC 1150 These will apply to all BASS races in the current season. Good skiing. Peter Heath Page 1 03/02/15 raceref racename 1500eng01 1500fis01 1500sco01 1500wal01 1501fsl14 1502fsl14 1501msl14 1502msl14 1501fsl16 1501msl16 1501fsljs 1501msljs 1503fsl14 1504fsl14 1503msl14 1504msl14 1503fsl16 1503msl16 1503fsljs 1503msljs 1500eng02 1500fis02 1500sco02 1500wal02 1505fgs14 1506fgs14 1505mgs14 1506mgs14 1505fgs16 1505mgs16 1505mgs18 1505fsl14 1506fsl14 1505msl14 1506msl14 1505fsl16 1505msl16 1505fsl18 1505msl18 1507fsl14 1508fsl14 1507msl14 1508msl14 1507fsl16 1507msl16 1509fgs14 1510fgs14 1509mgs14 1510mgs14 1509fgs16 1509mgs16 1509fsl14 1510fsl14 1509msl14 1510msl14 1509fsl16 1509msl16 1507fgs14 1508fgs14 1507mgs14 1508mgs14 1507fgs16 1507mgs16 1511fsljs 1511msljs 1512fsljs 1512msljs ENG List 01 FIS List 5.2015 SCO List 01 WAL List 01 BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor BASS Indoor ENG List 02 FIS List 7.2015 SCO List 02 WAL List 02 BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BARSC BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs BSA Champs Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Anglo Scottish Scottish FIS Scottish FIS Scottish FIS Scottish FIS type gp pt_given sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/m 14 14 14 14 16 16 js js 14 14 14 14 16 16 js js UTS UTS 344.07 344.34 257.28 239.84 257.28 185.38 UTS UTS 338.98 337.30 239.51 248.48 239.51 191.10 gs/f gs/f gs/m gs/m gs/f gs/m gs/m sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m gs/f gs/f gs/m gs/m gs/f gs/m sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m gs/f gs/f gs/m gs/m gs/f gs/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/m 14 14 14 14 16 16 18 14 14 14 14 16 16 18 18 14 14 14 14 16 16 14 14 14 14 16 16 14 14 14 14 16 16 14 14 14 14 16 16 js js js js UTS UTS 201.86 209.01 203.23 201.36 201.36 UTS UTS 210.17 202.72 185.48 202.15 185.48 198.74 207.08 217.03 163.84 178.53 157.62 163.70 225.71 203.60 169.94 162.70 156.56 166.20 221.34 217.61 174.11 193.58 142.86 166.85 221.45 200.32 163.06 176.33 154.30 160.96 32.56 13.14 27.43 12.11 Page 2 date 27/12/14 27/11/14 29/12/14 27/12/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 04/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 05/05/14 12/01/15 07/01/15 12/01/15 12/01/15 30/12/14 30/12/14 30/12/14 30/12/14 30/12/14 30/12/14 30/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 31/12/14 03/01/15 03/01/15 03/01/15 03/01/15 03/01/15 03/01/14 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/15 wintime 34.50 35.22 35.78 36.94 67.07 64.87 67.07 59.84 36.68 32.87 37.96 33.90 68.89 66.26 68.10 61.61 57.30 60.37 52.24 54.44 110.17 107.59 107.59 40.93 42.67 34.10 34.64 72.74 70.95 72.74 65.80 46.02 46.74 41.23 44.00 89.89 83.59 64.29 60.08 59.86 56.96 123.79 114.77 42.44 44.70 40.08 45.78 94.52 97.44 64.60 68.80 58.47 60.57 126.86 123.43 104.87 95.53 107.15 97.67 location Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf Landgraaf list (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) (NED) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Tignes (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les Houches (FRA) Les 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1522mgsjs 1522msl14 1522msl16 1522msljs ENG list 03 FIS List 8.2015 SCO List 03 WAL List 03 RAF Champs RAF Champs RAF Champs RAF Champs RAF Champs RAF Champs Welsh FIS Welsh FIS Welsh FIS Welsh FIS Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Welsh Champs Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open Gordon Open British Schoolgirls British Schoolgirls British Schoolgirls British Schoolgirls British Schoolgirls British Schoolgirls British Schoogirls British Schoolgirls British Schoolboys British Schoolboys British Schoolboys British Schoolboys British Schoolboys British Schoolboys British Schoolboys type sl/f sl/m gs/f gs/m sg/m sg/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/m sl/f sl/f sl/m sl/m sl/f sl/m gs/f gs/f gs/m gs/m gs/f gs/m sl/f sl/m gs/f gs/m 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(GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) The Lecht (GBR) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Flaine (FRA) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) Meiringen (SUI) list 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 19440 8242 31449 31340 31436 31208 12570 14159 31316 22561 17560 22560 30988 30664 19031 21734 22511 20211 51889 31411 22055 36745 21303 31000 30636 31336 22185 6231 10612 20711 21741 21338 51808 20700 19587 51857 21647 18918 18919 20096 20132 21528 36703 21317 36771 21659 31375 31376 41826 21759 19712 21334 18618 10654 31532 45054 22085 31482 30868 18576 20347 31191 20367 31493 20368 31528 20360 14661 21139 20601 20339 20860 19586 22120 22474 20833 22327 36597 ADAMS, Sarah ALCOTT, Chimene ALDRIDGE, Iona ALLAN, Amelia ALLAN, Phoebe ALLAN, Tabitha ALLDRIDGE, Amanda ANDERSON, Beverley ANDERSON, Grace ANDERSON, Jemima ANDERSON, Jessica ANDERSON, Jessica ANDERSON, Keri ANGUS, Kate ARTHUR, April ATKINSON, Molly AYTON, Evie BAILEY, Kathryn BAKER, Chantal BAKER, Rachel BALDWIN, Caitlin BAMBERRY, Katherine BANNISTER, Lucy BARKER, Emily BARKER, Katy BARTHRAM, Alice BARTLETT, Holly BARTLETT, Sally BECK, Catherine BEER, Georgina BEINHOCKER, Anna BELL, Reece BELL, Sam BENNETT, Grace BENNETT, Lucy BEYNON, Laurie BIGGS, Eloise BINGLE-WILLIAMS, Katya BINGLE-WILLIAMS, Lucy BINGLE-WILLIAMS, Natasha BLACK, Grace BLACKBURN-PANTELI, Charlotte BLAIK, Rachel BLEASDALE, Janice BLYTH, Maisie BOJARSKA, Aleksandra BOLE, Gemma BOLE, Rebecca BONNINGTON, Keira BOSWOOD-CLARK, Eve BOTY, Carys BOTY, Nia BOZIER, Hannah BRACE, Hannah BRAWLEY, Ella BRENNAN, Laoise BRICKLEY, Iona BROWN, Anna BROWN, Cara BROWN, Ellen BROWN, Isobel BROWN, Rachel BRUCE, Abigail BRUCE, Emma BRUCE, Sasha BUCHANAN, Anna BUCKLAND, Amber BULLOCK, Alexandra BURKINSHAW, Rowena BURNS, Madeleine BURROUGHS, Hannah BURTON, Maisie BUTCHER, Jazmine BUTLER, Molly CALDINI, Hannah CALDWELL, Anna CALDWELL, Cara CALLION, Christina SEX YOB F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1997 1982 2003 2001 2004 2000 1991 1970 2002 2006 1998 2004 1996 1994 2001 2001 2003 2000 1979 2002 2006 2003 2002 1998 1996 2001 2003 1975 1960 1996 2004 2001 1985 2005 1999 1981 2004 1999 2000 2002 2003 1999 2003 1962 2006 1961 2001 2003 2002 2003 1999 2003 1996 1987 2004 2000 2006 2006 1994 1996 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 2001 1997 1995 1979 2001 2000 2002 1997 2006 2000 2002 2000 1999 CLUB DHO SSC GDN GDN GDN SPR K SSC BSA AMB BSA GSR SSC SAS SL BSA RAF LIO SZR RAF DRA K PPS BSA SSC MAN SSC SSC DRA TOQ DRA DRA GDN SSC GDN EVO BSC EVO LSR BSA MSR AMB LIO BSA HEM BSA EVO SG DH FISNO 171.79 F 75.64 187.75 F 10.88 283.56 21.93 286.80 281.17 462.53 234.42 123.59 239.04 152.32 366.33 206.28 225471 407.92 387.03 136.94 225659 74.20 F 172.38 73.14 BSA RAF LSR DRA LSR LSR SSC TSD GS 81.29 F 196.01 90.43 256.76 136.90 28.01 F 205.46 225651 225206 225622 225557 1102.42 364.40 411.75 318.72 465.08 1331.10 736.95 209.17 1787.53 1235.93 285.39 2243.31 225090 225482 225652 1151.37 300.73 1106.09 345.21 868.64 177.71 194.24 367.92 175.94 193.37 394.54 227.22 277.20 269.10 220.83 254.99 274.83 317.36 703.87 683.89 51.14 F 253.75 237.81 258.69 195.05 500.40 189.01 29.89 F 290.24 309.97 266.05 160.00 768.99 175.45 58.31 F 369.36 643.44 429.98 181.41 224.75 F 395.73 185.79 404.41 316.23 F 247.93 243.48 315.91 107.48 F 254.49 Page 4 79.44 F 225510 88.46 225572 225626 219.82 122.92 F 225640 225647 356.76 273.61 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 51892 13638 51858 19983 31155 20694 21270 20366 21059 21521 21341 36635 31335 36712 18316 36687 36651 20139 21658 22480 20352 36694 21358 19286 18676 19770 19628 22584 21769 19137 20842 21593 36734 31433 51737 21584 22645 36701 42052 22410 31499 21597 22652 19773 20800 20256 19531 36639 21575 17936 31469 17435 22568 20178 17888 31466 31431 21331 31104 31565 22071 21124 21094 22086 20141 20618 19155 51859 22513 19165 21017 21799 41996 41986 22615 22110 11941 20701 CAMM, Rebecca CAMPBELL-WOODWARD, Sarah CARBUTT, Diane CARE, Chloe CARRUTHERS, Philipa CATLIN, Glesni CHAPMAN, Chloe CHASTNEY, Rebecca CHMIELOWSKA, Claudia CHMIELOWSKA, Julia CHRISTOPHER, Rebecca CLARK, Megan CLARKE, Jemma CLARKSON, Freya CLISSOLD, Honor COATS, Jade COBB, Stella COE, Megan COLE, Hannah COLEMAN, Meghan COLLEY, Isabella CONVERY, Lottie COOK, Ellie COOK, Stephanie COOPER, Georgina COOPER, Izabelle COOPER, Lauren COOPER, Lauren COOPER, Lauren COOPER, Yasmin CORRIGAN, Caroline COWELL, Milly COWIE, Daisy CRANE, Joanna CRICHTON, Claire CRICHTON-STUART, Lola CRITTENDEN, Emma