February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Acalypha lyonsii Native Acalypha 200mm $25.00 Small, attractive, very hardy shrub with tiny, serrated leaves. Prune to thicken up for the first year. Ideal fill in plant. (Euphorbiaceae) Agathis robusta Queensland Kauri 200mm $25.00 A giant, slow growing, tropical conifer from Queensland's coastal ranges with broad, thick-textured, dark green leaves. An ancient Gondwanan relic with iconic status in Queensland. (Araucariaceae) Asplenium australasicum Bird's Nest Fern 200mm $25.00 Classic 'birdnest' fern with a ring of undivided bright green fronds up to 70 cm long. Grows on tree trunks in rainforest. (Aspleniaceae) Asteromyrtus brassii Cape York Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Large shrub or small tree with unusual spherical, deep red flowers along the branches. Hardy. Flowers all year. (Myrtaceae) Athertonia diversifolia Atherton Oak 200mm $25.00 Medium tree with beautiful large lobed juvenile leaves, racemes of cream/white flowers, and blue fruit containing an edible nut. Superb foliage plant. Requires a humid protected position. (Proteaceae) Babingtonia tozerensis Mt Tozer Myrtle 200mm $25.00 Small dense shrub with dainty white flowers and lime green foliage. Quite hardy. (Myrtaceae) Baeckea "Feather Tips" Feather Tips 200mm $25.00 Small shrub. Dainty form with weeping, feathery branches. May be pruned heavily into a dense bush if required. (Myrtaceae) Baeckea camphorata Camphor Bush 200mm $25.00 Small dainty shrub with masses of tiny white flowers. Best in full sun (Myrtaceae) Brachychiton australis Broad-leaved Bottle Tree 200mm $25.00 Attractive tree with smooth green trunk. White flowers. Very hardy. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Malvaceae) Buckinghamia celsissima Ivory Curl Tree 200mm $25.00 Large bushy shrub or small tree with extremely spectacular display of cream flowers. Very hardy. (Proteaceae) Callistemon "Eureka" Eureka 200mm $25.00 Tall upright shrub with brilliant purple flowers in profusion in spring. Showy pink new growth. Suitable for screening. (Myrtaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 1 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Callistemon "Hannah Ray" Hannah Ray 200mm $25.00 Hardy medium to large shrub. Soft new growth. Weeping form. Bright red flowers. Makes a good screen. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Injune" Injune 200mm $25.00 A very pretty, weeping plant with dainty soft grey foliage and lovely pale pink bottlebrush flowers (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Pindi Pindi" Pindi Pindi 200mm $25.00 Medium to large shrub with attractive semi-weeping habit. Red flowers. Very hardy. Does best in full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Pink Alma" Pink Alma 200mm $25.00 Large shrub with bright pink flowers. Attractive pink new growth. Sun or part shade. Usually frost resistant. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Prolific" Prolific 200mm $25.00 Large shrub with dense foliage. Ideal for use as a screen plant. Large red flowers for most of the year. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "The Bluff" The Bluff 200mm $25.00 Medium shrub with dense foliage. Pink bottlebrush flowers fade to salmon, then cream. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "White Anzac" White Anzac 200mm $25.00 Small shrub. Bright green foliage with white flowers. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Wild River" Wild River 200mm $25.00 Dense shrub. Lovely fresh green foliage and red flowers. Plant in open sunny spot. Good screen. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Wildfire" Wildfire 200mm $25.00 Medium shrub. Dense foliage and large bright red flowers. Does best in full sun. Makes a good screen. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon "Yuruga Red" Yuruga Red 200mm $25.00 Large shrub with dense foliage. Ideal for use as a screen plant. Large red flowers for most of the year. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Callistemon viminalis "Rocky River Red" Rocky River Red 200mm $25.00 Medium to large shrub with blue/green foliage and bright red flowers. Does best in full sun but will flower in part shade. (Myrtaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 2 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Chionanthus ramiflorus Native Olive 200mm $25.00 Hardy small tree with masses of yellowish flowers. Large quantities of small black fruit, which attracts birds. (Oleaceae) Crinum pedunculatum Mangrove Lily 200mm $25.00 Large lily with very showy, perfumed flowers. Very hardy and suitable for wet sites. (Liliaceae) Cyathea cooperi Common or Lacy Treefern 200mm $25.00 Fast growing hardy tree fern. Slender trunk with crown of bright green fronds to 2 metres long. Takes full sun in moist areas. (Cyatheaceae) Dendrobium mixed native species and hybrids Mixed Dendrobium orchids 50mm $8.90 Challenging but highly attractive indigenous orchids from eastern Australia. Place in an airy position off the ground, with some light shading during summer, and keep moist all year round. (Orchidaceae) Diospyros littorea Sea Ebony 200mm $25.00 Very slow growing shrub to small tree with glossy green leaves. Grows naturally on the coast, close to mangrove stands. Orange-yellow fruit attracts birds. Wood is very hard and beautiful. (Ebenaceae) Diploglottis diphyllostegia Northern Tamarind 200mm $25.00 Small tree with large attractive leaves, and fruit which makes good jam or drinks. (Sapindaceae) Dysoxylum mollissimum Miva Mahogany 200mm $25.00 Handsome shade tree. Showy orange fruit. Fast growing under good garden conditions. (Meliaceae) Dysoxylum parasiticum Yellow Mahogany 200mm $25.00 This Yellow Mahogany produces beautiful creamy-brown flowers on the trunk right to the ground. Unless planted in high rainfall area it will remain a size of a large shrub. (Meliaceae) Euroschinus falcata Pink Poplar 200mm $25.00 Fast growing, well shaped tree. Makes a good shade tree for dry areas. Fruit attracts birds. (Anacardiaceae) Gardenia scabrella Star Flower 200mm $25.00 Small, compact shrub from Cape York with stiff glossy leaves. Large white flowers all year round. Very hardy. Sun or semishade. (Rubiaceae) Geijera salicifolia Scrub Wilga 200mm $25.00 Extremely hardy, large shrub or small tree with dense foliage. Ideal screen or windbreak. White flowers. (Rutaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 3 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Graptophyllum spinigerum Native Fuchsia 200mm $25.00 Small shrub. Attractive glossy foliage and small white flowers. For sun or shade. Very hardy. (Acanthaceae) Grevillea "Firesprite" Firesprite 200mm $25.00 Small to medium shrub with bright red flowers. Attracts birds. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Honeycomb" Honeycomb 200mm $25.00 Erect shrub naturally bushy with dense foliage to the ground. Cream flowers prolific in early spring attracting birds. Good screen plant for most areas except in areas with cold winters. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Kay Williams" Kay Williams 200mm $25.00 Fast growing, bushy shrub. Masses of large pale orange/peach flowers for most of the year. Needs a well drained, sunny position. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Majestic" Majestic 200mm $25.00 A fast growing shrub with orange-red flowers. Plant in a welldrained, sunny position. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Moonlight" Moonlight 200mm $25.00 Tall shrub with cream flowers all year. Attracts birds. Hardy with good drainage and full sun. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Orange Marmalade" Orange Marmalade 200mm $25.00 Bushy shrub. Attractive orange spider flower. Very hardy and vigorous. Full sun, open position. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Poorinda Peter" Poorinda Peter 200mm $25.00 Spreading, tall shrub with pink-tipped new growth and reddishpurple toothbrush flowers. Does best in full sun. Usually tolerates frost. (Proteaceae) Grevillea "Superb" Superb 200mm $25.00 Small to medium, dense bushy shrub. Showy pink/red flowers for most of the year. Tip prune while young to promote a good shape. Plant in full sun in well drained position. (Proteaceae) Grevillea glossadenia Irvinebank Grevillea 200mm $25.00 Very attractive,hardy shrub. Leaves green, silver beneath with bronze new growth. Orange flowers amongst foliage. (Proteaceae) Grevillea venusta Grevillea venusta 200mm $25.00 Medium to large shrub with attractive lobed leaves. Unusual yellow and green flowers. Very hardy, plant in full sun. (Proteaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 4 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Gymnostoma australianum Daintree Pine 200mm $25.00 Rare and ancient small tree with typical pine tree shape. Dense, bright green foliage. Does best in full sun. Makes a great Christmas Tree and tub plant. (Casuarinaceae) Harpullia arborea Cooktown Tulipwood 200mm $25.00 Small to medium tree with spreading habit. Very showy orange fruit from the branches. (Sapindaceae) Leptospermum "Cardwell" Cardwell 200mm $25.00 Beautiful, graceful weeping shrub with masses of small white flowers in spring. Best in a full sun position. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum "Lemon Frost" Lemon Frost 200mm $25.00 Medium shrub. Very hardy. White flowers and beautiful lemon scent to the leaves. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum brachyandrum Silver Leafed Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Tall shrub to small tree with silvery new growth. The old bark peels off to reveal an attractive pink-purple trunk. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum liversidgei Olive Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Small to medium shrub with compact or erect habit. White flowers with lemon scented leaves. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum petersonii ssp petersonii Lemon Scented Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Very attractive medium shrub. Foliage has lemon scent. Benefits from pruning. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum polygalifolium Tropicum 200mm $25.00 Medium bushy shrub bearing masses of small white flowers in spring. Hardy and adaptable to most situations. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum purpurascens Purple Stemmed Turkey Bush 200mm $25.00 Bushy shrub. Purple new growth, smooth, twisted purplish stem. Prune to shape. (Myrtaceae) Leptospermum wooroonooran Wooroonooran Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Plant from top of Mt Bellenden Ker. Medium compact shrub in cultivation with attractive foliage. Best in high rainfall areas. (Myrtaceae) Licuala ramsayi Fan Palm $25.00 $150.00 Attractive, slow growing palm with large fan-like leaves. Needs moisture and shelter from strong winds. (Arecaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 5 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Livistona decipiens Ribbon Fan Palm $120.00 Tall, very hardy palm which develops into an attractive plant. Grow in full sun for best results. (Arecaceae) Livistona muelleri Little Fan Palm $50.00 $120.00 Small, very hardy fan palm which develops into a very attractive plant. Full sun or semi-shade. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Arecaceae) Melaleuca "Claret Tops" Claret Tops 200mm $25.00 Small to medium shrub. Attractive flushes of copper/red new growth. Small white flowers. Best in full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca "Pink Lace" Pink Lace 200mm $25.00 Tiny shrub with fluffy pink flowers. Ideal as an edge plant for rockeries. Must be grown in full sun. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca "Snowstorm" Snowstorm 200mm $25.00 Compact, small to medium shrub with lovely light green foliage. Masses of small white bottlebrush flowers in spring. Tip prune regularly to promote a good shape. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca bracteata "Gold Form" Golden Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Tall bushy shrub with attractive golden foliage and dense habit. A very hardy plant which is an excellent screen. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca leucadendra "Gold" Golden Paperbark 200mm $25.00 A hardy small tree with upright habit and golden foliage. Excellent for a wet spot. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca monantha Small-leaved tea tree 200mm $25.00 An unusual melaleuca with tiny (minute) leaves and lovely foliage. Height and form varies from a shrub to small tree, and often becomes bonsai shaped on maturity. Small white flowers. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca sp. Mt. Garnet Mt Garnet Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Medium shrub. Bears masses of very showy cream pom-pom flowers twice a year. Hardy. Full sun. (Myrtaceae) Melaleuca sylvana Oaky Creek Tea Tree 200mm $25.00 Medium shrub. Attractive foliage with tiny leaves. Quite hardy and fast growing. White flowers. (Myrtaceae) Melicope elleryana Corkwood 200mm $25.00 Fast growing tree with beautiful pink flowers along the branches. Food plant of the spectacular Ulysses Butterfly. (Rutaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 6 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Melicope rubra Little Euodia 200mm $25.00 Medium to large shrub with masses of dark pink flowers along the branches. Quite hardy. Food plant of the spectacular Ulysses Butterfly. (Rutaceae) Paraserianthes toona Acacia Cedar 200mm $25.00 Hardy fast growing tree. Deciduous before cream fluffy flowers. Food plant of Tailed Emperor Butterfly. (Fabaceae) Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus Pink Phyllanthus 200mm $25.00 Large, dense, very attractive bushy shrub with beautiful foliage. Masses of small pink flowers. Ideal screen plant. Very fast growing. (Phyllanthaceae) Prostanthera phylicifolia Mint Bush 200mm $25.00 Very compact shrub. Dark narrow leaves with small mauve flowers, blooming over long periods in spring. Doesn't like overwatering. (Lamiaceae) Rhododendron lochiae Native Rhododendron 200mm $25.00 Small shrub with bright red flowers. Requires sheltered, moist position. Makes good tub plant. (Ericaceae) Sankowskya stipularis Sankowskya 200mm $25.00 Extremely rare plant from the Julatten area of Far North Queensland. Spectacular red new growth. Does best in semishade. