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'1.h~'lftll'Hlm'i'i.h~{)iiJfi'l.UJ1'iflH'jJH-aillfll'l'iUH flf~~ 12 ~ Qj 'jJ ~ 'Yi1'\1tH'HI~"Alice in Neurology 29-30 lJfl:ilfllJ 2558 Y Land" .- _I.... m 'l1MlJ~i~'lflJ'HU 2 Q -='1 elfl1~ 50 lJ *************************** 29 Umlfltl 2558 10.00-10.30 Registration 10.30-11.30 Autoimmune antibody in CNS demyelinating diseases Asst.Prof. Doug.as Kazutoshi Sato, Brazil Speaker: 11.30-12.00 Lunch break 12.00-13.00 The Wonderland of Parkinson's disease and related conditions Speaker: QI 0'.::::::. Q,I «:::11 fl~~!.f1 TI'lffY1TII'1':i1l'l111'Vltll?1 tlll'l1~?I = 'W~ .1'1.'Wt\). tll'lfl'U f1'e)-lm~'im'j1J Modulator nu 'lJ 'j~'CY1'V11'VW11'j -l'VHJ1'lJ1Cl'Vl'j~1J\lfJOlf1f(1 '" .' 0' I ':iff.'Vlty.ft"Jl'Vl':i ~'U'Yl':ifl'j~'iJl~ : f 1l'H11'YleJl~m'lhJ~ hni fl~~U'V-l'YleJfYl~~ 13.00-14.00 "The Wonderland of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Stroke" I::::!, Speaker ""'" ~,)S SWll'llW Cl, Q/ c{ I 'W'Vl.fll'l fI ff fWl ~fN TIfJ?I 1N'V-ltll'lJl?l1'.tl'mJ'Ylli I 14.00-14.15 Break 14.15-15.15 Me1atonergic agent: Positive effects in neurodegenerative disease Speaker; rI 01 "'" "" 'W'Vl.t'U'l:Jil'lfV l~'t J'J'J~ft''J 1)~'WeJ11J1ClUl~ ~ 'jl'JoJ.Q1 -=:::. Modulator: Q' J I 'ifl'.'\JIlty.fl'll'\J1l'j 'il'U'Yl'jfl'j:::;'iJl\1 rI '" QI <:I GJ 'flru:::;l!l'/'Yl(Jfl'1~fI j lJ111'J'YltJ16'ltll'lW~ nlll ' 15.15-16.00 From basic phamacology to clinical practice:"Drug interaction in neurology" Speaker: 16.00-16.15 Break 16.15-17.15 The Wonderland in Epilepsy management focus on special population Speaker: flnA:::;Ui"IYlVl'I'lTII'l j"''''''''' I'I'nl<tri"lVllJl~ 30 lIfl'31iUJ 2558 07.45-08.15 Registration 08.15-09.00 Key point in neuropathy Speaker: 09.00-09.15 Welcome message Opening Ceremony Speaker: 1f1'.'Wt1j.~";11'W'j' ~''W9!1fm~~l~ 'j'ft.'W'W.l\lilJ'Wl'Wnl!~~t1j flnA:::;Ui"IYlVl'I'lTII'l; JJ'Yfl1Y1t1lJ:1t1l:Jfv'llm.i 09.15-10.00 Tips in cognitive assessment Speaker: 10.00-10.30 Break 10.30-11.30 Wondering in Dementia and how to manage in difficult cases Speaker: '" QI i"It1j.(j·H:,)nAl 'Wfnn~l~ f i1ill~H'W'VleJA'l~~ ~'Hl1'VleJltreJ!~eJ-!lhnj 11.30-11.45 Lunch break 11.45-12.45 Old friends to trust in the management of hypertension Speaker: r flW~U'W'VWfl'l{1'\PI lJln1'V1tJ1~m'MtJ~ lIlty .nurm 'HlA ~('lf'j~fffl~~rlil r AW~U'W'VWfl'lEl'\9l lJ'111'V1fJ1t1m;CJ~ 12.45-13.30 hn-i 1'VI,j Siwapom Oration Lecture Speaker: 1~1'li~1J~)' 'Ui'Ul'lJ"lfltl m ,j\nh- ::;&1'1'Yl~i'YlfJ1 &1' 13.30-14.15 Clinico-patho1ogical conference 0. Speaker: tI e....o C)..ea l-IlIl.~'lfl\PI ~'VI1Hil1ty1\P1l-1 mm! l-I1h~&1'1'VI ..::::t.Q.I .:;::,,11..:::::. .:::; l-I'W.B~f1'fl~ fl~W 'ffllSf1' tr'Ur1fY1'W~t1' Aill ~U'W'VlClfYlffI011lJ'l/nl'V1ClT'lm~tJ~ 14.15-14.30 Break 14.30-15.30 Stroke Prevention in AF: Asian Perspective & Practical Approach Speaker: lIlfl. oo 1fY.l-I'I'I.tlfl'jl-l "" 01 ~ 1 fYW'l'l-I~'Vl1i l:l ~'VW11Jl{l'l'l1~l.J~flf)tfl~1 fltl·HllV'H111l.J q • '" .