CROALL, Mia CROFT, Meabh CROSS, Eirinn CROSS, Jemima CULSHAW, Eleanor CULVER, Scarlett CURTIS, Marie DALE, Safia DANENBERGSONS, Shana DANIELS, Daisi DAVIES, Christina DAVIES, Esmie DAVIES, Jenny DAVIS, Meghan DAWSON, Laura DE POURTALES, Margaux DEIGHTON, Avelline DELLER, Lucy DICKSON, Sophie DILLON, Millie DILWORTH, Lucinda DOUGLAS, Abigail DOUGLAS, Morven DRUMMOND, Davina DRUMMOND, Elinor DRUMMOND, Isabel DRUMMOND, Miranda EATON, Freya EAVES, Eleanor EDEN, Katie EDEN, Rebecca EDWARDES-KER, Nathalie ELGY, Geraldine ELLIFF, Alexa ELLISON, Molly ELLWOOD, Natasha EVANS, Isabel FABER, Sophie FAIRFULL, Madeleine FAIRWEATHER, Sega FELLOWS, Charley SEX YOB CLUB F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1986 1954 1973 1998 1997 2003 2003 2002 1998 1996 1998 1998 2001 2003 1997 1999 1999 1997 1998 1998 1999 2002 1998 1988 1996 2001 1999 2001 2005 1998 2002 2002 2006 2001 1982 1999 2000 2005 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 1997 2000 2000 2002 1993 1999 1996 2000 1993 2004 1967 1996 1999 2004 1998 1999 2001 2001 2003 2001 2002 1998 2003 1996 1989 1999 1954 2003 2000 1992 2000 2001 2006 1990 2003 RAF RAF SL GS SG 1013.29 244.18 F 228.22 F 291.95 284.44 207.14 320.24 180.77 F 290.56 289.78 317.79 326.54 353.41 214.22 277.67 103.07 F 72.94 SAS 307.03 319.24 SPR CSC 183.82 201.42 186.47 306.66 206.56 524.06 297.50 213.79 468.79 612.36 78.11 F 468.39 407.33 113.10 F 593.53 344.86 449.14 645.34 839.22 BSA SPR FISNO 1664.39 SSC K TSD BSA K BSA SPR GSR SSC SSC EVO BSC LSR DRA BSA SAS BSA DH 227.22 225655 615.13 412.42 229.21 432.35 89.11 F 225669 225677 127.27 F 225641 225663 225678 138.65 225662 154.92 F 187.96 F 381.52 293.03 275.99 439.29 173.38 181.66 261.40 233.36 223.58 468.06 232.81 157.61 131.85 907.90 1053.33 1278.18 241.70 202.26 230.92 225648 426.35 257.02 578.95 586.00 325.68 609.53 225629 225635 140.03 229.76 369.60 484.38 169.14 F 266.44 379.15 146.35 351.39 152.10 F BSA RAF DHO 292.19 662.96 462.57 366.18 715.24 327.61 DRA BSA HEM 366.92 478.41 113.43 109.22 GDN CSC RAF K ELI SSC SRR BSA DHO EVO EVO ASC BSA IMP DRA CSC SSC BSA GDN BSA TEL TEL BSA AMB 224.43 225671 186.60 225657 376.90 278.14 125.65 169.77 225428 TEL Page 5 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 51811 21202 36666 30964 20576 36604 31454 31091 41992 20856 20855 31226 41968 30500 20345 30866 22012 21776 19001 21007 51860 30850 41007 41910 41911 21053 31239 36669 17439 19275 36614 21963 22553 13814 22528 20391 21939 30633 30779 30920 20936 41705 36652 36697 36696 18617 22620 22619 22523 22524 42040 22330 22045 31229 30848 18660 17970 22083 22084 22082 31483 31109 19126 21569 19159 21163 22033 42044 31246 36665 20789 21284 42020 22111 21580 22179 21621 51861 FENN, Charlotte FENWICK, Thea FERGUSON, Zoe FERRIER, Rachael FITZGERALD, Jordan FITZPATRICK, Joy FITZPATRICK, Molly FLEMING, Alex FLUCK, Catrin FOSTER, Olivia FOSTER, Sophie FOWLER, Isla FURLONG, Georgia GARDINER, Carla-Marina GARMENT, Harriett GARVIE, Amber GATTY, Victoria GEHRIG, Stephanie GLASGOW, Sarah GLASSBROOK, Amy GLEN, Lynn GLOISTEIN, Helen GODDARD, Emily GORRINGE, Cerys GORRINGE, Giselle GRANT, Isabelle GRAY, Hannah GRAY, Lynne GREASBY, Alexandra GREAVES, Rebecca GREEN, Eleanor GREENE, Amelia GREENE, Keelin GREENHALGH, Eloise GRIFFITHS, Clara GRIFFITHS, Inez GRIFFITHS, Nia GUEST, Charlotte GUEST, Katharine GUEST, Kirsty HALL, Maria HALLETT, Georgia HALLIDAY, Grace HALPIN, Kerri HALPIN, Zoe HANCOCK, Maxine HANTRAIS, Laura HANTRAIS, Maddie HARRISON, Ella HARRISON, Grace HARRISON, Ursula HART, Katherine HART, Rebecca HARTE, Giulia HARTE, Natalia HATHWAY, Bella HATHWAY, Ellen HAWKINS, Danielle HAWKINS, Lily HAWKINS, Zara HAY, Ailsa HEATLEY, Holly HEGINBOTHAM, Erika HEMMING, Anya HENDERSON, Anna HENDLEY, Sian HESELTON, Rebecca HESLOP, Heather HEWISON, Megan HILLIER, Maddie HINTON, Georgina HINTON, Tilly HODDER, Lowri HODGSON, Ellen HOFFMAN-LITTLE, Jolie HOLMES, Abby HOLMES, Charlotte HOOK, Caroline SEX YOB CLUB F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1978 2001 2002 1996 1996 1997 2003 1999 1998 2001 2003 2000 2000 1989 2000 1998 1999 1992 2001 2002 1988 1996 1987 2000 2003 2003 2000 1998 1994 1999 2001 2002 2003 1993 2005 1995 2000 1993 1995 1997 1995 1996 2002 2005 2004 1997 2005 2003 2000 2005 2002 2005 2005 1996 1992 1997 1994 2001 2001 2001 2004 1997 1998 2005 1998 2000 2003 2006 2001 2002 2001 2004 1999 2001 2005 2003 2005 1983 RAF SZR LSR SSC SL GS SG DH 133.10 FISNO 1342.81 313.01 67.94 277.44 51.79 F 267.92 90.57 224.82 239.33 272.28 218.25 231.34 278.38 368.76 498.21 797.72 ESC HEM GDN PND 297.53 281.45 427.34 225401 189.77 206.96 270.20 225664 AMB MSR RAF 215.36 237.38 349.71 455.12 219.90 597.56 210.15 4217.63 244.56 238.55 732.19 423.41 183.70 589.39 365.39 189.63 382.56 256.78 219.78 127.45 222.55 184.10 20.81 F 75.58 F 77.45 F 598.23 142.66 198.71 17.12 F 56.97 F 88.10 F 736.02 254.20 GSR GSR SSC SPR SPR SPR GSC DRA BSA ASC HNC EVO GDN 225623 225611 225672 1015.03 225335 SPR 225524 K SSC SSC BSA LIO DRA LSR 46.36 83.75 F 163.56 F 155.96 186.23 F 225518 225595 225639 225631 225613 152.64 F 117.59 225617 225488 602.78 SMK BSA BSA MSR MSR 275.10 THR THR 84.38 42.84 LSU HEM HEM HEM SSC LSR 288.09 286.50 140.58 145.22 120.00 225660 AMB LIO PND 77.47 F 554.11 92.41 F 598.15 128.83 225658 CSC LSR SPR SPR DRA ASR DRA 414.14 78.87 51.62 F 109.41 77.12 586.26 624.46 SZR RAF Page 6 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 41480 21199 20208 21956 17009 22062 36657 21530 20971 20972 21884 31070 21556 21535 36731 20332 36723 31327 21024 30872 19677 19676 18560 31266 21509 21510 31035 41623 41622 45065 19030 17488 21150 21964 36720 31382 22170 19011 22454 17692 18318 21310 45068 14746 31394 41711 31478 31100 36654 18913 21878 41682 20620 19152 19498 19831 31257 17431 19453 19735 51862 22390 42029 14994 14806 31346 36564 36713 31200 21795 19169 21825 20904 21876 31332 22429 21897 31330 HOPKINS, Emily HORTON, Siena HOSKINS, Isabella HOUGHTON, Philippa HOUSTON, Alexandra HOWARTH, Catrin HOWAT, Emma HUFF, Sarah HUGEC, Nadine HUGEC, Nicole HUGHES, Rachel HULBERT, Lucy HUNT, Hannah HYDE, Gussie HYNES, Isla IGLINA, Sofia INNES, Isla INWOOD, Morgan JACKSON, Ellie JACKSON, Laura JACKSON, Lois JACKSON, Millie JAMES, Sophie JAMIESON, Emily JEFFERSON, Jemima JEFFERSON, Maisie JEFFRAY, Claire JENKINS, Megan JENKINS, Nia JONES, Elin JONES, Natasha KAHVE, Lucy KARAVASILI, Zoe KEEN, Emily KEIR, Lucy KELLY, Iona KELLY, Nicole KEYS, Georgia KINGSTON, Lucy KIRK, Isabel KRAHELSKI, Alicja KROLL, Ann LAMARRE, Olivia LAMBDEN, Sarah LAMOND, Emma LARGE, Sophie LATTO, Rosamund LAWRIE, Alannah LEACH, Isla LEE, Francesca LEES, Nadia LEFEVRE, Paloma LEGEAIS, Marion LEWINGTON, Caitlin LILLYWHITE, Alexandra LISMORE, Sophie LIVERSIDGE, Lauren LLEWELLYN, Joanna LOEFFEN-GALLAGHER, Hannah LONG, Phoebe LOWE, Penelope LUARD, Isabella LYNCH, Annmarie MACAULAY, Alice MACEY, Abbie MACKENZIE, Eve MACLEAN, Beth MACLEAN, Heather MACPHERSON, Claire MAGENES, Caterina MANSON, Cameron MARSH, Ella MARSH, Loretta MARTIN, Allegra MARTIN, Annabelle MARTIN, Juliette MARTIN, Lily MARTIN, Rebecca SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1994 2002 1999 1999 1994 2005 2003 1999 2002 2000 1997 1998 1997 2000 2003 1997 2002 2001 2002 1997 2001 1999 1995 2000 2004 2003 1977 1998 1995 2003 1996 1998 1997 2004 2005 2002 2006 2001 2006 1997 2000 1971 1995 1995 2002 2001 1999 1999 2002 1998 2003 2000 1998 1999 1999 1999 2000 1991 2000 1998 1972 1997 2001 1995 1994 2000 1998 2005 2000 2000 1998 2000 1975 2004 2003 2006 2002 1999 DRA AMB 423.92 327.66 586.05 177.70 1410.51 202.94 554.07 248.32 243.92 284.39 174.27 414.15 482.93 236.38 316.85 207.66 444.11 531.08 368.37 338.40 298.27 345.87 SPR MSR MUC SPR EVO EVO SUR SSC TSD SPR DH FISNO 225581 220.82 225679 77.22 F 78.78 F 154.71 F 198.33 F 225638 LSR 360.21 514.74 SSC RAV RAV SAS LSR LIO LIO SSC EVO BSA 231.56 244.18 211.35 456.67 339.55 266.41 316.91 719.77 264.11 311.49 297.27 225667 121.84 103.30 F 125.77 F 96.88 F 135.71 152.93 F 225665 225598 DHO 422.35 278.05 220.36 381.43 287.62 240.05 393.33 311.90 353.86 225646 LSR SSC 490.42 228.37 221.34 334.98 130.08 F 157.15 108.00 F 167.46 140.80 F 191.90 628.39 656.63 822.80 596.98 324.17 204.07 562.16 919.23 211.21 224.97 120.64 F 144.86 155.09 135.69 639.69 207.03 224.94 142.77 TEL DRA SSC CSC SSC LSR SSC HEM BSA AMB BSA GDN SMK AMB RAF 154.89 573.12 139.81 189.46 462.80 1336.97 207.72 145.00 1253.91 155.43 190.72 F 225643 225666 262.50 336.78 237.01 226.98 225676 225674 IMP BSC HNC LSR SSC EVO BSA SHK SHK SPR LSR SPR ELI LSR 363.84 40.30 F 75.15 F 301.77 41.15 F 69.45 F 271.85 219.28 142.06 321.15 211.45 173.42 399.62 352.57 Page 7 91.03 75.77 546.91 308.29 