Volume 6 Engage, Inspire, Innovate …. Always Learning February 2015 Wallace Pu blic School Health Reminders P r i n c i p a l ’s M e s s a ge Wallace is a nut safe school. First term report cards will be sent home Tuesday February 18. Please let the office staff know about any cases of chicken pox, influenza or RSV. In your message, please let us know when the spots appeared. Your son or daughter will be assessed on their achievement of Ontario Curriculum Expecta"ons. We have a student with a compromised immune system as a result of treatment for a serious medical condi"on. FundScrip Profits Wallace Public School received $203.34 from Fundscrip. The money represents the proceeds from the 2013—14 school year. Students are also evaluated on their Learning Skills and Work Habits. Learning Skills and Work Habits are not used to determine the subject grade. Parents play a cri"cal role in educa"on. Guidance and support from parents and the home help students make good choices that have a posi"ve impact on their success. Please take some "me to review the report card with your son/ daughter and reflect on how they might complete the goal se-ng page (page 3) of the report card. The February School Council mee"ng will be held Tuesday February 3rd at Wallace Public School. Family Day Spaghe Supper Hosted by the Listowel Kine2es New Locaon: Knox Church Date: Monday, February 16, 2015 Time: 4:00—7:00 Cost: Dona"on Proceeds toward North Perth Sports for Kids Fund. Pe rs eve ra nc e “What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.” Samuel Johnson At school perseverance looks like commitment, hard work, and trying again and again un"l we experience success. When we persevere, we accomplish important goals by finishing what we start. Page 2 Volume 6 Funscrip Fundraising Program Students’ Council met in early January and made a decision to buy a laptop with their money raised from Spirit Days. This laptop will be used for school wide presenta"ons. They also voted to put the money remaining in their account toward the cost of class trips. February's Events: Feb 12th Me to We Bake Sale Feb 13th Red, White and Pink Day Me to We Bake Sale Feb. 20th Twin or Mul"ple Day Dress the same as someone else. Or get a group together and come all dressed alike. Feb. 27th Jersey Day Wear your favourite team Jersey. Fundscrip cash cards are an excellent way to raise funds for the Wallace Public School while doing your everyday shopping! Febru- ary Orders are due Monday February 23rd. ? Please do not hesitate to contact Tammy Horn, Fundscrip Program Co-ordinater at 519-291-5768 if you have any ques"ons regarding Fundscrip. Kindergarten Registraon Round Up Spring is coming and so is another chance to register your 3 or 4 year old child for Kindergarten in September. Our Kindergarten Registraon Round Up is coming to your region in early March. If you missed our registra"on in November you are invited to come in! It will be a great opportunity for your child to get first hand experience in a real play based learning kindergarten classroom, while you complete the registra"on. We are holding the Kindergarten Registra"on Round Up at five loca"ons beginning on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at Listowel Eastdale Public School. All five Open House Drop-in events will begin 4:30 in the aNernoon and wrap at 7:30 p.m. so drop by whenever you can. The second session will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at Bluewater Coast Elementary School in Hensall, then Upper Thames Elementary on Thursday, March 5, 2015. The fourth session will be at Clinton Public School on Monday, March 9, 2015 and the final Open House will be at Hamlet Public School in StraOord on Wednesday, March 11, 2015. These are regional events where children and families can see and feel what a real kindergarten class is like. Everyone is welcome to a2end any of the five Open House Drop-in events and no pre-registra"on is required. However, If you are unable to bring your child to one of these fun filled round up sessions, you can s"ll register them for September by contac"ng your local school. To see more about Avon Maitland's Full Day Kindergarten program we invite you to check out this YouTube video: h2p://youtu.be/5bh1Lez1lDQ Youth and Substance: Parent Forum Tuesday February 10 at 7:00 PM Listowel District Secondary School Bill Dekoning, OPP Officer, Bri?any Dewing, Choices for Change Wallace Public School Page 3 February 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 2 3 School Council 8 9 15 22 Wed 4 Pita Pit Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 10 LDSS 11 Parent Forum 12 Bake Sale (Friday too!) 13 Red, White and Pink Day 14 16 Family Day 17 18 Pita Pit 19 Reports Home 20 21 Mul"ples Day 23 Ski Trip 24 25 26 Grad Pictures Big Brothers Big Sisters of Listowel and District offers mentoring opportuni"es for children and their families through various mentoring programs. We currently have three programs running from our agency; the Tradi"onal Big and Li2le Program, the In-School Mentor Program, and Couples for Kids. Each program provides girls and boys with a role model and friend to talk to and share experiences with. Our programs promote healthy rela"onships, trust, respect, staying in school, and the importance of giving back. Currently, our agency has 8 LITTLE brothers on the wai"ng list and we struggle to find In-School Mentors at our out-of-town schools: Elma, Wallace, Howick, and Northwoods Elementary in Ethel. We are also in need of LITTLE sisters. In addi"on, we are in search of dedicated individuals to join our team on our Board of Directors. Become a volunteer today – for only a few hours a month, you can help a child succeed! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like more informa"on on our programs, visit our website or stop by the agency! 27 Jersey Day 28 Pita Pit Pita Pits Lunches will be on the following Wednesdays: February 4 February 18 March 4 If school has been cancelled on a Pita Pit day, then Pitas will arrive the following day of school. Please con"nue to monitor school closures by accessing ourschoolbuses.ca or by listening to local radio sta"ons. E n h a n c i n g S t u d e n t L e a r n i n g a t Wa l l a c e As part of enhancing student learning at Wallace Public School we are establishing a Principal’s Discre"onary Fund. At the discre"on of the Principal, funds will be dispersed with the purpose of enhancing student learning. Funds may be directed toward, but are not limited to further acquisi"on of technology and increased par"cipa"on in arts programs. We are giving families the op"on of dona"ng to the school by cheque or by being involved in fund raising events and ac"vi"es. If you choose to donate to the school, it is important to realize that : • Dona"ons by cheque are all receiptable through our Founda"on For Educa"on. • Your dona"on will be sent to them for receip"ng and the funds will be returned to Wallace Public School. • Cheques must be made out to the Founda"on. Please send your dona"on with the Response Form in an envelope to the school office and we will forward it to the Founda"on. All dona"on amounts are strictly confiden"al and are gratefully received. U Yes! I wish to contribute toward “Enhancing Student Learning Fund“ at Wallace Public School. All donors to the “Enhancing Student Learning Fund” will be acknowledged in our school newsle2er. ……… $20 …… $50 ………….. $100 ……………… Other Enclosed is a cheque made payable to: Foundaon of Educaon Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Company / Group_____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________City: _____________________________ Postal Code: _______________________ Telephone: ________________________________________ This form may be leN at the Wallace Public School office or mailed to the Foundaon for Educaon at 62 Chalk Street, Seaforth Ontario, N0K 1W0 phone 527—0111, ext 231 One of the func"ons of the Foundaon for Educaon is to issue tax creditable receipts for donors who support ac"vi"es in the Avon Maitland District Schools under Charitable Registra"on #13355 2091 RR0001. For more informa"on on the Founda"on— www.foundaonforeduaon.on.ca
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