Component Triax Camera Control System TX-CA / 60-BS The Component Triax Camera Control System interfaces to all major camera manufacturers cameras for field or studio applications. It consists of a Triax Camera Adapter and Base Station. It permits cable runs of up to 5000 feet, using standard low cost, easily field repairable Triax or Coax cable. In addition to the benefits of the standard Component Triax Camera Control System, the HD Fiber Link option offers a convenient and cost-effective means of transmitting HD/SD SDI video from the camera to the base station. The transmission medium is a single mode fiber optic cable, which runs alongside with the main coax cable. The HD/SD SDI video from the camera is converted into optical signal at the camera adapter, transmitted over the fiber optic cable, and converted back to electrical signal at the HD Fiber Link Base Station. Camera Control Unit 60-BS Ref. Number 83 52613 000 7 19" TALLY PGM RCU COMPONENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTE M TM-9660 10 11 12 13 9 TRIAX GENLOCK RET 1 RET 2VIDEO1 Y B-Y VIDEO 2MONITOR R-Y PROGRAM IN MIC 7" 8 AUD IO OU T S DI COMM 230 VAC 115 VAC CAMERA CABLE COAX HEA DSET 60-BS 3 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 1 Front Back 1. Program/IFB Input 2. Audio Output 3. AC Power Input 4. Communication Connector 5. Coax Output to Camera Adapter 6. SDI Output-(Optional) 7. Remote Control Panel Input CALL EXT LOC 15 1 RET VIDEO 12 13 2 COAX 7½" TRIAX COMPONENT TRIAX ADAPTER TX-CA 14 AUDIO CAM MI C 4 CAU MIC +48V ON OFF AUDIO LE VEL MIC LINE LOCAL POWER HEADSET MIC ON OFF PTT 7 8 INTCM PGM 3 4" 4 5 6 5 8. Triax Output to Camera Adapter 9. Genlock Input 10. Ret Video Inputs 11. Composite Video Outputs 12. Monitor and Y Outputs 13. R-Y and B-Y Outputs Camera Adapter TX-CA Ref. Number 83 55508 000 CAU MIC VIEW FINDER 2 3 6 Y Video Demodulator 6. Tally and Call Button Program Level R-Y, B-Y Demodulators Encoder Mic On/Off Switch Intercom Level Genlock Audio Headset Connector 7. Power On/Off Switch 6 11 7 5 2 5" 2½" 10 9 Specifications and features subject to change without notice. 04/08 printed in U.S.A. Eng. # 52613, 55508, 26230 6 Leighton Place Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07430 Phone: (201)848-9818 Fax: (201)848-9819 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Camera Adapter Power Indicator Intercom Headset Connector Mic On/Off Switch Triax output for connection to CCU Volume control for Intercom CAU Mic Input Connector Program/IFB output Volume Control for Program Coax output for connection to CCU Return Video Output Viewfinder External and Local select Cam/CAU Mic select 48V on/off switch for preamplifier Mic/Line selection for preamplifier Studio Viewfinder Mounting Bracket (included if applicable) Component Triax Camera Control System TX-CA / 60-BS HD Fiber Link Base Station HDFL-BS Ref. Number 93 56230 000 The HD Fiber Link Base Station is a rack-mountable unit, which occupies one rack unit space and can house four HD Fiber Link Receiver cards. Each card can handle one fiber link and has one fiber input and two HD/SD SDI outputs. Thus one HD Fiber Link Base Station can serve up to four 55C Camera Control Systems. Front: Front: 1-4. “RX” LED Optical signal is present 5-8. “LOCK” LED HD/SD SDI reclocker is locked 9-12. “LOS” LED Loss of signal 13. Fuse holder 14. Power ON/OFF switch Back: 1-4. Fiber Input 5-8. HD/SD SDI Outputs A and B HD Fiber Link Receiver Card 9. 