237.42 182.58 227.96 225590 225567 225670 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 51635 21014 45179 31227 36717 5091 36622 31423 31275 22536 21925 18382 51812 22161 20307 36757 21205 21204 18931 21277 21357 36763 21972 30667 36610 31153 31188 19338 31426 31425 31146 19679 20731 21356 51781 36606 31468 20696 22488 21583 20809 18793 21966 20945 21441 22136 31252 21887 21235 14382 21755 21363 51881 31513 19197 19002 22049 22200 31245 31244 31440 36565 17412 17413 41858 19781 36768 31209 31447 30927 51904 22127 18765 36598 21392 31138 31207 19210 MARTINI, Laura MAYHEW, Jessica MCCABE, Laura MCCALL, Catriona MCCALLUM, Kirsty MCCARTHY, Avril MCKENDRICK, Lyle MCKEY, Holly MCKINLAY, Victoria MCLEISH, Alice MCLEISH, Emily MEAD, Darcie MERSH, Rebecca MEYLER, Anna MIDDLETON, Amy MIDDLETON, Olivia MIDSON, Molly MIDSON, Poppy MILES, Joanna MILLARD, Paige MOORE, Danica MORGAN, Maisie MORGAN, Samantha MORRIS, Sarah MORRISON, Hannah MORRISON, Rachael MORRISSEY, Anna MORTON, Sofia MUIR, Fiona MUIR, Kirsty MURPHY, Louise MURRAY, Louisa NEASHAM, Grace NEASHAM, Laurie NEEDHAM, Karen NEGRI, Belana NEGRI, Daniella NEWBOULT, Helena NG, Arabella NOKES, Sacha O'BRIEN, Matilda O'NEILL, Ella O'NEILL, Kita O'NEILL, Maeve ORCHARD, Ellie ORZEL, Emilia OSBORNE, Jennifer OSMOND, Christabel OUGRIN, Anastasia PARKER, Olivia PASCOE, Eva PATTON, Harriet PAYNE, Emily PEARSON, Holly PENHALE, Emma PETERS, Emma PETERSON, Amy PETERSON, Lexie PETRIE, Aoife PETRIE, Isla PFLEGER, Isabella PIERCEY, Rachel POCOCK, Elena POCOCK, Emily POTTER, Maisie POTTER, Shannon POVER, Anna PRESSLIE, Jessica PRESSLIE, Sophie PRICE, Rhona PRITCHARD, Suzi PULLAN, Aimee PULLIN, Victoria RAE, Lauren RAMPTON, Clementine RANKIN, Shona RASMUSEN, Victoria RATLEDGE, Rachael SEX YOB CLUB SL GS F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1986 2000 2000 2004 2003 1966 2004 2003 2000 2000 2003 1996 1989 1999 1995 2006 2003 2001 1993 2002 2000 2005 2002 1994 1999 1999 1990 1996 2006 2004 1997 1994 1998 2000 1977 2003 2000 1998 2001 2000 2004 1997 2005 2003 2002 2006 1991 2003 2002 1993 2002 1999 1976 2001 2000 1997 1999 2004 2002 2000 2006 2001 1993 1992 1997 2001 2002 2000 2003 1999 1984 2000 1985 2005 2001 2003 2000 1999 RAF MID 549.77 631.35 242.72 201.58 522.97 SG DH FISNO 774.35 SSC SSC GSR HEM HEM 48.17 RAF SPR FLK FLK 44.63 F 846.01 266.07 353.51 461.02 371.48 237.58 393.24 430.39 602.63 360.01 411.08 808.54 518.05 669.31 227.12 206.46 538.36 523.61 737.86 764.62 362.16 289.14 422.78 394.00 316.85 47.45 80.07 F 225612 DHO BLG BSA STC GDN GDN STC DRA ASC ASC GSR LIO SMK RAF CSC CSC MID AIG 319.27 225621 225585 278.98 BSA BSA BSA WM GSR K SPR DRA SPR RAF DRA LIO BRS BRS 163.99 F 218.05 F 395.57 416.30 96.14 135.77 340.08 1404.29 243.45 404.36 109.93 F 414.83 225653 262.36 225521 672.42 160.80 243.17 225642 87.92 155.84 95.69 196.25 448.45 GDN CSC DRA GDN GDN SSC RAF LIO BSA BSA GDN 368.39 87.38 216.04 234.54 473.03 276.92 293.83 268.52 297.19 170.17 200.15 1053.11 216.15 321.00 314.97 147.21 373.59 225533 225501 357.48 Page 8 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 31140 21900 36719 19459 36601 41980 51752 18649 30767 21893 21926 36593 36736 21394 13952 51634 41952 19739 31438 19235 30867 20742 31135 13376 31173 20496 17893 17892 36747 14962 51905 31350 31349 22515 36695 21558 20599 20655 19648 21478 21797 21798 31127 20337 18878 19450 20602 21850 22320 22556 20840 17752 20134 21568 31471 17717 31318 21881 31566 18472 36715 31076 31088 21382 21378 21397 21727 31544 36684 36685 21968 17154 18099 21833 19623 21355 20622 36584 RAY, Kathleen REBERT, Abby REED, Jemima REID, Judy REID, Sinead RESCIGNO, Giorgia RICE, Alexa RILEY, Megan RITCHIE, Nicole ROBERTS, Elizabeth ROBERTS, Sophie ROBSON, Solmisty ROELING, Mya ROGERS, Anna ROGERS, Rachelle ROLLESTON-SMITH, Genevieve RONAN, Eleanor ROSE, Rebecca ROSS, Iona ROYAL, Natasha RYAN, Eilidh SAMPSON, Melissa SANDFORD, Eliza SCILIMATI, Tania SCOTT, Lucy SCRANAGE-HARRISON, Eleanor SEELEY, Grace SEELEY, Julia SEWELL, Fionn SHAILES, Polly SHARMAS, Jess SHARP, Charlotte SHARP, Melissa SHELLEY, Annie SHEPHERD, Sorcha SHEPHERDSON, Lauren SHERING, Nicole SHOOTER, Hope SIDE, Joely SILKSTONE, Nathalie SIM, Danyelle SIM, Lauren SKINNER, Caroline SKIPPER, Megan SLATER, Ella SLATTERY, Rachel SMIDT-WALLIS, Brielle SMITH, Isobelle SMITH, Jocelyne SMITH, Katherine SNOW, Elise SOMAN, Bethany SOMAN, Mia SPEARPOINT WALSH, Emily SPENCE, Madison STAMMERS, Sophie STARK, Daisy STAYMAN, Jessica STEDMAN, Megan STEVENSON, Elizabeth STEWART, Maddie STILL, Ella STILL, Ruby STOCKER, Anastacia STOCKER, Natasha STOCKER, Sophie STOKOE, Amy STRUTHERS, Ciorstaidh STUART, Katie STUART, Lexy SULLIVAN, Ella SUMMERHAYES, Katie SUMMERHAYES, Molly SUNDIN, Sarah SYMONS, Rachel TAPSELL, Charlotte TARANTELLI, Laudomia TATE, Emily SEX YOB CLUB SL GS F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1999 2000 2003 1960 2001 1993 1979 2000 1995 1996 1997 2003 2005 2001 1995 1988 2000 2002 2003 1999 2000 1971 1996 1986 1999 2002 1995 1993 2006 1996 1983 2002 2004 2003 2005 2003 2000 1993 1998 1996 1999 2002 1998 2001 1991 1968 2000 1999 1997 1998 1999 1997 2002 1996 2005 1998 2001 2001 2000 1990 2002 1997 1999 2003 2001 2005 2005 2001 2001 1998 2002 1995 1997 1975 1993 2001 2003 2003 GDN BSA 578.87 200.65 695.70 185.22 SAS CSC 324.04 458.48 292.45 RAF AMB GSR 600.88 182.03 75.81 F 284.01 253.09 746.50 179.54 75.12 F 416.27 306.50 234.14 36.68 F 639.76 569.18 230.11 59.43 F 672.94 317.31 224.71 307.31 213.38 63.85 F 240.93 96.10 F 359.66 SG DH 449.56 220.94 88.73 F FISNO 225453 224.14 225593 CSC BSA SMK RAF CHL 333.82 70.84 225588 BSA GSR NOR SSC BSC 241.01 227.29 DHO DHO GDN BSA RAF GSC BSC BSA LSR 704.59 1412.69 796.44 2880.75 812.15 388.87 372.93 552.81 TEL HEM 212.09 325.96 216.98 270.15 139.36 237.29 SUR 256.82 383.68 236.87 279.52 360.06 K EVO 442.60 223.59 308.10 250.62 332.06 214.41 417.27 441.13 267.28 497.32 570.47 335.27 112.26 82.52 87.85 89.42 F 186.18 81.96 F 218.26 229.35 F 245.57 272.25 246.81 344.41 304.28 314.44 309.14 219.19 258.40 252.28 713.79 225315 451.65 SRR SRR SSC NOR 225605 225673 367.53 OVL SAS LSR AMB GSR BSA BSA BSA TSD SFR BSA 225675 181.57 225499 225650 LIO EVO 364.27 536.41 CSC Page 9 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 36583 17736 31007 51640 31463 22048 14393 45059 21719 21018 22122 30060 20826 30624 21272 30904 17951 19213 19700 20643 20644 21816 31134 22070 5480 22006 22007 18933 18934 36609 20573 21096 13381 21368 21376 21377 20849 30768 22582 31524 10660 20317 20741 21349 41693 31500 31464 41692 22662 20725 22621 21254 22532 22589 18745 20767 51758 22502 21400 21101 51641 31093 20612 19094 18454 10199 21603 19128 30999 19832 19162 21210 45200 31111 31369 19645 20639 51886 TATE, Georgia TAYLOR, Jasmin TAYLOR, Kate TAYLOR, Naomi TAYLOR, Rhona TEAL, Chloe THEXTON, Heather THOMAS, Megan THOMAS, Sophie THOMPSON, Lara THOMPSON, Niamh THORBURN, Pamela THURSTON, Elizabeth TILLEY, Alexandra TILLEY, Katherine TODD, Alison TODD-SAUNDERS, Helen TONGE, Charlotte TOOGOOD, Natalia TREW, Eleanor TREW, Isobel TUBBS, Jessica TURNER, Jennifer TURNER, Morgan TURNOCK, Kerry VAGO, Annabel VAGO, Cristina VALE, Lauren VALE, Nikkie VAUGHAN, Molly VEGTING, Amelia VERNON, Rebecca VERNON, Rowan VESELY, Cordelia VESELY, Miranda VESELY, Ophelia VICKERS, Katie VINCENTI, Anna WALDRON, harriet WALLACE, Sophia WALSH, Carrie WALTON, Kirsten WALTON, Mya WANG, Alison WARD, Ella WARD, Erin WARD, Isla WARD, Olivia WARD-JACKSON, Isabella WARMINGTON, Harriet WATSON, Isabella WATSON, Josie WEBB, Mercy WEBB, Samantha WEBSDALE, Cara WEBSTER, Atlanta WEBSTER, Claire WEBSTER, Isobel WEEKS, Ella WEEKS, Georgia WESTLEY, Thea WHATFORD, Beth WHITE, Victoria WHITTALL, Martha WIDDUP, Bethany WILKEY, Sarah WILKINSON, Millie WILLIAMS, Beth WILLIAMS, Emma WILLIAMS, Grace WILLOUGHBY, Joe WILLOWS, April WILSON, Ceri WINTHROP, Claire WINTHROP, Zoe WISEMAN, Kelly WOODWARD, Sarah WOOLLEY, Chloe SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 2004 1993 1997 1986 2002 1996 1990 2001 2003 2000 2005 1986 1999 1993 2001 1997 1999 1994 1997 1999 1999 1999 2001 1999 1972 2000 2003 2001 1994 2001 1997 2002 1988 1999 2002 2004 2001 1995 2000 2002 1963 2000 2004 1980 1999 2005 2004 2000 2006 2002 2003 2004 2000 2003 1997 2000 1984 1998 2004 2001 1985 2001 1994 1997 1995 1981 2001 1995 1999 2000 1975 2002 2000 1997 1999 1993 2001 1986 CSC 163.00 315.54 651.83 175.31 366.93 798.06 854.05 204.91 225.92 463.18 795.34 K GDN DRA SSC 83.95 341.46 16.33 F 341.54 145.28 226.74 87.56 339.62 6.00 F 342.31 211.78 214.41 81.58 625.80 35.95 F 368.49 260.82 K K 215.62 238.11 400.36 321.12 BSC 292.38 225.97 281.10 438.12 353.23 329.41 343.59 402.47 