FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | BONITA SPRINGS ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs! Whether you’re a resident of Southwest Florida or just visiting, we invite you to participate in any of the following worship, study, mission or fellowship opportunities available at First Church. So, as you plan your week, be sure to put “First things” first! FIRST MISSIONS SPECIAL OFFERING Annual Souper Bowl of Caring The youth of FPC annually receive this special offering on Super Bowl Sunday, as do youth in churches all around the country. Today’s Souper Bowl of Caring Offering supports the local ministry of Café of Life. Hunger and poverty have a negative impact on individuals and the communities in which we live, yet we know there is joy in serving and giving to those in need. At their new Leitner Neighborhood Park serving location, the Café of Life provides a balanced, prepared meal every day, as well as take-home groceries and clothing for the poor and hungry of Bonita. Their annual Thanksgiving and Christmas events were attended by over 200 men, women, and children. Café of Life is currently seeking volunteers who are interested in sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ with their clients. Volunteers don’t have to have any special education or training, just a strong desire to share God’s Word with those who desperately need to hear it. Learn more about Café of Life or volunteering. Stop by the Missions kiosk in McClure Hall after worship or call the Café of Life office at 239-495-9325. Members of our Youth Ministry will be standing at the exits with buckets to receive your offering. Checks may be made out to First Presbyterian Church with “Souper Bowl” or “Café of Life” in the memo line. Thank you for supporting this valuable ministry to the needy in our community. BLIZZARD HITS BONITA SPRINGS! Gretchen Carlson Monday, Feb. 2 | 7:30 PM We may not have seen a single flake of snow, but the winter storm that hit New York this week had repercussions far to the south. Our Bonita Christian Forum speaker, Gretchen Carlson, was unable to make her scheduled appearance on January 27. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thankfully, she was able to reschedule for this Monday, February 2. Tickets for the January 27 event now serve as your ticket for the February 2 event. If you cannot attend, please share your tickets with neighbors or friends who can, or return them to the church ticket office for redistribution. Questions? Contact Event Manager Jeff Wain at 239-992-3410 ext. 250. 2015 GREAT BANQUET RETREAT Men: Feb. 5-8 | Women: Feb. 12-15 There is still time to RSVP to God’s invitation to the Great Banquet weekend retreat for three days of study, discussion, worship, singing and praying in Christian fellowship. Visit the Great Banquet kiosk today or contact Lee Gery ([email protected]; 239-4986051) or David Mustian ([email protected]; 239-498-5972). PAGE 2 FIRST THINGS FIRST _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST MISSIONS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRY PRC Gala & Art Auction Sunday Morning Classes Thursday, Feb. 12 | 6 PM at the Hyatt/Coconut Point Pastor Paul Fahnestock invites you to sit at his table for this event benefiting the Pregnancy Resource Center of SW Florida. There is no charge for dinner, but there will be an opportunity to donate or pledge support to this ministry. If interested in joining Pastor Paul, please contact him at [email protected] or 239-992-3233. Habitat for Humanity Habitat needs volunteers to help build a home for a deserving family right here in Bonita Springs. The home site is at 26870 Red Blossom Drive; volunteers can come to help on Tuesdays from 8 AM to 2 PM. Whatever your talents, Habitat can use your help. Questions? Call Paul Spinka at 630-640-8604. VISITATION MINISTRY TEAM MEETING Monday, Feb. 2 | 11 AM in Lightner Conference Room Our Visitation Ministry visits church members in local hospitals, rehabilitation and assisted living facilities, and those who cannot attend church regularly. Coordinated by our Deacons, the team meets once a month. Questions about the Visitation Ministry? Please contact Peggy Stottmann (239-598-3841; [email protected]). D.I.G.: The Gospel Unleashed–Acts of the Apostles 10:05-10:45 AM | Great Room Join us as our pastoral staff “digs” into the Book of Acts, one chapter at a time! Explore how believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit and worked to