10. AC Power Receptacle 19" 1¾" BASE STATION HDFL−BS 1 9 HD FIBER LINK 2 3 10 10 Back: 11 12 4 13 14 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 9 Camera Adapter TX-CA-HDFL Ref. Number 83 55508 200 6 11 CAU MIC VIEW FINDER LOC HD FIBER LINK 1 13 2 15 TM9660 RET VIDEO COAX 12 17 CALL EXT TRIAX HD/SD SDI AUDIO CAU MIC +48V ON OFF AUDIO LEVEL MIC 7 LINE LOCAL POWER HEADSET MIC 4 TX-CA-HDFL 8 ON OFF PTT INTCM PGM 3 16 7½" 14 CAM MIC 4" 5 2½" 5" 10 9 * Available on TX-CA-HDFL only 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Camera Adapter Power Indicator Intercom Headset Connector Mic On/Off Switch Triax output for connection to CCU Volume control for Intercom CAU Mic Input Connector Program/IFB output Volume Control for Program Coax output for connection to CCU Return Video Output Viewfinder External and Local select Cam/CAU Mic select 48V on/off switch for preamplifier Mic/Line selection for preamplifier Studio Viewfinder Mounting Bracket (included if applicable) 16. HD/SD SDI Input from camera* 17. Fiber Output to HD Fiber Link Base Station* System Hookup COMPONE NT TR IAX AD APTER TM-9660 Compose Video Outputs Monitor Outputs Y, R-Y, B-Y Outputs Camera Adapter TX-CA Return Video Inputs Genlock Input Triax Output Remote Control Panel Input TALLY COMPONENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTEM TM-9660 TRIAX Local Camera Power (use with coax) P GM MIC COAX HEAD SET 60-BS SDI Output (Optional) Coax Output Communication FIBER HD FI BER LINK BASE STA TION HDFL−BS TALLY TRIAX HD FI BER LI NK PGM HD Fiber Link Base Station with one HD Fiber Link Receiver Card Component Triax Camera Control Unit OR COAX TX-CA-HDFL Program/IFB Input Audio Output 115/230VAC (50/60 Hz) Input CO MPON ENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTEM TM -9660 MIC TX-C A-HDFL Base Station 60-BS HEA D SET 60 -BS Specifications and features subject to change without notice. 6 Leighton Place Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07430 Phone: (201)848-9818 Fax: (201)848-9819 Component Triax Camera Control System TX-CA / 60-BS Ordering Information CAMERA ADAPTER Item Description 1 Camera Adapter (CA) Model TX-CA BASE STATION Item Description 1 Base Station (BS) Model 60-BS 2 3 Cam Adapter NTSC Option Cam Adapter PAL Option TX-CA-N TX-CA-P 2 3 BS NTSC Option BS PAL Option 60-BS-N 60-BS-P 4 5 Rack Mounting Adapter Rack Mounting Blank Panel 60-RMA 60-RMA-BP 4 BS SDI Option 60-BS-SDI 6 7 8 9 CA CA CA CA H Pack Panasonic 26p H Pack Sony 26p HIP Panasonic AQ-EC1 RF-interface Breakout TX-CA-HIPRC700 TX-CA-HIP-SONY TX-CA-HIPAQEC1 TX-CA-RF-BOA 5 6 7 BS 100VAC Option BS 115VAC Option BS 230VAC Option 60-BS-100 60-BS-115 60-BS-230 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA RTS Intercom 2-wire Clear Com 2-wire RTS Intercom 4-wire Clear Com 4-wire Telex Intercom 2-wire Serial Data Sony TX-7 Data SRD Serial Data TX-CA-RTS-2W TX-CA-CC-2W TX-CA-RTS-4W TX-CA-CC-4W TX-CA-TLS-2W TX-CA-SER TX-CA-SONY-TX7 TX-CA-SER-SRD 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BS RTS Intercom 2-wire BS Clear Com 2-wire BS RTS Intercom 4-wire BS Clear Com 4-wire BS Telex Intercom 2-wire BS Serial Data BS HITACHI MENU SWR BS Sony TX-7 Data 60-BS-RTS-2W 60-BS-CC-2W 60-BS-RTS-4W 60-BS-CC-4W 60-BS-TLX-2W 60-BS-SER 60-BS-HIT-MENU 60-BS-SONY-TX7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA HC390 RCU-240/390 Z1/2000 RC-Z2/21 537/637/D30 (RMM-7G) 537/637/D30 (CCU-M7) BVP-50,7,5 RM-P3/P9 IKEGAMI HC40 IKEGAMI HL-45E HITACHI NTSC SWR HITACHI PAL SWR6 DSR-500 RCP-TX7 BATT HITACHI PAL SWR TX-CA-HC390 TX-CA-Z2000 TX-CA-D30RMM7G TX-CA-537CCUM7 TX-CA-BVP50 TX-CA-HC40 TX-CA-HL45 TX-CA-HIT-MENU TX-CA-MENU-PAL TXCA-DSR500TX7 TXCA-DSR500M7G 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BS Hc390 RCU-240/390 BS Z1/2000 RC-Z2/21 BS 537/637/D30 (RMM-7G) BS 537/637/D30 (CCU-M7) BS BVP-50,7,5 (RM-P3/P9) BS JVC-D29 (RM-LP-35) BS WVF565 (RCB-700) BS IKEGAMI OCP-40 60-BS-HC390 60-BS-Z2000 60-BS-D30RMM7G 60-BS-537CCUM7 60-BS-BVP50 60-BS-JVD29 60-BS-WVF565 60-BS-OCP40 24 25 BS Panasonic AQ-EC1 ROP BS TOT, RF-ROP 60-BS-AQEC1 60-BS-RF-ROP 29 30 CA KYD29 Handle Option CA WV-F565 (RCB-700) TX-CA-JVCD29 TX-CA-WVF565 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA TX-CA-KINGS TX-CA-FISHER TX-CA-TAJIMI TX-CA-LEMO-BBC TX-CA-LEMO-FIN TX-CA-LEMO-SPN TX-CA-SRD-BATT 26 27 28 29 30 31 BS KINGS-connector Opt. BS FISHER-connector Opt. BS TAJIMI-connector Opt. BS LEMO-conn. (BBC) BS LEMO-conn-Finland BS LEMO-conn-Spanish 60-BS-KINGS 60-BS-FISHER 60-BS-TAJIMI 60-BS-LEMO-BBC 60-BS-LEMO-FIN 60-BS-LEMO-SPN 38 CA HD Fiber Link KINGS-connector Option FISHER-connector Option TAJIMI-connector Option LEMO-conn. (BBC) LEMO-conn-Finland LEMO-conn-Spanish SRD BATT CLIP MTG 32 BS HD Fiber Link TX-CA-HDFL Specifications and features subject to change without notice. 