257.49 942.03 232.39 355.76 454.42 305.53 446.68 222.82 423.00 667.37 273.24 427.93 309.06 319.63 322.08 308.92 F 212.92 332.50 F 277.91 999.00 F 351.53 480.07 181.42 170.09 186.59 206.77 167.04 276.96 327.48 296.29 267.73 263.44 854.58 788.78 GSR RAF SSC DH FISNO 225527 225681 HEM 90.27 225308 155.40 225525 225644 225448 CSC SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR P3 K GSR IMP LIO LIO IMP AMB GSR GSR AMB DHO HEM DHO WM BSA WM LIO NOR RAF K SPR SPR RAF GDN SAS SUR SHK SSC TEL LSR LSR PND AMB RAF 225394 291.40 225239 225680 336.82 636.93 252.41 307.27 657.14 278.50 672.92 615.31 45.34 F 68.61 F 3444.41 2047.82 457.26 239.33 206.78 228.83 242.23 234.37 442.55 391.43 340.54 308.21 187.87 181.31 1836.47 Page 10 327.23 340.66 620.30 288.34 F 225597 225192 305.64 352.22 283.24 225668 235.31 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME SEX YOB 4113 31522 31260 36600 51815 21578 WROE, Caitlin WYLIE, Anna WYLIE, Fiona WYLIE, Tess YOUNG, Alyson YUNG, Catherine F F F F F F 1978 1998 2003 2005 1970 1998 13335 31228 31477 31379 22422 22409 21817 31178 12571 18247 19074 10372 31197 51816 30908 31003 22009 31400 19990 8522 21626 21930 20878 22132 20416 36708 13784 20484 22004 22155 12618 36746 19627 20673 21167 2657 31249 31021 36628 31115 22315 19639 19774 20302 45170 22202 19704 14940 20712 21713 22138 22501 19683 19070 19208 31233 51863 19854 19855 30909 51817 21728 51894 19585 36704 20851 20852 36772 ABSALOM, Daniel ADAMSON, Alexander ADAMSON, Tristram ALDRIDGE, Charlie ALDRIDGE-BATE, Ben ALDRIDGE-BATE, Charlie ALDRIDGE-BATE, William ALEXANDER, Hamish ALLDRIDGE, James ALLEN, Samuel AMOS, John ANDERSON, Christopher ANDERSON, Ewen ANDERSSON, James ANDREWS, Greg ANDREWS, Keir APPLETON, Byron ARNOTT, Jack ASHMAN, Alexander ASHTON, Simon ATKINSON, Andrew ATKINSON, Benjamin ATTARD, Oliver AUSTIN, William AVENT, Mathieu BAGGALEY, Fraser BAGGIO, Max BAILES, Max BAKER, Giles BALCHIN, Lewis BALDWIN, Thomas BAMBERRY, Alasdair BANKES, Thomas BANNISTER, Adam BANNISTER, Callum BANNISTER, Simon BARKER, Duncan BARLOW, Benedict BARLOW, Robert BARLOW, Xavier BAROUNOS, Alex BARTON, Daniel BARTON, Dominic BASTOW, Milo BATTERSBY, Henry BAYLES, Sebastian BEARDMORE, Adam BECKETT, David BEER, Lawrence BEGLIN, Thomas BELLAMY, Edward BELLMAN, Piers BENNETT, Elliott BENNETT, Russell BERGLINDARSON, Kristofer BEVERIDGE, Jamie BEXON, Liam BINGHAM, Jonathan BINGHAM, Nicholas BINGHAM, Sion BIRD, Phil BISHOP, Julian BISHOP, Matthew BLACK, Oliver BLAIK, Kyle BLOOM, Adam BLOOM, Ryan BLYTH, Ruaridh M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1992 1996 1997 2001 2005 2004 2002 1999 1988 1994 1959 1959 2000 1980 1997 1998 2001 2002 2000 1968 1967 1993 1999 2000 1999 2005 1995 1999 2003 2000 1990 2006 1990 1999 1998 1966 2003 1994 1954 1995 1995 1998 2002 1997 2004 2004 1986 1960 1998 2004 1987 1999 2003 1973 2000 2000 1987 1999 2002 1997 1979 1968 1990 2001 2003 1973 2001 2005 CLUB SL GS SG DH FISNO 402.27 296.65 315.64 358.01 225112 350.55 517.15 89.07 94.36 F 127.33 227.22 108.23 81.66 128.13 F 210.90 107.07 187.06 280.23 313.07 168.50 220998 221227 221279 GSR RAF DHO CSC CSC SSC SPR SPR SPR GDN SPR K SSC RAF SSC SSC LSR DHO SPR PND 381.32 915.42 125.47 1304.28 136.28 2595.72 154.31 239.90 1053.40 499.53 323.84 428.02 309.13 369.31 523.32 268.78 238.27 243.22 183.64 148.86 193.41 30.49 F 222.85 43.61 F 201.79 69.08 28.47 228.09 460.71 312.97 342.68 213.51 220770 221145 68.64 318.40 80.34 221168 25.39 19.73 220874 221130 SSC ELI SPR BSA IMP SSC SSC SSC SSC EVO SMK IMP 960.63 148.87 146.66 164.84 217.21 137.25 34.89 F 160.01 372.23 141.78 146.39 35.29 F 180.17 F 394.13 121.78 180.21 78.42 F 232.28 195.73 221167 354.57 F 6531228 221321 201.49 221301 SPR 409.59 BRS NOR DRA LIO MSR LSR RAF SAS SAS SSC RAF RAF PPS GLO DRA SSC 160.00 160.00 187.14 358.02 293.03 199.96 1645.82 276.74 277.01 276.09 431.12 222.79 206.50 346.77 910.45 237.20 283.11 150.30 Page 11 221278 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 51897 22500 31461 41967 22565 31041 19713 31051 51864 22547 19686 22649 51734 31531 14391 17963 21203 31271 36590 21218 22356 20143 20144 17332 20193 31481 31132 30830 20338 2743 19397 22129 12584 22659 30906 30811 30919 17380 36674 21063 10596 21649 31339 36760 19755 22452 22453 21411 41719 36682 31338 20832 12802 31039 31364 31230 30912 36699 21766 20590 21577 21576 45169 31154 21107 19196 20262 20215 20216 638 17201 19421 19956 21269 19993 21923 31097 31098 BOARDALL, Ben BOINTON, Ben BOLAM, John BONNINGTON, Chay BONSER, Harry BOOTH, Harris BOTY, Harry BOW, Brandon BOWL, Dave BRACKEN, Arthur BRADFORD-SMITH, Jack BRADWELL, Ciaran BRAIN, Matthew BRAWLEY, Patrick BREESE, Ashley BREESE, Nathan BREESE, Thomas BREMNER, Fin BREMNER, Keilan BRESKAL, Bailey BRETHERTON, Jasper BRIDGE, Dominic BRIDGE, Oliver BROOKES, Philip BROWN, Cameron BROWN, Cameron BROWN, Harry BROWN, Jamie BROWN, Jamie BROWN, Phil BROWN, Ryan BRUNO, Benjamin BRUTON, Peter BRYER, Toby BUCHAN, Fraser BUCHAN, Murray BUCHAN, Scott BUCHWISER, Lawrence BUDGE, Andrew BULLIVANT, Peter BUNTON, Paul BUNTON, Ryan BURROW, Gregor BURTON, Jaimes BURTON, Lucas BUSH, Jacob BUSH, Toby BUTLER, Simon BUTTERWORTH, Thomas CAIRNS, Sam CALDER, Lewis CALDWELL, Patrick CALVERT, Peter CAMERON, Alasdair CAMERON, Rory CAMPBELL, Graeme CAMPBELL, Iain CANE, Callum CARDON, Casey CARE, James CAREY, Joshua CAREY, Matthew CARR, Ieuan CARRUTHERS, Harry CARSON, Sam CASE, George CASE, Toby CAWTHORNE, Harry CAWTHORNE, Louis CAXTON, Martin CHAJECKI, Julian CHAJECKI, Sebastian CHAN, Jonathan CHAPMAN, David CHAPMAN, Lloyd CHERRY, Tom CHRISTEY, David CHRISTEY, Joseph SEX YOB CLUB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1991 1998 1955 2005 2004 1997 1997 2001 1983 2005 1996 2001 1992 2000 1996 1999 2003 1999 2003 1998 2003 2001 1999 1993 1998 2003 1999 1996 1999 1966 1999 1999 1989 1999 1997 1991 1999 1995 2000 2000 1963 2005 2002 2000 2000 2005 2006 1962 2002 1995 2006 2000 1988 1995 2002 2000 1997 2006 1997 2002 2000 1998 2002 1999 1999 2001 2002 1999 2000 1955 1993 1997 1995 1976 1999 1996 1999 2002 RAF SL GS SG DH FISNO 2179.86 221268 DRA WM BSC WYC BSC RAF BSA 301.25 349.16 SRR RAF GSR 524.90 487.80 429.85 60.03 F 187.75 52.68 166.78 142.82 225.87 261.89 245.77 507.52 303.50 351.10 649.49 241.24 355.26 1444.87 258.72 524.69 194.11 288.56 550.01 195.41 438.46 214.81 180.07 108.27 316.14 93.70 224.37 177.04 102.87 372.45 89.70 F 146.29 F 221292 180.60 102.75 F 169.47 76.69 F 216.37 106.20 F 221172 243.81 233.74 438.38 461.08 246.75 255.07 408.24 300.56 301.63 355.54 274.45 223.32 342.33 223.86 419.12 336.67 268.40 503.63 471.11 110.75 F 111.43 F 427.73 289.75 199.95 258.40 172.99 212.47 356.09 303.28 460.80 410.70 300.44 200.36 324.03 183.01 232.57 354.11 457.28 235.68 338.81 210.87 245.73 231.70 438.92 196.60 247.14 195.42 215.71 176.61 239.06 175.57 192.44 209.83 221233 ASC ASC LIO LIO PPS GDN SSC GDN IMP K BSA P3 SSC ASC BSA LSR CSC SMK SMK HEM DRA SSC EVO LSR ASC GDN GDN SZR SZR SSC PPS BSA AMB BSA BSA TSD SZR DHO BSA BSA Page 12 110.99 221069 221331 182.87 327.16 2556.14 220821 220771 221317 121.36 F 230.66 F 221299 239.86 243.53 515.42 221087 221293 221341 234.70 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 21480 51821 22552 8713 21260 51865 31404 31564 21156 51887 36677 31390 31137 20568 20353 20651 22660 20167 42033 18571 17493 41735 41710 21258 21255 19629 42004 19170 21625 20841 31325 20165 14679 36750 51822 51823 51697 30100 36718 51650 31025 5666 22318 31380 21651 22490 21300 36615 19696 22059 20748 22643 21976 22518 31398 31515 31348 19684 22562 19733 21152 21750 41831 51825 18256 41702 20554 21048 14927 18347 18346 22016 12400 21743 41918 22493 18610 21827 CHRISTOV, Jonathan CLARK, Shawn CLARK, Thai CLARKE, Christopher CLARKE, Edward CLOWES, Callum CLUGNET, James CLYDE, Sam COATES, Joseph COATES, Liam COCKBURN, Jasper COCKBURN, Tommy COHN, Antony COLEMAN, Arthur COLLEY, James COLLIER, Harry COLLINS, Oscar COMELIO, Sebastian COMPTON, Joseph CONDE, Jamie CONNERY, Kali CONSTANTINE, Benjamin CONSTANTINE, Joseph COOK, Alastair COOK, James COOPER, Jordan COOPER, Thomas CORR, Christopher CORR, David CORRIGAN, Paul CORRY, Matt COSHAM, Harry COULSON, Adam COWAN, Kyle COWEN, Nick CRACKNELL, Andy CRACROFT, Peter CRAWFORD, Douglas CRAWFORD, Glen CRICHTON, Stephen CROCKART, Tom CROMBLEHOLME, Roger CROMPTON, Harry CROOK, Andrew CULSHAW, Daniel CUNNINGHAM, Jack CURRAN, John CURRIE, Fergus CUTHBERT, Daryl DADE, Jake DADE, Tommy DAKIN, Daniel DALE-JONES, Jago DALE-JONES, Maximo DALZIEL, James DALZIEL, Tom DALZIEL, William DANNS, Jack DARE, Cliff DAVEY, Joseph DAVEY, Nathan DAVEY, Tarran DAVIES, Alex DAVIES, Connor DAVIES, Finlay DAVIES, Jonathan DAVIES, Morgan