'i,in I A SUITABLE IIISTRUTIENT FOR ITOST APPLICATIONS IN GEOLOGY, PETROLOGY, il|NERALOGY, TOXTCOLOGY,CHEil|STRY,PHARI|ACEUTICS,i|EDIC|I|E,pULp/pApER, aTltosPHERIG FOLLUTrcil, CERAI|ICS TECHilOLOGY,FORENS|C ltEDtCtNE, ETG. FEATURES Large, stable microscope base andlimbwith graduated,coaxial (with coarse andfinefocusing rackandpinion focusing safety stop), condenser mount, Koehler illuminator base withpre-centered 30watttungsten hallogen source andwithintegral 115voltelectronic transformer withintensity control.(2201240V ACsystem alsoavailable, please Alsoincluding: specify). \ ML9300 \ o Binocular ortrinocular body, 30"inclination, prism withhightransmission system. Attachment fittingslotted forcorrect orientation. Dovetail slider inter-ocular adjustment and facility dioptric compensation incoporated inone eyetube. Oneeyetube for90'and45" slotted orientation ofcross-line eyepiece. o Bothorlhoscopic andconoscopic systems of observation canbecarried out. o Extra-bright, extra-large interference figures are produced Bertrand bya newconcept lens. o Ball-bearing rotating 150mm stage, diameter, graduated withvernier, andstage specimen clips. o Ball-bearing quadruple nosepiece withonefixed andthreecenterable objective apertures. o Analyzer, inslideforE-Winsertion. o Berlrand lenswithfield-limiting for stop,inslide E-Winsertion, o Polarizer, inswing-out mount, click/clamp fully rotatable withclickstopatO'and90'. o Slide opening inlimbforinsertion of DIN 20mm x standard 6mmcompensators, slideway (Mica1/4waveplate SE-NW. tint andsensitive plate included). o Strain freeAchromatic N.A.1.25, Condenser, with aperture irisdiaphragm filter andswing-out holder. o SizeandWeight: M19200 Binocular 200mm(W) x 270mm(D) x 435mm(H),B.Skg net M19300 Trinocular 200mm(W) x 270mm(D) x 480mm(H),B.7kg net (Photographs taken with ofrockthinsections polarizing Trinocular microscope.) M19300 B0DIES MICROSGOPE 0PTl01{At MA647 Binocular head 30"inclination. One eyetube fororientation ofcross-line eyepiece, slotted (included in Model M19200). head-as described above, butwith80%120% MA648 Trinocular photo in tube,(included beam-splitter andvertical M19300). Model head, Eyetube slotted MA649 Monocular 30' inclination. fororientation eyepiece. ofcross-line MIGROSGOPE OBJEGTIUES (DlN,strain in free,lenses 20Xandoveraresupplied retractable mounts) (included) MA641 SMPlan4VN.A.0.10 (included) MA642 SMPlan10X/N.A.0.25 MA643 SMPlan20VN.A.0.40 (included) MA644 SMPlan40X/N.A.0.65 MA645 SMPlan60X7N.A.0.85 MA646 SMPlan100I7N.A.1.25 oil (DIlr) MTGR0SG0PE EYEPTEGES (included) #18),higheyepoint MA406 10Xwidefield(f.o.v. (included) withcross-line MA413C 10X,focusing, MISGEILA]{EOUS SPARES, lockable MA609/05Wooden cabinet, MA299 Attachable mechanical stage lamp6V30Whalogen MA326 Spare MA32l Fuse3A testplate(included) MA469 1/4wave-length Wedge-6 MA654 Quartz order plate(included) MA470 Firstorderredcompensating (included) M4471 Analyser MA477 Bertrand lens(included) ML9200 IIIFORMATIOI{ FORGOMPTETE OUTFIT ORDERI]IG HWF1OX with HWF1OXF cross-line HWFI OX HWFIOXF with cross-line SMPlan, Strain-free 4X,10X,40X(retractable) K oehl er i l l umi nator withHalogen lamp,6V30W manual. instyrofoam withdustcover andinstruction Supplied case Agent: MEIJI TECHNO CO.,LTD. Iruma-gunSaitama354-0043,Japan 322-l,ChikumazawaMiyoshi-machi, Phone: (0)49-259-0111Fax : (0)49-259-0113 E-mait : [email protected] fi http: I lwww.meiiitechno.co.ip lW\ MEIJI TECHNO AMERICA a 5895 Rue Ferrari,San Jose, CA 95138, USA Tel : 408-226-3454 Fax : 408-226-0900 Toll Free : 1-800-832-0060 E-mail : [email protected] http://www. meijitechno.com
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