2015 Worship Assistants MONTHLY Usher/Greeter 8-Feb Wilmer and Jim 15-Feb Wilmer and Jim ASH WEDBunny and Andy 22-Feb Bunny and Andy 23-Feb Bunny and Andy 1-Mar Elizabeth and Catherine 8-Mar Elizabeth and Catherine 15-Mar Meaghan and Lindsey 22-Mar Meaghan and Lindsey 29-Mar Brenda and Danny S 5-Apr EASTER 2 SERVICES Early 10:00 Brenda and Danny Sutton 12-Apr Jimmy and Vicki 19-Apr Jimmy and Vicki 26-Apr Angie and Frank 3-May Angie and Frank 10-May Susan and Kinter 17-May Susan and Kinter 24-May Sarah and Eddie 31-May Sarah and Eddie 7-Jun Larry and Amber 14-Jun Larry and Amber 21-Jun Janet and Catherine 28-Jun Janet and Catherine Acolyte Lector Lector Connor Connor Connor Sam Sam Nancy Nancy Ellen Ellen Garry Garry George George Cole Cole Cole James James Bunny Bunny Brenda Rice Brenda Rice Mike Lee Lee Bill Bill Debbie James Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Susan Susan Colleen Colleen Connor Connor Connor Sam Sam Cole Cole Cole Sam MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY Assisting Minister Communion Presenter Communion Assist Prayer Gae Rinker and Midge Brenda Sutton Colleen James Ellen and George Vicki Michaela Michaela Kinter Frank and Kathy Kinter Steve Harpine Steve Harpine Steve and Amie Steve Bill Cole Michaela Michaela Kathy Kathy Brenda Rice Sam Sam Lee Lee Bill Susan and Kinter Mike Elizabeth Elizabeth Brenda Rice Nancy Nancy Bunny Bill Garry Garry Sam Sarah and Eddie Mary Colleen Connor Usher/Greeter MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY Communion Presenter Communion Assist Prayer Assisting Minister Larry and Maeghan Kathy Bill Michaela Acolyte Lector Lector James James Elizabeth Elizabeth Bunny Steve Steve Susan Sam Kathy Kathy Kinter 2-Aug Bill and Angie 9-Aug Bill and Angie 16-Aug Catherine and Jimmy 23-Aug Catherine and Jimmy 30-Aug Andy and Bunny Connor Connor Connor Sam Sam Susan Michaela Michaela Bill Bill Kinter Lee Lee Kathy Kathy Brenda and Danny Amie Colleen Elizabeth 6-Sep Andy and Bunny 13-Sep Mike and Debbie 20-Sep Mike and Debbie 27-Sep Steve and Amie Cole Cole Connor Connor Garry Garry Ellen Ellen Nancy Nancy George George Lindsey and Connor Larry James James 4-Oct Steve and Amie 11-Oct Maeghan and Wilmer 18-Oct Maeghan and Wilmer 25-Oct Amber and Jim James James Sam Sam Mike Mike Colleen Colleen Debbie Debbie Bunny Bunny Cole and Vicki Michaela Bill Cole 1-Nov Amber and Jim 8-Nov Janet and Andy 15-Nov Janet and Andy 22-Nov Mike and Debbie 29-Nov Mike and Debbie Elizabeth Elizabeth Connor Connor Connor Brenda Rice Brenda Rice Lee Lee Susan Sam Sam Kathy Kathy Kinter Jim and Mary Frank Michaela Michaela 6-Dec Wilmer and Frank 13-Dec Wilmer and Frank 20-Dec Larry and Elizabeth 24-Dec Larry and Elizabeth 27-Dec Susan and Kinter Cole Cole Cole Elizabeth Sam Susan George George Steve Steve Kinter Ellen Ellen Colleen Colleen Michaela and Steve Debbie Bill Connor 5-Jul Mary and George 12-Jul Mary and George 19-Jul Dick and Lindsey 26-Jul Dick and Lindsey Usher/Greeter 3-Jan Susan and Kinter 10-Jan Brenda and Danny 17-Jan Brenda and Danny 24-Jan Dick and Mary 31-Jan Dick and Mary 7-Feb Mike and Debbie MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY Communion Presenter Communion Assist Prayer Assisting Minister Acolyte Lector Lector James James Connor Connor Cole Mike Mike Bunny Bunny Garry Debbie Debbie Michaela Michaela Nancy Midge and Gae Bill Elizabeth Elizabeth Cole Garry Nancy Ellen and George Brenda Colleen James
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