DAVIES, Oliver DAVIES, Peter DAVIS, George DAVIS, Matthew DAVIS, Matthew DAWSON, Andrew DE BOER, Nicholas DE DECKER, Carrig DE POURTALES, Louis DEAKIN, William DEEM, Charlie SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2001 1968 2001 1959 2000 1993 1996 2003 2000 1992 2004 2001 1998 1999 2001 2002 2006 2002 2005 1992 1996 2003 2000 2003 2002 1999 1997 1995 1998 2001 1997 2003 1988 1999 1979 1971 1968 1987 2005 1980 2000 1957 2002 1998 1997 2002 1966 2005 1996 2006 2003 1999 2004 2006 1999 2004 2001 1992 1967 2000 2001 2000 2002 1992 1999 1974 1999 1997 1993 1995 1998 1999 1965 2000 1998 2002 1991 2005 SPR RAF DHO SAS SMK RAF HIG SSC PPS RAF 444.39 457.40 810.90 722.22 306.93 382.87 544.50 ASC BSC K SPR SZR 313.77 327.47 316.47 224.37 344.45 460.53 232.02 233.74 391.74 272.79 292.89 264.20 98.38 F 271.20 216.97 387.37 484.64 DRA DRA 269.36 263.56 SAS 282.49 296.93 279.76 307.99 1425.08 DH FISNO 498.61 330.67 DHO 221127 221239 627.23 437.80 SPR BSC SZR 306.90 277.09 485.43 221093 420.23 RAF RAF RAF BSC 47.86 1186.60 960.11 1142.17 27.04 24.28 RAF SSC TEL BSA SSC 807.07 198.69 867.54 196.83 281.31 411.40 424.11 EVO LIO GSC 285.77 270.45 212.50 243.78 326.08 221.97 332.09 340.98 293.77 446.95 225.57 263.12 345.75 335.23 337.52 403.58 207.11 513.37 217.88 65.65 F 224.62 74.77 F 287.03 106.15 F 84.48 207.79 303.31 97.31 F 204.97 286.34 149.15 270.21 366.79 348.82 F 405.75 1031.18 356.08 287.41 F 355.63 528.57 12.04 220695 NOR AMB K LSR LSR LSR SAS K SPR LIO DRA AMB RAF SMK IMP SPR 221149 380.13 405.99 115.22 F 221289 221066 221178 221319 270078 221078 TEL Page 13 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 19363 19361 19362 17039 19273 36705 20846 21406 31182 30832 31467 31032 21533 21532 31550 20603 21642 21643 31458 31289 36693 36661 31413 19524 10641 51826 22466 12317 22588 36751 36608 22578 20572 51827 20921 20142 10040 19048 20885 19166 19164 36722 21552 21666 19756 19295 19276 20913 42032 41565 41985 42026 22637 6383 22088 18916 19544 19633 19089 51829 17513 20640 18810 18809 17824 30965 20836 20837 21491 22040 31278 21623 41481 13289 31090 31516 36650 41993 DEIGHTON, Harry DEIGHTON, Oliver DEIGHTON, Toby DELLER, Philip DENDLE, George DEVLIN, Sean DEWISON, Samuel DEYKIN, Sebastian DICKSON, Bailey DICKSON, Graham DICKSON, Jamie DILLON, Grant DINGLE, Dominic DINGLE, Timothy DIVERS, Martin DIXON, Rory DOCKRY, Ben DOCKRY, Daniel DOHERTY, Lewis DONALD, Daniel DONALD, Joseph DORFMAN, Robert DORREN, Donald John DOYLE, Jake DRAKE, Edward DRAKE, John DRUMMOND, Rufus DU PLESSIS, Stephen DUNBAR, Kray DUNCAN, Logan DUNCAN, Ruaraidh DUNN, Zak DUNNE, Mikey DUNSTAN, Nigel DURANT, Richard EATON, Oliver EAVES, David EAVES, Jonathan EDWARDES-KER, David ELGY, James ELGY, John ELLEN, Jonathan ELLIS, Hamish ELLIS, Lucas ELLISS, Harry ELLISS, Jack EMERY, Jacob EPERON, Harrison EVANS, Edward EVANS, Emile EVANS, Harrison EVANS, Jac EVANS, William EVERITT, Simon FAIRFULL, Max FARR, Oliver FARRELL, Jan FARREN, Claude FARREN, Rory FELL, Daniel FELLOWS, Jordan FENELEY, Jack FENELEY, Luke FENELEY, William FEREBEE, Mason FERRIER, Kieran FISHER, Edward FISHER, George FISHER, Harvey FISHER, William FITZPATRICK, Jimmy FITZSIMMONS, Tobias FLAHIVE, Gerard FLAHIVE, Niall FLEMING, Iain FLOCKHART, Ben FLOCKHART, Jack FLUCK, Adam SEX YOB CLUB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2000 1997 1999 1959 2000 2004 1998 1998 2000 1996 2001 1997 1996 1998 1980 1999 2002 2006 1997 1999 2002 1998 2001 2001 1986 1986 2006 1987 2004 2005 2001 2004 2002 1983 1967 1996 1967 1998 2001 1993 1951 2004 2002 2004 2000 1997 2001 2002 2004 1996 2000 2002 1999 1964 2003 1995 1983 1971 1998 1990 1997 2002 1997 1999 1999 1997 1999 2003 2003 2000 2000 1999 1992 1993 1997 2003 2005 2001 BSA IMP AMB SL GS SG 168.92 192.66 F 170.84 190.97 216.16 F 168.92 230.35 275.94 213.96 286.57 269.50 320.92 462.19 244.50 115.73 F 444.15 132.42 F 235.97 298.09 581.35 247.45 127.54 F 326.38 198.40 143.89 F 274.04 294.43 261.04 210.92 205.54 275.14 338.36 520.88 133.90 F 490.20 208.77 76.80 445.28 DH FISNO 221282 GSR MID GSR GSR CSC SSC DHO DHO CSN EVO DRA DRA BSC CSC GSC SSC BSA RAF HEM 90.43 GDN SSC 377.04 182.54 73.46 1019.98 97.91 F 264.27 52.54 68.60 220656 286.34 1133.44 220697 485.98 90.67 F 109.15 F 283.17 257.98 IMP LIO SPR AMB 1239.81 378.30 IMP DRA 221302 361.34 DHO SPR 221226 221325 SRR RAF AMB 224.51 155.32 221219 221291 258.92 112.83 F 291.58 377.53 229.76 146.94 280.93 362.27 295.77 211.31 163.79 336.14 405.79 207.13 371.33 363.28 420.45 679.77 171.58 F 200.28 221214 TEL HEM PPS RAV 291.61 153.74 459.52 218.64 221248 221126 221271 221332 116.05 221281 RAF BSA 93.25 362.71 196.08 1180.04 71.83 F BSA BSA 304.51 199.47 279.43 210.82 311.96 246.48 SSC SZR SZR ELI MSR GSR 370.99 281.87 432.95 330.90 504.42 674.35 361.76 666.34 IMP IMP SSC LSR LSR SPR 172.58 708.24 186.60 685.92 202.44 803.23 229.97 249.96 352.56 Page 14 221006 221088 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 41852 51700 21169 36664 31551 11570 17336 22448 21904 21373 20615 14404 41877 42050 51629 31216 22494 22496 51525 21648 30854 17701 19671 19638 31384 20684 36673 21469 12123 14339 31546 21612 21004 31324 20880 22566 36655 31117 20108 51882 18816 31150 31560 31559 20376 20779 17532 22521 22522 21868 36618 14855 36765 36619 14856 51769 31395 36698 51689 17002 14809 18049 31102 31243 19632 19631 51885 31475 20816 30921 42025 36707 30515 19379 21875 36646 21902 31234 FLUCK, Benjamin FORD, Graham FOWLES, James FRASER, Murdo FRASER, Rory FREEMAN, Edward FRENCH, James FRENCH, Timothy FROST, Joshua FRY, Bradley FRYERS, Toby FYNN, Tarn GALE, Rhodri GALLAGHER, Jacob GALLAGHER, Patrick GALLOWAY, Drew GALMARINI, Jacob GALMARINI, Joshua GARDINER, Paul GARLICK, Timothy GARVIE, Scott GASH, Morgan GASH, Peter GASKIN, Sam GEEKIE, Alexander GENTHER, Joshua GENTLE, Fynn GERRETT, Sam GEYER, Jai GHISLANZONI, Fabrizio GIBB, Duncan GIBBS, Jack GIBBS, James GIBSON, Cameron GILLETT, James GILLETT, Matthew GILLIES, Stuart GLASGOW, Peter GODDARD, Thomas GOLDING, Matthew GOLDSWORTHY, Richard GOODLAD, Finlay GOODMAN, Matthew GOODMAN, Thomas GOSS, Alfie GOULD, David GOWER, Jack GRACE, Henry GRACE, Ted GRAINGER, Christopher GRANT, Caolan GRANT, James GRANT, Ruairidh GRANT, Taryn GRANT, Thomas GRAVES, Adam GRAY, Stuart GRAY, William GREEN, Tim GREENFIELD, Hobie GREENFIELD, Max GREENFIELD, Nigel GREENSHIELDS, Andrew GREENSHIELDS, Duncan GREENWAY, Daniel GREENWAY, Thomas GRIEVE, Andrew GRIEVE, Joe GROGAN, Max GUEST, Christopher GUIGONNET, Edouard GUMLEY, Forbes GUNN, Cameron GUY, Edward HADDEN, Alexander HADDEN, Campbell HADLEY, Thomas HALL, Adam SEX YOB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1996 1960 1999 2002 2003 1989 1992 1995 1998 2005 2002 1994 1999 1992 1983 2000 2001 2002 1977 1969 1996 1999 1956 2000 2001 1998 2000 1988 1990 1965 1997 2001 1998 2001 2002 2006 1970 1994 1996 1988 1995 1998 2003 2001 1999 1963 1994 2006 2002 1999 2002 1994 2002 2002 1996 1981 1996 2002 1988 1995 1994 1962 1999 2002 1998 2001 1978 2003 2001 1997 2001 2004 1992 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 CLUB RAF IMP LSR LSR SL GS SG 133.46 126.77 1319.14 248.24 DRA RAF SSC RAF SMK GDN PSC SAS K ASC SZR ASC SOU HNC 221224 236.39 137.71 188.84 398.18 406.97 300.78 116.31 214.37 282.46 115.78 257.08 165.96 383.58 236.97 609.61 417.63 413.33 704.70 287.57 220921 221002 221329 221143 608.06 126.93 257.26 480.76 367.14 391.60 111.99 F 303.22 26.89 F 568.35 250.63 249.48 RAF SMK 601.18 78.04 F 410.68 84.21 224.58 572.08 221229 386.82 467.34 GSR SPR SPR SFR SSC SSC SSC HEM OVL SPR FISNO 327.76 208.78 132.71 LSU SPR FF BSA DH 32.41 F 223.67 213.74 85.05 F 412.18 44.32 203.38 221270 220908 226.99 221114 437.21 138.84 455.81 97.23 406.26 172.97 306.92 275.37 271.35 513.36 45.10 17.55 31.79 221182 27.36 F 221117 757.75 BSA GSR 299.69 188.23 505.77 162.91 269.47 221144 271.87 302.36 1099.55 409.39 221234 367.73 136.68 425.28 344.62 544.90 144.54 408.30 166.01 572.32 221177 221128 SSC SSC WM WM RAF 262.28 286.97 340.20 335.58 244.04 276.02 360.94 305.64 281.61 K BSA 293.97 109.63 F 245.07 107.67 F 389.50 197.69 SSC MID ELI LSR WM ASC 110.14 118.48 151.09 447.12 314.19 362.13 SSC GSR RAF HNC ASC RAF Page 15 221276 174.92 220985 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 31548 13125 31547 22427 20717 31279 17037 18616 19013 41908 31333 21859 51797 31429 20976 21275 22081 22563 21921 19163 31311 19187 31452 51773 19674 17078 19829 30121 20181 30388 36775 51895 18729 18862 22655 31432 36743 19857 22017 19856 31247 51774 51866 21886 21882 20544 21464 5370 21975 51652 31486 41966 20431 21097 21726 22214 17356 18628 36617 21723 51884 21387 20481 22567 14921 21050 51833 20766 21644 