The BAEYC Old Colony Chapter presents its 22nd annual early childhood conference Personal Pathways to Professionalism Friday, March 13, 2015 • 8:15 AM – 3:00 PM (Inclement weather date: Saturday, March 14, 2015) at Bridgewater State University Total of 5 Training Hours FEATURING Thomas L. Weber Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care Tom was appointed Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care in September, 2013 after serving as Acting Commissioner of the department since March. Prior to his appointment, he served as Undersecretary at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Education, where he oversaw budget and finance, legal, legislative affairs, information technology, policy, communications, and general administration in furtherance of Governor Patrick’s education agenda. Tom also served as the Secretary of Education’s principal advisor for early education and care as well as his designee to the Board of Early Education and Care. Previously, Tom worked as Legislative Director at Strategies for Children/The Early Education for All Campaign, Director of Community Partnerships at the Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly, Deputy Research Director at the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth (MassINC), Assistant Director of Government Affairs at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, and Senior Issues Manager at the Office of United State Senator John F. Kerry. He is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and Suffolk University Law School. COSPONSORED BY: The Boston Association for the Education of Young Children Old Colony Chapter, Bridgewater State University and BAMSI Conference Schedule In East Campus Commons, 125 Burrill Avenue 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Keynote Presentation by Thomas L. Weber, EEC Commissioner In Burnell Hall, 66 Hooper Street 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM Workshop Session A 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Workshop Session B College/Career Fair Burnell Hall 3:00-4:00 p.m. See email attachment from the SE MA Readiness Center for information. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND/OR COPIES OF THIS BROCHURE: WWW.BAEYC.ORG KEYNOTE ADDRESS: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Keynote Address Thomas L. Weber, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care SESSION A: 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM SESSION B: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM A1. Feeding the Deepest Need– part 1 B1. Feeding the Deepest Needs– part 2 Jeanine K. Fitzgerald, The Fitzgerald Institute of Lifelong Learning Jeanine K. Fitzgerald, The Fitzgerald Institute of Lifelong Learning Social, emotional and moral poverty surround us, leaving our children feeling isolated and disconnected. When these needs are not met, they may fall apart, numb, ache inside and hurt others. The result is shame– that painful fear of being unloved and believing that “I am bad.” As they get older, they may anesthetize the pain with substance abuse, food, sex, money, etc. Yet, the solution if free. It is found when we discover what really matters! This session leads us on that discovery. This is a 2-part workshop. Participants must attend both A1 and BI sessions. Participants must attend both A1 and B1 sessions of this workshop. A2. Infusing STEM into Your Learning Environment- part 1 Lynn Vaillancourt, Braintree Pediatric Center Kori Bardige, Learning Circle Consulting & Melissa Anderson Russell, Heritage Museum & Gardens Join us on a STEM exploration, transforming ordinary environments into STEM laboratories that nurture curiosity and wonder. Learn strategies for encouraging children’s questions and testing hypotheses through play. We will explore hands-on STEM activities. This is a 2-part workshop. Participants must attend both A2 and B2 sessions. A3. Red Flags of Motor Development Lynn Vaillancourt, Braintree Pediatric Center This workshop reviews gestational and developmental milestones. Participants will learn about red flags of motor development and various techniques for motor stimulation. A4. Working with Children is Like Playing Poker: You need to know when to hold, when to fold and when to walk away Margaret Werner, Elisabeth Amen Nursery School, Wheaton College We will discuss why children behave as they do and how our responses may actually reinforce the behavior we want to change. A5. Babies and Brains: Some Assembly Required Cheryl Hovey, Ez Ed 2 Go This workshop will introduce the first four parts of the brain and the importance of this as it relates to play. Information will be provided on how play builds connections in the brain, and practical examples given of how adults can enrich the learning experience for infants and toddlers. B2. Infusing STEM into Your Learning Environment–part 2 Kori Bardige, Learning Circle Consulting & Melissa Anderson Russell, Heritage Museum & Gardens Participants must attend both A2 and B2 sessions of this workshop. B3. Sensory and Gross Motor Activities for Young Children This workshop presents a brief overview of infant through preschool age motor and sensory development. The session will review activities to enhance the visual, cognitive, and sensory systems and the enhancement of motor control. B4. Including Diverse Learners in Your Program Margaret Werner, Elisabeth Amen Nursery School, Wheaton College How do I meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of diverse learners? How do I know if a child needs extra help or just more time to mature? We will discuss what to look for and how to assess the child who is a puzzle to you. B5. Child Play– Maximizing Learning Opportunities Kate Begin, Prevent Child Abuse Rhode Island A child’s early life experiences create the foundation for their lifelong learning, behavior, and their physical and mental health. Offering children the opportunity to explore and experience the wonders of life through play greatly enhances the child’s world. Participants will learn the basics of brain development and will explore the opportunities for maximizing the many opportunities for play including the