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Euphorbiaceae) Sarcotoechia serrata Fern-Leafed Tamarind 200mm $25.00 Large shrub or small tree with beautiful fern-like foliage and delicate soft pink new growth. Requires semi-shade and regular watering. A beautiful ornamental plant. (Sapindaceae) Scaevola taccada Sea Lettuce Tree 200mm $19.95 Medium shrub with dense, dark green foliage and white flowers. Ideal for beach plantings. (Goodeniaceae) Syzygium "Aussie Compact" Aussie Compact 200mm $25.00 A small compact form of Syzygium australe. Excellent screen. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium "Pink Willy" Pink Willy 200mm $25.00 Shrub to about 2 metres high. Best in light shade in a welltended situation. Fluffy pale pink flowers attract honeyeaters. Brilliant bright pink new growth. Excellent courtyard plant. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium australe Creek Satinash 200mm $25.00 Large shrub to small tree. Bushy and hardy. Ideal as a screen plant. Masses of white flowers followed by edible pink fruit. (Myrtaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 7 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Size/Price Description Syzygium fibrosum Fibrous Satinash 200mm $25.00 Large shrub to small tree with purple new growth. Large white fluffy flowers and delicious red fruit. Very hardy. Makes tasty jam. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium floribundum Weeping Lilly-Pilly 200mm $25.00 Small to medium tree with dense, weeping foliage. Small white flowers. Fairly hardy. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium forte subsp. potamophilum Flaky-Barked Satinash 200mm $25.00 Hardy tree with papery bark. Excellent for coastal plantings. White flowers & edible fruit. Differs from Syzygium forte in having narrower leaves. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium luehmannii Rocky River Rocky River Lilly-Pilly 200mm $25.00 Highly ornamental large shrub with brilliant pink/red weeping foliage, white flowers and red fruit. Water regularly. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium pseudofastigiatum Claudie Satinash 200mm $25.00 Very rare tree found only on Cape York. Very hardy with long stiff glossy leaves, bright red new growth and white flowers. (Myrtaceae) Syzygium unipunctatum Roly-Poly Satinash 200mm $25.00 Small bushy tree with flushes of brilliant red new growth. Highly ornamental. Will tolerate moderate frosts. Best in high rainfall areas. (Myrtaceae) Terminalia sericocarpa Damson 200mm $25.00 Fast growing, slender tree with layered spreading form. Deciduous. Old leaves are brightly coloured. Attracts birds. Hardy. (Combretaceae) Westringia "Wynyabbie Gem" Wynyabbie Gem 200mm $25.00 Fast growing dense shrub. Grey leaves and purple flowers. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Prune to shape. (Lamiaceae) Wodyetia bifurcata Foxtail Palm $59.00+ Very attractive, hardy palm with foxtail like foliage and bright orange fruit. (Arecaceae) Xanthorrhoea sp. Grass Tree $80+ Slow growing plant with a dense tuft of narrow spiky leaves, which eventually develops a trunk. Flowers on a long vertical stalk. Ideal feature plant for native gardens or in containers. Plant in well drained soil. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Xanthostemon chrysanthus "Little Goldie" Dwarf Golden Penda 200mm $25.00 A compact, dwarf cultivar of the popular Golden Penda making a rounded bush, rarely more than 1 metre high, with narrow dark green leaves about 8 cm long. New growth bronzy pink. (Myrtaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 8 of 9 February 2015 Specimen and Special Plants Lines priced individually Name Xanthostemon sp. Mt. Tozer Mt. Tozer Penda Size/Price 200mm $25.00 Description Large shrub or small tree with rusty brown new growth. Mass of cream flowers. Very hardy (Myrtaceae) Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland. Business hours: Open 9am - 5pm, 6 days a week; closed Sundays and public holidays. Page 9 of 9
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