spread the Gospel of Christ from Jerusalem to Rome. The Screwtape Letters 10:05–10:45 AM | Price Chapel Dr. Al Barrow (Director of Spiritual Life/Spiritual Development Center) is teaching this engaging class through March. A milestone in the history of popular theology, The Screwtape Letters derives much of its appeal from C.S. Lewis’s startlingly original reversal: telling a story about Christian faith from the perspective of a devil trying to secure the destruction of one man’s soul. This book is available in the BookCenter. Special Note Our Sunday morning Christian Education classes (listed above) will not meet on Feb. 8 or 15 due to the Great Banquet retreats held on the church campus. Classes will reconvene on Feb. 22. Monday Pastor’s Class Resumes Monday, Feb. 9 | 7 PM | CenterPoint Don’t miss these informative and inspiring classes led by members of our pastoral staff. FEB. 9: What Christians Should Learn About Angels, Demons, Satan Pastor John McWilliams FEB. 16: A Close Up Look Inside Russia Today ∣ Pastor John McWilliams Monthly Prayer & Share Group Thursday, Feb. 5 | 2:30 PM | Hawk Hospitality Center Has God done something special in your life that you would like to share with others? Perhaps you have a special concern and are in need of prayer and encouragement. That’s what this group is all about. Pastor John McWilliams leads with a devotional, a time for questions and an opportunity to share joys, concerns and prayers. FIRST THINGS FIRST PAGE 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS Our Prayer Chain continues to pray for all who have asked for prayer. To be added or removed from the Prayer Chain, please call Sherri Feeley (992-2726) or place your written request in our “prayer box” at the Welcome Desk. Special Prayers Please remember Iris Hocker, John McNutty, Dottie Reynolds, Gerald Wenzke. Our Christian sympathy goes out to Mary Jane Meeker on the death of her husband Howard “Bob” Meeker on Jan. 16 in Indianapolis. Pastoral Care Line: 239-992-6887 The Pastors, Parish Nurses, Deacons and Visitation Team are available as needs arise. Please leave a message on the Pastoral Care Line if you or someone you know has been hospitalized, requests a visit or is in need of prayer. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER The First Church Spiritual Development Center offers confidential counseling, spiritual direction, retreats, classes and resources for personal and spiritual growth. It is located directly across the street from the main church campus, at 9696 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 207. There is no charge or fee for services. Appointments for confidential counseling or spiritual direction may be scheduled by calling the Center at 239-221-8250. The Boundaries Course Offered in two sessions (90 minutes each): Tuesdays | Feb. 3–Mar. 24| 6:30 PM |Chapel Thursdays | Feb. 5 –Mar. 26 | 9:30 AM |MCH To be healthy, we all need physical, mental, emotional and spiritual boundaries… but what do we say when someone makes demands of our time, love, energy or money? Based on the book Boundaries by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, you’ll learn biblically based answers on how to set healthy boundaries with parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers and even ourselves. Sessions will be led by members of the SDC staff, Dr. Al Barrow and Pastor June Barrow. The book, Boundaries, is available at the BookCenter. Registration is required. To reserve your space, visit Lightner Conference Room this morning during First Stop, You may also contact the Center (239-221-8250; [email protected]). PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 5 10 AM | Great Room Our prayer shawls are made by volunteers and blessed by one of our pastors before they are given to those facing difficult times. Anyone willing to knit or crochet a shawl according to our easy instructions is welcome to attend our meeting this week. Visit the Prayer Shawl kiosk this morning or contact Polly Grafton (239-949-4632). COMMUNITY PRAYER BREAKFAST Thursday, Feb. 12 | 8 AM Hyatt Regency/Coconut Pt. Anyone interested in attending may pick up an invitation at the Welcome Desk this morning. The guest speaker will be David “Mac” McQuiston, President/CEO of CEO Forum, Inc. Questions? Contact Nancy Near at 239-947-6211. Ash Wednesday Service Feb. 18 | 7 PM in the Sanctuary As Lent begins, we receive ashes as a sign of penitence, marking us for Christ and showing that we share in His