- flfl\l DlQ1 flj 15.30-16.00 'm .1 -1'Wunnn 'W1~lJ~fJtllflrll ']J Update News in Neurology: 2014 A Year Review Speaker: 0' l-I'W. &1'WJn ::J.I ..::::rt.Q.I ~~ 1il-I \il-l Ylfl Yl'lfeJl1{l Texas Tech University Health Science Center 16.00-17.00 Parkinson tournament: Wonder Win in Parkinson land Speaker: cl -=:. Q,.' d flW:;;ll'W'VIClrn 11'101 j lJ'I111'VlfJlrlCl1i 11 lJft'l11'101 1 'fl1.l-I'I'I.'iJ~'l''Vl{J l'fl'lf!'V11'V'l1 'l 'VIli 11.45-12.45 Old friends to trust in the management of hypertension Speaker: r f1tu~H'W'VWfl'l""~ 'YItyJl'Wfl1'j'HU 1 ~'1'111'V1tJ1~fH;:;eJ..:j '11~ ;J'lf'j~~fl~~mJ f 'fItu~U'YfYlVl'l'lffl'l JJrnl'V1v15m~v~111li 12.45-13.30 Siwaporn Oration Lecture Speaker: 'W'YI.ffJJ'b'lV1PJJ'l!~1JI'l'j ~Hl1-U\.JIh~b1'1 'Yl~l'Ylrn 13.30-14.15 Clinico-pathological conference Speaker: ~Q.J d.o::::. 'W'W.€)~fl'fl~ .t!::. fl~1\9 1:1'111f1' I'l''WVI'l'1'WWnJ Iiltu tUV'l'VI£Jftlffl'l{ :lJ1111'Vl£Jl~mGjf£J~ i'Hli '" 14.15-14.30 Break 14.30-15.30 Stroke Prevention in AF: Asian Perspective Speaker: "" Practical Approach OJ 'W,€).(V1) ~fl'.'W'W.'\.lfl1'W 1 fl''Wt1''W~'Vl1i 1H'WeJ1'U1~'W'j~~..:jf)f'l1f)~1 .1<1 f1tJ"l'€lleJ";jm";j~ • .".1~V'ltJ1U1Ct'W)~:IJ~fJtlLf1Ctl ~ flil-lm~1m'j1l 15.30-16.00 .- & Update News in Neurology: 2014 A Year Review rI Speaker: 'W'YI.""'I11111)U ~ ~~ ":::'Q.I' \~'Wl'1fl l'1'lHJl1n Texas Tech University Health Science Center 16.00-17.00 Parkinson tournament: Wonder W in in Parkinson land Speaker: rI .0::::. ,j Q.J Iiltu~U'W'Vl(Jftlffl'l j 1l'H11'Vl£JlCt£J1i)'S':lJfl'lffm 'fi 'L 'W'YI. 'iJ ~ ~ 11'VIrJ \'flG1H'VI1'YI1 rlc:r .0::::. fltu~\!'W'YlVf1'lrll'1 J ~1~'YItlllJlmllJl'filWI od Sclentitlc session-4 Registration form 10.00-10.30: The biology of migraine progression Anan Srikiatkhachorn, Thailand 10.30-10.50: Effect of nociceptive stimulation Name ,.,., Address, ,. , , ,. , , ,. , ,.,.,., . , . , of the dura mater and COS on the Tel phosphorylation Email. of ERK in the trigeminal ganglion of rat ,., ,.,., . . (1) Check your registration fee type Toshihiko Shimizu, Japan Registration fee 10.50-11.20: Break Pre-congress Scientific session-S On site registration 11.20-11.50: TAGs: pathophysiology and 12th NNC treatment Chales Siow, Singapore (29-30 11.50-12.10: Trigeminal neuralgia: update 5th ARCH All deiigates 01200 THB 01500 THB Jan) (31 Jan- Teekayu P Jams, Thailand o 100USD o 150USD (3000THB) (4500THB) All o 150USD deligates (4500THB) 0200 USD (6000THB) Trainees/ students 1 Feb) 12.10-12.30: Symptomatic TAGs Surat Tanprawate, Thailand 12.30-13.45: Lunch and Poster tour 13.45- 14.30: Free poster/poster award Scientific session-6 14.30-14.50: Update on headache procedure David W. Dodick, USA 14.50-15.10: Botulinum toxin injection: experience of use Richard Stark, Australia 15.10-15.30: Headache treatment: Siwaporn Chankrachang, ASIAN way Thailand 15.30-15.50: How to organise headache in (2) Transfer your registration fee Bank Transfer: Please make drafts payable in US Dollar only to: Account Name: The 5th Asian Regional Conference for Headache 2014 Bank Details: Siam Commercial Bank PCL., Faculty of Medicine Chiangmai Branch Bank Address: 110 Intawaroros Rd., Sripoom, Muang, Chiangmai, Thailand 50200 Swift Code: SICOTHBK Account Number: 566-519907-4 (3) Send the document to confirm your payment and registration to [email protected] limited resources countries Tissa Wijeratne, Australia 15.50- 16.10: System for headache monitoring Alan M. Rapoport, USA 16.10-16.40: Mobile app. presentation *Free registration for senior delegates (age over 60) and poster presenter. *Delegates register to ARCH will be waived for NNC registration fee. Saturda~Jan,31,2015 14.40-15.00: Headache and idiopathic hypertropic W.efcorn~ io 8.00-8.45: Meet the expert: Headache diagnoses you do not want to miss C~ia~9W'1ai Scientific operunc 50SS!On Alan M. Rapoport, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the 5th Asian Regional Conference for Headache which takes place on the 31 January and 1 February 2015 in Chianqmai. The highlight of the conference will be a wide range of presentations covering the most current sclentiflcknowledge about headaches from the perspective of both basic and clinical science. 9.45-10.45: Allan Rapoport,(USA), Chiangmai has the reputation of being the most beautifu I city in Thailand, Located in the mountains of northern Thailand it combines the best of its well-preserved ancient heritage with the added benefits that come wi1h being the commercial center of a region of 20 million people. Welcome to our congress and Chiangmai. Warmest regards, Asso.Prof. Siwaporn Chankrachang 1\1I0., FRCP., FACP President of the Congress Shengyuan 10.45-11.20: Sci.entific Yu (China), Shuu Jiun Wang (Taiwan), 15.50-16.10: Restless legs syndrome and migraine: a population based study in Korea Min Kyung Chu, Korea study Zhao Dong, China Co-morbidity of migraine in China Vu, China Lourdes K. Ledesma, 16.30-16.50: A study of an association of mobile phone use and migraine The Psychological and economic burden of migraine among Filipinos 12.00-12.20: Philippine overuse headache in China:a clinic-based seSSI0P- 11.40-12.00: call it Migralepsy? 16.10-16.30: Clinical profile of Medication- Break Shengyuan session-3 MARTHA LU-BOLANOS, Richard Stark (Australia) 11.20-11.40: To encourage participation we have kept our registration fees low and have a Iso arranged for excellent accommodation at a reduced rate for those interested. Additionally registration fees will be waived for those participants who have submitted abstracts that have been accepted by our programme committee. USA, IHS president For better headache care in ASIA Furnihiko Sakai(Japan), Thailand 15.30-15.50: Migraine and Epilepsy: shall we 9.1 5-9.45: Treatment strategies for CDH/MOH Dear Colleague, Kammant Phanthumchinda, 15.00-15.30: Break David W. Dodick, USA 9..00-9.15: Welcome pachymeni ngitis Lao 16.50-17.00: short break Philippine The premonitory Somchit Vorachit, symptoms in migraine 17.00-18.30: Headache tournament 18.30- Welcome party Kaung Myat Kyaw, Myanmar 12.20-13.30: Scientific 13.30-14.00: Lunch and Poster tour session-z 8.00-8.45: Meet the expert: Aborting migraine Which headache to investigate, when and how? K. Ravichankar, India Subdural hematoma spontaneous intracranial 14.20-14.40: attack: how to bypass the GI tract Alan M. Rapoport, 14.00-14.20: Jong-Ling Sunda~Feb,1,2015 in patient with hypotension Fuh Taiwan . 9.00-9.30: Monoclonal prevention David W. Dodick, USA Anti-body for migraine USA I Headache and stroke Julia Shahnaz Merican, Malaysia 9.30-10.00: Headache classification Shuu-Jiun Wang, Taiwan (ICHD-III)
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