6 Leighton Place Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07430 Phone: (201)848-9818 Fax: (201)848-9819 HDFL-BS Component Triax Camera Control System TX-CA / 60-BS Order Checklist 60-BS-N NTSC 60-BS-P PAL TX-CA-N TX-CA-P NTSC PAL MFG MODEL Camera Adapter Triax Cable TAL LY P GM COMPO NENT TRIAX C ONTROL SYSTEM TM-966 0 Camera COMPONE NT TR IAX ADAPTER TX-CA M IC HEAD SET 60-B S Remote Control Panel MFG TYPE Optional 60-RMA Mounting Arrangements CONTACT CLOSURE Tally DC VOLTAGE 60-RMA NOTE: This can be field changed if information is not known. TALLY COMPONENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTEM TM-9660 P GM M IC HEA DSET 60-B S Intercom MFG 60-BS Blank TYPE 60-RMA TALLY 115 VAC Primary Power P GM KINGS (USA) FISHER (EUROPE) TAJIMI (JAPAN) OTHERS Specifications and features subject to change without notice. 6 Leighton Place Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07430 Phone: (201)848-9818 Fax: (201)848-9819 PGM CO MPONENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTEM TM- 9660 HEADSET 60-B S 60-BS TALLY MIC HEA DSET 230 VAC 100 VAC Triax Conn. CO MPONENT TRIAX CONTROL SYSTEM T M-9660 M IC 60-BS 60-BS Component Triax Camera Control System TX-CA / 60-BS Specifications: Y Video 30Hz to 7 MHz Signal to Noise less than 3dB better than 56dB R-Y, B-Y Video 30 Hz to 4.0 MHz Signal to Noise less than 3dB better than 50dB Composite Video (Monitor Grade) Bandwidth 30 Hz to 6.0 Mhz -3 dB Signal to Noise 48 dB Return Video 30 Hz to 4.8 MHz Signal to Noise less than 3dB better than 46dB Genlock Horizontal Timing Adjustment 4µsec advance 2µsec delay minimum Subcarrier Phasing Adjustment Fine: ± 60º minimum Coarse: 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º Microphone Bandwidth (with reference to 1 KHz) 60 Hz to 20 KHz -3dB Signal to Noise 50dB Distortion 1% Dynamic Range +10dB Output Level 0dBm (600 Ω, balanced) Intercom Bandwidth (with reference to 1 KHz) 200 Hz to 8 KHz -3dB or better Signal to Noise better than 46dB Output 2 wire, RTS (0dB) or Clearcom (-15dB) into 200 Ω. 4 Wire option (600 Ω transformer coupled input and output). HD Fiber Link Camera Adapter HD/SD SDI Input: BNC connector 75 Ohm, unbalanced SD SDI: SMPTE 259M compliant HD SDI: SMPTE 292M compliant Fiber Optic Output: Single Mode, SMPTE 297M compliant ST connector Heavy Duty Expanded Beam connector (optional) Program Audio/IFB Input -15dB, 600Ω Bandwidth (with reference to 1 KHz) 200 Hz to 8 KHZ -3dB or better Signal to Noise better than 46dB Output adjustable to +6dBv Control Channels Accomodate either unidirectional or bi-directional serial data signals. Both bandwidth and S/N are optimized to the camera for error free transmission. Power Input 115/230 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 100 Watts Power Output to Camera 13V, 45 Watts Weight Camera Adapter Unit: approx. 6 lbs. Base Station: approx. 20 lbs. Safety Protection Automatic power down when open cable and/or open shield are detected Environmental Ambient Temperature: Camera Adapter Unit -20º C to +50º C (-4º F to +122º F) Base Station 0º C to 40º C (32º F to 104º F) Storage Temperature: -30º C to 50º C (-22º F to 122º F) Humidity: 0 to 90% Weather: Rain Resistant Altitude: up to 10,000 feet Cable Type Belden Part No. Diameter (inches) (mm) (feet) Length (meters) Triax 9267 9232 0.36 0.52 9.1 13.2 50-2500 100-5000 15-750 30-1500 Coax 8281 0.31 7.8 50-2000 15-600 HD Fiber Link Base Station HD/SD SDI Output: BNC connector 75 Ohm, 0.8Vp-p, unbalanced SD SDI: SMPTE 259M compliant HD SDI: SMPTE 292M compliant Fiber Optic Input: Single Mode, SMPTE 297M compliant ST connector Specifications and features subject to change without notice. 6 Leighton Place Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07430 Phone: (201)848-9818 Fax: (201)848-9819
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