suffering and also in His Resurrection. Pastor June Barrow will lead this service. PAGE 4 FIRST THINGS FIRST _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPLORING FLORIDA NATURE CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY At Neon Kids, our mission is to partner with parents to lead children into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more, visit, inquire Sunday at the Children’s Desk or contact Children’s Ministry Coordinator Lauren Hargis ([email protected]; 239-992-3233). Family Worship Service Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise Tuesday, Feb. 3 | 10 AM Carpool from church parking lot Nature explorers are invited to join us for a 2-hour backwater pontoon boat cruise with a guide onboard to see the dolphins. Our host is Sweetwater Outfitters in Bonita. Their brand-new boat with restroom facilities is wheelchair accessible. Cost: $25 per person; bring a picnic lunch and we will eat together on board at the dock. We should return to the church around 1:00. Sunday, Feb. 15 | 11AM | Sanctuary One Sunday service each month is held especially for families. Join us for this upcoming service that includes a message for the children, after which children through fifth grade are invited to either attend age-appropriate Neon Kids Sunday school or stay in worship with their parents. Kids Night Out Friday, Feb. 20 | 5–8 PM | FMC Children ages 1–11 years are invited to experience Kids Night Out: Craft Edition. Kids will create exciting crafts, DIY projects and participate in hands-on activities. Open to families of FPC and Wonder Years Preschool; limited spots available. FPC members: $5/child; non-members: $15/child ($30 max/family). Visit the Children’s Desk today to RSVP or contact Lauren Hargis by Feb. 16. Family Night Programs for All Ages! To reserve your spot on this fun outing or for more details about our group, please contact one of our coordinators: Don Sauerman (239-992-6926); Margaret Winn (239-223-8692); Joan HavensKester (239-961-0861). Wednesdays, Feb. 25–March 25 | 6–7:30 PM | FMC Children are invited to participate in our interactive, multimediabased curriculums that teach God’s Word and Christian principles. Lil’ K (3-5 years) and KIDMO (Grades 1-5) feature age appropriate games, crafts and Bible lessons. A new Young Adult Group will begin (see below), and the middle and high school students will continue their ongoing Group 3in1. Childcare is provided for children 6 months–2 years of age. CONCERT SERIES USHERS YOUNG ADULT GROUP: Faith Commander Starts Wednesday, Feb. 25 | 6–7:30 PM | LCR Young adults are invited to view and discuss the DVD series “Faith Commander: Living Five Values from the Parables of Jesus.” Learn how to build a legacy of faith and apply five faithbased values to your life. With their trademark humor and faith in Jesus, the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty fame will challenge you. Ushers are needed for this season’s Concert Series events. If you would like to serve the Sacred Arts Ministry in this way, please sign up this morning at the Sacred Arts kiosk in the Narthex or contact Cheryl Bauer (239-992-3410 ext. 232; [email protected]). Visit the Children’s Desk today to sign up for Family Night programs. FIRST THINGS FIRST PAGE 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WOMEN’S CONNECTION Manna for Monday Mondays | 2 PM | Price Parlor What Love Is by Kelly Minter guides our study of 1, 2 and 3 John. Working Women’s Fellowship Tuesdays | 7 PM | Lightner Conference Room Come join our DVD study of Andy Stanley’s It Came From Within. Wednesday in the Word Wednesdays | 9:30 AM | McClure Hall Our study is based on the book, Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by Melissa Spoelstra. Wednesday Prayer Group 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 11 AM | Price Parlor All women are welcome to help us pray for the concerns of our families, friends, church, community, country and world. MEN’S MINISTRY Breakfast Fellowship Thursdays | 7:20 AM in McClure Hall We hope you will join us on Thursday, Feb. 5 and 12 as Pastor Doug Pratt continues his discussion of “God’s Plan for the Back Nine of Life.” All men are encouraged to invite friends; breakfast is complimentary for first-time attendees. For more info, contact Mike Greene (239-676-1462 or [email protected]). Moore on Thursday Thursdays | 11 AM–1 PM | Chapel During this 11-week study on Beth Moore’s book, Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman, we