playground and surrounding community. B6. Moving Along! Mary Kelley, Magic Music Time A6. Dollar Store Math This session includes 14 music and movement activities to use in your program designed to keep children’s minds and bodies strong. Each activity addresses social skills, cooperation and impulse control for all young children including those with special needs. Math doesn’t have to be scary or expensive. Find out how items from your local dollar store can support mathematical thinking. B7. Stories Come Alive! Environmental Literacy for Early Childhood Programs Dotti McDevitt, A Child’s Wonderland Preschool A7. Community Partnerships in Culturally Diverse Communities: Building (Structurally Sound) Bridges Dr. Kimberly Shaver-Hood, Superintendent, Wareham Public Schools, Maureen Manning & Jane Fodulis, Directors, Beyond School Time, Wareham Public Schools Community partnerships strengthen your program’s ability to accomplish its mission by providing additional support in workforce, materials, and outreach. Presenters will work with participants to create action steps that will overcome obstacles and invigorate their community engagement plan. Participants will learn how to create dynamic new partnerships as well as revitalize existing ones. Kerri Schmidt, ReadBoston This workshop will provide participants with fun, hands-on experiences as we explore environmentally-themed stories and curriculum for early childhood settings. Come prepared to move, play and share! Note: All workshops will be held in Burnell Hall, 66 Hooper Street REGISTRATION FORM Complete one form per person GENERAL INFORMATION Location and Parking: Registration, breakfast and keynote will be held in BSU’s East Campus Commons, 125 Burrill Ave. (#29 on the campus map). All workshop sessions, lunch and the College & Career Fair will be held in BSU’s Burnell Hall , 66 Hooper St. (#28 on the campus map). Parking is available in the Parking Garage (T on the campus map). Directions and maps are available at: sites/all/themes/bsu1/pdf/CampusMap.pdf Inclement Weather: The conference will be postponed until Saturday, March 14, if Bridgewater State University is officially closed on March 13. This announcement will be aired by 6 a.m. on major television and radio stations. Attendees may also call the university’s inclement weather line at 508-531-1777 or go to TWO WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. 2. Register by Mail. We will accept a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover), check or money order for the registration fee. Mail completed registration form and full payment to: Center for PreK-12 Educational Outreach, Moakley Center, Room 215, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA 02325 Registrations must be postmarked by March 3. Register by Fax. Fax registration forms to the Center for PreK-12 Educational Outreach at 508-531-1771 by March 6. _________________________________________ Name (Last/First) _________________________________________ Home Address State Zip _________________________________________ Daytime Telephone *E-mail _________________________________________ Agency/Organization _________________________________________ Professional Position Please indicate two workshops per session in order of preference. We will make every attempt to honor your selections. The number of attendees in a workshop must be limited to comply with fire codes and to support workshop quality. Do not attend a workshop to which you are not assigned. 1st Choice 2nd Choice Session A ______________ _____________ Session B ______________ _____________ REGISTRATION FEES Confirmations: If you want registration confirmation please include your e-mail address or a self-addressed stamped envelope with your registration. Refunds: Contact us at 508-531-2109 by March 6 if you want a refund. Full refunds are guaranteed if the conference is cancelled. No refunds will be issued if the conference is postponed until March 14 (see Inclement Weather above). NAEYC member Nonmember Student Individual $55.00 $70.00 $35.00 Group (4 or more staff from same agency) $50.00 $65.00 $35.00 Certificates of attendance for your professional development portfolio will be awarded. NAEYC member number (if applicable): _________________ Student ID number (if applicable): ______________________ For information and/or questions, call 508-531-2109 Payment enclosed for $_____________________ Policy on Nondiscrimination: Bridgewater State University does not discriminate in admission to or access to, or treatment or employment in, any of its educational programs or activities, including scholarships, loans and athletics, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, political belief or affiliation, or veteran status. (Make checks payable to Bridgewater State University) Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity: Bridgewater State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Charge $___________ to [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover *If using a credit card you must include an email address to receive further instructions. The lunch buffet will offer meat, fish, and vegetarian choices. If you have other dietary needs/restrictions, please plan to provide your own lunch. If mailing, send registration form with full payment to: Center for PreK-12 Educational Outreach Moakley Center, Room 215 Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, MA 02325 Center for PreK-12 Educational Outreach Moakley Center, Room 215 Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, MA 02325 Registration held at the East Campus Commons 125 Burrill Avenue Bridgewater State University Accessible by MBTA Commuter Rail The BAEYC Old Colony Chapter presents its 22nd annual early childhood conference Personal Pathways to Professionalism at Bridgewater State University Friday, March 13, 2015 • 8:15 AM – 3:00 PM (Inclement weather date: Saturday, March 14, 2015) Featuring Thomas L. Weber, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care COSPONSORED BY The Boston Association for the Education of Young Children Old Colony Chapter, Bridgewater State University and BAMSI
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