31509 19146 19458 22060 20328 36730 21654 36710 36709 HALL, Alistair HALL, Benn HALL, Mark HALL, Zachary HALLETT, Jacob HALPIN, Luke HANCOCK, David HANCOCK, Karl HANLON, George HANNA, Jordan HANNAN, James HARDING, Felix HARMAN, Alexander HARPER, Callum HARRISON, Samuel HART, Benjamin HART, Michael HARVEY, Joshua HARVEY, Michael HAWKINS, Mark HAY, Adam HAY, Cameron HAYWARD, Euan HEATH, Ian HEDLEY, Benja HELLIWELL, Steven HEMMING, Ethan HENDERSON, Callum HENDERSON, Lucas HENDERSON, Paul HENDERSON, Ruaridh HENDERSON, Thomas HENERY, David HENERY, Sam HENNLICH, Benjamin HERBERT, Calum HERBERT, Finn HETHERINGTON, George HETHERINGTON, Max HETHERINGTON, Thomas HEWISON, Henry HILL, Jonathan HILL, Michael HILLMAN, Ben HILLMAN, Luke HINCHLIFFE, Jack HINTON, Marcus HJORT, Andrew HOCKING, Alexander HODGKISS, Marcus HODGSON, Ben HODSON, Steffan HOLMES, John HOLMES, Robert HOLT, Samuel HOOK, Kristian HORNSBY, Harry HOUSTON, Samuel HOUSTOUN, Robert HOWE, Charlie HOWELL, Wayne HUDDLESTON, David HUDSON, Thomas HUGHES, Ryan HUGHES, Toby HUISMAN MURO, Kaylan HUKIN, Thomas HUMPHREYS, Charles HUMPHREYS, George HUNTER, Fraser HUPPACH, Declan HUPPACH, Josef HUTCHINGS, Daniel HUTTNER, Maximilian HYNES, Scott IMAMZADE, Murat INGLIS, Adam INGLIS, Euan SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG DH M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2003 1990 1964 1999 1999 2000 1964 1995 1999 1998 2001 2001 1982 1998 2003 2003 1997 2002 2002 1979 2001 1999 1999 1964 1977 1994 2001 1989 2003 1995 2002 1986 1963 1995 1999 2001 2003 1999 2004 1995 2004 1985 1965 2002 2001 1997 2001 1965 1999 1979 2001 2005 1969 2002 1995 1992 1991 1996 1992 2000 1956 1996 2001 2005 1992 2003 1992 2001 2005 2003 1999 2002 2005 1997 1999 1982 2004 2005 ASC 162.70 289.27 175.80 240.89 264.93 ASC PPS GSR SMK 242.81 407.55 451.76 231.12 WM IMP LSR 319.99 277.15 399.25 249.77 371.68 266.40 400.24 212.12 1003.60 337.33 362.39 274.17 305.26 299.64 248.63 254.64 328.61 232.63 253.45 935.40 273.88 334.58 159.07 146.97 RAF FISNO 220875 270077 300.79 LIO SPR SRR ELI SSC BSA SFR RAF MID SSC SRR AMB MUC RAF LIO LIO BRO BSC BSC K K K CSC RAF RAF BSA BSA LIO SPR LIO 56.07 F 161.00 197.94 220826 87.54 108.14 221170 390.15 297.44 296.42 660.78 589.65 478.67 221179 1061.18 439.87 317.26 453.38 290.14 RAF GSR DRA SZR 38.37 F 321.49 410.22 478.86 458.52 339.16 396.62 601.95 221303 469.68 220691 993.38 322.18 375.53 495.50 220957 STC RAF 1170.85 BSA 177.88 207.27 295.06 328.38 396.52 308.79 325.71 470.41 257.93 343.82 484.10 444.52 AMB RAF MSR LSR PPS PPS HEM IMP GSR GSR 457.27 445.55 Page 16 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 36678 36679 31031 31198 36561 31567 22564 19675 36672 31363 36671 31024 36752 22053 14989 17410 22484 22482 19095 20355 31034 22642 42049 51556 19029 22587 41765 21264 51665 21780 22467 21149 22574 21159 31519 36767 36595 31345 31553 22579 31286 31285 21562 22526 30898 21019 21186 51835 21633 12856 18317 30778 22479 20095 36676 51896 21691 31505 20713 21571 20369 19941 21077 41578 20761 21810 41662 21879 36706 36690 36689 51605 20309 19830 36759 31107 36716 51837 INGLIS, Jake INGLIS, Mac INNES, Iain INNES, Robbie IRONSIDE, Glen JACK, Fraser JACKSON, Alec JACKSON, Ian JACOBS, Angus JACOBS, Finlay JENKINS, Kyle JENNINGS, Euan JENNINGS, Finlay JENNISON, Alexandre JENSEN, Christian JESSOP, Matthew JINKS, Thomas JOHN, Freddie JOHNS, Owen JOHNS, Scott JOHNSTON, Hamish JOHNSTON, Robbie JONES, Aiden JONES, Nathan (41500) JONES, Nicholas JONES, Rhys JONES, Sam JONES, Sam JONES, Thomas KADRNKA, Markus KADRNKA, Tobias KARAVASILI, Leo KASTNER, Philip KEANE, Josh KEANEY, Seamus KEAR, Michael KEITH, Mathew KELLAS, Guy KELLY, Archie KENT, Adam KERR, George KERR, Henry KEYS, Alexander KHAN, Alannah KICK, Euan KILGOUR, Rory KIPPING, Lewis KIRK, John KIRKLAND, Matthew KNOCK, James KRAHELSKI, Oliver KUWALL, Duncan LACOUR, benjamin LALLY, Cameron LAMOND, Charles LAMPING, Stephen LANE, Joshua LANGMUIR, Calum LARBY, Thomas LAUGHLAND, Maximilian LAW, Joshua LAWRENCE, Thomas LEACH, Charlie LEE, Adam LEE, Dexter LEE, Rory LEE, Sam LEES, James LEITCH, Daniel LENNOX, Kieran LENNOX, William LESLIE, James LEWIS, Samuel LISMORE, Jake LIVERSIDGE, Jamie LIVINGSTONE, Lewis LIVINGSTONE, Zak LOCK, Samuel SEX YOB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2002 2004 1998 2000 1999 2001 2005 1964 1998 2002 1999 1997 2003 2003 1995 1994 2001 2000 2001 2003 1997 2006 1999 1982 1993 2000 1976 1997 1958 2004 2006 1999 2001 1995 2001 1991 1998 2003 2004 1991 2000 2000 1998 2006 1997 1980 2001 1969 1992 1990 1996 1998 2002 1996 2005 1969 1999 2002 1994 2004 2003 1999 2001 1994 2000 2003 1996 2001 2005 2006 2005 1986 1998 1997 2004 1999 2003 1989 CLUB SL GS SG DH FISNO SSC SSC 104.54 297.16 84.88 F 315.93 120.00 507.49 221318 123.88 F 185.00 110.59 F 191.00 139.31 F 251.74 221173 221119 440.06 406.90 348.14 389.05 137.84 151.63 F 336.09 221294 359.06 359.20 286.73 287.55 474.14 245.70 ASC BSA RAV ASC ASC BSC SSC CSC BSA DHO SPR WM BSA BSA RAF RAF SPR SPR DHO BSA SMK 309.96 220971 221104 979.66 275.30 435.25 236.40 359.43 266.31 327.98 302.87 234.24 357.63 311.59 202.25 309.67 249.22 303.41 LSR LSR SSC MID CSC CSC BSA MAN GSR SAS SZR RAF MID 57.58 476.16 76.35 F 267.72 221335 141.71 221277 221266 823.12 691.25 617.54 433.87 105.08 147.59 360.34 100.83 165.92 327.03 171.43 208.46 226.48 516.20 211.10 360.09 257.93 431.45 238.69 356.57 180.05 197.41 289.09 HEM 299.06 296.71 RAF SPR BSA GDN SSC SSC RAF 452.67 303.45 112.85 F 404.15 423.63 88.33 F 353.47 270.75 140.79 F 295.72 328.00 367.41 SSC BSA LSR RAF NOR SSC BSA TEL DRA AMB MID EVO SPR Page 17 211.30 220897 221228 221328 221273 503.96 221336 221280 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 21129 20543 51838 22032 51839 22026 22465 17344 20331 18757 21546 21517 31341 36596 36663 51745 31506 51578 36625 30669 36748 36621 22533 36756 36602 31570 30936 31004 20530 21483 31224 22034 36686 36692 19574 31331 20253 31171 19723 45180 22212 31148 20455 22507 19413 41940 31273 31274 36735 20584 20583 36754 31435 31446 31083 31169 36645 31541 31540 36560 31448 36642 36740 31314 31437 22580 51869 31491 31139 31202 14899 11619 21213 30931 21278 21993 21276 31457 LODER, Angus LODER, Edward LONG, Richard LONG, Timothy LONGLEY, Gary LOUTH, Oscar LOVE, Samuel LOWDON, Matthew LUCAS, Oliver LUCIE-SMITH, Ross LUKE, Charlie LUNN, Jake LURRING, Connor LYNCH, Calum LYNCH, Shaun MABBOTT, Adam MACDONALD, Finlay MACEY (12246), Drew Christoph MACFARLANE, Archie MACFIE, Euan MACKAY, Rory MACKECHNIE, Archie MACKENZIE, Jack MACKINTOSH, Calum MACLACHLAN, Fergus MACMILLAN, Fraser MACPHERSON, Stuart MACWILLIAM, David MAJOR, Billy MANET, Conrad MARDEN, Angus MARLOR, Bradley MARSHALL, Jonathan MARSHALL, Paul MARTIN, Matthew MARTIN, Oliver MATHEW, Oliver MATTHEW, Andrew MATTHEWS, Brandon MAYNE, Dominic MCANALLY, Ewan MCCALL, Andrew MCCALL, Oscar MCCLELLAND, Joel MCCLOUD, Milo MCCORMACK, Matthew MCCORMICK, Chris MCCORMICK, Matt MCDONALD, Steve MCDONALD-PROCTOR, Richard MCDONALD-PROCTOR, William MCDOUGALL, Theodore MCFADDEN, Cameron MCFADDEN, Iain MCFADDEN, Neil MCHUGH, Liam MCINTOSH, Magnus MCINTYRE, Ross MCINTYRE, Scott MCKAIN, Ross MCKAY, Joseph MCKEY, Lewis MCLEOD, Ruairidh MCLEW, Christopher MCLEW, Euan MCNAB, Jed MCNEELY, Robert MCNEILL, David MCNICOL, Archie MCROBB, Cameron MERCER, Patrick MESUT, Justin METHERINGHAM, Zachary MIDDLETON, Fraser MIGUDA, Henry MILKINS, William MILLARD, Oliver MILLER, Craig SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG DH FISNO M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2002 1999 1978 2005 1972 2005 2002 1995 2002 1993 2000 2001 1999 2000 1999 1992 2004 1984 2001 1994 2004 2003 2004 2004 2002 2002 1998 1996 1996 1998 2000 2006 2002 2006 1995 2001 2002 1990 1999 2003 2003 2002 2000 2002 1997 1998 1998 1997 1978 1998 2002 2002 2000 2002 1998 1997 2002 2004 2002 2003 2004 2006 2002 2001 2003 1999 1988 2000 1999 2000 1995 1985 2004 1998 2001 2004 2000 2002 K AMB RAF SZR RAF HEM BSA 391.44 210.83 214.55 276.26 439.22 492.49 193.42 184.39 201.65 196.35 231.05 286.58 244.88 585.68 453.43 524.36 340.78 371.51 112.65 282.37 276.99 415.21 220592 81.91 84.59 100.70 221121 362.37 358.99 243.80 154.50 F 34.75 299.86 442.57 309.81 166.90 F 56.26 F 309.71 BSA 370.39 278.80 DRA LSR EXD 162.17 221.01 214.61 257.58 176.94 344.22 128.17 F 296.95 182.24 278.35 111.06 F 296.25 WM DHO EVO SSC CSC MUC RAF LSR RAF GSR GDN SSC K CSC GSC SSC BSC K SSC BSA K BSC BSC ASC BSA CSC CSC CSC GSR LSR BSC BSC GSR SSC CSC GSR GSR 897.02 282.15 450.47 426.78 303.44 412.52 246.44 185.37 385.26 262.56 F 46.33 F 284.08 97.90 F 221326 221252 221223 221194 264.13 203.42 416.83 221297 270044 236.64 221288 