hope to learn how to trust in God’s providence. ACoverGirl’sStoryofRedemption Saturday | March 7 | 10AM–3:30PM TICKETS: $20 (includes lunch); $15 (no lunch) As a convenience for you, we are selling tickets at the Women’s kiosk this morning. A limited number are available with lunch ($20). When those are all sold, we will offer tickets for the day’s events without lunch ($15). Tickets are also available at the church Ticket Office, Monday–Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM (239-992-3410 ext. 250). MEDIA MINISTRY Part-time Position Available Our Media Ministry is looking for a part-time employee for the position of Media Assistant to work up to 15 hours per week, October through April. The Media Assistant will work with Media Specialist Tommy Hillegass on event setup and DVD/CD duplication. An interest and comfort with electronic equipment is important; training will be provided. Contact Director of Sacred Arts Jeff Faux ([email protected]; 239992-3233) for more information and a complete job description. MILITARY CARE MINISTRY A package from “home” means so much to every soldier and a card with a note thanking them for their willingness to serve can help their morale. Visit the Military kiosk today to pick up flat-rate postal boxes, instructions and a list of suggested items. If you have a loved one in the military and/or serving overseas, we hope you will sign them up to be included on our prayer list and to also receive care packages. Just email your request to Deacon Jim Brandreth ([email protected]; 239992-4167); please include their name, address and your contact info. PAGE 6 FIRST THINGS FIRST _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SINGLE DIRECTION Single Direction offers opportunities for singles (50+) to gather for fun and Christian fellowship. In addition to meeting for brunch after the 11 AM service on Sundays, activities are scheduled monthly. Bonita Springs Historical Society Tour Wednesday, Feb. 11 | 10:30 AM Join us for this interesting tour followed by lunch at Carrabba’s. Dinner & Program Thursday, Feb. 19 | 6 PM in McClure Hall Enjoy a catered dinner and our guest speaker. Bruce Rosenstatt, President of Senior Housing Solutions, will explore the options available for senior housing facilities in our area. Sign up today! Visit the Single Direction kiosk this morning to sign up for these events. Questions? Contact Shirley Kuaile (1-937-935-4682) or Roger Clapp ([email protected]). Come enjoy a hot cup of premium coffee or tea and a fresh pastry from the best local bakeries (self-serve/donation) while you relax, connect to free Wi-Fi or meet with friends. Open Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM to 4 PM THE ART OF CHRISTIAN CAREGIVING Thursdays, Feb. 19–Mar. 26 | 1:00—2:30PM in Lightner Conf. Rm. Whether you serve as a deacon, elder, home Communion facilitator, on the Missions Team or at the Thrift Shop, this five-part seminar series may be beneficial in improving your Christian interactive skills. Experienced pastors and laity present all classes. We encourage you to attend any or all sessions. SCHEDULE: Feb. 19 Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 26 Biblical Basis for Caring | Pastor June Barrow Hospital Volunteer Visits & Confidentiality Types of Needs/ Places to Serve at FPC Relationship Skills Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver Questions? Contact the Parish Nurse Office (239-992-3233 ext. 296 or [email protected]). PREPAREDNESS MINISTRY How to Prepare for a Crisis, PART 2 Thursday, Feb. 26 | 2-3:30 PM | McClure Hall Do you know where your important documents are located? Do you have a will or trust? Are you prepared for the death or chronic illness of a child, spouse, parent or even yourself? In Part 2, learn how to plan ahead for a crisis legally and practically. Guest speakers: Attorney/Estate Planner Michael Hill and Connie Duquin. This seminar is free and open to the community. Reservations are not required but to be assured a packet of information, we ask that you contact Connie Duquin (239-4951744; [email protected]). FIRST STOP... is our coffee & fellowship time after worship. Come to McClure Hall for refreshments, fellowship, & sign-up opportunities. TODAY’S KIOSKS MCCLURE HALL: Community—Benefit Concerts Great Banquet Men’s Ministry Missions—Café of Life Prayer Shawl Ministry Single Direction Women’s Ministry ART GALLERY: Lunch Bunch NARTHEX: Sacred Arts—Ushers LIGHTNER CONF. ROOM: Spiritual Development