349.94 537.51 426.24 200.26 297.60 376.81 231.43 237.78 713.75 282.43 259.57 488.20 2529.89 807.97 292.00 227.82 604.58 2724.10 344.21 RAF GSC LSR BSA AMB GSR SPR BSA DHO GSR 97.85 F 409.28 110.56 F 374.53 363.95 560.42 Page 18 384.95 409.84 3188.35 176.57 445.05 221323 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 18509 31450 21408 22539 21602 13228 36758 36659 36658 20401 22067 22068 14949 21479 31199 45062 36607 18778 51870 17831 41934 31342 51656 36630 51620 31326 31521 36711 22152 22151 51780 51871 31282 31283 21194 20184 21481 13432 31392 20897 51840 19135 19005 51841 21104 19737 51842 21604 22603 31351 20550 21253 19147 20377 21544 21888 51898 22617 51872 22350 21998 51843 1681 20460 30827 22192 21283 51899 31444 31445 19711 19710 31439 17840 51890 22036 41495 31288 MILLER, Gareth MILLER, Scott MILLER-HASTINGS, Frankie MILLS, Felix MILNER, Archie MILSTED, James MIRMELLI, Ross MITCHELL, Munro MITCHELL, Russell MOORE, Benedict MOORE, Chris MOORE, Connor MORGAN, Brad MORGAN, Jonathan MORRIS, Christopher MORRIS, Ruaidhri MORRISON, Jack MORRISON, Michael MOSS, Daniel MOYNIHAN, Nicholas MUNDAY, William MUNRO, Calum MUNRO, Graeme MUNRO, Gregor MUNRO, Joe (21539) MURPHY, Rhys MURRAY, Sam MURRAY, William NABAR, Antony NABAR, Paul NASH, Andrew NASH, Christopher NESBITT, Kieran NESBITT, Ross NEWTON, Charlie NEWTON, William NG, Hugo NICHOL, Timothy NICHOLLS, Harry NICKSON, Joseph NORRIS, Andrew NORRIS, John NORRIS, Kieran NOYES, Scott NUNN, Jack O'BRIEN, Seamus O'CONNOR, Sean OGDEN, Alex OHARA, Yuki OLDFIELD, Max OLIVER, Mark OLIVER, Ryan O'MARA, Adam O'NEILL, Jack OSMOND, Cosmo OSMOND, Orlando OULTRAM, Chris OWEN, William PARKINSON, Stefan PARRY-GOKCE, Louis PARSONS, Oscar PATON, Alistair PATON, Andrew PATRICK, Oliver PATTERSON, Ross PATTINSON, Sam PATTON, Edward PEACH, Samuel PEEK, Harrison PEEK, Jackson PENNING-LAMBERT, Joshua PENNING-LAMBERT, Matthew PFLEGER, Harry PHELPS, Nicholas PICKARD, Samuel PICKUP, Dean PIERCE, Zac PIERCEY, James SEX YOB CLUB SL GS M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1994 1998 2000 2002 2000 1992 2004 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 1991 1999 2000 2001 2001 1957 1989 1994 2000 2002 1975 2004 1985 1999 2003 2003 2006 1964 1988 1996 2000 2002 2003 2000 1997 1984 1996 1996 1980 1961 1995 1987 2003 2002 1966 2005 2000 2002 1962 1997 1995 1999 2001 2006 1981 2004 1995 2005 2004 1985 1968 1997 1999 1998 2001 1988 2003 2004 1998 1996 2005 1997 1991 1967 1997 1997 SAS GSR 387.78 633.51 288.10 349.26 293.83 338.71 370.43 277.34 370.09 357.87 63.24 215.34 61.19 193.34 385.77 431.48 425.81 SPR SG DH FISNO 62.00 255.88 93.13 220951 52.05 349.47 185.55 221112 209.99 403.47 268.89 221275 BSC ARB ARB PND PND K BSA LSR SPR GDN SAS RAF BSC RAF BSC RAF SSC BRO RAF RAF GSR GSR HEM HEM 1033.30 23.77 F 268.49 378.80 910.97 296.00 326.59 23.16 F 221.79 991.97 294.94 429.45 1146.93 274.52 276.48 352.44 300.65 254.81 162.71 397.17 233.42 150.63 2776.53 351.31 221304 221269 671.44 HNC RAF SAS AMB RAF EVO RAF EVO AIG MUC SMK BSA K K RAF RAF 362.99 F 39.48 F 348.00 F 50.27 F 987.62 300.65 253.90 922.09 256.17 367.44 277.42 206.23 319.71 408.40 192.89 249.67 846.88 730.26 3594.54 181.81 291.35 966.60 3202.66 183.70 311.35 413.81 495.00 680.24 143.42 292.08 229.95 287.14 RAF DRA CSC 159.33 221307 221190 221272 235.17 407.96 1523.14 RAF BSA SSC KND SPR RAF BSC BSC K K GDN 107.25 F 388.25 410.61 221306 209.16 394.61 221324 221225 192.59 221287 1145.38 131.59 435.23 Page 19 115.42 874.66 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 36566 20535 20777 21198 19987 51845 31008 20799 22074 22054 22044 14344 21762 14350 14575 51267 36667 17479 36668 30711 45058 41837 9379 36741 31489 51846 31358 21336 20122 31568 21393 51643 30952 18504 19569 31206 31552 20379 20106 19086 19085 21609 22657 22614 51847 31315 31322 21339 22570 22569 21657 36742 19690 41764 17320 51591 19796 45067 21864 18088 20628 12989 19570 41722 36764 36681 20879 21498 21652 20988 36700 12334 36643 4378 21395 36632 36749 20839 PIERCEY, Michael PINI, Maximilian PINSENT, William PITCHER, James PITKETHLY, Calum PLUCK, Graham POGSON, Liam POLLITT, Oliver PORTEOUS, Adrian PORTEOUS, Daniel PORTEOUS, Nathan PORTER, Tobias PORTER, Tom POTH, Daniel POTH, Robert POTTERILL, Steve POWELL, John POWELL, Jonathan POWELL, Nathan PRICE, Graeme PRICE, Joshua PRICE, Rhys PROUDLOVE, Andrew PROVAN, Bruce PROVAN, Max PUTNAM, Ian PYE, Ryan QUIGLEY, John RABEY, Judson RALPH, Fergus RAMPTON, Thomas RANDLE, Will RANKIN, Charles RAPOSO, Charlie RASCAGNERES, Thomas RASMUSEN, Erik RATTRAY, Andrew RAY, Matthew RAYNOR, Jack READER, Christopher READER, William REBERT, Ethan REDDING, Jaz REDDING-MCFADDEN, Lorcan REDHEAD, Joe REED, Aidan REED, Lewis REED, Matthew REED-DAUNTER, Edward REED-DAUNTER, Oliver REES, Edward REID, Murdo REIDY, Alexander REILLY, Garreth RICCERI, Oliver RICE, Colin RICHARDS, Alexandre RICHARDS, Benjamin RICHARDSON, Andrew RICHARDSON, George RICHARDSON, Thomas RICHES, Stuart RICHMOND, Henry RIGBY, Jack RITCHIE, Martin ROBB, Keir ROBERTS, Henry ROBERTS, Thomas ROBERTSHAW, Gavin ROBERTSON, Ewan ROBERTSON, Matt ROBERTSON, Stuart ROBLES-THOME, David ROE, Nicholas ROGERS, Marcus RONALD, Ross ROSE, Jordan ROSS, Callum SEX YOB CLUB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2004 2002 1955 1984 1999 1981 1998 2003 1965 2003 2001 1993 1997 1996 1997 1965 1967 1986 2002 1995 2001 2001 1958 2006 2001 1985 2004 1972 2000 2003 2003 1987 2001 1996 2000 1998 2000 1999 2002 1996 1994 1998 2001 1999 1980 2001 2001 1993 2006 2002 1961 2005 1994 1999 1995 1976 2002 1998 1996 1997 1997 1989 1999 1995 1976 2002 1999 2000 1975 2001 2004 1950 2002 1956 1999 2002 2000 2003 CSC GRV PLY AMB RAF BLG AMB DHO TKP K RAF SFR MID SFR SSC DRA CHT CSC CSC RAF GDN MSR DHO BSA RAF BSA DRA GDN GSR K BSA SL GS SG 195.44 185.32 203.87 177.73 800.06 232.78 484.48 419.74 419.49 188.91 55.10 741.36 209.02 76.22 F 717.12 261.29 152.24 671.93 191.80 176.69 320.54 52.32 F 234.32 100.29 F 287.96 336.62 348.75 347.50 962.25 232.70 250.66 370.13 431.45 198.14 30.49 237.62 395.78 434.99 194.42 342.93 339.60 179.47 16.16 F 257.30 291.62 301.59 76.58 412.49 204.02 407.92 237.39 140.19 310.00 428.00 154.80 F 267.00 226.75 980.73 RAF IMP GDN K 77.21 F DH FISNO 221333 534.39 221064 221215 221290 159.85 221175 661.22 475.66 130.68 221213 221334 379.78 329.62 312.49 492.74 221254 RAF BSA 231.37 F 623.73 407.07 167.40 F 414.74 442.47 160.77 F 290.77 DRA 220.62 169.01 269.68 EVO 889.28 391.46 220856 IMP ASC CSC K K SMK BSA 140.28 F 164.84 F 221188 431.60 308.00 553.50 261.49 586.19 335.56 574.42 192.58 197.69 293.75 1729.76 2067.83 268.90 246.82 258.99 486.71 221171 221300 220832 LSR BSA GSC 371.21 SAS Page 20 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 21718 31006 31087 22590 22650 51848 51729 41971 10659 21967 22002 51849 36649 36648 19054 22622 31065 30974 31129 20995 36662 18513 21085 42021 36774 22056 11794 22440 22441 20649 22124 31371 19443 36729 21742 6894 13217 51900 36647 21733 36753 19801 1 21632 31488 20520 21557 17819 20847 20692 17284 31474 19457 31201 21233 20336 45178 45199 31354 22430 21143 51211 21601 22159 18912 31569 21600 51497 21595 22428 21605 36744 20493 31168 31221 31236 20994 17932 ROSS, David ROSS, Harry ROSS, Lyle ROWLEY, Lucas ROYLE, Christopher RUANE, Daniel RUDGE, Barnaby (4963) RYAN, Lee RYDING, Dave RYLAND, Callum RYLAND, Peter SADD, Ryan SADDLER, Jack SADDLER, Sam SADLER, Robert SANDERS, Quentin SANDIESON, Cal SANDLAND, Alasdair SANDLAND, Jamie SANDLER, Jameson SATTAR, Zakee SAUNDERS, Gregory SAUNDERS, Tom SCANLON, Ryan SCHIRRER, Laurent SCHLOTE, Harry SCHMIDT, Darren SCHOMBERG, Joseph SCHOMBERG, Samuel SCHUBERT, Maximilian SCOTT, Benjamin SCOTT, Ruaraidh SEAMAN, Michael SEATON, Ruaridh SEWELL, Logan SHAILES, Darryl SHARP, Anthony SHARPE, Stephen SHARWOOD-SMITH, James SHAW, Benjamin SHAW, Conor SHAW, James SHEDDEN, John SHEMMANS, Jake SHEPHERD, Calum SHEPHERD, Matt SHEPHERDSON, James SHERRAS, Richard SHIELLS, Bryan SHIELLS, Rory SIEBER, James SIMMONDS, Thomas SIMMONS, Nigel SIMPSON, Andrew SIMPSON, Cameron SIMPSON, Jack SIMPSON, Jake SIMPSON, Joe SIMPSON, Neil SLADE, Ted SLATER, James SMALE, Martyn SMITH, Anthony SMITH, Ben SMITH, Benjamin SMITH, Cameron SMITH, Euan SMITH, Gary (20579) SMITH, James SMITH, Matthew SMITH, Nathan SMITH, Nathan SMITH, Oliver SMITH, Ossian SMITH, Peter SMITH, Roli SMITH, Simon SOUTHALL, Frazer SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1970 1998 1999 2001 1977 1985 1989 2000 1986 2003 2001 1983 2005 2002 1998 1999 1998 2000 2003 2003 2000 1995 1954 2004 1970 2000 1967 2001 2003 2003 2003 2002 1986 2004 1998 1961 1968 1962 2002 1999 2002 1998 1943 2001 2000 1979 