Center FIRST THINGS FIRST PAGE 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, February 1 First Light Service, 7:30A, Sanctuary Worship Service, 9:00A, Sanctuary & CPT Children’s Choir, 10:00A, FMC #7 Group 3in1 Youth Sunday School, 10:00A, YMO D.I.G. Bible Study: Acts, 10:05A, GR The Screwtape Letters Study, 10:05A, Chapel Worship Service, 11:00A, Sanctuary & CPT Neon Kids Sunday School, 11:00A, FMC A Time of Prayer & Communion, 12:00P, Chapel Recital by Noah Waddell, 12:15P, Sanctuary Monday, February 2 Visitation Team Meeting, 11:00A, LCR New Horizons Band Rehearsal, 1:30P, CR Manna on Monday, 2:00P, Parlor Bonita Christian Forum, 7:30P, Sanctuary Tuesday, February 3 GriefShare, 1:30P, Parlor Tuesday Singers, 1:30P, CR CE Ministry, 3:00P, LCR Disciple Group, 3:30P, GR Worship & Music Ministry, 4:00P, CR The Boundaries Class, 6:30P, Chapel Working Women’s Fellowship, 7:00P, LCR Harry Chapin Benefit Concert, 7:30P, Sanctuary Wednesday, February 4 Building & Grounds, 8:00A, LCR Wednesday in the Word, 9:30A, MCH Women’s Prayer Group, 11:00A, Parlor Women’s Ministry Team/O’Neill Event, 1:00P, HHC New Horizons Band Rehearsal, 2:30P, Chancel Women’s Ministry Leadership Team, 2:30P, LCR Jubilate Bells, 5:45P, Sanctuary Men’s Choir, 6:00P, Chapel Group 3in1 Youth Ministry, 6:00P, FMC #8 Chancel Choir, 7:00P, CR Thursday, February 5 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, 7:20A, MCH Banner Committee, 9:00A, GR The Boundaries Class, 9:30A, MCH Prayer Shawl Ministry, 10:00A, GR Moore on Thursday, 11:00A, Chapel & Parlor Mission Prayer Team, 11:00A, HHC OSL Class, 12:30, HHC OSL Reunion Group, 2:00P, LCR Monthly Prayer & Share Group, 2:30P, HHC Men’s Great Banquet, 6:00P, Church Campus Friday, February 6 Dixie Disciples Rehearsal, 9:00A, CR Sunday, February 8 First Light Service, 7:30A, Sanctuary Worship Service, 9:00A, Sanctuary & CPT Children’s Choir, 10:00A, FMC #7 Group 3in1 Youth Sunday School, 10:00A, YMO Worship Service, 11:00A, Sanctuary & CPT Neon Kids Sunday School, 11:00A, FMC A Time of Prayer & Communion, 12:00P, Chapel CPT=CenterPoint CR=Choir Room FMC=Family Ministries Ctr. GR=Great Room HHC=Hawk Hospitality Ctr. LCR=Lightner Conf. Rm. MCH=McClure Hall Mezz=Mezzanine YMO=Youth Ministry Office FPC BOOKCENTER Visit our BookCenter for a wide selection of non-fiction, fiction, devotionals, Bibles and classic Christian literature. Open Sunday after worship; Monday–Thursday, 10 AM–3 PM. Featured Titles This Week America: Turning a Nation to God Tony Evans Using insightful truths and illustrations, this book brings to light the core cause of our country’s current instabilities and presents a plan to revive it. Lord Foulgrin’s Letters Randy Alcorn This insightful Biblical depiction of spiritual warfare is a present day Screwtape Letters. Sensible Shoes Sharon Garlough Brown The lives of four strangers are woven together as they reluctantly arrive at a retreat center and begin a journey of spiritual transformation. The Integrated Life Ken Eldred Written by the current CEO of Living Stones Foundation, this book reveals how to find deep integration between our work and faith so that all areas of our lives fulfill our life mission. “Hope Among the Wreckage” Ezekiel 37:1-6 & 10-14 (NLT) The LORD took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the LORD to a valley filled with bones. 2 He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. 3 Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?” “O Sovereign LORD,” I replied, “you alone know the answer to that.” 4 Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! 6 I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’” … 10 So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet—a great army. 11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones represent the people of Israel. They are saying, ‘We have become old, dry bones—all hope is gone. Our nation is finished.’ 12 Therefore, prophesy to them and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 When this happens, O my people, you will know that I am the LORD. 14 I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken, and I have done what I said. Yes, the LORD has spoken!’” __________________ SERMON NOTES 9751 Bonita Beach Road | Bonita Springs, FL 34135 | 239.992.3233 | First Academy of Music ~ 239.992.3410 | First Thrift Shop ~ 239.992.0285 Spiritual Development Center ~ 239.221.8250 | Wonder Years Preschool ~ 239.948.6677
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