1999 1997 1998 1995 1996 2003 1962 2000 2002 1999 1999 1996 2002 2003 1998 1955 1969 2001 1997 2003 2000 1984 1992 2002 2002 2005 1995 2001 2000 2004 1974 1997 TSN BSC SSC 303.20 186.50 343.83 198.70 248.08 327.80 737.48 285.74 228.38 237.37 220833 30.82 90.24 119.27 220689 SRR RAF RAF K FISNO 220363 8.00 F RAF LSR SSC P3 GSR GSR HEM BSC DH 1039.28 130.21 F 178.45 528.90 183.40 198.30 169.55 179.80 229.10 63.54 F 79.26 F 221338 223.91 338.36 221187 DHO ASC HEM BSA BSA AVO RAV BSC IMP 458.94 355.46 340.41 247.05 263.40 RAF LSR 318.18 949.85 247.09 358.52 318.92 308.22 372.76 306.33 547.39 281.64 155.71 360.88 163.10 126.32 181.83 F 213.10 210.52 267.16 115.21 F 207.30 189.32 299.93 291.97 485.46 281.40 404.59 GDN WM SPR 250.53 236.93 325.54 291.79 242.92 299.11 GDN BSA SHK RAF 402.05 538.75 541.52 570.69 139.76 F 131.67 F 179.99 303.38 238.85 355.06 195.36 324.56 LSR K ASC SPR SPR AMB ASR AMB ASC RAF BRU DRA SAS SSC SSC SSC LIO 221199 86.87 F 284.76 Page 21 128.51 245.77 163.66 221041 221308 221327 221242 736.56 221296 223.66 221164 221207 370.95 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 18378 19749 18417 20683 36766 36761 36762 51901 41999 17385 30526 21121 51874 36733 21880 36653 31319 36589 21057 17177 14814 19797 18471 17589 36644 36714 22130 51852 20685 21567 21056 22123 8747 51624 19624 51756 21147 20398 20399 22653 21550 21527 21524 31562 51854 31186 31563 17096 18164 31185 22557 51875 31036 13773 11915 12458 51627 51876 18072 41661 21848 41974 36755 20884 13647 51902 20214 36739 30987 19985 18652 31557 51877 17950 51903 21862 17467 21874 SOUTHALL, Merrick SPANTON, Nicholas SPEARPOINT, Nicholas SPEED, Craig SPENCELEY, Campbell SPENCELEY, Dougal SPENCELEY, Rory SPROAT, Joseph STADEN, Samuel STAMMERS, Benjamin STANG, Alastair STANWAY, Kayne STARFLINGER, Alex STARK, Matthew STAYMAN, Harry STEDMAN, Joel STEEL, Bruno STEEL, Luc STEINER, Toby STEUDLE, Roy STEVENS, Anthony STEVENSON, Christian STEVENSON, James STEWART, Christopher STEWART, James STEWART, Jamie STOCKER, Charley STOODLEY, Mark STROLIA, Mantas STUART, Oliver SULEYMAN, Ata SUNDIN, Jacob SWINDELLS, Robert SYME, Terry SYMONS, Daniel TAINSH, Kev TANDY, Joshua TARANTELLI, Leone TARANTELLI, Uberto TARGETT, Jason TARRANT, Toby TATTERS, Ben TATTERS, Joshua TAYLOR, Calum TAYLOR, Dave TAYLOR, Finlay TAYLOR, Finlay TAYLOR, Jasper TAYLOR, Laurie TAYLOR, Lewis TAYLOR, Nico TAYLOR, Richard TAYLOR, Ross TEE, David TELLING, Marc TELLING, Paul TENCH, Paul THOMAS, Ben THOMAS, Cameron THOMAS, Cyffin THOMAS, Owen THOMAS, Pat THOMPSON, Bruno THOMPSON, Joseph THOMPSON, Matthew THOMPSON, Owen THOMPSON, Peter THOMSON, Louis THOMSON, Ross THORNTON, Adam THORNTON, Luke THORP, Cameron TOCHER, Graeme TODD-SAUNDERS, Samuel TOMKINS, Benjamin TOWNSEND, Alexander TREBILCOCK, Robert TREVOR, Joseph SEX YOB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 2000 1965 1966 1999 2006 2002 2004 1983 2001 1995 1992 2005 1994 2003 2004 1997 2002 2005 2000 1993 1962 1998 1994 1988 2004 2000 1968 1987 1986 1999 2002 2006 1965 1988 1995 1979 2004 1999 2000 2000 1997 2001 2003 2002 1989 1999 2004 1996 1996 1998 1999 1971 1995 1990 1984 1982 1984 1982 1997 2000 2001 1960 2000 2003 1993 1987 1995 2002 1999 2003 1998 2000 1987 1996 1988 1999 1993 2001 CLUB SL GS SG DH SSC 312.53 209.30 51.93 311.76 229.32 64.51 444.97 98.51 104.53 221191 220984 RAF 756.86 76.68 427.23 221053 220809 213.89 221129 RAF SSP FISNO 525.27 SAS MUC SSC SSC TEL 311.41 87.77 829.14 293.23 71.32 F 283.01 44.14 422.38 80.50 446.83 61.10 341.81 330.85 111.13 MAN LSR LSR 257.61 RAF LHP 332.58 309.24 291.10 315.49 491.12 K LIO RAF CHT RAF 220389 391.71 819.15 733.79 BSA BSA HEM 221.72 226.40 205.33 194.63 SPR SPR GSR RAF SSC GSR 307.28 320.95 293.12 287.83 62.19 233.28 58.12 263.69 139.98 158.52 176.89 145.76 717.36 590.61 148.08 232.38 129.02 1264.03 428.96 179.53 258.51 365.44 1580.27 405.07 SSC BSA RAF GSR DRA AMB RAF RAF BSA DRA BSA ELI K RAF SSC LIO RAF 171.54 F 250.88 313.18 189.18 433.12 54.97 59.10 69.19 301.74 300.22 342.48 293.16 342.96 405.89 86.26 1191.37 155.47 RAF SPR 247.41 346.82 143.84 F 251.25 355.90 972.43 107.54 F 70.90 F 448.97 Page 22 113.47 F 425.96 694.67 134.52 221236 310.82 765.76 221262 220902 220562 220686 821.94 221295 83.95 221045 221237 221090 644.94 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 21105 20645 31270 20687 30869 21823 36688 13403 22306 51728 21265 21052 21051 21197 36675 21196 9129 36683 22554 22008 22313 20714 22635 22636 31078 20848 21456 30923 30831 22468 22469 51878 21534 51879 21738 31213 31125 41925 14213 20065 21545 31195 22661 18661 21641 21495 36568 41656 22050 19702 19051 21811 36656 51855 22162 31434 19209 21772 18467 51625 18234 21821 19612 45066 20159 3199 36702 20637 22654 51505 31128 51856 19129 19130 22593 21563 20729 18022 TREVOR, Samuel TREW, Richard TRINDER, Jamie TROUNG, Aaron TROUP, Kieran TUBBS, Charlie TUCKER, Ciaran TUCKER, Colin TURNER, Alfie TURRELL, Michael UNDERKOFFLER, Lucas UPTON, Jack UPTON, Thomas URQUHART, Aidan URQUHART, Colin URQUHART, Colm URQUHART, John URQUHART, Niall UTHEIM, Harald VAGO, Peter VAN VUUREN, Arie VANBECK, Robert VANS AGNEW, Harvey VANS AGNEW, Toby VAUGHAN, Seoras VICKERS, Charlie VINCENT, Ben VINTER, Owen VINTER, Zak VOISIN, Bailey VOISIN, Callum VON BARGEN, Stephen WAGNER, Robert WAIND, Oliver WAITE, Harry WAITT, Scott WAITT, Stuart WAJDA, Benjamin WALKER, Edmund WALKER-MORETTI, Ralph WANG, Matt WARD, Thomas WARD-JACKSON, Giacomo WARMINGTON, Richard WARNER, Hugo WASHER, Piers WATSON, Ralph WATTS, Llewellyn WEBB, Andrew WEBB, Jamie WEEKS, Oliver WELLS, Oliver WELSH, Cameron WESTLEY, David WESTON, Ryan WHATFORD, Ben WHEELER, William WHIPP, Edward WHITE, Alex WHITE, Richard WHITE, Thomas WHITEHOUSE, Nick WHITLEY, James WHITTAKER, William WHITTALL, Trevor WHITTET, Jeremy WHITTLEY, Paddy WIGMORE, Matthew WILKINSON, Milo WILLDEN, Mark WILLIAMS, Conway WILLIAMS, Ellis WILLIAMS, Harry WILLIAMS, Jamie WILLIAMS, Johnny WILLIAMS, Lewis WILLIAMS, Matthew WILLIAMS, Sam SEX YOB CLUB SL GS SG M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1999 2000 1994 2001 2000 2003 1999 1946 2003 1988 1996 2004 2001 2004 1965 2001 1968 2001 2001 2005 1997 1998 2000 2004 1998 1999 2003 2001 1998 2003 2006 1986 1989 1986 2000 2000 1999 1996 1992 1998 1983 2002 2003 1997 2002 1998 1962 2001 2004 1998 2001 1994 2000 1983 2000 2005 1997 2001 1997 1983 1992 1971 1997 1998 1958 1967 2005 1996 1999 1965 1965 1980 1994 1992 2005 1999 2004 1997 SPR K CSN AMB GDN 487.22 285.77 355.02 271.10 360.22 445.53 194.96 166.10 209.95 189.55 295.28 277.47 K 591.51 634.50 545.13 RAF 758.76 71.09 F 586.62 56.90 F 90.40 F DH FISNO 220766 194.02 F 221261 HEM HEM 440.40 296.94 87.98 F 202.16 105.81 F 235.25 244.57 284.22 371.48 279.40 277.50 177.62 73.89 F 161.04 80.87 F 261.11 130.92 206.46 212.08 128.39 F 217.44 190.84 404.48 299.13 184.19 226.37 128.87 F 304.85 188.94 283.70 224.36 138.36 F 315.95 246.73 587.90 388.66 242.91 480.85 546.77 640.32 383.90 247.62 TEL SMK DRA GLO ASC RAF 188.19 328.42 198.62 GDN TEL MSR 138.20 181.84 204.98 205.12 F 493.27 91.88 224.80 389.03 87.79 261.25 308.51 100.25 243.93 243.40 431.87 221340 161.53 F 319.59 5008.42 220158 1077.47 1483.87 473.55 465.51 DHO DHO CSC SPR TSN GSR GSR BSA 6532080 221339 221320 RAF RAF SSC SSC IMP GSR DHO EVO EVO ASC RAF AMB LSC K SAS SSC MSR RAF SSC RAF DHO IMP 1055.38 207.06 F 104442 278.59 246.74 221322 453.45 221311 1292.53 547.48 500.60 452.78 272.68 312.33 F Page 23 474.61 221298 221305 477.76 157.15 220982 1914.61 221285 03/02/15 BASS List 2015/3 Valid until 28th March 2015 REGNO NAME 30998 21103 20613 17930 18558 20290 20710 36727 21362 36738 31063 51880 19420 18512 31512 21764 21837 21594 19419 31089 31523 31176 31310 21709 WILLIAMS, Scott WILLIAMS-GRAVENER, David WILLIS, James WILLIS, Robert WILLOWS, Laurence WILLS, Angus WILMOT, Jack WILSON, Cormac WILSON, Geoffrey WILSON, Robbie WISE, Kyle WISEMAN, Sam WITTS, Callum WITTS, Kaigan WOOD, Edmund WOOD, Keith WOOLLEY, Kieran WORTT, Aaron WRIGHT, Alexander WRIGHT, Dewar WYLIE, Gordon WYLIE, Scott YOUNG, Gregor YUNG, Adrian SEX YOB CLUB M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1999 2001 2001 1996 1996 1999 2000 2005 1996 1999 1989 1974 1998 1994 1999 1970 2005 1999 1994 1999 2005 2001 1995 2004 SSC IMP SMK BSA SPR CSC P3 RAF DHO SL GS SG 308.26 308.41 351.04 120.07 F 326.85 152.78 301.91 358.95 407.18 358.33 128.17 F 433.07 156.46 280.92 873.58 379.02 374.41 272.80 850.36 521.67 260.16 410.17 353.45 192.59 695.75 228.91 256.90 201.26 229.85 314.18 DH FISNO 323.32 194.34 F 607.98 187.21 444.41 221221 221146 WM IMP SSC GSR GSR HNC DHO Page 24 221139 03/02/15
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